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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST

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stunts on t.v. don't come. to some birthday it also goes down with it of an airport where people gather on the day of mourning to commemorate those who filled victims in monday's terror attacks more details for you are just ahead. and terrorism is expected to grab the spotlight at the davos economic forum where russian president medvedev is to arrive for the opening speech after being delayed by the blast at. the final stretch the new strategic arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington awaits ratification by the hills of russia's problems seem really as a formality after brother steve.
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you're watching r t coming to live from moscow i'm marina josh and welcome to the program state flags have been lowered in moscow as the city mourns thirty five victims of monday's terrorist attack at russia's busiest airport people are flocking to the side of the blast to lay flowers and pay tribute to those who lost their lives at airport the explosion was russia's worst terrorist atrocity since twin bombings rock moscow's metro last march or you know across live to our correspondent goes outside the airport for us today. i mean a day of mourning was declared only in moscow and the moscow region but it is definitely the whole nation who is grieving for the victims tell us more. absolutely well like as you said. the day of mourning will be held in most region but of course is the entire country that has come together in grief over this horrific tragedy which occurred on monday afternoon of course to start with major channels and radio stations will change their broadcasting schedule there will be
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no interest payment programs that will try and cut down the commercials to the minimum but of course that's not just the official side it's mostly people coming together and being united in the face of grief we have to remember that most code that rushes in multinational multi confessional country and of course people of various nationalities and religious views are coming together they're flocking to the laying wreaths and flowers to the side of the body of course the site of the bombing itself the rival school is still cordoned off to people only those actually arriving to get access to it but people are still coming down and laying flowers in the departures where now they're forced to to gather with everybody that's trying to meet and greet those who are arriving that's where they're all standing right now and that's where they're bringing flowers and of course this is very similar to the twin bombings that you mentioned back in march of two thousand and eight people were streaming down to moscow metro stations and laying flowers there for the
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duration of two weeks or so you have to understand that double jeddah is a far removed. airport from moscow so not everybody of course can make it down here it's more than forty six kilometers away but still people are coming here and they have been coming here since monday and they're bringing flowers and they're being treated and moments of silence have been killed all across the country and at russia during the official gatherings as well we also know that u.s. ambassador john byerly. he's stopping by the domodedovo airport later today he will also be going down flowers then we will talk to him hopefully to hear what his view on this tragedy is of course it's not just the flowers part of the commemoration that is taking place in the country people have been flocking to blood collect blood donation centers trying to do as much as they can to help those who need the blood transfusions at this point out of thirty five victims out of the thirty five
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dead in the blast at least twenty eight have been. identified that is the official figure but there are some sources of course they know that at this point all of those dead have been identified and we do expect the funerals to start of thursday and russian government has already said that they're going to allocate more than one hundred twenty million rubles to the families of those who died they will help with the burials and they will also issue financial aid to those who were wounded in monday's terror attack or really yourself were at the scene after the blast occurred so tell us more about the tragic events which took place on monday. well the blast happened at four thirty two pm in the arrivals hall the heart as i have mentioned earlier of the domodedovo airport that point at least thirty airlines and thirty flights were supposed to land so it was a very busy period when we got here at that point the the havoc has already kind of
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subsided but there was an immense police presence there were sniffer dogs security services were on the spot survey is sort of it is serving the area they wanted to make sure there were no more bombs people were not parent extra can but there was some sort of a very heavy mood in the air and my colleague sara firth brings you the details of what transpired immediately afterwards the blast on monday afternoon. the harrowing scenes from the moments the blast hits the days. he witnessed the attack it's a memory that wanes fade fast. for sure. after . the blast hit its peak time is around thirty flights with g two lands the vomit st time to cause maximum devastation doing. something. just. heard. the star citation
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support. very well for those achieved with the train. car passing. yet less than twenty four hours later and the airport is again fully operational it's a resilience that many people feel is a commendable trait of the russian people are trying to get on with as it is exactly to teachers doctors a treasure as many people are now left fighting for their lives in hospitals around mosque a people have rallied jane eighteen blood and ensuring the victims and their families receive all the help they need president invaded found in no uncertain terms that these responsibles will be held accountable as investigators now work to establish exactly who is behind the attack the finger of blame his will safely only at ports and transport there are scenes as you can imagine security measures at the method
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of a have now been stepped up these metal detectors was always mandatory now they are and there are serious questions being asked as to why these extra measures weren't being implemented seen punishments for what the president has cooled since security breaches could be just around the corner but some feel that when it comes to terrorism the main weapon is the refusal to be intimidated put operations may have returned to normal but hit people come too late. an act and then there is an unmarked space they say lost their lives in the south sea. the fan tax prep magnus ranstorp says that the security services need to employ more of very detection methods it's a very soft target it's a high priority target as well for for terrorist because it is the main hub of course the k'nex russia with with the rest of the world so i think that it is
