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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST

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egypt's army says it will not fire on the thousands of protesters demanding president hosni mubarak step down but their fear is the man can take to the uprising will seek to align egypt with washington's agenda. the western media covers the rise in egypt as a democratic storm twisting the story and other similar events to suit their own two experts say the mainstream view is plagued by double standards. eighty years since the birth of boris yeltsin the legacy of russia's first president is remembered for the country join me next on a boy in a few moments. eleven
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am in the russian capital you're watching our joshua welcome to the program and we start with cairo where a mass rally has been promised by protesters demanding the country's president step down close to a million are expected to fill the streets and fresh demonstrations against the government so far more than a hundred and fifty people have been killed and thousands injured since protests began over a week ago and many protesters claim the u.s. help to stabilize their country to may have more of the pan in on them mohamed el baradei who is the ex chief of the international atomic energy agency has been put forth to replace incumbent president hosni mubarak even though egyptians want regime change they're not sure whether this candidate will serve in their best interest or those of the u.s. are his policy or has been finding out what the public doesn't fully trust him. in kind of dark. and scary we we gather every day like
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seven thirty. we say ok who liked to do the first shift and who would like to do the second and so on some people are armed you know mohammed and his neighbors take turns protecting their property. by day their professionals by night street guards groups of armed gangs are on the prowl and ordinary citizens have to rely on themselves for protection they've collected what they can kitchen knives bathroom sticks poles rods anything they can get their hands on to keep their home safe. and with security at an all time low the leader who's come forward to replace hosni mubarak is offering precious little to make each option feel safer. a belated attempt at getting in on this opposition movement well it may be too late he's part of the international crisis group a murky elite group with close ties to western interests i think of the media of
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war two different lines as the people of egypt are shown such courage in the face of such us backed terror that has occurred in egypt for the past thirty years i'm not sure mohamed el baradei really stands much of chance as a senior analyst to say washington has yet to officially declare support for the former international atomic energy agency chief but he's someone they recognize as do other foreign powers prompting some to believe president obama's allegiance is now divided between the current president and the would be challenger. and there is no difference between barak and el baradei america supports both of them and the american media has built up america egyptians don't like it he's lived in europe and united states and hasn't even been here for thirty years. and he came back and called for a regime change prompting critics to point out that he was absent for most of us in this budget but every. day lived in america we don't want him he was using carrier
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and other strange things and telling us it was bread. and a little bit of a we didn't choose borrowed line which was only for a short period of change it's only temporary. he's much better known on the international stage than in his own backyard and has yet to be recognized by the eighty million egyptians he hopes to whom the good and the egyptians need national leaders not american populace with american agendas if people support el baradei it's only because they hate on barak. which is why amidst the chaos egypt and find themselves turning to each other for protection and reassurance policy r.t. . and washington has been financially supporting the country for years and is heavily invested in its political agenda but when it comes to openly supporting the incumbent president or his suggested replacement some say washington is playing on both fields to avoid losing out. right now we see being promoted by
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a number of important actors including important actors in the united states like freedom house that has been sort of tisha sleep funding resistance groups in egypt however it is somebody who's been out of egypt for years he's somebody who promotes neo liberal reforms the same kind of that have caused the of an economic devastation in egypt and who doesn't have a real lot of credence within you know broadly within egypt and hasn't been involved in any of the democratic mobilization the muslim brotherhood has a base but certainly not the kind of base that would give it a win in the election the bush administration or the obama administration they've been supporting the mubarak regime for thirty years so the tune of one point five billion dollars a year. more money than any other country in the world except for israel which is the top recipient and what they're doing is supporting a military dictatorship and they're doing that enthusiastically so this rhetoric about democracy is a complete farce that said there's no chance the muslim brotherhood movement election you know the difficulty for the united states is that mubarak is what is
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really the key that they see has been holding israel and place and as such mubarak and his regime have been complicit in oppressing the palestinian people as well while the u.s. is taking its bets the u.s. has a tendency to fund both the both the those in power and the opposition because that way either way it wins there is a recognition on the part of the state department that there is great discontent in egypt that there are that there have been riots there that there's the potential for the overthrow of this dictator who they've kept in power for thirty years recognizing that it's important to the state department to make sure that whoever is going to come and take his place will also be an ally of the united states and i was in her apology professor again pyne explaining washington's position on egypt's uprising there will stay with the country were the blood scenes witnessed have been dominating headlines across the world and the protests and the violence have become a media sensation but as artie's an associate you're going to has been finding out
