tv [untitled] January 25, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EST
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this explosion at the time those officials responsible for security. must be punished for their decisions. russian president dmitry medvedev promises action in the wake of a terror attack a moscow's biggest airport which killed at least thirty five people and injured almost two hundred investigators believe the attack was most likely a suicide bombing and experts say international terrorists are involved making it more of that internal issue. which is of arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington the nature before and also threats as the state the third and final review before it's ratification of. the new russian american strategic arms reduction treaty is in the homestretch of the state duma in
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moscow prepares for a final reading to be ratified after months of discussion and a man months. and organ trafficking accusations against the highest ranking officials of costs of are to be discussed in the council of europe as it sits down to debate a report was investigated. watching r.t. coming to life from moscow russian president dmitry medvedev says the management of airports. i beg your pardon a suicide bomber is suspected to be behind the attack which killed thirty five people and left around one hundred in injured and the blast took place in the international airports of the arrivals area and it's the country's worst since twin bombings rocked moscow's metro last march around
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a hundred people have been taken to hospitals across the capital we can hear what president dmitry medvedev said. what happened to the shows that the airport security it's unbelievable that such a huge amount of explosives was brought into the terminal those officials responsible for security. must be punished for their decisions this is a terror attack a grief a tragedy that the took to. thank you now over a hundred people are now undergoing treatment in hospitals across the capital thirty nine of them are in serious condition and four are in critical state parties lindsay friends outside one of those hospital where the injured are being treated. well i talked to lindsey friends earlier and she told me about the measures that were taken there and as we know at the moment around one hundred people have been taken to hospitals and are being treated now and everything possible is being done
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now to treat them and to calm down the relatives. in the meantime we. like to remind our viewers that you can always log on to our website to get the latest on the situation and the web site is our dot com we'll constantly bring you up to date as soon as we get more information well the bloodiest scenes of the moscow attack of reminiscent of what can be seen in a computer game it controversially involves a character who is urged to kill civilians in an imaginary airport the aftermath of monday's blast to spark haud debate as the stuff of a fictional computer game became a shocking reality artist lauren lister reports. a terrorist attack kills dozens of innocent people in creates chaos at a moscow airport fact. or fiction it's the scenario
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being played out here in this popular american video game sold worldwide call of duty modern warfare two dubbed no russian in this mission the player goes on a terrorist regime page hoping to massacre civilians in a fictitious moscow airport it may have seemed too gruesome and tragic to become troops were it not for the very real events seen here at the doma judge of o. airport more than thirty people have been killed more than one hundred eighty injured in what investigators believe was a terrorist attack committed by a suicide bomber inside the international arrivals of russia's busiest airport. tars a video game version a lot more people have been involved in this violent video game was released in november of two thousand and nine by the american company activision and in just a few months sales had surpassed one billion dollars now even for people that didn't download the game just
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a simple you tube search where you type in no russian can reveal that segment right here this one has eight hundred seventy thousand views and with so many people seemingly downloading playing or watching this game you have to consider whether or not anybody ever thought that this game could so closely resemble reality indeed it's trouble to look at the game and then the reality of the issue is we need to know if terrorists or extremists are using these videos or these d.v.d.'s with these games to basically applaud the model there's a way in which you know entertainment mirrors reality and reality mirrors entertainment and there are people who are influenced by all this even though the manufacturers always deny that it has any influence on anyone. denials aside some say games like this can aid and abet reality. i think though who have been radicalized already that suppose in this case your heart is
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a car or other car and they look at the games and see that these games will serve them to train as for the aftermath russian officials say don't forget to the airport will recover quite soon and a range of public figures came out condemning the attack. but so far no one is coming out questioning justification for a virtual version lauren lyster r.t. new york and over one hundred people are undergoing treatment in hospitals across the capital and thirty nine of them are in a serious condition and four are in critical state artie's lindsey friends outside one of those hospitals. one hundred ten people are reported to have been taken into the hospitals at this point thirty nine are seriously injured four of those are critical there are internationals injured at the various hospitals reportedly from italy france england serbia and a prime minister putin had met with the ministry of health on this yesterday asking
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her to please bring. different hospitals that absorb one hundred ten and inspect facilities make sure that there is more than enough staff. on call at this point to deal with. number of injured deal with medicines make sure there's enough blood and in fact are calling for blood if it's at all possible to get to these hospitals at this point and donate. the hospital with us earlier today giving us more information. they have to say. this should. condition. is an extremely serious condition. with the patients.
