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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EST

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people in remote villages a culture all from the basics we take for granted. like russia close up on. the back you're with r t here is a look at the top stories the deadly bombing that killed thirty five people at moscow's demise of an airport was not argues rated by terrorists from the north caucasus it has deeper international roots says the russian government. president meets with yet of sets the tone for the economic forum in davos in a keynote speech encompassing terror threats environmental disasters nuclear nonproliferation and the wiki leaks scandal. and us president barack obama's upbeat state of the union address is being met with skepticism by everett americans who say he is not focusing on the right things so they have eyes here in r t next hour
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injury show spotlight and the program this time focuses on ways of safeguarding russia from terrorism. hello again a welcome to spotlight. today my guest on the show is. this
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week that deadly attack on russia. has cost more than their hundred including foreign service to dozens are hospitals some of them in critical condition police say this was a terrorist attack and the bomb was carried into the building through an unsecured entrance how can we feel safe if the country is. protected here is vice president of the international vets association. broke the lot. more to place in the international arrivals the police say the bomb was stuffed with shrapnel meant to cause serious injury and damage many of the dead are foreigners from the former soviet republics and from the u.k. and germany present bed of his postponed his visit to switzerland where he was to
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attend the devils forum the president says the dead of the managers must be charged with a security failure but experts say it's the police responsible for safety at russian apple's. thank you for your time as a parallel for my first question to you now what's happened. seems to indicate. a very dangerous place to live in do you agree with that you know this just confirms something that i often see not only that the whole world and especially in russia. war. in the war. terror we should never forget about this whether we like it or not it's in the that's something we'll have to live with for many years to come. as any other big city is a soft target for terrorists let's go back to the war you've just mentioned so
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you're one of those who think we're still it's war right there are a lot of people who think so not only in russia but also in america in the u.k. in other countries so you think the war is not over yet right well i would not wish well it's not the same kind of war as world war one a world war two so that is still a war you have troops you have terrorist cells because unless you have already agents working among them. in north caucasus counterterrorist operations are conducted almost every week in the sword that. we kill terrorists we find caches who would more pounds in explosives so i think this is their war but so our enemies in the north caucasus is that what you're saying or not only their no personally i wouldn't limit this problem to slam at least for russia he's just the caucus is happens to be the weakling what makes our situation with terrorism
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different from that in europe for europe and the outside that's why i believe easier for them to fight terrorism. they have to deal with foreigners with immigrants even if they have integrated into their society where is weak have to deal with our own citizens but you with the recent this happens in the north caucuses because it is there in russia. you're surely aware of all the problems we have with corruption unemployment and social injustice was to go in russia as a whole is rated among some african countries but if we consider the north caucasus as a separate creature and the situation in derry it's much worse i believe you. talking about corruption levels or something like that this is right international records . terms of corruption i don't remember the exact figures of course but you get the idea but it's
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a bit of obvious social injustice unemployment corruption sometimes even the use of treatment by the authorities just has been security forces so always told the. jury for for terrorism you know that takes his for just one skill. to come to a place like this and so some seeds of the terrorist will spring up. and flourish. every war has a goal an objective i mean what is the goal of this war for russia will say the u.s. goal is security but what is the goal of those on the side if. they have a goal. is the only goals people may have and what they were doing to use just money and power. and islamic fundamentalism is just to to just
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those who masterminded those terrorist attacks would save on the costs not just the pieces you know people can work for money or they can work for ideological reasons you can replace money with ideology. toward an interpretation of islam to turn people regularly boys and girls into walking bombs as they call them now mr philosopher i have a few specific questions the terrorist attack took place adama dead of. that and the authorities are blaming the airport management for it they're saying there were security flaws do you think it is fair to. same soli going to the management even though it is a private enterprise after all we have the federal security service that the internal affairs ministry and the end to terrorist committee they're all that if you know i talk to disagree i don't think that the airport management is to blame
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here i travel all over the world and i conceded the end of his perhaps the safest ford in the world in terms of security close to you get this impression when you see all those canneries in the number of police officers if the year before it's the safest except perhaps for it. in fact i had a chance to see israeli security agencies it work last year is that when i was flying in they interviewed me for an hour and as i was flying out for two hours i almost missed my flight of course to some extent perhaps this was my fault as i provoked them a little on purpose because i was curious to see them at work still the point is that it is not appropriate to blame the airport management in fact i kind of feel sorrier for that sort in general functions well but they were unfortunate to have one accident after another if you remember it was dumb i did what airport that stopped working because it was. before the new year here and that was not their
