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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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we'll. bring you the latest in science technology from. the future. seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. easier headlines are russian born woman voted norwegian of the year faces deportation from the scandinavian country after she published a critical book about the country's immigration system having lived there openly but illegally for years by contrast those on the un terror watch list are being given us asylum in norway. we will be released wiki leaks files show russian opposition groups regular u.s. help but often get the cold shoulder secret diplomatic cables suggest american embassy staff in moscow have grown weary of frequent visits looking for cash and
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political aide. meeting in washington chinese president hu jintao tells us business leaders that his country is ready to help them out of the deepest financial crisis in decades despite continuing differences with the u.s. beijing's growing global influence is encouraging some in america to look east to make more money. next stay with us for part two of the show. well it's time for tonight's tool time award and we're going to give it to former republican pennsylvania senator rick santorum he's also a potential two thousand and twelve presidential candidate that's on tour am is a hard line conservative opposes gay marriage abortion generally falls in line with the far right wing every time the wall appearing on the conservative cns news
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network show online with terry jeffrey he was asked about president obama's stance on abortion and his answer well i thought really that it was just study take a listen. that is that human life a person of the constitution. barack obama says no well if that person human life is a person then. i find it almost remarkable for a for a black man to say don't we are going to decide who are people who are not. so rick thinks that because obama is black he should be against abortion you know the pro-life movement just never ever ceases to amaze me and recent years opponents of abortion have compared the status of fertilized eggs even pre-implantation to that of priests of a war slaves who were not considered fully human you know you remember the whole three fifths compromise thing and pro-life supporters argue that legalized abortion has led to
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a black holocaust and african-americans ought to be against abortion for that reason but is it just that black americans should never question whether something that even scientists biologists can't necessarily agree on as to whether it's considered a person that's really just one of the most racist ridiculous things i've ever heard like they should be thankful you know eternally grateful that they were finally allowed to be counted as full humans and therefore have lost any and all choice on abortion like someone's going to take away their person would you have got to be kidding me now i understand abortion is a very heated subject here in the u.s. last fall i actually did numb plug on the show about a candidate who's running for office here in d.c. and also running a very graphic abortion at i call that offensive and the people over at the blaze you know it's glenn beck's web site well they picked up on that story their readers really of loaded on me asking if i was supporting murder a lot of other comments that we can't even discuss on t.v. because they were so graphic but you know what the pro at the pro-life in your face
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crowd does not understand is that you cannot force your beliefs on me any other woman's reproductive rights it's my body it's not yours back off and shut up or keep talking whatever i obviously support the freedom of speech just don't expect me to listen and i still cannot believe that the pro-life crowd of people like rick santorum want to bring race into the issue to push more of their moralizing and danny so i think rick who was defeated in two thousand and six is just trying to get a little publicized eason's virtually nobody gives him a shot at winning. nomination for president next year but we'll gladly give him tonight's talk time war. now do you remember pastor terry jones he's the pastor from the jones outreach center in gainesville florida he caused quite a commotion when he planned burn a koran day in september but backed out right before september eleventh after a personal phone call from defense secretary robert gates well it turns out the pastor jones isn't too popular in britain either in fact he planned to visit the
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country in early february when british authorities heard about his travel plans they quickly denied his entry and his statement the home office spokesperson said the government opposes extremism in all its forms which is why we have excluded pastor terry jones from the u.k. numerous comments made by pastor jones are evidence of his unacceptable behavior and the pastor says that he doesn't understand why he isn't allowed in the country he's he argues that he's been invited to book science asked to speak at public events for his book so perhaps he just doesn't remember how bigoted because of the cross but he actually puts people's lives in danger with little behavior last summer we even had pastor jones on our show when he was still promoting burn a koran day here's a little snippet of him defending his attack on islam. well we believe it is our constitutional right to stand up and say your opinion of course of course it is a radical thing to do but we believe that the times and we believe that islam and
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the koran is that dangerous a religion that drastic means or necessary. and he wonders why britain doesn't want to let him it now i don't know all the legal details here i don't think anybody should be restricted in their rights because of something they say however stupid or hateful it is but to be honest i don't really like pastor jones all that much so i do not blame britain for not wanting him there sorry. now while many are pointing at barack obama and his administration's policies for the nine point four percent unemployment rate all republicans are claiming to make jobs a top priority the truth is high unemployment could be here to stay for at least five ten years so while we're being told the economic recovery is picking up speed with wages on the rise output recovery profits high unemployment is barely budging
