tv [untitled] January 13, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST
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create this positive. that will enable them to look for compromise. we inform our partners from washington and paris after each of the sessions. outreach of the meetings between the russian syrian demeaning president we have a very. in-depth briefing. and then he confronts partners support and based on this paltz will try to inch forward and this process and that was that russia's foreign minister lavrov summing up the main events that shaped the kremlin's international policy in two thousand and ten and we'll get an overview of what he had to say in more detail a little later from our correspondent he's been attending that press briefing this is r.t. live in moscow. hungry
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sun moon from phones to impressions. from stunts on t.v. don't comb. oh don't react angrily the official investigators report the pilot error was mostly to blame for the plane crash which killed the country's president but global experts say the findings sound. polish prime minister interrupts his vacation and returns to poland urgently and
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that's the reaction concerning this latest report. the united states prepares to kick hundreds of haitian immigrants back home to a country still struggling to keep its people alive one year after being struck by a massive earthquake. and a ban on selling sex in spanish newspapers that's designed to protect women but is leaving prostitutes seeing right. around the clock around the world of this is. in the russian capital. the russian foreign ministry has reiterated that the final report on the plane crash which killed the country's president was carried out in accordance with international law poland's prime minister has called short his holiday off to warsaw expressed anger over the report's conclusions the interstate aviation committee's findings blamed
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inexperienced crew members bad weather and the pressure to lend from passengers well let's cross live to get more of a former. russian foreign ministry has addressed the results of the investigation and polish criticism tell us what has been said. and we have heard from the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov who were dressed not only in the findings and the report of the international aviation committee but also credits. isn't that have been published in international media ever since the report was made public the russian foreign minister said that the report. that was presented by the committee is sufficient and up to standards not only russian standards but international standards that all of the investigations were completed not only by the russian side but by a joint committee set up of russian and polish authorities and therefore to
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criticize this document would be to shoulder very little faith in not only the russian investigators but also for the poles to show a little faith in their own investigators of course this report was completed with the presence of both the authorities the polish side now however wanting to make sure that it receives additional documentation such as the black boxes we have heard of the polish prosecutor general in this the city man speaking on polish television saying that they will request the transfer of black boxes to the polish side for further investigation but the main focus of the russian foreign ministers address was that this report should be criticised or undermined because it has been deemed satisfactory by officials both in russia and in poland and anybody criticizing those findings is just attempting to use the tragedy and the subsequent report to their own perhaps political strategy as
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a means. towards. which the investigation has been held in accordance with international norms sit out in the chicago convention it's been conducted upon the request of the russian and polish governments taken by the international committee and when are polish colleagues say it's a russian investigation that's not true it's an interstate institution an independent center and this technical commission based its conclusion on the opinions of major experts from poland russia. and even the u.s. . so the russian foreign minister there are addressing the concerns that have been voiced here in poland about the report published by the interstate aviation committee. report. has reacted angrily of course to the conclusions in the phone report. so what. do you think the mixed up.