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fault it was beyond their control or their heat with this terrorist attack some say it's a private airport but let's just take a look at the various places where terrorist attacks have taken place costed a hostage crisis in one thousand nine hundred five the moscow theater siege in two thousand and two the best massacre in two thousand and four suicide bombings at a rock concert the air filled again on an open ground lotion at manesh square you know one thing i don't fly is this something that's happening now too soon as there was an explosion enter the international airport precedented security measures are introduced to the door at all the transport facilities for example to. for the highway and mosque have been closed i don't see any reason for it is always reading more traffic jams i think the authorities and security agencies are just trying to impress everybody with how hard they work but always she was just make people angry
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such measures can hardly yield any positive results so the airport just happened to be yet another size that she had in a series of attacks. the same can happen any place else i won't mention specific places where you can do this any place attracting a big enough crowd of people is potentially side for a terrorist attack. do you see any connection between the terrorist attack and the my dead. and last year's bombings in moscow metro you know i think it's the same thing going to go to some people complain that these attacks happen very frequently but it depends on how you look at it at least this someone who was nine months since the previous incident write a worrying months now almost. ten months now. could just as well have been happening every month i think that terrorists receive financial aid from foreign sources and perhaps they need to teach such attacks from time to time to report on
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the work done perhaps do more often than do through more money to sometimes they succeed sometimes they feel to school in fact i would like to give a warning. right now there when in yet another terrorist attack and it's up to us in our security agencies to prevent this terrorist attack according to unofficial. thousand and seven hundred russians have been killed by terrorists since nine hundred ninety five let's take a look at the deadliest terrorist attacks in the country over the last fifteen years has their support from. the nine hundred ninety five bill c. . when russia had its first taste of terror for days more than a thousand people were held hostage by chechen militants headed by shamil basayev russian troops unsuccessfully tried to storm the building more than one hundred people died since then terrorist attacks have repeated in russia on
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a regular basis and have usually been associated with the chechen militants in one thousand nine hundred ninety four apartment buildings were blown up in the around three hundred people eventually forced more schools hand and the beginning of the second warring change. part of it was militants systematic attacks on russian civilians in two thousand and two eight hundred people were taken hostage at a moscow theater russian special forces stormed the building one hundred and twenty nine hosted just in forty one chechen fighters were killed children became victims of terrorists in two thousand and four the siege of a school in beslan resulted in more than three hundred deaths most school metro has become a popular target for. the subway so a number of deadly attacks over the years the station was one of the two attacked last march forty people were killed in a double suicide blast their recent explosion at the international arrivals hall
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that most schools domodedovo airport is a sign that terrorism remains a major threat to the country's security. you've just said something quite terrible right now and terrorists are planning yet another attack. that attacks are. paid for. to those. sports appears to be some sort of professional capacious a way of making a living saying it's. chance they're on masterminds. stabilize the situation in russia. reduce our. there olof the world's fuel and energy supplier need to live and there are soldiers who may have different motives and again i'd like to repeat dead. blame is laughable as it all stems from russia's internal problems such as social discord
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dissatisfaction unemployment and corruption is what he called also says a lot the false president of the international vets association the alpha and the terrorist the spotlight will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us we'll continue in less than a minute. download the official antti application on the phone i pod touch from the i.q. japs to. lunch i'll teach life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s my old costs and already says feeds now in the palm of
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your. question on the dot com. going to be soon which brightened. someone from phones to impressions. stunts on t.v. don't come. welcome back to spotlight. my guest in the studio today is the vice president of the
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international association of the alpha out the terrorist departments. mr fun no one has claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack at the airport. no one has made any demands that is very upsetting because it means that regular people i mean civilians russians and those who come to visit moscow. become targets of these murderous business. i will say it again always need to remember that there is a war going on so we should remember that we should always be alert and watchful we shouldn't be embarrassed to contact police if we see some suspicious things around this. then the war on terror will be affected.
