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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the person that everyone loves. this person that is not very popular to say the least is able to stay a russian born woman whose book shed light on corruption in norway's immigration system is facing deportation while those on the un tell a list of being given asylum in the scandinavian countries we report tonight plus. a town in eastern ukraine have a state of fear after a double blast or out of court for the thought is wrong their way to give those behind the attacks a five and a half million dollar ransom to stop them from setting off bombs we've got the latest. fresh files from wiki leaks show how russia's opposition turns to the u.s.
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for help but frequently gets the cold shoulder from washington. as chinese and american leaders agree the two superpowers still differ on the sensitive issues beijing's growing influence in the u.s. is making people aware look east. this is artsy welcome. kevin owen and our top story tonight for you a woman who was voted norwegian of the year is being deported from the scandinavian country as an illegal immigrant born in the russian region of north or setia maria only came to norway in early teens and published a book revealing corruption in its immigration system after that the order came for her to be kicked out. reports. this is a girl who is now known as maria amélie but her original name was muddiness alarm
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of a she was born in the capital of north a settler family felt when she was quite a young girl that they had to leave russia in norway around about two thousand and two where they applied for asylum but their application was refused but as the family decided that they would prefer to stay as illegal immigrants what seems to have happened is that she learnt to speak norwegian which is not a very easy language within a period of weeks and she was going to school here and she eventually gained most of his degree and then she wrote a book which she has now had published which published publicizes the plight of illegal immigrants here in norway and she applied in her own right for asylum and the first that her lawyer and she heard that her asylum application had been turned down it was last week in fact when police turned up to a lecture that she had been giving and arrested her outside that lectures about the first she knew of her application for asylum having been refused well it seems
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certainly from speaking to people here on the street and of course to her lawyer that really all of norway is behind they've been turning out on to the streets to protest her arrest and to demand her release from detention that has now been achieved she has been released from detention and she was able to return home for a short while and then here in norway there is also quite a gruesome paradox between. the person i've just described well integrated intelligence accessible clever and another asylum seeker who also lives here in norway a man called mullah krekar now he is a former leader of a kurdish terror group he's been declared a threat to state security by norway and he's also on the us and the un list of terrorists he cannot be to deported from norway because there is a threat that he might face the death sentence if you returned home to iraq i spoke to a whole lot. about this about this paradox that exists here and he told me how upset
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people in norway are about that the most popular political thing to say is we should get out of the country and and of course it's a terrible paradox for ordinary people to see. this fantastic girl that everyone loves is. this person that. is. not very popular to say the least a constant sort of nuisance to norwegian society is able to state this is part of a wider story really of the e.u. is asylum policy which has come under fire recently for turning a blind eye to terrorist suspects and people linked to al qaida in fact there was at the end of last year a europe wide investigation in twenty six people arrested in belgium and the netherlands and in germany in connection with a terror plot plot essentially raising funds for and recruiting for jihad and for chechen terror groups so really it seems desperately unfair in
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a situation like this that someone like maria amélie who has who is fighting to remain in norway the country that she has come to call home should be forced to leave where people like that are. turned a blind eye to in european countries that's our correspondent laura reporting panic swept through town of eastern ukraine which has been rocked by two blasts were reports of authorities will meet the demands of those behind the attacks and no on the way to give them the five and a half million dollar ransom they demand and stop them letting off more bombs are the reports from ukraine. thus far as we heard the town is now is in full panic everyone is panicking mothers are taking their children away from schools and kid in gardens that is because in the middle of the night two blasts rocked this four hundred thousand odd town of mikey in eastern europe east of ukraine something very and typical for this country terrorist attacks don't happen here too often so everyone now is in panic and especially because the and unidentified terrorist
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group said that they would explode five more bombs if the government doesn't pay four million euros to them or more than five million u.s. dollars we managed to acquire some thoughts from locals let's listen to what they had to say themes of the savage we ask here because their promise in moore's law slated today we are very nervous we're all shocked we just don't understand why this is happening to us. we know that interior forces troops are now dispatched to this little town and they are now in full alert the special order was given from kiev for the forces to be ready for any any developments in this story and we're waiting for any news to see whether the terrorists will keep their promise and explode more bombs in any moment now coming up in the program tonight all is in the middle of the desert and investigative journalist uncover one of the world's largest bases in israel after decades of secrecy.
