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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST

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findings under attack and israeli reform clears any wrongdoing in the raid on the gaza aid flotilla which killed nine turkish activists last may but turkey's lands inquiry and says the military action was illegal. i'll be bringing you more on this controversial announcement that has many in the international community shaking their heads in just a few moments the. violence spreads across the u.s. with more shooting sprees reported in different states while many are calling for tougher gun control laws something to abandon what they call american culture. plus moscow and washington are just one step away from finding out if their nuclear arms treaty will come to live as russia and the final stage of deliberation.
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and in business russian air companies a forced to dismantle chazan their airplanes to avoid high tech says more in twenty minutes. watching r.t. live from moscow ten am here on marina josh welcome to the program as really inquiry into last year's deadly raid on a gaza bound aid flotilla has ruled the actions of the country's naval commanders illegal nine turkish activists were killed when armed forces stormed the vessel's stamboul has rejected the findings saying they've got no value or credibility r.t. supposedly or has more. the israeli reporter says of the soldiers acted in self defense it examined one hundred and thirty three cases and found that in one hundred twenty seven the soldiers were eagerly justified in the way they acted it says in the six other cases it simply does not have sufficient information now the
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primary point that these weighty took a commission is relying on is that the way the soldiers the commanding unit acted did not break international law because it was quite clear they say that the gods of donald fit to let intended to break these radio blockade on gaza now these way the defense minister ehud barak has praised the findings of this report he says it proves that israel is a law abiding country but many activists and one of them being an israeli member of parliament who belongs to an arab party had one thousand names to wabi she was part of the fratellis she has come out in heavy criticism saying that it ignores the killings of nine two christian activists eight of them were turkish citizens and one was a turkish american citizen and we expect more international criticism as the day progresses we also know though that the first turlough the incident of course which happened on the thirty first of may has already received international condemnation no commission of inquiry in the world can justify deliberately restricting the
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passage of people and goods in order to paralyze the economy and prevent normal life from taking place in gaza and i'm sorry to say that's exactly what the israeli policy did we think that the lesson from the photo incident should be that israel has a right to prevent weapons from entering gaza but it doesn't have a right to do what it's still doing which is to prevent purely civilian goods from coming in and out in order to punish the population you have to remember israel controls gaza's borders and that control creates obligations when you control a civilian population you're responsible for their rights and the law of occupation says that even under circumstances of a security risk you have to allow people to leave normal lives so students need to be able to travel from gaza to the west bank in order to study families need to be able to travel back and forth in the. to be reunited with each other and merchants in gaza have a right to sell their goods outside of gaza israel can certainly inspect the goods and make sure there's no security threat but that's all it can do and i'm sorry to say that that's not the case right now and the commission made a disturbing finding when it said that those civilian restrictions could be illegal
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under international law that's what we disagree with the turkish national inquiry submissive to its findings to united nations that in september last year of course now it is up to the u.n. secretary general to examine both the israeli and the turkish reports and release its own conclusions we have no indication as of yet when that will be but the turkish commission did come out publicly for the first time yesterday sunday when the israeli report was issued saying and i'm quoting from a statement that it was surprised it was appalled and it was dismayed it said that is to be the typical commission exonerated the israeli defense forces the turkish prime minister has also said that this report has no credibility and no value to the criticism is also being leveled by political activists they say that these to make sure of the commission and also the limited authority it had this was not a public commission of inquiry from the outset set up a committee that could only reach conclusions that were effectively conclusions that they wanted to reach in the first place. paulus leah reporting there and
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here's a glance at a story that still had for you this hour here in. canada hazel experiment in russia leaves mary divided on the possible threat vantages of teaching religion at school we explain why later in the program. before that the man accused of shooting u.s. congresswoman gabrielle giffords in the had will be in court for a preliminary hearing later today darlene loughner went on a shooting spree at a public event on the eighth of january in arizona six people were killed and thirteen others wonder this high profile case is just one of a string of incidents involving gun violence in the country on sunday two people were shot dead and two policemen injured after a man began shooting at them outside of the park and store in the state of washington that same day a gunman went into a police station and detroit and shot four officers the violence has many americans calling for tougher gun control laws but artie's lauren lyster reports some see the
