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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST

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a world com to show you stumper like you've never seed ruptures promise posting the plan is the biggest tournament. of all ages from st petersburg where the fee for president sepp blatter has put pen to paper on the document confirming russia is the host of the twenty eighteen world cup finals. i did our look at the week's main news poland plans a reconstruction of the events that led to last a full presidential plane crash insisting the official report mesons that question . pledging support to war torn afghanistan and value to tackle the flow of drugs to russia's president meet his afghan counterpart in moscow during the first visit in decades. and supporters rally for
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a russian born woman who has lived in norway since childhood but who faces deportation after her slim requests and rejects heads. a very warm welcome this is r t live from moscow i'm alice had it rough so is promising to stage a tournament like no other when it has the world cup in twenty eighteen the assurances came as the theme for president officially handed over the world's biggest sporting event to the country's successful bid see peter all of the joins us live now from st petersburg where the ceremony took place pisa russia has never hosted the world cup before has it so will it be able to cope with it on its. able or not it's all official now they signed today
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a three headed contract between the russian football union fee for the russian government well they said. that means is say that they will guarantee that the world cup will be held in russia in twenty eighteen the russian government say that they will provide the russian football union with all of the required help that they need to be able to put it on and the russian football union say that they will put it on no this comes after we heard just a couple of months ago that they would be given the chance to host the tournament in twenty eight say the first time bush has ever hosted the first eleven being hosted in eastern europe now before the signing ceremony said blatter the fever president met with prime minister vladimir putin and a valid me putin during that meeting talk to journalists and said that russia would be able to deal with putting on the world cup finals and that they would use the experience that they've gained in preparation for getting ready for the winter olympics in sochi in two years' time and that would be valuable information at the
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live experience that they've gained there and that means that they'll be able to put on a fantastic told him and. we would like to use the experience we've already gained in preparing for the start you winter olympics in twenty fourteen we've been working closely together with the international olympic committee on this and we build up a very constructive business relationship with them i would like to ask you to point specialists from to come and work here together with us to be present from the very first day of our common interest rise you can take part in the entire process of preparing for the twenty. million plus of the fee for president talks and often an awful lot about the world game is football and he's really trying to make it part of his legacy to take the world cup finals as far flung corners of the world as he possibly can now russia is a major footballing country but one of the things that mr blatter has been trying to get across is to bring the world cup tournament to countries that necessarily
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you wouldn't think you get started this off by having the first world cup in africa last year when it was hosted in south africa. the next world cup will be in brazil a great footballing nation and the start of course russia here the first time it'll be in eastern europe and after that the world cup goes to the middle east for the first time with guitar taking the on of there now mr blatter was talking about the russian said he was speaking with prime minister vladimir putin as well as the heads of the russian football union and he seems to be fully confident that russia can put on a show. i'm very pleased that the russian government is playing a direct rule in organizing the world cup i can assure you that we will work together very closely on this joint venture will provide support but the lion's share of responsibility rests on russia i'm certain that the world cup will be held at the highest possible level and will turn into a truly magnificent event. so real vote of confidence coming there for.
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the massive event isn't bad and there are only seven prepare for it that's quite a challenge. well it is indeed initially when you hear seven years it sounds like quite a long time but then you look at the work that needs to be done the russian delegation when they put across their bid to fee for to host this tournament they really focus quite a lot on the potential that could come from having the tone of it here in russia you know a lot of the stadiums haven't actually been built there will be used in the in the tournament in seven years time a massive undertaking there of course russia does have some great footballing stadiums already luzhniki in moscow hosted the champions league final a couple years back did a great job there they'll be getting a major facelift but they'll be stadiums built brand new stadiums built in cities around the country but it's not just the stadiums what we're looking at here is a world cup being held in the biggest country in the world and fans have to be able