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interesting that there were warnings beforehand and whether they are true or not we have to see on the other hand it's a very difficult area to to secure entirely there has been a lot of discussion not just in russia but also elsewhere that security is becoming too predictable that the x. ray machines are not very effective possibly one of the more innovative ways is of course to to support behavior to have a monitoring behavior. the international community has collectively can down the terror attack in moscow and the western media has come up with its own conclusions but many believe the u.s. networks are not impartial in how they cover terror attacks in russia compare it with their own country as are reports. it was an explosion heard around the world a terrorist attack inside russia's idea the airport became an international story terrorism experts immediately suspected rebels from the russian province of chechnya analyst andrew collins says rebels in the northern caucasus region of
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russia from chechnya dagestan are fighting for an independent mostly islamic republic most u.s. reports were quick to conclude why the attacks took place when terrorism takes place in the united states and europe the terrorists are immediately represented there was absolute evil which of course they are but when it's russia the western media are willing to entertain causes justifications is there some reason they are oppressed or over at fox news hijacked the tragedy to garner support for us foreign policy russians have themselves a serious islamic terrorist problem and it just won't go away he's going to help us in places like iran get more russian cooperation with afghanistan things like that are they going to wise up and help us a little bit iran iran what does iran have to do with monday's deadly bombing in moscow russia i keep u.s. ally in the afghan war has remained a key player in the train shipment of goods to the war torn region
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a fact mr o'reilly neglected to mention in his view russia as bad because they don't automatically support the us in all of our foreign policy decisions so he's trying to use this manipulate this to anger his viewers to get them upset with russia other u.s. commentators didn't bother clarifying their facts they've recently taken their attacks into the heart of russia to trance. hubs and cultural centers in moscow and elsewhere c.n.n. may not know that terrorist attacks in the heart of russia date back to one thousand nine hundred ninety nine but a series of apartment bombings took place in moscow one of many reasons moscow was warning the u.s. about threats of islamic terrorists before nine eleven if this in fact was following monday's attack u.s. media outlets flipped the fuehrer mongering switch morning about a possible destabilization of the caucasus region and the price of oil the worldwide price of oil which is already high that's right would get even higher and as russian president dmitri medvedev prepare to head to the world economic forum in
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davos a fox talking head warned the world about more deadly attacks on the horizon i'm sure the tourists are already in place in davos where they make an incident occur the swiss police who are thought of that is problematic but they've been there every year for the past several years and my guess is they'll try simply to have somebody within twenty four hours of the deadly bombings in moscow the mainstream media and the u.s. spy on the story in several different directions from fear to frantic analysis many american reports fail to deliver the facts of a story or the investigation has only just begun. r.t. new york. blogger a market dominance says the western media looks add the problems russia faces in the north caucuses but neglects to look at terrorist motivation when such attacks happen in their own countries. back a member in march last march when there were the bombings in the moscow metro i
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mean it was probably i wrote a couple pieces about it it was the double standards at work were pretty obvious and glaring. that's not to say that i think it's the thing to do to look for reasons that these things occurred it's not to ever justified and i think it's pretty clear that these sorts of acts are justifiable but to try to understand why they occur and why these people are motivated the people who are these out are motivated to do them i think is very important and i think to a large extent the western media neglects to do that when there are problems that we face they're very willing to look at the problems that russia experiences in northern caucasus and to look at that pretty unsparingly. we're less willing to do that for ourselves which i guess is not terribly surprising but is on the list true . dmitri medvedev is to promote investment into russia's economy at the annual davos forum in switzerland the president's visit will be shortened do the attack on moscow's main airports let's get more on the upcoming meeting from our team and he
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joins us live from mountain resort well you laura now why is it so significant for me to have to attend this for. well this is definitely a key moment for me. really. at the center of this the world's most important meeting of business leaders and government ministers now ten to fifteen years ago if you looked at attendance it was mainly western leaders and western business people that came but now we've seen a trend more and more and that's continued schools of indians chinese there are sixty russians at the forum this year and fewer and fewer europeans in fact so not displays that the shifting balance of power in the world in this new world one small thing about where these bric economies are really taking over from your us isn't from your western european economies. it's also. his attention. that russia is open for business no matter what happens and i'm course referring to
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monday's terror attack. his arrival but he will be in attendance to make this speech and that he's going to promote the knowledge of russia he's also going to talk about the. legislative an economic advances that russia has made and he's going to try to attract investment not brushing aside he says the difficulties and the flaws in the system. now i speak to some people about how the terror attack might affect how russia's economy is perceived in the world at this forum and here's what they had to say i cover america terrorist attacks as well and it's very unfortunate but we keep going keep going business keeps growing and i think they will be i don't think. perception. vestment at the moment. i think they need to understand.
