tv [untitled] January 30, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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i view all this week here on russian investigative identify the mountain of the deadly suicide it's almost out of the air safety from the north caucuses in the wake of the blast in new hunting terror that system is being considered. by consolidating. to. the key nuclear arms cards a deal between moscow to come into force within days of the start treaty receive the final seal of approval from both sides.
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in the world is calling on egypt support or stop until violence the answer rising kills over a hundred protesters clashing is. raging across the country. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow with me honest habit they have identified the bomber now investigators that the deadly terror attack on moscow's main airport are stepping up their hunt for the people who organized it it's always a week since a twenty year old from the north caucuses says off the ball madama dead it claimed thirty five lives over one hundred remained in hospital. on the day terror returned to russia's capital. four thirty pm on the twenty fourth of january
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a suicide bomb that blaze apart the packed arrivals hall at russia's busiest airports. my first thought was to get away a lot of people willing motionless even more people were being piled up near the first aid area some world already dead they were dragged away a horrible picture. and i looked at my watch and then flash and i passed out when i woke up there was a ringing in my ears it was a sour smell everything in ashes everyone is groaning real full men were piled up on top of me and one directly above me was wounded in the chest she took all the shrapnel. amongst the thirty five dead people from many nationalities they've made it we need this golden koos then tuesday to marry the mother of his child. shelves wife watched him die in front of her on the airport floor around the world families now grieving that they still say precisely killed. her
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parents have some very very serious i just. heard her say the star paralyzation support governor got up early with her players there was a two way street. car back sometime. very soon. investigators say they've now identified the man responsible but haven't yet released the name of. the russian investigators and security services have identified the suicide bomber who detonated an explosive device stuffed with metal elements of moscow's domodedovo airport on monday it was a twenty year old man from russia's north caucasus although investigators know the terrorist name we're not going to disclose it now as we're currently working to establish the organizers and accomplices of this crime north called. separatist groups and extremists have been responsible for similar deadly attacks in russia
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the twin bombings of the mosque a match a less than a year ago is carried out by a terror group in dagestan. this attack has once again raised serious questions about the counterterrorism methods in russia and the airports the transport authorities and the police have come into heavy criticism yet the russian response has been one of resilience just hours after the attack flights had with him people have been visiting the hospitals today nate blood's sears rick door so sure. those who committed these terrible acts targeting citizens and countries that expect that their actions to bring russia should at least not look in the wrong because you know aggressor is aware of its place in the world russia will fulfill its obligations towards our citizens and the world community unfortunately no state in the world to terrorism from terrorist attacks like this one in russia unfortunately can happen but any time anywhere in the world there's no universal remedy against this evil but one thing we can say for sure our success and. solidarity.
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and the official day of mourning both president medvedev and prime minister putin attended services all religions uniting to commemorate days who died in the attacks . continue to be laid at the site of the blast disappointing reminder that in the war on terror it's once again ordinary people who are on the front line in a scene of tragedy. and of mourning now it's time for action and message to the international community to stand united or work together now to fight this global terrorist threats so. huge reaction to the bombing all around the world u.k. based aviation expert chris says it was a deliberate attack foreigners coming to russia. well of course this is the major gateway for international airlines flying into moscow it is the favored airport.