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some western countries choose to portray events in a manner that suits their own political agenda. riots and outrage have the same thieves no matter where on the world map they take place. or the middle east if you're britain or egypt when people do this. the world should know it's time to listen to what they have to say although the scale of events doesn't compare the anger does it is that a leadership deaf to the needs and desires of its people what we're seeing play out in tunisia egypt and other countries is no different than what we saw in in greece and what we've seen in italy and what we've seen in the u.k. are violent at least what is different is how the media choose to approach their cause bridge depending on what country has its streets in chaos you look at the double standard if you burn a bank in greece you're a villain if you burn the party headquarters in cairo you're a hero if you're not a mockery of course when recently tens of thousands of protesters took to the
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streets of britain in reaction to to wish an hikes in an economy that was dwindling the u.s. media downplayed what was happening so stressing the young age factor the youth in britain are very disappointed and spinning the bad kids at play aspects now the smashing of the windows a fire extinguisher getting thrown at a police person as well as underscoring the criminality of what was happening violent criminals who will join in the action for the sake of having a cause to adopt or just a crowd to join and vent some anger focusing on the unfortunate occurrences with charles and camilla. what we know about charles and camilla they're fine right a window was smashed it was splashed the car kicked not to mention on any channel the symbolism of attacking the king in waiting seen by many of the british as a remnant of a deeply unfair class systems because just under reporting of substance by the u.s. media have been a way to make sure the message from britain that the common people are not prepared
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to pay for the quality of the ruling elite did not release too close to home. meanwhile as the streets of egypt there were probably in care are not stopping people us media has been portraying these events as a struggle of the disenfranchised masses and stressing the need for the egyptian leadership to address the grievances of the population all of those values that we take so seriously here haven't really existed in that part of the world less attention has been drawn to u.s. support of this leadership united states taxpayers of billions of dollars over the past thirty years some media also threw in wishful thinking it could go all the way from tunisia to obama unlike britain egypt is a country seen as too different to reflect on the us speaking of the people's will and the need for responsive government may therefore be less scary information is a word that seems to be long forgotten by the mainstream american media instead what you will some been receiving are opinions from people far away from events on
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the ground but close to a political agenda that actuates depending on what kind of impact occurring world events can have on america just as in turkey i t v r. i t live from moscow coming up on the program kidnapped by the system a russian woman fights to feed her daughters from stories have allegedly with the girls away without warning r t investigates the cakes. and rushes marking the eightieth birthday of the man who took perestroika to its limits and introduce democracy following the collapse of a soviet union as remember most for his sweeping reforms and free market aspirations but four years after his death the legacy of the first president of russia still divides many parties accountable reports from his home city. the main event is the opening day and availing of the a monument a wide marble all bill is that you can see behind me but in addition to that
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a lot of advance a planned across the country of iraq concerts will take place here and he may put in more of a series of photo exhibit. a tennis tournament for children tennis was of course the favorites for the more sales and but this isn't your office is of course this is the. formerly known as and last the hometown of boris yeltsin president of a there phrased russia's first president for his courage in staring the country towards democracy. is a part of our first president was a very difficult every single citizen of our country realizes this today the first president always has his work cut out for him he needs to change the entire political system and this was the fate that befell boris yeltsin we must admit that he was up to the time and stood his ground honorably in the modern but not perfect country we live in today he was created thanks to boris yeltsin and everyone who helped him build the foundations of
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a new nation boris yeltsin has always been and remains a harley polarizing figure in the russian society he's generally credited for bringing democracy to russia both of his successors thought emir putin and mentor medvedev commanded him for making the russian democracy irreversible he was also overseeing a major transition of the world's largest command economy into a free market one but all those reforms came at a very high price for the russian society and were hard on many people in russia in almost a decade that he was in power in russia external dad increased by sixty percent russia suicide rate increased by seventy percent and for many people it was indeed a very very hard transition they blamed him for not preventing the collapse of the soviet union and. for not softening the blow for the majority of russians but as the time goes by most trust a growing a bit more sympathetic was said by by
