tv [untitled] January 24, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EST
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we had heard operations were shut down we heard the planes were being diverted some planes were getting the wheels on the ground. but when you look around. you see any increase in incoming passengers any increase in the air traffic. at the moment no but we have heard that a number of the flights have already being diverted things seem to be running pretty smoothly here the flights are still going at people haven't been too badly affected by anything and everything seems to be running pretty efficiently but we do know that they're going to have the increase in these flights as well as share much of this will save new port and a number of the flights will also be diverted so they're really just going to be dealing with getting these flights they diverted flights as well and keeping everything running smoothly as possible do you get any sense from from being there being among potential passengers to do you sense that as the new gets around that there's a an air of nervousness around the terminal is there
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a short amount of. there's not really a sense of panic. you can certainly see in the airport that there's been an increase in security it's pretty evident that people of course just hearing the nice mavin that is spreading pretty quickly and those who do you know about the attack obviously extremely anxious to find out what's going on now the increased security doing all that they can to keep passengers informed of what's going on and to reassure them that they're doing everything that they can as he said they increase security they're just making sure that every single measure is in place to ensure the safety of the people that there may even want it all to serve for good and i thought it was there from. thank you. i will operate can use this hour here on r.t. at least thirty one people killed by a terrorist explosion. that is the busiest in the country around one hundred thirty others have been hurt by the blast in the luggage collection area of the international arrivals hall police are. possibly several suicide bombers could be
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to blame dozens of emotions who teams and psychologists are now working to see russian president dmitri medvedev extra security to be put in place and all of moscow's airports and railway stations now despite the chaos planes are continuing to land and take off out of the airport if indeed slightly lesser amount. but not joined by artie's people of l. the host of crosstalk our thanks for joining me so you know we're seeing the security measures being implemented here we've seen the russian president addressing the public we're seeing from our correspondents at the airports that despite what is a terrorist act and despite the large number of casualties here in general people unauthorized well i've lived here for over twelve years and russians are very stoic people have gone through a lot since the collapse of the soviet union which by the way crosstalk is going to be focusing a lot on this year. but they've gotten hardened by it i see
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a huge learning curve as i pointed out in the previous hour and dealing with security in beefing it up and dealing with it a more high tech level dealing with citizens getting citizens involved you know unfortunately with the old soviet habit of secret see you know was there and now they have to wear it down they had to get citizens involved i was so proud of muscovites and we were right next to the metro they kept going as you pointed out but interesting point was mentioned here earlier and one of our guests is that before these terrorist groups would take hostages they would make a big deal about it take over an entire school take over a theater but it doesn't work anymore they didn't get their traction when they wanted because they knew that the russian authorities do not negotiate with terrorists all star and very hard line against the ok in russia gets criticized for it even though other countries take the same line and they don't get the same kind of criticism but we see now that i don't like to use this term in desperate straits . right now no i mean that's going
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a little bit too far but the means are is just slaughter it really shows that the depth of people that we're dealing with i mean they're going to be very clever and take their time to look for weaknesses and security arrangements here and it's always going to be a catch ok if i may we are we getting the latest unconfirmed reports the number of victims has gone from thirty one to you were thirty five but you and i both went through the moscow march metro bombings last year we both had to walk by the metro very close here to the r.t. studios. what i saw when it came to the rescue chopper was that when navigating their way through the telephone and telegraph wires to land in the middle of these bustling streets the the recovery and rescue and security measures implemented after the much of bombing bus was just impressive yes and there was no panic there was absolutely no panic people continued to they got out of the way let the authorities do what they need to do they didn't have the looking lose their tour of the ferry know what's going on but he said can you move back they gave access to media i showed my card they said go in but be careful i mean
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a complete change sea change in dealing with these types of events to make sure that society knows the security security forces actually do care about them that's why people are present but of came out so early in we have other authorities there and like i said you know behind the scenes you know what went wrong and you know heads are going to roll and that's the way it should be ok this is protecting society i would imagine that's the way it's going to be with the with moscow intelligence and security forces here they don't take this lying down at all when it comes to what i know is a dodgy subject it's early days yet in the investigation but when it comes to the finger of blame we are we looking northwest eat eat soundly you know we can go based on precedent and there's always one place you look but let's not do that let's look at the evidence look at the law and look at justice ok because the people at the thirty fifth victim we've just reported here those people deserve justice not an easy way out and say oh it's their fault you know it's far far away in the south i'm more of a. the school of the opinion that this is
