tv [untitled] January 20, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST
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russia's opposition is unsustained says the u.s. ambassador to the country according to the week doing the details later in the program. pressures his chinese counterpart to let beijing's currency increase fares rise among americans of eastern economic heavyweights growing mites . and israel's eyes and ears on the east he reports on one of the world's largest spying facilities capable of intercepting every phone call or e-mail an entire hemisphere.
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around the world and around the clock here watching r.t. . the russian opposition leaders and human rights activists pleaded with top u.s. officials to support their plans for political and social change based on fresh. rushes komsomolskaya pravda newspaper reports that the groups were consistently critical of the kremlin and wanted american help for reform but their request was apparently given short shrift by washington for more on that score. and what exactly did russia's opposition and human rights activists want from washington anyway. all the members over there are positions first of all have accused the united states of turning a blind eye to the human rights violations taking place in the country one of the same time seeking help from the united states for its sixty's not just financial help but also ideological they want to see ideological involvement in their activities mr maduro has said that they also have asked to mr mack for the u.s.
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to be more critical of the violations of civil rights taking place in the washer but not bush. like critical now those who have already bill been present at such meetings at the u.s. embassy in washington have seemed to change their opinion as well previously during the bush administration they have asked the united states for a softer criticism towards russia now seem to believe that the u.s. has to be more critical and that the kurds that critic. has to be more harsh. now all those who have said that they believe russia and the united states should sit down at the table together and discuss civil rights issues taking place in the country but mr mouthful has said that he doesn't see the us being involved in those discussions. washington should pay more attention to significant incidents related
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to freedom of assembly in russia to solve problems in russia civic society parties should sit down at the negotiation table both russian and u.s. governments and brought presenters of from n.g.o.s it is up to russian activists to build up their relations with their administration with very true lying on america . all the members of their position also seem to believe that the recent reset of relations between russia and the united states have been there has been a bad influence do human rights activists is specially in the north caucasus they're saying that after the murder over the police to meet or had over chechnya ramzan couldn't have as many given given carte blanche for other murders and should be recognized as a persona non grata by the united states where mr mark for has said that he doesn't see that happening and those are all domestic issues and there's no way that the united states is turning a blind eye to the human rights violations in the country and that if they do occur
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the u.s. does express its concerns out loud but i tell you russia's various opposition factions have often faced criticism in their own country. was the u.s. . well the report prepared by the u.s. ambassador to russia has concluded that basically the opposition in the country is on sustained and immature he's also reported that some members of the opposition actually asked for the united states for help in. a new political parties. many members of the opposition believe that. running for president once again would be the biggest threat to the russian u.s. relations and the united states should also be involved in preventing that from happening. he doesn't think that the u.s. should be involved in that. to further improve relations
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between russia and the us the a bomb or administration has a stand simply refrain from vocal support for democratic reform civil society activists in russia are unaware of the contours of the u.s. approach to shuman rights and its record of public statements and speeches russia's democrats remain in mere terminal really constant personality disputes disagreements with the kremlin differences over the viability of political activity . in his report to washington d.c. mr by really has to say that that spirit of the united states should make its position on human rights issues and democracy in the washer more clear to the members opposition and to explain all the better to which extent the u.s. wants to be involved in other countries domestic issues. ok another couple leave it there for now thank you for that. well then still to come on the program a russian the fashion stepping across borders of traditional food where that kept
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the peasants and czars warm for centuries is now spreading to europe's catwalks. barack obama is keeping the pressure on china to let the value of its currency rise with the comments during the chinese president's four day trip to the united states it's one of the most divisive issues between the two nations i think there has been kept really know to give chinese exports and vantage obama says china supports nearly half a million u.s. jobs meaning its largest trading partner to canada mexico china is also a dollar just holder of u.s. debt to leaders also discussed human rights with intel saying china was willing to continue talks based on respect to connect the world interference in their turn affairs. trading for the ports on the two countries and mixed relationship goals. so when. burger king with my son and i. think it's a z.h.
