tv [untitled] January 12, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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bull solutions in different settings the jared was going to college there might have been a mental health facility on campus there might not have been there might have not been able to treat him if he didn't volunteer to go in you know let's set up a system first and worry about involuntary. commitment later on when there isn't actually a system that to be availed of why it's easy to say but like i said instantly today you already have people arguing for involuntary commitment it's either one of or the other it seems like the do you think there's any chance that when we will see when i went out and i would have to go that i wouldn't was i would as those people commit them to what because for example an example is close to my heart because i live in new orleans a lot of the top what was the major loss in public service in new orleans after the flooding it was beds for mentally for mental health patients the beds in new orleans for mental health patients declined by eighty percent that's how much we
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care in this country about providing those those facilities and those services so you could commit them but that probably wouldn't be a bad form until we commit to a system that able to. deal with people and ideally on a community basis not so distant warehouse where they're you know sent away we're not going to really be able to talk. i want to thank you very much for joining us i'm definitely not popular or. thanks. now coming up next the huffington post isn't so happy with the blog. so they censored it. a war and a school district in north carolina has gone back on their. students all because the tea party protests so are we really headed back. after the break.
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a final verdict minister has cut short his holiday to examine the report. as the world's most notorious prison. protests are held in the u.s. calling on president obama to finally deliver on his promise to shut it down rights campaigners claim the detention center is there to hold people indefinitely without trial. and despite spending millions to fight a broad number of cases in the u.k. worrying levels but fears there's no cash to treat. and my colleague bill dog will be in in about thirty minutes with a full look at your news but first it's time to go back for the second part of the i want to show right here on our.
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well it's time for our school time award and tonight we're calling out the huffington post the website decided to take down a post by jake leader host of the young turks and contributor to m s n b c a frequent guest here on this show as well and the post was titled was gerald laughers act political and janke who has been blogging on huff post for five years said he got an email from the website saying that his post had been removed and in this blog post jenks stated that the shooting in tucson was both psychotic and political he argued that it was a psychotic act driven by political beliefs and having imposed told fishbowl l.a. they try to avoid inflammatory posts and post that seeks to make connections that are not supported by the evidence or they can hear the entire site is dedicated to inflammatory posts have you ever seen their headlines not to mention it thousands of opinion pieces by authors who are by no means experts those are people expressing their opinion just like jank was and wasn't that with the huffington
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post was created to do allow a broader group of people to express their political opinions to an audience to garage it the number of people who influence dialogue out of washington d.c. and new york outside of the people who have always controlled the political discussion in this country well apparently now jake's opinion piece on whether an attempted assassination of a politician was political lays outside those editorial guidelines of the huffington post now jake responded by saying it's their website so they can do what they want but he did wind wonder if the huffington post editorial guidelines could ruin the purpose of the huffington post in the first place to which i have to agree however you feel about political rhetoric vitriol gun laws censorship is not the answer to this tragedy and is a shortsighted knee. need jerk reaction by people who are scared so my device to the huffington post is let people speak perhaps arianna huffington should stop getting tossed off airplanes for refusing to turn off her blackberry and focus more
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on letting opinion responsible contributors do their jobs and express their opinions on her website and that's why the huffington post is tonight's tool time award. now the tragic shooting spree in tucson over the weekend is an all too familiar story in this country when it comes to gun violence what's also very familiar here in the u.s. are politicians who have knee jerk reactions to tragedies then rush to pass new often new laws which are often very invasive after violent or tragic events and we know politicians on both sides of the aisle who are rushing to pass these laws to protect themselves and to limit speech so tonight some of our favorite ideas being tossed around on capitol hill and i don't mean favorites in a good way here pennsylvania democrat robert brady he wants a lot of curb speech that could be perceived as threatening to public officials and if passed the use of language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or
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inciting violence against a federal official or member of congress would be against the law but my question to congressman brady here is who's going to decide what symbols are considered threatening and what about that little thing called the freedom of speech now along the same lines congressman jim clyburn the third ranking democrat in congress says all of this heated rhetoric playing out now on t.v. and talk radio that's a good reason to bring back the fairness doctrine now that was the rule the public airways had to give equal air time on issues and debates and it was abolished in one thousand nine hundred seventy for a good reason as a violation of the first amendment and now he really wants to bring it back so much for that free speech thing again next comes republican congressman peter king of new york he is proposing a law that bans guns that within one thousand feet or you know a couple city blocks of any government official so i'm just wondering how that would be enforced some states allow licensed gun owners to carry weapons in public
