tv [untitled] January 29, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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russian investigators say they know who committed monday's deadly suicide attack in moscow's domodedovo airport. investigators are saying the suspect was a twenty year old might run one of russia's north caucasus republics but they will not disclose his name all the details in just a few moments. also this hour exposing the uprising as protesters roll through egypt a week in legs diplomatic cables reveal washington's pain for adult leaders and how it's been plotting to overthrow the country's president on. good business is bad journalism good journalism is bad business. and with claims that are looking for an agenda is holding news coverage many americans are seeking alternative sources big
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business is not willing to strain. international news live from moscow this is the with me thanks for joining us investigators say they know the identity of the suicide bomber who carried out monday's attack at moscow's demanded of an airport in which thirty five died and over one hundred were injured four details are not being released about the twenty year old man from russia's caucasus region while investigations continue because you know the house. the russian investigators could meet who says that the case until monday's terrorist attack at the country's largest airport has been solved and they say they know the name of the man who carries out this year's side bombing of. the russian investigators and security services have identified the suicide
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bomber who detonated an explosive device stuffed with metal elements at moscow's domodedovo airport on monday it was a twenty year old man from russia's north caucasus although investigators know the terrorists name we're not going to disclose it now as we're currently working to establish the organizers and accomplices of this crime the north caucasus terrorist groups and separate extremists have claimed responsibility for similar deadly attacks in russia over the years in march twenty ton residence of the russian republic of biggest i must remind of done two female suicide bombers of the same origin carried out an attack a two an attack on moscow's macho system the attack claimed lives of dozens of people as far as moscow's attack at the airport is concerned investigators say that it was most likely aimed at foreigners surviving in russia and it was not by chance that the explosive was set off in the international arrivals area i'll be a little why did the airport bore me as opposed to rebuild the gaping holes in
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security at apple's train of natural stations in russia that it forced the government olby country to confront improving safety in crowded places had on and the country's president signed several orders to step up safety on the country's busiest transportation systems those poorest as he said no president and no country is one hundred percent protected against this international evil international terrorism faces not solely russia but the whole world what russia could do is look to other countries' governments for tips on tackling the problem consider the situation. silly boy consolidating all public forces can we vanquish this evil we have no right to get hysterical about terrorism and spread out with this we make terrorism stronger if you look at the way americans came together after the events of nine eleven even those who are not very fond of president bush
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said yes he's got to be there how he's got to be tough but it's got to be the same for our country because the only way we can defeat terrorism look at that most of these russian lawmakers are also debating a new reliable security alert system to be installed on russia's public transport this is a system similar to the one in place in the united states of america and this is still world classified any potential risk as any increased by more critical and this would enable introduce a rush it would enable law enforcement agents and security officials to work together in case of a terror threat terror attack similar to the one which happened at my dear the airport on monday. for the second night in a row protesters in the egyptian capital cairo are defying a curfew demanding the toppling of president hosni mubarak he refuses to quit has already fired his government and named intelligence chief sitting on his first ever vice president aviation minister ahmed shafik has also been appointed as prime
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minister and is to form a new cabinet of the seventy have died with two thousand in violent protests this tuesday this time of the anti-government rise in tunisia this president was toppled before fleeing into exile meanwhile diplomatic cables released by wiki leaks show the u.s. government has been secretly backing leading figures behind the uprising in egypt has put us here reports now from the egyptian capital cairo. so far more than one hundred people have been killed as mobile clinics throughout the city continue to operate they're treating wounded many of whom are reporting that they were by police after being arrested and one of the most worrying developments is that of looting the. hiram museum was looted with money is there being ransacked we're also hearing reports from a number of neighborhoods where people say that their homes were broken into and goods a stolen now the egyptian president hosni mubarak has tried to address protesters demands by appointing for the first time in thirty years the country's first vice
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president now that is almost a woman who used to head the intelligence here at the same time the new prime minister mr ahmed shafik he's a technocrat he's from the aviation industry he's been tasked with forming a new government but speaking to protesters and these moves are not going to do a lot to pacify them they say there was nothing short of the president himself stepping down the relationship between the united states and egypt has always been a complicated contradictory one the wiki leaks documents refer to cables as far back as two thousand and seven and in those cables there is discussion where the american administration puts its weight behind opposition figures here in egypt while at the same time supporting the presidency of course the mubarak now that is a clear example of double standards there's also been a clear delicate balancing act that the american administration has been playing now some of these cables refer to almost solomon who has just been appointed the country's new vice president they say that he makes to quote the next attractive
