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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST

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progress in egypt is gathering momentum as hundreds of thousands of people converged on this capital cairo and the latest attempt to force president mubarak to step down. history is in the making that's the rallying call on egypt street join the movement. a day of tribute to one of russia's most controversial leaders. in the eightieth anniversary of his birth the country remembers the late former president boris yeltsin more details just ahead. in his expelling a russian diplomat over spy related accusations. ireland is
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accusing the russian intelligence of stealing a real identities you know only to cover up its secret operations the united states . you're watching r t seven pm here in moscow welcome to the program where we begin in egypt where a million a strong rally is expected to take place today in the country's capital at least two hundred thousand have already gathered on cairo's main square in the latest attempt to force president mubarak to step down well so far three hundred people have reportedly been killed and over three thousand injured since the protests began over a week ago paulus lior has been covering the events for us. passions on the streets of cairo are bringing high the mood is one of celebration as thousands upon thousands of people descend on telfair square they represent the cross spectrum of
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egyptian society their children out here they've been foisted up on a pair of shoulders there are old people there are young people there are religious people there holding banners that say things like hey hey leave goodbye we're barrick they're there they're showing posters depicting him as a cartoon character now the earlier intention was for the protesters to make their way to the presidential palace and as a result the whole route has been and it continues to be lined with army with soldiers with tanks with trucks it does at this stage. that the protesters will make their way there because there's simply no unifying voice no one to really organize them and bring them together as a cohesive force but having said that there are no reports of violence as of yet there are demonstrations being held at cities throughout the country and we've had no reports of violence there although small groups of pro mubarak demonstrators are on the streets but they're receiving no attention and as you can well imagine their
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voices are drowned out by the thousands upon thousands who are there calling for mubarak to leave well most people here when you ask them about mohamed el baradei actually don't know who he is he's very much a figure his reputation on the international stage but here in egypt people say that he has the backing of the united states and western powers in particular and this does not present him in a particularly good light because they say he's been painted with the same brush that mubarak having said that though the opposition parties need somebody to bring them together and they've chosen him and he's done a fair deal so far as trying to bring everyone on board he has appealed to the muslim brotherhood they have given him their backing but they have stressed that it's only temporary now the opposition groups have put together a list of demands and on those demands say they address it. such as unemployment that is wising food prices such as the disarray on the streets we've not yet clear when they will in fact be able to present their demands to know about if in fact
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they will be able to do so but certainly for now the opposition voices gaining momentum here in egypt. by time in kind of dark empty and scary we we gather every day like at seven thirty pm. we say ok who like to to do the first shift and so would like to do the second and so on some people are armed you know mohammed and his neighbors take turns protecting their property by day they're professionals by night street guards groups of armed gangs are on the prowl and ordinary citizens have to rely on them filled for protection they've collected what they can kitchen knives bathroom grooves fix poles rods anything they can get their hands on to keep their home safe. and with security at an all time low the leader who's come forward to replace hosni mubarak is offering precious little to make each option feel safer.
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belated attempt at getting in on this opposition movement maybe too late is part of the international crisis group a murky elite group with close ties to western interests i think of the media of war two different lines as the people of egypt are shown such courage in the face of such u.s. backed terror that has occurred in egypt for the worse thirty years i'm not sure model baradar really stand as much of chance as senior analysts are saying washington has yet to officially declare support for the former international atomic energy agency chief but he's someone they recognize as do other foreign powers prompting some to believe president obama's allegiance is now divided between the current president and the would be challenger. there is no difference between mubarak and el baradei america supports both of them and the american media has built up al baradei egyptians don't like him he has lived in europe and the
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united states and hasn't even been here for thirty years. and he came back and called for a regime change prompting critics to point out that he was absent for most of us when they started but i very. day lived in america we don't want him he was and other strange things been telling us he was abroad. we didn't choose to die which was only for a short period of change he is only temporary. he's much better known on the international stage than in his own backyard and has yet to be recognized by the eighteen million egyptians he hopes to will. and the egyptians need national leaders not american populous with american agendas if people support el baradei it's only because they hate barak. which is why amidst the chaos he gyptian find themselves turning to each other for protection and reassurance. now we're just
