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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EST

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bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future covered. the casings of monday's terrorist attack at moscow's the busiest airport have been sold the russian investigation committee promises to reveal all the details shortly thirty five people died and more than the one hundred m. to. egypt battling renewed violence with the death toll rising to fifty following at the dissolution of the cabinet some political legs but claim this week summarizing was orchestrated by the way. it's money versus journalism in the united states is a big corporations following the media leading many americans to look for the truth for mongolia still sits.
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a very warm welcome to this is r.t. live from moscow and alice had it russia has solved the case of the terrorist attack committed moscow's domodedovo airport last monday the investigators that will reveal the details into monday's suicide bomb blast the attack on the capital's busiest international airport left thirty five people dead more than one hundred still remain in hospital president to meet them a dead of his call for a march tough approach to tackling terrorism in an interview to bring back he said russian should stand closer together in the face of danger. to consider the situation only consolidating all public forces to weave languishes evil we have no right to get hysterical about terrorism and spread out through this we make terrorism stronger look at the way america. came together the events of nine eleven
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even those who are not very fond of president bush said which years he's got to be that he's got to be tough he's got to be the same country that serious way we can defeat terrorism. and you can watch that full interview of president meet the vetiver bloomberg on our web site r.t. dot com and later on we'll be crossing a live but to our correspondent at bennett for more on this case little bit later this hour seduced eighteen fasc for the latest on this breaking story now russian lawmakers have drawn up a draft or to step our plan to terrorism measures in the country similar to the american system any warning of an impending attack will be assessed all three level color scale with red alert being the highest but an intelligence expert from the u.s. says airports will always be potential targets for terrorists no matter how well security services do their job. what you'll have is
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a process and procedure that the russian authorities will be able to implement and in essence move their security systems and to heighten alerts predicated upon the threat when you look at any airport around the world there is that vulnerability and in essence it's with a soft target set like that it's extraordinarily difficult to protect those areas but boils down to very good human intelligence on very specific terrorist plots the problem is most intelligence services lack that granularity on any specific threat whenever a terrorist attack occurs anywhere in the world every intelligence service scrambles to look at those events because an essence were all in the in the game here and there's always tremendous lessons learned and take away from that but public transportation and specifically air travel is always going to be in the gun
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sights of the terrorist organizations and web with nouri health and the residental people in the big apple how do we challenge terrorism and whether we have an on how to stop it. the suicide bomber in moscow the car bomb in iraq the shootings in tucson considering the recent spate of violent acts around the globe are we doing enough to prevent terrorism this week let's talk about that i think we could be keeping lines of communication open and i think we can be trying to consider other people's perspectives i think we can be thinking more about policy and less about rhetoric are you willing to do more for if it meant the world was going to be protected more like strip searched at airports if necessary and i wanted to be searchers. i think the new machine i have is fine sees through clothes you're ok with that ok do you
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think the scanners are ok if it means we're safe yes your calls are coming off a nobody stacia do you think it's ever justifiable old you think anyone ever has a good enough reason to get that angry to do something like that no no i think those. there's over say something vulgar wrong with them to thank about we that it is it is a good thing to kill people and kill themselves illinois no but what if you were being enslaved and you felt like you had no way out when you feel like violence would be an option then. not for other people to suffer no you have to go to these people you can't obviously it's horrible what happens but these people that's what they're trying to get they're trying to get the reaction he can't let them have that kind of power over society and be scared all the time so if the media turns it down a little bit of the coverage it will have an impact on it make them consider whether
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or not they're going to do it i think so whether or not you think we're doing enough to end terrorism the bottom line is with all the recent violence clearly we have yet to succeed. now the u.s. government had been planning to topple the egyptian president for the past three years that's according to diplomatic cables released spy wiki leaks the fall so washington has been secretly backing leading figures behind rising or push at least fifty people have died and hundreds more were injured in a she want demonstrations since tuesday protesters have returned to kyrie central square this morning reiterating calls of president hosni mubarak to step down as the president dismissed his government but refused to quit unrest in egypt comes weeks after months of chaos and this year a seat at the president being toppled before fleeing into exile investigative
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journalist webster tarpley told r.t. washington wants to put new leaders in power in the arab world to follow the u.s. agenda. think what we have obviously is there is the cia no doubt about it they are playing the card of mob rule the technical term is our clock or c across the entire arab world it looks to me like a vagabond quote it's a double or nothing strategy they seem to be shooting the works for destabilisation mubarak is not dependent enough he's not dependent enough on nato he's not dependent enough on the i.m.f. above all they're looking for some kind of gerrick regimes that could be played against iran or for other of their purposes they're also trying to appeal to this generation of young media list across the arab world whose imaginations have been captured by a sign you know underneath that there were real grievances before price the gasoline price the unemployment but those really have more to do with the wall street depression than with somebody like mubarak then of course there is the
