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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EST

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nineteen forty five don't. talk about here with a look at the top stories italian fishermen say nato bombs and not fish are intent at the ending up in their nets and the alliance is accused of dumping its old weapons in the waters of the of the addict and keeping the public in the dark about it. some people in the us hit the hardest by the measures and financial inequality are fighting back and there's increasing evidence of a growing trend of low level economic disobedience. and russian heroin users want the use of methadone as replacement drug therapy legalized but doctors are worried it will only create a time bomb of new addicts. right wing political parties are making ground
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throughout europe mixture of muslim sentiment and hardline immigration is striking a chord was voters are caught up was brutal ganesh a member of the european parliament at a candidate for the leadership of the french nationalist party. the french national front has been at the vanguard of extremist and ultra right policies in europe ironically the party's fortunes rose amid a culture of globalization and increasing discontent with it spoils today we're joined by polyglot professor of law an expert on eastern legal system and member of european parliament and candidate for leadership of the french national front we're now garnish thank you so much for being here now are you a member of the european parliament what impact do you think the new has had on a french national identity and the french culture not
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a positive impact in fact unfortunately because europe should have been protected against the side effects of globalism but it wasn't the case the borders were kept open open to all kind of floats of people and oversaw friending from from or from abroad and oversaw course. manufactured in conditions of slavery by some people and this has a very very negative effects on economy and system unfortunately do you see the european union as the solution to europe's problems or perhaps more as the instigator it was supposed to be the solution of some of our problems for example to build. a huge common market but is this market was open as i said to two to globalise men as in the field of for example external policy we
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are completely now we just follow the united states of america which is so so we do not see the use of european union and also european union is trying to to build a kind of a european superstate each which is. not the genius of european civilization europe is the place where has been invented the equal to it the equality equal dignity and serenity of nations and i think we should retain this part of european culture moscow was recently struck by ultra nationalist riots as a member of a far right party and as a law professor what do you have to say to those who would use violence to pursue their means well i condemn the violence that is. quite clear and we never use violence against anybody against the aliens for and use no or no
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load or opens for us with very often we are subjected to to violence for example against us from the far left although there are people also coming from right and left conservative and progressive in our party were just patrie that we would live the french be first in france exactly as the russians remain the masters of their own destiny and as a people we absolutely have no sympathy towards this kind of violence even mention of course just now that you want the french to be prominent and first in france. and you've also said that you're not extremist you're not anti muslim but you're merely defending your own culture but i have two statements to quote to you one is from your party made up our muslim prayer in french streets is comparable to nazi
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occupation and another as said by our president russia has come to be a strong state with the largest territory and a powerful economy solely due to the unity and solidarity of its multinational people hence our reaction to any ethnic intolerance will be at. salie you can qualify in critical and do you believe that president take its vision for russia's identity is flawed in some way well i would first censors you if you don't mind as a first question about mrs le pen of a competitor not not not not not an opponent but we were competitors for a succession of a pen our leader no no she didn't she didn't say patients that she said occupation that the occupiers are streets and she she mentioned that it was was out with the guns so obviously i would i would prefer to say that it's a progress cvs colonise issue which is quite natural if we have not enough french people and people from abroad and mainly of the matter of fact from muslim africa
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are trying to get a better life in our country than they have in their home country i can understand that but i think we have the right to to change its policy and to to to keep. millions of people abroad in to try to help them in their own country and to remain the masters of our destiny for mr mr medvedev i would not like to teach mr president medvedev award to russian nation perfectly agrees that there should be no discrimination according to to race or to to nor to that is quite clear but it seems to me that there is a reason. which i. like very much which is mainly how to say a slavek culture which is mainly a christian culture. and this russian culture says russian people
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in a way. house of a very huge territory due to their sacrifice of. discoverers in history and that. can be nice to. the people if the rishon have no or not enough children for example to success themselves you know you were convicted of denying existence of crimes against humanity in two thousand and seven and yet as you said yourself rewriting history has proven divisive and counterproductive in european history why persist with our genitive have been. found hundred percent innocent by the. court of cassation the supreme court of our country so i'm not convicted at all so why why did that matter arise why were you charged with anything i was i was charged because it is usual for rick
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to assimilate the trio it's two to two to nat c's and as you have been under committee's rules for seventy years you know that better better than i do it is the usual wrestler reeks of. our our openness to wrongly assuming patriotism. defending national interest was a kind of. being complacent to do to fascism and nazism which is of an obvious lie and i seems quite clear now for for for ninety percent of people in france now it's also happened in our country i think there's a very thin line between patriotism and nationalism and near not isn't even perhaps so many people who want to use it to their advantage will do so how how does one prevent it how do you keep that lying clear it is quite clear we just