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a much more sophisticated group of people it goes beyond russia's borders goes beyond russia's borders we are all we looking at more of a global picture here because you know when the time of president george w. bush in america he started his war on terror he came into the middle east region and we've seen terrorism in the middle east in southern aspects of southern russia in the far east of well in bali what seems to be a worldwide phenomenon here should the world be listening up and recognizing that this is not just a domestic or a national or a localized or your answering your own question obviously you're right here in and i think that you know as dimitri my very good friend pointed out is that so many people look at russia as not being part of the worst but these terrorists they certainly do as i pointed out. russia entertained a calm president karzai here last weekend and you know is as you push in one direction on bush's war on terrorism you have resources moving around people making their pitch to be shown and being very cynical about this but i really truly
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believe it this is fund raising oh look at our colleagues in moscow they can pull off an act ok get it on television show these gruesome pictures show that they can stay in business now it was just last week the russian president dmitri medvedev their fee flew into into televisa to meet with israeli officials due to a so-called strike in the ministry of foreign affairs not one major official went to meet the russian president after today's event do you think there's maybe some sense of remorse and you know i would really hope that people civilized people can have some kind of soul would guarantee ok russia has been a victim again of terrorism here it's doing its bit russia loses more to the war on this so-called war because i hate using george bush's term and i've been in the media shouldn't use it ok but look at these pictures right here it doesn't matter where you are in the world what your nationality is what your age is what your religion is this is what terrorism does and we should be collectively working together against these kind of people because i could. any. travel in the
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world look at those lights look at that smoke you could be anywhere in the world any one of us can be a victim of this kind of terrorism and people in the west but if the united states should embrace russia more on fighting these kinds of people because again russia is at times put off in a different category which it certainly doesn't belong to all people the diary i people we do know that one of the main transport officials has now arrived at the domodedovo airport the command of the regional governor is also one this is the first major test for moscow where you met the brand you met peter if for a moment we can just patch out see where you got a piece going off artie's correspondent who is at a hospital for us and you're going to spin off and maybe bring us up to date on some of the details of of the victims of the injuries in the aftermath of what is at least one bombing at the mercy of the airport you go to over fifty people here being taken off hospital what needs to happen. well first of all the figures
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are costs and we change and according to the latest numbers as you see around fifty people have been hospitalized to clinics and hospitals across the city including the. medical institute that's one of the most advanced hospitals in moscow is reporting that around five of the survivors of this blast have been sent to this hospital. the other figures to say that. over thirty people have been been killed in this blast and around one hundred fifty others have been injured all of this happened during the day and around four thirty pm which means that as these people are being rushed to hospitals as the survivors are being rushed to hospitals across the city we are getting into the the main hours of the evening traffic jam in moscow and there are reports that police. cording ambulances to
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get faster to these clinics but also know that psychological help is being given to the survivors of this blast and to their relatives and as soon as we get more information on what's being done to help the survivors and to to help their relatives cope with the situation of course we'll tell you more you go to let's let's talk about what doctors and nurses are going to be faced with at the local the local hospitals rather i wear these victims are being taken some fatal some with a minor or major injuries here it's not just a physical injuries it's also psychological injuries here what are we talking about . well of course these are psychological injuries because many of the people they just arrived to to the airport landed from their planes they wanted to get their logical luggage since the reports suggest there are several reports now on to
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where exactly this explosion happened and some of them suggest that this is in the area next to near the exit and the place where people usually get their luggage while gage after landing so these people of course have been taken by surprise as these attacks always happen and are always aimed at taking people by surprise so a psychological help is being applied to the survivors or like i said. the injuries if out of the out of the around fifty people which have been. which have been sent to hospital around twenty five of them so around half of them are in critical condition so. i guess a lots more is going to be is going to be needed to be done to help them and this is definitely not the end of the medical treatment after this incident you know if i can just update some of the numbers here where we're seeing over fifty hospitalized and at least. critical condition at this point.
