tv [untitled] January 19, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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paulo's prime minister calls for opposition to end the blame game over the investigation of the polish president for. internet freedom is questioned in europe as the swiss banker is found guilty you can't break back in secrecy rules for your help if you need to expose massive tax evasion scheme some. issue we moved from his need to separate us within the culture and strength as a new unit dimitri medvedev reaffirms russia's commitment to the middle east peace process as he wraps up his tour of the region. and superpowers in talks as the trying he's president needs his u.s. counterpart inside the sweeps washington over hu jintao global influence on the
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global stage. you're watching r t coming to you live from central moscow two in the morning here walking through the program now the polish prime minister donald tusk has said that politics should not affect the search for truth and the investigation into the plane crash that killed the former president when he was speaking to his country's parliament which is evaluating the final official report published in moscow into the tragedy in which ninety six died when their polish government plane came down in russia last april artie's got there you know reports from moscow. there's been a lot of reaction of course to the investigation into the presidential plane crash that happened in april last year just outside the russian city of smile and
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a lot of outrage was initially heard from poland but today's address by the polish prime minister actually comes as the voice of reason the polish prime minister was mentioning to his colleagues that it is unwise to try and politicize this tragedy that the quest for truth should be more political mind games in sight and that opposition members should keep that in mind when they sensationalize the investigation because he made it clear that politicizing this tragedy is not influenced and if that's. the truth to be complete and we realized that it would be inconvenient for many there is a complex number of causes for the crash it's convenient to blame the pilots that burn depression but others it will be convenient to blame the russians but it be the whole truth the organization that seeks the truth must be influenced by forces in poland that wanted to be convenient for them there are more and more people
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specifically within poland's political elite that do believe that politicizing this tragedy should be put aside and that the truth and no matter how bitter will be very hard to accept for the polish side what needs to be in order for both sides to move on. to handle the difficult truth and this is a difficult truth because. things in this report which help us to shift some responsibility away from the situation in our state a nation committee will publish the entire transcript all that the entire conversation between the pilots of the polish presidential plane and the air traffic controllers on those recordings it is evident air traffic controllers did. morning pilots again for landing they did offer them to use a back up airport as was in their schedule they warn them about the life and missions let's have a listen to the recording what are the weather conditions four hundred meters
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visibility temperature and pressure please temperatures plus two pressure seven forty five seven for fun if there's no opportunity for landing thank you but if it's possible for a landing approach weather permitting if not we will proceed to the second circle one a one when you have enough fuel for a second circle after the landing approach yes we will making a landing approach is the captain's decision at the height of one hundred meters you have to make a decision minsk and vitebsk will be requested for a sidetrack have you ever made a landing at a military airfield course polish one a one at one hundred meters be ready to proceed to a second circle yes sir flaps and wheels down i control horizon make a second circle make a second circle make a second circle where is it make the second circle what i would call emergency crews it has been said by many of the already up figures both in russia and poland and within the international aviation committee that no air traffic controller has
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that authority that at the end of the day it is the pilot's decision and therefore the pilot's responsibility to make a choice about where the landing will take place and specifically of course with the pilot of a presidential plane and it does appear that those pilots made a decision a decision of course that ended in tragedy. gibbered a columnist from polish newspaper gazeta of the bushes says that although public opinion in poland is divided over what caused the disaster it is beyond doubt that polish pilots are the ones to blame. there is not much room for debate in what regards the main aspects of the investigation it is obvious that the primary responsibility for the crash lies with the polish pilots who should not have landed or the finding of the intrastate commission the polish government certainly does not contest that polish public opinion is divided almost equally in three groups those who accept the responsibility of the polish pilots those who believe that
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russian air control is responsible and those who are not sure there is a small minority who still believes in the cover up and mysterious reasons but this is not an important segment the polish public opinion obviously it is difficult to accept that the responsibility of the polish pilots hopefully will be room for more negotiations between the governments. to produce a full round array of all the relevant circumstances. now this was a banker has been found guilty of coercion and breaching a bank secrecy after he handed details of secret bank accounts held by politicians over to the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks rudolf elmer was sentenced to a fine of over seven thousand dollars but isn't vested in journalist tony gosling believes the swiss authorities want to deter future whistleblowers from uncovering the truth. the reason is to try to make sure that any bankers who are thinking of
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leaking information whether to investigative journalists or wiki leaks on the internet anywhere have a second thought and that's the whole point of this case i think this case is going to send shock waves across the swiss banking system because this chap rudolf has come up with some incredible information it looks like we have forty politicians and many other business people around the world who have literally been hiding large amounts of their assets in these swiss bank accounts i mean this is something that they've been getting away with for decades and he is really the first person to ever come in. and leak this information out to the public i don't think there's much doubt here that there's massive tax evasion been going on and the swiss authorities have been too relaxed on it for far too long and now they're going to get their comeuppance. leaks revolutions are set to continue the website is plotting shortly to review diplomatic cables covering u.s.
