tv [untitled] January 22, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EST
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for instance on t.v. dot com. three thirty am in the russian capital good to have you with us here on our t.v. easier headlines lawyers of alleged russian arms trafficker viktor boot set to challenge a u.s. government attempt to prosecute the man dubbed the merchant of death the defense claims who was extradited from thailand to the u.s. illegally against established procedures if found guilty he could face life in prison. protests in oslo as norwegians lend their support to a russian born immigrant about to be deported despite being brought up in the country and voted a model citizen maria says drawn calls from human rights groups for norway to change its immigration policy despite the public outcry authorities are set on deporting her as it really has next week. and six party talks in istanbul and in
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disappointment over iran's nuclear program terror and insists on its right to enrich uranium while negotiators push for a fuel swap plan to take the process abroad no future date has been set for further talks. artie's interview show spotlight up next as six party talks end in deadlock in istanbul over iran's nuclear program talks to ali asghar soltanieh iran's ambassador to the international atomic energy agency to get to iran's point of view .
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hello again or welcome to spot the show. today my guest in the studio is highly our title iran's nuclear program has been that headache for the rest of the world for decades year after year terror and has been saying it's personal peace for girls but many in the world fear the slamming republic may be fostering plans of building nuclear warheads so what's cooking in iran's nuclear kitchen will be hearing about it from the man who represents iran in the end atomic energy agency. some time. iran says it needs to enrich its own uranium for a few lng its nuclear power stations and other peaceful purposes after failing to meet international obligations the un imposed sanctions on the country four years ago they banned any uranium related corporation between town and other countries
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and maybe on a spec sions all the wrongs nucleus sides mandatory two years ago france and russia offered to enrich uranium for terence power plants even though the offer was welcomed by the international community of iran turned it down now after years of argument and counter-argument the parties are in istanbul to once again try and come to a compromise over iran's nuclear ambitions. and thank you very much for. being with us on the show my pleasure first of all i want to start from a recent quote when you say it i quote the january twenty one twenty two meeting could be the last chance for major powers to strike a deal could you specify i wouldn't mean by a last chance are you threatening the major powers and and do you mean that that if the negotiations fail this will be it gives first of its kind of pleasure to be
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with you have to clarify that was as a rather nice coating then i had a discussion with media and some intellectuals in paris in fact i was not relating what i said to the negotiation. war live for us when i thought i was referring to negotiation in vienna on terror our decision react or then i said i repeat here you notice that did the negotiation in october two thousand and nine was not conclude there and therefore we had no option down to continue and make our twenty percent up to twenty percent fuel for our own and up to now roughly forty kilogram have been produced and that we don't need to wait and did a one hundred twenty kilogram is all produce as long as soon as the first fuel rod is ready and each and putting the quarter of terror on react or then we do not have that much justification to come a negotiation for russia u.s.
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and france in vienna any more for terrorists as reactor because we can produce ourselves what do we need to come to them and according to what agreed to send some material to turkey one thousand two hundred kilograms therefore i said that the time is running therefore they better use this opportunity and to come to the negotiating table before it's too late that is what exactly i'm saying and i want to say that until now that i'm talking to you right now face to face is still good . there on declaration which we agreed as a compromise is on the table. well ahead of the istanbul talks terror and has organized a trip for foreign diplomats a tour inside two of the nuclear sites well however the major powers russia china and the european union have refused the story saying that that the inspectors from the i am a should should be there and they should verify whether the iran's program
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is peaceful or not do you agree with the position of russia china and the first position of russia and china was different from their position of e.u. that was the e.u. that they said that you better invite the inspectors which was unjustified because already inspectors are almost every day and that has based on our activities and commitment on that n.p.t. in fact during this visit of ambassadors last week which i was there with them ok generally by coincidence or this spec they're doing their job this is a be special and visit of some diplomas to the i.a.e.a. is completed you would do different things russians are asking to postpone it but rick because we had already planned and many ambassadors prefer this time therefore if you could in their post want there were one thing is one do we have to make a distinction between visiting of ambassadors to the i.a.e.a.
