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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2011 2:30am-3:00am EST

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you permit. him to go twenty two. for him. to. welcome back you with a look at the top stories egypt's army says it will not fire on the thousands of protesters demanding president hosni mubarak step down but there are fears the man can take to leave the uprising will seek to align egypt with washington suggest that the former head of the un's nuclear watchdog mohamed el baradei hasn't even been in egypt for decades. the western media covers the riots in egypt as a democratic storm twisting the story and other similar events to suit their own two experts say the mainstream views played by double standards which are all about
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politics rather than actually reporting. and eight years since the birth of boris yeltsin the legacy of russia's first president is remembered across the country and you want to mentor in the late leader's home city is just part of today's commemorations. the president of the danish free press society has been acquitted after standing trial in denmark over racism charges lara's had guards faced prosecution for criticism criticizing islam and ahead of his acquittal r.t. managed to catch up with hedegaard to talk about his views on immigration and multiculturalism and your. your organization defends freedom of speech your site details attempts to curtail speech freedoms particular related to multicultural policies would you prefer there be no immigration to the e.u. . no that's not what we're about we have we have no position on immigration as
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such. we simply insist on our ranch to describe the problems associated with for example immigration so we know position on that you've been a supporter of kurt westergaard since his publication the publication i should say of his depiction of mohammed caused a global scandal what effect in publishing such cartoons have on media censorship in europe i don't know if it's had any effect i think it's clarified to watch that the issue is. it has made those who are in favor of free speech more vigilant determined to protect it and it's made the the furrows of free speech move to germany which will crush it so i think it is it has heightened the conflicts between various forces in europe could you just clarify
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what you mean by those forces what are those two forces well we have a sizeable number of people in the country that are for multiculturalism and. it but particularly in the what i would call the ruling class of the country. it is determined that a future belongs to perhaps not so democracies knew it but to some alien power but they want to protect. so and it has to do with course with. the lack of a lack of support for all of the traditional cultural. way of life all they would choose on democracy in the west. they think we are doomed they don't think it's worth defending they keep blaming the west for kinds of illnesses in the world and problems nothing happens in the world without it being our fault so there is
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perhaps a. i don't know perhaps a third of the population would too would tend to think that way. i think a majority is still in favor of our way of life our democracy equality between the sexes free speech etc freedom in short so so these are all the forces that are. against each other now after fighting it out unfortunately most of the press. it's on the side of the enemies of freedom i would say why would the european press react that way well you have to to you have to remember that. nine out of ten journalists in the country come from the same schools have the same ideology journalists in my country are also very well paid. probably better paid than for example university professors and other people it's
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a very lucrative job to be a journalist they practically all think the same modest will be a political party being a journalist in this country is not really a profession it's more a political persuasion and an ideology so. we have very few journalists and very few. media. mainstream media that brits would really take on the fight for free speech so many people associate europe with liberal values with freedom of speech your website though depicts pressure details i should say pressure of critics of radical islam and how they've been pressured by authorities to curb what they want to say about it but you did tell some of these cases well we have highlighted for example the case of villages as you mentioned we have very much highlighted the case of code westacott. the
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swedish artist was vilks recently the case of elizabeth seventy should voles from austria. and if you take all these cases together you can see that regardless of what you think of each individual's positions or politics they all have this uncommon that they are not largest in fact hated by the. the ruling media and the ruling class the politically correct class it seems to these days that anyone who stands up against. the ruling ideology is targeted. stands to be dragged in front of a of course and why do you think the authorities are so focused on curtailing speech freedoms i think for the reason that the policies have failed and failed
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utterly for thirty to forty years we have been told. by our leaders and practically all put all of all politicians and political parties that it's unlimited immigration is really a good thing for the country it is a good thing for for denmark to have for example a sizeable minority of muslims in the country we now have a lot of course a million four to five percent of the population. even though. most of these immigrants muslim immigrants have refused to integrate into our society become part of us. we've constantly been sold that this is an enrichment of the country. problems do not really exist problems only exist to the extent that people say there is a problem. so in other words they want to they want to silence critics because
