tv [untitled] January 26, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EST
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a somber day it goes down with it at the airport where people gather on a day of mourning to commemorate those who filled in monday's terror attacks more details for you are just ahead. terrorism is expected to grab the spotlight. for a president. speech. by the. reduction treaty between moscow and washington aims to reduce the number of weapons.
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is now a. welcome to the program. have been lowered in moscow the city mourns thirty five victims of monday's terrorist attack at russia's busiest airport people are flocking to the site of the blast. pay tribute to those who lost their lives. the explosion was russia's worst terrorist atrocity. last march. up to date. the blast as it ripples throughout. the country as well tell us more about the mourning services which are now taking place across moscow. but of course this is a tragedy that has resonated the hearts of people all across the country not just in moscow in starting from yesterday people have been flocking here to airport of course which is the scene of monday's for. tragedy where thirty five people house
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died there were laying wreaths and flowers all throughout yesterday and all throughout this day candles were lit to people not just those who are coming to believe not just passes just for departing from this airport but also people from basically all walks of life we're coming to make shift memorial we're talking about airline attendants workers the staff of the airport and even a couple of people have made their way all the way from moscow which is more than forty kilometers away from the airport to wait down flowers and pay their respects to the victims of monday's terror attack and among those who did come to the airport today was the american ambassador john byerly who said that in response to accusations on behalf of the western media that russians are becoming too used to this sort of thing in our rigid and cold hearted and continue to go on this as as if nothing happened he said that that is the only response that is admissible in
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such circumstances. i think to the best response that we can give to the kind of people who are capable of carrying out an attack like this is to show them that they're not going to change our lives but of course we're going to be more vigilant we're going to have better security but we're not going to stop living. we're not going to become like they are. and of course we have to remember that russia is a multi-national and multi confessional country so church services religious services i should say or held all throughout the day not just include orthodox christian churches but also in synagogues and in mosques in moscow and all across the country so people really coming together being united unfortunately by a tragedy but still coming together nevertheless as it happened last year after after the twin blasts in moskos metzer where people were also streaming down to the metro stations in leaving flowers at the scene of those tragic. and
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i'm assuming that it's going to continue this way people continue to stream down here throughout the day to pay their respects to the victims off the blasts we've been getting reaction from officials here in moscow from people from all over the world certainly washington d.c. expressing their condolences for you at the scene of the attack straight off of the blast occurred if you will take us back and talk us through monday's tragic friends . well the blast occurred at four thirty pm at the arrival section of the airport and apparently at that point a suicide bomber whose identity is still being investigated was in the group of people who were meeting and greeting those who are arriving at that point there were about thirty flights scheduled to arrive so we can assume that the those who planned this terror attack actually knew about the busiest time russia's busiest airport mediately after the blasts of course everything was covered with smoke there was panic and chaos but we have to give this to the authorities did an
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airport when we got here not even to not a guitar's officer of the blast everything was already under control all of the wounded were already dispersed throughout most because hospitals of course there was a men's police presence there were hundreds and hundreds of police and security officers throughout the building sniffer dogs also explosives investigative units they were just trying to make sure that there were no other explosives left in the building and my colleague sara first will take you through the details of what transpired alcee words. the harrowing scenes from the name of the blast hit the days he witnessed the attack it's a memory that wayne's fate funnest. to rebuild partly storage was. absent from. the blast hits the peak time is around thirty flights with the two lands at the moment st time to cool mats and then at the station. doing good is.