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first the russian political opposition has many internal squabbles but one thing they all have in common is that they frequently visit the u.s. embassy in moscow fresh files from wiki leaks published by the new newspaper pravda reveal they often requested financial and political help but washington's officials got tired of the constant pleas. the article talks about the inability of the russian opposition leaders to lobby their interests on the domestic level and having to reach out to the third parties to achieve their goals in this case the third party being the united states of america now they believe that harsh criticism from the u.s. would ensure a healthy human rights ad most fear in the country but the response from one of the top ranking u.s. security officials who spoke to the opposition leaders was that it shows the
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incompetence of the current opposition in the country and that they have to learn to negotiate with their thirty's on their own in achieving their goals and that even though during the bush administration the us has shown support to the countries opposition the situation has changed nowadays it is up to russian activists to build up their relations with their administration with very true learning on america so much has changed in the relation between russia and the united states since the bush administration of especially after the so-called resets of the relations between russia and the united states but as head of the presidential election in two thousand and twelve russia's opposition wants the united states to side with that in order to more be their interest but the response from the us ambassador to russia to that was that it shows the fact that russia's opposition do not have the same understanding of democracy as americans do. john
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laughlin's director of studies at the institute of democracy and cooperation in piracy told us the norm parliamentary opposition retains a cold war mindset. the american view judging from these documents is one of disappointment. the opposition leaders are attacked and criticized for being hopelessly divided divided essentially by personality rivalries while the human rights activists are derided as being basically superannuated and marginal figures. we see a sort of disappointment really on the american side on the side of the american strategists with the people who they've been supporting for so long it's very clear that these groups both as i say the political groups and the theoretically nonpolitical ones are pursuing indeed what one can rightly call a cold war mentality to the extent that they are going beyond the boundaries of their own country and seeking help from foreigners. that we've got a lot of r.t.
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dot com tonight for you. bush could also insist on its position in stopping the settlement activity in its relationship with the us and israel and on getting back to the negotiations table i think that russia is ready for that palestinian president mahmoud abbas tells r t how russia could help in bringing long awaited peace to the rest of the region. join in the north masterclasses next part instructs r.t. on how to obtain a piece of the stress of the big city we could wish for it. as the chinese leader visits the united states the two global powers can define their relations in terms of being partners or rivals with china on the rise american
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officials are getting nervous about losing their grip over global affairs but some say there's much the u.s. can learn from china rather than washington simply focusing on losing its role as global top dog carolyn ford reports. i went into burger king with my son and i thought of this and it's a i think it's a z. a chooses a z. choose the z. if you see it you and recognize the that is chinese per cent americans the word china elicits fear recognizing china's rise means recognizing america's decline and now we are getting not our toys there are things that are a little happy meals which should be banned there so dangerous. not just our toys in the bag made in china. but the image and everything else culture coming from china. or others china elicits feelings of inferiority according to the pew
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research center forty seven percent of americans think china is the world's leading economic power only thirty one percent think america. that's certainly the opinion among students at millinocket school in maine which will welcome paying chinese students to close its budget gap next year i think the chinese are going to be total shock i think about high tech in a way more advanced than us but ten times more money in like in a better society and then you look at eisenhower like whore and nuffin as hu jintao towards the u.s. capitol american officials are eager to quell fears about what a rising china could mean for the world's only superpower still some analysts say that the united states should be focusing on what it can learn from china rather than merely containing it china knows how to develop they're doing it we are expanding boring and consuming rather than saving and investing for the future a sentiment echoed by many we spoke to a lot to learn terms of productivity organizational resources and also having
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a culture that values hard work. i think they're trying to develop their economy and share some of the wealth with the folks i could nominally politically militarily china is on the rise. and while the u.s. put education on the chopping block this year china invested four percent of its g.d.p. in primary and secondary schools in poor rural areas chinese universities are mushroom in all across the country and increasingly attracting prestigious foreign professors and even american students like philadelphia native zachary franklin seemed. just a better decision to be in the country learning about economics where so much is happening economically getting a master's in shanghai doesn't mean crippling student loans chinese students from sochi not plain absorbing amounts of money in education in this country. china is also speeding ahead on high speed rail lines in massive infrastructure
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chinese officials say they will complete the first eco city by two thousand and twenty which will be home to three hundred fifty thousand as u.s. lawmakers squabble for years over who will foot the bill for every high speed rail link bridge or metro expansion america just adds dreams to rebuild the whole interstate system where you gigantic infrastructure projects in u.s. history the city more unified as a people are moving in a positive direction and i wish we could say this president obama has plenty to put on the table as he hosts his chinese counterpart at the first u.s. china state dinner but will the white house be equally eager to learn from its gas and ford r t washington d.c. . well while china on the west vive the world's resources wall street isn't sitting idle artie's much cars are stacey herbert explain later how those behind the u.s. financial crash of two thousand right through others again this time with government help the cause report coming away bit later today. this psychological profile of jamie dimon lloyd blankfein goldman sachs j.p.
