tv [untitled] January 26, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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the victims of monday's suicide bomb attack as people gather adama dead about to pay tribute to the thirty five killed. seers of. those who committed this terrible targeting citizens of different countries are expected their actions to bring russia to choose the lives. that was the key message of russian president dmitri medvedev the opening speech for a war in just a moment. and russia's upper house of parliament hugh none of us sleep ratifies the new nuclear reduction deal with the us that will see each nation's warheads reduced by a third. with
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russia and from around the world this is. good to have you with us this hour state flags all across the region to mourn the victims of monday's suicide bombing at russia's busiest airport people have been gathering at the site of the dhamma dead of a blast to pay their last respects to those who died. as more. the flights in most cases fly half must locking a day of mourning people turn out still a day to the effort to pay tribute to thirty five people in monday's their. first first i came here specially with this situation it's really affected me. that everyone's greeting no one from out of this trench the blast went off in the international arrivals area at the time i was shocked no tactics places seemingly designed to cause maximum devastation. my first thought was to get away with
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a lot of people willing motionless even more piled up near the first aid area some world already dead they were dragged away horrible pictures. i looked at my watch and then flash and i passed out when i woke up there was a ringing in my ears so it was a sour smell everything in ash is everyone's grooming real full men were piled up on top of the wandering limbo of meat was wounded and there just. and it's not just russia that's been affected people of many nationalities were known to date and. the american ambassador was among those paying their respects these flowers are just my expression my dear people are solidarity with the russian people today. want to. bring together with the families that lost their loved ones
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. and were expressing our solidarity with the russian people the russian government . the no refugees or monsters or people carrying out an attack on. commemorative services have been held across the country with a president and prime minister peace in attending the charge of the uniting people of every face. i could have lost my brother wrong if i want them to be part of the book but. the reaction from the kremlin she's being say its president invaded the south that was responsible will be held accountable if it doesn't that's the case is now a way to establish exactly who is behind the attack think the blame has. the edibles chance or seized in ways that have been officials more expected to come as the country looks to tyson the security defenses in the off to the attack people rally
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dating blood at hospitals and ensuring the fixes in the family receive all the help they need it emits the child has tried to stand united states where he's ill to be intimidated people come to kill a tricky an actor for members and a mark of respect they feel for the lies in its sapphire. russia's prime minister says the suicide bombing which killed thirty five is not something to chechnya based terrorists it's what vladimir putin told report. yes and then usually juries just get the money results of the investigation suggests that this terrorist attack has nothing to do with the chechen republic because that if we will not negotiate with any terrorists not a single country in the world the respect. that's common international practice the new good book which chechen president runs and get it off says the west is always trying to create a negative image of modern day chechnya i see that. it's always this way they're
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always in their hurry to tell the whole world because this is a place where there is no order and people are ready to kill anyone as if we were all murderers and terrorists they present chechen biggest stein and then goose people as criminals to the international community that's the way they're making their politics i've always said so there once a period of vulgar region st petersburg and other regions to treat us with apprehension they do not want to let our society consolidate in russia that sturdy politics once a terrorist operatives could be from the caucus or why are they always our underlying republican opinion is russian anyway look also it is a russia the caucus belongs to russia we're citizens of russia but what was the why were we separated from russia one comes from the caucasus you don't want us to tears a common enemy wants to be a russia is it really that we are doing a day and night unless everything fighting against extremism put everything in
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order on our charioteer and we will continue doing so we can assist americans in theirs they have huge problems with it in iraq and afghanistan they're not display their fears interfere with others. start. well various international newspapers have also been quoting sources suggesting the attack on the on the dead of may have been planned else side of russia well he's got to check out he's in washington d.c. now looks at how the tragedies being reported in the west. security experts and investigative journalist have started looking into where these terrorists confound the telegraph and other media outlets say the bombers who carried out the moscow attack were thought to be part of a suicide squad training pakistan's all qaeda strongholds that were sent to the capital to target the city's transport system many security experts believe that terrorist groups operating in russia do get funding from abroad some of their members are known to have been trained abroad and also a fact here in new york state police the new york police department has sent people