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something. i'm just. ready. to start the work i. really work for it was achieving when the train. car packed sometime. very soon. to. get less than twenty four hours later and the airport is again fully operational it's a resilience that many people feel is a commendable trait of the russian people account to get on with it as it is exactly the latter teacher dr situation as many people are now left fighting for their lives in hospitals around moscow people have rarely seen anything blood and ensuring the victims and their families receive all the help they need. it's a good thing that the ambulances worked very professionally hospital treatment is also very high level doctors nurses and aides are helping
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a great deal everyone has done everything possible a very big thanks to the doctors thank you. so the doctors immediately provided their help and devoted great attention when i asked if i could go home the doctor told me wait a bit don't be in a hurry not today have some rest take the meds and calm down they appear to be really professional and calm but this president invaded found in no uncertain terms that they just sponsible will be held accountable as investigators now work to establish exactly who is behind the attack the finger of blame his little safely only at ports and transport there are scenes as you can imagine security measures have now been stepped up this message to take his was always mandatory now they are and there are serious questions being asked as to why these measures were being implemented seen punishments for what the president has called some security breaches. could be just around the khulna that some feel that when it comes to
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terrorism the main weapon is the refusal to be intimidated it's put up or ations may have returned to normal people with a tricky and active remembrance and a risk but they too lost the allies in the attack. on c. . now every night over the past couple of days we've heard some harsh comments coming from the president to be a different prime minister putin the certainly not mincing words when it comes to reaction over monday's boston and more statements today from the kremlin. well that's right of course and sacks of russian president has fired the head of the transport division of the ministry of the interior affairs because obviously he says that this is a breach an immense breach of security on behalf of the transport authorities and he has called on officials on the police officials as a matter of fact to pull through with the two thousand seven hundred has been worked out which is supposed to increase security at the all of the chair russia's
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transport. connections and that he's not talking just about the airports he's talking about everything trains cars automobiles everything also of course there were there were several ports as a matter of fact the federal security service was aware of the fact that some terrorists activities planned in moscow and it was coming from one of the members of the security of the security committee of the situation council just today we were told died to some of the terrorist acts those war plans were averted but still that all security failed to provide complete and total security to the russian people especially to those unfortunate ones who were arriving at the airport on monday afternoon so also of course there will be there will be further repercussions for the police authorities and also possibly for the authorities of the domodedovo airport for saying that they are not responsible for any possible security. at this facility right now things are really going to put their life in
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domodedovo airport the scene of monday's blast thank you. defense expert magnus ranstorp says that the security services need to employ more varied detection methods to prevent such tragedies it's a very soft target it's a high priority target as well for terrorists because that is the main hub of course that connects russia with the rest of the world so i think that it is interesting that there were warnings beforehand and whether they are true or not we have to see on the other hand it's a very difficult. to secure entirely there has been a lot of discussion not just in russia but also elsewhere that the security is becoming too predictable that the x. ray machines are not very effective possibly one of the more innovative ways is of course to disport behavior to have monitoring behavior or the international community has a collectively condemn the terror attack in moscow and the western media as
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a come up with its own conclusions but many believe the u.s. networks are not impartial and how they cover terror attacks in russia compared with in their own country parties more important i reports. it was an explosion heard around the world a terrorist attack inside russia's dome idea the airport became an international story terrorism experts immediately suspected rebels from the russian province of chechnya analyst andrew kushan says rebels in the northern caucasus region of russia from chechnya dagestan are fighting for an independent mostly islamic republic most u.s. reports were quick to conclude why the attacks took place when terrorism takes place in the united states and europe the terrorists are immediately represented there was absolute which is which of course they are but when it's russia that western media are willing to entertain causes justifications is there some reason oppressed or over at fox news hijacked the tragedy to garner support for us foreign
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policy russians have themselves a serious islamic terrorist problem and it just won't go away he's going to help us in places like iran to get more russian cooperation with afghanistan things like that are they going to wise up and help us a little bit iran iran what does iran have to do with monday's deadly bombing in moscow russia i key u.s. ally in the afghan war has remained a key player in the transshipment of goods to the war torn region a fact mr o'reilly neglected to mention in his view russia as bad because they don't automatically support the us in all of our foreign policy decisions so he's trying to use this manipulate this to anger his viewers to get them upset with russia other u.s. commentators didn't bother clarifying their facts they've recently taken their attacks into the heart of russia to transportation hubs and cultural centers in moscow and elsewhere c.n.n. may not know that terrorist attacks in the heart of russia date back to one
