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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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russian government government is mulling over ways to increase the period just for a possible terrorist attack in the wake of monday's bombing at the different airport which took the lives of thirty five people more details interesting. in their scene that a u.s. investigative committee slams wall street bigwigs for the financial meltdown but most of that will remain in place. and a common link experts are drawing parallels between the latest on breast in tunisia and egypt and a string of color revolutions in the post office space and the last decade.
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this is already coming to live from moscow i'm marina joshua welcome to the program russia's parliament as do you know consider a bill on a new terra combat system in the wake of the suicide bombing at the country's busiest airport that left thirty five people dead president harshly criticized law enforcement and airport authorities and fired several officials over security lapses which led up to the tragedy well for more on this security take up in moscow we're joined now by a correspond the rena is in front of the state duma here in moscow given a good morning to you now what suggestions have we heard so far. the marina first of all of course as you've just because you said in the wake of monday's bombing it was clear that some measures tied to be taken in fact the draft law which is going to be looked at by the russian parliament today was supposed to be looked at in just a couple weeks but they decided to move the dates to move the date forward so that they could look into in. two ways of providing security not just on arson transport
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but for the country overall now there will be several aspects which are included in this town hall first of all a certain test system of all a levels of terrorist dangers will be implemented now it's very similar to the system which exists in the united states right now only there will be three levels of possible danger of the first which will be color coded blue is so low a level of terrorist attack danger a second yellow is the medium and of course the credit of which it which will be at the highest level of terrorist attack now also federal security service has posed the creation of a sort of one unified governmental body which will be responsible for. carrying out the monitoring of the situation and will be in charge of contracting terrorism into the arsenal said race. in this point there is no such body in existence and it's
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clear that old. that the old body is the federal security federal security service the police and other. and other bodies will have to work together so for them for that it means that they have to come together and sort of create a unified structure not all the. cabinet ministers of russia will also have to come up with that plan in the next two weeks to increase security on the russians transport not doesn't mean just airports we're talking about the metros we're talking about the public transportation system trains basically everything and in fact to start that all the president instead of actually descended into that down world of russia's metro system yesterday to take a look at one of the central metro stations in the very heart of moscow to look at the security measures which are in place there and tile obviously those measures as some believe are not adequate enough so they will be adding more security checks.
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not just at the airports but also in the metro stations at the train stations basically increasing security overall so these are just some of the issues which will be a looked out at today's first reading all of this federal law we will read of the tragedy killed thirty five people and over one hundred are still in hospital what do we know about down at this point. what we do know that up more than one hundred continue to stay in hospitals in moscow in the region i mean a lot of that due process is a very serious injuries in the wake of the bombing at the time we didn't hear portent out the funerals actually for the first funerals for the victims were held yesterday but most of them will take place today the cemetery in moscow. special financial aid has been allocated for the families of victims to them for the wounded in total more than a hundred twenty million formal or allocated to help those who need them.
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as far as the aftermath of the attack my poli got signed up with the house looked and said spoken to some of the victims and been shared their stories with. devout muslims these two france usually pray five times a day but the domodedovo blast change it all ever since multiple shrapnel wounds bound them to hospital beds they've been praying nonstop. don't leafing ask for is that i never have to work with such carnage again and they came to the airport to pick up their reality of flying in from to decus to on him is the explosion by several minutes and still can't make sense of what happened in the morning or people who did it come out possibly call themselves muslims a true muslim should be striving to help others not killing innocent people those who did it will answer for it before. yet for many of those whose life was damaged by the blast the promise of the almighty is rare earth is not. enough the
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domodedovo airport had already been implicated in terrorist attacks in two thousand and four when two passenger jets were blown up me there these are to those in authority to everyone who is in charge and makes decisions in the company the airport management must face justice. as some russians vented their anger with no enforcement for not being able to prevent their attack others through the initiative into their own hands hundreds of volunteers turned out bad blood than a few stations travel is a first comer and the explosion really seemed to prick his conscience because we're going from when something like this happened before i was concerned like everybody else but i never did anything to help but based on the thoughts i had to get involved instead of just bashing our security services and blogs. while the tragedy at the airport prompted many russians to ask what they can do for their country improving security is still the main thing their country can do for them accent
