tv [untitled] January 31, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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ok we take from specific results. in israel is available in. a period. recent. bloody protests rampaging throughout egypt the opposition is coming together under a new think at the exit chief of the international atomic. but very few exceptions no mohamed el baradei raising questions of who he is and who's behind him join me paula samir for an update in a few moments. ukrainians are trying to solve the case of the missing kids a top official of them been seen in public six months. of his deadly shooting spree his head u.s. streams once again there are strong pools but top gun control but many say a gun in every household is the centerpiece of american culture
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a. very warm welcome scene this is live from moscow with me alex have it the gyptian opposition has come together as a united force off to six days of bloody government riots the ex chief of the international atomic energy agency mohamed el baradei is now my go to go on behalf of opposition groups and internationally popular candidate he's viewed as the man who could analysts president hosni mubarak see how the laces from kind way. the appointment of mohamed el baradei as the opposition leader here is an interesting choice because most egyptians really don't know him he has his fame much more on the international stage now what is remarkable is that he's managed to bring
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together very opposing views here in egypt particularly referring here to the muslim brotherhood which has been after order egypt for its extremist views now but today is a secular man and he will be a choice that's very much will be supported by the united states and by other western powers he has in the past avoided direct confrontation with the egyptian government and at the same time he has been criticized by some for simply not being a good enough leader what is interesting though is that he is calling for regime change but he himself has not even egypt for the past three decades he was the head of the international atomic energy agency for some eleven years and then he was criticized for the way he dealt with the iranian nuclear issue he was also criticized by some of his colleagues for being self-righteous and arrogant the curfew went into effect but like we saw yesterday and in previous days the simply does not make any difference to protesters out on the streets and they've been arriving by the thousands to hear the square in downtown cairo now they are calling
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for a general strike they're also calling for a million man march to begin tomorrow tuesday and if they get the figures that they're into supporting they will get the numbers that will turn up would be more than what we saw last friday on the streets of cairo during that day of rage now some analysts fear that this could lead to violence and that the protests could escalate from tomorrow having said that though the army here is still very much in control the police are nowhere to be seen and the army for their side has been meeting protesters in and out of here we square that we have been hearing reports of they've set up barricades on the outskirts of the city to stop traffic from entering and leaving cairo we're also hearing reports of people desperately trying to find sue. markets where they can stock up on goods but those businesses if not all businesses are close to the egyptian president hosni mubarak appointed a new interior minister now he is a retired army general and he has very much the backing the background and the
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support of mubarak as have the other two appointments the that of the vice president and that of the prime minister in recent days so egyptians are not really in any way satisfied with what is being made on a government level also nancy he's in the cabinet his new government and most of the ministers there are the same so with this kind of standoff showing neither side actually prepared to meet halfway people here really are saying that it can only result in violence it can only escalate in the coming hours and the coming days. sinton his army then we shuffle the government next came the air force. people's voices here are loud but they're being drowned out by f. sixteen that make twenty one's flying overhead mubarak is not going down without a fight. sank you or mr obama this is your friend as a personal barack this is your friend and the american involvement reminiscent of
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earlier revolutions in eastern europe no question about it what happened in georgia with the orange revolution or rather the rose revolution in georgia ukraine with the orange revolution two thousand and three two thousand and four was part of a long term strategy orchestrated by the pentagon the state department and various u.s. financed n.g.o.s like freedom house and national endowment for democracy and like those early revolutions people mobilized around a common goal abdel nur came all the way from us wanted to get rid of a dictator it's right to work to beat us with the police he feel it's right to beat us was army he failed. us is an engineer qualified and jobless but he says he can't find work because of corruption we can't find jobs he paid one is inside the company sixty thousand egyptian bones so you can walk is a company and as a result europe because most people want to go to italy want to go to greece want