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which always discuss dismantling nyad they better have a big good feeling and these specters are doing their own technical joe you use either the inspectors are there almost a boat as far as i know from the press from what. politicians say it's iran's a refusal to comply with previous u.n. security council resolutions to allow full inspection of your atomic sites this was the reason that convinced for example russia and china. to back up the sanctions so when will iran be ready to to to fully open its sites with scripture one hundred percent dividual to disagree with you because you have to make a distinction again the it being the spec sharon and our obligation under the n.p.t. and those requests under deplete takes of united to security council we are fully
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cooperating with the i.a.e.a. under the n.p.t. and by now four thousand man days special has been made in iran which is unprecedented in the history of i.a.e.a. what you were really fairing however was there the question of security council resolution to suspend to a stop these activities of a rich man or heavy water reactor a construction which is in not a legally binding in fact with no legal basis and this we cannot of course do that because this enrichment is one hundred percent under control and surveillance with the camera therefore we cannot find any justification in fact would depress comfort as a minute ago i was explaining for a reason why the security council resolutions have no legal basis first of all i quoted to set your the article for twelve c. only this issue should be sent to new york security council if the inspectors ical denies non-compliant as reporting to director general and then director john report
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to the board of governors however any case of iran even france germany u.k. with the support of the us in fact pushed it politically and they did decided to send this matter to new york it was contradiction with this statute and also i remind you that the cases like for example in north korea if the inspectors are not permitted to the conti according to statute then this issue should be to center new york but in the case of iran all live ports of director general. eighty eight years the director general has said that we are able to continue our inspection and there is no evidence of diversion because of these reasons and since it is allusions that even by e.u. treaty sais that this suspect was not legally binding and volunteer because of these for reasons that is illusions of security glance or have no legal basis we will not implemented your excell so you know when or listen to to talks to to to.
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the ocean between iran and the western world i get that impression that it resembles a famous beatles song you remember you say goodbye i say hello you say yes i say in there i save black you say white but some people may get the same impression and start start singing the song listening to our interview so. is this all about words is it all about propaganda is it all about making news or is it about nuclear safety i mean the iranian you are a new issue can you be frank and say and say yes or no simply of course i'm not going to give any comment about the go shares but one thing is clear that vienna spared no effort to prove to the whole work that our nuclear activities are exclusively for peace with their purses. as i said many people will believe you know and that is the problem that i think that through you i want to tell the whole
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war on that over one hundred twenty countries men have without any interruption for the last eight years supported iran and their statement is documented in die as the part of the history pages of the story therefore the international community majority of the membership of the whole war have supported and these are the ambassadors which accompanied me in the well in the present of a well over one hundred twenty counties have continued to support it only for your county. yes of descent countries they also claim and give allegations they are not representing international community please we have to be careful about using the international community the majority of the whole or or have always supported iran and they can see that iran's nuclear activities were peaceful and we have they have encouraged us and fully cooperated and we die yet only a few western counties they want to use i.e. as a tool in order to dictate from new york to vienna what to do what from washington
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to need to vienna what to do and we are preventing them to do it because i am independent organisation that is exactly what we want to could distinguish between these two we would continue our cooperation with the fully cooperating in accordance with our nuclear activities and obligation therefore we have to distinguish that everything is hundred percent transparent and you cannot find anywhere in the whole war that would accept inviting visiting embassador of different countries and media to our nuclear stations everything is hundred percent transparent people let's get back to the upcoming the o.c.a. shoes you as you put it lately i quote iran will sit at the negotiating table only when there is no precondition this is a principle of iran and quote that's right. a few days ago after you said that your president ahmadinejad's said i quote again how can an agreement be reached as long