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alternative to robotic but analysts here say that mubarak would only have appointed so many if he trusted him if he was to quote them rock solid the other point that analysts themselves have been discussing is the question of just how spontaneously is demonstrations in fact work. in the u.k. behind the recent events in africa. stupid lighting the situation of millions of people in any potential war that with me living in those countries and possible we all know that to meet your transport oil pipeline is running through egypt so we benefit from high oil prices and. garson dollar trade is carried a two dollars dollar demand is really growing i don't believe in spontaneous revolutions when hundreds of thousands millions of people come out onto the streets at the same time. there's been no serious change to their standards of living for
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these demonstrations the needs chords you need to support leaders getting money from foreign secret services now there's no denying that the demonstrations we've seen this week here in the egyptian capital have been partly inspired by what happened in trinity earlier this month there seems to be a message of hopefulness in the arab world that if you really put your heads together and your actions together there is the possibility of overthrown dictators who have been rumors floating around in the last few hours it difficult to independently verify them but they suggest that barak's son gamal who he has been gearing up to take over the presidency after him has infected traveled to england with his mother mubarak's wife suzanne but as i say we have no way of verifying that at least not now there was still this acrid smell of tear gas in the air this story the occasional shooter of gunfire and bullets being fired but aside from that really the city has come to a standstill cairo tonight saturday is in
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a standstill as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets and their protests and their demands continue. reporting there from cairo now with a handful of massive corporations today controlling most of the u.s. media american networks are accused by critics of pumping out coverage driven by the interests of their own is disguised as objective as the citric and takes a closer look at the methods and messages of the big broadcasters. everyone seems to know about he who pays the piper gets to call the town. in the us paying the piper and running the show are corporations that you may call what americans see hear and read. it's a money maker it's a cash cow people don't think that that there's any money in the media i mean aside from health care these days there's probably the media is is the industry of the twenty first century half a century ago fifty corporations rammed a major networks and newspapers since then
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a rapid concentration of media ownership has resulted in a near media monopoly spearheaded by a lucky few the danger of this kind of media concentration is that it robs democracy of diversity it robs viewers from being exposed to a wider range of views. analysts say the us is living in the golden age of media bias. it's never been easier for them to find out exactly who's behind what where the conflicts of interest are topping the list of owners of rupert murdoch and his empire the news corp the fox channel is definitely seen as the most heartless and and the most focused on advancing a particular political party and a political interest so this is because of rupert murdoch's personal interests definitely there's no doubt about a. general electric one of the largest military contractors for the u.s. government plus comcast one of america's largest cable providers are joined by the hip running the n.b.c.
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network the floor of the hudson river is covered with carcinogenic p c b s these talks suggesting dangerous chemicals that were put there by general electric general electric owns n.b.c. and b c has not taken any trouble to report on this massive environmental story. with the innocent face of mickey mouse as their trademark disney is the proud owner of a.b.c. when a.b.c. was bought by disney and there were some a.b.c. stories about improprieties that disneyland is the world disney killed those c.n.n. and time magazine belong to time warner joining the media giants are c.b.s. corporation towering over c.b.s. news. and viacom a global entertainment content company running among others comedy central they're supposed to flick the comfortable and comfort the afflicted but when you have journalists treading lightly around corporate and governmental elites it almost depletes the reason for their even existing the purpose of existence for
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corporations is profit meaning investors interests are police to head of anything else that would matter in journalism good business is bad journalism good journalism is bad business broadcaster laura flanders says counting on getting facts from the corporate media is simply naive because it be reliant on military contractors gee to bring us our news about the war any more than we can be reliant upon television networks that are run by disney to bring us the truth about what's happening in our economy media are increasingly one not was the number of voices interested in bringing their viewers a little something called truth has decreased as a result instead of representing journalism the media has become louder. but more a show this is the truth r t. let's now take a brief look at some other headlines from around the world at least five people killed by an explosion and a busy tunnel in northwest pakistan most of the nineteen had by the car bomb were
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taken to hospital in the shower walk in the city the area seen numerous bombings in recent years with the tunnel previously the scene of fighting between taliban and pakistani security forces most of that time have been linked to militant groups aligned with al qaida and the taliban. working union leaders are discussing the towns and dangerous political stalemate in ivory coast at three day conference and i think here president is refusing to stand down despite his opponent of the saying what are wrong with the last november's presidential election. no it's to end badly ok what a ride in a hotel while he's demanding bug. lifts a siege of the country's central bank the power struggle has brought violent demonstrations the shutting schools and hospitals for months. now also mondello has been released from hospital after two days of treatment for lung infection doctors say the ninety two year old so much south african president's condition is now
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stable and his office received more than ten thousand messengers of messages of support from well wishers while the wide according to his staff jailed for twenty seven years by the racist apartheid regime before becoming the country's first black president in the one nine hundred ninety four he largely retired from public life ten years later. raging corruption the difficulties of investing in russia and the fate of my hoda kotb ski president dmitri medvedev shares his view on these issues and many others and i interview with bloomberg television up next here on out.