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thousand nine hundred ninety nine but a series of apartment bombings took place in moscow one of many reasons moscow was warning the u.s. about threats of islamic terrorists but. for nine eleven if this in fact was following monday's attack us media outlets flipped the fuehrer mongering switch morning about a possible destabilization of the caucasus region and the price of oil the worldwide price of oil which is already high that's right would get even higher and as russian president dmitri medvedev prepared to head to the world economic forum in davos a fox talking head warned the world about more deadly attacks on the horizon i'm sure the terrorists are already in place in davos where they make an incident occur the swiss police are very tough that is problematic but they've been there every year for the past several years and my guess is they'll try simply of some of it you're within twenty four hours of the deadly bombings in moscow the mainstream media and the u.s. spy on the story in several different directions from fear to frantic analysis many
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american reports fail to deliver the facts of a story or the investigation has only just begun. r.t. new york. now dmitri medvedev is to promote investment into russia that's calling me at the annual davos forum now going on in switzerland the president's visit will be short and due to the attack on moscow's main airport and his oxys lower amid reports risks of terrorism and its economic threats and likely to be the most discussed issues at the annual summit. well this is a key moment for both medvedev and for russia and what it really does is put russia at the center of what has become the most important meeting of world business leaders and governments if you looked at the program of course just sort of ten to fifteen years ago it was really exclusive to western leaders in fact it started off as a european business forum but there's been
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a trend in recent years and it's carried on this year whereby there are schools of indians chinese people and russians there are more than sixty important business leaders and government ministers from russia in davos this year and in fact fewer and fewer western europeans and that's what we see as the balance of power shifts to these emerging markets these bric countries and moves towards what we call this new world order where these growing economies these emerging markets are developing so far. biggest speech and his appearance here at davos will also show that russia is open for business despite what happens and i'm of course referring to monday's a bomb blast. port this did cause medvedev to perspire on his arrival but we do understand he's going to arrive now the softer noon he's going to deliver this opening speech but before that he'll be taking part in the international business council which is a meeting of what the world economic forum calls one hundred concerned uncommitted
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business leaders it's all to promote russia as an investment destination and an economy knowledge of russia to show how they have made economic and legislative steps forward in recent years and to try and attract investment medvedev has says that he has said that he won't be brushing aside floors and difficulties in russia . reporting that the head of the forum dmitri medvedev thinks plain why he thinks davos could bring positive results for the country you can watch the full interview in about fifteen minutes time or for now here's a quick preview. i first went there when i worked in the government i did like it because the op is very good you don't even need to wear a tie at the same time you can easily run into a major or not so major businessman a president or prime minister grab them by the sleeve. is to promote awareness of
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russia's capacity its economic and legislative strength and capacities by talking openly about them. and you can find more on that story on our website that's r.t. dot com and plenty more for you right now if you look. at the heart of europe because of liberation army faces allegations kidneys as a human rights watchdog demands a. probe. and if you have a flying to the moon your dream can become a reality find out what it takes to make a trip this story and others on our website. dot com. the russia u.s. strategic arms reduction treaty known as start has been ratified by russia's upper
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chamber now approved by both houses of the country's parliament the treaty must be signed by president. bush going off without the voting in the federation council following all the developments as opposed to our capitol hill the american senators they were accused of dragging their feet over the last month or two off two thousand and ten but apparently it didn't take the russian senators much time to approve this end of the treaty now. that's right everything happened really quickly just on tuesday the state duma ratified the treaty and now the federation council has unanimously voted for the ratification of the treaty which means that both chambers poland have now supported it it's also backed by both president hu's and now he can now signed a treaty and president barack obama leading both personally monitoring the way ratification has been going in fact on tuesday barack obama praised the stay do
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most decision to ratify the deal the russian deputies did make some. binding of recommendations but they will not affect the implementation of this treaty and previously were we were able to speak to the chairman of the federation council's committee for international affairs who also to court in the long running negotiations me come out of the elephant he says that this is a significant step forward in the relations between moscow and washington. we did a lot by the way working on the reservation we managed to pass successfully through the u.s. senate the so-called wanted three agreement on the russian american cup ration in the nuclear field i mean the peaceful part of it the nuclear energy and. that is concerned we also moving forward on the russians w t o accession
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america is very supportive we are moving relatively fast. but it's not enough we have to have more time as we have to have more docking mechanisms we have to have more bridges the more dependent we are the better it is for our future. the ratification of this treaty definitely opens more doors of opportunity in the relations between moscow and washington is the third such agreement between the two countries the first two were signed back in one thousand nine hundred one and in one thousand nine hundred three but this latest one is meant to reduce the number of weapons on both sides by over one third so it's significant for global security just as well now you've got to tell us about how a significant of the so-called special statements that are made by the russian lawmakers over the treaty. these special statements as they're called or really recommendations are non-binding which means that they will not affect the
