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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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life stories from. nineteen forty five. russian parliament areas are mourning over ways to increase security in the wake of monday's deadly terror attack at the deluded about airport more details just ahead . we do place special responsibility with the public leaders who are charged with protecting our financial system and the chief executives of companies whose failures drove us to crisis no officially slammed as the cause of the meltdown on wall street big wigs are likely to go on to harm. and a conlang experts are drawing parallels between the latest on rest in tunisia and egypt and a string of collared revolutions in the post soviet space in the last decade.
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in the russian capital you're aware that. russia's parliament is due to consider a bill on a new terra combat system in the wake of the suicide bombing at the country's busiest airport at last thirty five people dead president dmitry medvedev harshly criticized law enforcement and airport authorities and fired several officials over security lapses which led up to the tragedy. is inside a state do in moscow it was more on the security shakeup in russia as it stands right now russia does not have a unified system which would allow the country and the security services in the country to act together in unison in case of a terror threat now that the system will be somewhat similar to the american system of warning basically there will be three levels of terror threat which will be imposed in the country first level color coded blue will mean an increased level of a terror attack a second level yellow or mean a high level and the third to five will be color coded red and it will be critical
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level also that all security service has proposed that a certain unified governmental body be created you know. order to act where that when any of these terror levels will be imposed on the country the parliamentarians insist that such a system is is hardly needed. just look how much we needed this system in light of the damage of attack no they're trying to find the culprits and they will find them and the culprits will be punished some have already been punished but what everyone is saying is that there was no relevant information and now according to the war we will have to inform the society about the threats facing the russian government has elevated more than one hundred twenty million rubles to help the families of the victims and the wounded some of that money will go towards the funerals which are being held today in moscow and in the moscow region and of course a lot of that money will also go towards treatment of the wounded horse who are
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still in hospitals more than a hundred people remain hospitalized and are being treated for their wounds which they received in the terror attack and my call the goods on the border has met with some of them devout muslims these to france usually pray five times a day but the german did have a blast. ever since multiple shrapnel wounds bound them to hospital beds they've been praying nonstop. don't you think or is that i never have to witness such carnage and. they came to the airport to pick up their reality of flying in from to him is the explosion by several minutes and still can't make sense of what happened . people who did it come out possibly call themselves muslims a true muslim should be striving to help others not killing innocent people those who did it will answer for it before. yet for many of those whose life was damaged by the blast the promise of the almighty is rare earth is not enough the domodedovo airport had already been implicated in terrorist attacks in two thousand and four
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when two passenger jets were blown up made their. way to everyone who is in charge and makes a decision. in the company the airport management must face justice small report as some russians vented their anger with law enforcement for not being able to prevent their attack others through the initiative into their own hands hundreds of volunteers turned out bad blood than a few stations pavel is a first comer and explosion really seemed to pretty cute conscience it is worse. when something like this happened before i was concerned like everybody else but i never did anything to help but based on our thoughts i had to get involved instead of just bashing our security services and blogs. speculating that while the tragedy at the airport prompted many russians to ask what they can do for their country improving security is still the main thing their country can do for them except avoid r.t.
