tv [untitled] January 19, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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the mill stone which no country holds. the build. the remembering the groom to be the return of the old rubens original. seven thirty in the morning here in moscow in the headlines here on our t.v. polish prime minister donald scorches his parliament and off to politicize a plane crash investigation that killed the country's president and ninety five others in russia last april and a continuing row after the official accident report in moscow the pilot's. internet freedom is questioned in europe as a swiss banker is found guilty of breaking a banking secrecy rules after he helped expose massive tax evasion schemes.
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american president barack obama pushes china to increase the value of its currency as president hu jintao goes on a four day visit to the united states the chinese leader agreed to continue dialogue and human rights but on the basis of mutual respect and not interference in internal affairs. those were the headlines a second part of the show is on the way. well it's time for tonight's tool time war new york congressman peter king is opening up about his planned hearings next month on radical islam in america now we've told you several times about representative king's crazy rantings over the last couple months he's previously stated that the muslim community in the u.s. isn't helpful and investigations choosing to simply ignore the fact that muslims
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turned in an f.b.i. agent who infiltrated their mosque because he was preaching radicalization ignoring countless other members of the muslim community who have worked with law enforcement now unfortunately king is using his position on the homeland security committee as a p.r. stunt to express his paranoia and king told politico that he's not going to be calling on some of the harshest critics of the muslim community to testify because that could open up those hearings for criticism and then in the exact same interview he said that he's going to bring in two people that are most certainly not friends of the islamic faith dutch critic of islam john hirsi ali and anxiety jasser president and founder of arizona based american islamic forum for democracy now johnson has been a harsh critic of most american muslim groups calling them islamist hersey ali is a somali dutch immigrant who in the past has said that islam is a cult that there is no moderate islam and that we are at war with islam now out
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that certainly doesn't sound like statements of two very fair minded people to me which isn't shocking in the least considering that peter king is about far as far from fair minded when it comes to islam as possible and what's really sad as a congressman peter king is wasting taxpayer money and time with these sham hearings now we should point out that before the september eleventh attacks came from new york had a great. relationship with the muslim community in his district after the attacks he went on t.v. urging all americans not to target muslims around the country because they had nothing to do with those attacks and i wonder where that peter king went and recent years he's embarked on a mission to paint all members of islam in an awful light and that's why republican congressman peter king of new york is tonight's trial time winner. but with the war on islam still alive and well here in the u.s. it seems to be a different story over in britain according to
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a report by faith matters the u.k. seeing a surge in brits converting to islam in the last year around fifty two hundred people in britain converted to islam as many as one hundred thousand have converted in the last decade now well that's not a huge number if you consider the u.k.'s total population which is around sixty one million it's generally notable of those converting about sixty two percent were women and the average age is over twenty seven years old and the vast majority of women who converted also change their appearance with a significant majority adopting the head job or head scarf now we've done stories here on the show how some european countries of voted to ban the job in public to ban minarets but that's not the case in the u.k. now the obvious question really is what is behind this high rate of conversion some followers told britain's the telegraph if they felt lost in their own lives but they were lacking and purpose before conversion and most brits of reported that since their conversion they've been living with ease in the u.k.