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as there are sanctions and quote will the lifting of sanctions is iran's own precondition so are you are you against preconditions or not wait a minute you have to distinguish the fact that we have over a say is a dipali a sea of cateau tennis the science channel negotiations in principle is wrong and nobody can accept that it has been it has been on this globe for for for for a century now that we we have this is our things that this is an uncivilized no colonialism mentality and we have to confront this mentality isn't it the way we. bring up her kids i mean the carrot and stick now not only another lesson seven we shouldn't do that because that really isn't there that we need it and if we are doing we are not seeing us because then i think is it for me will come from this kind of mentality and that is why if you remember years back they were say they were saying that iran should suspend then we will start negotiation didn't accept any precondition that was a precondition but we are ready as the president and i are all top officials have
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always said to negotiate with me childress make without condition and it quite fitting says i lee i was gonna soltani iran's permanent ambassador to the international atomic energy agency spotlight we'll be back shortly after a break so stay with us we'll continue in less than a minute and a good. deal
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in the studio today is i leave as god soltani says iran's permanent ambassador to the international atomic energy agency yourself well you said that you ran is not going to develop a nuclear bomb a nuclear weapon and you said you have good reasons for that i mean not yours but the country can you explain because all i've heard so far is that. there may the facilities are for peaceful means but they may be theoretically used for military purposes now you're putting it differently please elaborate the founder of revolution lakemont khomeini always twenty five years a girl and in new york asians reflected the the horrible aspects of there's no clear whip and in fact in one of these statement called the people intellectuals writers and scientists to enlighten the people so that they can all prize about
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their nuclear weapon at that time off to a super bowl as and try to destroy this nuclear weapon and our president right now the supreme leader has in many occasions also conceded this one religiously forbidden and you know and he can in fact there were plans on mass destruction including nuclear weapons but i want to today give another reason that i hope you and your distinguish yours would be this convinced you are not is that we are negotiating the five plus one it means. live power nuclear power they're having nuclear weapons we are negotiating and he said we are negotiating with mutual respect and equal footing it means that we can sit at ourself in power with other people have a nuclear weapon in order to discuss global and regional issues of the whole word now unless and assumed as an investor now do you we will go to a nuclear weapon how many nuclear weapon we can make could we ever be able to
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compete with the twenty seven thousand warheads of these p. five or five countries we cannot therefore up there they would be in a vacant position the balance of power would be in the out of the said vantage it could be had volunteered ability for iran but therefore with the nuclear vapor we are it could power have equal power with the five days therefore this is a strategic mistake to go to a nuclear weapon in fact it power and the strengths of iran comes not from nuclear weapon it comes from the those principles ensuring that a currency to share for example one of the principle is the east and in labor rights for nuclear energy or any technology and nobody can delete get these right i'm sure that nobody can do it get this right from your people or now people is impossible the second important point is no compromise on this principle therefore principle and no compromise on those pretty simple at any price has given us
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a strength some power which is more common for down nuclear weapons do you think it is possible for a country to have an air fleet to have airplanes to build airplanes and not have military hair. is it it doesn't make sense why you see you do need to in order to defend yourself you don't need to have weapons of mass destruction mass destruction you need to conventional weapons that is why we have in and in many cases have said we want if you want and we will have a stronger military in fact potentials convention and what if it were put in shoes in order to defend ourselves but you know there's a way that we defend it eight years in poor do suspects and not only you do suspect that israel has nuclear weapons not only suspect the president of course that is the high park or see. the policy in mr jim for the last decades because they say that they have it but at the same time they deny it i want to remind you
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that the former prime minister wal-mart and now study have it and never ambassador that a president of the in vienna denied it and therefore i asked mr brady former director general to send a fact finding mission and the pay for my name is said to israel to know where all the might was right or dead ambassadors are to die therefore i want to say of course what is threatening the security of regional security and global security is the nuclear dependability and nuclear vipin of design is regime in the middle east we are always supporting middle east feeds own from any mass destruction depending clue to nuclear do you think the issue of israeli nuclear possible nuclear weapons and israel will be discussed at the at the meeting. coming negotiations i will not say any comment on what they would be discussing but we have already said that in this negotiation we are. going to discuss about the ways and means
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for remove the concerns in the last meeting in geneva our delegation raise the concerns about disarmament about the issue of number of ration and the issue of in fact nuclear of many. can nuclear vipan deployed to europe is right in nuclear capability all these concern have been reflected of course one of the serious concern that we have at the same time we have these potential cooperating to take care of international and global problems and iran as a great potential to cooperate with other partners in order to have solutions but i want to say that is right in nuclear capability is a serious potential threat and that is why we had resolution in general conference that is why you have been sober and out is allusions in the i.a.e.a. expressing to concern about nuclear capability israel more than that you have noticed that israelis have continued to threaten to attack iran is not pleased