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so if somebody is a dinner a congressman happens to sit down next to them in the restaurant because they'd be charged and would gun owners need to know where public officials are at all. times but it's also just ridiculous that this pro-gun congressman wants to ban guns anywhere near him but he has no problem with them next to everyday citizens people like me but my favorite favorite idea throughout this whole thing a very ill thought idea i might add comes from indiana republican congressman dan burton he is so worried about his security inside the capitol that he thinks the house gallery should be wrapped in a quote transparent and substantial material such as plexiglass which basically would just it would create a bubble for lawmakers now as legislation aims to keep the public from being able to throw explosives other materials at members while they're on the house floor i understand the politicians feel threatened in this country but i'm pretty sure that in case thing the capitol in
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a plexiglas bubble is not the right answer and those are just a few of the over the top ideas being floated by members of congress after this tragic shooting in tucson now there are issues that need to be addressed in this country but we're going to learn when are we going to learn that need jerk stupid legislation is not the way to do it. well now we have what could be the tea party's first victory of taking the nation back in time the wake county school district in north carolina with a new republican majority has reversed it nationally praised school integration policies their policy is one of economic integration where originally no one school was to have more than forty percent of its students qualified for free or reduced price lunch is so that each school had a wide range of socio economic backgrounds opponents of this integration policy call it social engineering critics of the overturning of the policy are calling
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this a new form of segregation so which one is it i hear this guy said with me is christopher chambers georgetown university professor and author of the blog not turner's revenge and dallas what house north carolina state director americans for prosperity jim and ana thank you both for joining me chris i want to start with you how do you see this move by north carolina is this is this is a step back in time well i mean here's the funny thing i was at a public school private school conclave up in maryland pardon my voice i'm still getting over call. the kids here i was told tell me about this topic and the kids there find it ridiculous because they crave their you know with their face to face contact their interaction and they understand that they're when they're heterogeneous pluralistic society they don't want to go back to the old ways of their parents their grandparents or great grandparents this is across the board i even had a kid whose father was a cop mother was a. government contractor for
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a defense contractor so that maybe they don't want us to mix because they don't want to get together because the last time people got together we had president obama and he said that his grandfather referred to the president as the president as a mongrel which is what the parent organization to. for prosperity used to go against what they wanted to impeach or a war of because they were afraid of the browser of it and say look down this years it was going to mongrelized. this is nothing that is disparate organization the john birch society this is what we're going to and the kids are just not going to have it they've got social media now we're talking about this all out let's get the dallas game we're about here i mean why is this considered social engineering why are you saying for haven't sake the same subset i mean that i can't believe there's a university there but that man on the payroll there first of a couple combo yeah it's georgetown jersey wittes it's the jersey women and then
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they get a couple sacks your number one nobody is stopping integrated integration the schools are integrated they have been the schools are integrated closed their hat because on you know why because of slavery because of the civil right is nice and that americans for prosperity a parent organization tried to stay out for in the streets the sure i'm going to knock you for a loop if you're not let me finish oh come on. her dissolve bags you know you are not people for who i was i want to let a reddish. discussed in mouth occupy disgusting mouth that are you i think so it is discriminatory lets in wake county what we have is the voters in wake county in north carolina have rejected a forced busing policy what we do in wake county even though the court said in one nine hundred ninety nine you can't bust people on race we continue to do that in wake county based on what they call show economic data which in north carolina ends
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up unfortunately often being race we bust hispanics we bust whacked me but white kids all over wake county the voters are projecting that there is no segregation and it's really and so it is going to go back to this incident happened in the starlit it's happened all over the south and it yeah that's what the a.p. is this isn't a lot. in the south they're gated at the butt of a gun sir nobody is being forced and matter of fact if you go back to your history you will learn that in brown versus board of education that the woman that the little girl in that case was kept from going to the school in her neighborhood all . right i realize they're going to everyone goes clear around why dallas tell them why it is that people decided to overturn this way why is everyone saying that this is a tea party backed move that only happened because there's a new republican led board here well actually i think you know that's what the washington post and i don't know that i would describe what happened in wake county