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russia relations will be the first to find out what's in there or will be covering this story in for here on r.t. . and also coming up in a few minutes restrained reporting in europe find out more on the school of journalism in the e.u. member state of labia press freedom rating has dropped in world ranking. the chinese president hu jintao is in the u.s. for a four day state visit a currency wars and trade are in the spotlight as well as human rights and most believe the talks will help clarify whether the countries are partners or rivals economists of the new school university in new york says the chinese economy is booming while the us is on the wane. there is every indication both in the american and the chinese consciousness that china is on the rise that the united states is struggling unsuccessfully to keep up its portion of the world economic engine that it's been we're in the danger of falling below twenty percent of world g.d.p.
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a place we haven't been since before world war two actually and the chinese are very much galloping ahead in terms of their portion of world g.d.p. their importance their relevance in africa their relevance in south america the united states has borrowed so much money from china and many different vestiges and forms that the united states and china are in a mutually dependent relationship they need to make sure we can pay them back and that we keep borrowing to keep buying and we need to make sure they keep lending and keep favorable to us because we really rely on china both as an import and export market and as a creditor and you see leaders working to domestic constituencies uncomfortable with that mutual dependency but they know they have to nurture it and sort of drown out voices that are hostile or suggest all kinds of non-viable and dangerous breakdowns in bilateral relations the epicenter of global economic power has been a shift towards china says economists are anderson from the institute for policy studies in washington at the g twenty the u.s.
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absolutely does not call the shots at the global stage anymore china has often prevailed in their. twenty level and so it's fascinating to see these shifting dynamics china also rebounded from the crisis much more quickly than the us has largely because of their very aggressive industrial policy the size of their stimulus was much larger than the u.s. in terms of percentage of g.d.p. and they put it a lot into infrastructure that will have long term benefits for that economy so china's clearly on the rise obama today in a speech said he thought that was a positive thing for the world but it's it's certainly shaking things up here in washington. well you can also have your say about what you think the future of us trying to relations might be on our website r.t. dot com and here's what you're telling us so far tonight online all as the chart shows the results are constantly changing every hour or we can see now that forty
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two percent now say china will come to own half of america twenty six percent of you predicted alternatively a fragile alliance between the two countries and there is a slight increase up to nineteen percent of those giving the most pessimistic answer a nuclear world war and only thirteen percent think the u.s. will freeze its debts to china it will these have been the results so far so you can log on to our website r t v dot com and have your say. the russian president has returned from his short little east tour where oil gas and politics dominated talks and during the visit dmitri medvedev voiced his support of an independent palestinian state with a capital in east jerusalem he also signed an agreement for russian exploration of
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oil and gas deposits in jordan ortiz you've got to go over has been following the visit for us. of course jordan for russia is more than just a mid-list partner in this region they have a very close very special relationship of these surveys it is part of major proportions for the russian jordan economic summit which is due to take place in march this year and the two leaders will see them talk how they go into both straight konami ties their cooperation and added just here today they also discussed plans for the construction of a nuclear power plant in jordan which several countries are beating to build and russia among those countries but of course all that was on the sidelines of talks on the major on the top priority subject regional developments in the middle east and the israeli palestinian conflict. there's no need to separate us within the culture its strength is in a unity only in this way can we try to find
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a compromise which will satisfy both sides palestinians as well as israelis dmitry medvedev has a recent rated one in palestine russia's position on the conflict which actually hasn't changed since nine hundred eighty one then soviet union recognize palestine as an independent state today dmitry medvedev was looking for a month from the middle east peace process is obviously stalled at the three other members of the middle east quartet washington brussels and the united nations have so far been unable to persuade israel to make any form of concessions and russia is very keen to get engaged in talks with israel and palestine and palestinian president mahmoud abbas in an exclusive interview to set that russia had very good chances to become a key alternatif peace negotiator. really recognize palestine in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight it was also recognized by ninety other countries what do we expect from russia now there are two things the