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one has to answer question whether because of that fact because many international visitors to to russia pass through the airport. you know that the question has to be whether this was primarily the target in other words targeting the economic well being of russia as well as those people who are traveling on the aviation assets. arsenal thorazine are now looking into security lapses and donna dad about that led the suicide bomber target but is michael bennett reports monday's blast also a trick it or why did abate on whether start attacks can actually be prevented. as the dust settled the blame game began diamond dead of a took the rap from russian authorities with
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a number of airport officials sacked but international observers made more worrying conclusions the awful truth is is that there is no way to stop the terrorists in any capital on the basis you have to there are certain things you have to do especially after attack but ultimately it's very very hard to protect all transport in the capital city security at domodedovo has now been increased mandatory metal detectors and baggage x. rays accompany every entrance to the building is on says one question but poses another we're not actually allowed to film inside the airports anymore since security's been stepped up but one of the problems with the new stringent checks here is that a queue of people build up just inside the airport presents exactly the sort of targets a drawing to avoid these pictures were filmed covertly around fifty people are packed into a tiny space bikies ten minutes long before the explosion security here was no
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different to most other international airports only israel's ben gurion airport is considered more secure than any other with vehicle checkpoints fingerprint scanners and compulsory passenger interviews but such resource intensive measures aren't possible at larger airports domodedovo handled twenty two million passengers last year double that of ben gurion so what's the answer in the first call if you want to promote security the second object if you want to facilitate the flow of commerce and the third is you probably want to protect individual law privacy and the question and i would pose is where in the middle of the triangle do you want to make a law in or for russia's parliament it's about security this week the state duma gave preliminary approval to new anti terror warnings there. modeled on the u.s. system of color coded alerts created post nine eleven. just look how much we needed
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this system in light of the damage did of attack what everyone is seeing is that there was no relevant information and now according to the war we will have to inform the society about the threats facing russia's determination in fighting terrorists has never been questioned but its methods. now enhanced the system you must make sure it works harder than it's r.t. moscow. on the head of a tragedy was the first if you addressed by the russian delegation at the world economic forum in. the rubble. of the world's financial power players we've got all the details coming up. and this is a first applied to the international space station indeed a success as a brace of dogs for. fuel food in. russia and the u.s. are about to begin counting their strategic atomic then start agreement between the
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world's biggest nuclear power is due to come into force within days but it was approved by the russian parliament this week with cannot explain. after more than a year of hard line negotiating and ten more months of internal dispute it's finally done moscow and washington are stripping down their nukes first the state duma and then the federation council gave the bill the green light now that it's signed by the president only a formal exchange of ratification documents is left before the new start comes into force for the next ten years many hope it will not only restrain the two nuclear superpowers but become an example for others to follow this first of all is about the security of the united states and the security of russia this is about unwinding the excesses of the cold war this is about bringing both countries back to a same level of nuclear weapons because we reach really insane levels during the cold war i think it will have
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a real international implications and affect other countries as decision making as well managed to become the symbol of the restart of the lesions between moscow and washington the deal was initially backed by both presidents but it didn't come easy most of the u.s. republicans fell into opposition demanding amendments and the internal disputes stretched for months before president obama finally pushed a deal through the congress ended up making two so-called special statements securing washington's right to modernize its remaining strategic arms and insisting the deal would not affect america's missile defense plans but the statements are non-binding meaning they will not affect the actual implementation of the deal the original text remained untouched but unfortunately for the first time the republic bought all of us in the war against three d. which of the rather strange but i think it was. a bomb
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and in most of the obama administration and basically i don't think that was so much a ring of it three d. russian deputies also made non-binding. special statements legally linking offensive and defensive weapons which was one of the main stumbling points in the negotiations secured moscow's right to step out of the agreement if it feels threatened by u.s. missile defense plans in europe and stressed statements previously made by the us congress do not free washington from its obligations they hope that the coming years will show that both americans and us russians show responsibility in fulfilling these obligations and that will create a new spirit of mutual confidence and trust then you start is not the first such agreement between moscow and washington the first two were signed in one thousand nine hundred one and in ninety three but nine are managed to bring russia and the u.s. is close it's expected the leaders deal will open many new doors of opportunity also
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moving forward on the russia's w t o accession america is very supportive but it's not enough we have to have more time as we have to have more docking mechanisms we have to have more bridges the more dependent we are the better it is for our future a future which has become a little clearer the exchange of the ratification documents officially enforcing the new start could happen as soon as the fourth of february even though the treaty is set to reduce the number of strategic arms by over one third of it still leaves both the nuclear superpowers with the north warheads to blow the entire planet into a different solar system so perhaps it's not numbers that the new start is all about but trust by reducing the number of strategic arms russia and the united states are in forcing their strategic partnership at least for the next decade you've got us going off r.t. moscow. both russia and the u.s.