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president to get a thank you very much for joining us you want to turn russia into a modern country you've got mcdonald's you've got shopping malls you've got. what's missing you. what's missing in common things like infrastructure business infrastructure and legislation to properly regulate business activities missing the official establishment the bureaucracy lack of proper legal consciousness in the world do with all its judicial system is missing once we have learnt that we can provided there is no corruption it would mean that russia is ready to steam ahead along in its modernization track but we do know that it is a thing nearly all of the companies that are traded in russia are either controlled
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by the state or controlled by billionaires or also known as all other minority investors foreign investors often find that in these circumstances they're not treated fairly for example russian law requires that anyone who buys more than a thirty percent stake in a company makes an offer to the rest of the shareholders however what happens in practice is one guy comes and buys twenty percent and a friend of his who is seemingly not with him buys twenty percent and they're able to officially not be buying as one unit thirty percent are taking control of the company it's something that's blatant all investors talk about it and yet the regulator does nothing. do you think the regulator should do more about. the commodities that you can get around any law including american or british the question is whether there is an effective control over the way the relevant legal
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regulations are applied. always looking to avoid the toughest norms unfortunately as regards compliance with legislation in our country look at the situation here is as follows when our businessmen often try to strike a bargain with public officials civil servants and among themselves in order to get around our legislation which is not underdeveloped to my opinion and trying to close deals are contrary to law. but that is not only a question of the legislation itself it's a question of legal coach or a question of effective compliance control and the question of effective work by anti monopoly agencies let us look at the way things stand in the united states where noncompliance with anti trust legislation is often a violation much more serious than a minor criminal offense because the consequences of that be disastrous for any businessman so we have a lot to deal with here a lot to work on. we talked
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a lot about corruption and the need to clean up corruption you've taken some steps but you yourself admit really you haven't accomplished a lot why. if corruption is total as you say it is you know russia why do some really senior government officials. acquittals that can i would like to say here that we do need to speak legal language someone knows that somebody is a bribe taker well we can think that way about any governor and not just in the russian federation. but i think if you've got a point let me just stop you there those are so you have said that corruption is nearly total it's not just singular cases were many people are corrupt so theoretically it shouldn't be very difficult to find people that you were where the evidence is there so why not do that. if the price of the i believe we should act
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as follows corruption has indeed penetrated all branches of power but it surely has spread far and wide after the emergence of a market economy and the new political system which is only natural to be honest there were no such corruption levels in the soviet union why because there was no freedom and no market economy unfortunately our state officials in our businessmen were not ready to communicate in a civilized way from the start and corruption grew let me tell you the situation is difficult but not hopeless i'll give you just one figure so you know and everybody watching the program known last year alone several thousand high ranking state officials were prosecuted for corruption and bribery in two thousand of them were sentenced when mchale or course he was arrested the first time. it's a signal to all of the oligarchs that the state was in control and one thing that happened was everybody started paying taxes. so wouldn't wouldn't you have the same
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effect if you went after one of your own i'm talking about somebody in a cab at the cabinet level in the government who really senior wouldn't that send the saying signal to everyone else that this is no longer tolerated and should. and will go as regards payments of taxes not just by korda co ski businessmen in general of yesterday i had a look at statistics of last year alone one thousand private entrepreneurs and some three thousand employees of major companies were prosecuted for tax dodging this is a big number but if you're me i didn't expect it to be that high and i had to look at certain cases to get the formation was provided to me by the prosecutor general's office some of those people were not talking about the well known case when you got eight to ten and fifteen year sentences so i would say it's not exactly correct to talk about selective use of justice. let me talk you about
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a bit of cooking a little bit more depth. every december russia's biggest investment bankers brokers get together for an informal chat this year at that chat one of the investment bankers raised his glass to me hail hundred of course not because anyone in that room liked mchale of course i was told but because they all believe that what happened to him the second conviction. is devastating for russia's investment climate don't want the story of mikhail heard of course just go away don't you want to stop it. let me expand on this for it is indeed of certain interest to everyone first of all let me say once again the last year alone several thousand private entrepreneurs and employees of major business entities were sent to prison for tax crimes secondly i've always believed that the president of any country including russia should not talk about individual cases. just because that