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defend our national identity our patriotism of even naturals which one has nothing to do with aggression to any other country nor to any of the people and i would go even further by defending all. national identity against the global leeson we perfectly understand people who would do the same and many of them including not only in europe but also in africa and in asia understand and ascend that and follow and think that made up in the front arsenal of been the. forefront of his defense so you from what you've said i understand that you agree that holocaust denial is a crime do not deny the holocaust but i just think that history should historical discussion should be absolutely free and that. as many intellectuals from from
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right or left as in discussion about this period should be one hundred percent free also also because especially the laws about that in france were made by committees you know and committees themselves there are many things to reproach. to to create you to to be criticised and i think they wanted to prevent this kind of a free approach i am in favor of freedom nothing it may have been portrayed as a moderate moderate face of a somewhat extremist party now how can you claim legitimacy when you have been associated with fascism nobody associated as with fascism have never been even and. i've never been a fascist nor me still a bend or source so i wonder how i could be portrayed as and if i just know. well you said that i've been portrayed as
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a moderate face of an experience about it but you know i've also been portrayed as the extremist face of a moderate party so i. think none of this for his asian is really true well i am a tough guy if you want yes yes i believe we know. in what i say i defend my country and the interests of my fellow country men but i can perfectly understand that those are people do exactly the same as they are quite open minded also to international relations with european and non european people and i think there is a lot of this information about my body but my body is growing in polls in france now and there is also a reaction in europe and whoa whoa you could sell soon in russia and russia you don't mean you you big because your government is a battery of the government maybe you need to but there is
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a reaction against globalism in in europe and i think russian people shouldn't be afraid about that. repairing a broken ancient. highway construction under human a tarion eight. buses shady officials talk at the spoils of war it's the people who pay the price. profiteering here is no longer just down to drug trafficking. afghanistan the dollars. to. download the official antti application on the phone on called touch from the story . which all teach life on the go. video
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on demand ati's minefield costs and says feeds now in the palm of your. questions on the dot com wealthy british science holds a spot on. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our t.v. . in which britain. from phones to christians. who threw stones on t.v. don't come.
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this street still keeps it secret which time to reveal. the soviet foreign.
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italian fishermen say nato bombs and fish in their nets accused of dumping its old weapons in the waters of the keeping the public in the dark about it. some people in the u.s. hit the hardest. financial in quality are fighting back there is increasing evidence of a growing trend of low level of disobedience. russian heroin users want the use of methadone and some replacement drugs believe the lie but doctors are worried it will only create a new addicts. as the headlines up next with news.
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hello welcome to the sports news and here is what's coming up in the program. wins a record breaking seventh colorado in the truck section while nasra like marco must secure the car and crowns respectively. move joined top of the new established pro basketball league reviving hope so being ninth street russian title. and also a recap of the latest winter action including picture number fifteen for the unstoppable it's like a stylish in the mound slalom in switzerland. anguish for both though where manchester united returned to top spot in the premier league despite drawing sunday's clash with told him their work man after all filed a civil sound off in the seventy fourth minute but they managed to hold spurs to goalless draw with united cross-town rivals amounts to both see them four to five
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points all through the weekend bought the red devils have two games in hand elsewhere a close match and still liverpool entertained everton the county dells mischa's home game in charge everton were two one off made way through before due to converted from the spot in the sixty minutes which will draw leaving both sides just four points above the relegation zone earlier song belong to drew with a new console and the only other game was also a draw but when lowly see the game and aston villa one one. and that brings us to international football and the asian cup where all have become the first side to qualify for the quarterfinals in qatar that uranium seeing all of north korea by a single goal in their last group counts as a minority the man finished off a lightning move just off the. one nil the finals in the wrong end of the last eight. iraq avoided and then wanted piece of history on the night
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a loss against the united arab emirates with the sound the defending champions her first time a title holder for the departed the asian cup at the first round. abbas own goal right of the death left iraq to fight another day. that was becoming almost predictable now but nonetheless an amazing achievement of the legend of chad could not stop a record seventh the carly title the russian virtually unstoppable throughout argentina and chile winning eight of the thirteen stages and all four remarkably also has a hole may want to three for his country with compadres. and the daughter alive second and third respectively and it's also a town gold for team come odds. so abrasion time as well for now for all like to hear the full much clay pigeon shooting then not change his first the car title behind the will a great event for volkswagen with a german manufacturer sweeping the podium here will second while stage winner and
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loss is champion carlos science finished third spot and then the bikes mark or mark claimed this win in five years after seeing all of abba present rivals their real depressed by fifteen minutes overall. mean basketball says mosco have moved to the top of the p.b. l. standings along with or next following and there are a victory over the mighty of the former european champions may have had a season to largely forgets but as reports now things are beginning to look on the up in the new year. it was the big so to day's action in the b.b.l. was looking mighty from close in their music to the seventeen time russian champions. in the local count the same record and to invest and then at least they should have known expected in the zero line and there is the gist of the match just to find they expect the sions would disprove the indifference getting five. seals in the opening quarter they would decent at taken says guys basket as well and
