tv [untitled] January 27, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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who remembers the victims of the tower tonka domodedovo airport the blast of the country's busiest airport killed thirty five people and wounded schools and all over a hundred people related hospital. meanwhile investigators released a fast photograph of the suspect wanted in connection with monday's bombing named as the tightly as the associates say it was links to base terrorist group is believed to be the claim of us to islam who joined a jihad to militant south in the north caucasus it's. also the russian economy took center stage on the second day of the double its economic forum in switzerland it follows president dmitri medvedev skew note speech that opened the forum on wednesday. egypt and yemen and now being called top of the wave of
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violent antigovernment protests that started in tunisia some. time lows with the color revolutions seen in posts on these countries. there's the headlines up next financial guru max kaiser is keeping a close eye on developments in davos that's the kind of to report. max geyser this is the ca's report thanks for sending us your e-mails of kai's reported r t t v dot are you i read some of them and you know you people are concerned out there and rightfully so because the global economy is being held hostage by the global kleptocracy that's meeting this week in demos to talk about all of the ways are going to totally screw the global economy some more and steal more money because that's of their best doing at or something like that i'm going
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to get stacey amber in there to help me sort out my syntax stacey max actually speaking of syntax pronunciation isn't my first headline story more icelandic bankers arrested so while all the bankers are meeting in dallas switzerland this week. unreported in the mainstream media that there has been more arrests in iceland where you can't pronounce any of the guy's names so of course if you can't pronounce their names have these bankers been arrested banker jones doherty or a banker jones due to be well actually say one of the arrested parties in iceland is the former landsbanki treasury boss john thorstein lifeson. yes ok so that iceland special prosecutor into the banking crisis has confirmed the raise have taken place and arrests have been made the central bank of iceland is among the institutions under investigation in particular these arrests in the past
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week involve a three hundred million dollar loan made by a lender spankie on october sixth two thousand and eight the day emergency law was enacted in iceland and the day before the bank lending spankie was taken over by the financial services authority yeah that's right a lot of banks were the first to enter the global collapse due to the fraud perpetrated by the bankers and they had to shut them down to shut those banks down something that irish government has not done or the greece government has not done the greek government has not done which they should do because iceland is taking the right action they've shut down the banks and now they're looking for those bankers and they're going to string them up by their thumbs and we're going to beat them to with an inch of their life well i don't know about that but they certainly are arrested and it makes me wonder why all these bankers from all the major banks in the u.s. all the investment banks around the world are in switzerland this week and we know switzerland has been executing arrest warrants for all sorts of people around the
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world perhaps we can get them to arrest some of these bankers and in switzerland at the moment but because they haven't we're going to look at some headlines which we'll see more of because no bankers on the wall who have perpetrated this great financial crime are allowed to roam freely first headline. tunisia central bank admits it is missing one point five tons of gold oh so as we've been reporting of course timmy's and president ben ali fled the country but he took twenty four percent of the nation's gold supply notice that he didn't take twenty four percent of the nation's u.s. dollar supply no only gold as money then they know that also according to egypt news the country's airport has intercepted fifty nine shipments of gold directed for the netherlands worth tens of millions of dollars estimate of that goal it could be somebody rich in aid just getting ready for the collapse of the mubarak regime just as and tunisia and just possibly coming in yemen or any of these other
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dictatorships supported by the u.s. well i think it's interesting that as the dictators flee the country they're taking their gold with them and a lot of countries now are looking at their gold reserves to find out if there are really there as we reported on our show sixty percent of germany's gold reserves are held in the united states or held at the new york fed and there's already talk in the us of commandeering germany's gold and putting it into a secure military facility and then you've got fort knox in the u.s. they haven't been audited for decades presumably they have a thousand tons of gold but based on what you're saying here when the kleptocrats of the dictator's run out of the us the george w. bush's of the world and all the folks that ransacked raped and pillaged the american economy who's to say that they already haven't stolen much of the gold and it's impaired why somewhere on bush's huge ranch down there let's move on to the us federal reserve who is supposedly overseeing some of this gold accounting tweak
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could say fed from losses well concerns that the federal reserve could suffer losses on its massive bond holdings may have given the central bank to adopt a little noticed accounting change with huge implications it makes insolvency much less likely because the change essential allows the fed. to denote losses by the various regional reserve banks that make up the fed system as a liability to the treasury i.e. that tax. rather than a hit to its capital well this is just more a ponzi scheme financing they studied their accounting methodology at bernie made off university so now you've got the fed and the treasury bernanke and geithner talking to each other and exchanging phantom lots of currencies as i've explained on this show before most of what happens on wall street are just two corrupt bankers writing on cocktail napkins and lipstick that they bought from some overpriced hooker twenty billion dollars and exchanging that back and forth and charging a fee and then those fees the only way they can be paid in the banks go out of
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business is for the government has been co-opted to extort the money from the general population and that's the american banking system in the global banking system coming to the entire world visa v. what they're talking about a davos i don't know if you're covering this or not but devils are talking about instituting one hundred trillion dollars of new debt that's one hundred trillion dollars of worthless cocktail napkins with smeared lipsticks that says one hundred trillion dollars on an exchange the most corrupt bankers for a fee to pay for these got for saken overpriced ochers well the facts we talked about unless the last episode. was the last episode of carson report for the full story but if it does fit in with this. other this banker a managing director at stony mccarthy in princeton new jersey raymond stone says could the fed go broke the answer to this question was yes but it is now no because of this accounting law oh there's no again it's like not banned and our team and all bank i've got. i've got that group that picked up the bill that's all that they
