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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST

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he told the. polish prime minister calls for opposition to end the blame game or really investigate the whole presidential. race here. russia has continued to be in the middle east peace process president dmitri medvedev reiterate small scale is the vision of the music with the king of jordan as he wraps up his tour of the three. super bowls in seoul as the chinese president meets his u.s. counterpart rise you sweets in washington oh version towels growing influence in the global is very.
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very a warm oh well can see this is live from moscow i'm less at the polish prime minister has told his country's parliament that political games should not affect the quest for the truth in the investigation of the plane crash that killed the former president this comes as poland reacts to the report by the interstate commission into the causes all the tragedy will also use contadina as out of a joins us live now for more for moscow they can hear what we heard so far coming from warsaw. hours there's been a lot of reaction of course to the investigation into the presidential plane crash that happened in april last year just outside the russian city of smolensko a lot of outrage was initially heard from. poland but today's address by the polish
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prime minister actually comes as a voice of reason the polish prime minister of. mentioning to his colleagues that it is unwise to try and politicize this tragedy but the quest for truth shouldn't be marred with political mind games in sight and that opposition members should keep that in mind when they sin sation allies the investigation or propose some outrages as he called them conspiracy theories that instead of the working theories that were proposed by the interstate aviation committee and of course the. options and the causes for the plane crash that poland is also willing to considered on the list made it clear that politicizing this tragedy is not in poland's benefit. though is. the truth to be complete and we realized that it would be inconvenient
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for many there is a complex number for the crash it's convenient to blame the pilots that are in depression so it would be convenient to gain the russians but it would be the whole truth you'll deny zeeshan that seeks the truth must be influenced by that wanted to be convenient for them. or will the them to news doesn't have to despise. publishing the full transcript of the communication with the air traffic controllers doesn't or. indeed of course there was a lot of outrage in poland when the full report of the interstate aviation committee was published and that report of course included the entire transcript of the end the actual recording all that the entire conversation between the pilots of the polish presidential plane and the air traffic controllers in the airport just outside smolensk where the plane. rashed on it in april last year and of course in
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those recordings actually from those recordings it is evident that air traffic controllers did mourn the pilots against landing they did offer them to use a back up airport as was in their schedule they warn them about the light conditions not only that people on board monitoring system also warn the pilots took the whole lot but despite all that the plane still crashed let's have a listen to the recording of those last minutes. what are the weather conditions fog four hundred meters visibility temperature and pressure please temperatures plus two pressure seven forty five seven for fun if there's no opportunity for landing thank you but if it's possible try a landing approach weather permitting if not we will proceed to a second circle one of will and when you have enough fuel for a second circle after the landing approach yes we will making a landing approach is the captain's decision at the height of one hundred meters
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you have to make a decision minsk and vitebsk will be requested for a sidetrack have you ever made a landing at a military airfield of course polish one a one at one hundred meters be ready to proceed to a second circle yes sir flaps and wheels down i control horizon make a second circle make a second circle make a second circle where is it make the second circle one a one. no of course poland especially the opposition forces in poland specifically the brother of the deceased polish president. they attempted to blame russia for the tragedy saying that there were a lot of false in the investigation many in poland actually of the opinion that air traffic controllers should have outright forbidden the polish pilots to land at that airport and instead of forcing them to revert they used a backup airport instead however it has been said by many of the already figures
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both in russia and poland and within the international aviation committee that no air traffic controller has that authority that at the end of the day it is the pilot's decision and therefore the pilot's responsibility to make a choice about where that landing will take place and specifically of course with the pilot of a presidential plane and it does appear that those pilots made a decision a decision of course that ended in tragedy. to many things that was. well loved. joined by. the coleman from the podium at the. many thousands of being with us on the it seems to give out now prime minister . speaking to the polish parliament earlier he was very moderate and his tone wasn't too you seem to be between missing the responsibility of the poster son
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criticizing russia and then brushing off the opposition or the same time is he simply trying to please everyone do you think. well no there is not much room for debate in what regards the main aspects of the investigation it is obvious that the primary responsibility for the crash lies with the polish pilots who should not have landed. the finding of the intrastate commission the polish government certainly does not contest it the point is however have all the reasons that contribution it to the crash be elucidated and poland has been very critical of the report the interest of commission for instance for not publishing including its in its report in extenso transcript of conversations off air controllers with the plane the commission has now posted the transcript on its website as if post-fact recognizing the jews have addressed the issue sooner. there is
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a number of criticism that poland raises the fact that poles have not been given full access to all the relevant documentation the fact that at least once the air controllers have given misleading information of the plane telling the pilot he is on track when he was not this is not nitpicking this is not an attempt to divert responsibility to publish pilots have prime responsibility but an air crash all aspects need to be elucidated and it is to be deplored that the commission's report did not address all the aspects of the crash sufficiently now we've had a statement from an advisor to president model ski that it's hard for poles to accept the truth in an issue as sensitive as there is apparently meaning that the polish pilots guilt or will they eventually accept bestie think. well there isn't much of an alternative explanation is that polish public opinion