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finished the first half leading by four points but to find a recipe against their man is just home of the deal you have to play this game throw the whole match in says guy came in with a different team in the second half they started it was an eleven neil run but i mean this just goes because lead his side was for free the winters and eventually to begin the top score of the night it was twenty six the visitors stayed in the game court to see of mike wilkinson going to two points for them arrogant in the match and it was started with scuffle for minutes remaining in the fourth quarter just cost us fail to make a shot in a committee fed the last possession was free seconds to go they didn't score as well and the game went into overtime where it was very close again and jeremy massey levelled the game it eight each after these three point played jack ford and then threw the army man to with this three pointer and local had the ball was to
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him to seconds to go in overtime but they turned it over pleading to pass it out of bounds as cisco brought the game to wean and more concentrated all for a minutes and. it's impossible. to stop ever though by a sole wrist and it builds from the big guys from their shot and what they made those shots all. the game was tired all four or five minutes so it was a tough one i mean we played hard we played good played special in the second half and you know it's tough to come away after a game like that with a loss but double teams. didn't unfortunately wanting to win eighty nine to eighty seven in charge in week three of what say is scott who seem to be starting to stamp their birdie in the domestic league but a mr rock hard. of a deal with the sports now at all says andras cough likely does fall. world cup win of the season at the large hail ski jumping in support of the twenty seven year old
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completing one hundred thirty one and a hundred and thirty two point five meters for a total score of two hundred thirty two point nine points to be severed freud the german who dominated said today's event for his maiden victory had to settle for second with his world cup leader told mortgage down of all strain. elsewhere even suggest continued his divination of the slopes posting a korea world cup win now but fifteen in the man small in the croats keeping marcel here for him to second with his second drawn while gianbattista clinched the bruins castello also extending his small and overall world cup played in the process. to hear any and one of the big areas at the start of the snowboarding world championships in barcelona a combined school fifty one point seven points and off to clinch the first gold of the tournament can of those zach stone and bell jones smith's posted the same
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scores were still in eventually it would have the silver due to the highest single jump mark. and in freestyle tonight and here's both goals in the world duel moguls at their home stage gabriele alexander below door out the home to everyone in the men's event while sixteen year olds just steamed up y. and claimed victory coming and only world cup performance in their winners. at stockholm now and the cage shall words in a moscow cell for the town's defeat in a row losing this time to say to rival spartak constantin but of reports. to friends of sport i can you know i didn't have to wait for another course he did battle just days before the written words beat their rivals wife this marriage was the real thing known to the season in general we're still one would up in the opening period both teams were thinking of the fans for. until stephan mukesh this is way past and i was defensemen to send the blockbuster netminder and four minutes
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later spawn a double billy drama just to believe there's own for a minute and finally you're right make wish was the quick assume the rebound after the nice bugger off spouse will select i do nothing by the end of the first. do not mar still short of players because of injury and signed the stanley cup winner and world champion slot shot them how even the thirty six year old forwards couldn't help his new team this night spartak seem to be a little overconfident in the second wasting scoring opportunities and then you come out of give generally a chance to get back into the spot failed to score in the paul play and the twenty three year old forward who had just left the penalty box found himself on mark and pull one back to one before the decisive period the game stayed very tight but six minutes before the final buzzer sparks romelu to the crease the crucial to two goals and it became clear who will get three points in this match we are just honest about that and they're going to lead my partners gave me
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a chance to score that goal i was extremely happy i would say that about playing veteran better and if we keep improving our game we'll get to the playoffs and we'll be able to be involved well those interim extended their losing streak to ten matches however they still sit second in the conference. publicly the shooters. were not playing well in the first period especially as we didn't give a rule however we tried to fight back and nearly equalise the school but the third goal was decisive do not expect us to panic the team is working hard and we hope we will soon of a come that the red and whites have won five games out of six this year and they can expect to climb even a high in the standings if they keep up their motivation is a mother of a party. elsewhere in the cage challenge and a man square to good for several styles they belorussians edging out their opponents free want. and skull same thing came from two bills down to the denominator and the last man capital. to the greens finally. successfully defended
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his job open title saying off overnight leaders and fellow south africans gough and thomas a can salsa leaving his rivals no chance in sunday's round that saw him open up a three stroke lead going into the last he held onto post a fool's consecutive very day of the eighteenth to finish four shots ahead i'm all right they can eventually settle for an eleventh korea victory for schall so will be looking for more success in twenty eleven off the joining the p.g.a. tour for this season. and it said you can check out our you tube channel which is r t sports news for some of those stories and come up short after this is the weather . hungry for the full story we've got it's. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on. repairing
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a broken things. highway construction and humanitarian aid. buses shady officials get the spoils of war it's the people who pay the price. for tearing is no longer just down to drug trafficking. afghanistan.
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typee. be sure to tidy hotel hotel royal shall his the groom her town the show with her town. full of hotel. the hotel typee. her town springs resort and spa tied to a hotel while she plans to the town. evergreen close in time to eat lunch time. typing full points. wins a hotel.


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