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which tells you that maybe those jobs that were lost or not productive in the first place so should we stop focusing on going back to where we were and start figuring out how to face where we will be here to discuss with me as matthew mitchell research fellow with the state and local policy project at the kind of center matthew thanks so much for being here thanks for having me what you say nearly ten percent unemployment it's been going up and down you know as high as nine point eight percent in november is this something that's here to stay for a while are we supposed to just get used to it well hopefully it's not going to be here for too much longer but the truth is it's here much longer than it's been in past recessions and while much of the rest of the economy has recovered employment still hasn't why do you think that is i think a lot of a lot of it has to do with the fact that washington in many ways has sort of dismissed diagnose this recession so. roughly speaking the economy is basically the result of the intersection of supply and demand but washington has almost unilaterally seen the recession as a as a demand problem and so if it's
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a demand problem they think that there's a really easy answer which is to just give money to people people have more money in their pockets they go out and spend and that is that a prop up the economy but that hasn't happened and a big reason why that hasn't happened is because there's something more fundamentally wrong with the economy what is that fundamental issue that we have with the economy because you're right you know you can throw money all you want you can give corporations businesses private businesses money but they don't seem to be hiring they are they seem to be keeping that cash all for themselves and start so that's where the other side of the equation comes in the supply side so really what you saw in the run up to the recession in the in the boom years is you saw a bunch of capital and a bunch of labor being drawn into certain industries like. the construction industry so you had people who were learning. learning new skills in construction and building up talent there and now we find that we don't consumers in nevada and florida and arizona and all those places where there was a there was a big boom in construction consumers don't no longer want construction workers there so you know as you said it is the administration trying to turn turn its back
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to where we were in a lot of ways they are what they're trying to do is just get money in the hands of those pockets of those consumers and get them to buy but they don't want homes so what that takes is some time is what you need to do is you need to get those reconstruction construction workers have them leave those industries or go into other kinds of kinds of ways and find new ways of policing consumers do you think they have this recession you know perhaps not happened have the crisis not hit in two thousand and eight that we would have been in worse shape because of this bubble would have just kept on growing we would have had more people you know i mean it seems like this is something that eventually america would have had to come to terms with regardless that you need you know to give people in new skills you need to retrain them you need to find new industries you know where to put their labor yeah that's right so the way a lot of economists tend to look at risk. session is a recession actually is the result of a speculative boom that was unsustainable in the first place so the recession really isn't it's a problem obviously but it's really the manifestation of the problem and where all
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the mistakes were made is in the run up it's kind of hard to see that but if you work or you're trying to go back to where you were you're going to reproduce the problem again so where you know where where are the industries where can we put people now because i mean i think it's you know really hard especially for people that are a little bit older that worked all their lives in one certain job that are unemployed now how are you going to tell them hey go back to school write a new job or so the interesting thing is that washington people in washington are typically trying to ask that question right now where is the next industry what can we do can we get can we spare green jobs can we do new technology and really that's actually the wrong question that to ask because washington shouldn't be deciding that consumer should be deciding in the market should be deciding i have no idea where the next jobs will be i don't think anybody has has that kind of missions and if you look at sort of the fundamentals that led to this recession it was washington believing that they knew where the next in the industry was going to be so it was washington luring labor and capital into capital intensive industries
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like housing but you know you can also some make the argument that look at the health care industry that's a place where they have gained a lot of jobs over the last few years that's a place where the government did directly intervene you know does that give them a little bit of credit that maybe they did know. so the question there will be in the long run is that sustainable we don't know i mean certainly we could have been here two or three years ago and said housing that's the place to go isn't it isn't it good that. washington has been encouraging the housing boom. there's no there's no downside to that are there ok ok you got me there but so how are american supposed to deal with this how is this supposed to sink in right now to tell people they oh you think that we're going through a recession that this is just a crisis mode actually get used to it because it's going. yeah i mean if you if you've ever been unemployed you know it's a wrenching experience and it's nothing that you want for anyone and it's hard to say you know buck up but what we're seeing now i think actually are are some signs
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of hope so in december we had about three hundred thousand jobs and what i think this is the result is that people are starting to retrain are starting to basically align their skill set with what the consumer wants and that's that's what is needed and it's just take some time so i dabbed or i don't know live with no money that's unfortunately all right michael thank you so much for being i think for having me i'm sorry still to come tonight too hot for the super bowl an ad for a website that promotes extramarital affairs that's a commercial turned down by the network and. we're going to show you the moment and protecting your privacy on your cell phone please don't search your phone without a warrant that's tonight we've got some advice on protecting your privacy if you are stopped by those police. officers that so much given to you each musician on the mark when they didn't seem
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to have inspired similar demonstrations elsewhere in the region. violent. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms of. the future coverage. wealthy british style it's time to. go. to the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy cars a report on our. well
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it's that time of year again when football is in the playoff stages and before you know it americans are going to be sitting down to watch the super bowl and whether or not you're a fan of the teams we all know that everybody loves to watch the commercials but there's one ad out there that you will not be seeing on super bowl sunday the web