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that they had. aside from that the government plans to compensate. family members. by one million roubles and to offer the injured between two hundred and four hundred thousand rubles as compensation. more information is coming out all the time. linda france reporting there are teams are waiting to prepared this report on the background of a blast. russia's busiest air hub rocked by an explosion in chaos blood smoke and death in the international arrival section. if someone detonated a hidden explosive device it was either in luggage or a suicide belt i saw the blast a suitcase was on fire and a person had his back to me so the explosive device was either on this person all in a suitcase i don't know what he looked like he was dressed in black and standing with
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his back to me like a glossary me three metres back and i stood up everyone was running towards the exit panicking there was a lot of black smoke in the lights went out i went to a medical check out at first i thought i had a window on my head but it turned out i just had someone else's blood on me i mean when it's not you can't see anything at the scene of the blast it's all kind of gone and the investigators are working and you can see anything that's up there's a distinctive smell in the air which is you know of the blast way it was very strong we are quite far from the explosion but even there we could feel the blast wave ears had we felt a strong blow. don't it of a quickly swarming with police officers special security forces and paramedics investigation almost immediately focusing on one theory. that police are investigating at the scene the explosion took place in the international arrivals hall the suicide bomber is suspected of carrying out the attack.
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initially authorities discussed a total evacuation of the airport but that one did have a continued business as usual there with some noticeable changes with the unprecedented security measures now in place the domodedovo airport everybody who is meeting and greeting those wire arriving is forced to stand right here behind me and this is the departures law which in fact this occurred the measures are so strict that we were actually told twice to leave and not to tilt here those looking to get out of them or dead of a were offered free travel on the rail shuttle between the. some good samaritans even driving stricken passengers home for free the tragedy resonated throughout the world with condolences pouring in from london paris war so in washington many observers say this latest attack on russia has far reaching implications the growing islamism is a global phenomenon but the terrorism is usually caused by even splinter groups
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within the islamic. movement and those are usually pretty local with local causes for instance al qaeda attacks the united states for its foreign policy that sort of thing so. it seems like a global movement but it's really not that coordinated various groups attack various countries for various reasons and it's usually local but while world leaders are left to ponder the ramifications of the latest deadly attack on russia most russians have no lo terrorism to ground their plans coming and going as they were before the blast even. cross-line tell correspondent sara firth sided on what you know what you're worth and following the story for us they are sara was been the reaction from her over the tragedy and also what conclusions have the investigators made so far. but we had present today that they did it of course pointing the finger of blame at the third and saying that
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they really need to take that part of the responsibility for what happened now we know the laws quantity of its place is were able to enter the school yesterday and so we have to say really now the. need to look very closely at what. place to prevent not from the happening and we've put them in the sense of the. terrorism committee saying really that it's quite unbelievable that that was able to happen overnight at the moment investigates the still working here with the forensic team . they're trying to establish exactly what did happen yesterday we know that there are a number of versions of events. we've heard that they are looking for a number of other people in connection with the attack and they do think that the most predominant likely scenario is that the terror attack was carried out by a suicide bomber and the possibly these other people that could be invoked took them off of the parking area head. and then the suicide bomber entered into the
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arrivals area and then set off the explosion a full full thirty two pm yesterday we know it was a peak arrival time there were about thirty flights arriving fifteen of those international so it really seems that that explosion was a causing maximum damage that we've also heard today apparently there's no emotes on the floor that you'd expect the foam to have exploded in a suitcase so it's thought that the most likely scenario at the mood is as we said that it was carried out by a suicide bomber but they're continuing to look at the still c.c.t.v. footage continuing to assess the documentation here and we know we actually managed to obtain some of the fifty five from the security cameras of the members to the explosion incredibly harrowing images of the bodies on the floor and the six make that was that cell phone plus we had some of the eyewitness accounts it was really a very traumatic indeed a lot of people affected by this and we saw a lot of destruction yes they posted
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a credit monitoring to get the flights up and running and diverted when need be as quickly as possible and today as you would expect security measures have been greatly heightened as we're hearing really that seems in this case it's too little too late. arthur as you mentioned earlier russian airports have imposed enhanced security measures after the blast but water is being done today. will hear it on the date of a you can see increased increased security when you enter the pool they've got a security check now where you. have to pick your luggage three metal detectors of course what people are saying is that this is a question that's being raised they had these measures that would us when they implemented and it could have prevented the explosion from happening so a lot of questions being asked we've also heard president with it saying that the antiterrorism laws in the country need to now be looked at again we know that they were strengthened after the attack on the net its best and the most came at