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elation which is in contravention to did is illusion five three three which iran proposed in one thousand nine hundred fact i prepared it and it was adopted according to dad's resolution any attack or threat of attack against nuclear installation during operation or of a construction. violation of united nations charter statute and international law and united as a security classes should act immediately therefore this is a pity united nations security council is keeping silence day this is for this is very disappointing for tony you have been more than once criticizing the confrontation policy of your negotiation partners but recently hillary clinton admitted that i quote iran can enrich uranium for civilian purposes at some future date once it has demonstrated it can do so in a reasonable manner and in accordance with its international obligations and quote iran can enrich uranium do you see these words of state secretary as
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a breakthrough in the u.s. position well i have to say that after eight years and also after years of. involvement of united nations security council. and i expect that they have come to conclusion that they have miscalculated and they have to reconsider whatever death done so on and they have to cope themselves with the reality that reality is iran is master of enrichment technology and also the reality is that iran will not suspend its cooperation be die a and everything is under the full control of i.a.e.a. an international organization which is related to that therefore having set so knowing that everything is hundred twenty percent transparent and exclusive of peaceful purposes therefore they cannot ask through either to solution or any way to ask iran to suspend this is absolutely impossible and not logical therefore
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let's hope that all change the gear from confrontation to cooperation will i once again getting back to the to these to rule the gender in may two thousand and ten the last year the worst of countries rejected. agreements with turkey and brazil on low enrich uranium fuel can this particular agreement be renegotiated this later this month i have to say that this is of course a pity because i was at the head of the legation negotiation with delegations from russia u.s. and france. over two thousand and nine for the fuel for turner decision i understand person. over twenty years ago in fact when i was ambassador in. asking dr hans blix to ask the fuel for terrorist act and we got the fuel from argentina this time b.v. a expect at the same way to give the money to pay for it and get a few now they are put to condition therefore body in order to prove to the whole
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international community davi i have a political will in order to assure transparency and to give confidence that this material is useful and the only preserve as is based on terror and declaration. initiative of brazil and turkey. good friends the accepted to make another compromise it means to give one thousand two hundred kilograms send it to turkey so that we would be c. one hundred twenty kilograms up to twenty percent enrichment therefore teheran declaration is a historical compromise and as now i am talking to you maybe later would be change this proposal and ted on declaration is still on the table. your nuclear program ruse nuclear program has been making news last year and early this year and as a target of sabotage well experts believe that attempts on the lives of scientists nuclear scientists and also and also the computer virus of the bushehr plant they.
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caused a two year low in iran's nuclear program that you two years behind schedule really is that true i can assure you of that divided says exists different viruses damage the different computers in the whole word but there are anti virus is also and if people should show maximum ledger lines to protect their activities i can assure you that this virus has not been able to effect a centrifuge is deceptive you just which were visited by ambassadors of essentially they saw by their own eyes that all of them are working and rotating one thousand notation per second without any problem regarding of course as a summation of the nucleus sorry it is and terrorist activities this is the ugliest safire naaman are that we are facing and i am sure they all public of the word and the scientists of the whole world should deplore this kind of ugly to phenomena and prevent such a thing to occur because the scientists of any kaante are the war terry cage of all
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words they belong to the whole humanity and therefore this matter is in fact a nuclear terrorist we can consider and we are going to pursue this market in vienna as it is matter of serious concern for all sorry. these are nuclear scientists particularly in or in all countries including yours or any countries they should be protected and this in fact the. act of against humanity should should be fact prevented and deplored thank you thank you very much your actual scene just a reminder that my guest today was the doctor i lead as god so tell me iran's permanent ambassador to the international atomic energy agency and that's it for now from all of us here if you don't have your sales problems you can always drop me a line we will be back with more first and comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay an r.t. and take care thank you very much. thank.
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