tv [untitled] January 28, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EST
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good to have you with this is this is from the russian capital here twenty four hours a day top stories this hour curfew was declared in the egyptian cities of karo alexandria and. in the country thousands of clashed with police in the capital at least ten people have been killed. deposed. russian lawmakers are considering ways to increase security and devise a new terror warning system in the wake of the deadly suicide bombing at moscow's. airport officials have already been fired over security failures there. and the key
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nuclear arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington has passed its final president signed the ratification document after it was approved by both houses of the russian parliament the agreement could now come into force next month. i'll be back with more for you in less than thirty minutes from now meantime technology update welcomes you to the world of high tech discoveries and scientific breakthroughs stay with us for that. hello invoking the technology of today we're often on a bit of a different beat than our colleagues here in our newsroom and while they work together to bring out today's breaking news we're going into complete isolation to prep for the future of long term space exploration.
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if it takes two years roundtrip to get to mars and back could you stand the test. and we're could you train for a dad kind of mission and the end of an ominous corridor in the basement of a siberian institute. and throw away the key. picture of graham speaks recycle their recycle waste. there's no way it will mission failure mission failure is not an option you sit in your cube and watch your only food grow slowly you dream of the day you'll see solid ground a sunny sky where the people you love the most.
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case so it's not a nightmare it's. the brainchild of scientists at the institute of bio physics in krasnoyarsk they started preparing the facility for habitation by crews of so called by a nots back in one thousand nine hundred sixty five plant life was already an area of expertise for the institute and they were selected for the prestigious project by city cut deals widely acknowledged as the father of the soviet space program. from the beginning the idea was to create a manageable ecosystem to research the ability of people to live under basic ecologically balanced and maximally self-sufficient condition. establishing a scientific and technological foundation long term space travel to the moon to mars and perhaps beyond. to deep. understanding of the link between man and his surrounding environment.
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constructed a world in miniature people will live for six months isolated from the great. little world consisted of totaling just three hundred fifteen cubic meters one room was living space with birds for the by nots and the only airlock for limited communication with the world outside. were devoted to plant cultivation mostly regenerative crops like wheat and vegetables to keep the crew well fed in the final room for growing the chlorella helgi that helps regulate oxygen and c o two levels in the experimental environment. you. know are entering the room where the test crew lived in complete isolation for a year. this is a living module with. three individual births where they could spend some time on their own. through with. this is the equipment
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to regulate the regeneration process the fields three environment. the bio not said about their work within the complexes walls there was plenty more to be done on the outside this was no siberian survivor the project was backed by d'souza government with forty million bucks in taste. money has its initiators expected results valuable to the future of space exploration the amount of oxygen in the corella driven regeneration system was monitored closely completing a full cycle every fifty three days the team inside participated in in self administered testing passing data to the outside for analysis they gave regular blood samples strapped into monitoring devices even while sleeping and followed instructions from the experienced directors at all hours of the day intercom contact was maintained at all times peak performance was achieved in one thousand
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nine hundred eighty two and seventy three when the longest lasting live in crew spent one hundred eighty days inside overall the system hosted nearly two decades of man experiments and three decades of ecological testing an amazing volume of all unprecedented work. in the regeneration module that's where the funnel is called this food oxygen and it's basically a greenhouse behind plants that were grown on a special substrate of serum so it's kind of construction material very poorest and capable of holding moisture and sun so that the clones roots could do without also for a long time to. plant growth was in many ways the lifeline of the b o six pyramids crops had to be carefully selected to produce the desired yield in the desired time frame and exhaustedly shielded from contaminants and negative biological interactions that might spoil out put in ruin the project. by an arts raised literally put the bread on their table in the neighboring roofs and other
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basic crops grew right alongside the truth of meat derived fats and proteins they succeeded in closing off wealthy a third of their food production. this part of the facility helps you understand how the system slicing what it was it was a vital fans of facilitating the process of photosynthesis without photosynthesis there would be no oxygen all food and you could. choice at the time was in on lamps . produce a sufficient amount of light and ecologically clean with no ill effects. thanks to its numerous benefits. remains a key element for the life support system. we can't just swap it for something else . before the shift we must pick a new source of lighting which is not a trivial task i think the best one we're working on at the moment. that's just one of many modernising tasks underway at the facility today with the russian
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economy recovering from the soviet union's collapse in a renaissance in european interest in the unique resume out of the lights are turning back on. going to the modernized regeneration module for the production of food oxygen and water. with financial support from the siberian branch of the russian academy of sciences and the european space agency where upgrading the system. among the problems to be solved increase the radiation generated by new powerful sources of light which we need to intensify allston generation growth and transpiration of water. and also there's a network of senses that help us keep track of the process from the main control room. you know monitor the in teria and check the system parameters if we can also electronically transmits all these data not just to our scientists here but to any other research institution elsewhere in russia.