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avoid r.t. moscow. still the boundary of this hour who is rocking the boat. the same footprint that we saw going back as far as serbia with the motion to. reinvestigate the common trans uniting the current anti-government unrest in the islamic world and the color of the revolutions of the last decade. every port on the causes of the recent global financial crisis has sparked anger over the authors of the meltdown the document released by u.s. investigative commission points finger at the country's economic elite but as artie's lauren lister reports previous experience showed those responsible are likely to go unpunished. it wasn't so long ago the world was reeling from a financial crisis and in the financial capital of the world hard hit americans were calling for heads to roll on wall street many blamed irresponsible and illegal
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actions of big wig bankers for the economy's near collapse if i did that if you got if you did that we could. it was born from this mess the u.s. president formed a bipartisan commission to get to the bottom of the crisis. it is our hope that together we can rebuild the american people's belief in a financial system the puts americans to work over a year they heard from stewards of the economy the most important lesson of this crisis is we have to end too big to fail they heard from c.e.o.'s of investment banks anyone who says i wouldn't change a thing i think is crazy. now the meltdown panel believes the answers to this outrage can be found here and five hundred plus pages of their findings it gives of enough room to point the finger everywhere for a crisis they say was avoidable we do play special responsibility with the public leaders who are charged with protecting our financial system those entrusted to run
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our regulatory agencies and the chief executives of can. whose failures drove us to crisis but we believe that we must also as a nation except responsibility for what we permitted to occur dad as far as wall street specifically the dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically significant financial firms were critical causes of the crisis while blame is directed it wall street that's where we are right now the irony is though the new york stock exchange is here that's what you see behind me most of the big banks and investment firms people associate with the financial crisis aren't even here anymore they're spread out all over new york city so just as wall street has become merely a symbol of the american financial industry so too is washington condemnation of it like we're seeing in this report the reality is we've seen this all before we've
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already seen congressional hearings where u.s. lawmakers interrogated bankers we've heard lawmakers threaten those in charge of the economy yet no one on wall street or that was watching over finance has faced criminal charges no one has really been held accountable and by many accounts nothing has changed about financial practices and most of the people who are in power before the crisis are still in power most of the business practices that you know other than a few things are still going on and now nearly three years after the crisis the opportunity for this commission to sway public opinion and make any difference to those practices has seemingly passed it by the chip itself the moments those political moments when everything comes together and you can pass this kind of comprehensive reform legislation our. little bubbles and they don't last very long and we missed ours. so for the american people who wanted wall street held responsible these guys have looted the american economy the global economy they may
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not get the justice they're looking for. five hundred pages and a year later a world once sent reeling by a financial system on the verge of collapse. may be no more protected from it happening again i'm not true that we can prevent it from happening again more in mr r.t. new york. giants lanty the director of the trans research institute says the latest report is nothing more than a bid to whitewash the culprits i mean come on only an eighty eight in brazil or an idealogue can see the deal of the year wall street has hijacked was. it's a whitewash like all the rest of them you know what's going to happen if they say no heads roll the only heads that are reserved through role are we the people and that's the way the deal works the police have become nothing more than enforces for the crime bosses look this is big going on alongside these commissions is nothing
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more than white wash who's running the commissions the republicans are the democrats the people who take the money from these stock brokerage firms from these investment firms but they have nice language for it they call them campaign contributions could any adult say rives and. it's huge and look what's going on in europe it hasn't been solved remember they did the greek debt crisis ireland is in a depression in the u.k. we just saw the numbers come out oh unexpectedly they're back in recession look what's going on in tunisia in egypt you are seeing revolution starting to break out you are seeing debtor nations go into default and they cannot save the system by printing more digital money not worth the paper it's not printed on. they want to
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get more on all of the stories we're covering here in our tea and our web site that's our dot com here's a taste of what's there right now a story about corn based friendship between soviet leader nikita khrushchev and an american farmer has been staged in the u.s. state of iowa where fifty years ago a remarkable meeting to place. also why a cultural capital may have its historical value drop to find out who thing saying that his birth status is overrated all this on our team's website and you tube page . news today vorlon. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. protests continue to ripple throughout egypt where
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a deadly clashes with police have claimed five lives on the third day of violence the turmoil is inspired by the month long chaos in tunisia where uprisings deposed the country's leader left eighty dad and led to a cabinet reshuffle and start his life here chef he found out the images of angry protesters gathering in the streets are raining colored belts. giorgio two thousand three. thousand four. hundred eleven. these are. not only because of race this is one of their symbols if you look more closely you look at the so-called people who are leading this are being coached in the they're