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to moscow to learn about the attack which could help them prevent a similar tragedy here in the united states so if you think about it this really was an act of international terrorism attack the busiest international airport in washington the terrorist clearly knew that not only russian nationals are going to suffer everyone is talking about carries in as a common threat and that the international community has to fight it together words and sympathy and solidarity were coming from all over the world but the rhetoric hasn't always been like this for a long time to when you see that terrible things that terrorists had done in russia as part of some rebel separatist movement but now it's very much clear to everyone that these thugs are a threat to the whole of the international community and that their actions cannot be justified by anything but again it took the west the while to realize this is going to check on reporting from washington d.c. well terrorism was also in the spotlight at the world economic forum in davos in
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his opening keynote speech to meet him inventive so the. wanted to intimidate russia but once again failed it's the first time russia's be represented at the forum by its leader although the visit will be sure to. monday's attack for what it is and she has the details. of course he started by talking about the terror attack on monday at the other airports in fact klaus schwab who introduced him the head of the world economic forum asked everyone to stand on their feet and observe a minute's silence in honor of the victims then met at a started to talk about the attack and he said that they all felt the pain of loss but it had strengthened the world's resolve to combat this international threat of terror that we see society it spread indignation throughout the world and here again thanks leaders of other governments who had sent him messages of condolence but there was also element of defiance in what he said he said that the terrorists
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expected that this would make him cancel his trip to davos and missed this appearance in front of the world to promote russia but in fact it did nothing of the so let's hear what he said about that you know group here's rick dorsey were sure those who committed this terrible act targeting citizens of different countries expected their actions to bring russia to its knees but they thought room russia was aware of its place in the world russia will fulfill its obligations towards its citizens and the world community unfortunately you know state in the world is immune to terrorism terrorist attacks like this one in russia unfortunately can happen any time anywhere in the world there is no universal remedy against this evil even the one thing we can say for sure but our success in battling this threat very much depends on solidarity and he did understandably spend quite a lot of time on that about five minutes of what was only a twenty minute speech but he did then move on to talk about various other things including environmental issues he mentioned how the world really is only one step
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away from a major environmental disaster that could bring us to her to our knees he was talking about incidents like the icelandic volcano which stopped flights in europe he was talking about the extreme heat. wave this summer which caused this forest fires and he said that russia was proposing an early warning system to deal with monitoring those kinds of threats to. so that we would know before they happened that they were coming he also talked about the recent ratification in the russian government of the start treaty he said that was an extremely optimistic moment and he said that people all over the world would be breathing a sigh of relief about nuclear weapons in that case he also mentioned wiki leaks he said that he himself had read the wiki leaks cables about russia that had been released and he said there was nothing really new there that the majority of it could it seems have come from open source says let's hear what he had to say about that shooty issue also mutlu i think the wiki leaks issue should make the spirit of international relations healthier even though some states consider this an illegal
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activity the impact of this story is quite positive as for what was leaked some may find it interesting to others it's no secret as for me what i've read about russia has been nothing new to me there was a humble note in his speech as well he recognized that russia has been criticized by western governments and by the media and he also wanted to point out that russia has made advances in terms of legislation corporate governance the application of the rule of law and corruption but there is still a lot more work to do more and that reporting there from davos and we'll be bringing you the highlights of the speech in around twenty minutes from know here on r.t. . the nuclear cuts treaty between russia and the u.s. known as start has been ratified by russia's federation council the deal would slash both country's nuclear arsenals by around a third now approved by both houses of russia's parliament the treaty must be signed by president medvedev correspondent europe is going off as the details.