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using. you and recognize the that is chinese for seven americans the word china elicits fear recognizing china's rise means recognizing america's decline and now we are getting not. our toys there are things that are a little happy meals which should be banned there so dangerous. not just our toys in the bag made in china. but the image and everything else culture coming from china. or others china elicits feelings of inferiority according to the pew research center forty seven percent of americans think china is the world's leading economic power only thirty one percent think america is. that's certainly the opinion among students at millinocket school in maine which will welcome paying chinese students to close its budget gap next year i think the chinese are going to
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be total shock i think about high tech in a way more advanced than us like ten times more money in like in a better society and then you look at eisenhower away poor and nuffin as hu jintao towards the u.s. capitol american officials are eager to quell fears about what a rising china could mean for the world's only superpower still some analysts say that the united states should be focusing on what it can learn from china rather than merely containing it china knows how to develop it they're doing it we are spending boring and consuming rather than saving and investing for the future a sentiment echoed by many we spoke to a lot to learn terms of productivity organizational resources and also having a culture that values hard work and i think they're trying to develop their economy and share some of the wealth with the folks economically politically militarily china is on the rise and while the u.s. put education on the chopping block this year china invested four percent of its
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g.d.p. in primary and secondary schools in poor rural areas chinese universities are mushroom in all across the country and increasingly attracting prestigious foreign professors and even american students like philadelphia native zachary franklin seem. just a better decision to be in the country learning about economics where so much is happening economically getting a master's in shanghai doesn't mean crippling student loans chinese students themselves you know not pain absorbing amounts of money in education in this country. china is also speeding ahead on high speed rail lines in massive infrastructure chinese officials say they will complete the first eco city by two thousand and twenty which will be home to three hundred fifty thousand as u.s. lawmakers squabble for years over who will foot the bill for every high speed rail link bridge or metro expansion america used to have so we've got the whole interstate highway system we've built gigantic infrastructure projects in the u.s.
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our history is the more unified as a people are moving in a positive direction and i wish we could say the same president obama has plenty to put on the table as he hosts his chinese counterpart at the first us china state dinner but will the white house be equally eager to learn from its gas and ford r. t. washington d.c. . with a columnist who next wolf says that even though china is booming while the u.s. is on the wane both countries still depend on each other. but it is interesting to see the triumvirate of an american government being very solicitous of the chinese government and bringing in its big guns who are very much part of american policy toward china and that would be the leading our fortune five hundred u.s. companies companies like general electric and goldman sachs which are very much represented in today's meetings and they do kind of suggest that there is a nexus of power between large american transnational corporations and u.s. china business relations which have shifted a bit over time as some of the initial excitement about china in corporate circles
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has given way to very much still excitement but with some concerns about u.s. export access to chinese markets there is every indication both in the american and the chinese consciousness that china is on the rise and the united states is struggling on success. to keep up its portion of the world economic engine that it's been we're in that danger of falling below twenty percent of world g.d.p. a place we haven't been since before world war two actually and the chinese are very much galloping ahead in terms of their portion of world g.d.p. their importance their relevance in africa their relevance in south america the united states has borrowed so much money from china in many different vestiges and forms that the united states and china are in a mutually dependent relationship they need to make sure we can pay them back and that we keep borrowing to keep buying and we need to make sure they keep lending and keep favorable to us because we really rely on china both as an import and the export market and you see the leaders working to domestic constituencies
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uncomfortable with that mutual dependency but they know they have to nurture it and sort of drown out voices that are hostile or suggest all kinds of non-viable and dangerous breakdowns in bilateral relations i mean while washington based economists here anderson says it's clear that the be sent to a global economic power that has been shifting towards china. at the g twenty the u.s. absolutely does not call the shots at the global stage anymore china has often prevailed in their. fifty twenty level and so it's fascinating to see these shifting dynamics china also rebounded from the crisis much more quickly than the us has largely because of their very aggressive industrial policy the size of their stimulus was much larger than the u.s. in terms of percentage of g.d.p. and they put it a lot into infrastructure that will have long term benefits for that economy so china is clearly on the rise obama today in a speech said he thought that was