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is we had utter chaos for years massive reassignment of kids from all over the town and they even did this we had huge parts of the county where kids were put on forced year round calendars so they didn't have summers off and they went it time and and other places where they had regular counters and if you had two children in the system if you had a seven year old and eleven year old your children would be on one hundred if you had one school year have two anything to do with busing. because what it did is you had it in certain places of the county and what it did was it created this system of chaos where some people had year round calendars some people didn't kids born on the same schedule they were on the same counters and it created constant reassignment kids didn't know where they were going to go to school we are we are putting kids on long bus rides and here's the real sad thing about it is not working are what we are doing for poor and minority children in wake county is
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horrible the test scores are terrible what we're doing in wake county and what we have been doing a change away from instead of trying to actually educate these children they have been bused around they have been in no work and they have been treated fairly it hasn't worked for anybody and that's why it's been rejected not unless they know what's going to happen now right if they do start if they stop integrating the schools there to socio economic status and i'm sure they may want to know what normally happens is that when you have a school where everybody is poor then you don't have a good teacher you don't have the good programs you probably don't have the good administrators when these were these systems were pretty much unified the scores were good the kids were learning from each other the kids were flourishing now what we have do you devolves into a dual school system by government action so you don't know i mean are we going to see the tea party start pumping resources into these private these public schools are we going to see me maybe though maybe they'll be charter schools there but i'm
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sure they'll be charter schools run by the americans for prosperity. foundation or something like that we want to do what we james the curriculum you know i'm sure we go back to the. we do support charters we support free market education we supported the d.c. voucher program which got a lot of kids poor and minority kids out of horrible failing schools that do not put them here and they were deprived schools already. it was allow some jerk to come in and set up his own voucher school that was not what that was supposed to be about the bottom line is the party wanted to go if the parents in d.c. want to go here's the one thing we've been trying to do in wake county it's very important so many kids whether they be i'm minority kids or or suburban white kids and their parents who are complete mercy of intellect education your grandson what
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we're trying. to was elected on our elected school board mare's governors they should know this is. this stuff is going in place leaders are for their kids and it's a loser you know what i'm going to give and really you wouldn't assume very proud here is that we've had without somebody saying look you've got to end this crowd root and branch now you want to pull. me ask you something do you think our honesty fessor the ground versus board of education system and shrine to the constitution forced busing or amp or any other was to simply a realty to get over the hardly any of the time it was in schools were only will the cause of racism history government action it was one remedy nassau give you that one it was the only one that was available let you tell me that brown vs the board didn't say any discrimination brown versus board says she was a separate not equal is wrong racism wrong are gentlemen we're out of time last
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march i want to thank you both a little tough with you on skype to hear every word that you say but i want to thank you both for joining me there are you know are definitely issues to deal with in america's education system and like i said calling this segregating and i'm calling this social engineering thank you so much now we have just one more segment left on tonight shall russian hottie at a cafe that a good job to her resume to find out what is this and we're calling on blogger sarah bank author to round up craig. stories making headlines this week what age group as likely to score on a purse and why everyone is up in arms over kanye west. please
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there were tons filled with joy with parades and marches. inspiring people with insouciance. but was everything really good and was the loudest thing to speak out. though she shared her thoughts only with her diary it all became evidence in the trial for counter-revolutionary activities. the evidence which condemned to a label. the diary of a soviet school on cd. download the official anti application to go on the phone on called touch from the story. life on the go.
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video on demand oxys mind old girls and says feed now in the palm of your. question on the dot com children dow see about eight thousand murders by the end of elementary school five hundred thousand violent acts by the age of eighteen from movies television shows to video games to children. twenty four hour news channels . is no team every day formulate a staple. in. a lot of shakespeare. if this think about it there's a. journalistic future but most of the violence you see is what i call. god came down from heaven and stopped.