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morgan this guy daily is that of the arsonist the arsonist likes to burn things down there pyromaniacs here on wall street you've got debt maniacs they like to destroy things with debt and they like the price of debt to be as cheap as a pack of matches. if the price of dead is a cheap as a pack of matches as it is now they can continue to burn things down to destroy the economy like they are doing at this very moment and what is the obama administration doing they are giving the pyromaniacs and the arsonists more starting fluid more lighter fluid more matches whatever they need to destroy the economy so they have to ask the question is obama in the pocket of the financial terrorist yes he says. national news in brief tonight south korea has accepted
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a fresh proposal in the north to hold high level military talks an offer by pyongyang earlier this month to hold discussions was rejected by seoul which criticized the offer as insincere tensions have been high on the korean peninsula since last november's deadly artillery exchange between the two countries also on thursday seoul welcomed agreement between the u.s. and chinese leaders on the need to maintain peace and stability on the peninsula. he promised regarded as amounts that he intends to dissolve the parliament and call an early general election in march that comes after four ministers resigned from the cabinet overnight bringing the total to five in just two days and leaving the p.m.'s cumbered in chaos brian cowen the government's seen it support free fall since agreeing with international aid package for the country last year had. been easy as interim leaders are abandoning the former ruling party with several ministers quitting right the unity government intended to god to come to further elections has been under intense criticism for retaining many of the deposed president supporters despite the resignations protesters throw choosier of
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demanding the ruling coalition do more to distance itself from a regime that was overthrown last week. it's one of the biggest of its kind but still aspiring base in an israeli desert went unnoticed for decades that's until an investigative journalist spotted it on a satellite image artie's paulus leah's got the story tonight. many israelis have probably driven past year and not cast a second glance a few satellite dishes outside a little known town in the native desert but this is no ordinary military base this is the largest or equal storage facility that i've ever seen on that and hagar should know he's been studying signal intelligence or electronic spying for the last twenty five years a tip off gave him access to people on the inside no i want to be talked about or and stored it could be something of this it's simply to come on the back it never been seen but now it's showing up all of
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a satellite images with thirty different listening antennas directed high over the equator each targeting a different dish in the sky the cape everything that passing over the satellite system simply doesn't discriminate ever be with since travel and that's a lot of listening from this hub every telephone call every email can be intercepted and according to duncan campbell family here along the coast north of tel a very large groups of people on this typically you have large windowless what looked like just real warehouses but with massive security you are seeing many such places across the united states and several hundred people will check in in the morning start filing through checking emails looking at the listening to telephone calls but inside israel no one's talking of it heard about a boat i don't know what's the word based refers to exactly what is the reason
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behind the focus of the reason focused on this particular word is just a platform you have to understand the new comes to intelligence you need a platform in order to carry whatever needs you need in order to intercept but why wasn't this platform itself intercepted it was pretty well hidden until recently. when haycock went to public on ash but first surprise was. that there was this huge stowing which will be found the politics of the race to be old but then the sickening surprise was that it clearly there as long as some of the bases which are in the. russia any of those states and other countries and just maybe that's the point those who need to know know exactly where it is what it is point. television. the e.u. parliament about to impose sanctions against the better russian leadership in
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response to a rigged presidential election there last month include not only visa restrictions for officials but also economic sanctions including a freeze on international monetary fund health destruction comes just ahead of the inauguration of the country's president and won the elections in the unions violations and a brutal clampdown thousands of protesters examine the dubbed europe's lost dictators won't be under fire for violently repressing opposition or to discuss the sanctions an effect they might have now we're joined by european parliament member richard how it. is our very believing she thanks me on the line from london is pretty she. is no stranger to international condemnation if you start lying there as we all know is whether it's similar sanctions in two thousand and six what makes you think that these sanctions will be more effective. well the other question would be should the european union and the international community sit back and do nothing in the face of these rigged elections and the brutal bloodshed that is followed with six of the nine presidential candidates being imprisoned some seven