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being coached by u.s. intelligence services the same way the orange revolution was in ukraine or the roles revolution was saakashvili and in georgia a string of revolutions some bloodless some not rock the post soviet space at the beginning of the twentieth century there were a number of common factor is an uprising against the regime rooted in a popular dissatisfaction with standards of living hence the collective name colored revolutions amazingly the outcomes have been quite similar to six years ago key of independence square was the birthplace of the orange revolution it promised a new dawn and major changes for the country but ultimately all aspirations came to nothing. lawyer goody goody is one of those disenchanted with the outcome of the orange make over he says the bright promises of the revolutions leaders have in reality pushed the country into an abyss. power and corruption in greece the
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country became divided on the issue was nothing change to the better it changed only to the world's victor yushchenko the next elections revolutionary hero received only five percent of the wall the lowest percentage for acting president of the world it was a similar story in georgia where they had the optimism of the rose revolution soon gave way to disappointment and eventually to mass protests their anger with president saakashvili was met with a response that was all too familiar as gas grenades and water cannons were used to quell the unrest and then killed just on the revolution of two thousand and five also quickly turned sour last year so yet another popular revolt but those false dawns and bitter lessons are far from the minds of those clamoring for change in north africa when a danger emerges when the power overturning the government which they thought illegal and autocratic like in the case of tunisia and egypt does not have
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a political platform and a government apt to put things in order in the country the danger lies in the personality of those who desired to use the revolutions which happened in the arab world we have to take care that the far right or any other forces with an imperialist acknowledge will not take advantage of the situation if those are really people's movements they should not have let anyone interfere with their theirs and that's what artists experts agree that it may take some time before the world will see whether the revolts in tunisia and egypt will change things for the better in these countries just as they have a common opinion that if these uprising flop europe will be the first to suffer from waves of immigrants. see. the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is calling for new sanctions against the leadership of bill rose it follows december's disputed election which saw president alexander lukashenko europe's last dictator retain power in the protests the fall
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of the vote six hundred people were arrested some of whom were badly beaten one of baseball with the analyst were given the e.u. will not apply financial pressure on the relevance he would probably when the sanctions hurt where it hurts most and that economy however the chief european diplomat catherine ashton has already indicated that the european bloc is not interested in imposing sanctions that would hurt the economy and thereby their livelihood of the russians when the european union openly says that they are going to fund students and. media outlets for a position and then he's actually using these for his own advantage cheese thriving on these statements and saying that look i was right all along that these are agents of the west and they are trying to unseat to me but in reality things are
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not as black and white as a look at showing who probably would have. just his stubbornness to give more democratic openings. his heavy handed treatment a position that has to trigger a different political standoff. now a sick look at some other stories from around the world and there are millions of miners killed in the deadly blast in colombia have been returned to their families loved ones held wait memory of the dad whose bodies are soon to be buried the accident which officials suspect was caused by a gas build up claimed twenty one of workers lives on wednesday a similar blast occurred in the same mind four years ago killing thirty two people . you know a was the scene of carnage after a car bomb exploded killing forty eight and one day in the one hundred twenty one people in baghdad such incidents are raising fears of an escalation in violence on the eve of the u.s. withdrawal from iraq at the end of the year over the last few weeks more than two
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hundred people die the majority from the shiite community and the recent rise in violence poses a major challenge to the iraqi prime minister and his newly formed coalition government. and a middle east peace process has been overshadowed by new leaks on palestinian israel relations and his guest discuss what israel should do to justify its position of not accepting palestinian suggestions on how to come up with a solution that's now across the bay show later in the day. if you're going to invoke historical terms and you're going to invoke thousands of years of history to say that some sort of loose religious connection to the land from two thousand years ago justifies returning to it then certainly that should apply to the palestinians as well no i don't think the rabbi actually supports palestinian refugees right to return to their homes and elsewhere and that's the double standard here is that if you don't want to two state solution i suppose what i say is really rather than look at it so i saw out the arab world the arab countries
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would let arabs live normally in their countries you know it's so funny how you folks are talking about arab rights to that there is an eye opening with the one where you're doing there who don't have rights in amman give them arab rights throughout the arab world stop this issue we're just. going on this. when we're done if you're going to look for something strong there's progress and i look at me and i took any reason for the jewish i was on the outs and we're not going to give them up we have right he said i really wish you we're here to have the rights meson some of us to run the story also there are two elderly says there are lies there is also you see how denying it now mr slicer you listen for a second don't you see how denying the palestinian right to self-determination is equivocal to the nine the demonstrators self-determined how can you say that this group over here cannot self-determined but the jews can. you.