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weapon as part of their culture and say taking it away goes against their history. you have to know this is you ready. for the. fight for the right to bear arms. the target of debate in the united states standing if it took just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain thank you couldn't carry a gun in chicago. and in my world everybody on the bus could have a gun like making liberal shoot guns i just don't think we should be allowed to bring them home. to travel more than six hundred miles south. of the same well worn tracks taken here during the civil war and you're transported to can assad georgia. a world of the. order to where second amendment rights are exercised all the time there are. except for one except
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whenever you go to be a it's a way of life in the south a gun is just part of the household just like a hammer is in the tool box and in the town of kennesaw. it's the law of a first one thousand nine hundred two they passed that law requiring all heads of household to only. you heard them right everyone here must own a gun and it was a rebuttal to morons grove illinois like call it more ago we call it moron grove who passed a law banning firearms i don't think was a law itself that got people in kennesaw take off it was the foreign coverage it received in what today would call the mainstream press the battle with the mainstream doesn't end there issues in which the point kennesaw or through a lot of the south would have the i exactly opposite viewpoint appear to reach much further back than the gun law my name is dennis myers the name my storage wildman show up here past meets present. the taboo original claim
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uniform except for the. correct is not are people offended when they feel i don't know whenever i ask them why would you be offended if you're playing pranks. on. the confederate flag has a home not far from the american one and is praised means that we had four years of destruction in this area here where we're trying to repair the invaders it's a historical thing and i have much respect and love for the thing the racism of. this civil war it will have some. one from the air from or between states wasn't civil no civil war a civil war is a war that in one country we had to come to a computer stays american united states for murder and it's not over either or anything eighty nine before but. well you know deal you know modern with
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a. lot of people here i think the civil war is still a current topic not a historical topic in kennesaw the us civil war is never far away and back there are three has storage battlefields like this one within a ten mile radius of the town. and in their modern day battle for gun owners' rights it also seems to be connected to this southern history i think southerners view the last gasp of the citizenry against a and oppressive government as it is to revolt because. we lost the war so we get blamed for everything from foreign invaders about a boy into nazi germany under hitler certainly the soviet union under stalin first thing they do is take the guns away from everybody so that they can't revolt could go and do what the government has planned but i won't call you comes in and i think where some of the emotion comes from it's not just that you know you can can shoot a rabbit with it during hunting season. as for the gun law itself not everyone here
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abides by it i'm not personally going to have a gun oh of own plenty it goes but i don't quite have any right now but they do have opinions about it i think to go along to most of the new keeps criminals out i think that people you know would rather go somewhere else when you're out of the law enforcement says that may be true or violent crime rate is extremely low property crime is still less than half the national average and for the small southern town this may be their victory over the north that one hundred fifty years after a civil war changed everything in the south as a result of that war there. lifestyle was one they stuck by their guns lauren mr r t kennesaw georgia. and those of you who would like to read more on the gun laws in the us we get a log on to our website r t v dot com find out more americans buy weapons despite
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the financial crisis and how lawmakers in new hampshire are opting to change the rules to appeal to liberty loving division. plus we'll reveal just who gave the former prime minister her famous nickname the irony lady wore on than three decades ago. the pivotal nuclear arms reduction pad between moscow and washington is a file step away from being ratified by the russian parliament it's once again being debated before handing for its third and final hearing on tuesday russian lawmakers a man of the start treaty in the second reading last week in response to changes and reservations raised in washington among the amendments is a requirement for america to remove tactical nuclear weapons from you or the house
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will also call for other nuclear powers to join the process of nuclear reduction the treaty signed between presidents medvedev and obama last year has already been ratified by the u.s. senate it now needs a final say from the russian parliament russia's deputy foreign minister sergei lavrov cough says there are several key points to be addressed by moscow before the deal is rubber stamped. or. joint efforts to establish a more stable and constructive. relationship with the us it took a while before the u.s. and the threat of the resolute. our parliamentarians. use the period to sara lee study the american red fish resolution bade through their conclusions three or four especially important things are. outlined in these
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documents by the state duma one is our firm belief in the separate inseparable link between the strategic offensive weapons and strategic defensive weapons secondly we definitely thing that the so-called non-nuclear. strategic offensive weapons of growing importance they have a growing impact on the overall strategic stability thirdly we think that. in this very situation we would be only possible for russia to stay within the parameters of the treaty if nothing happens on the part of us that infringes national security interests of russia to an extent that. we know continues implementation of the treaty becomes questionable.
