tv [untitled] February 2, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST
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they started throwing stones at each other difficult to say which side started throwing the stones first but we do understand right now that there are a number of injuries and that a five has just broken out so stones bottles anything they can put their hands on too has been thrown the army is no way to be seem like it did yesterday it has been maintaining a perimeter border standing really very much on the outskirts only of this morning the army did issue a statement on egypt state television calling on protesters to discontinue now that is the first word from the army that it seemingly does not support this demonstration that has caused some here in egypt to ask the question as to whether or not mubarak isn't behind these demonstrations and whether or not it's not giving him the convenient excuse to not have to call his army and having said that though chaos on the streets people are sites and people have been running in all directions we are hearing the criticism from all quarters we're hearing that the egyptian museum is a focal point of these demonstrations concerns that people might try and raid that
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museum and they did so a few days ago we also know that knives forbidden knives made their way into the tele square that to raising alarm bells as to what kind of security was really being provided in the last word from the american president barack obama was that he had spoken to mubarak by phone for thirty minutes and he had urged the egyptian president to hold free and fair elections and now not that kind of demand was not greeted well by the egyptian public they don't want to buy rick and they certainly don't want the united states to be seen to be meddling in their internal affairs the person who's come forward and seemingly who has the backing of the united states he has a way he met with the american ambassador is mohamed el baradei he is the former head of the international atomic energy agency a figure well known in international circles but not so well known by his. men when you speak to people on the streets they that they do not really see him as a contender although the plan at the moment is to him to an interim government.
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most egyptians really feel that the international community must stay out of their faces and this is the message that was reiterated by the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. we want to see if there's a stable thriving democratic states we want the current social political and economic problems to be resolved as soon as possible through peaceful means but it's up to gyptian politicians and the people to decide how this could be done in practice we don't think it's helpful to impose solutions for amounts on it even ultimatums egyptian political forces need to find a consensus which as i'm speaking to you terry square is just a few streets away and i can see here demonstrators shouting i can hear cars hooting the situation really feels that it's four in the heart so the need for some kind of leadership to emerge is increasingly becoming critical. for more on this cross live to dalia shared with the international political consultant who is joining us live from tel aviv thank you very much for joining us now israel is
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certainly keeping a close eye on what's going on in cairo what are the attitudes over there over the a political crisis going on in egypt right now. well i would say israel's pretty nervous i mean for the most part is real is you know very fixated on stability in the region prefers the status quo to any real changes egypt of course being the oldest peace treaty israel has and there's been a sense for a long time that mubarak is pretty much the only thing holding egypt in place as a peace partner so israelis are clearly very nervous they kept pretty quiet in the beginning but you saw early on that there is not a great deal of trust that a change in government in egypt will be good for israel there was already you know a politician who was saying that egypt is not ready for democracy necessarily it took our prime minister a long time to make any statement in support of democratic change in egypt and that's really that really comes from a place of fear. you know again israelis very basically feel like they don't have too many friends in the region obviously and are very much afraid of the
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civilization. ok well speaking of the countries friends many see the hue west deeply involved in egypt's politics of washington has historically supported mubarak has occurred on rest a u.s. failure or a success. yeah i mean i can tell you that in israel there's a lot of skepticism and there has been critique of obama there was a really one op ed in the major circulating daily that obama is somehow responsible for this which i think is really overstating the case but there is a feeling that america and israel are in this together and that if something went wrong here in egypt that it's america's fault somehow i think this is not a particularly accurate analysis i mean you know democratic change has to come after a certain point you know barak has been in power for thirty years you know great deal of american support can do a lot but it can't prop up you know leader forever so i can tell you that the israelis this is the you know the politicians on the level are critical of america right now. but i think that they will probably ultimately i think they realize that
