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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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revolution fervor from. the spreads through the middle east with tens of thousands clashing with police in egypt you know how europe could be affected. parallels are being drawn with the last decades of colored revolutions in the post soviet space to come and symbols and common dissatisfaction. the americans have done their bit and we also have finished these procedures because story communal strategic arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington is becoming as real as ever after the russian president gratification documents. russia's parliament debates ways to prevent further terror attacks and considers a new color coded warning system and often after the deadly suicide blast of
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moscow's domodedovo. with news from russia and around the world this is r.t. here in moscow tens of thousands are continuing to clash with police and military on the streets of egypt despite a night curfew being imposed. that's. three people have reportedly been killed in the city of sue is bringing the death toll up to ten it comes as internet access all across egypt is completely shut down a mobile phone services are reportedly in some regions rest was inspired by the month long chaos in tunisia where uprising saw its needed opposed eighteen and a cabinet reshuffle. political scientist dr stephen equipment says the turmoil could spill trouble not just for north africa but for europe too. well if
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everything breaks apart in particularly in the french speaking north africa that that could lead to massive waves of immigration and that is a worry for europe especially of the european countries in the northern shores of the mediterranean spain and france and italy but the france would be the major player in the destination for these waves of immigrants because most of them also have some friends they speak french after all these countries were part of the former french empire and they're also in france a lot of arabic speaking. population and so if any country is extremely worried about this or could be worried about it is france europe doesn't want to see a fall apart and send boatloads of desperate people across the mediterranean who are striving to. achieve it there as their final destination france. and as the clashes in north africa continue artes and actually had
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a chef he reports now on how they bear some striking parallels with elsewhere. georgio two thousand and three. and ukraine two thousand four. cutest on two thousand and five. and egypt twenty eleven i think these are all completely different revolts well think again and not only because they're raised fist was one of their symbols if you look more closely you look at the people who are leading this are being coached in the they're being coached by u.s. intelligence services the same way the orange revolution was in ukraine or the roles revolution was talking freely and in georgia a string of revolutions some bloodless some nor to rock the boat soviet space at the beginning of the twenty first century there were
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a number of common factors an uprising against the regime rooted in a popular dissatisfaction with standards of living hence the collective name colored revolutions amazingly the outcomes have been quite similar to six years ago key of independence square was the birthplace of the orange revolution it promised a new dawn and major changes for the country but ultimately all aspirations came to nothing. lawyer goody goody sudan is one of those disenchanted with the outcome of the orange make over he says the bright promises of the revolutions leaders have in reality pushed the country into an abyss. and corruption in greece the country became divided on the. issue was nothing changed for the better it changed only to the world's victor usually on the next elections revolutionary hero received only five percent of the wall the lowest percent there. for acting president of the
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world it was a similar story in georgia where they had the optimism of the rose revolution soon gave way to disappointment and eventually to mass protests their anger with president saakashvili was met with a response that was all too familiar as just grenades and water cannons were used to quell the unrest and then killed just on the revolution of two thousand and five or so quickly turned sour last year or so yet another popular revolt but those falls dawns and bitter lessons are far from the minds of those clamoring for change in north africa. or not danger emerges from the power overturning the government which they thought illegal and autocratic like in the case of tunisia and egypt does not have a political platform and the government apt to put things in order in the country the danger lies in the personality of those who would desire to use the revolutions which happened in the arab world we have to take care that the far right or any other forces with an imperialistic mood will not take advantage of the situation if
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those are really people's movements they should not have let anyone in to deal with death theirs and that. experts agree that it may take some time before the world will see whether the revolts in tunisia and egypt will change things for the better in these countries just as they have a common opinion that if these uprising slope europe will be the first to suffer from waves of immigrants let's see russia ski artsy. just remind you can always have your say on that story on our website dot com and of course on plenty of other stories here's some of the feedback though we've received from you so far one of the most recent comments says the color revolutions were instigated by the cia and americans don't care who they support as long as they get what they want is america's bad joke on the rest of the world considering installs more dictators than any other country that's one comment that got involved in the baseball. that