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see. what we are up to date and we'll take a look at what's happening in business now with us stay with us. hello and a very warm welcome to the business program t m k b p is going to court over be peace plans to develop arctic fills before snap claiming the drill breaches its agreements with the british oil major to encase says its agreement covers all projects and russia and ukraine and venomous newspaper says the two sites must consult about energy bills with third parties but british oil giant says it is acting within the law and will share all details of its roster of deal with partners which its one from plot says b.p. rawson have to likely to stay put until a court hearing on february first. this is
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a legal claim lodged in london and it goes right to the heart of what is. there's a lot of money tied up in tink a b.p. and if they say they have a right to what b.p. now wants to do with rosneft yeah that's serious liability not the end of the road for b.p. but it's a big roadblock to a b.p. thinks it has the right to anything first anything b.p. wants to do in russia according to their suit they're meant to run by team k b p first giving them the right of first refusal they didn't get that here they were presented with a rosneft deal is a pretty much fait accompli. in two thousand and eight a conflict among team k b three shareholders resulted in a change of leadership in the company one of the russian shareholders in the joint venture alpha group has a tough guy reputation on the market and all the strives to get what it wants and xander levinsky from forbes explains after a down victory in two solid eight while dr who wasn't allowed into russia and
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offered. to him caught b.p. so now i do feel. offended and they feel the business interests are there the state does not protect their business interests so i seem to do would be very active in this situation. russia's top oil producer ross nafta and u.s. major exxon mobil have signed a deal to develop a deep water project in the black sea the tale was signed in the swiss resort of darkness at the end of the world economic forum our correspondent daniel bushell gave us a wrap of the second day also for. friday we'll try to examine the reasons for the economic collapse of the past three years across the world and also look at the future of investing there will be leaders
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from american business also european and from asia really across the world but they will also be looking at more humanitarian themes as the former moves into its third day there's no denying the success story of double so far twenty eleven has been very much the emerging markets in particular china and russia china dominated the first day russia with the participation of president medvedev was very much the star of the second day very many american businessmen crowding round the russian delegates the ministers the tycoons trying to get a piece of the action. russia of course selling around thirty billion dollars of state assets and four participants will be expected to play a significant role in that president medvedev may have returned early for the reasons of terrorism but lost at the airport but the interest in russia continues and we expect to have continued announcements we had pepsi co taking over dairy
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joint wimble down of russia we had the exxon mobile brought in their deal on thursday and we expect more deals to be announced with the participation of russia over the coming three days that remain of this devils twenty eleven world economic forum. and russian mobile companies sigrid investment opportunities as the country's telecom sector demonstrates static growth speaking to our. president one of the largest russian operators m.t.s. says the company plans to significantly boost its investment program this year. we have around twenty to thirty percent go for our sales you know in capital investment property. and two thousand and eleven is going to be at least this number probably higher so i see you know all in all. investment by the twenty percent. ok let's see how the markets up there in the asian stocks the low the nikkei is ancient blow off just seven cools down grade of the country's
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soaring debt rating a new cent begins sharply lower what gets the us dollar and europe but the selling of the japanese currency has since eased a few downbeat earnings results is dragging the indices down including canada it's down three point one percent off to disappointing that profit. and let's see how there were some markets close on thursday here in russia where a little making insider trading finally came into force the markets finished this trading session in the black. jumped one point one point two percent off to resolve the bells that capitalization all the nickel giant make roche eight to eight billion dollars gas from being around two percent of the news about this possible contract to supply gas and giving some support to the stock. ok that's your business update for this hour join us for more time.
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we use special old french and excess recruitment. they are ready for a replay. taken off once the air became their
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gravity. as it should and those people were virgin the previous life. and much use so many in a free flight. the more people we killed a happier our officers were it got to be like a game like to see who could kill the most people and the different ways you could prove maybe peace killed would be i came on here's a few brought back some serious you know where they had the most years they would get the most fierce in changing mission beaters overnight human children in five men around the circle over no phone call magical or i'm sixty. two same outraged by six or seven people in front of family. the most of them going to.


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