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question of political oppression and repression which has been going on in egypt look at the weakness of the u.s. the u.s. could not determine the government in iraq even though the u.s. is occupying the country they wanted allow we they got more leaky the pro. in lebanon the us has tremendous influence right that's another country that's heavily dependent in this case the the new government is more controlled by hezbollah than by the united states so it would seem to me now that we're going to find out soon enough whether the weakness of the u.s. has reached such a point that they can no longer overthrow a government like egypt and of course in iran in june and july of two thousand and nine there was an attempt to have the twitter revolution yet another color revolution that one failed similarly in lebanon whenever you're dealing with a with a well organized force that opposes the color revolution the cia people power coup has a very very hard time and succeeding if the army and the police continue to support
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mubarak and the internet stays turned off then it looks to me like the the smart bet is probably that this is not going to be a cakewalk for these demonstrators and the other question of course is what's their program do they have any solutions or anything their solution seems to be down with mubarak some people would say that if the muslim brotherhood gets the upper hand the army might step in some people in the in the demonstrations seem to want the army to take over but that would simply be a new mubarak. investigative journalism of the tome talking it's. disappointment and lack of trust in the media have some americans turning to alternative full things phonies they claim big corporations are pushing their interests all into the public realm of in fact. their talk and i went to find out who's behind the information being broadcast in the us. everyone seems to know that he who pays the piper gets to call the tune. in the us
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paying the piper and running the show are corporations that you may call what americans see hear and read it's a money maker it's a cash cow people don't think that that there's any money in the media i mean aside from health care these days there's probably the media is the industry of the twenty first century half a century ago fifty corporations rammed a major networks and newspapers since then a rapid concentration of media ownership has resulted in the near media monopoly spearheaded by a lucky few pumping money from the news cash cow and piping corporate interests to the viewers and readers the danger of this kind of media concentration is that it robs democracy of diversity it robs viewers from being exposed to a wider range of views. analysts say the u.s. is living in the golden age of media bias. it's never been easier for them to find
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out exactly who's behind what where the conflicts of interest are topping the list of owners of rupert murdoch and his empire the news corp you have been a global media enterprise may if you shake that agenda at all no i don't think so i mean. murdoch stands over fox news channel the wall street journal and the new york post the fox channel is definitely seen as the most partisan and the. most focused on advancing a particular political party and a political interest so is this because of rupert murdoch's personal interests definitely there's no doubt about it. general electric one of the largest military contractors for the u.s. government plus comcast one of america's largest cable providers are joined by the hip running the n.b.c. network the floor of the hudson river is covered with carcinogenic p c b s these toxic janick dangerous chemicals that were put there by general electric general
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electric owns n.b.c. and b c has not taken any trouble to report on this massive environmental story. with the innocent face of mickey mouse as their trademark disney is the proud owner of a.b.c. when a.b.c. was bought by does the and there were some a.b.c. stories about improprieties that disneyland is the world disney killed those c.n.n. and time magazine belong to time warner joining the media giants are c.b.s. corporation towering over c.b.s. news and viacom a global entertainment content company running among others comedy central they're supposed to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted but when you have journalists treading lightly around corporate and governmental elites it almost defeats the reason for their even existing the purpose of existence for corporations is profit meaning investors interests are police to head of anything else that would matter in journalism good business is bad journalism good
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journalism is bad business broadcaster laura flanders says counting on getting facts from the corporate media is simply naive because be reliant on military contractors gee to bring us news about the war any more than we can be reliant upon television networks that are run by disney to bring us the truth about what's happening in our economy media are increasingly monopolized the number of voices interested in bringing their viewers a little something. called truth has decreased as a result instead of representing journalism the media have become louder mouthpiece for the corporation if that's the truth get out archie york. will because all of dallas in the media more americans are turning to the internet and all those hundreds of news sources to find out the truth but radio host alex jones says the world wide web is in danger of becoming manipulated by big business. another issue
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is that you have the old dinosaur media now and by five or maybe six major conglomerates and they're really teaming up with the government and getting secret payments so this came out five years ago famous cases of reporters being given hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece by the bush administration armstrong williams as one of the famous instances to go out and promote new federal initiatives that bush was pushing and this really exploded under clinton expanded under bush and is now just gone and old warp speed under barack obama so it's not just that you have these five to six mega corporations that have all these other corporate subsidiaries and they won't report on things that put them in a bad light you have direct government payments of taxpayer money secretly being funneled to them this is outrageous and we've seen massive viewership drops on cable and broadcast t.v. and in newspapers and you've seen sites like info wars dot com or other alternative media exploding to now google has announced very that they're going to start