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story or any other story. called. russia's parliament is considering a new terror warning system following the deadly suicide bombing. monday present dmitri medvedev has already fired several officials over security lapses which the tragedy to happen with has more now from inside the state as it stands right now russia does not have a unified system which would allow the country and the security services in the country to act together in unison in case of a terror threat now that the system will be somewhat similar to the american system of warning basically there will be three levels of terror threat which will be imposed in that country first level color coded blue will mean an increased level of a terror attack a second level yellow or mean a high level and the third to find out what will be color coded red and it will be critical level also federal security service has proposed that a certain unified governmental body be created in order to act where that when if
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any of these terror levels will be imposed on the country just look how much we needed this system in light of the dermod of attack you know they're trying to find the culprits and they will find them and the culprits will be punished some have already been punished but what everyone is seeing is that there was no relevant information and now according to the we will have to inform the society both the threats facing the russian government has allocated more than one hundred twenty million rubles to help the families of the victims and the wounded some of that money will go towards the funerals which are being held today in moscow and in the moscow region and of course a lot of that money will also go towards treatment of the wounded horse who are still in hospitals more than a hundred people remain hospitalized and are being treated for their wounds which they received in the terror attack and my call the good son a boy has met with some of them devout muslims these to france usually pray five times a day but they did. a blast change it all ever since multiple shrapnel wounds bound
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them to hospital beds they've been praying nonstop. for is that i never have to witness such carnage again they came to the airport to pick up their reality of flying in from to dick istanbul him is the explosion by several minutes i still can't make sense of what happened in the morning and people who did it come out possibly call themselves muslims are true muslims should be striving to help others not killing innocent people those who did it will answer for it before . yet for many of those whose life was damaged by the blast the promise of the almighty is rare earth is not enough the domodedovo airport had already been implicated in terrorist attacks in two thousand and four when two passenger jets were blown up me there is a lot of those you have to teach everyone who is in charge and makes decisions in the company the airport management must face justice some or. a some russians
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vented their anger with no enforcement for not being able to prevent their attack others through the initiative into their own hands hundreds of volunteers turned out bad blood than a few stations pawel is a first comer and the explosion really seemed to prick his conscience because we're going from when something like this happened before i was concerned like everybody else but i never did anything to help but based on the thoughts i had to get involved instead of just bashing our security services and blogs. while the tragedy at the airport prompted many russians to ask what they can do for their country improving security is still the main thing their country can do for them accent avoid r.t. moscow. well for more on airport security we can now talk to stephen lord who's director of homeland security and justice issues at the u.s. government's accountability office thanks very much indeed for joining us now to another the russian government we're learning today is planning to introduce a new anti terror warning system very similar to the one used in the states and
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other countries do these systems actually work. well it depends how they are implemented obviously it's important to note that the department of homeland security has recently revised their color coded scheme to make it more specific and actionable all our past work we've conducted at my agency shows the information really needs to be relevant timely and actionable to be useful so sometimes the general public's confused by simple color changes and color coding don't really know what to do with it. in most international airports there are no security checks or taught in the arrivals hall like the one in moscow where the recent terror act took place won't security in places like that just lead to bigger crowds and simply provide another target for the terrorists it's a great question you have to be very careful about how you will change and the
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current procedures goes up you obviously do not want to invite a tack on or prevent a new target for terrorists what if you do start screening people and international arrivals you have to be very careful about how you do it you can do it randomly just certain periods or just do it on a standoff basis use technology perhaps canine. to help you out. in that endeavor but nevertheless you've got to really strike the good balance haven't you between ensuring strict security and not being over intrusive on passengers and creating the whole travel experience to be a very difficult and traumatic one say how do you strike that balance. well actually i would argue the balance you need to strike is between three goals that are somewhat conflicting the first goal is you want to promote security the second objective you want to facilitate the flow of commerce and the third is you want to
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protect individual privacy so i present. the quandary in terms of a policy triangle and the question i would pose is where in the middle of the triangle do you want to make the lawn or do you want to weigh it. more toward security than commerce and privacy more to commerce less to security and privacy so it's a different difficult policy judgment and what about learning from other countries clearly they'll be lessons learned from this particular incident in moscow but what about in israel for example all passengers that are actually interviewed before they even allow to check in what we see measures like this now be being implemented well wide and also other public areas being strictly controlled to what we've just seen him do it doesn't that have a where of course the public could just come into the open access area. you know i am frequently asked about the israeli model and the reason it's really not practical is because of the huge difference in scale in israel there is roughly