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hearing word that the jordanian king abdullah has fired his government and appointed a new prime minister now this follows demonstrations in jordan over the past few days no doubt as word of that filters down to demonstrators here on the streets of cairo and other egyptian cities it will cool their excitement and only add to the momentum we're witnessing today where protesters certainly want to believe that this is it but that does not seem to be the message coming from the egyptian president he has done nothing to meet their demands other than reshuffling his cabinet appointing three new figures but essentially keeping most of the ministers in the same positions mubarak did say that he wanted to talk to the opposition party she said it through his vice president but the opposition parties now say that the time for dialogue is over they do not want to talk to him and nothing short of him stepping down will be satisfactory so what it does seem likely that is going to continue moving forward from here is that we'll see more of these
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demonstrations more of these upheavals something has to give but for now it's not clear that today will be the day although demonstrations you hope it will be. now some experts are comparing events in egypt to the so-called color revolutions that triggered regime change in several former soviet countries blogger heavy backhoe from canada explains how the west by benefit from toppling hosni mubarak. i think their real agenda is to really move. put in someone they can control like el baradei. and the protestations of support for mubarak are are basically window dressing there's no question in my mind that this uprising has been orchestrated by. what i call globalists this is another color revolution and that the people of egypt while their grievances are justified their being. their grievances are being exploited in order for the globalists to ratchet up
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their control of the gypped the people who are trying to create a one world government and they do this by removing local leaders who are too independent and i think they must have decided that mubarak is too independent for their liking. now to discuss the volatile situation in egypt we're joined live from washington d.c. by ray mcgovern a former cia officer thanks very much for being with us now today's event has been marked not only by unprecedented numbers of protesters but also by a festive atmosphere it's been peaceful so far and there are people who seem confident that mubarak's days power are numbered do you share this conviction. i have to be careful not to let hope dictate my analysis. it looks as though mubarak will have to go the question is what price he will exact on the
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egypt in people. he's got his security forces still at his disposal he has the backing of the united states government still much to my dismay and of course his personal friend michel yahoo the israeli prime minister will be doing everything here in israel can to keep him in power so the jury's out still it looks like the egyptian people will prevail but as so often happens in history it's not a sure thing all of us and you think the demonstrations will be continuing you say that mubarak still has the military in his power do you think this is still going to come to a bloody end perhaps what do you think well mubarak is eighty two years old. he's gotten poor advice from various and sundry.
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if he believes that he can still repress the church and people this would be a terrible miscalculation he is on his way out of the question is as i indicated before is how horrid he'll try to rehearse history further before he finally flies out of sharm el sheikh. ok while the events of egypt are already being compared by some to be so-called color revolutions post soviet states which as you know triggered the regime change now who will profit the most from the situation in egypt. that's easy the egyptian people well after thirty years of order craddock green they will have something approaching freedom the real question is who suffers from this there are two sufferers the united states of america which sort of lavished its praises and aid on mubarak and the state of israel. israel is more isolated now than ever before last year it lost turkey as
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a good friend is losing lebannon in terms of his ball a becoming even more powerful there are all kinds of problems for israel israel as haaretz said just a couple of days ago is in a state or strategic distress i raise this because no one else has and the question is will nation yahoo and the israelis simply sit back and say or do is going to happen i don't think so they have it within their power to change things in cairo and if i were as by the way i was i would surround myself with a whole platoon of well vetted bodyguards not just ten house ok well let's talk about him mohamed el baradei i mean he emerged as a leader in the so-called revolution but he's known well internationally but not in egypt how successfully can he challenge for the country's top job.
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that's a good question i would not say challenge because he's been sort of a reluctant politician here he's not a politician and yet he's shown himself willing to be a leader he has insisted that all factions would have to support him were ready to accede to a position of power i think that's a good thing. and the bizarre thing is that because of these less thirty years there do not seem to be other prominent egypt and figures they could hold a candle that are in any way comparable to what i know but i'd die as shown himself to be an independent articulate very intelligent person. if you gyptian people stay with him i think you do a very very good job and i thank you very much for your insight that was reva government former cia officer talking to war to live from washington thank you. now there's always more news views and blogs on our website that's r.t.