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talk about in the high finance circles of america it's a complete canard it it's basically it's a command and control the dollar is the product of a poll a bureau called the federal open market committee and they fixed a price this is not supply and demand that's not free market capitalism it's friggin soviet era communism and were reported on this show on are today. think about speaking of davus supercycle leaves no economy behind before daba summit so all the big banks are back up and they're celebrating their very optimistic this year apparently the whole world's going to be rich by the end of this century according to edward prescott a senior monetary adviser to the federal reserve bank of minneapolis who shared the two thousand and four nobel prize for analysis of business cycles and economic policy everyone is going to have a billion u.s. dollars a cup of coffee will be five billion u.s. dollars h.s.b.c.
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bank says by twenty fifty global output will have trebled an average annual growth will accelerate towards thirty percent from two percent in the past decade that's absolutely correct and the price of gold will be five hundred million dollars per room is what they're saying outputs will actually travel that means actual production of goods and services will travel where are these resources going to come from one might ask virtual goods just like you pointed out the federal reserve is moving to a virtual currency model there is no collateral of zero reserve banking they're going to give everyone avatars to do commerce in cyberspace and award them billions of virtual dollars and they'll count that as output is virtual output that's what they failed to disclose in the piece it's virtual output it's not output like mining or manufacturing it's virtual output of avatars having virtual sex and then raising the virtual babies and calling that
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a family and then applying that to some neo classical model it's hokum some of the questions that have been asked of ben bernanke you before congress and then recently alan greenspan was asked this too in several interviews with is the fed going to be able to withdraw some of this money that they've been creating over the past year or two how are they going to avoid inflation and i think you me in a way the environment the collapse of the environment around the world is a weight is a big sinkhole for all of this capital b. uncreated absolutely two thousand and eleven year of the flood the year two thousand and ten was one of the worst years in world history for high impact floods but just three weeks into the new year two thousand and eleven has already had an entire year's worth of mega floods those are the sort of environmental collapse is the deflation they need to offset the virtual inflation the forest burns up when a desert desert for cation kicks in and china it's no longer viable economically and that's deflation and they'll say well we needed that to offset our inflation so
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at the end of the day you end up with a virtual avatars representing us living in a wasteland that's been burned down by you colossal degradation caused by all that free money to begin with well in particular so a lot of these projections for the optimistic future count on china growing and who is feeding china but australia who really so you know first you know well. their resources are going towards china to helping build china from their rhenium to coal to steel everything's going there and they're supposed to supposedly in a symbiotic nobody can lose relationship wage inflation risk after australia floods so we've seen floods in sri lanka brazil south africa zimbabwe philippines but none worse than australia where there's been over thirty billion dollars worth of damage so far with the floods in queensland and victoria and you know this is part of the anemia fact of course which is you know every three to five years this big effect happens but on top of the climate change which is one degree celsius warmer waters
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off of australia has added sixty percent more moisture in the air which is allowing all these floods to happen right so the ecological devastation is the necessary deflation offset all the money printing this might take the strain off the military budget because up until recently up in the traditional way to create artificial deflation is to go send one hundred thousand marines somewhere getting blown up for no reason other than to secure rights for coca-cola to be sold. where and then claim that that's deflation to offset the money printing so maybe this will mean more of the u.s. marine corps survives in this deflationary environment although if i know the u.s. figure out a way to kill more soldiers needlessly from accident or eco there's one final headline a warning about dallas because you know they're there to save the world and help us all in the likes of bondo and bill gates or their headline fraud plague celebrity backed global health fund this is the health fund that's backed by bond was read which he said davus a few years ago bill gates who softened up at davos and apparently twenty one point
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seven billion dollar development fund backed by celebrities and hailed as an alternative to the bureaucracy of the united nations sees as much as two thirds of some of its grants by corruption much of the money is accounted for with forged documents or improper bookkeeping which sounds like our whole global financial system in the west and it looks like if they're going to save the world this is all that ever deliver well you know by no is an investment banker disguised as a rock n roll player you know and his yes buyers to steal money from people like he has a private equity group and they're involved in all kinds of nasty deals and he doesn't do any a benefit concert for ireland so how come he's not doing one help ireland well you know it's a tax dodge for ireland is paying taxes and this guy's a schmuck bono these are called toll shmuck but i think that makes him a much better banker than he is a rock n roll player as you call it is or should look bono an edge to all right
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there but thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max speaking of gold and silver much more coming your way so don't go away stay right there. for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get the human voice ceased to face with the news makers. to survive in speeds see him change a lot more regenerative life support seems just from. special exercise equipment flights to flight and psychological prep keeps the strain off the brain during the one know she update here. we've got the future covered.