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filtering all the alternative exploding media websites and foreign news outlets that are becoming so popular because they give a different perspective doesn't mean they don't have agendas that there's a different perspective and so now they're announcing the internet kill switch and c.c. regulation over the internet senator jay rockefeller one of the key committee says we would have been better off without the internet so instead of just having a something where the egyptians shut the internet off in five minutes we have this slow strangling of the internet because the old dinosaur mega media is losing credibility and it's a government mouthpiece and so they're now moving in with a perfect storm to restrict free speech the internet is in danger. or we're also online if you twenty four hours a day with plenty more stories these tweets go here's just some of what you'll find right now is dot com one of four where along is that you can also stay in an exclusive for you all money hotel with the fashion gary now plans to design
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a hotel the rest of the usual stuff of all the jones like his clothes i don't think it's going to be. one of the most famous clowns in the waldstein your name is back in moscow where this snow shoe says it and it's guaranteed to melt and uniforms home. loss and russian all of them have no idea whether or not golf called for has turned out to be on the forty on insects as well as a fifty year old very long box of fun migration we're going to get more on aussie dot com. afghanistan's kandahar province has been killed in an apparent assassination
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a suicide bomb on a motorcycle run officials call while he was on his way to work the last to kill the teeth in the only spot three of his bodyguards were wounded in the attack on friday at least nine people were killed in a bomb blast in the capital kabul a recent u.s. intelligence report paints a rosy picture or suring it will eventually be one but these minute you country says that's not going to happen unless washington changes its approach to. another year another january and yet another article in the herald tribune yet again from the cia sources it's the bruce riedel they famous cia analyst claiming that eventually i kind of will be definitive guter that president obama charm offensive these of the muslim community all around the globe while the
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terrorist threat is real it is not confined to even closely related to ever gana stand itself the terrorist threat comes along the afghan pakistani badland take out the war a long afghan pakistani badland and substituted for a cross and that instantly will finally start making sense until that washington decision makers we'll accomplish these linguistic exercise they are doomed to play all along this vicious circle paying lip service to their threat coming from pakistan while ignoring their clear and present danger of narco terrorism that comes from afghanistan. international news in brief this hour and a five will have been killed by a bomb in a busy road tunnel in northwest pakistan nineteen others were wounded in the
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explosion many of the injured were taken to a nearby hospital in peshawar it still was either the taliban or al kind of militants are behind time. the african union says it's forming a panel of heads of state to solve the political crisis in the ivory coast within a month the move came to three days of troops in ethiopia following one spread on the rest since november's disputed elections. varian that lead. is refusing to step down despite calls from the international community who say the opposition candidates is the rightful winner. the european union has begun a preliminary probe into allegations kosovo's prime minister once led a ring trafficking human organs it follows a council of europe report alleging hashim she was the balls of a criminal underworld than involved in the grisly all good trade jury in the nine
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hundred ninety nine war against the report also implicates the cost of the liberation army and the crimes which is said to have involved killing serbian personnel. south africa's former president nelson mandela is resting at home in johannesburg after being discharged from hospital the ninety two year old was admitted for two nights with an acute respiratory infection his saper very public panic over the health of the anti-apartheid come on down his office says it received over ten thousand messages of support from all the shit. that's correspond to a top story now russian investigators say that they've solved the case into the terrorist attack and moscow's domodedovo airport last monday for the details all the solving of the. a lot of still to be revealed will be called the capital's busiest international airport left thirty five people dead more than one hundred
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still remain in hospital because they lie to our correspondent ivan bennett's for more on the case and later. ok would you join us for the latest only. in the moscow out programme we have with martin andrews there where he explores london this time in search of the russian culture right now they all the latest business days with dmitri. thanks very much alex hello and welcome to business the world economic forum is in its finishing stage but it has been more than a sense of for the russian delegation with many major deals being announced investors say it's now time to turn expressions of will into action. a correspondent daniel bushell wraps up the business conference for us let's cross to him live if we can of course to devils in switzerland good to see you daniel has
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this particular devils forum changed the way for and see russia. while if russia does go on to become the open high tech economy that protects foreign investments then economists will call devils twenty eleven the turning point the right words were backed by deals president medvedev ten point plan this week here in davos really cemented that reputation he promised a fund to share risks and costs with foreign investors that invest in russia he also said russia will join finally the world trade organization this year followed by the o.e.c.d. the organization economic for a developed countries and finally create a common economic space with the european union a common space from the atlantic to the pacific it sounds impressive and those words were deals as i say we had. russia's largest there reproducer being bought by pepsi co with the plan of turning it into the world's largest dairy producer then