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and for more on the start treaty and the latest on the issues over iran's nuclear program watch the full interview with russia's deputy foreign minister sergei later this hour. two eyes breakers in russia's far east have rescued a fifth and file ship to have been stuck solid in ice for dearly a month once refueled the ice breakers will return to escort another ship to open waters after it was taken to a safe haven following its rescue three ships found themselves stranded on the thirty's of the sandbar with a combined crew of around four hundred people and less than a week later two more vessels. became stuck and immediate rescue operation was launched but the sickness of the eyes hampered efforts to break through strong winds the low visibility and shifting ice floes added to the problems. so i have a program here in our media manipulation find out. keeping up with the news and
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although one might change the way you think. and some russian schools have undertaken an experiment of introducing new religious classes to their students' cattle but with the country being multi-faith debates raging as to whether this experiment will succeed in teaching children about tolerance and mutual understanding or split society art is excited boy go reports. it looks like any other class with quizzes home or being sat on an extensive syllabus yet it is the only one in this church in school were pupils on the road rated their studying the basics of islam the predominant religion here. islam teaches respect kindness peace and tolerance. peace and tolerance from the top of that agenda on russia's ministry of education began testing religious subjects as part of the
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secondary curriculum last year the experiment allows students to study one of the major religions or concentrate on secular ethics yet while trying to provide room for all it's also putting pupils of different religious backgrounds in different classrooms. but i think it was wrong to degrade students so that some focus on christianity while other studies only in one country will have to know some basics about each other this is a dividing children is not a good idea at all. the organizers of the experiment said just that schools should be able to provide classes on any religion no matter how small the group being taught the shortage of financing often means that only one or two classes are offered. here in the town of mind central russia the children are well read about autographs christianity if you are able to name all the religions practiced in russia. i don't mind other allegiance but i like orthodox christianity
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because it's the religion of all the home and. about three hundred thousand students just two percent of the total school population are taking part in the project and while most of the schools involved would prefer to keep spiritual subjects on the timetable experts say the initiative needs a thorough revision before it's rolled out further first of all this is clearly discrimination against kids who are not religious so what are they going to do. they're going to be separate from the class or what. it's also a tremendous pressure to accept one or the other for religion not because the blue of this religion but all of because they do because everybody has to belong to some religious community which is again. democratic. the line between
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teaching religion and not indoctrination is fine and a subject which for many families should stay at home educational experiment hasn't yet been declared either success or failure of some theory that instead of promoting really just taller runs and cultural understanding it may actually foster ethnic bias and social segregation it's a work of art see. now stick a look at some other stories from around the world and at least six people have been killed on the outskirts of the iraqi c.f. card. thirteen others were wounded police say the blast targeted shia muslims on a pilgrimage to the holy city the bombing comes on the back of three suicide attacks on the same route last week which claimed more than fifty lives. these are hundreds of demonstrators have staged candlelit protests in spite of a nighttime curfew amid a new wave of unrest crowds are calling for the country's interim prime minister to step down. to you has already vowed to quit after fresh elections are held
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within six months the political chaos follows a month long uprising that opposed the country's leader killing almost people on sunday police arrested two allies of ousted president ben ali. around fifty thousand people joined a rally in the belgian capital demanding a government for the country following seven months of political stalemate and unofficial administration has been in place since elections in june last year produced no outright winner politicians have been unable to reach an agreement over how the government should be made up belgium is divided between two regions with french speakers in the south and flemish speakers in the north. the number of those killed in last week's have the floods and landslides in brazil has risen to at least eight hundred more than four hundred others remain missing avalanches of modern water ripped through mainly poor areas tossing cars into buildings and
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burying families alive as rescuers continue digging through. the death toll rises daily estimates could reach a thousand this week the disaster now rains as the second worst in brazil's history . video driver with a dashboard camera has captured the dramatic moment a truck smashed through a central reservation and into oncoming traffic the vehicle was carry thirty tons of soil when it went out of control and crashed through the safety wall a sudden blizzard caused hazardous driving conditions at a truck driver said to have been charged with careless driving. a range of new media outlets in moldova are being accused of trying to influence his audience politically critics say remain his sponsors are controlling the content of t.v. news and publications to promote reunification of the country but others are simply applauding more diversity in the press. investigates. the most press
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seems to have has undergone something of a make over in the past year with new t.v. programs airing different opinions so is the media becoming stronger and freer and this country after years of domination by only a few outlets it may seem so on the surface but some like internet journalists vitale and dear ski say the idea of a new dawn is only an illusion. when my website gained popularity some people from romania contacted me and offered financial help in exchange for my website as he pulled the idea of reunification which we all gave up and romania or something three quarters. before nine hundred forty five moldova belong to romania after the war it became part of the soviet union before independence on the collapse of the u.s.s.r. since then however some politicians in bucharest have been wanting it back and the e.s.q. says now they can use the media as