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is divided almost equally in three groups those who accept the responsibility of the polish pilots those who believe that russian air control was responsible and those who are not sure there is a small minority who still believes in the cover up and mysterious reasons but this is not an important segment people which public opinion obviously it is difficult to accept that the responsibility of the polish pilots more is the reason for the russian side have come completely clean on all aspects of the crash hopefully there will be room for more negotiations between the governments. to produce a full round array of all the relevant circumstances now speaking to the polish parliament earlier on wednesday a prime minister said that the tragedy shouldn't be used for political gain do you think that his words will top all sorts of wild accusations going around of
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course they cannot stop the wild accusations not only because it's a free country and everybody has the right to make all kinds of accusations but also because. tragedies of this sort on the void the bully produce their own set of conspiracy theories. that cessation of j.f.k. and the belief of some of the americans that the moon landing was staged or civilization is pruning to generate this kind of accusation is more relevantly the accusation that this has been a cover up and there is some kind of service to truth to the polish and russian governments are conspiring to conceal it's probably the only political in the militia and the opposition party can use in the forthcoming parliamentary elections and they will use it this is deplorable about this is politics as usual they do not seem to have convinced polish public opinion i believe is a very important factor. columnist for the polish newspaper gives yet the board
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many. tarquinius knowledge a swiss banker who claims to have hundred two wiki leaks data on tax evaders has appeared before a court in zurich would of elmo is accused of breaking the country's strict banking secrecy rules for british investigative journalist jane gosling believes this trial is their attempt to prevent further revelations about the scale of the bank's illegal dealings. the reason is to try to make sure that any bankers who are thinking of leaking information whether to investigative journalists or wiki leaks on the internet anywhere have a second thought and that's the whole point of this case i think this case is going to send shock waves across the swiss banking system because this chap rudolf has come up with some incredible information it looks like we have forty politicians and many other business people around the world who have literally been hiding
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large amounts of their assets in these swiss bank accounts i mean this is something that they've been getting away with for decades and he is really the first person you ever come in and leak this information out to the public so i think it would everyone in switzerland we were watching this very very closely because there is a i don't think is much much doubt here that there is massive tax evasion been going on and the swiss authorities have been too relaxed on it for far too long and now they're going to get their comeuppance. and on thursday the revelations are set to continue wiki leaks is the shed new light on u.s. russia relations will be the first to find out what these diplomatic cables are we'll be covering the story in full right here on r.t. now the russian president dmitri rivera is middle east tour has reached jordan where talks have been fueled by potential energy deals he also spent time in the palestinian autonomy where reiterated moscow's commitment to back
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a palestinian state capital in east jerusalem r.t. as you get that in a gradual there following the visit. of course jordan for russia is more than just a middle east partner in this region they have a very close very special relationship a visit is part of major proportions for the russian jordan economic summit which is due to take place in march these here and there the two leaders will see them talk how they're going to both straight konami ties their cooperation and added just fear today they also discussed plans for the construction of a nuclear power plant in jordan which several countries are beating to build and russia among those countries but of course all of that was on the sidelines of talks on the major on the top priority subject regional developments in the middle east and the israeli palestinian conflict. just with russia has been and will continue to be a coup in the middle east peace process we understand our responsibility and we
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continue to act in accordance with the decisions made by the international community. determined that it has a reserve rated one in palestine or russia's position on the conflict which actually hasn't changed since nine hundred eighty one then soviet union recognize palestine as an independent state today dmitry medvedev was looking for a month from the middle east peace process is obviously stalled at the three other members of the middle east quartet washington brussels and the united nations have so far been unable to persuade israel to make any form of concessions and russia is very keen to get engaged in talks with israel and palestine and palestinian president mahmoud abbas in an exclusive interview to set that russia had very good chances to become a key alternative peace negotiator. really recognize palestine in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight it was also recognized by ninety other countries what do we expect from russia now there are two things the
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first concerns the middle east quartet it's necessary to do everything possible to boost its activity so that it's similar to the role. say the european union we would like russia to convince the us because it's the only country that's against the final statement containing new conclusions it will help us to have a better substantiated discussion with israel while promoting the peace process russia could also insist on its position in stopping the settlement activity in its relationship with the u.s. and israel and on getting back to the negotiations table i think that russia is ready for that that's what president medvedev has reaffirmed during this visit. also the visit out the russian president to jordan coin sides will be orthodox church celebrations of it before any of this is one of the twelve major orthodox holy days and this side forty kilometers outside of amman the capital of jordan where we are now is the place where thousands of christians of watching every year because it is believed to be the site were joined by jesus christ this is the first
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stand to make from a very of is making a pilgrimage to this side as an orthodox christian is known to celebrate all those were your holidays and he was always very keen on visiting the holy orthodox christian sites across the world. you're with us and good to have you with us coming up in just a few minutes the holy i step in the russell. the first big book i have to go through what is really diminishing the delusion when the song clearly stated you're there exists so. i can tell you i'm feeling very exhilarated right now to. see how i feel is reports of the freezing water that's brought home really did along with the housings of russell's marking. now the chinese president hu jintao was in the u.s. for a four day state visit with discussions expected with broad economics trade and human rights some say the u.s.