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site ashley madison dot com is a dating site specifically designed for those who are married who are looking for a little love on the side now with all that in mind take a look at this band ad from the dating site. it's. jackie is everything all right you. know i just found out my husband's cheating on me. welcome to us. citizen dot com. yeah so looks like the networks aren't so keen on ashley madison is message or at least the way that they're promoting extramarital affairs and i have to admit i kind of agree but here is something worth noting since when can the dating site afford super bowl ads
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and we all know the ads cost millions of dollars per sec it so obviously ashley madison dot com has the money to spare could it be that they're doing so well that they can really afford a spot for the super bowl and i think that just goes to show america can try to turn a blind eye to affairs all they want but in the end looks like i'm happy spouses are going to do what they want to to get their kicks yes marriage really just isn't what it used to be or maybe it's just easier to cheat now there's an entire website dedicated to it. well today is a sad day for the loan to show one of our favorite people to call out for outrageous statements about your privacy taking a break from the spotlight that's right eric schmidt the longtime chief executive of google will be stepping down to be replaced by larry page it's co-founder and president of products now schmidt has become quite famous here on this program for making some very creepy statements creepy statement after
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a creepy statement in fact about google invading your privacy such as suggesting to the wall street journal last august that people should simply start changing their names once they reach adulthood in order to escape the follies of their youth and the record at that exists online or how about informing the atlantic this past october that it's google's policy to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it isn't that nice of them out of course he followed up by saying we know where you are we know who you where you've been and we can more or less know what you've been thinking about how eric you really know how to make a girl feel like she still has privacy we surely will miss you but while schmidt will be gone as the c.e.o. of google he will still be a part of the search giant he plans to take the role of executive chairman working on deals and government outreach it looks like eric schmidt is going to be shining the spotlight after one too many creepy quotes in favor of cozying up to the u.s. government that sounds like a bit of
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a demotion if you ask me. now earlier this month the california supreme court disappointed many civil liberties advocates when it reached a five to decision in people vs d.s. the police may lawfully search mobile phones on arrested individual persons without first obtaining a search warrant it's particularly troubling when you think of how much personal information is stored on your phone and this day and age it's both your best friend and could be your worst enemy if it gets into the wrong hands videos pictures e-mails text. messages contacts you name it all of your communications are in this one little device so with this ruling should we just call privacy completely debt or are there still a few tricks out there to keep your personal information safe or earlier i caught up with brian associate director of technology studies at the competitive enterprise institute and first we painted the scenario let's say i got pulled over i got arrested i had my phone on the cops really just do whatever they want with it
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. that's correct under the decision two weeks ago by the california supreme court along with actually a number of other courts over the last few years any time you were arrested by police for any reason which could include the parking tickets driver got a seatbelt for reckless driving the police could take your phone arrest you and once you're in custody under arrest behind bars they can spend hours trying to search your phone anything they find can be used to get to a court to be used for a search warrant and that's that's really scary because when you think about it this little tiny thing that i carry around atlanta has it holds so much of our personal information these days right every e-mail every text message every picture every video it's almost kind of scary how much we depend on these little things it's incredible how much data we store our smartphones in the course of that with things like pagers for a while those are just a couple phone numbers the actual initial court decisions allowed this to happen
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with things like a cigarette pack but today we're talking about a cell phone really the cell phone of the smart phone like an i phone contains your papers and effects of the digital age the things that you would want to store at home and you know little walks in your desk you know have your g.-mail your text messages your images all those personal information on your phone and it's now vulnerable to walk for the search without a court order without a warrant all i mean it's definitely personal information it's something that i consider private and you know it is a catch twenty two that it's so easy even carried around all the time but now at the same time it's very vulnerable like you said but you mentioned a few tricks as to perhaps how you can. cops actually getting hands on your phone so let's say that i'm in my car and they choose to arrest me what does it mean for the phone to be on my person you know if it's on the passenger seat laying there in the center console does that count well unclear never really been tested the technical language is if it's immediately associated with your person they can search it no questions asked no need for what's called a digit circumstances but if it's in your immediate control but not immediately
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associated with your person they can't search it so the precedents on this are a little murky because it's such a new and untested area but if it's in your luggage they probably cannot search it unless they have a suspect serious reason to think you're going to destroy data so probably for a seatbelt or reckless driving arrest it in your console glove compartment luggage they probably can't search it if it's in your purse however next to you maybe even on the seat next to you or definitely your pocket then they can search it so your goal is to get it basically as far away as you can from your person in some separate object whether or not he's out fighting on my phone case that covers it right about the separate object it is a good it's a really murky legal definition whether to your grabbing space on your person separate from you in fact that in your trunk it may even have an entirely different standard for a search because you can't access it all inside your car lobsters place and i'm sure we're going to hearing a lot of stories coming out you know about different people that had it somewhere