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they think or claim at least that if they could shut up some people like me or some of the other people i mentioned or. many others in the country problems would go away it's if you cannot solve the problem then at least you can silence those who say the risible i would say most people most immigrants integrate wonderfully in this country we have no problems with say russians of people from vietnam or from china or from india or from sri lanka or most of these people will. create absolutely no problem they are indeed an enrichment when there are other people who are not what is the problem i'm i'm a free speech advocates i don't have the solutions suit suit to have this problem created by our politicians i can only say one thing which is that the prerequisites for even being able to solve the problems is that we maintain
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free speech and protect free speech because without free speech there is not a chance in hell that we could ever solve any problems in the country and you claim that the media elites willfully ignore the ever increasing problem of immigration yet german chancellor angela merkel it was reported all over the world stated that multicultural policies in germany had failed yes and what to do about it then when she also came out and condemned to who published the book about the. but there's aleutian of of germany and he was then widely criticized and condemned as a matter of fact. i'm going to merkel came out and said she would never read the book she condemned the book and hadn't read it i think that is a very typical reaction. but of course you're right the fact that she even
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would even come out and say multiculturalism is failed of course is an indication that things are not going as smoothly as she would have liked but she still. is she and others would still need to do so the population what are we going to do about this problem how would you characterize the influence of brussels on the media reporting on immigration policies it's absolutely crucial. you know the e.u. passed a so-called framework decision in november two thousand and eight that actually require. the member states to pass laws such as the one i'm indicted on you have to criminalize so-called hate speech racists and whatnot and each individual country member state has to introduce laws that will guarantee that offenders against this rather paragraph article will get
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between the one three years in jail. it also this framework this is also a process to sue to introduce laws penalizing so-called holocaust denial of course i'm a historian i know very well the holocaust took place. but i think such laws are. penalizing criminalizing idiots. are very very detrimental to any kind of free debate because where is it and what is the next thing that has to be determined in court for example who was responsible for the outbreak of the first world war where you could say was russia it was england of france all austria austria hungary or the system as such i mean are we then in a few years going to have to have it having to go to court to determine how to
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settle historical questions who was responsible for starting. it was at the post of excess them was said lennon was it himself or somebody else i mean these things have to be discussed openly in a fair public debates it's not a question for courts to decide thank you very much for your time. this is not a theatrical sit. this is a real correctional facility. is there any cultural life behind all this. could transform a criminal into a citizen. and. really revolutionized the penitentiary system.
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prison. the more people we kill to have officers were it got to be like a game like to see you get killed the most people and the different ways you could prove maybe peace killed would be like hey you know here's someone's ears you know where they have the most years they will get the most fierce in-tray you should be reduced overnight you women children in five men around the circle over know on full automatic sixty. shooting and raped by six or seven people from her family. most of them going to.
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brighton. from phones. for. special coverage. available in. central. to the beach. you.
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can see. the thousands of. man. the former head of the nuclear watchdog. democratic storm twisting the story. all about politics rather than actually reporting. the country. part of today's commemoration.
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was we had lines here in our time now for a sports update when the. hello and welcome you're watching this board headlines. last minute transposed another tourist leaves a little hole for chelsea wholesome sign been taken to founder david lewis. green bay packers arrive in dallas for preparations i had on this sunday's super bowl forty five. and also on the break here in angola. a narrow window of a shell of gas sending to jasmine's losing streak in the amby. and was thought with another tourist officially moved to chelsea from liverpool on the final day of the january transfer window and one of our more which is club breaking the british
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transfer record paying fifty eight million pounds for the strike on the twenty six year old signing a five and a hall with a blue is doris wong. up around the two thousand and eight european championships with spain has spanned three to haul he has a little pull off to joining from us let's go madrid scoring eighty one goals in one hadn't been for matches chelsea also brought team benfica defender david lewis for every pull to twenty five million pounds. to plug the gap left by the tourists was moved by signing to strike as heroes while lewis suarez from explore every twenty three million pounds and newcastle's andy carroll wealthy cool. someone else in this with. we support to. this money. if you want to bring someone else in.
