tv [untitled] January 17, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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with news from russia and from around the world this is here in moscow twenty four hours a day good to have you with us this hour the e.u. commission proposed to further deepen its bailout fund saying it won't be able to provide a loan if the struggling euro zone members like spain and portugal need help european finance ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss the plan already concerns from germany which is pushing for a more comprehensive approach. mortons messerschmitt says the e.u. strategy is not a permanent. bailout is always only a temporary solution since the cover up for the lack of. unity within the euro zone is evidence of that that the euro is not going to be saved just pulling good money after bad money or poorly spent money very construction of the euro is
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a failure because we have tried all the federalists have tried to unify something which is quite clearly. so different that economies cannot be integrated fully and that's what we are paying the price for now you can only have a common you're a common currency if you have the same financial policy that's also why the commission has suggested or demanded that all of the euro countries now shall have their budgets accepted in brussels before the national parliaments can discuss the budgets you can only have a common currency if you have a common economic policy that was never promised it was never told before the introduction of the euro that was the first lie now is being demanded to greece portugal ireland italy and so on that they must strengthen up their economy they must do whatever is done in germany and those countries who are paying them out well that of course the southern european countries don't want to make that kind of
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reforms that's why you see the the riots in these countries and the germans are fed up paying other people's bills that's why you see the riots they are so the solution obviously is simply to stabilize some realities to say we have two different economical sones in the in e.u. so we cannot have one currency we should at least have two different currencies in the euro zone maybe actually sixteen which we have as we had ten years ago. when is the global financial recovery in danger that's the question up for debate and peter the bells cross talk program the full shows coming up later today on r t has a brief excerpt. from iron triangle this is an iron rectangle because it's bureaucrats lobbyists politicians and special interest groups all getting rich at the expense of the american people that should outrage and upset everybody and it happens unfortunately not just in america it happens in europe with the special interest and i worry it is happening in china where you know as they make this
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evolution a free market system that's been great hundreds of millions of people have a higher living standards and here am i just want to feel like that so much so i want and like them too i do think that living here is the way the united states is going and europe is going i mean seriously i think. maybe one of the options. and. cross talk coming your way a little later on. the coastline of the adriatic sea attracts tourists and provides income for fisherman but locals say in recent years the waters have been poisoned because nato has dumped toxic chemicals there including depleted uranium despite many people being made sick by the fish caught there and the diminishing the rain life italian government and the alliance remain tight lipped as matthew stevens now
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reports. on this quote stretch you see there is more than meets the eye this is the mediterranean has been a minute she dumping ground ever since world war one enormous amount of weaponry in talks with this prison to these waters u.s. bombs from the forty's need to weapons used in the one thousand nine hundred ninety four again serbia's including depleted uranium munitions these weapons often contain toxic substances such as sold for mr dulles. and phosphorous. very tall and italian investigative journalist spent years trying to uncover it has secrets johnny landis has received death threats and been attacked this footage by landis reveals some can vessels in toxic waste on the seabed of pull u.s. coast fishermen here say the presence of the major weapons is seriously affecting their lives and posing a threat to local ecosystem in their areas but these bombs keep ending up in our nets we try and avoid them following the war ninety ninety nine the fish are
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practically disappeared from out waters we come across have affected our health too causing skin rashes blurred vision and so forth fishermen have had to quit their jobs because of the scarcity of fish the fishing co-operative in seaside town are more fit and paula was once comprised of almost two hundred members now there are just five natives says there are six contaminated areas along the edge attic coast but lana's claims this is just the tip of the iceberg. i mean peter need to is lying in twenty four areas are affected not six the location of these areas have not even be made public and the population is being kept in the dark. his repeated attempts to raise the issue with his defense minister have led to nothing and the legacy of years of military dumping continues to be felt to this day with a local fisherman of cilla waiting on says from nato everything we have all. well. and. all that we.