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moscow still the calvary of us our here and who is rocking the boat. the same footprint that we saw going back as far as serbia with the most but. we work out why the anti-government unrest in islamic states may be just the latest in a trans going back a dozen years. and a report of causes of the recent global financial crisis has sparked anger over the authors of the meltdown the document released by u.s. investigative commission points finger at the country's economic elite but as artie's lauren lyster reports previous experience showed those responsible are likely to go unpunished. it wasn't so long ago the world was reeling from a financial crisis and in the financial capital of the world hard hit americans were calling for heads to roll on wall street and then he blamed irresponsible and illegal actions of big with bankers for the economy's near collapse but i did that
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if you need to find out if he did that we can jam it was born from this mess the us president formed a bipartisan commission to get to the bottom of the crisis. it is our hope that together we can rebuild the american people's belief in a financial system the puts americans to work over a year they heard from stewards of the economy the most important lesson of this crisis is we have to end too big to fail they heard from c.e.o.'s of investment banks anyone who says i wouldn't change a thing i think is crazy. now the meltdown panel believes the answers to this outrage can be found here and five hundred plus pages of their findings it gives them enough room to point the finger everywhere for a crisis they say was avoidable we do place special responsibility with the public leaders who are charged with protecting our financial system those entrusted to run our regulatory agencies and the chief executives of companies whose failures drove
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us to crisis but we believe that we must also as a nation except responsibility for what we permitted to occur dad as far as wall street specifically the dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically significant financial firms were critical causes of the crisis while blame is directed it wall street that's where we are right now the irony is though the new york stock exchange is here that's what you see behind me most of the big banks and investment firms people associate with the financial crisis aren't even here anymore they're spread out all over new york city so. just as wall street has become merely a symbol of the american financial industry so too is washington's condemnation of it like we're seeing in this report the reality is we've seen this all before we've already seen congressional hearings where u.s. lawmakers interrogated bankers we've heard lawmakers threaten those in charge of
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the economy yet no one on wall street or that was watching over finance has faced criminal charges no one has really been held accountable and by many accounts nothing has changed about financial practices and most of the people who are in power before the crisis are still in power most of the business practices that you know other than a few things are still going on and now nearly three years after the crisis the opportunity for this commission to sway public opinion and make any difference to those practices has seemingly passed it by the chip itself the moments those political moments when everything comes together and you can pass this kind of comprehensive reform legislation are the little bubbles and they don't last very long and we missed ours. so for the american people who wanted wall street held responsible these guys have looted the american economy the global economy they may not get the justice they're looking for five hundred pages and a year later
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a world once sent reeling by a financial system on the verge of collapse may be no more protected from happening again i'm not sure that we can prevent it from happening again lauren mr r.t. new york and london the director of the trans research institute says the latest report is nothing more than a bid to whitewash the culprits. i mean come on all we in eighty eight in brazil are an idealogue can see the deal of the wall street has hijacked was. it's a whitewash like all the rest of them you know what's going to happen if they say no heads roll. the only heads that are reserved through role are we the people and that's the way the deal works the police have become nothing more that enforces for the crime bosses look this is been going on a long time these commissions are nothing more than white washes who's running the commissions the republicans or the democrats the people who take the money from
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these stock brokerage firms from these investment firms but they have nice language for it they call them campaign contributions could any adult say a bribe to pay offs. and you have more on all the stories that we're covering for you here in our teen our web site r t dot com but here's a taste of what's there right now a story about corn based friendship between saudi leader nikita her shop and an american farmer has been staged in the u.s. state of iowa where fifty years ago a remarkable meeting to place. and how to become famous how people and even earn money without leaving your house argue dot com has the answer and also check out our twitter and facebook pages.
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protests are replying throughout egypt where deadly clashes with police of claim five lives on the third day of violence the turmoil is inspired by the month long chaos in tunisia where uprisings the pose the country's leader left a dad and led to a cabinet reshuffle as i did hear chatzky found out the images of angry protesters gathering in the streets are ringing color bells. georgio jim jones some three. zero four. zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero.
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zero zero zero zero zero zero these old. will. only be told. soon. if you look more closely you look at the. so-called people who are leading this are being coached in the they're being coached by u.s. intelligence services the same way the orange revolution was in the roles revolution was talking freely and in georgia a string of revolutions some bloodless some not rock the post soviet space at the beginning of the twenty first century there were a number of common factors an uprising against the regime rooted in a popular dissatisfaction with standards of living hence the collective name colored revolutions amazingly their outcomes have been quite similar to six years ago key of independence square was the birthplace of the orange revolution it promised a new dawn and major changes for the country but ultimately all aspirations came to