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the country's. one to one even. the beginning of something more deeply. troubling. and laura what other issues are diminished the summit. laura what other issues are to be discussed at the summit i believe we have a sound problem there. and we will try to reconnect with laura later in the program where i am reporting there from davos. now i had of the forum dmitri medvedev explained why he thinks davos could bring positive results for the country and can watch the full interview in some have ten minutes and here is a quick preview. when i worked in the government here at the forum it was very good it's in some ways you don't even need to wear a tie at the same time you can easily run into a major. major businessman
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a president or a prime minister grab them by the sleeve and ask about things but now it's an excuse to promote the knowledge of russia's capabilities strengths and advantages both in the spheres of the economy and legislation by talking openly about. the russian u.s. were to take arms reduction treaty known as start awaits ratification by russia's upper house of parliament the federation council the treaty has been already ratified by the state duma and today's approval is seen more as formality our correspondent in corpus cannot has more from the federation council. it's highly unlikely that there will be any problems with the new start treaty being ratified by the upper house of parliament or the federation council since first of all there's no opposition to this deal among russia's political elite and secondly it's been backed both by president dmitry medvedev will still have to sign the deal
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after it's ratified by both chambers of parliament and barak obama the two leaders have actually spoken on the phone over night and the american president can graduated meeting with after the treaty was ratified by the state duma on tuesday this will be the third such agreement between moscow and washington the first two treaties were signed back in one thousand nine hundred one and in one thousand nine hundred three this latest one is aimed at reducing the number of strategic arms on each side where around one third which is significant both war global security and definitely for the relations between the two countries in the two major statements made by russian deputies they were first of all security moscow's right to step out of the treaty if it feels threatened by u.s. missile defense plans and also outlined that the similar statements made previously by the u.s. congress are non binding meaning they are not free washington from its obligations
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previously the u.s. congress has secured washington's right to modernize its remaining strategic arms and also claimed that the treaty should not obstruct america's missile defense plans but once again these statements on both sides are non-binding meaning they will not affect the implementation of the new. treaty employing run from the british american security information council says despite some disagreements over the text of the treaty it's an important confidence building for russia and the us in the end it's the same treaty the same text. these interpretations i think. it sounds as if they are contradictory but they are both accurate in the sense that there is clearly a link in the preamble of the treaty between defensive and offensive forces and russian duma is quite correct point the us senate has said that there is nothing
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legal preventing the americans from developing the from. the right the russians certainly have a right to withdraw from the treaty should should they deem their security to be threatened. and these are points of fact of the treaty so it's not that they are ratifying two separate treaties the same treaty is that in the end i think it's quite right to say that this is the first step you know you know a very long process of confidence building. and now a great look at some other world news here in our u.s. president barack obama on russian inspiration to try to galvanize the u.s. economy into action he refers to listen what a moment when the russian satellite spurred america on to boosting its technology to know how through the space race in his first speech to a divided congress obama says science and research sectors argue the chaplain of
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the country's crushing debt in an address seen as marking the start of two thousand and twelve election campaign. three people have been killed this thousands took to the streets of egypt and its biggest anti-government protests and here is the largest rallies gathered in cairo were demonstrators chanting slogans against president hosni mubarak's authoritarian rule the unrest is inspired by the recent uprising in tunisia and fueled by a growing discontent in egypt grinding poverty and unemployment. in lebanon tensions have risen after the president appointed a prime minister a bag by the shia islam is group hezbollah demonstrations to place across the country as najib mikati was asked to form a government and that fear is it could breed now. i disappear in fighting and being rude two thousand and eight many including those in the west see the appointment as a sign of the growing political power of hezbollah which the u.s. considers a terrorist organization. as lebanon's lawmakers call for a nationwide day of rage people of allen his guest discuss the effects of facing