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implementation of the treaty and the first one ensures that moscow's rights to step out of the agreement if it feels threatened by u.s. missile defense plans in europe and the second one outlines that similar special statements made previously by the u.s. congress are non binding as well and do not free washington from its obligations previously the u.s. congress has outlined that. the treaty will not obstruct its missile defense plans and all. so secured washington's rights to develop the remaining strategic forces but once again these are non binding. recommendations on each side and they will not affect the implementation of this a long awaited long negotiated treaty so good news here for. the atlantic that europe is going to reporting thank you. all right now let's get to some other world news in brief this hour police in tunisia in the capital resort
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to firing tear gas in an attempt to quell protesters opposing the country's new interim government plasters took place in front of the prime minister's office where demonstrators responded by throwing stones at the security forces officials say the change in the new government is underway and may be announced later on wednesday. u.s. president barack obama drew one russian inspiration to try and galvanize the u.s. economy into action you refer to the sputnik moment when the russian satellites but america being its technology. its writes in his first speech to a divided congress obama said the science and research sectors are key to tackling the country's crushing debt and address seen as marking the start of his two thousand and twelve elections work. in lebanon the tensions have risen after the president appointed a prime minister backed by the shia islamist group hezbollah demonstrations took
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place across the country. was asked to form a government amid fears it could reignite the sectarian fighting in beirut of two thousand and eight many including those in the west see the appointment as a sign of the growing political power which the u.s. considers a terrorist organization. to stay with us for the latest business news that's coming your way next. right time for a business update a very warm welcome it's the time of year for the big cheeses of business and politics to mix in the swiss ski resort of dollars but while the bankers are cheering their return to profits the crisis has left a sour taste in the mouth for ordinary people all correspondent daniel bushell is there for business.
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president obama thinks the world economy was brought down by greed insatiable bankers blew a hole in business for things three years of belt tightening bread and water for the rest of us but now greed is back here in the head of coca-cola toasting the start of a decade of unprecedented global growth in the top restaurants tycoons once again in talks at the table hungry for a piece of the action from firms melted away and liquidity has returned to the markets leaving rich pickings for the brain but experts warn take too much truth and all the just problems will come back. this will be the key theme of the world economic forum over the next five days how to grow the opportunities but not overindulge. and medvedev will give the opening attract some davos but the
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president will shorten his statement to the bomb attack on moscow's main international airport on monday despite the tragedy iran's national capital believes medvedev has good reason to believe an upbeat message about russia i think for the first time a russian leader is going to divorce with a lot of positive material behind him so when president gets up and speaks of battles it will be on the back of the pepsi deal at the end of last year three point eight billion dollars the b.p. rosneft deal at the beginning of this year the opening of the first pipeline into china on the first of january there's a lot of really good material he should be are going to size the opportunities that exist for investing into russia and that gives him a great platform to go out and deliver a strong message about why the west should be investing into russia. and us will also hold lessons for russian the tali out a lot from alpha bank says there is
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a chance to assess the quote and risks growth. the first question i think is how sustainable is the current recall rule the global war that the crisis goes on for sure russia is still a very big oil play and we have just to. take this into account i think the second question is definitely a call sustainable. in the u.s. and in europe and also i think now we have all the service of all this is in the billet all the debt servicing of the very big conferences and we have to remember that russia is a hold over large central bank reserves so that's you know one of the strategic interests for russia. will be as the european countries and us predicating servicing is there said that the legation. let's have a look at how the markets are faring our european markets are higher taking their lead from asia and the us president obama called for a freeze on domestic discretionary spending and
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a lower corporate tax rate carmakers shares were in focus and frank for top to pull share of watertight sales its shares jumped over three percent inspiring other orders volkswagen rises three percent and diving again sounds b.m.w. also rises about two percent. and in russia there are choices in the black truck you gave in the u.s. and pushed up by rising oil my sense is also higher chips are trying to recover from monday's decline metals minus are higher in several start seeing gains of more than two percent each. let's have a look at some more figures energy shares are leading the gains as we heard from three percent poilus close behind their prime continues its winning streak its shares are up more than one and a half cent this hour. by russia's largest car maker after the us jumped forty eight percent last year to just
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a five hundred thousand cars production recovered from the collapse of the previous year to stand at eighty five percent the company says it wants to boost sales by us this year shares are up more than a percent and my sense. despite the russian markets basing their way to recovery at this hour shares are expected to struggle over the week that's according to the head of equity trading at alpha bank over all the russian market is caught in the me at the moment i was stunned to have a bit small bit to indicate those. small correction from here but overall the market is we would invest coming back slowly and oil sector is the hottest one at the moment. business update for now join us for more anyone else time.
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