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to get around to make sure that they can travel efficiently and safely and quickly to the different areas where the tournament is being held now the beads had in place a massive proposal to build a. high speed train link between the cities where the games will be held also airports will be refitted out motorways relate to a brand new motorways constructed in order to make sure that all of the thousands of fans and we are really talking thousands of fans many people travel to world cup without tickets just. take in the atmosphere of being in the country where it's being held a must of influx of people from all over the world coming here and they're going to have to make sure that they can have in place a transport system that they can get around on hotels so that they have a good time when they come here. is what everybody is talking about two thousand and eighty so a big plans underway here in russia to make sure the about world cup in twenty eighteen is the success of brown hopes it will be our cities these are all of our
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reporting from st petersburg than many on the other knees and now and poland is planning to carry out a week construction of the plane crash that killed president kaczynski and his delegation in russia last april is conducting its own experiments say in response to the russian that investigation which blames the tragedy on pilot error was still refuses to fully accept the findings as company as that of a explains. polish prime minister donald tusk attempting to calm an increasingly angry parliament this week polish government wants the truth to be complete and we realize that being convenient for many there is a complex number of causes for the crash it's convenient for some to blame the pilots the bar and the pressure for others it'll be convenient to blame the russians but it won't be the whole truth the organization that seeks the truth mustn't be influenced by forces in poland that wanted to be there but opposition
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leaders don't seem to be heeding the call intent and avoiding full responsibility for april's plane crash there flooding the polish media with conspiracy theories and enraged accusations. in light of what we know today about the crew of the plane there wasn't necessarily a new pressure they were radically misled. and this was a cause of the accident relations to cause the fault is on the russian side. but is this grief talking or shrewd political ambition with a parliamentary election not far off it suggested that claiming the interstate aviation committee's report was biased and incomplete is a sure fire way to run voters but even those who accept the findings have issues with the way that they were presented polling has been very critical of the report commissioned for instance for not publishing including reports in the stands or
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transcript of conversations off air controllers with the plane the commission has now post that transcript on its website as if post-fact recognizing the address the sooner the polish people it's a painful subject especially as it brings back some uncomfortable memories about the flights of high level officials. in august two thousand and eight a presidential air crew were threatened with the sack after refusing to land citing bad weather conditions there's also a question of insufficient training raised after a crash also in two thousand and eight which killed a number of polish military personnel that's why some feel that accepting full responsibility for this millions tragedy would be almost like admitting it could have been prevented and you were up for good or for that it is hard for post to handle a difficult three and this is a difficult truth of course things in these rules which help us to feel some responsibility away from us and the situation the purser's clear the drive to keep
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politics from interfering with improving relations between moscow and warsaw while amounting domestic agenda makes that a tough task regardless of who is to blame the share magnitude of this crash and the human tragedy of it are undeniable that's why officials both in russia and poland have called for the memories of those who lost lives and smile and to be respected for the polish opposition however the promise of potential political leverage could turn out to be a lot more tempting kashrut as are the r.t. moscow. well here's just some of what's still to come this hour here on playing the transatlantic game a u.s. court set date for the child of alleged russian. lawyer cried foul saying the government's breaking little we'll tell you. not shocked from throwing more money. than we hear what that means for the struggling here is
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a country. russia is pledging to help afghanistan recover from years of war once nato forces withdraw from the region in twenty fourteen the promise came during the afghan leaders visit to moscow which was the first in a generation president medvedev and cause i also to tackle the problem of afghan drugs most of which flow into russia and he said now we follow that. on the first official visit of an afghan leader to moscow in two decades russia promises to lend a hand after western forces leave the war torn country. russia would like to see afghanistan as an independent and prosperous state as an effective government that's able to provide the development of afghanistan for decades to come. u.s. led coalition forces have been in the country since two thousand and one and are
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planning to withdraw combat forces in three years leaving afghanistan on its own russia has been watching us operations very closely from a far more providing necessary transit routes for supplies and plan to continue support once the pullout is complete there is both the ability to russia and the the need for russian afghanistan to engage with. not only in the manner of russia helping afghanistan rebuild itself and re really develop its institutional capacity but also by way of trade by way of investment by interaction between our businesses which is very strong but you countries signed a trade and business cooperation deal over the past few years russian afghan trade turnover has increased more than four fold and is now half a billion u.s. dollars president carter's i mentioned that his country's developing economic