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leave. the more people we killed the happier our officers were it got to be like a game like to see who could kill the most people and. the way you could prove the skilled look you know here's a bag someone's ears you know where they have the most ears they would get the most spears in-tray you should be rich overnight you women and five men around the circle over the pole automatically there are sixty. people. most of the.
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welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to maryland a top a money manager michael what do you know brian well also writes at financial cents dot com their web site would be welcome to the. hiser report max it's great to be with you from a beautiful sunny day in maryland were data lots of free solar electricity on this beautiful day today well get some crab cakes as well now we first saw you on the big dad zero six why the cast of log cast i should say and it's so pressed by that we decided to have you on the kaiser report now would you know brian that it's an easy and president ben ali fled the country with twenty four percent of the nation's gold supply i thought gold was
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a barbarous relic why would he take all that gold and not paper money well of course that's part of the the great elite fraud that that gold is a barbaric relic it's not an important monetary item i think if you go back through history and read what the bank stock receive has really said about gold no one got it better than j.p. morgan which i've said is is gold is money and nothing else and i would only say the only part of that that's wrong is silver is money too silver is got a very important place right along side of gold but i think the important thing to remember is it's a lot like the old soviet union where the russian people knew what the truth was by reading prague and assuming that it was the opposite because the fact is is that we have a global financial system that is nothing more than a great looting machine to rob the people. in a way that sends money from in the case of america takes money from the farms in
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the factories in the heartland and ships it off to new york and washington were it can be manipulated in programs and in derivative trading and i think the thing that people are beginning to realize is that the manipulation isn't the answer the manipulation is the cancer right up to a certain amount of financial propaganda versus political propaganda and here we are in the twenty first century people are talking about currency wars and. with every war there is propaganda so with a currency war you need financial propaganda so just to roll through this again some people get a handle on it in the us the financial propaganda for example would indicate that the the the huge bailouts of the banks had nothing to do with the fact that they looted the economy and they destroyed the housing market and made huge bets against the collapse of the housing market turbocharging their profits by making bets against the housing market or in the case of goldman sachs making direct bets
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against its own clients but talk about for a second now i remember to make this political financial propaganda comparison to build on the us a little bit member in one nine hundred eighty nine the solution for political propaganda was freedom the berlin wall came down and freedom rang and that was the solution for political propaganda the solution for financial propaganda the equivalent you could say is freedom in terms of a gold and silver standard back in currency that is the equivalent of freedom is it not what it absolutely and i would say i think serious economic thinkers have to first acknowledged that the dollar's days are numbered it's going to end up in the dustbin of history and we need to start thinking about what's going to be the monetary system that comes next my own preferences is to have a basket of commodities that would include untaxed land that's owned by the u.s.