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to go to england so people in egypt want to leave this country because they are very frustrated and they are looking for a better life for a better future and for us that means mass immigration and the problems that come with it may cause shade lives abroad but got caught up in the violence on a trip back home i don't think at this second there's enough momentum at the moment that people just continue to just go out and protest until something is done and i think people are just fed up the casualties keep climbing young faces victims of an aging regime. mohammed el see by i was with his cousin when he was shot did took a bullet. in his head. the last words he said before he. may god protect for ever but whether they're protecting will be worth with out
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president mubarak is still unclear nighttime in cairo brings with it the fear of lawlessness the fear of armed gangs that are literally controlling the highways walking the streets and trying to break into people's homes and as we've seen in previous nights people will be for me what can be called the neighborhood watch groups using kitchen knives and sticks and anything that they can get their hands on to protect their property. paula three reporting from cairo there. are tons the author journalist says that major foreign powers have already played a deadly role in the egyptian revolt. mahmoud el baradei is a belated attempt at getting in on this opposition movement well it may be too late he's part of the international crisis group a murky elite group with close ties to western interests as the people of egypt have shown such courage in the face of such u.s. backed terror that has occurred in egypt for the past thirty years to the people of egypt want mohamed el baradei i think that's doubtful a best this is
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a storm very much of the americans own making and i think the people will remember that the bullets fired at them were made in the united states that president obama has close ties with all these companies raytheon boeing these are the companies that have the ear of president obama and those jets flying over cairo alexandria su is in other cities there are american so if this is a sudden switch by the americans to suddenly think well maybe we can put more of their baradei in i think it may be too late. of the movies that i thought now to. henry a mad cow want this uprising have too many comparison thousand with so-called color revolutions that we saw in post soviet states do you think that there is a foreign influence at work erin. there's no question in my mind that this whole uprising has been orchestrated by. what i'd call globalists this is
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evident from the fact that el baradei is being put forward as some kind of leader he is a member of the international crisis group. sits beside george soros and george soros is known for pretty well instigating all the color revolutions no question my mind that this is another color revolution and that the people of egypt a lot of their grievances are justified their being their grievances are being exploited in order for the globalists to ratchet up their control of the jet now he. might have an album out of the e.u. headed the un's at home of course talk about his well known around the world isn't he but he hasn't been that involved in political life within egypt fell through how did he come to fund these parties have. well. this is this whole thing has
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been organized over the last six or twelve months i suspect that. member of the muslim brotherhood which is playing a prominent role in these protests and probably helped organize them and the muslim brotherhood are three look into their background their essentially they pretend to be islamists but they're essentially a fabrication of the globalists the m i six the people who are trying to create a one world government and they do this by removing local leaders who are too independent and i think they must have decided that mubarak is too independent for their liking but i'll bet is that he was chosen also has the opposition's negotiated with the government he does that mean that the egyptian people to trust him. i don't i think they're going to trust him less and less as time goes on but.
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if you want my opinion i don't think this revolution is going to work the revolution color revolutions didn't work in iran they didn't work in thailand i don't think my barracks going to go i think he's going to sit perhaps improve conditions for the people and eventually it will peter out they may get a million people in the streets tomorrow but there's still something like seventy nine billion are sitting at home and i think they were in order and they want improved conditions in any case the grievances are justified but i feel that. the grievances are being exploited by global similar to consolidate their power in egypt the u.s. has been publicly supporting hosni mubarak. the diplomatic cables that we saw field by wiki leaks recently tell a very different story thought america's religion the hair i think their real agenda is to really move barak and put in someone they can control like el baradei
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and the and the protestations of support for mubarak are basically window dressing and that applies to israel as well i think. there is a freemason and design a surfie masons and the people who run the united states through minority are freemasons and essentially this is about solid in the masonic new world order. many thanks for those thoughts on what we're seeing in egypt at that maybe that was henry makow author and blogger speaking to us that. three million frustrated ukrainians living in the capital kiev are looking for just one man and mystery surrounding their missing meth eccentric child in a very deep in the thousands from public life and his ethic that month even the prime minister has demanded to know his whereabouts r.t. that if the irish asking investigates the disappearance of the fish he changed.