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fifty aircraft to worry about that only a few million passenger claimants per year to apply that on the large scale in the united states or in russia i would argue would be extremely difficult and we in our past work we have done a fide some of the difficulties in making making that leap so you could do it would be very resource intensive and in israel i should know that interview every single person getting on an aircraft so. you could use that technique in russia but i imagine it would require a significant amount of resources that add a lot more time to. passenger flight many people take a fatalistic attitude and say well life goes on if it's going to happen it's going to happen but for you this is your job you'll remit to make sure the public is safe now terrorists are always coming up with new methods of attack just how do you keep
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that step ahead of the terrorists and then new methods. well terrorists are very versatile versatile and adaptive i think you always have to think one step ahead you have to employ unpredictable techniques don't use the same technology screening procedures in every airport in every case besides the unpredictability i think it's useful to think in terms of three three levels of security number one is the technology effective number two do you have rigorous screening procedures in place and three do you have well turn in staff you need all three to have an effective system and then some of the press articles i read this week about the reason and so then the mosque. i had questions about whether. some of those those were quiet actions were actually being taken so it is that's
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just from my reading of the press i should know sure sure sure. well talking about that incident in many see this is an attack on the international community in what way now what we see the u.s. and russia working together on this terror threat bearing in mind is perceived as an in an international incident here. sure i can't speak to that i'm not a policymaker i work for the. research arm of the u.s. congress but i did find no word the issue the press release stating that they were taken additional steps to work with their russian counterparts to help identify the cause of this attack in mitigate any future possibility of such of attack ok well we'll leave it there thank you very much indeed for joining us is very interesting here we have to say steven law he's director of homeland security and justice issues at the u.s. government's accountability office thanks for joining us. well by the way at. dot
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com coverage discussion and debate on the terror attack at moscow's dominant of airport goes on that you can get involved in all of this if you were a witness to it or you can describe what you saw or in the. video elsewhere on the site you'll find out about the russian president views on how to tackle terror he got his keynote speech from the davos forum for you and his latest interviews in full and remember there's always more interactive content on our facebook and twitter. is. well it's been a long time coming but finally
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a key nuclear reduction treaty between russia and the u.s. has been fully approved by both sides primitivity have signed the start ratification document on friday the last step in a lengthy process. has this report. after more than a year of hard line negotiating and ten more months of internal dispute it's finally done moscow and washington are stripping down their nukes translation most of which this is a very significant event for our country due to agreements we have with the united states the americans have done their bit we also have finished these procedures first the state duma and then the federation council gave the bill the green light now that it's signed by the president only a formal exchange of ratification documents is left before the new store comes into force for the next ten years many hope it will not only restrain the two nuclear superpowers but become an example for others to follow. first of all is about the security of the united states and the security of russia this is about unwinding
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the excesses of the cold war this is about bringing both countries back to a same level of nuclear weapons because we reached really insane levels during the cold war i think it will have a real international implications and affect other countries as decision making as well managed to become the symbol of the restart of the lesions between moscow and washington the deal was initially backed by both presidents but it didn't come easy most of the u.s. republicans fell into opposition demanding amendments and the internal disputes stretched for months before president obama finally pushed the deal through the congress ended up making two so-called special speedman securing washington's right to modernize its remaining strategic arms and insisting the deal would not affect america's missile defense plans but the statements are non-binding meaning they will not affect the actual implementation of the deal the original text remained
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untouched but unfortunately for the first time the republic. in a war against three d. which of the rather strange but i think it was. a barbara and in most of the obama administration and basically i don't think that was so much of it three d. russian deputies also made non-binding special statements legally linking offensive and defensive weapons which was one of the main stumbling points in the negotiations secured moscow's right to step out of the agreement if it feels threatened by u.s. missile defense plans in europe and stressed statements previously made by the us congress do not free washington from its obligations they hope that the coming years will show that both americans and us russians show responsibility in fulfilling these obligations and that will create. in new spirit of mutual