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a widow and doris and. all of them are present at the ceremony today now to these bodies if you really heartbreaking and really it's hard. to syrian security you could to a got married a year after graduation and they stayed together for more than the fifteen years that name. was moved to tears to see his morning well that. he still greatly missed on this day he never doubted he would live to celebrate his hundredth birthday but instead his widow has to fight back tears while opening an exhibition time to what have been his eightieth jubilee in nearly four years since boris yeltsin's death the agony of loss has given way to quiet remembrance when he really liked family gatherings birthdays we usually celebrated with. most of these
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photos show yeltsin in his early years in power when he had the backing of almost the entire country when voicing your political position was still an act of noble to encourage and one hopes of a different life in a better country are still untainted by the harsh reality the war in chechnya and himself admitted it was a mistake the banking crisis that with cripple the already population of the east would come later and some argue when fairly obscure all the good that yeltsin had done. any fuel are just better proceed through the distance especially in history. more time and trouble to give way to serious analysis would it take ten it figures and really. diminish your chance. the service he's had of protocol for more than eight years and of all the yeltsin explosive character and unpredictable temperament often contravene the dry rules of diplomatic engagement but diminished
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he had never had a better boss. never thwarted a single event and he was never a legend emotionally he could be absolutely unpredictable and do what no one expected him to do like his famous conducting of an orchestra for example and again . he turned. it was the only one who was objecting. all the other people around him were applauding. he was illustrating to power of the great hopes of the people who left office full of regrets for not fulfilling all of down because only after yeltsin passed away the country can start to design in his legacy in all the complexity yeltsin seventieth birthday we're celebrating the past two or accolades one day calculator even those who criticized him very harshly and growing a bit more gracious investment of character and policies because even they have come to realize that with all his ups and downs yeltsin was the very epitome of
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russia of the ninety nine to actually work of art scene moscow. volatile more on the legacy of the late president i'm now joined by get involved deputy director of the yeltsin foundation again thanks very much for being here with us in the program first off what's the historical impact of boris yeltsin's time in power on russia's role in the world. boris yeltsin a great leader and to his impact on russian history was tremendous first of all he managed to demolish. the system which represent the. threat for both. world second has saved. the national catastrophe. which was caused by the communists through and. he actually delayed the cornerstones of civil society free market economy and rule
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of law in russia. on the spot of the positive things and he's mentioned that here he has done and during his time in office his reforms were called heavily criticized throughout his rule and even now dissing boris yeltsin could have made the transition period for many russians smoother than it would have been. yeltsin inherited the. difficult legacy he had to act with full resolve. that they came to unpopular decisions in fact many of his decisions to. buy but they managed to save the country of course we can now discuss. the whether or yeltsin was right or not in taking some decisions but the history has no subjective mood he acted and with the old courage and with old his old and actually there now many
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people in russia i'm just stunned that there was no other way and the russians success both economic and political if the presidency. just missed the boat and missed the madrid has its bases in the political legacy of many things which we enjoy now will cost. actually prepared to buy you. well it anymore is he also in there will be known for many generations to come is a man who fully opened the door to washington but some say he allowed the u.s. to interfere in russia's affairs too much what's your assessment. i think that. has. rejected the legacy of the cold war. american the russian relationship was based on this zero zero sum game which meant that what is good for
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russia union was meant to be bad for america and why some of what was good for the united states was interpreted as bad for russia established. relationship with washington. post old friendship with an american president bill clinton and he made russia. as civilized a commonwealth a ball of the of civilized international community establishing a new kind of partnership and friendship with the united states by getting a man or is he also the time he first became president in nine hundred ninety one so what was your impression of him as a leader and as a person. i was lucky to interpret for yeltsin at an important meeting with the foreign mission in early december one thousand nine
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hundred ninety one when they collapse of the soviet union the was inevitable and many people felt that catastrophe in the country good be inevitable two in the atmosphere yeltsin minister stated courage result and intuition here was a realistic competent leader. of the broad specs he really had a vision of the new russia and he had the vision of the new international relations and. a demonstrated that he is a bit is as and national leader and leader of. international scale here. full of results. garbage ok manage to succeed when you get a thanks very much indeed for sharing your views with us here in the program on president boris yeltsin i was deputy director of the elton foundation again.