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that information is of particular interest to a barcelona based project under the auspices of the european space agency. this so-called micro ecological life support alternative is to use the right mix of plants and bacteria. medium and long range species missions i would least some of their hefty supply load. and i was involved. in this to get there. and for the moment. in different. different countries they're going to use as a. loud for the moment. here for example in physics very big experience and with experiments.
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so. to begin them it's very interesting to know. head to head so it's a very interesting experience. similar oxygen intake to the astronaut. trusted in a system designed to produce one hundred percent of the oxygen twenty percent of. it's going to be something like. other planets like mars. and also. some of the compartments for the flight on the station but on the fly. and the aim is to recycle.
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human space exploration. and been predominantly supplied from specialists agreed to reach the red planet with the mission to prove the company by biological systems the longer and more complicated the mission the bigger the ecosystem you have to play with us. eleven minutes in solitary confinement starting to feel sacks of isolation. thank you i'm not totally alone but we're learning this is a serious psychological component that has to be considered. there was a drastic change in my condition. really weak. didn't feel like doing anything my dreams of. i dreamt of a giant black cast jumping on my chest i tried to. break away in the taxi again.
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try to strangle it to the scapes a very dreadful dream. up in a cold sweat. so i'm not the only one driven in big daddy by these experiments inforced enclosure institute of biomedical problems i am b.p. set up a closed system running parallel to the one nine hundred sixty s. only with total space cut down to twenty four cubic metres and various extreme conditions introduced to stretch the participants to breaking point. raise the bar on the length of the project three participants spent the whole year from november one thousand nine hundred sixty seven to nine hundred sixty eight inside the three men were eventually allowed into a small adjoining greenhouse but there was far less emphasis on self sustenance this squad was specially selected to include one biologist to tend the plant life one engineer to handle. and one doctor to keep them all healthy concerns about
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oxygen and c o two levels in the closet size cabin crew are stacked bunks every ten days to spread out the negative effects of sleeping on the bottom there was never enough food but the men worked hard to stay healthy and they're happy to emerge at the end. difference between the experiments at the institute of physics and the ones here at the. on the study of the life support system for. that's why the close space was a small. the oxygen production was in. cold clear. six experiments for one to two months with individuals living in sealed environments. or was this same species used in b.o.'s three. chosen because of its phenomenal photosynthetic performance its daily oxygen
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output has been measured at some one hundred times its volume so a small stash made breathing easy but further tests showed it could not be dejected as human food. three. to choose a unique basically the world has been able to replicate them now in the twenty first century i am b.p. has another unique set of experiments have been sleet meet mars five hundred a string of increasingly long simulations of various segments entire trip to the red planet the first of three planned parts to the ground based project kicked off in two thousand and seven and first with sole the russian participation now to the success of that short fourteen day test run in these modules two thousand nine hundred five a phase to full attention of space agencies and researchers from around the globe as well as the participation of french and german crewmembers the crowning accomplishment of the experiment was always intended to be the five hundred twenty
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day simulation of the flight to landing on and return from mars. mars five hundred has four modules totaling five hundred fifty cubic meters. mostly for storage of dry and refrigerated foodstuffs but also has greenhouse space and exercise equipment another is specially designed for medical and scientific experiments both of these connecting the main module with berths for the six participants the central control room kitchen and common spaces from here three crew members will pass into the landing module. for simulated descent to the red planet in addition to this space ship the facility includes a twelve hundred cubic metre space modeled after service with a landing crew will test a new mars rover. just seeing these people. every day the same faces.
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is very. interesting. the team has a russian commander surgeon in physiologist french an italian engineers and chinese professional astronaut. will spend the next seventeen months in each other's clothes company when the hatch was sealed behind them on june third two thousand and ten they were off on the world's first full flight simulation of course they may feel miles away but they're being observed from the command center unlike the experiments mars five hundred simulates the communication delay associated with distance space flight a message and response takes forty minutes. they're keeping some of their focus on work but also trying to enjoy them so. the mars five hundred team runs a beta version of the regenerative life support system cosmonauts and astronauts need. fresh air to survive but they also produce waste including solid waste. impure air and c o two everything apart from solid waste can be recycled into the
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system in an insured process to become a potable resource again the contaminants particles are filtered and air returns into the ventilation system c o two could be broken down to generate water and water to provide oxygen. three of the crew members will encounter a simulated version of a life support system in the beginning of february when they entered this landing module to prepare for a valentine's day touchdown there on the other side of a sealed hatch and final preparations to the mars landing vehicle my. still in process so we get a last minute chance to peek inside and see what awaits them in addition to assuring a safe set down on mars make believe red rocks here they'll be in charge of regulating the vital settings of their own environment while the control room throws up a series of potential failures and warnings within the system.
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this is the main screen of the life support system reflecting all the characteristics of the closed environment just you can use the software to simulate any emergency condition with. you could be a thousand fire aboard the ship. integrity the system immediately sends a voice command to inform the crew of the emergency situation and the need to handle this is to will help the crew to track down and solve the issue in automatic mode at least support systems that will be mounted on future mars mission space ships. any manual operations as to what. part of their future is already in use on mankind's biggest space achievement to date the international space station now in orbit with humans on board for more than ten years the massive satellite has been the base for testing a whole generation of new space equipment including regenerative support systems. the international space station uses oxygen generation equipment.