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change was probably going to happen whether or not americans thought it was you mentioned these are all they're pretty nervous because we're talking about the bit of isolation here depending on what happens to egypt but what steps should take to avoid any possible isolation if mubarak does resign. yeah i mean the thing that israel really has to do is project to the world that it is prepared to accept a democratically elected government in egypt. unfortunately the fear inside israel is so great that you know there's resistance to saying something like that but i think the only thing is really can really do right now is project that it's willing to work with whatever government is democratically elected and not try to close doors right now but israel has a lot of fears on its mind it's not just a general fear it's a very particular thing as you know israel is afraid of an islamist takeover of egypt israel's afraid of destabilization spreading to the palestinian areas and
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israel's afraid of a leader who might not be a full partner in dealing with iran and that's something that you have to keep in mind these are obviously the biggest things on israel's mind that's always going to come first israel's not necessarily that doesn't necessarily base its policy decisions right now on global isolation israel has a very unpopular policies in the world that doesn't necessarily deter the country yet. and you know global isolation is an important part of the dialogue here i can't say that as of yet it's really had a major impact on israeli policy keep mentioning the fear that israel is feeling right now but is that going to be positive for them what can easily do to make an impact on the political process in egypt is it really just fear. i don't think israel can do very much to have an impact i mean. it's yeah i would say fear is pretty much the driving force when i say fear that means obviously the security threat security really drives israeli policy on every level there's a reason why is bill israel's been quite very quiet in the main you know up until
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now for the most part because israel knows that pretty much whatever it says will you know could easily become part of the discourse right now in egypt and i think for the most part there's been a sense of sort of nervous satisfaction that israel hasn't seemed to play a huge role in you know the the the the statements of the demonstrators israeli television has picked up you know some of the demonstrators here they're saying we don't want to you know we don't want israel around we don't want to be. you know expressing some hostility towards israel but at the same time israelis are are are watching closely and they realize that israel's not really the driving force behind this so that helps i mean anything that can help lower israel's fear or or sense of insecurity will ultimately translate into a more cooperative attitude on israel's part but there's not very much israel can do i think at all to influence you know the regime change in egypt not at all in fact i would be probably the worst thing israel could do ok well thank you very much for your comments dalia shamblin international political consultant david tel
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aviv. well we're giving you updates on what's happening in egypt as well as analysis in-depth analysis what's behind the uprising at what lies ahead for egypt these are explored in the latest edition of crosstalk that's coming up on our program next hour. the future of the mubarak regime is not so much being decided on the streets of egypt but mainly. they are certainly hald talks going on behind the scenes between egypt and indeed the americans and what is staggering is that we haven't heard from the obama administration a clear and unequivocal damone for mubarak to step down abilify could just interject right here i mean you can lay this at the doorstep of the u.s. but you know at the end of the day the only world leader who's been unequivocal about this is prime minister air the one of turkey the european leaders the american leaders even the latin american leaders. south asian leaders all have been
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all of been silent so i think it's a bit misleading to lay this on the doorstep of the american you know but i mean how do you understand the reasoning or the removal of these again. he was a client of the united states and that's probably the difference here. now friendly that's how moscow has described our lens decision to expel a russian diplomat dublin claim stolen identities of six irish citizens were used by russian agents of covered last year in the us are. reports from moscow. the russian of. iowa is decision to. move. these.
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real existing irish identities you know. to cover up. in the united states say that this is a result of an investigation which started right. between moscow and washington. people in the united states and found guilty of being an agent all of them were deep rooted and it was largely covered by international media the name. turned up successful businesswoman who was quickly deemed the russian james. some of the members. it's not. being. well you're watching our head for you this hour one woman's back the daughter.
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coming up a few minutes. of . silence. the u.s. media has got a wild over an earring found in the arizona desert well its contents listed details of past terror attacks carried out by suicide bombers. the publication made some american news channels hints at a future attack by iran but there are still those who think the threat is an exaggeration. a book found in the arizona desert has put america's most watched cable news channel on the high alert fox news alert i knew terror fears the book was reportedly published in iran and contained information on suicide bombers that much was enough to trigger a sensational suggestions that iranians could be plotting something inside the u.s.