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relationship with the united states but that the relationship with russia is developing at a larger scale again we should come back to a history more than one hundred four to enterprises were built by the soviet union driven karzai agreed to prioritize the fight against narcotics since russia bears the brunt of afghanistan's vast drugs production industry russia hoped that international forces could crush extremism and get it and russian officials hope that maybe they could be able to stop the influx of drugs come in and russia but now is see if it americans and their european allies let's. say it clearly has failed in fighting extremism in afghanistan so now of course russian officials have to deal with the problem of talking directly to the leaders organise them with the two main threats coming out of afghanistan drugs and terrorism no one feels that hit closer to home more than russia was pledging to help develop support for the
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war torn country without ever having a russian soldier stepped foot on afghan soil and he's now a r.t. moscow. president karzai gave r.t. an exclusive interview during his visit to russia so we'll bring you his thoughts for mcconnell's mounting problems a mosque is role in helping to solve them in just fifteen minutes time here on t.v. now hundreds of norwegians have been showing their anger against what they see as the unfair treatment of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants it's been highlighted by the threat to deport a russian born author who's lived there since she was a child and was even awarded norwegian on the year as laura everett reports rolls low but i am really a case of the country facing up to issues it's been reluctant to touch before. the clock is ticking for many as her supporters gather in central oslo for what may be the last time to protest her deportation from the country she's learnt to call home
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as things stand i merely could be sent to russia within days leaving behind her friends the land she grew up in but this is no longer just about money with her book illegal norwegian and her activism she's managed to draw attention to the plight of all people struggling to stay in norway those without papers have no access to work education or health care and can't even get married before money i mean leave very few talks about it but they are now irish of their own have the possibility to have to have the same rights now i think. this movement in support of her specific case. can develop into a movement supporting all the people in her situation it's a cause that unites different groups from organizations that campaigned specifically for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to renowned human rights
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groups like amnesty everyone here has a story to tell and this family and their friends are no exception we are here today with a mother and two children who has a legal stay in there where they have all the papers passports permissions they need but their father he was not that said the. when he. came to seek asylum so we are here to protest that their split in family has to get through the a one more immigrant there demanding better rights and they see emily as their post to go born muddiness salam of a north a settler her family fled when she was twelve they were denied asylum in norway but stayed anyway over the years emily learned to speak fluent norwegian and to most his degree and a job offer but the government insists she's illegal and must. go her lawyer says that could happen within days it doesn't lose sort of very optimistic at the moment but. they're still sure. the immigration authorities might
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rethink the case because. of also sending new information to them all the time. that's happened. several times each day. it's not usually due to anything there might be a court hearing on monday or tuesday but. under the precondition that she's leaving the country are but whatever happens to emily her mark has been made these people are mobilized invalid to protect all those without papers in norway which could be as many as twenty thousand out of a total population of only five million i merely has succeeded in highlighting the plight of asylum seekers in norway they were previously seen as a group with little to offer and no resources to protect themselves but emily has a huge number of friends and the ninety thousand members of her facebook page a testament to the level of support she enjoys although the influence they enjoy
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looks limited with her deportation almost a certainty nor emmett's r.t. . u.s. just this week told alleged arms didn't even put a boot that he will go on trial in september the russian businessman labeled in the west as the merchant of death is charged with conspiring to kill americans and supporting terrorism his lawyers say the u.s. has no legal right to put him in court. cannot reports one firearm for every twelve people. you know we question. how we are in the other eleven. that's hollywood's take on forty four year old russian cargo dealing businessman victor boot but in real life is he really the merchant of death or the lord of war or simply a victim of propaganda u.s. prosecutors are not thinking twice about which label to pick the so-called merchant of death is now
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a federal inmate the american media months ahead of trial also have their mind made up this is the lord of war. the merchant of death all right and you've got him in your hands right he's in custody it's a great feeling with presumption of innocence out the window all these nicknames exist for one man. who has not committed any criminal activity and has not been found guilty neither in the us nor in any other country in america however he faces four charges. one conspiring to kill united states nationals two conspiring to kill united states officers and employees three conspiring to use an acquire anti-aircraft missiles and for conspiring to provide material support to the far the united states has been eager to lay hands on boot for almost a decade there is no osama bin ladin no al qaida no problems in afghanistan no problems in iraq there is only victor boot the evil man upon the request of u.s.