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a bombing last year and the much at most a much greater building happening less than a year ago and so you know really these laws need to be scrutinized to find out whether weaknesses i will can be done to prevent this happening further we've also heard from the most gave us the case of yunnan today you know he visited the scene after the attack happened and what he said today is that he's going to be working very closely not to look at security which is not just in the airport but in the entire city and he doesn't want this to be a strength in just a couple of days or a couple of weeks but permanently he was a tight security structure in place to prevent things like this happening we know later on today person with bated rules to be meeting with other officials and the f.s.b. to discuss the security of the country of course they're all wanting to just make sure that every possible measure is in place to prevent anything like this happening again. and that was her first report of yours and thanks very much indeed tara for bringing us the verily as there is here is outside of moscow airport. and
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of course we'll be bringing you more from moscow's them on the airports throughout the day so stay with us for more obviates and also a reminder that you can get the latest on our web site which is r t dot com and get the latest video i wouldn't says comments expert opinion and much more online. the blast at a moscow airport may also offend the upcoming world economic forum in the swiss town of davos russia's president dmitry medvedev was scheduled to open the summit but after the attack he said he would delay his rival parties lore and it is in switzerland. he's cancelling it all together so we still are expecting him to come to davos at some stage this week he was supposed to make this very important
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opening speech but now it looks like he may may not make that speech we don't know whether he's going to be here on wednesday in time to make it so someone else may have to make it to his place we have heard that he may come on thursday or he may come on wednesday to make that speech and then leave almost immediately afterwards in the aftermath of this tragedy president received telephone calls and letters and messages of condolence to leaders all around the world and of course he can expect more of the same when he arrives here in davos if indeed he does come the u.k. prime minister david cameron will be here and of course we now know that britons were killed in the attacks there we can expect them to have a conversation about that and it's interesting what's happened as far as attitudes in the world towards terror attacks in russia go in recent years previously it was seen as very much a problem the attacks that happened in russia were part of a distinctly russian problem stemming from unrest in the caucasus areas like
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dagestan ingushetia but we've seen more and more recently particularly in the aftermath of the most demetri bombings last year world leaders have come out and recognize that as part of a wider global terror threat and said you know we now know that the people who are attacking ports in metro stations in russia have proven links to al qaida some of them being funded by them some of them of going to training camps in other countries that's being more and more recognizes this global terror threat and that was the pits in my eyes really by the chief of nato mr rasmussen who came out and said this is a common fight that we have to face you know i said that was his message to the people of russia expect more messages of consoler condolence and of solidarity from leaders around the world. they're now russia's lower house. of parliament to say duma is considering ratification of russia u.s. strategic arms reduction treaty in its third and last reading is going on joins us live from the very heart of moscow with more details. so your tell us how the
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hearing is proceeding today well first of all the meeting started with a note of sorrow a minute of silence commemorating the victims of monday's attack in moscow as the much of the airport the vote on the new strategic arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington is going to be held at around five pm moscow time it's known that in the same fashion as the u.s. congress the state duma is also making its amendments to the treaty which is expected to reduce the number of nuclear arms on each side by around one third which is significant in terms of the global nuclear arms reduction for more on this i'm joined by the head of the state duma can committee for international affairs because they think essential thank you very much for joining me. first of all can you tell us more about these amendments and why are they being implemented. will
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the two presidents signed the treaty is the degree to porn trying to synchronize the rectification procedures. by their i believe the mantle of the. expo for it if occasionally of seeing yes or no to the to the treaty that was the initial idea and unfortunately we could not follow this idea for the simple reason that our american partners in the senate started to interpret the treaty the droid even to demand the text of the treaty which would have been absolutely outrageous but they did not amend the treaty itself but they made certain to pretty certain. statements. did not leave us any choice but to follow the same pattern. and to introduce our own interpretations in order to balance the interpretations made by but by by the senate and this is this is our work we should be complete today we have command of
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the british occasion. not the treaty itself but the rectification law presented to the duma by the president and we have passed two more statements one of them for. consumption in the united states and the other one is for consumption within russia one is further explanations of how we interpret this text in the future and the second one is what we think about the need of developing the strategic nuclear potential for russia in terms of governmental programs in terms of decisions by the president of russia and can you just explain to our viewers these amendments are non-binding what exactly does this mean. while the binding part of it is the treaty itself it is binding for both parts the in american senate
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resolution is binding for the american president and the american administration the russian are typically tional or is binding for the russian president and the russian government they are so to say unilateral so the treaty itself stays the way it was signed by the two presidents and this is only bilateral by and by literally binding body as far as our interpretations are concerned for example our american partners and friends believe that. treaty has nothing to do viz a missile defense while we believe that these interleague between offense offensive defensive weapons is there is in the treaty and is so to say. important. for predicting the future life of this community in case this strategic balance between the offensive and the defensive weapons would be it. would be