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nothing. lawyer goody goody sudan is one of those disenchanted with the outcome of the orange make over he says the bright promises of the revolutions leaders have in reality pushed the country into an abyss. and corruption in greece the country became divided on the. issue was nothing change to the better it changed only to the world's poor and the next elections revolutionary hero received only five percent of the world the lowest percentage for acting president of the world it was a similar story in georgia where they had the optimism of the rose revolution soon gave way to disappointment and eventually to mass protests their anger with president saakashvili was met with a response that was all too familiar as gas grenades and water cannons were used to quell the unrest and then get a good stand the revolution of two thousand and five also quickly turned sour last
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years so yet another popular revolt but those false dawns and bitter lessons are far from the minds of those clamoring for change in north africa. or not danger emerges when the power overturning the government which they thought in league. and autocratic like in the case of tunisia and egypt does not have a political platform and a government to put things in order in the country the danger lies in the personality of those who would desire to use the revolutions which happened in the arab world we have to take care of the far right of the forces with an increasingly sticky mood will not take advantage of this situation and if those are really people's movements they should not have let anyone into fear with their fears and that's what artists experts agree that it may take some time before the world will see whether the revolts indonesia and egypt will change things for the better in these countries just as they have a common opinion that if these uprising is flawed europe will be the first to
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suffer from waves of immigrants. see. the problem andrea soundly of the council of europe is calling for new sanctions against the leadership of belarus if all of the samaras disputed election which saw president. europe's last dictator retain power and the protests the fall of the vote six hundred people were arrested some of whom were badly beaten one of the base political analysts little answers that you will not apply financial pressure on valorous he would probably listen when the sanctions hurt where it hurts most and that economy however the chief european diplomat catherine ashton has already indicated that the european bloc is not interested in imposing sanctions that would hurt the economy and thereby their livelihood belorussians when the european union openly says that they are going to fund students in media
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outlets for a position and then he's actually using these for his own advantage cheese thriving on these statements and saying that look i was right all along that these are agents of the west and. trying to unseat me but in reality things are not as black and white. who probably would have elections as just his stubbornness to give more democratic opening and his heavy handed treatment a position that triggered a political standoff and now brief look at some other stories from around the world and the remains of miners killed in the dabney blast in colombia have been returned to their families loved ones held wakes and memory of the dad the bodies are soon to be buried the accident which officials suspect was caused by the same gas build up claimed twenty one workers lives on wednesday a similar blast occurred in the same mine four years ago killing thirty two people
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. funeral was the scene of carnage after a car bomb exploded killing forty eight and wounding one hundred twenty one people in baghdad such incidents are raising fears of an escalation in violence on the eve of the u.s. withdrawal from iraq at the end of the year over the last few weeks more than two hundred people died the majority from the shiite community the recent rise in violence poses a major challenge to the iraqi prime minister and his newly formed coalition government. and the middle east peace process has been overshadowed by new leaks on palestinian israeli relations your lavelle and his guest discuss what israel should do to justify its position of not accepting palestinian suggestions on how to come up with a solution. if you are going to invoke historical terms and you're going to invoke thousands of years of history to say that some sort of. religious connection to the land from two thousand years ago justifies returning to it then certainly that
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should apply to the palestinians as well no i don't think that the rabbi actually supports palestinian refugees right to return to their homes and elsewhere and that's the double standard here is that if you don't want to two state solution. israel realities on the road so i saw the route the arab world. the arab countries would let arabs live normally in their countries you know it's so funny how you folks are talking about arab rights. and that as i almost anyone they don't how are you doing there really don't have rights and give them arab rights throughout the arab world. and. all the full crossed up show coming up later in today's program right now though it's time for the business news.
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hello and a very welcome to the business of day to close will trade and economics will be monkey issues up dollars for one friday which is in its third day european leaders including german chancellor angela merkel and british prime minister david cameron will be the main speakers let's hear more from our correspondent who is live in switzerland. friday will try to examine the reasons for the economic collapse of the past three years across the world and also look at the future of investing there will be leaders from american business also european and from asia really across the world but they will also be looking at more humanitarian seems as the four moves into its third day there's no denying the success story of double so far twenty eleven has been very much the emerging markets in particular china and russia if china dominated the first day russia with the participation of president medvedev was
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very much the star of the second day very many american businessmen crowding round the russian delegates the ministers the tycoons trying to get a piece of the action russia of course selling around thirty billion dollars of state assets and four participants will be expected to play a significant role in that president medvedev may have returned early for the reasons of terrorism but lost at the airport but the interest in russia continues and we expect to have continued announcements we had pepsi co taking over dairy giant wimble down of russia we had the exxon mobile draws near field on thursday we expect more deals to be announced with the participation of russia over the coming three days that remain of this devil's twenty eleven world economic forum. and of course that is danielle fishel will be bringing us more from the annual economic forum in davos throughout the day so stay with us for that and also is optimistic