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would be an interference with the judiciary system thirdly as regards mr khodorkovsky and some of his colleagues prosecuted by law and the respective sentence it has not entered into legal force it but i hope it is needless to say that basically the prosecution can come up with new arguments and bring new charges against people who already serving their sentence however you take fourthly i believe the old talk about the shortcomings of our judicial system as well as any attempts to bring pressure including on me as a president totally destructive in this context because they make everyone else think that the judicial or legal system in russia is so imperfect that you simply tell the president or someone else change the sentence for her to cough ski or someone else and then will believe that your legal system is not that hopeless that it is kind of working but that would be unacceptable how can investors be sure there won't be another other cost. if i think the any investor be
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a russian or an american investor you should abide by laws otherwise he could get a term the way happened with khodorkovsky and as was the case with bernie madoff we got a longer sentence which you talk about the need for more political competition to modernize the russian economy. how can you fight corruption in the government if there is no real opposition if the opposition political opposition in russia isn't allowed to exist. but if. that's not right the political opposition in russia does exist watched the question is how strong it is there are four political parties represented in the russian parliament which sometimes really do when the government has been formed by the leading political force. they criticize the government clamor against it and so on just the way it happens in the rest of the world another thing is that we currently
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have just one powerful political force which controls the situation in the parliament there are negative sides tonight but it's obvious that there are positive sides to what are they in the ninety's president boris yeltsin could not adopt any law because the communists or other parties would block it we have been able to adopt new legislation but that doesn't mean that united russia or any other party she gets a mandate to rule once and for all. for that's exactly what i'm asking about i am more interested in the opposition leaders that are outside of the parliament that's what that's what i'm asking about why is it that an opposition leader is going to russia. can be arrested at a peaceful demonstration. and just because he said at this demonstration no he was accused of provoking a policeman but a lot of people so that was. settled again i wouldn't want to interfere with the proceedings but if you mean the administrative arrest of small opposition party's
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leaders then this issue should be addressed in a north manner no country in the world allows by lation of its laws and meetings rallies and demonstrations against the police by committing on acts against those who maintain law and order you're a very popular president the opposition is very small you yourself talk about that why create these situations because they're just bad press for the investment climate outside of russia where these opposition leaders are getting arrested were demonstrations whether they were officially sanctioned or not are dispersed why not just let them demonstrate and you do know that they do that all the time out of dozens even hundreds of demonstrations o'malley's perhaps only one violates the law but it was just one problem with holding a demonstration on a specific day in a specific place. where once the city administration in moscow changed these demonstrations were sanctioned they gather there but it's impossible to file it
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doesn't applications for the same location by the way opposition leaders got the sanction as far as i know the problem is that they can't work with each other somebody said we'll be there someone else added we will be there will take you to another location if i don't look we need to observe the law. or you can run for president two thousand and twelve. asked see how things will go with you if you do run with prime minister putin continue to be your prime minister at the board so he starts elevator but each it will depend on a whole number of things and circumstances as regards me i won't speak about mr putin right now ok he's another person my friend my colleague so i won't speak on his behalf but it was for me i will certainly make my own decision and i'll do that this year but i mean a decision what to do next if i think it will be right for the country but our political system and first and foremost our citizens for me to participate in elections don't do that if i think the other way i will state my position openly
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and i will say that this is for the good of our society and our state but if i decide to participate then i will of course make a subsequent decision regarding prime minister this is obvious and wishing it to me i mean east in my final question. obviously the terrorist act in moscow was a tragedy. that aside. do investors need to worry about the security situation in russia you've got. the olympics coming up you've got the world cup coming up is is russia's security situation something that needs to worry investors. can actually. what i would like to start with something else this situation definitely concerns first and foremost russian citizens and me as a president and this is the most important thing because only by consolidating all
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public forces can we vanquish this evil we have no right to get hysterical about terrorism and spread out for this will make terrorism stronger look at the way americans came together after the events of nine eleven even those who are not very fond of president bush said yes he's got to be at the helm he's got to be tough has got to be the same for our country that's the only way we can defeat terrorism while it does regards fears and concerns for our investors and all those who want to come to russia rest assured that we will ensure a high level of security what we will ensure the proper level of security for the winter olympics and the world football cup and all other sporting events but it will be a task for the whole of society and for law enforcement agencies and special services of course and we will do that as effectively as possible but should we still limit . i missed but thank you thank you very much i would appreciate it finally
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