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a government ruled by a spot on diplomacy inside and outside the country coming up in just over an hour but here is a preview right now. this government is much more representative than its predecessors it is an alliance of hoffman christian community with hezbollah which represents forty percent of lebanon's population as. look there hasn't been a census since nine hundred thirty two but most people would say the figure is close to forty percent so with half the christians with other druze the way over the fifty five percent well today you say not true not true what you will see it is total nonsense and you knew it's not going to be you are going to get an answer to your side and the fact that i think the numbers there are all the numbers that does affect the sea i don't see these are the type that attack twenty nine percent and if anything the sunnis have them like
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a miniscule edge over them and you know this but really what it's really the start of the demographic of these of. the fact is tony you don't want to accept. what you know r.t.m. the business of data will be coming your way shortly. hello and a very warm welcome to a business update it's that time of year for the big cheeses of politics and
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business to get together in this whiskey results of davos the world economic forum will take place under the same shared norms for a new reality in how correspondent daniel bushell has their business r.t. . president obama thinks the world economy was brought down by greed insatiable bankers loopholes in business for things three years of belt tightening bread and water for the rest of us but now greed is back here in davos the head of coca-cola talk aims toasting the start of a decade of unprecedented global growth in the town's top restaurant tycoons once again in talks at the table hungry for a piece of the action some firms melted away and liquidity has returned to the markets leaving rich pickings for the brain but experts warn take too much truth.
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and hold in the just some problems will come back this will be the key theme of the world economic forum over the next five days how to grow the opportunities but not overindulge. and richard various will be giving the opening address and doris bought the president will shorten his stage which of the former took on moscow's main international airport on monday despite the tragedy of not shut version of capital believes that event has good reason to deliver a message about russia i think for the first time a russian leader is going to die a boss with a lot of positive material behind him so when president gets up and speaks of battles it will be on the back of the pepsi deal at the end of last year three point eight billion dollars the b.p. rosneft deal at the beginning of this year the opening of the first pipeline into china on the first of january there's a lot of really good material he should be i would emphasize the opportunities that
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exist for investing into russia and that gives him a great platform to go out there deliver a strong message about why the west should be investing into russia. let's have a look at how the markets are faring this hour asian stocks are mixed some continued to correct after its strong performance since early november japan's nikkei is lower on wednesday after disappointing earnings in the u.s. index point five percent lower in the morning session hong kong's hang seng is into positive territory point four percent. and russia the r.t.s. has opened in the black this morning encouraged by rising oil shares a mixed with energy blue chips climbing up and demise of status who can see on the screen tuesday's closure. of the weakness in russia shirts is evidence this work is likely to continue in the near term but according to the head of equity trading at alpha buying the fundamentals will remain positive. overall
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there are some market caught in the meter at the moment i was stunned to bits or be thinking vacation indicators. we should have a small correction from here but overall the market is we would invest coming back slowly. or the sector is the hottest one at the moment inflation in russia is unlikely to fall within the government's target range of six to seven percent in twenty eleven but the president of the fee to be twenty four retail bank believes there are some factors which could help moderate prices in the a future as a main reasons for not only food prices. started last autumn but also. in terms of sort of russian monopolist but real fiscal consolidation and tough monetary policy after
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maybe march april bangle for russian government would cut in new rate of inflation from let's say ten to. eight eight point five percent that's your business update for this hour and let me remind you you can get all the stories on our website archie dot com slash business. to.
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me it is eve. it is the team. sometimes. it's. most the strangest attempt of a military takeover of. the us president trying to overthrow a foreign country's government but his strategic games must. under merica recognized its defeat. the bus journey if cuba managed to cope with its
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victory all don't talk at all if you forget autoblog i live you think you are you go but the rajab either live yeah but cuban missile crisis games and reality t.v. . they faced it this is not a prohibition but more of the. face. let me show you first step what is sure to support victory speech they have no idea about the hardships that we face. fight one it is this is it all up to nice things for any army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. victory one.


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