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first concerns the middle east quartet it's necessary to do everything possible to boost its activity so that it's similar to the role of the european union we would like russia to convince the u. . because it's the only country that's against the final statement containing new conclusions it will help us to have a better substantiated discussion with israel while promoting the peace process russia could also insist on its position in stopping the settlement activity in its relationship with the u.s. and israel and on getting back to the negotiations table i think that russia is ready for that that's what president medvedev has reaffirmed during this visit. also the visit of the russian president to jordan coin sides will be orthodox church celebrations of it before any of this is one of the twelve major orthodox holy days and this side forty kilometers outside of amman the capital of jordan where we are now is the place where thousands of christians applauding every year because it is believed to be the site were joined by jesus christ this is the first
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stand to make from a very of is making a pilgrimage to this side as an orthodox christian is known to celebrate all those were huge and holy days and he was always very keen on visiting the holy orthodox christian sites across the world. now media freedom is on its way out in the baltic states of the european union well that's according to the international press watchdog reporters without borders its annual review shows that in the baltic countries journalists face pressure from their governments that are even sometimes forced to reveal their sources well obvious press freedom ranking has dropped significantly from where alexei ownership school reports. with professional persistence latvian t.v. reporter. interviews a local politician in twenty years as a journalist she has done hundreds but one of them got her in serious trouble an expose on a security breach in latvia state revenue body and it with police in her apartment
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was forcing open the doors and went into my flat and then they showed that they had a security search they have a search warrant once a took my computer and information and i got it also acquired information know all of them my information sources which by a law i am allowed to protect and that was the biggest problem for me as a journalist because i could not protect my information sources use a story shocked many in large we're a country used to press scrutiny just a couple of years ago latvia boasted one of the highest freedom of press ratings in all of europe being placed seventh on the annual reporters without borders index but for one reason or another in twenty this country is down on the very same list this incident is far from an isolated case say experts this one received a lot of public attention but it is not the only one from the. current school an economist was charged by the secret police and she was actually arrested for two
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days for disseminating alternative opinions of the future of the local currency. devaluation of launch was imminent we are losing the last. support the alternative . information liberal information. among the trust saltless in this country lotta love other journalist who defined the insist freedom of the press is not being deliberately strangled he believes the reason is down to economics. newspapers then crafter to the recession. others turn to their owners for money to survive so the owners started singlehandedly shifting the paper's editorial policies to their own preference simply for the sake of hurting a healthy dollar in their has directly heat press freedom. there are other theories however some believe that latvia is spearing down the freedom of the press writings simply because the people behind the index are biased but not low believes that as
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long as nobody has been punished over the forceful search of her apartment concerns about pressure on the press may not be groundless. reporting from brega in latvia. well now let's take a look at some other headlines from around the world third day know of suicide attacks in iraq a bomber has driven an ambulance packed with explosives into a police headquarters killing at least fourteen people more than sixty seven were wounded as the blast flattened part of the building and because a city just north of baghdad the attacks come a month after the formation of a new coalition government following months of political paralysis in the wake of inconclusive elections last spring well it's yet to appoint ministers of security or national defense. haiti's a former dictator's on call devalue has been brought before court on charges of corruption and basil meant the charges related to his fifteen years in office until
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my nine hundred eighty six and judges may take up to three months to decide if there is enough evidence for a trial given as baby doc duvalier he has also been accused in the past of ordering torture and killing of political enemies unexpectedly returned to the country this week after twenty four years in exile in friends. the un security council has voted unanimously to send another two thousand peacekeeping troops to the ivory coast to boost a contingent of ten thousand already there secretary-general ban ki moon side to be hostile environment in ivory coast as peacekeepers face threats from forces loyal to. refuses to step down from the presidency international observers agree that his rival are less while in the election the security council will also send military equipment from neighboring liberia to aid the peacekeepers. and next start talks to
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one of america's leading civil rights activist the reverend jesse jackson explains why this country is on the verge of moral and spiritual bankruptcy and what needs to be done. my first question to you is about supergirl wall street projects economic summit what is the main goal of this gathering what are you looking to do and who do you