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hope it will. but landis believes nato hasn't yet turned up to its responsibilities should be economic conversation for those affected europe need to and above all the united states must be held accountable the beautiful water of the adriatic coast line with stretches from the gulf of venice to the union sea are magnet for tourists and provide a livelihood for talent fisherman but working beneath the waves more than just. matthew stevens in the southeast of italy for. most of the heavy this hour breaking the law to help the underprivileged the growing gap between the u.s. and some to a new form of civil disobedience details in a few moments plus. children lawyers complain of social harassment and even
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imprisonment for charges to bring you all the details in just a few minutes. a story still to come first the russian nuclear agency denies that iran's bushehr reactor could be damaged by computer virus as far as western newspaper reports that the plant was subject to a sophisticated joint u.s. israeli cyber attack that a man from the moscow based institute of world economy and international relations told r.t. that such an attack is completely unrealistic. this is just the media western media report hype actually because. of course all the nuclear installations for all the world half of the so called to double systems which actually prevent any. harsh or serious nuclear disaster even if there is a computer warm being in the system so i don't think that there is a major threat to. build atomic power plant.
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having in mind these computer war western media believe that this is a joint effort taken by israeli american going to say this is. that this is a joint effort could be taken to undermine the iranian nuclear program and then to turn chief of a nuclear energy publication says although the potential threat should be started a chernobyl style scenario nowadays is in the realm of fiction. since your novel the safety oriya reactors have been improved significantly in more stuff safety system. by another one so i'm not so much concerned that such a scenario could be repeated usually they are quite well protected and just their cyber terrorist could not damage such a high tech facility but at the same time for sure this is a new type of threat which should be quite well studied by the experts corps
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sponsible for cyber security not on their nuclear power plants but at they are other high tech facilities. civil disobedience has for decades been used in the united states as a means of resistance will now instead of taking to the streets people caught in the center of america's financial crisis choosing a rather different tactic was artie's lauren lyster reports it's a more quiet protest that has gone quite literally underground. the only language that they understand going down in the us most are familiar with the age old protest tactic of civil disobedience we usually mark protests you're supposing what's established standing somewhere with signs would be civil disobedience but these days with rising inequality and low wages in the us being a pressing issue many researchers and activists are documented wages are falling
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cutting benefits for people taking away their pensions there is evidence of a different form of disobedience now taking place all over the country male high paid to the papers there are no statement making a right this is left to the researchers call it economic justice and you may not see it but it is going on underground. and poor neighborhoods in new york city some residents organized to raise a little money to buy subway cards offering unlimited rides they swipe as many people in as they can to give them a free ride here resisting ferrites were resisting their cost of living is going up in so many ways for all the one of the activists who organizes this form of disobedience most importantly it's in response to an economic system he sees as unfair and taxes are being cut for wealthy people and their bail outs for being someone. that never got married to the people in this neighborhood so we just think
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that's wrong an american sociologist found the subversion of the system going on all over the country but she found these acts among business managers in the middle class helping out their employees they really were about the fact that wages for some of these were managers who felt as though the people working for them during a jobs being responsible were still unable to take care of their families she found grocery store managers sending bags of food home with were. hers fast food managers padding paychecks with overtime wages she also found most of these managers believe breaking the rules is wrong but these people were saying that there are much bigger problems and ignoring the fact that people who are working very hard for you are unable to feed their children is in the minds of some people at least let us become a bigger wrong in their eyes it's a bigger wrong people are breaking the rules to make right whether it's in all
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these low income new york neighborhood to neighborhood people who don't really have much of a political voice or whether it's behind the closed office doors of the middle class breaking the rules because of the economic imbalance in the country and what seems in america to be the rising disobedience of modern day they're not going to bail us out this is what will do to ourselves lauren lyster r.t. new york. by the way you can always check out our website r t v dot com for all the news blogs feature stories and many more here's a quick look at what's on the line for you right now if you're looking for a possible way to get around you might want to check out the crawford long view more than a snow friendly sailing through. the freedom or charges to be pressed against. the use of spying and the russian woman is forced to wait months for a deportation hearing and find out why on l.t.