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leader is under pressure to clarify whether the countries are pawn those labels foreign affairs columnist finances dell says u.s. officials will not sell my way from challenging sign of the time. i think barack obama has a lot to do to persuade the american public and the american congress that he is sticking up to china he was accused when he went to beijing in two thousand and nine and that was a bit unfair but he didn't get very much achieved and he's had his whole succession of administration officials in the past week for being trotting out a whole shopping list of demands or requests or the wish lists for chinese action in a whole range of areas as you mentioned you know on the economy on the security and on human rights and other issues which are which seem to matter more to obama than they do the president of the american press reports supporters official say that obama is going to be much tougher this time while waiting on a very diverse reception from as to who is behind the scenes of the much tougher
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pushing some of these issues particularly trade practices access to the chinese market and so on but whether he will get anything substantive out of it in the short i think questionable. but you can also have your say about what you think of us china relations and what might the future be on our website r.t. dot com here are the results of your online voting is so far. as the chart shows hall that's fifty percent of you picked the most pessimistic option a nuclear world war thirty percent think the u.s. will freeze its debts to china meanwhile twenty percent believe in a fragile alliance between the us and china while nobody thinks that china will ever own half of america's territory will be as have been the results so far if you think they're wrong why do you log on to our web site auntie dot com and have your say on the ashi.
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now media freedom in the european union is in decline that's the finding of an international organization defending the rights of journalists its annual review suggest that in some countries reporters are under pressure from their governments and are often forced to reveal their sources one such country in fear and fear cesky met some journalists in the baltic state. with professional persistence latvian t.v. reporter. interviews a local politician in twenty years as a journalist she has done hundreds but one of them got her in serious trouble an expose on a security breach in latvia state revenue body and it with police in her apartment was forced they opened the doors and went into my flat and then they showed that
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they had a security search they had a search warrant one say took my computer and information and i got they also acquired information all of the my information sources which by a law i am allowed to protect and that was the biggest problem for me as a journalist because i could not protect my information sources is a story shock to many in a country used to press scrutiny just a couple of years ago latvia boasted one of the highest freedom of press ratings in all of europe being placed seventh on the annual reporters without borders index but for one reason or another in twenty ten this country is down on the very same list this incident is far from an isolated case say experts this one received a lot of public attention but it is not the only one a skull of from the first bills cars school and economists was charged by the secret police and she was actually arrested for two days for disseminating
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alternative opinions of all to the future of the local currency. devaluation of lot was imminent we are losing the last. support the alternative information the liberal information. among the cross alters in this country lotta love is any other journalist who defines the insists freedom of the press is not being deliberately strangled he believes the reason is down to economics. newspapers when ben cropped up to the recession. others turned to their owners for money to survive so the. did singlehandedly shift look paper's editorial policy preference simply for the sake of a few dollars in their heads directly. there are other theories however some believe that a lot of your spearing down the freedom of the press ratings simply because the people behind the index are biased but not to believe that as long as nobody has
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been punished over the forceful search of her apartment concerns about pressure on the press may not be groundless. we all see reporting from brega in latvia. let's take a brief look now at some of the major headlines from around the world this hour and a suicide bomber driving an ambulance filled with explosives has crashed into a security headquarters in central iraq killing at least thirteen people moving sixty four others were wounded it happened in the ethnically mixed city of baquba north of the capital. it's the second suicide blast in the last two days on tuesday almost fifty people were killed after a bomber attacked a line of police recruits in the city of. haiti's former dictator is on the call the valliere has been brought before a court on charges of corruption and embezzlement the charges relate to his fifth. this until one hundred eighty six and doctors may take up to three months to decide