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watching our team coming to life from moscow to other stories now human rights activists are accusing swish authorities of separating innocent families for monitoring games they say children are being put into foster care without evidence of any wrongdoing at home and as it is an isa now we reports swedish law does little to help the parents get their loved ones back. christmas gifts never given so coverage it's of my children are in someone else's hands stone and i don't know what's happening with them or how they're being treated it's been over a month since natalia russian citizen living in sweden has seen her twin girls wash and family a mother's worst nightmare their children taken from where they're supposed to be most safe and not by kidnappers or child abusers but by the swedish government but
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are used when girls were taken out of their music lessons at this school without any warning and for an entire week she had no idea where her daughters were until she received documents from social services full of what she says are false statements about the family's life the complaints filed against an attorney a claim she and the girls are psychologically troubled and could be enough to send her daughters into foster care for good under swedish law without sufficient proof that it is considered legal because of the law or. the protection law it's a protection for the children so it means that even if there is a flight thus to risk even if there is no evidence sort of there is there is no witnesses there are third nothing but there is. a risk of something happening sort of. then the law sort of the social workers within the law are able. to take the child into. sort of their to the social office. take
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take them away from the family attorney has been advised by human rights activists that this is only part of a much bigger welfare system in the car cases where that you will have been where social services have paid ten thousand swedish. that's about five hundred new good thirty one. hour she was unable to get a comment on the time is case from swedish social services who cited a privacy policy i knew about this deal they doand only steal children but money apartments property and children are human goods to them in the course we just language skills a lawyer appointed by social services and little money natalia has been told the chances of getting her grades back are slim and that they are most likely now with a swedish family antonia should be protected by international laws and conventions
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but loopholes in the swedish system allow cases like this to go unnoticed through consensus country. and people are more. prone. through speak up against the consensus so it's very quiet in this way and the consensus is. the consensus is that the state is always right and reservoir jacobson burke is persona non grata here in sweden for his outspoken views on the system he says social services can take children away using their own criteria i working together with doctors psychologists employers all wrapped up in a big business say you have six foster children well you make a fortune for not only tell you can do is wait for a hearing on her case which is so far been postponed several times doing a resting and what's of their birthdays coming up with well my children be one of
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the already missed a christmas and will miss turning thirteen this week at home with their mother who sweden has just signed it is at least for now not going to be their mom and he said no way r t stockholm. now we're back with a recap of our top stories at half past the hour but before that will bring you the business news with you and just a few moments. hello and a very warm welcome to the business up days and. the feud surrounding the. b.p.
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deal may soon be over the london high court is set to decide whether or not to block the please assets what with the russian oil giant snapped the russian owners will be filed a complaint seeking to stop the deal on the grounds that it violates the team p b p shareholder cream and. russian shareholders also decided not to approve a one point eight billion dollars dividend for the fourth quarter with twenty ten half of which would have gone to the team last month a british company and roles may have to create to form a joint venture for all exploration which may potentially contain billions of barrels of oil and gas and take a cross shareholding and the say how well that the disputed deal is unlikely to be locked. the main. or. russians are holders of ten good pieces not to stop this deal because this is the extremely important for russia and i am sure that such people as you stop. don't want ruthless stop spreading
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for them all that is why in this case. the russian stockholders of think i believe in my billions have some small benefits and other questions that go into the problem or for example deal with the problem of. let's not see how the markets are faring that sour and both the nikkei overhang signing up trading in the black metal gaining pushing stocks higher a strong us consumer spending data and surgery commodities prices overcoming concerns the turmoil in egypt well as collate as a gaining as opposed to type profits will cost. and in russia the r.g.s. in the my. six top posting strong gains traction from the beach investor mood globally indices are gaining ground after monday's losses strongly that the correction on the markets was apparently short term. that's how you look at those
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stocks rising oil prices pushing energy shares higher gas from local and draw sniffed are seeing approximately the same gains edging on every one percent mining shares are also posting gains severus starlet's climbing one point three percent nickel is one point five percent high on high and nickel prices after monday's we were some of the banking sector is also higher than the market was. a point nine percent. that's what's happening to the price of oil and branch current price has retreated after hitting a two year record of one hundred dollars a barrel on monday fueled by growing instability in egypt and this link the prize draw with china's industrial course slow you to five month signaling demand may not rise asked quickly in the world's second largest world views are. present about it has five head of the united aircraft corporation for willing to seek innovation
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full of meeting on motion is ation a presidential aide said the bosses of some other state owned companies may follow he also said companies should appoint bice presidents including specialists from abroad to burst possible for innovation. we don't some other companies will be thoroughly analyzed in order to take additional measures if needed so what the timeframe for adopting innovation for granted is quite tough with the president stressed that if the companies fail to meet the deadline the consequences will be harsh all the way up to dismissals with most money. ok that's your business update join us in time for more business news.


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