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the last minute. jell saber clash later today as they take on sunderland looking for a band. to fade to the blackouts a few months ago sunderland strengthened by their own signings are aiming to repeat that result on home soil now although manager is going to be a very different game i see chelsea gets bonus we can it was chose he again of old of the team that we all know this need to show you how difficult this league is to make chelsea can go on a barren run. everywhere you look or there could still quality i still think they'll finish the season strongly certainly the evidence was seen at both the we could go who are terrific away from or who are big and strong resilient and of course that could some wonderfully gifted footballers so we'll have to play it we're best like we did a few weeks ago down in stamford bridge but this is the game where we've enjoyed
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and enjoyed the challenge of it. moving stateside now and the state was arrived in dallas monday night for the super bowl clash with the packers and the cowboys stadium on sunday. and to the forty fifth edition of the super bowl underdogs following in the same however the fans are played in three of the ball six super bowls and feel confident in their quest for a seventh lombardi trophy the steelers finished the season with a twelve to four record and are now facing the league's second to found steyn second only to themselves. i think the part about this is it's two storied franchise and. i think the fans will really enjoy it it's going to be crazy because all place will be yellow because of both teams. this is going to be an execution oriented game the team that executes better is got a better chance to win so we're going to show up at us with a battle with that and do it with with the nine leaks were executed out of. green
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bay also arrived in dallas later on monday for what will be that fast super bowl appearance in foot see me as the packers however are downplaying. the game will be won between the lines on sunday. their super bowl experience to their advantage is is today through through sunday so that's why we spent the extra time. going through exactly every single day as a football team every morning seven forty five and make sure we're crystal clear on what's expected of us because the preparation is the prize that's what we're after we want to be the most prepared football team we understand they've been through it that isn't a bad but you know we feel we do a very good job preparing our. meanwhile a selection of the n.f.l.'s brightest and best of once again done battle in hawaii in the any old pro bowl all-star game the n.f.c. getting the better of their conference opponents over the weekend
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a massive total of thirteen times down to kicks entertaining the crowd the second highest point total in history bickel rainstorm cleared up right before the game just in time for the d'angelo hall's show the rescuers quarterback or an eventual pro bowl m.v.p. honors the a i've seen fought hard to overcome a massive forty two point deficit in january's mercedez and that is showing why he is a luxury for any back to have but fifty five forty one was how we dressed up in the bragging rights with the national football conference. on the n.b.a. hardwood andre cure nando and the utah jazz handed the shell of bob as their second straight defeat on monday forty seven starting for you to have put an end to this six game losing streak with a victory jasmyn to open the fast and then the second half with an eleven zero run
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by the bag both times led by stephen jackson and d.g. also stand however jackson's game by twenty four points wasn't enough to held onto their slim lead off and gerald wallace missed a three pointer that would have tied for charlotte and you to read an eighty three to seventy eight picture in front of the ground in salt lake city. now the top of the mountain in women's tennis is now represented by the most diverse group of athletes the w.t. rankings town players from town different countries for the first time with russia's there doesn't matter what behind belgium kim clijsters is looking up to date caroline wozniacki at the summits italian francesca schiavone handle strelley and samantha stossel clear the top five in the new chart on the old on monday they still got. you have to close on the three leading players though then as williams has slipped one spot in the rankings to six then american is followed white's wednesday eleven australian open runner up china. holding steady in eighth
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place. and. leave group world wide fourth warry as. rafael a doll remains the player to catch in men's tennis the spaniard who won three majors in twenty eight sounds so it's a huge four thousand four hundred and twenty five points in front of roger federer two thousand and eleven australian open win a noble djokovic is gaining on the federer express with eighty five points all that separates second spot roman soldier named and runner up and around the. there are no russians in their list still ranked player in the eleventh. some sports news now and with its winds eleven formula one season due to keep golf on march the seventeenth february is high time for more despoiled aficionados to catch a glimpse of the vehicles that will line the grid this year or is distinctly lasso
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the trademark yellow for the race of build by lotus really nor this season are things he wants color scheme paying almost to the legendary lotus brand with black and gold aplenty dr oz and delhi patrol finished eighth and thirteenth respectively for him nor will be hoping for a smoother ride this season i mean mounting expectations but you also became the first russian to ever compete in the sport sounds and feels more settled now that the his future in the top echelon is more secure. of two years where you can see. those. and another vehicle was unveiled in spain ahead of the longest out of a twenty race season. seen thinks he's seeing the light of day ahead of the scheduled testing set to begin on tuesday so you know paris becomes the fast mexicans race in formula one in three decades and some growing pains similar to.
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stablemates it come way kobayashi will be standing on a softball game pain in the meantime seeking to improve on his twelfth place finish from last year. and finally figure skating disputed start over the ball's decade gainey has announced he's seeking a return to the ais this yeah but last drive to compete competitive only for taking part in the private kings of lies and in march last year the twenty eight year old olympic gold medalist and failed to receive permission from the international skating union for that appearance has now sent a letter to the russian figure skating federation all skating their help in getting out of suspension. and they are believed to have responded favorably the russian is aiming to be back in time for the upcoming season in july with the overall objective world winning gold at the social impacts in the twenty fourteenth.
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