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hope this message will reach the quest for economic justice and racial justice. are the days promises. the banks who when tool prices because. the cost of greed because of marco oversight so the bill out there is all this home foreclosures on the rise result is to the loan that is not where the credit card debt and so was she being accountable is a big deal it's been over two years now that the economic crisis really reached its peak really seems that no one was quite held accountable in this time do you think it's something that's still likely to happen will not like that because it seems as if we made the decision to bail out the makes now washing capital they were said to be too big to fail and so while they have been protected by too big to fail and they. community may have been put out of business we had
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a help bill. and without the public options not after it and that made american have without health insurance and the fees of insurance companies continue to rise economic polarization between the very wealthy and the sick and most class and the poor continues to grow there must be some restructuring of our economy if that gap continues to grow and we know that the official unemployment numbers have been at over nine point five percent for over a year numbers you cite is forty nine percent of americans living in poverty while we continue to hear that the country has recovered because of the zone so poverty have not been addressed in the direct way whether it is in the mountains of apple a show a rural alabama or in america we have some notion that if you bail out the top to lift all boats. some people cannot even get in the boat to bail out plus there's a disconnect between the yucks been allowed on the top and the bush took the bottom
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in the first place so you can buy. and you'll advise war in iraq and afghanistan a war of choice without justification but would fill in all the expenditure and these differential deals with the banks and insurance companies then them on the social uplift and to sustain employment is being denied the king said when you keep going out of the country and unless there was police in the world and subset of the wealthiest without money for social if you approach your moral and spiritual bank ropes and that's where we are today and i think about for that i'm going without health insurance are going to admit it and won't tell us the rate is high and life expect this to show up to all the crippling diseases people just don't have the money for them in the white house or in poverty when the homeless shelter about a month ago and everybody in the had a job. or could. before the paid rent for the one million and. food
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stamps that number is growing there must be some direct intervention to address zones of need if we talk a little bit more about money if we consider the billions of dollars that the united states pumps into its wars. doesn't that mean that there is this money to be pumped into whatever the u.s. government deems necessary and why is it that this money is not being pumped into common americans who need it the wrong way is the great hype about the sense of security that we will lead by president george bush into iraq you know chasing. the wrong target with a war of choice we cannot recall the money spent we cannot recall the live last night even get an apology at the make and. the mistake that limited the war in into afghanistan and while we have this expanded. budget go on for iraq afghanistan that the pakistan given these huge tax cuts to the wealthiest americans
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we're still bleeding williams over homes and foreclosures millions of able to those who cannot afford a student loan to graduate that's guaranteed bit. about a guaranteed job i want to ask you about african-american unemployment in the united states which is over over fifteen percent right now what do you make of this is a protracted patterns of race discrimination in employment we remain number one in from one talent the number one in a shorter life expectancy a more than high unemployment number one. in home foreclosures and number one in populating the prisms of our country. half the nation's prisoners and across the south you look at the relationship it is taking away the franchise let me say this alabama twenty six percent black prison. in the five percent bloody.
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mississippi in the thirty percent like prison seventy six percent like you take them in the blacks and put them in prison you take with all them and take with their vote you little access to a job a little bit credit score so it's a kind of and civil rights swing and the pop of one of justice as much to an active in the process to us of this rather blatant padam of racial injustice what about the president because many people are beginning to say that considering this is the first african-american president in the united states he should be putting in place more targeted policies towards african-americans to help out with this situation do you do you agree with that was to target those zones of need if you have. left is simply a you know if you will address the right hand good rest of the foot and the left foot being addressed not meaningful the zones of pain in the in the black and latino white and you lay off teachers and trash workers with
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a lot of people then of these ghettos and barrios there must be some focus on job training. on access to jobs and transformation and it must be some talk that focus only on education how much time do you think it will take for the united states to fully recover from the economic crisis a difficult because we keep digging the hole that i mean more expenditure of those in the record now brianna stand for the military budget is that is a step in there on the record and giving deference to the wealthiest americans thinking they were reinvest but they will not leave bill out the banks but they have not mending them not reinvesting them not creating manufacturing so i don't know how long it will take but i do know that we all have a shared interest in in a new. paradigm for balanced economic growth.
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