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they've only pays to mental problems from their families about their new choice of religion so what's going on what is compelling so many young white women to convert to islam in droves we're going to delve further into this topic on another program . now if you receive welfare food stamps medicaid should you be subject to random drug tests that's what kentucky state representative lonnie knapp here is proposing in a new bill he claims. it will not only get people off drugs but also save the state millions and millions of dollars question of course is is he right on joining me to discuss that as attorney david evans executive director of drug free schools coalition and jacob sullum senior editor of reason magazine and reason dot com gentlemen thank you both for joining me now david i want to start with you because as far as i know you support this type of legislation and this proposition why should people who are receiving welfare or you know on medicaid be drug tested it
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randomly. well first of all when we want. more. grown use we begin using you know our military air war and we did substantial. we used well i mean now schools so it's only march and we would. use now jacob what do you think about that if they do drug tests in the military if they drug test you before you have to get a job why not drug test you before you collect welfare from taxpayer money. well it seems like a arbitrary requirement to me most americans including the last eight presidents that used illegal drugs if they're looking at the warrant out there will work too so this is actually the norm not the exception i'm not sure why this legislator wants to focus on this particular violation of law as opposed to every other
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possible crime that many of which are far worse is false on factor for welfare benefits or other government benefits doesn't seem logical to me if the aim is to help people by improving their lifestyles there is first of all no evidence that simply smoking pot occasionally for example is going to harm somebody. in any serious way beyond the trouble that might get into a government or or you know all the trouble that might get into it losing the welfare benefits of it secondly why not. and reject that people were not rejects smokers were not reject drinkers people who have other lifestyle variables that are not good for them and never do improve their lives and reduce spending on health care why not reject all of these people for government benefits because we don't approve of their lifestyles. well david what do you say why people on drugs fly not those that are that are overweight or smokers and what not. well i think because being overweight doesn't necessarily if you're realty to function at work. you know
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we see a clear correlation now by the way i view things are valuable thing also i don't think anybody that's getting money from public assistance which is a privilege it's not right should be using it to intoxicate. and i certainly would support him using their families and. going out and having a couple of years on my tab. i would not approve of that but there is a clear correlation used and people's inability to work i mean there's nineteen any studies showing that substance users are a problem and they have a higher turnover rate so if we're trying to restore people back into the workplace which is really the goal well it's not to keep people and we want people to become independent and certainly. supporting and use it intoxicants is not helpful as far as marijuana goes the judgment of reason is way behind the science on the dangers
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of marijuana we have a clear correlation now between marijuana use and the onset of psychosis in many many studies and shown at. you know workplace problems perceptual problems learning problems inability to retain memory all the things that make somebody productive work or certainly if i was teaching my kids on how to function in the workplace i would be advising them smoke and i don't think anybody would. now david since you mentioned you know these people are getting welfare it's a privilege to them and it's on your tab i do want to bring up the fact that you know the reason they're bringing this up right now in kentucky is they're saying that this could save the state millions of dollars if you find the people that are doing drugs and don't you know perhaps deserve to receive this welfare you know the way that you're looking at it and the state's going to save money but is that necessarily true i mean they've tried this before in michigan you know how how much does it cost to drug test everybody if the results are actually the minimum could
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you be spending more money just testing everyone. well first of all no result in michigan we're not in you know i think if i don't think. we're on our growth and that's why you know when you're paying people it's money. so. bring substantial results. and when you swear it's big news. or where i say where else has this been you that i mean i just want to know where else has this war into it a good way where the state got more money jacob you know you were where you cannot carry and why it's an american if you're going into you know you and you're going to catch people and punish and that's the wrong attitude you attitude is our drug use your treatment you get them walk drugs and you resort to them into the workplace that's the idea that you can be. a common won't that and also the previous owner. david. jacob go ahead here. the
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assumption is that every drug user is an unsuitable employee and by that logic our last three presidents one qualified their jobs i don't think you can equate use well as a measure i don't follow but it was it. is necessarily a bad employee somebody who comes to work drunk yes might. somebody who comes to work stoned might be a bad employee but if he likes a drink likes to drink on the weekend or smoke a little marijuana on the weekend there's no reason to think that as a result of that he's going to be a bad employee so. it's not something that they should. work if they don't have work but there's no reason to think aside from the drug test requirement so that using drugs in a casual controlled way is going to disqualify you from productive work as long as people are willing to let you work there's nothing about that kind of habit is going to correct you can do a good job i don't i have to wrap it up and time we have sorry about the it's hard
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to hear you both when you speak on. the sky but you know this definitely is a debate that's being brought out of course a lot of people are questioning whether during a recession when so many more american families are living off of food stamps are living on welfare whether it's the right time to do it thank you both. now still to come tonight first we learned that only millionaires will be able to invest in facebook via goldman sachs now we're learning the only millionaires outside the u.s. are going to be able to invest yet another slap in the face for americans courtesy of goldman and should women be able to fight in combat or are they already doing that we're going to debate the relevance of the ban on women in combat after the plea.