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its lifespan was said to be about a year these three hundred sixty five days. thanks to his reliable operation designed to use the device onboard as long as it could last so far it's worked successfully for three years which means its lifetime is three times as long as we expected. but what are they doing to make sure us needy humans last that long up their space ship. microgravity tested and no water needed so what do you say. you lead to is produced in a special laboratory in the same institute of biomedical problems and plays host to mars five hundred and there's more than hair care on the minds and shopping list of those heading down or speaks hygiene in general needs an overhaul given the
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specific constraints of life inside a microgravity bubble. since water can't be trusted to go down the drain and it's certainly unwelcome floating around all the expensive equipment forget about sense and products containing alcohol since you can't open the window to clear the air space explorers toiletry bags is an altogether separate industry instead. institute of biomedical problems is the only medical center which develops and produces personal hygiene and cleaning products especially for cars. towels have found truly widespread to manage. their saturated with a special lotion and are very easy. also we've got unique items not provided by our western counterparts yes when you look at products
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to keep your mouth clean and healthy which is basically carrot. to be placed on your finger or two. it's made. popular among astronauts from around the world. quite often for their trips to the international space station. on board shorter missions may allow for some typical comfort foods to come along but if you really want to stay stocked supplies have to be packed for the long haul. cosmonauts need the same nutrients but it will look like a steak or a salad from earth. chop normal your favorite variety mission to bits with your handy food processor mix in some yogurt and stick it in the sublimation oven. for you. to long side the university of applied biotechnology across town to whip up speed specialties with the right nutrition balance for high flying groups as
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a method of preservation freeze drying food has been with us since the mid twentieth century made for all kinds of extreme or isolated conditions not just for novelty gifts like space ice cream what's different about this sublimation process is the inclusion of probiotics that you know is a bacterial culture they gets mixed in with our apples and other provisions to help us obtain the proper dietary mix keeping us healthy without the benefits of color mary diversity were used to with earthly luxury taste not that bad either. joint experiment with the applied technology to assess the performance of the next generation of. trying to create dairy products. just bacterial strains to my knowledge this will be the first experiment of this kind in the world. we're talking about here. this new practice will grow your own individual bacterial
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strains and feed them back to you to maintain your healthy diet with no allergies or rejection just of systems supplemented by probiotics. aspects of your physical well being to worry about. making sure our muscles don't wither away in space leaving astronauts and cosmonauts on a long road to post flight recovery on earth gravity effects holding us down maintaining basic body strength by giving us wait that's. all fluid in space so i am b.p. and other researchers have to manufacture methods of combating the muscular atrophy and bone deterioration facing our space travelers. if one of the problems with staying in space for a long time is no feeling yourself weighed down enough to get any muscle exercise this is a pretty exaggerated solution but that's literally what it takes liking gravity as
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a source of body loading tension exercise in space has to create artificial sources of resistance otherwise i assess crew could pump a massive iron without ever getting buff like arnold. specially made suits also provide an important passive method of mobility resistance since space missions are hyper cision operations with serious demands on the crews time this plane when three suit developed i am b.p. turning every minute into a bit of body building. those some with some of the child's needs at the starting from the only nineteen seventies and then to recently we didn't have the means to measure the load weight of that huge one something small enough the rule of thumb for pulling up and taking care of the lord's didn't was that close minutes own feelings they had to move around constantly and that the same time as some perceptive fellow date with the leverage on the girls. two days playing when three isn't involved version of that earlier space suit now with sensors offering the
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ability to control precisely the amount of force applied by the elastic cables as resistance against various muscle groups the basic design has been preserved allowing for passive and minimal activity toning on front and back upper and lower body muscle sets. that elderly people or people recovering from strokes could experience the same distractions and physical activity as close minot's if you and didn't are able to achieve a positive effect but here zings useful can. billy taishan should get a similar effect with the disabled and the elderly that the results learn is down they. do need for physical rehabilitation these suits can provide is truly great as russia suffers one of the world's highest rates of stroke occurrence . strokes are impacting ever younger demographics worldwide meaning there are more survivors who need step by step assistance and retaining their physical strength.
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russia is the only country in the world that has come out with this treatment texting of course we've been testing this suits for more than five years and have developed differentiated methods do you consider various groups of movement disorders and for various groups of patients we have success stories with full rehabilitation of mobility and mental ability after the use of the region see what patients were able to return to work and their families and enjoy the same life as before their stroke. based on the same principle new technology is being extrapolated to help disabled patients in pre-game dilatory phases of their recovery process instruments stimulate the nerve endings in the feet the control or walking muscles slowly reminding the brain what it takes a new lease on life from extraterrestrial origin the struggle for survival research
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