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if there's enough evidence for a trial. baby don't get the valley as used in the past the border into watches and killings of. the unexpected the risk to the country are plentiful here the next hour in from. all the wrong christians are celebrating the a penny a holiday which marks the baptism of jesus thousands of believers are plunging into frozen lakes and with temperatures themselves plunging to minus fifteen degrees celsius it takes courage to brave those icy waters as peter all over discover it. in the tradition of the author talks church here in russia the nineteenth of january is the date of the pit fanie know what that means to people who worship the orthodox church is that was the date that jesus was but now to celebrate that here they jump into the freezing cold rivers of russia now here in moscow where i am
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leave could a hole in the ice on the mosque of our river to make sure that bush who isn't people can jump into the river and celebrate dance feast day of the epiphany no it's not just a religious thing this is now become something of a health kick if you will for people that want to come into the water to believe that the the icy temperatures can have some health properties for you can make you feel better in yourself the way it works in the religious sense is that it will see you again it will cleanse you of your sins and it will set you up for the new year rule of the blessing over the ice pool by a priest who said it essentially into a filmed and simulation of the. chases christ because it's a place where i take my own turn getting in the world to see it's about minus fifteen here the air temperature in moscow plus four apparently the temperature of the world is so i guess it's going to be a little bit warmer there's nothing left to do now but we'll get him. to see how this course.
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was. writing. let's see how did that the first day pull that howard robertson what a way to mission that the russian winter sun could your if there exists a well i could tell you i'm feeling very exhilarated right now. the chairman. i think i'm going to take his word about being ok to go away we've got a business update now wish. hello welcome to our business program i'm sure. a recent deal between b.p. and rosneft could spark investor interest in other state assets under the agreement that you companies will carry out exploration in russia's arctic shelf artie's tom
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barton brings us the latest from rostov headquarters in moscow ross just bosses are very happy the deal that's being signed they say that essentially what's going to happen now is a whole new industry is going to be for the industry of offshore arctic drilling which didn't exist before in russia they also say that this is one of the first one billion dollars of this invested will be fielded by b.p. america happy about that b.p. peretz part is also happy because they feel that they've got the expertise on the technology to make that work and get it back later on it's called a global and arctics to teach it partnership what it really means is about exploration there's a lot of oil there it's estimated that is about a fifth of the world's oil reserves are under the arctic explorers here people from this deal from b.p. and most never reckon they might be able to start drilling in five to seven years other experts say that's a bit over confident it could be as many as twenty years before they can actually
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get drilling but the deal is very much of mutual benefit for both both sides rosneft needs the be for its expertise and specifically its advanced drilling technology and b.p. needs rosner after its goal for oil of mexico oil spill last april it needs to generate new revenue in the future. gazprom and the chinese national petroleum corporation have moved closer to agreeing on gas a liver is to china russia's gas giant said it was ready to begin constructing the altai pipeline in the middle of two thousand and eleven the line which will link western siberia with china is estimated to cost fourteen billion dollars but to side signed a memorandum in june two thousand and nine to cooperate in the natural gas sector. let's take a look at the markets european stocks fell on wednesday as losses for a c.m.l. holding weight on the technology sector in the wake of the firm's results in
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contrast shares of pearson stored six percent after the media group lifted its guidance of energy stocks while the rise in london with extra energy up one percent after a loss is seen in the prior session while b.p. rose point seven percent. and in russia the top the stocks closed mixed today though energy majors did help the indices. meanwhile ross nafta is gaining gained on both forces after striking a deal with b.p. on the arctic drilling the biggest gainer truck producer kamaz around twenty percent after signing an agreement with diane lower to set up a production live in touch her stock. is losing over eight percent. and that's all business news for this hour but you can always find more stories on our web site that's r t dot com slash business stay with us.
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culture is that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean it was it is never a real mystery and it's not the one hundred dollar question the rising price of oil the cost of petroleum has been increasing steadily over the past few weeks and months are. wealthy british style it's a time to visit suppliers.


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