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ratified this thing treaty but included different requirements pulling group from the british american security information council says both moscow and washington want to reserve their right to self-defense in the worst case scenario and in the end it's the same treaty the same text and these interpretations i think both sounds as if very contradictory but they are both accurate in the sense that there is clearly a link in the preamble of the treaty between defensive and offensive forces and. russian duma is quite correct point the u.s. senate has said that there is nothing illegal preventing the americans from developing missile defense both the right the russians certainly have a right to withdraw from the treaty should or should they deem their security to be threatened. and these are points of fact of the treaty so it's not that they are
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ratifying two separate treaties the same treaty is there and in the end i think it's quite right to say that this is the first step in a very long process of confidence building stuff. that was appalling going from the british american security information council that. anti-government protesters in egypt are ramping up the pressure on battled president hosni mubarak has violence rages for a sick day more than a hundred and fifty people are believed to have been killed in the uprising with looting spreading across the country as the army struggles to restore order policy reports from the egyptian capital cairo. in the early hours of this morning ten people were killed while trying to break into the interior ministry at the same time thousands of prisoners have broken out of jails around the country among them are muslim extremist muslim militants and we're hearing reports that some of them
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have a really made the way back to palestine as a result the egyptian government has closed its border with gaza the real sense you get from being here is the sense of lawlessness the police have completely abandoned the city it's firmly in the hands of the army and what this means is that you have these vigilante groups that have broken into police stations many of them are now are armed they have any mission there are people standing guard in front of their homes the protesters are still out on the streets the city remains in a lockdown the protesters say they're going no way until mubarak himself steps down the egyptian president has sacked his government at the same time he's appointed a vice president as well as a new prime minister who is tasked with forming a new government but speaking to protesters say they say that this will go no way to pacify him and addressing their concerns the international community particularly european countries in the united states has called on mubarak to implement reforms and to refrain from violence what we've seen on the streets is a lot of people come together in defiance against mubarak but their opposition is
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fragmented the largest opposition group here in egypt is the muslim brotherhood and they've been careful not to hijack these demonstrations they don't want them to be seen as islamised they believe that the people have very real grievances that need to be addressed. to support is there a forcing of from cairo there will for more on this we're joined by an okie from activist based in gaza many thanks for joining us now some experts are saying that these uprisings that we're seeing in egypt at the moment resemble the color revolutions of the post soviet states and do you think that we're seeing a similar scenario being played out in north africa. well there is simply no question at all wherever you oppress people wherever you deny them their basic human rights wherever the iniquity in the distribution of wealth is so perverse as it is in the former soviet republics of the former soviet union and also here in north africa that people will eventually rise up and it's promising to see that people have started the process of shutting off their brutal and corrupt set of
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dictator mubarak and in this sense of course they're very very similar when people reach a certain point they will rise up now it's it's well known that the u.s. sponsored a state called color revolutions if the u.s. priests all say be involved in staring things up in egypt how would they benefit from that. well first off i wouldn't doubt that the us would plan for all sort all options and of course the us and those secret elements within our governments are always conspiring to commit acts which defy all sorts of logic and perpetuate the power system as it is so i would not doubt that they have involvement however they did not set the band on fire in tunisia mohamed did that himself and he set off that read the revolution there the grievances of the people are legitimate regardless of any kind of backward dealing conspiring behind the scenes if however the united states is involved it wouldn't surprise me as i've written about in the last day that this would all be a manipulation a ploy to justify israel's launch into sinai to take over sinai as part of the
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greater israel project which those of us who are paying any attention know full well what that's about so this could be used as a manipulation to support that of course the public. proclamations will say one thing but deep down we know that the real truth is never said publicly so this is one possibility but i'm hoping that if that is the case and there conspiring to make this sort of event happen that the people will in the end make them regret their devious ways one thing we do know is that the weekend cables reveal that the u.s. has been undermining the egyptian president about a. long time so what do you think was the thinking behind that particular policy. well first off wiki leaks has perpetuated all sorts of illusions including the illusion that iran is the threat iran is not the threat israel is a threat american imperialism is the threat british complicity and support for those institutions is the threat not you ran and wiki leaks has been instrumental in perpetuating that threat and also the so-called leader of wiki leaks julian
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assange has marginalized or attempted to ridicule those of us who can see the truth about nine eleven and so i am not going to buy everything that we produce is in fact those cables are definitely one means of this information that could throw us off track so i'm not i'm not going to give credence to all the wiki leaks cables in fact we need to really question them seriously i came back and i'm almost saying at the moment in north africa and stephen it. really has a great the great middle east has to have a sense that revolves into other impact do you think all this could have on the wider region well i think that people are saying once and for all that spite the military despite the backing of the american imperial machine despite all the torture despite all of the killings that people rising up together can do anything who would have thought that mubarak would be out he's out he's out he's living on borrowed time in the people have made that so so what this is going to do is