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a positive thing for the world but it's it's certainly shaking things up here in washington well the u.s. death toll comes under scrutiny in the report later today on r.t. as max and stacey reveal the destructive streak running through the of them's of wall street. this psychological profile of jamie dimon lloyd blankfein goldman sachs j.p. morgan this guy daily is that of the arsonist the arsonist likes to burn things down there pyromaniacs here on wall street you've got maniacs they like to destroy things with debt and they like the price of debt to be as cheap as a pack of matches. if the price of dead is a cheap as a pack of matches as it is now they can continue to burn things down to destroy the economy like they're doing at this very moment and what is the obama administration doing they are giving the pyromaniacs and the arsonist more starting fluid more lighter fluid more matches whatever they need to destroy the economy so you have to
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ask the question is obama in the pocket of the financial terrorist yes he says. it's been described as israel's big is a huge facility where it's claimed phone calls and e-mails from one across the middle east and beyond coming wanted to have her intelligence hidden from prying eyes for decades in the desert it's become a focus for investigative journalists he's closely or has more on who's listening. many israelis have probably driven past year and not cast a second glance a few satellite dishes outside a little known town in the negev desert but this is no ordinary military base this is the largest or equal storing facility that i've ever seen on and hagar should know he's been studying signal intelligence or electronic spying for the last twenty five years
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a tip off gave him access to people on the inside to know want to be talked about or and stored it could be something of this it simply never come on the back it never been seen but now it's showing up all over satellite images with thirty different listening antennas directed high over the equator each targeting a different dish in the sky the cape everything that passing over the satellite system simply doesn't discriminate ever be able since travelgate and that's a lot of listening from this hub every telephone call every email can be intercepted and according to duncan campbell summary here along the coast north of tel a very large groups of people on this typically you have large windowless what we like just real warehouses but with massive security you are seeing many such places across the united states and several hundred people will check in in the morning start filing through checking emails looking at. listening to telephone
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calls but inside israel no one's talking haven't heard about a boat i don't know what's the word based refers to exactly what is the reason behind the focus if there is a focus on this particular word is just a platform you have to understand the new comes to intelligence you need a platform in order to carry what. needs you need in order to intercept but why wasn't this platform itself intercepted it was pretty well hidden until. when hagar went to public on ash but first surprise was. that there was this huge spying. found the info. but then the. surprise was that clearly. as long as. you're going to. russia anybody states other countries and just maybe that's the point those who
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need to know know exactly where it is what it is. tel aviv. now then it's take a look at some of the headlines around the world. thirty three members over the post to use in president's family have been arrested while trying to run the country as the consequence times you. promise to develop to the beatles or both and either break from the past. demonstrations continue in the conference the ousted president supports is refusing to recognize them government one hundred people died you know the rest. of us congresswoman gabrielle giffords is expected to be moved to a rehabilitation center almost two weeks off to have attempted officials say she's now able to stand with assistance and these are ready to begin the next phase of uncovering giffords was shot in the forehead from the present event outside a grocery store in the city of tucson arizona gunman shot eighteen people killing
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six. more communities are being delis dinner strangers floods as water surges downstream into the state of victoria and the town is now completely cut off leaving its thirteen thousand residents around it people in low lying areas are preparing for the worst told to evacuate to safety so sobering to farmers who've seen crops destroyed especially after jean years of drought more than thirty people have died in flooding so. now a fatal flooding also affecting countries from brazil to thailand it's leading many to point the finger at global warming well next hour r.t. talks to climate change skeptic pierce corbett he says weather researchers are not taking the past into proper consideration. subplot measurements have been grossly overestimating surface temperatures and these gross overestimates which if you
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believe them would mean that like maci can should have boiled droid by now. those bits of foam started to have been poured into the averages so we do not actually know a real flavor of the world average temperatures and we don't even know where the last decade or so has been warmer than the warm period in the nineteenth thirty's and forty's we don't know which is which is cool now we do need to know that to understand well a bit more about the sun's impact on. unfortunately these fraudsters have to well and been getting away with far too much and they have to be brought to account we've got to have a countable saw and in the world of awardees you know that human endeavor is being wasted. now that keeping the