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everything happened really quickly just on tuesday they stay duma ratified the treaty now the federation council has unanimously voted for the ratification of the treaty which means that both chambers also parliament have now supported it it's also backed by both president who's sitting now he can now signed a treaty and president barack obama lead in both monitoring the way ratification has been going in fact on tuesday barack obama praised. decision to ratify the deal previously were able to speak to the chairman of the federation council's committee for international affairs who also took part in the a long running negotiations may come out of the elephant he says that this is a significant step forward in the relations between moscow and washington we managed to successfully through the u.s. senate the so-called wanted three agreement on the russian american cup ration in
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the nuclear field i mean the peaceful part of it. that is concerned we also moving forward on the russians w t o accession america is very supportive we are moving relatively fast and i think that two thousand and eleven will be the year of russia's w t o accession after that. those will have to do their part of the whole work repealing the so-called jackson that commandment which is one of the dinosaurs of. the time of the cold war. but it's not enough we have to have more time as we have to have more docking mechanisms we have to have more bridges the more dependent we are the better it is for our future it's the third such agreement between the two countries the first two were signed back in one thousand nine hundred one and in one thousand nine
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hundred three with the slate. one is meant to reduce the number of strategic weapons on both sides by over one third so it's significant for global security russian deputies did make some special statements or recommendations first of all securing moscow's right to step out of the treaty if it feels threatened by a u.s. missile defense plans in europe and secondly they've outlined that similar recommendations made previously by the u.s. congress are none binding meaning the will do not really washington from its obligations previously the u.s. congress has secured washington's rights to modernize the remaining arms and has also claimed that the treaty should not obstruct america's missile defense plans but these statements on both sides are non binding meaning they will not affect the actual implementation of the agreement. but i spoke to joel rubin deputy director and c.e.o. of the national security network he says that the new start treaty is
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a big step towards global security. it's very beneficial to all involved the u.s. and russia have now fully engaged in the restart of the relationship and put substance behind it a lot of good rhetoric over the last year and a half now we actually have an agreement a bipartisan agreement from capitol hill also is a very unique moment and so we see an american russian consensus around a key issue of security for both countries there's a clear interest in moving past the cold war and security threats are dynamic now we have terrorism and as noted in moscow on monday these these threats come from a very long arm of potentially from countries outside of nato and outside of europe the hope is that this will create a new dynamic and create new opportunities now that everyone who cares about arms control and is looking at nuclear weapons as a serious issue sees that the u.s.
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and russia can make progress it does give an opportunity for new thinking about how do you dress this in two thousand and eleven. now time for a brief look at the other major headlines from around the world on the second day of and government riots in egypt have seen protesters throw far bombs and set fire to government buildings and. officials report that eight hundred sixty people have been detained in the clashes and some of them would face charges for taking part in protests the presence immediate family reported to flow into the u.k. comes against a backdrop of growing anger over rampant poverty and unemployment. a new hezbollah backed prime minister of lebanon has begun to form his cabinet following two days of widespread protests thousands of sunni muslims poured on to the streets burning tires throwing rocks and accusing the militant group of the coup the pm has vowed to unify lebanon's diverse society has been and its allies ousted the previous western backed government two weeks ago when they quit the cabinet. we're now back
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to the russian president's opening speech at the world economic forum in davos in switzerland addressing world and business leaders dmitri medvedev talked about terrorism and a wide range of other issues from the importance of the nuclear cuts treated with the u.s. to the impact of wiki leaks disclosures on international relations the full speech is available on our website that's r.t. dot com but next here on the screen we bring you an extract of this address.