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empower people and i for one have waited a long time and i must say love and respect to all my brothers and sisters in tunisia and in egypt and in the rest of the puppet government states that are not honoring their people rise up and i hope it expands into europe because european people also feel the same types of injustice by their corrupt pocket governments as well so it's going to have hopefully a huge impact not just on the region but on the world well how mori should be it might see a similar states involved in that with that greg economic. integration on the lines . well let's be clear the state the state is the perpetrator of the violence primarily the people are not the one perpetuating the violence they're simply rising up and exercising their rights and i'm not going to support random acts of violence or violence which we have to think and say for instance in moscow where you had violence the first suspect should be israel who benefited from that act more than anyone else israel would benefit from that perpetuating the illusion of the war on terror it's not the people that are committing violent acts and those
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that would commit those types of violent acts are in line or in sync with outside of the fiction and the cia and mossad and those who benefit from these actions so it's not the people that are responsible these things but europe should be well bothered and well worried because they are just as corrupt as the mubarak regime berlusconi tony blair all of these puppets corrupt and not representing their people and giving trillions of euro's away to the bankers while people are losing their resources losing their jobs losing their homes they should be well worried me about the situation now in egypt where i am today six and based on the rest the situation's obviously very difficult to pertains but how do you think it's going to go can president mubarak possibly cling on all this absolutely not he's living on borrowed time mubarak's day is over but silly man the man that he's pointed to the second in command has been collaborating working with designers for a long time so he will not be tolerated either nobody who has any ties to the zionist conspiracy to commit to greater israel or to the american imperialist
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nobody in the egyptian regime has had anything to do with that nor the banking elements which if it did the egyptian people to the point that they live on less than two dollars a day none of those people should be tolerated and el baradei is far from being a guarantee only the people of egypt to decide who they want a mistake many thanks and passion who has that can they not speaking to us from gaza many thanks. ok well you can read more on all of the stories that we're covering the pool from our web site that's r t v dot com many years both online right now here in the center poles large corporations dominate t.v. in the u.s. view is the beginning to doubt whether they're being given are a biased comprehension find out where else to stay in for. st petersburg is renowned for its architecture and history so why does the want to strip the city of its historic stay so the arts.
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russia has reaffirmed its ambition to set itself up as the global financial center the country's leaders also promised a better business climate and greater transparency at the annual world economic forum in davos which is now wrapping up the russian delegation and presented members of the global market with a detailed plan promising to share risks and costs the head of the world trade organization said he believed the idea level should joins its ranks building a common economic space with the e.u. is also among russians top targets and many of the world's largest companies already operating in the country russia's anti monopoly regulators have approved pepsico that takeover of the country's largest dairy company even though in that movie the c.e.o. of pepsi co is that the deal will help vets go widen its range and extend both companies into other countries. using i think we can expand.
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in europe because we want kids can all be so the start of. we have to decide how to take the technology developed. in other parts of the world so we can leverage the room. to do it with a politician just how do you really been do we come and figure out how to bring the expertise of both companies together to build. for the company and russia becomes very interesting because russia russia. and russia can be a great source of food for us so one of our goals is to develop russian culture to be the hub for certain fruits storm foods in particular the rest of the world. was in the c.e.o. of pepsi ok and meanwhile on the sidelines president medvedev if you spearheaded the russian delegation spoke to bloomberg television you can watch the full interview here on our c n n around ten minutes time. ok
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a quick look now at some other international headlines and about the train has collided head on with a good strain in eastern germany killing at least ten and injuring dozens down student happened late on saturday being on a section of track scheduled overnight and near and work more than one hundred fifty fineman police and rescue workers were dispatched to the scene police say the rescue operation is ongoing and warned that the death toll may rise because of the crash is not yet. provisional results in a referendum on sufferance the downs independent show almost everyone who voted wants a split from the north more than ninety nine percent of those polled voted for independence however reports showed voter turnout exceeded one hundred percent in several areas despite the anomalies due referendum commission defended the outcome of the landslide victory the final results of the jan revote are expected early next month . sporadic demonstrations continue into news via
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a to the interim prime minister the north african nation doubts of its president two weeks ago following a massive civil unrest on saturday shopkeepers clashed with protesters accusing them of jeopardizing the country's tentative steps towards democracy they said riot police used tear gas on demonstrators you've been throwing stones and calling for the resignation of the newly appointed interior minister. also fired up in arms depot in venezuela this is not a kind eyes triggered a series of explosions from one said three injured an estimated at ten thousand it will have been evacuated from been surrounding area according to the country's information minister it's not yet clear water cools the blaze and firefighters are waiting for the explosions to subside before approaching the facility. a russian space. for the international space station the first event of its kind this
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year this spacecraft has delivered the two tons of supplies including fuel food and presents for the six member crew it also brought a mini satellite made by students were designed to transmit greeting messages in fifteen languages photos and data it we put into orbit there are six scheduled trips to the i s s this year celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of soviet cosmonaut you to god it being the first man in space. just a few minutes time we're bringing you president made that his interview with television recap our top stories this sunday here.
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the more people we killed a happier our officers were it's got to be like you seem like young people to see you get your people and different ways you can prove me keep you still be like you know here's you brought back some serious you know we're going to have the most fierce they will get the most fierce you should be a few women children and five men around the circle over know for many of them simply. to take a break but to some.
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