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many here for agree that over the past six months ukraine's capital has become a better place to live in but locals are bewildered as to who should take the credit as the man in charge of the city has gone missing. the mayor. definitely. in five years as city's top dog and each and maybe he has been a journalist delight from singing at a press conference. taking a dive in front of cameras to prove he was mentally sane the eccentricity of key of smear earned him the nickname spaceman and when locals yes i am a spaceman absolutely true if he had gone to space it might at least explain the ministry of where he actually is that's because the last time should not be askew was seen in public was almost six months ago it is troubling not just ordinary
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citizens but those at the very top as well. as the authorities define to novitsky in tell him that the people of kiev miss him and want him to return to work. after an avalanche of criticism was dumped on gives mayor following a devastating winter in two thousand and nine the city's snow clearing gear was overhauled by the government should have kept you s'posed but the real man running affairs is thought to be the city hall of ministration boss alexandre popof he is giving nothing away about the mystery may. villa looks deserted only his mother in law was captured by our camera security guards say they have not seen its principal resident for quite a while but. i saw him last year six months ago. even his work. has been.
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this whether it is from a luxury. resort in france or italy or somewhere else the location of where exactly and each immediate skew runs the city from remains unclear but with the prime minister inquiring for his whereabouts the long vacation could soon be cut short for gives me your looks your share of ski r.t. reporting from key of ukraine or there's always more news views and videos on our website r.t. dot com here's just some of what's waiting for you online and there's the down off economic forum has wrapped up in switzerland and you can get a detailed analysis of all will be outcomes online plus. a russian space rated successfully delivers its cargo to the international space station with a special message for check out our website to find out what it is. that bellows president has been barred from traveling to the european union eve foreign ministers have agreed upon sanctions against alexander because franco in
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response to a crackdown on protests started last month's presidential election hundreds of people were detained during a rally against the vote which the opposition and european monitors say was rigged one hundred sixty other battery's politicians have had their bank accounts frozen along with a visa ban as part of the european sanctions washington has also extended its list of better reasons officials barred from visiting the u.s. mint has already pledged an adequate response to the mission. following the recent shooting of congresswoman gabrielle giffords americans are once again torn over their right to bear arms critics say although a part of the constitution gun ownership has become an obsession in a country with almost as many private weapons and people are he's on mr reports. unlike many other countries in the united states guns can be found everywhere from retail stores this particular want to stand out springfield eckstein forty five two
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rallies it's a river ten twenty two it's easy eighty two are you to the hands of politicians running for office tommy dorsey and john mcmillan because he gives a rip about alabama and auburn are not care to new codes or criminal if they do charge so many readily cite the country's second amendment that allows for this right to bear arms the vast majority of level headed americans was a constitutional right and as such they probably don't have a problem with it. but with a population of three hundred seven million people and roughly three hundred million firearms owned by civilians in the united states what's a constitutional right is now feared by some to become an obsession in the twenty first century. thing that people do in the urban areas the machine guns and the forty seven and so on is preposterous an obsession that can't be ignored
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considering recent acts of gun violence and the ease of access to firearms so in the united states for the average citizen like myself to purchase a gun i need to go through a background check with the federal government looking for anything from criminal history to mental illness and if i pass that you get anything from a handgun like you see here to a semiautomatic weapon which these are over here and even an automatic weapon like a machine gun that you flew there. semi automatic weapons like those you see here in the catskill mountains of new york. were jewish americans argued their firing off their second amendment rights to guard against the threat of terrorism we need to express those rights we need to own weapons we need to protect ourselves handguns like you see on the hips of store owners from just near the nation's. capital. to move to a southern town where gun ownership is actually mandatory in the south a gun is just part of the household just like armor isn't
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a tool box. a tool a sporting good a means of self-defense or murder however you describe it gun owners say it's more than a firearm it's a symbol central to american culture and identity don't inform the minutemen stemming from our revolution. to cowboys to any of that kind of thing i mean the gun is actually a centerpiece of american history. a piece of history that critics say continues to warn the country what is the percentage of people in the short side who are which way is there but those that go maybe five ten percent where did this five of ten percent is a believe harm that can be very dangerous for the social peace of the nation. lauren lyster r.t. chamber no washington d.c. . a free speech activist he's been on trial in denmark eva critical remarks he made about islam has been acquitted law's the head of god the president of the danish