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government because i think if you had just a gold standard or just a silver standard it would be too easy to maybe be a public manipulate in the future by banks jurors who haven't been born yet and i think the the broadest way to do it is to have a currency that's going to be redeemable in lots of different things redeemable in grain redeemable in energy but i think at the end of the day where people need to be right now is they need to two dollars there is no salvation. for the dollar people need to take steps now including owning gold including owning silver including having storable food and water to survive the collapse that's not unavoidable. and to start think about what it is that comes next because we are in what my friend in chicago teddy interest likes to say they are and see extinction event and if you look as i have at the history of cunt countries that have had these currency collapses i think zimbabwe is a good recent example everything devolves down to barter until there is some new
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currency regime that is put in into place and i think they're going to be a lot of hungry people in the united states that if they don't have silver and gold to porter for food they're going to be involuntarily losing weight there's an interesting conundrum if you well out there it's the inflation versus the flame debate economists don't appear to be able to decide whether the economy is suffering mostly from deflation caused by the implosion house prices and all the bond paper associated in mortgage papers associated with that and all the huge bank right out that are associated with that or whether we're experiencing because of the increase in money whether we are increasing inflation and people point to let's say the rise in the price of gold and silver as evidence of inflation but let me ask you this because this is an interesting conundrum and i want to follows up on exactly what you just said terms of making gold silver and other commodities the
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basis for a new currency it couldn't you make the statement that the economy is suffering from di flay ssion primarily in the form of collapse of a fee have currency system and the rise of gold and silver and other commodities is not indicative of inflation necessarily but more indicative of the fact that we are already on a gold standard i think given the amount of barter going around. in the world and you know things that are being bought and sold using gold and silver now i think you can say we have a shadow gold standard but i think this larger question of inflation versus deflation it's very very complicated in the u.s. there obviously is inflation in food and fuel and in metals prices but there certainly is deflation in things like real estate i think the big picture for people to grasp in this is that organic economics is naturally deflationary if you
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look at things like and i've written about this at gold see about eggs or or a car or other kinds of basic commodities even a bottle of coca-cola you can buy far more goods now than you could fifty or one hundred years ago if you're buying them with gold and silver if you're buying them with real money if you're buying them with paper or electronic fee up money obviously there's been a great deal of inflation so i think this whole question of inflation versus deflation really depends on the the measuring stick it is that you're using if you're using paper money obviously the price of everything has soared if you're using real money the price of all things have have fallen but i think it at the end of the day the real problem is is that if you look at these states and municipalities in the united states they're the second biggest employer in the u.s. and they are all drownding in debt i spent a lot of time. in my earlier life in harrisburg pennsylvania i can tell you that's
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a city and you've seen this in europe and you've seen it in iceland greece where these governments are putting people into this false choice of well you must endure austerity so the people who lent the money get one hundred cents on the dollar now i don't know about you max but the last time i checked when you lend someone money you accept the risk that things will go wrong and they won't be able to. ok and this idea that cities in new jersey or pennsylvania or or cross the map ought to cut farm and policeman and make people less safe in order that goldman sachs and other banks years get one hundred cents on the dollar this is beyond absurd if if a person can't pay they default if the state can't pay they should default the municipality can't pay they should default and at the end of the day this is really the problem is we're having a progressive collapse of debt right a collapse of debt which is another word for that is deflation now and converse
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like you can't really have inflation without rising wages rising employment rising interest rates or a rising capacity utilization none of which exist so none of the signs of inflation are there you have a rising commodity price level but that is because the world is abandoning pay fayad current season moving toward a commodity based reserve currency right now no matter what the fed does or doesn't do that's what the world is adopting they're saying no to fat currencies now you wrote a piece called paper plastic or silver that's the title of an article tell us about paper or plastic or silver what's this all about paper plastic or silver or was really about this idea that it's very very possible in america to pay for things in silver and all you have to do it's not going to be able to pay for silver. at wal-mart but if you go to your local garage or local businesses you and ask would
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you rather be paid in paper money or would you rather be paid in silver you'd be amazed how many people are willing now to transact business in the in one else silver coins this confirms i'm saying that it is already a gold and silver standard being utilized that's why the prices going up not because of quote unquote inflation well i think a big part of why you're seeing metals prices go up so dramatically is it. it is a fear trade and i could say i have clients who came years ago i could have gotten out a cattle prod and i couldn't have gotten them to have any interest in owning a gold fund or owning an ounce of gold and now they're constantly you know asking how is it that you do this how how do you convert you know your dollars and be getting physical possession of gold and i'm surprised how many kind of little old lady clients that i get to talk to have heard of by silver crash j.p.
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morgan i think your your efforts in that area are much more widespread about the population than any of us really know but i think the question of whether these prices are going up because of fear leads to the question of is the field legitimate and the answer is just listen to ben bernanke if when you hear this guy it doesn't just scare the bejesus out of you check your pulse these people are always wrong they're never telling the truth and i have to tell you it's going to be very interesting in the next couple of months to see if ron paul can muster up his inner hockey player and ask the kind of questions to ben bernanke that really need to be asked well up until now it seems like he was lobbying for the job that he has now and so as questions tended to be somewhat long and convoluted now he's got this job hopefully yeah he'll certain the questions and he'll start to really
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go for the juggler now of course getting back to me are saying about fear driving the price these precious metals in the case of selmer and the campaign crass j.p. morgan by self or i think it also has to do with hate there's so much hatred of these banks particularly the j.p. morgan that i think folks think that they can exercise their hatred by buying seller which they can by removing one ounce of physical it kills j.p. morgan's balance sheet by one. dollars in phantom a loser a derivatives nonsense cooked up by life masters another witch doctors back there on wall street of course we're going to do it all right michael what do you o'brien thanks for being on the kaiser report wonderful to be with you and the lovely stacy and anytime you need me again i'm always available to you all right and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey however i want to thank my guest michael what he o'brien look him up on the web check out his work and a big banks too big dad zero six for tipping us on what he's worked if you want to
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