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dot com and here's some of what's waiting for you right now the u.s. and the e.u. have imposed a raft of new sanctions on bella russo where december is post-election violence they say the balance will only be lifted when everyone detained on political grounds is released plus. find out what happened when a top supermodel got her claws into russia's prime minister to talk big cats and biceps. now russia is commemorating the man who presided over the fall of the soviet union and the country's turbulent transition to democracy today would have been a boris yeltsin's eightieth birthday remembered for his sweeping reforms his legacy four years after his death still has many russians divided our. reports. there's a variety of events all across the country being held to the eightieth anniversary since birth here in the center of moscow with nor do people have been coming since
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the morning hours laying down flowers wreaths his family was here along a lot of visitors they flew in actually from. their hometown of the late former president where i'm being commemorative events were killed. in two was unveiled there today and the then the canary to be. attended by a russian president. who said. it's hard to underestimate. the emotions that only. the path of our first president was a very difficult one every single citizen of our country realizes this today the first president always has his work cut out for him he needs to change the entire political system and this was the fight that befell boris yeltsin we must admit that he was up to the toxic and stood his ground honorably in
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a modern but not perfect country we live in today was created thanks to boris yeltsin and everyone who helped him build the foundations of a new nation of the also memorial center on the ring the late former president will be open that will be dedicated to civil society and human rights something which a lot of people in russia connect boris yeltsin with a lot of people say that he'll took over at the very hard time for russia the country this over the so the the soviet union was dissolving at that point and a lot of things were falling apart literally and proverbially and if it was really a hard task for any leader and boris yeltsin tried to discuss a lot of people say that he took over and for a employer hit the t. took over and. put further implications and the further extensions to put his story got that he essentially started democracy in russia at the same time a lot of people say that they cannot make reforms which he conducted or allowed to
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be conducted were not proved were not done properly and a lot of people seemed to suffer from them so i give it the say is so again even four years after his death a lot of people cannot agree cannot come to one conclusion also what boris yeltsin remains for russia to michael the good side of work i spoke to some people who were close to him and she shares their views in this report. he never doubted he would live to celebrate his country of birth date but instead he says we don't have to find a bacteria's while opening an exhibition time to what have been his eightieth jubilee in nearly. four years since boris yeltsin's death the agony of loss has given way to quiet remember and. he really liked family gatherings birthdays we usually celebrated with. most of these photos show yeltsin in his early years in power but he had the backing of almost the entire country when voicing your political
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position was still an act of novelty and courage and one hopes of a different life and a better country are still untainted by the harsh reality of the war in chechnya which himself admitted it was a mistake the banking crisis that with cripple the already population of the east the come later and some argue when fairly obscure all the good that yeltsin had done. are just there to see through the distance especially in history i think we still need more time. to give way to serious analysis of what to take tannic figures and really. a dimmer shift cenk a service he's had of protocol for more than eight years and of all the else in the explosive character and unpredictable temperament often contravene the dry rules of diplomatic engagement but the mere staff he had never had a better. over the single event and.
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he could be absolutely unpredictable and do what no one expected him to do is conducting of an orchestra for example and. that was the only. thing. he was actually doing to power by the great hopes of his people he left office full of regrets for not fulfilling all of them. only after yeltsin passed away that country can start to examine his legacy in all fifty plus that yeltsin seven to further with fellow. great there are far fewer accolades but one day came later even those who criticized him very harshly are growing to be gracious investment of his character and his policies because even they have come to realize that with all his ups and downs yeltsin was the very epitome of the ninety nine to his ex in the wake of artsy moscow so as controversial
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a figure as boris yeltsin really be not likely to be forgotten by russians for a very long time. now arlen does expelling a russian diplomat after accusing moscow of stealing the identities of irish citizens for use in spire operations well dublin claims the stolen passports were used as cover for russian agents operating in the u.s. let's get more now from parties. now here gore what is arlen basing its accusations on. well ireland claims that this deportation of the russian diplomat as a result of an investigation which started right after last summer's spy scandal between moscow and washington when a group of people were found guilty in the united states of being secret russian agents and now irish authorities say that some of them had irish last names including such popular surnames as murphy and farley and they started looking into how that was possible and now they're accusing the russian intelligence service of