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will have their work cut out for them but we have seen a massive us spreading out of security forces they say in the metro station. and. as we get more details. on the victims and police don't hesitate to. rethink the. waiting for. port telling us earlier that some flights have been coming in. some major officials have arrived. at the airport now where you are. well. still plenty of emergency.
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officials and also the security services which are all over the airport we've seen . the forces. security service of our state. with sniffer dogs and of course i can hear the sirens so obviously more people are coming in more emergency vehicles are coming in ah but at this point it looks like the situation is more or less under control of course as it could be in these circumstances there is no panic there is still there are leaving from the airport but most of them of course are domestic flights we have seen with. this evening. i think. to. give us more. information on this incident is exactly what is going to happen next
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. we're hearing the. victim count at this point is at least thirty five dead one hundred thirty injured here. remain all the suicide bomber has been found in the. part of the international terminal. where you are you talk about security being spread all we can we can hear the emergency police and i'm going to behind you now i apologize if you can hear too much of what i'm saying to you at this moment but you say the security presence is. officials am i correct in believing that. the district governor are on route or have they arrived perhaps what do you know about . i'm actually i'm. not hearing get that they're definitely on their way. but it's i mean.
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i. actually went into the area where they were. afterwards a press conference at least that's what everybody's. hoping to see. right now but like you said we are waiting for. our broadcast for the last couple hours this of course this is. very close attention to russia's president he has ordered all of those responsible to be mediately as soon as possible anybody in connection with this i would say. main airports on this monday afternoon so we're hoping for more information we're hoping to see more people coming in to give us at that information. with the reporting from. the last. one hundred.
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so at least one suicide bomber detonating a suicide vest in the retrieval luggage area of the international part of it on monday at about that point now if you missed any of this on a you can always log on to the dot com for more details on this now for international reaction to events. when i was joined by all these gone each can who is waiting for us in washington d.c. guy in a what kind of reaction we've been hearing at this point from around the world. where were you some countries have already condemned this act of terrorism we have the statement of the nato secretary general who said he will shocked by this attack he expressed condolences to the families of the victims you know he also said that terrorism is a common thread and the our national community has to fight it together what's really shocking to most here is this blast in context of the previous wars russia has suffered from a succession of rain this terrorist attacks over the last year and how they were the moscow mantra suicide bombings last march that was the attack on the passenger
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train a little bit over a year ago also russians really falling victim to terrorism on a regular basis and only recently has the united states and the west in general started to sort of acknowledge that this is part of the international terrorism not just russia's domestic issues russia's been saying for years that there has to be a global effort to fight it it's not solely russia's response ability although russia is in many ways much more vulnerable to terrorism then other western states indeed i was there i was talking to people and we were both discussing the fact that you know terrorism is not just a national or an isolated issue it is a worldwide issue that nations you know all around the globe have to face on a fairly routine basis you're in america you're in washington d.c. that eastern seaboard of the states no stranger to security issues tell us what are the security experts saying it specially about the thought of the here in moscow is a major international hub in five years that is the busiest airport in all of russia the. the biggest country in the world. you know they are saying this
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certainly was a message you know they try to kill as many people as the good security experts point out that these monsters could be staging the attacks to sort of raise funds from international terrorist networks to show that they can pull the saw and in russia it is not as difficult to pull it off as say in the united states and with suicide bombers they really made their message much more graphic russian security officials believe that some terrorist groups operating in russia do get funding from abroad some of the members are known to have been trained abroad so really to stop this there has to be an international effort this is the message laurie what about any any reaction from a couple hill of this point when we have when we're nine eleven in the united states obviously you know september the eleventh two thousand and one. was a lot of me putin who called up to you know to express his sympathy with george w.