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what are my this but do mr schwab. lose in chandan. we can live with indeed the day before yesterday. in moscow at international don't get your poor to turn to was committed in your shoes review the lives of dozens of innocent people. but you could have been your of citizens of faeries countries from a victim to a terrorist act citizen of russia the united kingdom to trick is to turn ukraine germany austria it. was because done. with that it will be sure more than one hundred persons were injured they are now at a hospital the city of their tragedy would be if indeed sure the entire russian
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society. although our country of. iran and they post or subject to serious terrorists that act caused indignation throughout civilized the world i received numerous messages telegrams from your columns from the leaders of foreign states leaders of international organizations expressing their condolences and solidarity here i am grateful for you for the condolences and for the words i've just heard from you and from other participants in the form. together we mourn the loss of life. the. pain from the loss of human lives of course will stay in our hearts for long. but what has happened
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only strengthened our resolve to find an effective protection against international terror and i believe this to be of utmost importance sure will commit a heinous act by aiming their little guns the citizens of various countries not expected that their act would bring russia to its knees. forced to be defensive or should they expected and hoped but if the. president the pressure will not come here to eternity for among other things of course even the releases of the criteria used to choose the time and place for committing that act of terrorism but they miscalculated. russia is aware of its place in the worry of russia. aware of its
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responsibilities to its citizens and you will comply with. its responsibility to the world community and this is the reason why you're with you. on this day i'm speaking from this ross from your terrorism negates the most important thing which is the value of human life. the rights and freedoms. i wouldn't give you no matter what i do a logical question our case it generates fear and hatred of you it. is an obstacle to. your out there for our world this situation is also dramatic what the terrorist acts in a cardinal way disrupt the normal life the normal occurrence of washington and
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three such acts very often force us to take very tough decisions. those terrorists acts radical change their way of thinking not those who fall victims but also with a way of thinking all for everyone living on the planet but unfortunately no state in the world is immune to terrorism their relatives such charity stags like the one that. has just happened and russian forces are not for the first time can happen at any time and place in the world no one is immune to that today. yes there are no universal recipe to convert that evil. one found one thing that can be said in a definitive way. but with you our success in countering this common
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thread depends very much on our solidarity and concerted action that is particularly during the period when globalization has made a whole world much more in didn't bend than you can plan it was sometime a girl and you have to say it didn't hanson build upon our efforts you know your choice struggle against terrorism we have to do all we did was to influence if not the ideology of at least police social and economic roots of terrorism poverty unemployment illiteracy current lessness and you have to ensure that global development is stable so you've just unfair once again let me thank sincerely thank you for their own effort station of your feelings. when you would look at our farm is conducted with during the time when many tend to speak or the end of the world financial crisis but at the same time it's quite obvious that it
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is not all that simple you with a period of extra rapid development which not you but in the very has resulted in many people becoming euphoric that is the but the crisis has sold without proof everyone but we have coped with the. with only one part all of the symptoms of the crisis and so on far we have not found and model for growth and economic development therefore is bound to be slower than the would like it to be. at the same time we have learned serious lessons not only from the economic experience of the present those whose asian technologically is well developed at least if we compare it with what it was like one hundred or two hundred years ago but one which is natural disaster or technological mistake will be enough for entire reasons to
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be brought to the brink order environmental catastrophe and continents would be cut off from each other as in previous centuries the rapture can no innocent and iceland major on oil. derrick in the gulf of mexico could then almost hear it in russia last year. catastrophic floods snow falls that have been in the various corners of the world all these things make us think once again once again about the fragility of human power on earth i believe that prompts for the procrastination would be dangerous and the thing is not only. have. long lasting climate talks although that must be done by all means what is it issues social. establishment or about common monitoring system for the environment and hazardous facilities and
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a common system for early warning and if there alleviation of emergencies russia has advanced that initiative and i hope that all the partners too will agree that this question is long overdue. to do we need a very much new id. he's capable of changing the world for the better idea is that all of the acquired a force of requirements to practical policy and it would be a standard for states for the business for public development only relations between countries speaking of security russia's sometime legal express case. specific proposals for concluding a new treaty on european security and i believe that such topics can be discussed everywhere that would be useful including here at the economic forum and with. today the actions by public to sions international relations and the principles of
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settlement a legging would be high and ever more like him behind the technical logical development at the same time some politicians some people continue to live by the phantoms of cold war stereotypes of the war and carried away by primitive patients for some patients but you during this particular time. create the mind of almost one billion people let us think world. are using social networks for the first time in the history of mankind. millennium long. history people are communicating with each other directly being located on various continents and this is mind boggling indeed present so the world is ever becoming. it's become increasingly flat and. borders and
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