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by the way you mentioned the israeli security officials have told me that. most of the time they were able to prevent terrorist attacks because somebody. them off informed them about a planned attack. nothing works the batter than being alerted by any. surveillance dogs explosive deterrent is none of that can compare with the information provided by how would you comment on the proposal by the head of the state duma security committee of a syria. introducing terrorism threat levels i mean you know like in america they have already yellow green threat levels would you think about it. are you suggesting that we resort to permanently to rig. this won't really change the current situation in russia this might work in good old europe where
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things are somewhat calm would put our people have a different mindset do you remember what happened after those explosions in apartment buildings after the first there was nothing we were just considering the situation on the waiting for someone to claim responsibility for the attack and scratching our heads then ten days later a second blast takes trace and was only at that point that we realized that these were terrorist attacks and that we needed to chat all addicts and the beast and use volunteers as a neighborhood watch informing police about all suspicious people and businesses and we don't do anything until something terrible happens then there were no terrorist attacks for a while and we forgot all about them we forget such things very quickly in six months and next time we remember this that is only a year later on incentive bursaries loss and even then are media tries to tune it down making sure they don't upset people let's not think about it with. and to draw
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for why would we want to do that for the things that enough is the our this is wrong if there is a war going on people should always be on high alert whenever we allow some slack in that situation like this one to happen. we don't often talk about the fact that the last major terrorist attack in america was nine eleven or since then they have not being serious terrorist attacks in the u.s. state whereas in russia they happen quite frequently. but why all the americans able to prevent terrorist attacks and we're not. because there's some key difference in our approaches yes but it's that there is a key difference they have a different enemy mentioned at the beginning that they're dealing with an external enemy their wars against al qaida or why ours is not we fight first and foremost against our own internal problems as more of a. background for example it's hard to differentiate between terrorism and
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extremism but easily leaks that it's a very subtle distinction that the pretty much shot it was a well as far as i know of the terrorist attack on moscow metro have never been found. well they did mention some names some but i take such reports with a grain of salt and that's the way we do things in russia when we have an order to find a person even if we can find him we'll find somebody is the best thing to do they always perhaps not to he said after a specific person but to do your regular work i'm a saudi and consistently in fact i think both recent attacks are air response to our fight against terrorist groups in the north caucasus which was already killing testified about three years ago militants in terrorist leaders have been killed so this is a response to that and it's lost to be expected when somebody texts you you want to fight that. after the attack in the metro some suggested installing metal detectors
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in the metro but then the decided against as saying this would hair allies the metro system would these detectors can be used annapolis including the arrivals hall does it make sense to do that or do you think that's what we have now is enough. doesn't make any sense to put up metal detectors everywhere including airport metal detectors cannot detect just some checks or see for for example foot seven or ten kilos the terrorists will still be able to get explosives in the building i can foresee that what is going to happen now is the government is going to allocate huge amounts of money to install metal detectors everywhere but unfortunately this money for the won't be spent efficiently i think russia can't afford being wasteful so i would see a direct two crucial things we should spend money on their first security services should intensify their work with agents and develop an agent yeah right. long after
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the collapse of the soviet union the theft only ceased to exist. after death and the second aspect is that all these. people concerning terrorism war are people should remember that we are at war. so that if they see something suspicious around them just that they should feel awkward involved with alerting law enforcement agencies about that though it soon let's go back to the side of this tragedy for a minute judy here is several eyewitnesses of the tragedy in the moscow airport the dead. i saw people bleeding badly injured many of them had their faces all covered in blood i had lost it sounded like something fell down as if someone dropped a heavy cargo construction works going on over there so we thought the sound came from there as if somebody dropped something there and people on the second floor
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felt a big shake. i deduce you are leaving the airport when we heard the blast stuff started falling from the ceiling as we were leaving the baggage claim area we saw everything was in smoke we started getting phone calls and found out that many people were injured and the explosion happened in the area adjacent to the baggage claim so. we were bags everywhere and everyone was scared to get close to you know all of the lost luggage claim that which is far away from the area where they explode in happened but we still felt it was a very powerful blast. because people were leaving the area in panic some were looking for their family members there were people on the floor covered in blood people were panicking however they left very quickly then apple employees came and began to administer first aid to the injured. you know what i'm watching these are from two g.m. i thought about one past. thing. there was no panic and one of the
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eyewitnesses did use the word panic but there were no reports of people trampling over each other when the people who were leaving the area in a relatively calm and organized manner the ones who survived and the injured was quickly taken to hospitals does that mean the emergency services handled the situation well i want to. think that the airport management did a pretty good job i know from my witness reports that the airport beast emergency services on the spot in a couple of minutes then began to administer first aid and much for taking danger and in the. explosion started to far so they were putting out a far there was no panic as far as i know continue to do that while arriving planes were redirected to other airports. authority has handled the situation well.
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i guess i'm trying to find a silver lining even in a tragedy like this one so i wanted to ask you i mean. there was a major terrorist attack with many people taken hostage. then there was the hostage crisis at the moscow theater and now the explosions in the metro and at the airport at the routes it seems like the scale of attacks has diminished or does this mean that terrorists are running out of steam and can we say that russia is actually prevailing in this war. i think that the terrorists in general want to create as much panic and fear response. they need big reaction and in this sense the aftermath of the terrorists who would join us can discipline and the future hostage crisis was a lot more. is that what is going to happen now yesterday to the fact that there
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haven't been any major terrorist attacks since two thousand and four and what it tells us that the terrorist underground has been critical of the many militants and their leaders have been killed which means only a few isolated groups are allowed to think it is over the fog or even in conflicts and to disputes among terrorists you need to first and the united states the caucus emirate you know there is divided again with the chechen militants parading separately cost but the what is it in this means that our agents are doing you good job. we do it's of course it's a lot easier to send the bombers of us into a crowded place than to organize a large scale operation that is like the dubrovsky a hostage situation so i think that security agencies have achieved certain results of course after this tragedy we can start complaining asking where the taxpayers'
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money goes and so on i don't think this should be our focus right now and we need to think about what we can do you stop so that the same thing doesn't happen again to us and our families and children don't have to live in the fear and usually it. thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today what they say fill out the vice president al the international that so satiation the alpha terrorist the book and that's it for us with a comment about what's going on. and. i'm all for the cooling of the latest in science and technology from the ground for
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us and. we've got the future of covered.
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