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else in their car and you know what the cops constitute is on your person or not but what if i have a password on my phone so you can't just push a button and instantly access all the information can the officer actually force you to give them your password they can ask you and they can even wider you they can say if you tell us your password is going to help you when we go before the judge remember cops generally speaking don't have to tell you the truth however then this is important they cannot force you to hand over your password they may ask they may try to persuade you but if they do force you and you. that over then they've gone over the line however if you volatility disclose it the best free rein for them so i would advise everyone if you're all worried about police looking at your phone whether you committed a crime which you probably don't know even if you have given how many there are but you should definitely password protect your phone it's a great way to keep it safe well that's interesting that you mention that because when i was reading your piece you said that there's a lot of americans that are prize saying i have nothing to hide go ahead search my phone but you said that a lot of us are probably guilty of committing crimes and we don't even know what do
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you mean by that there are so many laws on the books in the united states these days it's something that's called over criminalization every year thousands of new offenses are added to the books a lot of the door quite criminal intent so you have no idea if you're doing something illegal and then there are these horror stories that are compiled by organizations like heritage foundation fact former attorney general ed meese who worked under reagan not exactly a liberal in fact he's a lower conservative he's worried about this girl was arrested on new york city subway reading a french fry arrested a woman that was or was arrested simply for not filing the right paperwork of grandmother so you can be arrested for a whole host of things for not having the right stamp on a lobster even ported it's incredibly easy for the cops to find something you don't that's illegal not only that if they search your phone and they find anything incriminating such as the guy in california. has if they were by the text message that said six for eight that's all it said the police officer testified that involved a drug deal six pills for eighty dollars that along with other factors is enough
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for a criminal conviction so it's really hard to know for sure that there's nothing on your phone that might land you behind bars given how many laws you have that is a really crazy so i guess the number one piece of advice they're giving people is to actually go ahead and encrypt their phones is that right that's right it's really easy to do that with your laptop which i recommend everybody do because it's so easy just google for its true crypt c.r.i. people. it's a great piece of software that lets you keep your laptop police cannot break it it's very robust problem is on phones. do you really want out with the same levels of corruption because police can't hack into it the problem with a password protected phone that's not encrypted is that there were these tools the police can plug in your phone in five minutes all the data is off your phone or on their computer and then they have free reign to search it so encrypted is the only really surefire way to make sure police can access it and as i said earlier they cannot force you to compel them to turn over the keys and what they say you have
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the right to remain silent because not force you to compel to disclose any information under the fifth amendment so you really want encrypt your phone the problem is not a lot of phones actually let you it's not an easy thing some common feature what as i mentioned blackberry is probably the leader in this field in large part because corporations are made customers really care about security i phones not so easy to encrypt it all that's no good i think they were ready to throw out my phone when i mean this is something that might even be coming in front of the supreme court at some time but it's definitely you know good for people to know about what they can and cannot do what they shouldn't and do ryan thanks so much for joining us they keep going to be here. well before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day and last night's state dinner president obama announced that the u.s. and china have reached a deal to keep the two giant pandas at the national zoo right here in washington d.c. now when hearing of the news we thought the g.o.p. would have very quickly tweet the following will vote next week to repeal the ten days stay here in d.c.
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these illegals must be sent back to their homeland well before we go actually tonight i do want to make a quick correction earlier i was speaking with michael barnes from d.c. v.a. law and policy and we were discussing china the general confusion that seems to be going on when it comes to our politicians our media as to how to really approach china had a look at the country but we do have a statistic we wanted to clear up it is three hundred to seven hundred million people live on a dollar twenty five a day in china not a year that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning. when i make your view from back tomorrow it will be the one year anniversary of the supreme court citizens united ruling that's the one that let corporations train freely in elections because they're people too so we're going to take a look at how that decision affected politics in america over the last year and i think that by looking at what happened in november we already know the answer to that now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of your own a show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show
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or any other nights we can always catch all the you tube dot com slash the longer show where we post the interviews as well as the show in it's entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the. very first verses of the bible is that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or non jews. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier territories was to do with. doing what we call making our presence
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felt to go out. there and knock on some doors for the other. religion and nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed few one. thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect there. you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid not to hear a few religious jew calling another jew on not not the way they really didn't. complain some teams being to the home screen. to the land developed by cossacks in ancient times. now goes to the center of russian defense production. with christianity and shamanism existed side by side for centuries.
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