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winter snow from freezing your feet is something russians a bastard centuries ago violently boots made from the dams will have been worn by generations of people to protect their homes from the childes it's even suggested they may help to maintain good blood circulation and this discovered today where is a key to make sure fashion isn't sacrificed for function. is it. in the fast paced world of fashion these in the know who like to always be one step ahead of the crowd and now you're at fashion forward looking to russia's past for their style inspiration these are the vote lengthy a centuries old style of russian made from learns will now also easy enough to come by in russia fashion found in europe have found it much harder to get their hands on this the meek but where if you're feeling the chill the last few winters they certainly been in demand while in the van and you keep screwing in popularity as
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well as being warm and stylish they're also environmentally friendly but whilst oldest business case from strength to strength in russia she doesn't have the capabilities to meet the high demands flooding in from foreign countries that should be good still material see the huge gap in the market well for some decorative following. you can sell one hundred. or five thousand roubles. and since the. horse who can buy them for i don't know ten euro or one of roubles. beautiful margins. but with a big export filling key remaining rent outside russia one stylish chair however have taken advantage of the exchange itty and had huge success taking their billing key business to the world's fashion hog if italy. they're really popular they were a while ago no one even knew what the word valley and he meant they to acknowledge
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that when it comes to filling there are still many barriers to trade the floor that is what i thought was a good i knew russian factories that store great in the way that they did fifty or sixty years ago even little things like there are no english speakers at its factories the thirty every order to write three minutes late european standards just wouldn't tolerate pace. in the past billing here do on the feet of peasants and the like these days you're more likely to find them gracing the pages of fashion magazines counts president made vader's wife amongst her customers but now is it to keep up with the times business will have to back up pretty. russia should come up with a concept for choosing the best produces and upgrading equipment to develop the strengths in our industry and eliminate the weaknesses. fashion truly does cross borders now russia needs to put its best foot forward and ensure that it doesn't
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let its lucrative national product slip out of its hands sarafan r.t. . it's nice and warm that we can keep up to date with those stories at our website dot com there's plenty more there as well as a taste of what else you can find just a click away from the summer wrap up for winter others take the naked plunge watch the russians who are cringing this icy waters to the docks. and find out about on the way to deal with the clogged up traffic. from. stores and what. coming up in a few moments it's this is updates with career. it
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all comes to business update the russian oil industry could face new tax rules as of march a draft law backed by the energy ministry would reduce with export tax for crude by about seven percent while waving it for oil products the ministry wants the changes this year without any phase in period any budget losses are expected to be covered by an increase in oil export volumes experts warned the measures could mean lower amounts of light oil products on the local market and a jump and fuel prices. now gas from when the chinese national petroleum corporation are closer to agreeing on gas deliveries to china which is gas giant
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said it was ready to begin constructing the altai pipeline in the middle of two thousand and eleven line will link western siberia with china and is estimated to cost fourteen billion dollars the two sides signed a memorandum in june two thousand and nine but in the natural gas. russia's private capital outflow in two thousand and ten amounted to thirty eight point three billion dollars dropped from fifty seven billion in two thousand and nine but the figure is still considered too high presidential adviser coverage says it shows the country's investment climate remains low. this confirms the conclusions made by the president and indicates that we have a very poor investment climate many actually don't see a future for conducting business and investment within russia although significant amounts of outflow a largely from the regions and. there were some inflows of course but in terms of investment we are still very far off from the pre-crisis period. it's take
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a look at the markets asian stocks are down dragged by the banking sector acted after disappointing earnings from goldman sachs markets are also under pressure from chinese economic data concerned that monetary policy will be tightening trends nicky's down over percent and hong kong's index is shedding one point three percent now in russia the stocks closed mixed on wednesday the r.t.s. spanish point ten percent lower analyze it and it just slightly in the red energy majors helped me in this. was an internet portal yonder eggs that stubbornly holding all of google as the country's leading search engine increased revenues by forty three percent last year from all line advertising which is the bedrock you have access business to forty five percent the number of advertisers rolled by over thirty now totaling one hundred. eighty thousand they had over yonder it's believed the shopping grazing toll revenues to more than four hundred
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million dollars reflect the post-crisis revival small and medium sized business. and supermarket chain x. five retail reported a like for like growth of seven percent by two thousand and ten russian retail giant revenues also john five point four percent largely due to an increase in consumer traffic expired we said that position of the kopeikin supermarket chain was only included in the company's december elections. so i have for you this hour but you can always find most stories just log on to our web site.
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