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well we've already heard that the polish prime minister donald tusk has cut short his vacation he was spending some time with his family skiing in italy and as soon as the report was published and comments started flooding he cut short his vacation and returned back to poland in order to speak to. minister officials and also to hold a press conference we don't yet know when exactly this press conference will take place but we do know that mr tooke has said he will address various concerns that the journalists in poland have voiced and we are of course waiting to see what that press conference what details will rise from that press conference but of course because this is a very emotional subject for the polish people criticisms and various comments have been flooding ever since the report got published we also know. polish television channels and newspapers have been covering this story from all possible
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angles touching not only on the polish reactions but also on the coverage given in russia we've even seen experts from our very own broadcast on polish television and few colleagues of mine excerpts from their live reports were shown but we do know that despite various criticisms such as from the late polish president's brother who said that the findings of the committee were a farce and a joke i went on to criticize the report we do know that despite some criticisms a lot of the officials all. in the poll the sides have said that this report is a satisfactory one that the job done by the russian and polish sides together should be accepted as it is and criticisms are just a way for people to advance their own political ideas. that we are glad that this report exists this is a step that has brought us closer to the next stage finding out the circumstances
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that led to the tragedy. i must admit that the russians are right again i don't want to agree with the russians but this is the truth of course we can look for guilt and blame someone else. the polish side of course wanted to. share some of the responsibility for the crash with the russian side some even attempted to say that the aviation control. operators should have for baden that plane to land and not relied specifically on the pilots to make that decision either so countered those criticisms saying that at the end it is the pilot's responsibility and no tower control control room dispatcher has the authority to actually for bid a pilot from deciding to attempt a landing and just finally how will this report receive boy international explodes
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. when we've had of course the reaction not only in poland and russia but within the international community international media is covering this subject as well it is of course a plane crash of this magnitude that almost ninety people dead amongst them not only the polish president and his wife but most of poland's political elite a tragedy of such scale of course resonated within the international community many newspapers are already saying that those criticizing the fighting is over are attempting to use the findings to their political advantages others do seem to express the opinion that the bottom line of any plane incident and the responsibility for it that incident ally is solely with the pilot that it is the pilot's responsibility and therefore his ultimate decision to make a choice about the course of the plane whether to attempt to land or not. there is
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no argument about who is in charge when the situation arises in the pilot. and the speaker that. we should not go tracing on. the people to blame because. we don't like the results and we've had numerous examples in the past people. have got to get into a certain place have got to land in a certain place it's happened in america many many times. of course. many people both here and poland and abroad have already voiced their skepticism but most seem to agree as my colleague in the cinelli found out that this report is a painful but necessary step in closing. this tragedy the tragedy of the plane crash and moving on. for the first time the last seconds are heard before
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polish president lech kaczynski plane crashed near smile now thanks to an on board . the crew ignored warnings from the aircraft's automated system to pull up and advice from air traffic controllers to land at an alternate airport plus were inexperienced flying in bad weather the interstate aviation committee highlighted what they found to be the main causes behind the tragedy in their final report you know when i fairly or to make a timely decision to land at the reserve airport based on multiple we coming days sions about poor weather conditions at smolensk airport descending lower than the
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safe minimum height necessary to make a second landing attempt failure to react properly to automatic amounts those are the reasons which led to the tragic crash of the aircraft into the land and the death of those on board. the findings also claim passenger pressure on the crew to land as soon as possible played a vital role in the incident here is evidence the crew was afraid of disappointing someone if they didn't land. it's not clear whether the navigator was referring to the polish president or the commander in chief of the air force who was in the cockpit and later alcohol found in his blind poland was not satisfied with the draft report compiled by the i.a.c. which found pilot error was to blame and insists various factors at play caused the accident but aviation experts have confidence in the findings my experience with
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the russian investigators has been very good they're very high quality organization that i believe that it was the investigation was generally carried out in accordance with the international civil aviation organization annex thirteen which is the international standard for accident investigation who did russia have a turbulent history and it was hoped to politics one card the investigation i think what the what the polish government wants to be able to present to the polish people is that this was not purely the fault of the polish crew and that russia take some blame for it as well i don't think this is very much to do with the facts i think it's all to do with politics the case is far from closed as the next chapter to find those accountable for the tragedy is opened. the committee concluded that no single person can be blamed for the accident but now that the final investigation report has been delivered
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a criminal investigation can be launched and perhaps more light shed on the crash that killed the polish president his wife and most of the country's political elite and he's now a r.t. moscow. ravaged by an earthquake that claimed over two hundred thousand lives a year ago haiti is still gripped by the aftereffects widespread homelessness cholera outbreak brought to its knees and now washington has added insult to injury hundreds of haitians will soon be deported from the u.s. to face a grim future back home marina portnoy brings us this report. sierra last hour for most american women can relate to janay montra built. a working wife and busy mother home with the kids while dad is at work we lay back you know we work so we can provide the best for our children but also this crime our family or the family that care what we make. for the future if the u.s.