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a platform as most of the new press is sponsored by bucharest one of the most recent additions to moved over his media market is the quality paper i divert all the truth which is also one of the leading national dailies in romania. the very first edition of this romanian newspaper had some really sharp articles it speculated where the moldova was a toy between brussels and moscow and it also questioned the first decision to grant russia the right to host the twenty eighteenth football world cup. it is the first full color paper in moldova and this published in the romanian language rather than moldova in its stead. rita editor in chief says this is not an obstacle to popularity here what we can all do on this really go to seventy five percent of moldova and speak romanian and this is a fact as proven by the academy of sciences designed balanced approach to means something for this country opposition politicians believe such strong media
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influence from a book arrest could threaten moldova's sovereignty the campaign that is. being run by the local press that is as i told you supported the government of the when there . is constructed that way to make the integration possible kind of latent heat through the so called european integration those promoting women a zation of moldova have not been shy of using rather underhand methods according to one political expert in the middle. of an table of prices which brought cost russians stations insert remain your programs into the russian channels at a time when programmes which propagandize be caress wish to seize back moldova sleaze russian stations deliver ideas moscow would never agree with the opinion polls suggest that number of moldovans wanting to reunite with romania has tripled over the last twelve months from just five to fifteen percent whether that's down
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to the media is difficult to say for sure but those who promote reunification certainly see this sector as a key target to increase their influence to alexi russia r.t. reporting from kisha now moldova. our villa hang out what's happening in the world of business in just a few moments with us so don't go away. hello that's right time for a business update one seat too many russian that companies are forced to dismantle chess to avoid have to texas russia canceled some tutors on foreign made airplanes depending on the number of seats they have having done the math
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a number of carriers have resorted to throwing out as many as two dozen chairs to qualify and there's no plane has just lost three words their c.e.o. says that's will save them a significant amount. on a monthly basis will save substantially over a billion u.s. dollars. obviously that would increases the number of aircraft increases. and i think we continue to hope that this is essentially a short term measure by some of. the high profit tomorrow. in the market that we can reduce all those twenty one seats and go about two hundred eighty. that's how the local markets asian stocks are mixed the nikkei closed higher led by automakers soft and were holdings raised his rating on honda motor to the company's shares climbed almost four percent and after general electric these earnings estimates
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china's hang signs is low one point three percent as concerns the system of a further tightening measures last week state run chinese media reported the first rate hike this year the b.s. of february. and in russia the r.t.s. has opened slightly lower my six which went over one thousand seven hundred eighty points last week will open in a few minutes the biggest i see on the screen of yesterday's closing. russian equity funds have been given a vote of confidence from international investors last week they have attracted a record seven hundred million dollars that's despite money flowing out to. marchin markets it's the eighth consecutive week of investment inflow in russia worth a total of around seventeen billion dollars among factors boosting the demand is a multi-billion dollar deal between b.p. and ross nafta which spurred russian energy chips plus that's growing interest of international mutual funds and russian i.p.o.'s which has said it to market
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stability according to. and after an eventful week investors are anticipating another action packed seven days from the russian stock market that's according to director of equity sales at creech investment bank marc stein. this week we're likely to see a lot of interest in the russian market especially since we did see a consolidation towards the back end of last week investors are going to pay a lot of attention to ongoing earnings releases in the united states we've had a history of the u.s. corporate beating consensus and six out of the last six quarters of the optimistic that we'll see this continue this week investors reviewing close attention to the third quarter for us results from gas prices in addition we expect our trading updates from a number of companies in the retail segment including dixie and russ into. the internet giant facebook has raised one billion dollars from non-u.s. investors with an infusion from goldman sachs and russia's digital sky
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technologists in december the latest round of funding brings the company one and a half billion dollars now the let's face book has limited the offering to non-u.s. investors to one of the in investments value of the social network at fifty billion dollars that's more than the value of yahoo and e-bay but below google and amazon facebook has not so fast specified how it plans to spend the investment money. ok that's your business update for now but let me remind you that you can always find more stories in all websites are two dot com slash business.
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culture is that so much i mean everything again which of course is right on it comes in here today of american exceptionalism goes to the very foundation of all most american see their country's history and place in the world is there any truth . to close up taking those beaten to the arms to return to the land developed by cossacks in ancient times. now wattie goes to the center of russian defense production. with christianity and shamanism existed side by side for centuries. people in.


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