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the. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. well talk about a slap in the face to american investors apparently because of all the media coverage goldman sachs says the u.s. clients will no longer be able to buy private shares of facebook that's right an american company and as many of you addicted to checking your status in your news feed isn't going to let you buy shares during a private offering expected to bring in one point five billion dollars a couple of weeks ago goldman said that only high end investors would get in on a chance to own stock in facebook you had to pony up ten million now goldman says the transaction has received heavy media attention in recent days some of which
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like ourselves questioned why only millionaires were allowed to buy in but now comes yet another blow to normal americans now they decide to proceed with only investors from outside the u.s. current u.s. securities laws bar public promotion of private offerings and the facebook deal is already reportedly attracted the attention of the f.c.c. so basically to cover their ass goldman is now going to limit the offering to non-u.s. offshore investors to skirt around the law and goldman says that this was their decision not facebook's on the wall street journal has reported that about seven billion dollars in orders for facebook shares have already poured in with the chinese demand especially strong so will this deal to limit u.s. investors actually hurt mark zuckerberg social networking site that has nearly six hundred million members worldwide i guess only time will tell but all of to say is that this is certainly not how goldman planned for the deal to turn out in fact it's quite the embarrassment for that and many are now wondering if goldman's
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relationship with facebook might suffer if it could lead facebook to find a new company to help sell shares on the social networking site begin selling them to the public in two thousand and twelve so poor goldman sachs another screw up by wall street but haven't we the american taxpayers seen this script before i just love i think my favorite part is that they tried to be blame the media for this entire mess that they created a good one it guys. now are people in japan a bit too uptight these days a new study may reveal why according to a.f.p. there have been studies to monitor japanese sex drive and the findings are really kind of shocking that september two thousand and ten thirty six percent of teenage boys admitted that they had little to no interest in sex and get this some of them even said they despised it now when the same study was conducted back in two thousand and eight only seventeen percent of boys said they were uninterested in sexual activities are you already scratching your heads would just wait there is so
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much more to this story the two thousand and ten survey reported that eighty three percent of japanese men who have turned twenty over the past year aren't dating anymore forty nine percent say they've never had a girlfriend oh and if you're wondering it seems like the ladies aren't fairing too well themselves either the study shows that fifty nine percent of twenty year old girls feel the same way as the guys and you guessed it the percentages also up from the two thousand and eight study ok so to me this study is really shocking but according to the japanese family planning association it all comes down to culture the association labels these males as or verse which sounds like another word for vegetarian but apparently the real definition is passive men who do not actively seek women and sex apparently many men associate sex with having children or a family and by modern japanese standards is considered a burden to young adults have been raised on the concept that you should establish your own life and career first and all the fun stuff comes later personally i think
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calling this a cultural difference is an understatement here in the us i think you'd be hard pressed to find a guy in their late teens early twenty's who is not interested in sex and females and by interested i mean think about it twenty four hours a day or maybe it's the fact that japan has android's other technologies to fill in for a female's role but c'mon guys you should really take more time to appreciate the opposite sex in the real world because sex is not that bad i promise. now should women be allowed to serve in combat units last friday the military leadership diversity commission panel overtired and current military officer yes they recommended the policy which prohibits females from being assigned to combat units to be eliminated to quote create a level playing field for all qualified service members now one of the key points of the report said that keeping women out of combat posts is a barrier to promotion and promotion of many senior positions is dependent on that experience but women make up approximately fourteen percent of the armed services
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more than two hundred fifty five thousand have served in iraq and afghanistan and if approved by the defense department this could be the second largest change in policy following the repeal of don't ask don't tell in just a few weeks ago but there are of course of potence of this plan many questioning whether women have the necessary strength and stamina needed for combat over the way that today's wars are fought don't many women already find themselves in the line of fire or disgusted with me as genevieve chase founder and executive director of american women veterans and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger black dot net i thank you both for joining me jim i want to start with you because i know that you are opposed to women being in combat units please tell us why you know i'll go ahead and stipulate to the strength and the stamina and that there are some women who have those characteristics could pull their weight and want to do it but let's agree that's probably a pretty small number we're not talking about a ton of people who actually even want to do that my problem is in the internal
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dynamic of the unit when you take the point you send the spear and this this report actually recommended putting women on special forces teams and with navy seal units if you put a gay guy since we just went through. right if you put a gay guy on a special forces team it's going to be about five minutes you know that's great next slide there's no opportunity for interaction there's no issues there who cares if you put a woman if we put genevieve on. with me to live with my friends we are instantly going to start backstabbing each other to gain favor with her now you're assuming that every other guy there is also going to be straight and some of them i think all over the gays are what having been on the team i can stipulate that that's pretty much what we did and any time we were around when there was a formal competition or right the idea of introducing the dynamic into a situation where it is life and death and now you've got people who instead of that or thinking about are thinking about the what on their journey that silly you are you are