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government gets its way to my own interests. and tone will become forever fatherless ok so you engineer a will enter the pool of single u.s. mothers struggling to make ends meet after all the output of the home of the cell or maybe get a room a lot of help morally. at any moment jeanne montoursville the breadwinner and twenty five year u.s. resident can be torn away from his family. today the father of four works as a church custodian in manhattan tomorrow the haitian immigrant can be deported back . back to the poorest country in the western hemisphere rocked by an earthquake and deepening humanitarian crisis. going to war to put. you know it's. you know.
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is not is not a good thing it's. in my world. last year's seven point zero earthquake killed nearly three hundred thousand haitians and left more than one million homeless a tragedy so grave the u.s. issued an immediate suspension on deportations for his an immigrant's yet last month the obama administration quietly lifted the ban resuming deportations for those with criminal convictions even those like jean montra bell who paid his debt to society serving a living years behind bars for selling drugs in the eighty's he was released from prison in two thousand. and four. used to almost. the very same day u.s. officials resumed deportations of haitian immigrants the state department issued
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a warning against non-essential travel to haiti alerting americans of continued high crime limited police presence a lot of medical care and a cholera outbreak an epidemic so bad the united nations has made a one hundred seventy four million dollar appeal to fight the outbreak but it's not good it is now spread all the way across the country because as you know color is a contagious disease it's affected over one hundred thousand people so far. and over twenty five hundred people have perished from the disease. according to attorney sunita patel the deportations are a violation of the conventions against torture and the un declaration of human rights sending someone back to a situation where they are likely to die or or face situation where they are.
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facing the possibility of death is potentially a violation of our obligations under international law yet according to immigrations and customs enforcement up to seven hundred haitians with criminal records will be sent back this year. to a nation wracked by violence food shortages and disease a prospect that brings a feeling of fear to this american family a family broken up not by divorce but by their own government. and obama who really needs to take a look at a consideration of the separation of family. because the leave children. and the lives of fathers like jean are you believe in danger if or when his home becomes haiti. r.t. new york. ten seventeen minutes past the hour here in the russian capital time now
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top that you know some more international news in brief officials say roadside bombs killed two police in the district in northwest pakistan the blasts come a day after a suicide bomber targeted a police station a neighboring mosque in the same region killing at least eighty people many of the victims including security officers and civilians are being treated in the hospitals. the death toll from flooding and mudslides has risen to over two hundred fifty in the brazilian state of religion in a potential rain caused a number of landslides destroying mountain villages i think it was great to rise as rescue efforts continue more than eight hundred rescuers are searching for survivors. yes president barack obama has paid tribute to the victims of some of those massed. shooting at a memorial service in arizona six people were shot dead outside a supermarket and thirteen were injured congresswoman gabrielle giffords who was shot in the head is said to have opened her eyes for the first time the suspected gunman has been charged with the killings and faces life imprisonment or the death
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penalty if convicted. the country's third largest city brisbane is suffering widespread devastation following heavy rains and flash floods all suburbs are submerged in water although the peak level is about a meter lower than originally feared thousands of residents have been evacuated from their homes and these twenty three people have died and dozens more are missing in what is the worst flooding seen in the country for a century. and further violence has erupted into new capital despite an overnight curfew being imposed by the government human rights activists say at least fifty people have died in the ongoing riots over a few food and fuel inflation and high unemployment has criticized the government's heavy handed response to the arrest after police retaliated with live ammunition and tear gas. a ban on prostitution ads in spanish newspapers is getting people hot under the collar is designed to protect women from exploitation but some sex
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workers say it's depriving them from the only living they have. investigates the dark corners of the back pages. some scanned the headlines other school straight to the sports section and then there are those who are simply interested in. so you open a newspaper in public and it may seem like you're doing some serious reading catching up with awareness political developments but you may very well be looking at a page that's causing much debate in spanish society. in most cases these classified ads serve as a cover up for the work of crime groups the prostitution mafia to be precise. seventy percent of girls and young women will help are kept in confinement in apartments and the only way to contact them is to respond to these ads if the ads are banned they can't be helped. but others hold a different view with some saying that banning the ads will not hurt the vice mafia
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but will hit those who willingly work in the sex trade and. our research shows that most of these girls become prostitutes on their own accord banning the as one stop human trafficking members of some feminist organizations think that prostitution is not the worst that can happen to a woman this is an issue for women sex appeal many publishers and editors argue that because prostitution is legal in spain they are within their rights to run the ads. from l. place one of spain's main newspapers says that until there is a law making it illegal to publish such ads this practice is unlikely to change if we knew that yeah other piece of advice but where something illegal or something bad ok i will fight again against it but i swing completely from parts from being from asia i mean we will have to wait until the government decides something about where this is rather trust me this week we can go into whether or not her ties in
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band will stifle the mafia's illegal activities is being debated but for the newspaper business that struggle through the arrival of new media and the recent financial crisis a ban on sex ads is most certainly going to hurt does her sylvia r.t. madrid. more stories on our website dot com here's some of what's online for you right now be careful with trees a man in south korea ended up in jail for sharing with the world his praise for the north. the so-called white plague of victorian england is on the rise again we report on what's driving the to put kenosis infection rate as the u.k. has labeled western europe's tb capital that story online. dot com.