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at that. moment in a fit what. makes the pill easier to swallow. everybody was coming. do you remember this redheaded bombshell anna chapman first became famous after she was accused of being a russian sleeper spy here in the u.s. now ever since then this young lady has formed quite a resume for self obviously she had the whole being accused of espionage gig but she's also become a member of the public board the young guard in russia she has
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a centerfold in men's magazines she's writing a book she currently works at a bank she launched her own poker site and she's solidified her role as a bonafide russian celebrity but now it's add one more line to that resume t.v. star yeah apparently the twenty eight year old is hosting a new show on rent t.v. called secrets of the world with anna chapman and the show is going to air once a week explore hoaxes mysteries other phenomenons now i know it's somebody out there thinking she gets fifteen minutes of fame and now she's a celebrity she gets her own t.v. show sure i get that but can we first talk about how easy it is to get a reality show here in the u.s. so you're m.t.v.'s the jersey shore all you have to do is have fake tan get drunk all the time wake up in a trash can once a month or v h one they have filled their reality shows with people that basically have done nothing more than try to date really gross rap stars about my personal favorite here new york you know flavor flav's for
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a fling she went from being an average girl looking for love to hosting her own reality show overnight and now she's practically the face of each one so back to my original point here if these people can pull off reality t.v. stardom in the u.s. simply for being trashy at least and chapman was an alleged spy. now if you don't happen to look like anna chapman but you can be described simply as ugly apparently that means you're more likely to go on a date but that's where the dating site ok cupid is deduced from research and other survey out there says that women in their forty's are more likely to have sex on the first date compared to younger women and the term cougar well joining me from our new york studio to discuss these observations as well to address yesterday's wall street journal article that said chinese moms are superior to western moms is one cat surviving cosset very thank you so much for joining me i know you're all heated about this mom thing but let's start with the more ridiculous sex stories shelley. let's start with the study that apparently if you're considered
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huge you're totally screwed because says the more of guys tend to disagree about a girl's looks the more interested they become in her the uglier you are the more it works in your favor but if you're just generally identified as cute than nobody wants to date you. well i am really concerned about this because i am newly single gentlemen. and i'm a little worried that my door ability will get in the way of someone taking me out to the olive garden so i'm pretty concerned alone i'm i'm i'm not i hope this isn't true i hope this is some sort of weird pseudo science what we're all trying to discuss today figure out what why that could be so maybe guys are less intimidated of asking out a girl they find less attractive you know maybe those girls are more likely to say yes but. i don't know who knows what's more i have huge lewdly. you know i think
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you made a great point on i think one thing that i've heard from my guy friends is that a lot of times they're afraid to approach the most beautiful girl in the room because they'd know that chances are they'll get rejected or at least that's what they think in their minds because guys are self-conscious too and they have their own body image issues and everything in reality i think there are a lot of super hot supermodel the looking chicks who would love to just date a nice guy who likes them for their personality and their brains and not just their giant norma supermodel boobs so what this means is that boys need to start being nicer to pretty girls. let's move on to. others survey. which apparently they could either be nice to pretty girls or guys could be nice to older women i mean we've heard the term cougar a lot but in a survey turns out the women in their forty's are way more likely to have sex on
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a first date which i don't i find that kind of obvious because it's like by the time you're forty who cares about the negative social stigma you just want to go out and you know get laid. yeah by that point i mean you've realized that god isn't going to zap you on sight for having an orgasm so you're sort of you know excited about life in general you're done with the b.s. you kind of cut right to the chase i think what we've learned if we put these two studies together is that if you are an ugly chick over forty usual are the most popular gallon town and that is a beautiful thing that you're definitely cleaning the ugly girls over forty i hope they're watching the movie on real quick kanye west new music video called monster is getting a lot of attention because he has like dead corpses of supermodels in lingerie and people are freaking out they say that men enjoy dead women as sex and entertainment and they reduce the female body to the same status as meat let's watch this clip.
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i don't ever do you find that offensive and necrophilia of not really something if i ever bothered to read voices that was weird. yeah it's not the kind of thing that i feel personally offended by if it's something that ever affects me i guess it won't matter because i'll be dead so more power to you creepy guy i think this when you watch the whole video it's a horror film it's a zombie film it's his take on be a horror film and they're being sort of a crazy monster and jay z. is talking about being a monster and being a monster and there are all these zombie women china break into his house and you know if it's a horror film i think it's pretty firmly in the realm of fantasy i understand that feminists are upset because it's their job to get upset i am
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a feminist i get upset all the time but this don't think so leave kanye alone ok so this is kind of like bare thrillers trying to make a piece of art now we have a little bit of time left so i know you have strong feelings like i said yesterday we talked about a we chose article where she made the case that chinese mothers are superior to western mothers because well they basically tell their kids what to do they don't let them play with other kids and they hold them to higher standards if you agree. no i also think that she is the worst person ever born ever because she is tarring all women of chinese extraction with the brush of her own crappy parenting skills just because she thinks it's ok to tell her kid that she's a fatty and i mean a twelve year old does not mean that all chinese moms do that and it certainly doesn't justify her behavior i think she is i think she's the devil alone i think
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she's the devil and i would like her to be on the show so i can tell her that to her face. try to pass it on if i ever do get a chance to talk to her i don't believe a girl thing is too black and white you know i personally feel myself of having a bringing that was a little bit in between there but i do think that you know there are winners there are losers in this world not all the last place people in a soccer tournament should get a trophy and you know if anybody somebody like your parents should be able to at least talk to you about it so by the time you get into the real world you realize that it's not just a slap in the face you know why other people get a job because of you because they're more qualified you know. that's just that's my take on this certainly i have to agree with you thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you well before we go it's time for our tweeted today sarah palin released a video today responding to criticism over her target mapper gun metaphors and a lot of people have pointed to in the tucson shooting spree but she was the term.
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