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confidence and trust when you start is not the first such agreement between moscow and washington the first two were signed in one thousand nine hundred one and in ninety three but neither managed to bring russia in the u.s. it's cool it's expected the leaders do you will open many new doors of opportunity also moving forward on the russians w t o accession america is very supportive but it's not enough we have to have more time as we have to have more docking mechanisms we have to have more bridges the more dependent we are the better it is for our future a future which has become a little clearer the exchange of the ratification documents officially enforcing the new start could happen as soon as the fourth of february even though the treaty is set to reduce the number of strategic arms by over one third of it still leaves both the nuclear superpowers with enough warheads to blow the entire planet into a different solar system so perhaps it's not numbers that the new start is all
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about but trust by reducing the number of strategic arms russia and the united states are in forcing their strategic partnership at least for the next decade you've got to spin off r.t. moscow. just turned twenty two minutes past the russian capital i'll be back in eight minutes for the summary of our main stories in the meantime business is next with dmitri. you're watching business it's good to have your company hot on the heels of his economic speech and dabbles russia's president is calling for new legislation mr medvedev is promoting a draft bill to create an integrated financial service regulates they will supervise both the financial markets and insurance companies to industries which were previously monitored by different state bodies so as they leave the. the regulator will exercise control and monitor all investment and insurance companies it will also determine the rules of their operation eventually the financial
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regulator will be responsible for creating transparent and comfortable conditions for the business the respective draft bill has already been prepared. the world economic forum is more than halfway through but it has been more than intense and for the russian delegation with many major deals being announced it's now time to turn expressions of will into action more now from our correspondent daniel bushell . let's start with the president's speech his ten point plan very precise very appreciated by the audience in its precise dissent conciseness he spoke about no more nationalizations and the creation of a sovereign fund on the country to help private investors the government would pool and share the risks and costs of foreign investors investing in the russian economy he also spoke about if you're joining the w t o finally the world trade organization this year and then the o.e.c.d. the organization of richer developed companies countries and then creating
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a common economic space with the european union very exciting talk of a common you can economic space from the atlantic to the pacific and then minutes to shave all of was a bit more general talking about that russia would guarantee foreign investors rights a move to a people based knowledge based economy and the u.s. business leaders that i spoke to were all very enthusiastic very appreciative i don't much different mood from last year when there was still some suspicion if you like about russia it's motives and distrust ability and i've really seen today and over the course of this form pretty much the transform ation if you like of russia from the ugly duckling if you like of of world vs mint and the economy into the swarm of of world business. the head of russia's largest lead this burbank says dabis has been a great success for russian business. these kinds of events crucially important for
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a better understanding of russia by international investors because i think the key point to business audience took from yesterday's discussion of russia's investment climate is the personal commitment deputy prime minister has shown this is a very good example of how we can demonstrate our belief in our country and explain what steps we're taking. let's now look at how the russian markets and the weak and they close on a negative note overall however the my six point seven percent lower with trade easy has bulls couldn't find new reasons for growth while the r.t.s. actually added but just a notch more detail on some of the stocks now edging shares were leading the form of my six investors were cautious as conoco phillips plans to sell the last two percent of its shares in. meanwhile the bank of moscow was very positive up eleven percent this is because the bank of moscow rules the president of the as head of its board and the say this effectively means russia's second largest land has been
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given the green light to acquire the bank of moscow which was founded and owned by moscow city got the t.v. was first expressed interest in the asset but then alpha bank claimed it wanted to buy one hundred percent of the land it seems now alpha has lost the rights. despite a terrorist attack at one of moscow's airports on monday the russian stock markets experienced a very settled week of trading says stephen the chef ski managing partner at the ship skin partners. the russian market is finishing the week largely unchanged because over the. last couple of years it really has become much more driven by the external events rather than some internal specific factors and so together with global markets which have been largely flat over the last couple of weeks the russian market has been flat we've seen some activity in gas prominent roles we see people switching out for example out of steels into some of the oil and gas names
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they get from and staffed but overall there has not been a lot of activity and that's all for now the headlines are next on out c don't go away. wealthy british style. that's not on.
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the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r g.
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