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stealing six real existing irish identities in order to forge irish passports which were allegedly used to cover up some of these secret operations by some of these people in the united states and just to remind you this was the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war in iran the whole group was deported from america in exchange for another group of people serving time here in russia after having been found guilty of being foreign spies it was largely covered by international media that's when the name on a chopper month first turned up in the russian young successful businesswoman who was also accused by the united states of being a secret russian agent and quickly was deemed by the international media as the real james bond girl. given to us in this story has there been any reaction from moscow yet. so far concerning the. russian diplomat
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from. hasn't been any reaction from the foreign ministry here in moscow. really been giving much. we don't know whether it was directly connected to this alleged forgery and we don't know exactly he's going to be deported but. however that the hope. would not affect the relations with moscow ok thank you very much for that report. and i will quick look at some other news making headlines this hour and seoul have a date for talks despite the south korean president earlier demanding that north korea takes responsibility for two deadly attacks last year. the first negotiations between. the north. responded by staging massive war games in the yellow sea for the ratcheting up tensions earlier
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requested to move the talks forward this is an offer that seoul rejected. residents in the flood ravaged state of queensland are preparing for a. day after one hit experts say it could have the worst storms to ever bathroom some two hundred fifty patients have been evacuated from hospital. on the back of severe flooding in the region which at least thirty five lives. was expected to hit the coast of western. has agreed to former president passport the way for his possible return. has been living in exile in south africa since being removed from power seven years ago the move critical time for the final results of the first round. the disputed presidential election due on wednesday well the government says as soon as it receives an
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official request from are used to it they will grab him the passport. and now let's cross over to a share on a coupon for the latest in business. hello welcome to the business news i'm sure. and news just in the my sex stock exchange has agreed agreed that it will buy out a controlling stake in the r.t.s. bourse estimated at around one point two billion dollars the may shareholders in r.c.s. are troika dialog finance and alpha bank we'll bring you more on this story as it develops. and in other news. could include. in their arctic project deal signed last month the c.e.o. of the british company robert dudley says it wouldn't mind cooperating with. b.p. in joint projects with the russian oil giant meanwhile the london high court is set
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to decide whether or not to block these assets wap with loss that. this comes after the russian owners of b.p. father complained seeking to stop the deal on grounds that it violates their shareholder agreements however doubly said the standoff should be resolved soon. and staying with b.p. the british company has announced it will pay dividends for the first time since the gulf oil spill after posting a profit in the fourth quarter of two thousand and ten despite an overall loss of five billion dollars last year this comes as ten k.b.p.s. russian shareholders decided not to approve a one point eight billion dollar dividend half of which would have guards to b.p. . always take a look at the stock markets u.s. stocks start a new. wall street's focus shifts back to optimism about the global recovery ahead of the u.s. manufacturing data. meanwhile stocks in europe are higher investors seem a little less cautious about the rest of egypt decision to pay dividends however
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didn't impress investors the company's shares are up slightly over one percent this hour. and in russia the r.t.s. in my stocks closed up on the day and posted a strong gains tracking the upbeat investor mood globally indices gained ground after monday's losses showing that correction on the markets was apparently short term. and rising oil prices are sending energy shares higher gas prom and blue color seeing approximately the same gains adding on between three to four percent respectively mining shares are also up on the day as sever stock climbs to one and a half percent at this hour. and overall the russian markets. around two percent this tuesday renaissance capital equity strategist of honest organization says or oil and gas were the biggest gainers this week following rising oil prices but the metal sector is the next area to watch the lead there is no votes a stock is up six percent. just from is also very good.
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performing to do is up for three point seven percent we see some interesting middle names. and the limb. is another story that is very strong five point seven percent . alongside your brothers in service to around thirty two point seven percent. and russian travel companies say their losses from the current unrest in egypt may run as high as one hundred million dollars russia's association of tour operators has asked the transport ministry to ban registration in airports for russians going to egypt this would at least help save small travel agencies from bankruptcy as insurance companies would then shoulder some of the losses transair airlines has stopped selling tickets to the country. and just a reminder of our news just in the my sex stock exchange has agreed that it will buy out a controlling stake in the r.t.s. bourse estimated at around one point two billion dollars the may shareholders and
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r.t.s. are troika dialog katty finance and alpha bank. and that's your business update for this hour join us for one more join us in an hour for more business updates that say thanks for watching. the. wealthy british style the sun. spot on the rise.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. the more people we killed a happier our officers were you know it's got to be like a game like to see who could kill the most people and the different ways you can prove maybe skill but you know i can you know here's a few drawbacks someone's ears you know where they have the most ears they will get the most fierce in-tray you should be reduced to zero then a few women children and five men around the circle over know all formatting whether i'm sixty. two stay down for a bus or so.


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