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bush any reaction and a phone call from the white house said. no it's. eight minutes past eleven o'clock. in washington and there has been no reaction we only know that i've heard it on other channels that the state department just said there were no americans. at the airport or you know americans who. were injured but there were no statements maybe maybe they just walk up you know they were trying to come up with this but there have been no no statements yet ok well i think that we can we can rest assured the statements certainly should be coming out of washington d.c. sometime today he's going to come in in the capital thank you. let me give you some background here for international airport is russia's largest airport in terms of passenger traffic connecting moscow to hundreds of cities all around the world it's located about twenty two. two kilometers southeast of the center of moscow now the
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number of passengers are using the airport exceeds about twenty two million per year nine hundred thousand people use the airport during the winter holidays of two thousand and ten and two thousand and eleven and here just briefly if i can mention here where we're seeing these pictures these were the immediate aftermath of the blast all blasts of the luggage collection area and the international part of the media airport it certainly looks chaotic although the correspondent go tells us that there is a sense of calm. as some major moscow officials the mayor and the district governor are on route if not they have already arrived at domodedovo airport now about seventy seven airlines both russian and foreign they offer regular flights to delayed yet over flights from the airport covered two hundred forty one national and international routes and of course it's one of the three major airports along with sugar metaverse and look at. all the russian president
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dmitri medvedev has ordered extra security to be put in place and all of moscow's airports and railway stations here's here's what he had to say earlier in response to the attack. he says. the explosion in domodedovo took people's lives are spoken to the health minister and the emergencies minister those injured in the explosion move receive all necessary aid and i express my condolences to the families of those killed extra security will be put in place in all airports roadways stations and transport hubs a special investigation group will be set up to look into the incident we need to look at what's happened in the immediate aftermath and for security on transport we've recently approved a number of laws on that we need to check that those laws are working because what happened shows not all of those rulings are being properly applied we have to look into about the most important thing at the moment is to support the victims and their families. and very quick comments coming from the russian president he took
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to the airwaves are very very shortly after the blast they're going to read about now earlier i spoke to political analyst dmitri babich and here's what he had to say. but we haven't seen the effect or yet because we just have seen their flights to them here they were canceled but in general yes since it's such a huge city you just cannot bring it to a standstill even by a major terrorist act if. the terrorist act towards north caucasus is confirmed i think the worst in the audience would understand let us be sort of the european union we're not can see the russia part or the west but for us when misteries to russia is a part. of the sort of it's all the way. it's not you have domestic issue it's a global issue and i would like to add that it's like the weakest link in the west it's dangerous and difficult to strike at israel israel's thought tighten security
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it's very difficult to strike the states it's a bit easier to straighten europe but europe gets very easily but in russia because it's such a it's basically a new state and it's a porous border is a very very porous and there are all sort of communities here saw it's just easier to strike and pressure but the problem with russia for these people the terrorist is that russia is not so easily intimidated for example spain in spain the terrorist immediately had a positive effect on on the action in russia because of its political system and because of all the main reasons they can strike again and again it again and there is no reason. it was odd to me to publish i support him he's a journalist with audio nobody i just bring you up to date him latest count thirty five at least thirty five victims in this terrorist blasted dumb idea to apple the most the busiest in the biggest airport here in the russian capital thirty five
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killed one hundred thirty injured and and latest report we hear that the remains of a suicide bomber have also been found in the vicinity of the blast and we did speak to a couple of eyewitnesses earlier his is what they had to say. for good or for airport. needed. for young world war two on the way very good. because. working on the work. he thought. he wouldn't want to squish so what are you all seeing any military no it's a lot of a lot of smoke a lot of. only three little. local who are cruel or. should it.
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be a lot of particularly people. you know wanting to come to a little bit of string or to get out. here in florida going to. school from. going to catch a day at domodedovo airport one of my colleagues was taken to hospital she's in intensive care because top and in the arrivals area that's been left waiting at the airports the explosion must have been very strong because our cafe is about one hundred meters from the arrivals area and what had the blast plaster started pulling from the ceiling. i meant the departure of to do much about it for trade now it's just that if it does work normally all the flights departing on time i'm not sure about the international arrivals it will start off as it will be diverted i came here about half an hour ago and that was what you
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meant that's what i hear there was a blast that they were able to get there was already a lot of small at the very rich claim area there were a lot of people crowded. stopped organized emergency exit but the door was very narrow and people crowded mediately so the stuff started breaking the walls to lead to people out soon after the airport stopped receiving its every one of the best of control area and started leaving the baggage claim area and those who hadn't received a lot of state. comments there from a pair of eyewitnesses who were the idea to the airport early this afternoon when a type of suicide blast detonated at the luggage retrieval area in the international part of a dumb idea international airport now or at least thirty four maybe thirty five people killed one hundred thirty injured the russian president dmitri many are there for address the nation literally moments after the blast occurred sending out his condolences and assuring that security will be beefed up and those responsible
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