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hundred arrests have taken place i can't sit here and tell you that these sanctions and actions definitely were the war i can't see that in our absence of agreeing them would put the responsibility onerous responsibilities or his regime very much start one of his one of them is a look at china has demonstrated in the past this is a resolve to stay in power take in what you say just now but could these new sanctions be cornering him into clamping down on democracy even more of the opposite of. well what we know is that the group's helsinki committee has been warned to listen to the threat of croatia so this is a man and a regime which is seeking to suppress human rights creates free expression by civil society political opposition but it is doing that anyway and that what we need to do is to be seeing to say that the european union and international community is
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watching that we will act and that whether it's today tomorrow or sunday in the near future there will be consequences on this by the russian regime otherwise we are letting down the human rights groups the political prisoners who are suffering today. but mr luker shows promise to spawn with us he's pretty tough measures no considering that the. much of eastern europe is gas and oil indeed some twenty percent of germany's all this potentially an awful lot at stake here what do you read into that. yes there are economically the european union cannot afford to have double standards and if we say what we mean about democracy and human rights we cannot stand idly by and what message are we sending to our other partners in the eastern neighborhood who were who are transforming themselves who are working towards democracy who do dialogue with us for human rights the difficult efforts that they're making to transform their country is also crucial for identity and as
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a trade needs if when bellary states the wrong favor the very world we sit by and do nothing and that's why we voted as we have today ok i can see what you're saying that it's better to do something than stumble and do nothing but what if this doesn't work what is belarus refuses to cooperate. well of course the in the past they were very blunt approach to start sions all or nothing you know what we are saying today over two hundred today smart sanctions financial sanctions against himself or others in his regime we're not at the moment siding with people on the family members we're saying that the motive that true track should stay open we want batteries to be part of the eastern partnership with its neighboring countries an interloper the european union but multilateral a through the i.m.f. if you press the report to be cut off but yes there are these further steps that we could make in the future and we are putting personally on notice tomorrow
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he's going to have a secret you know gross racial integration with no international us there and that's because the international community does not recognize the election results and will not stand idly by as innocent opposition members are imprisoned or beaten or tortured and civil society suppressed in this country we will not look the other way richard hoed member of the european parliament think your being on the line with r.t. tonight from london. time is now coming up to twenty four half minutes past eight at night let's go to thursday night's business update from moscow next. well welcome to our business program. russia and belarus have reached an agreement following their rout of all places which led moscow halting supply to its neighbor on the first of january prime minister vladimir putin met with belarus and
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counterpart the us nichol which to china are not the conflict our correspondent peter oliver has the story. but it's taken quite a while but it seems that russia and belarus have come to terms over the recent oil dispute that's come between the two nations a proposal has been put forward is accepted there's been no oil sent from russia to bellary since the first of january now it seems that we will see the resumption of oil transport from russia into valerie's following the meeting between the prime ministers now this had threatened to affect the production of diesel oil in belarus that could be shipped into europe. to the fact that belarus wasn't receiving the oil that it was supposed to get from russia because it refused the initial deal that the big oil russian oil companies put forward now for the prime minister vladimir putin and his brother russian counterpart seem to have come to a deal in which russia will give
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a subsidy of four point one billion dollars to bellary to ensure that crittur of oil and the distribution of oil can continue between the three nations used. there are of course questions regarding the details but we have reconfirmed our position and we will get this approved to soon as possible so the bill is economy will receive a subsidy of no less than a full billion one hundred twenty four million dollars in return for cheap russian oil deliveries usually. that wasn't the only thing that was being discussed by prime minister vladimir putin and his delegation counterparts bellerose will also receive a six billion dollar created from russia to build a new nuclear power station that's something that's also been on the table for discussion and the meeting between the two p.m.'s. alice look at the markets starting with the u.s. now american stocks are trading down for a second day as concern that interest rates will rise and china weighed on come out
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of producers overshadowing a bigger than expected drop in jobless. claims the dow is down close to two thirds of a percent and the nasdaq has shed over one percent. and russian stock markets closed lower following a downswing in the international commodity and equity market energy majors mainly gas problem lukoil lost the most on the back of lower oil prices. although both of them have the potential to show better dynamics gazprom and lukoil both closed down on the day out around two percent but the biggest loser was come ons down close to nine and a half percent. and that's all the business news for this hour but you can always find more stories on our web site that's r t dot com slash business stay with us.
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