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last year a spy scandal between russia and the u.s. still headlines across the world and now one american ad firm has kept the intrigue alive by turning a russian celebrity into the latest star of cold war. all the it's up. to the dark read up and just go away though filings really follow your russian spy yourself. in this sport superstar alexander ovechkin and he's called the do some cooking the late night spying after another session. well look coming up very shortly a journey into the past back to stalin zero but first we got the latest from the world of business with you. hello welcome to the business update global economic growth will slow to three
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point three percent in twenty eleven that's according to the world's bank's latest assessment asia will keep its position of the fastest growing region expanding by about eight percent in developing countries growth is expected to slow in twenty eleven as they approach limits on their capacity russia is among nine countries which received the majority of capital inflows and twenty ten the world bank report raises concerns over whether sufficient capital controls are being implemented to prevent overheating in emerging markets. russia could resume its oil supplies to better rules by the twentieth of january as the latest price dispute appears to be reaching a conclusion russia's energy minister sort of course says the decision should be announced within a week the energy is better ruptured russian oil producers insisted on increasing the price of a ton of oil by forty five dollars that's after decision to raise the transit tariff it charges for shipping world to europe by twelve and
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a half percent. call me beach or learn natural gas this year supply disruptions in push prices for the fuel to twenty eight month highs according to investment bank credit suisse coal could climb fourteen percent to one hundred fifty dollars a metric ton in the coming weeks while growing suppliers of oil and gas limit their gates to the worst floods in australia for decades destructive coal production driving the price twenty percent up in six weeks currently thermal coal is trading one hundred thirty two dollars a metric ton. and a quick look at the markets in europe stocks mostly low well this hour ahead of grade decisions from the european central bank and the bank of england among performers financial groups commerce bunkered down almost four percent most european airlines are also lower with loopholes that drop in two percent and ryanair declining over one. and here in russia the markets are trading up this hour
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the dynamics is more cherry today but investors continue to demonstrate optimistic sentiment with more than gas companies holding their lead to positions those hydro is falling on them i said by point three percent following the market trend despite the news the company continues wiring. in russia's imports preachin. provide a grade with the gas from a low interest rate from twelve percent to nine percent but is also trading down by a third of a percent. biggest learn to unit credit may bid for a controlling stake and the bank of moscow which is on the social forges property is a sure list the version of the newspaper says the only declared bit so far has russia second largest bank beat moscow's authorities could sell the bank to be without a tender although unit credits interest in the company could boost the price. and
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despite portugal successful bond issue on wednesday experts are still wary of the european union's prospects their chief strategist at the time capital told us the political and economic structure of the eurozone was to blame i would think that default to some point probably is imminent or unavoidable i should say but the buy themselves time and the problem with the euro even though i'm a supporter of the euro area such the problem when you have this imbalances is that you have a situation where countries so different big differences structurally have the same interest rate so it becomes extremely inflexible and this at some point has to give probably with the likelihood of a default if that happens you know forty five years. to the euro is possible at this time we're not forecasting that yields on russian state bonds drops to a four month low as high oil prices boosted confidence and the world's largest energy.
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