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. with her when you see in russia spiraling out of control there are increasing calls to legalize methadone treatment to help addicts beat their habit but doctors believe this substitution therapy simply replaces one addiction with another. talks to both sides. in russia more than two million people are addicted to legal drugs finding a way to combat this remains a critical challenge my started when i was very young i was interested in anything that altered my state of mind and i didn't have any principles i cheated lied install nothing was beneath me stanislav life since has been a battle against addiction but he now works to help others ava come there as his
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story is very similar to arena to prince guy is his drug addiction destroys her life is why she went to the u.n. calling for the implementation of an opiate substitution program at the name and that's illegal in russia you know about the harm reduction programs are now working and there is no replacement therapy program this is the reason i wrote my letter if you substitution replaces heroin with drugs such as meth the day effects last longer but they don't give the uses a high it's a place to enable you to lead a normal life without suffering withdrawals having gone through rehab and self stance of disagree substitution therapy is the way forward. active drug addiction is uncontrollable substitution is still an addiction we would create a time bomb russia's rehab centers focus on finding ways to control the addiction
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not simply replace it. the health ministry has come under increasing pressure to sanction a substitution therapy but they say that there's no scientific evidence to prove that it actually works. in reality messaging treatment is a dangerous payoff simply switching one addiction. toward bluegum this morning i had a new patient in a hospital he was addicted to heroin for a long time and then decided to quit drugs and switched to methadone maintenance to try and cure his drug addiction and so now we have him checked in as a methadone drug addict i mean his letter doesn't change russia's stance on substitution therapy but it does once again bring him to shout fake is the very real needs to find a seat tentative south there are. in india some charities are accused of being simply a front for con artists only open during the tourist season many so-called schools run by these organizations pocket the cash from well meaning foreigners the soon as
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they leave his car and sing investigates welcome to the school in border in eastern india the building in classrooms may look functional but classes are rarely held here. that's because it exists only to attract foreign tourists to donate money to the school trustees. so if you think we're running a business here you're quite right this is how i feed myself by the way there are other n.g.o.s here who take money and don't even have any facilities. it sounds like a pretty sure there's a good work being done here. and this is a bit of good work for the future start you can meet people you give money to. find them. with india estimated to have one third of the world's poor and many foreign tourists try to donate their time and money to a good cause when they visit. marie from france wanted to work with children and
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contacted you luckily for her it was genuine and her money helped make a difference we. made some donations and. this is. the money to make your son. who they want to chair but you can never be sure that the money you don't need is put to good use there are four million names you again here and this huge number is compounded by the highly on organized nature of the nonprofit sector there is no uniform accounting policy order porting framework. there are many n.g.o.s here that run schools and government manufacturing but they only run during the tourist season but when the season ends and their activities also wind down children start going to school and then in winter when the tourist season starts again these n.g.o.s drag the children from the surrounding villages back to the schools but some groups are working towards increasing and you accountability through annual reviews and accreditation
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oxfam is a leading international donor and works with two hundred fifty local partners across india it conducts regular order to ensure its programs are implemented professionally we need to push our partners really and see that you know unless you meet some minimum standards we will not fund you anymore because we are the only thing and you also have if you don't look at global surveys we have the public's trust. without i think many times on ing it they don't give it to us because they think we're doing good work we have it we need to not only men pain it we need to grow it and if we don't move fast enough then a few scandals in the sector could really hold bad very fast with ngo's in india raising over eight billion dollars in funding every year the stakes are very high the government has banned forty one in juice from receiving foreign funds in the past few years and recently revised a nine hundred seventy six law that overseas and euros but till we see
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a single set of accountability procedures this sector will continue to lack transparency and that could hurt those most in need god and seeing r t but there. now a brief look at other major headlines from around the world in our world of tunisia has a new unity government headed by the incumbent prime minister to ready the country for elections when the former president's top ministers retain their jobs and his fear remains tense the protestors are continuation of the revolution in a bid to force radical changes in government the prime minister also ordered the release of all political prisoners and announced total freedom for the media for a living conditions and rampant unemployment sparked protests which forced the president to twenty three years to flee. former dictator of haiti. also known as baby doc has returned to the country twenty six years after his overthrown due to crowds of supporters but didn't say why he chose to return what he would do