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about demand this year pinning its hopes on china that's according to the company's fast deputy c.e.o. over this last live your who spoke exclusively to r.t. at the devils for. the future for me i'm demanding for them in pricing difference with positive i think it should be up to thirteen percent of growth in china picks year based on their far fewer forecast what they are already a five year plan with a separate. consumption in two thousand and fifteen should be something for around twenty for even twenty five million tonnes at the same time we do not think what i mean on production in china will go twenty million tonnes that's why that's exactly the gap will be generated that's why we are different we think that china will go up to there in perth and different all demand to become within the china. and villages lots of your also rare short investors that russia's giant
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roussel will settle its twelve billion dollar debt in four years. no for us what we repair all the within the four years even earlier if the medium consumption and the pricing goes up it will be different the combinations are going to grow off and we're looking at other projects to generate for us the usual cash flow for example the start of that but with. a smelter and received the bill on for that project financing and we are looking carefully at the restarting of building the pressure at the moment i'm smarter this year. and all eyes are of course on the. b.p. b.p. dispute and the russian government will not step into the rock between the shareholders of b m that's according to press secretary of prime minister vladimir putin b.p.'s billionaire partners at the russian joint venture have filed a claim in the london court opposing the plans of the u.k. group to join to develop reach arctic fields before snapped. may potentially
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contain billions of barrels of oil and gas and the tycoons known collectively as a are are concerned the deal might push them out of bed with the p a r insists it doesn't want to block the deal but wants to be brought inside british oil giant says it is acting within the law and will show all details of its rawson of deal with partners richard torn from plots as b.p. and ross miffed are likely to stay put until the court hearing on the first of february. this is a legal claim lodged in london and it goes right to the heart of water. there's a lot of money tied up in to if. you have a right to what b.p. now wants to do with roles you've got serious liability not the end of the road for b.p. but it's a big roadblock to people who think it has the right to anything for anything b.p. wants to rupture according to their suit they're meant to run by team k.b.
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first giving them the right to first refusal they didn't get here they were presented with the rolls new deal was a pretty much fait accompli. not have to have a quick look at how the markets are doing european stocks lower trucking losses in asia and dragged down by mining shares to say is interested point seven percent in this texas blatche positive and all eyes are on the u.s. g.d.p. data to tonight minus of the top decliners ahead of news from the u.s. and it's expected to provide some hints about future demand for rule materials. and hit in russia the indices are also losing ground tracking asian losses investors also of course years ahead of. the one thirty g.m.t. slipped below mine two hundred points but has broken the market in this hour. ok let's have a look at some of those stocks some of your shares are leading the fall on the my six look or listen leading the investors are cautious as philips plans to sell the
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last two percent of its shares in russia's worth company russia's federal and to monopolist services inquiry into the justification for oil production pricing on russian exchanges is also edging tension from is suffering a bit small also sits down about one point five percent on the rolls to nickel is flat. then while another top russian mobile company placed two tranches of one and a half billion euro bonds the company needs fall to. a possible takeover of europe's telecom and italy's wend but it is valued at more than six billion dollars so when will come placed five hundred million dollars in a five year and one billion dollars and ten year euro bonds the demand is very very strong. and. i think that.
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what we intend to fund through euro bonds because the whole funding of the transaction is very complex and it involves multiple sources of funding. with euro bonds intended to cover about shall we say. twenty percent and we are comfortably above that level. and russian mobile companies see investment opportunities says the country's telecom sector grows steadily speaking exclusively to our team more than presenter one of the rajah largest russian operators m.t.s. the company says it plans to boost its investment program this year. in two thousand we had around twenty to twenty percent of. our sales you know in capital investment capital sales ratio and two thousand and eleven is going to be at least this number probably higher so i see you know all in all our investment by the twenty percent. and any says it will not sell its twenty five
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percent stake in the nickel which it owns through all the medium giants who solved the rolls because offered to buy the stake for twelve billion dollars to put an end to the conflict between the two main shareholders resell and interest and the sea off any explains why it's not setting the stake. because a first class asset in a sector there is no other company of the same quality or in the same possibility for developing i've been holding it for two years only and already if it's true what they say we've probably made about five billion dollars. but to believe that holden in development that are set or was a longer term five ten fifteen years and then significantly more open to any cooperation we look forward to develop in the sas it's very not the seles nobody can force us to sell. that's your business update from now or join us for more in
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one hour's time.
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welcome to the. need to survive in speeds c. shampoo and change a lot more regenerative life support seems just from our own waste special exercise equipment fight stuff life and psychological prep keeps the strain off the brain during a primitive tribal conflicts noisy update here on r.g.p. we've got the future covered. was the strangest attempt of a military takeover of. the us president trying to overthrow a foreign country's government but his strategic games must. undergo merica recognized its defeat. questioning if cuba managed to cope with its victory not all don't talk a. lot of pain.


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