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officials victor boot was arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight after two years of fighting for freedom in a thai court and found not guilty twice who was snatched up by american officials and taken to the u.s. with sirens and an airplane in the middle of the night building all the hype of a hollywood blockbuster but curiously boots case technically remains in thailand according to boots thai and russian lawyers his case to this moment remains in a thai court would you leaving there was no official decision of an extradition meanwhile dubbed an international arms trafficker by america if your boot is in solitary confinement in a manhattan prison his wife who was held at the airport for almost three hours upon her arrival to the big apple got the first glimpse of viktor at friday's technical hearings i don't think he's in the best state i'm worried about his health both physical and mental the family who needs the case against was fabricated because
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what happened to him the kidnapping the full sky i can accept the possibility that victor boot might have some information that might be of the. interest to someone but why is it that other countries don't just think to themselves that there is someone who has some interesting information and why don't those governments just drag those people onto their territory defense team such a file motions questioning how and why the man was brought to the us as well as whether or not the recordings used against picture were obtained in accordance with the thai law picture but stands confident that he is the victim of a propaganda war launched in america and maintains his innocence the defense team now has forty five days to present for motions to judge him awfulness i'll be extradition of victor boot to the united states is one of the key elements among them a trial date for now has been set for september twelfth if found guilty by the u.s. federal court victor boot could face up to a life sentence behind bars and. you're. a wealth of
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background and analysis on the story on our web site of course there's plenty of new. equipment but what else is online now america is left scratching its head as they're expensive but all popular gallops down the mission. may not be contributing as a lot to the for its contribution to the rule. that takes us down. and it could be the coolest day ever visit no one there is tons of value used to create the fairy tale cultures that kept solve a zero temperatures find out more about this winter wonderland on our website so. now will power is could the disappointment of the latest talks over iran's controversial nuclear program negotiations in istanbul failed to reach any
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agreement or even set a deadline for future discussions these foreign policy chief says iran isn't call poor. singha now and will remain under strict u.n. sanctions but a round president must without with either says he expects positive results from any further talks insists it will not freeze its uranium enrichment program saying every country has a right to peaceful nuclear power pins national community is still concerned iran is trying to develop an atomic bomb which it did a nice russian's deputy foreign minister said again we have to cough he says even though a deal wasn't reached the negotiations were not completely in vain. i wouldn't agree that these talks failed i think it was an important opportunity that was used by both parties to move dialogue forward i would say i'm encouraged by the outcome but to put it better i'm squarely disappointed would be no worse statement my hope
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is that after the stumble around. the ring in part the will consider in a very serious manner these eight years and specific proposals that have been put forward as russia says as i believe many in the world are equally. share this view there is no other way there is no alternative to the negotiations and then gauge when the effort everything else is you know. deadlock we need to continuously further negotiations effort that this is what russia intends to do in the period after eastern. well that was a russia's deputy foreign minister sergei lavrov cough now any hopes of getting more immediate cash in the kizzy for the euro zone's bailout fund fell flat this
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week even though portugal and spain are teetering financially and eve finance ministers meeting a small fix of the wealthiest nations including germany and france reluctant to use the four hundred forty billion euros they're committed to british m.e.p.a. nigel farage says pumping up the fund will only keep struggling you members in an economic stranglehold. i think what they're doing here is they're reinforcing failure at the end of the day countries like greece and portugal and possibly. should never have joined the euro in the first place trapped inside of economic prison with a whole set of policies that. i think the more we build up. the more in effect. and this really is a tragedy because these people. you know. we have mass demonstrations we have had people actually killed on the streets.
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to get worse and what it really is a frank assessment which is there is an argument. with germany holland and a few countries possibly france as well but there is an optimal. but for the north and south of europe to be stuck inside a monetary union is never ever going to work all we are doing we're reinforcing failure what you've got here behind this whole european project where we talk about the union. we talk about the current say we have a political class who want this that's the great battle that is going on in europe it's the battle between the political leaders and public opinion which increasingly is. now in the public opinion. because you can't build a state and that's. without having the consent of the people and that consent has
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never been asked for and it's never been. that was the british your a m p nigel ok let's take a quick look now at some of today's the main world news at least six people have been for a series of bombings across the iraqi capital baghdad more than thirty others were injured by car bombs appear to be part of the coordinated attack the targeted police and ship pilgrims did busy roads in the city officials say the attacks were designed to show that iraq is on able to provide security ahead of an arab league summit in march last week more than a hundred and fifty people were killed in a wave of explosions across the country. the gaza blockade a military raid on a turkish led fertility would legal according to an israeli inquiry the findings were issued by a tele b. vacanti panel made up of four israelis in two foreign observers in may last year
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that the holes were intercepted by israel's navy commandos nine turkish activists died during the raid which sparked strong international condemnation. australia is preparing for another week of turmoil as in the. flood water is expected to spread across the country it's believed that the floods will threaten towns in the south eastern state of victoria experts say the devastation in queensland of victoria could cost three billion dollars in lost agricultural production at least thirty people have died since december due to the severe weather conditions in the east coast. well on the way here on aussie the afghan leader is scusa he tells off the plans for his country's recovery and how russia can help stay with us.
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