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if i inherited power from his father at nineteen presided over one of the darkest chapters in haitian history is accused of torturing and killing political opponents really in an atmosphere of fear and repression ensured by his secret police force. israel's defense minister and labor party head iraq says he's resigning to form his own political faction his new party which he says will be called independents will be based on centrist zionists and principles so we creasing the leftist views and lack of political cohesion was cited as reasons for the split critics however accuse barak of corruption and of being one of the main factors for the downfall of the once all powerful labor party. lawyers in georgia say they're no longer able to work unhindered due to pressure from the government some insist they face a stark choice to quit their job or find themselves behind bars simply because they refuse to cooperate with the prosecution. takes
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a look at how the country's legal system has turned against its servants. a lawyer in georgia isn't easy these days as mahmoud knows all too well he was a successful practicing lawyer but he ses fell foul of government pressure so he found himself locked up they wanted to imprison me and they did so i spent two years and seven months behind bars. ses he was asked to force his clients to plead guilty. when i didn't agree to cooperate they found a person detained for stealing a mobile phone and sent into my office to take me as a lawyer the prosecution then offered him a plea bargain either he is sentenced to prison or testifies against me in court saying that he paid me one hundred seventy dollars for legal consultation and i swindled him it's estimated that georgia currently has around two hundred lawyers either in prison or awaiting sentencing mostly on fraud charges government critics
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say the real reason they're locked up is because they refused to make deals with prosecutors are said people and those lawyers who did not do the will of the the network complete bargains and instead conduct real legal defense of the clients are considered enemies of the state. the state however does not agree in his end of year statement the supreme court chairman said that justice in georgia was becoming more trusted and deservedly so. forty two percent more civil cases were brought this last year compared to two thousand and nine this data points at a greater trust of the population in the judicial system and a very small number of cases were appealed to the highest judicial authority this last year. it's not enough for aca a lawyer who put up practice when she claims she grew fed up of the country's legal system attacking its own lawyers i was in the same circus room has prosecutors try to influence advocacy by arresting or discriminating against those who don't cooperate you see me as
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a simply told not to harm certain loose on the thread of habeas sentences i simply realized that my job became an ally. the result being that not only the lawyers lose their freedom georgians lose their chance of a trial lawyers in question say they just want to get on with doing their jobs but it's hard to defend your clients living in fear of being imprisoned yourself dumbarton are taking place. to bring it up to date and then i'll be back with a recap of our main stories in about five minutes from now in the meantime business news is next with sharana. welcome to our business program. the peace proposal share swap which was now fourth around eight billion dollars has been met with approval by russia's third largest oil company t.i.n.k. b.p. the partnership will see both exploit potentially massive oil and gas deposits in
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russia's arctic continental shelf but according to analysts if his proposed share swap with the us half is primarily beneficial for the russian oil giant giving it access to some of the latest technologies and improving corporate governance analysts say the assets walk alone is a very clever move by ross left and earlier i spoke with jacob knell chief economist for russia and c.i.s. at morgan stanley who explained who the main beneficiaries of the deal will be. each partner has to offer the other the opportunity to participate in a free in a free or a piece of business or involved in in russia. but i think. that's the real she problem is of b.p. and to carry b.p. will be happy to c.p.p. shoulder the expense and cost and risk of exploration and i think this issue will royce only if they make a significant discovery so do you see anything threatening the deal no i don't not with the support of mr putin mr search and i think that the deal will continue but
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down the rows there may be an attempt. to participate in the event of success. and let's have a look at the markets now the u.s. markets are closed for a public holiday european markets closed next shares of all giant b.p. climbed after it struck an exploration agreement with russia's rosneft e.p. share shot up two point four percent of the start but then retreated to stand a quarter percent higher in afternoon trading. and the russian stock market opened this week with its highest postings on the r.t.s. in my sex since the summer of two thousand and eight the main engine behind the upswing was shares in rosneft news of a share swap with b.p. both the r.t.s. and my stocks closed trading up on the day the r.t.s. closed up nearly one and two third's percent and the myself closed just over one and a half percent. and russian markets are continuing to perform well in the first weeks
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of two thousand and eleven monday saw as the biggest winner after the announced plans to swap shares with b.p. but a lot of mirrors argue have ski fall vietnam investment company said the talk of upcoming i.p.o.'s was also driving the markets. but the song was. for. like three hundred million dollars which is around seven percent off the market.
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