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a free press in size he could have faced up to two years in prison if found guilty they out to visit was prosecuted else to his comments about domestic violence within the islamic family culture although he later admitted his claims that weren't aimed at the entire muslim population danish forty's refused to drop the case ahead of the verdict r.t. managed to speak to a large hedegaard he told us the problems created by multiculturalism in europe can only be solved by speaking openly about. it seems to these days that anyone who stands up against. the ruling ideology is chocolate which. stands to be dragged in front of a can of course the policies for you actually i'm a free speech which i don't have the solutions to true to this problem created
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by our politicians i can only say one thing the correct procedure for even being able to solve the problems is that we mean change free speech because without free speech there is not a chance in hell but we could ever solve any problems in the country. what do you hear more and what laws have to guard house to say in around fifteen minutes time here on t.v. ok let's get a quick check now and some other international headlines this hour and the. second in command to pol pot and two other c'mere rouge leaders have appeared in court in cambodia over the defendant's lawyers called for their immediate release as they've been held in pretrial detention by the un back to court since two thousand and seven the three men and another senior figure face charges of genocide for their role in the deaths of around two million cambodians between one hundred seventy five and nine hundred seventy nine. a senior police official and for our
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offenses have been they killed in two terror attacks in the pakistani city of peshawar local officials say a teenager blew himself up inside a police van carrying the deputy police superintendent to police the more the dozen balls they did by the blast in a separate attack one police officer was killed by an explosive device detonated near his vehicle no group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack. solon's reportedly rejected pyongyang's proposal to move peace talks forward according to south korean news agencies north korea had called for defense talks with the cells to be held tuesday two weeks earlier than planned last week seoul agreed to take part in the go see a sions in a step towards easing tensions on the peninsula relations between the two countries are at their lowest for decades following
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a skirmish between the neighbors and the south used to games near the maritime border. a sign glowed needles daily is flood ravaged state of queensland on monday morning but caused only by may damage the storm are rooted trees knocked down power lines no injuries were reported the country's bureau of meteorology registered winds reaching one hundred thirty kilometers per hour attention has now shifted to a larger cycling gathering strength in the pacific that forecasters expect state australia on thursday. now our exclusive interview with the danish of free speech as long as head of god is on his way in less than five minutes time first though sharon is here with his business dealings. welcome to our business program i'm sure on a qian qichen k.b.p.s. russian shareholders have decided not to approve
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a one point eight billion dollars dividend for the fourth quarter of two thousand and ten this comes after an extraordinary board meeting of the a.r. consortium which owns half of the joint venture with b.p. our chief correspondent sara firth has the details of this of course we go to b.p. and they were hoping to use some of that money to stave off because things go well now this is the latest twist in the between the russians and b.p. of the very claim of the b.p. breach the terms of their contract with. the right to. the very contract any new activities that b.p. has to be run three the russian shareholders that despite that wasn't b.p. signed that deal with ross that now we know the consortium of boys taken to the high court decision is going to be made tomorrow whether they'll be able to get an injunction to block that they are going. analysts say however that a consortium is not likely to block the disputed deal the main.
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russian stock holders of ten could be is not to still be because this is the extremely important for russia and i'm sure the people as you say. don't want route to stop for them to feel that is when. the russians. have some small benefits and other questions that come to the problem or for example deal with the problem of. and brant crude has had a one hundred dollars per barrel mark for the first time since two thousand and eight on worries of growing instability in egypt on monday moody's rating agency changed the country's outlook from stable to negative in the second downgrade since mass protests. erupted last week the egyptian economy is relatively small but it's home to the suez canal a key shipping route for oil over the weekend a dusk to dawn curfew across egypt brought on warnings of potential delays to
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shippers in the canal however so far traffic has continued unhindered despite the protests. and the under arrest in egypt started to unsettle markets in the wider sphere as russia also showed signs of strain the r.t.s. and my sex closed down on the day as they tracked global losses. rising oil prices did not push russian energy shares higher as oil and gas companies still led the drop off of my sex they're all cynical was the biggest loser in the sack turned out over two and three quarter percent banking shares were also in the red with spare bank down half a percent while the t.v. fell under two percent all because of the t.v. capital highlights the main factors weighing on the russian stocks. continue to tensions in the middle east which can see you know the weekend also drove the markets a bit lower. the russian in this is. a couple percent with neural cynical
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com. for the full story we've got it first the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. more news today. fleda if you think these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations are today. the official antti up location on the phone the i pod touch from the to. life on the go.
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