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distorted in the future then the of the of the treaty so would be would be damaged and maybe we'll see is due to exist there are other other disagreements in our interpretations like with of the new types of strategic weapons would how to magically be covered by the existing cricket board would exist for themselves result being. an integrated part of the existing queue greenness and we try to follow the logic of the text and the spirit of the treaty itself into three because there is this very specific part of both the literal consultative commission of each isn't titled to determine any further unexpected developments and to see whether this or that type of new weapon is under the the treaty or not and to two previous site these discussions took all the region to see already know that any new weapons of mass destruction would not be in compliance with reviews with the
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treaty it is not is not is not good it is not good for the treaty and this is why it is not accepted by the russians board i'm afraid that's all the time we have for now thank you very much for doing this was the head of the state duma committee for international terrorist incidents such as. your thanks very much for bringing us the sea org this going off there. council of europe will debate the findings of an explosive report india into the alleged trafficking of organs and cost of the claims were contained in an inquiry by swiss human rights repertory dick marty accusing high ranking members of the council liberation army of murdering serbia and kosovo albanian prisoners and selling their organs almost two thousand ethnic serbs and albanians remain missing from the cost of war at the end of the nine hundred ninety s. as artists the tune is arbitrary for its. without a trace that's how the brother disappeared along with thousands of other people. as he went to work as usual with his friends to the plots of it's mine and that was
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it i never saw him again we went to the police and everyone else we can think of after the war i thought there'd be an exchange of prisoners and hundreds of opinions were freed the so many serbs are still missing now after twelve years i've lost all the international officials who didn't do anything to me when they easily could have. after the cost of a war over two thousand people at missing and over a decade later are still unaccounted for but a grim report brought to the council of europe by swiss investigator dick marty has shed some light on the gruesome fate of all those missing according to the report senior officials in the casa liberation army including current prime minister cautioned touchy or involved in kidnapping serbs and selling their organs on the black market. there was at least one custom built element to the post conflict network of detention facilities which was unique in appearance and purpose it constituted
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a state of the art reception center for the organized crime of organ trafficking it was styled as a makeshift operating clinic and it was the site at which some of the captives held by the k.l.a. members and affiliates had the good news removed against their will according to our sources the ringleaders of this criminal enterprise then ship the human organs out of here and sew them to private overseas clinics as part of the international black market of organ trafficking transplantation. finding living victims of these crimes may be near impossible but dick marty's group found the next best thing the money trail and. liberation army have these accounts and source in german banks and they are suspected of using them for the profits from illegal organ trafficking sumption is that some alleged human interior organization opened these accounts one of them for example. there was just a cover story of course she did the truth. would remain
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a secret. but it is a secret no more and understandably the swiss government is very concerned as are the swiss bankers this is very important for us regarding also the confidence of direct petition of the financial center of switzerland and that's why the report of the wheels government also to look at the base has to go to. the swiss banking community is known and favored for its discretion and unwillingness to disclose its client information to any investigative party however this time around they may not have a choice but on the plots of the financial epicenter of zero most of the countries four hundred seventy financial institutions have offices or headquarters here but that isn't the only thing they have in common fiercely guarding their reputation is what swiss banks are famous for and despite the fact the investigation is still ongoing it is almost certain that within these walls damage control is already
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being planned out. castro's r t switzerland. time now for business update with your don't go away. hello that's time for a business update that's right the markets in russia have reacted calmly. or shop to an initial so long as the news broke on monday afternoon which is had staged a steady recovery analysts say that will help a little long term impact on the investment climate has a certain level of brit's was a reference to the sectors where in effect is most likely to be felt will be in transport and tourism let's take a look at the numbers now there are chances up quarter of the cent while the my six has just ticked below the waterline five cent oil companies all providing the main support. function as a leading the gains on the my six off to the country's top blend so twenty to ten
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net profit rise five fold under russian accounting standards the ports the plan still to purchase investment house for a good dialogue is also sparring investor interest metals company m k is the biggest loser on the mice it's worth one point two percent loss as well continues to go down but russian bulls are trying to push up energy stocks report and gas from both gaining point seven percent. now did i just stop markets closed the session in the black following wall street's strong performance the optimism was fueled by the bank of japan's decision to keep the key interest rate unchanged ok on that the business board and more business news announced time.
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