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exxon mobil the world's largest oil and gas company agreeing with rosneft to develop black sea oil and gas for over a billion dollars and finally we've got several deals in the pipeline and the world's largest advertising company w p p is in talks with quite one or two russian companies to purchase them and increase their presence on the russian economy where it has been one negative the security has been widely criticized here this year it's been wildly heavy handed with security goals pushing some of the world's most important business leaders and there have been conflicts little violent conflicts splitting up as a result of it the organization has been very poor we've had to take trips from one end of this event to the other by boss around the whole town to get to the to get to the right look. i'm sure those things will be on the outs and seen by the organizers for next year now i'm delighted to be joined by the dean of the skolkovo
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school of management it calls itself the world's only business school dedicated to emerging market leadership wilford on hanukkah thanks so much for joining us what has this event achieved for you all school i think it has achieved a number of things first of all it has created you know great fiza billeted for a project that gets a lot of visibility in russia has been critical but i think it's also critical to management development and preparing leadership worldwide so it's a great opportunity for us to come here see our friends and sponsors potential new people that support the idea. secondly it's also very important for us to come here the benchmark what we're doing for what this going on in the world are we really talking about the reality of the way the rest of the world there are we tackling the issues that are important and that was a future leaders and so. we are certainly working very closely with the world
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economic forum they have their own global leadership program that we're closely for operating with and they will be coming to moscow in april a very big delegation and i think this further on the lines the interest in russia and sort of the general tone that has been set by the president so overall this has been you know very good for the school in terms of visibility in terms of the feedback path in terms of what we're doing and i think you know overall i'm very happy because it's feels like we're on the right track have perceptions of russia as a whole changed. i think people you know changing perceptions takes time i think people came with different perceptions and with the speech by let's say death and then you got to fall off that the presence of a very strong russian delegation. and you know talking about openness that this is a new reality we want to bring in investments and you just mentioned some of the
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important deals that were announced people are questioning them such as and say ok wait a minute this may be disses a change and i think it's an enormous opportunity for russia to really build up this one speech two speeches a couple of people coming to the horses is not going to do it right this is not enough in itself but i think in terms of you know the project the skolkovo project that we're bringing the president's agenda. you know what the business community is going in terms of investment you know the way the politicians are talking about openness and so on i think it's very encouraging and i also find that the reaction is you know we're sort of very positive that. you know the way the open this was announced and the way deals were on ours was done in a very sort of the for human direct way to move the words turn to reality will russia become briefly high tech economy and went. well in many ways russia's already high tech economy right i mean in certain sectors and i'd see if we can to
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look at the space program and so on so as to be realistic there on other areas it might take a little bit more time so you know when we talk about that in a graph project you need to go more into the area environment so that russia could really diversify its industrial base we're running out of it i can do the hardware the software will take a little bit more time but i think we're off on a very good start just a word on the organization have you been a bit surprised by the rough heavy handed this. not to really i mean we're living in an interesting world the mom of the pop it's what security i did not go to the session but many people that run through the session on security and terrorism said they were just scared like hell and i think you know given what happened in moscow or if we're in the week and so on the and i can well understand that they are sort of you know you know going a bit overboard on the security side all right we're going after. brush it out for them afraid that's all we've got time for school for van halakhah really echoing the sentiments among american european worldwide business of the positive sentiment
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of twenty eleven this year all right daniel thank you very much our correspondent daniel bushell talking to wolf about on a the dean of the school of a school of management i'm afraid this is where we have to end here go back to alice for the latest information on the investigation of the blast in moscow as the man had a bit bored. ok as dean was saying that's across the top story now russian investigators do say that the case of monday's suicide bomb attack and moscow's adama day that the airport has now been solved let's get the latest on this from i see either ben it seems in the russian capital for us either so what details do we know at this time we just in the last hour or so we've heard this statement from a lot of the market the head of the best to get the committee for the attack on monday. airports he said that the case has been so we don't know any more details other than that he said more details will be released over the course of this afternoon but what this could mean is that they've now found who is responsible the
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attack or even better perhaps they found the perpetrators because until now we haven't heard any point from the authorities on who they suspect was behind this nor we heard any claims of responsibility as the investigation until now has been kept very quiet very harsh harsh here earlier in the week from some officials that they had dozens of suspects then later in the week surname was released rushed to put go of a russian man in this in the stairwell region believed to be connected in some way to the attack but all we've heard now is that the case has been so we don't know any more than that this is obviously very welcome news to the hundred plus people injured in the attack on monday don't live there and of course to the victims and friends and relatives of the thirty five people who died from say the investigation has been. being carried out quietly but what have the country's top officials been saying and doing in the wake of that monday's.


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