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a veteran here did you experience men treat you like do you think that's even fair that just because they can't keep it in their pants you should be allowed to serve in a combat unit there are so many places i could start here i think first of all it's really important to sort of isolate the debate and to various different levels. at the forefront of this debate is whether or not women should serve in combat not necessarily combat arms or combat units but that of course is the where the debate has been going that's what everybody wants to talk about so are women in combat yet are we serving honorably are we absolutely are we being attached or assigned to units they're getting around this with using sort of semantics the words attach an assigned absolutely so we're getting attached to these units versus assigned and we're missing out on critical training critical critical weapons training movement maneuvering some of the things that these units go through that we get attached to get we don't receive the same type of training we're not even allowed to go to some of the training so you know i think the most important thing to two that we need to
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discuss at this point is whether a panel or whether pundits or whether people back here talking about the issue should talk about what should happen downrange commanders downrange should decide who goes out with them and everybody should be trained and we get into the physical debate we get into the the men versus women you know in a modern society like ours we all go to school. equally we all serve in and learn and interact in civil society equally so then we get into this military environment we take the men and we heard them off into this special training area and then we start programming them to think differently about women and to perceive women differently and i i agree that it does heighten some of the interaction that goes on but you know if the debate is boys want to club of their own the must talk about that but let's i mean we're talking about whether or not women should be allowed to serve and continue to serve as they have been and also
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to receive the training in the recognition for the service that they've already been for jim if women are essentially being killed today in combat right if they're riding in these armored humvees having ideas blow up being shot at and they're just technically not assigned to these units then what's the big deal i mean don't they deserve to have the same training the same opportunities when it comes to moving up in their rank yes and no i would say genevieve. that women have served in what i call combat i would not even argue with that for a second they have been not been assigned a combat unit and that's different and it's a more significant difference than you guys are intimate or the idea of having someone attached for a mission where you start from a goal of mission conduct the mission go back to the follow up and you have relatively simple living conditions or it is a completely different situation from our a team we're going to be out for two months alone and without any you know i'm going to have very much faith you know and then we need to talk about what's already happening and i think the military
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needs to cough up to own that what is actually happening there are grieving there are women staying outside the wire overnight there are women out there serving this capacities with units for extended periods of time but you know there's a group of just one on a recent deployment and they were not able to take somebody who was more than qualified in every aspect on their deployment because of. gender and i think that's a it's a severe disservice that commander decided you know what this is the person this particular female had all of these qualifications here's the background that we need is a subject matter expertise that we need the only difference is her first name is a female name and gender is like reading you're seeing where they're going to ask don't tell to people who are that discharge even though we need linguists we need specialists we need more people signing up they're actually you know you talk about men being more physically fit there are a bunch of guys that are too fat to fight which is a serious problem or a village area space and all of us would let's let's look at one thing ok.
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let's let's look at one thing if you look at the combat unit when they're outside of the war they don't have time to think about anything but life and death and their mission all right there is a natural urge to protect women the vast majority of men in combat units that's not trained that's hardwired in men have to things stay alive and procreate those are only two functions if you're thinking about those things because there's a woman there when you're outside in the potential and all differentiate between being in a combat theater and being in a combat situation or those are different things and there are different needs to be done and i think it's to add that into there when it's not needed now if it's a matter of promotion i will say i will stipulate that women who serve in a combat theater should get the same consideration as men who serve and. you know you guys i mean if you have any final parting but honestly i was in a situation that was actually a combat situation and i will tell you that the men that i served with were not worried about where i was or what i was doing everybody did exactly what they were
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trained to do and perform the mission professionally like it working with professionals that i only work so much for joining me now before we go tonight it's time for our tweeted today connecticut senator joe lieberman announced that he will not be seeking a fifth term next year and his good friend senator john mccain said that he hopes obama is going to choose lieberman as the next defense secretary robert gates retires so tonight we think obama should tweet to mccain and say sorry. john losers don't get to pick cabinet positions not to mention that i personally think lieberman would an ab be an absolutely horrible horrible defense secretary that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and making a comeback tomorrow we're going to have an all star panel on the ellen show discussed obama's skin here mark lawrence wilkerson anthony rand as well and jay for will be here in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com plus they want to show very close the interviews as well as the show in its
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entirety coming up next does the news with the latest headlines for us. very first verses of the bible that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or god is. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was to do with deterrents doing what we call making our presence so you go out should somebody so they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner and they do not have. religion and nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed a few one. thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect on their feet you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid you need to hear
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a religious jew calling another jew and not the way they really didn't. understand . repairing a broken things. highway construction and humanitarian aid. but as shady officials get the spoils of war it's the people who pay the price. profiteering here is no longer just down to drug trafficking i've got to stun the dollars.
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