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they would not give us a picture of the book they would not be able to personalized in any way or you know what trackers may have found basically no facts behind the story but that didn't stop the channel from making a big scary deal of it story although they reported it point out at the end it could mean something and it could also mean nothing the international community is worried about iran but the american media go way beyond that seeking to make the country the wall boogie man the biggest threat on earth no politician ever lost. no newscaster ever got negative publicity from. it is the industry here in the united states that whenever you have something negative that you want to say about the middle east. you can always attack iran every chance is taken to toss the rain into a stories that has no connection with amateur like this suicide bombings in moscow to help us in places like iran to get more russian cooperation with afghanistan
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things like that are they going to wise up and help us a little bit the pick and choose style of reporting which shapes the american usage and it became all the more obvious in the wake of the week he leaks release of u.s. secret diplomatic cables despite having bast amounts of material at their disposal to choose from the new york times chose to go biggest on e ran with a four page article alone focusing on the country but they demonize they should have iran is not new in the u.s. media has been going on for years despite no proof tehran was building nuclear bombs. are out to kill us i feel that this is the most dangerous country in the world. do you think the world understands how evil this regime is a nuclear iran can pass on nuclear military capabilities to terrorist organizations and why is america sitting here like apache waiting to get spanked smacked killed what is it a whole city is going to get hit with a nuke some american news outlets have been major cheerleaders in fear mongering
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which back in two thousand and three landstuhl war that was started on why the same people that want to cause regime change in iraq are now saying we need to do regime change in iran fear mongering can have major consequences creating a climate of scratch which could justify any action in the name of providing safety for the american people that's what happened in iraq where a friendly about long range weapons of mass destruction and links to al qaeda was whipped up to justify the invasion reasons later proven to be false the question is could the same approach be used with the ran a bit of news about a suspicious iranian book in the middle of nowhere is nothing but as the news reporter pointed out in isolation this is just a piece of information we don't maybe know months from now maybe a year from now you'll hey remember that young poor yeah that's how i look at news very often it's cumulative as far as the viewers are concerned fear is also
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a cumulative gotta check on r.t.e. in washington d.c. . human rights groups have accused and social services of profiting from loopholes in the law activists claim children separated from their families are being given to foster parents who want to receive financial support from the state and he said no way has this story. christmas gifts never given so covered so my children are in someone else's hands stone and i don't know what's happening with them or how they're being treated. it's been over a month since natalia a russian citizen living in sweden has seen twin girls wash and sandy. a mother's worst nightmare their children taken from where they're supposed to be most safe and not by kidnappers or child abusers but by the swedish government that are used when girls were taken out of their music lessons at this school without any warning
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and for an entire week she had no idea where her daughters were until she received documents from social services full of what she says are false statements about the family's life the complaints filed against natalia claim she and the girls are psychologically troubled and could be enough to send her daughters into foster care for good under swedish law without sufficient proof that it is considered legal because of the law is a protection law it's a protection for the children so it means that even if there is a flight thus to risk even if there is no evidence sort of there is there is no witnesses there are third nothing but there is. a risk of something happening sort of. then the the law that the social workers within the law are able to go to take the child into. sort of their to the social office and take
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take them away from the family attorney has been advised by human rights activists that this is only part of a much bigger welfare system and we are rare cases where that you will have been where social services paid ten thousand swedish. that's about five hundred new good thirty one. aren't she was unable to get a comment on the time is case from swedish social services who cited a privacy policy i knew about oh i think he'll be drowned only steal children but money apartments property and children are human goods to them with force we just language skills a lawyer appointed by social services and little money natalia has been told the chances of getting her grades back are slim and that they are most likely now with a swedish family antonia should be protected by international laws and conventions but loopholes in the swedish system
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a lot cases like this to go unnoticed. consensus country. people are more. prone to speak up. again the consensus so it's very quiet in this way. the consensus is that the state is always right and reservoir jacob sumburgh is persona non grata here in sweden for his outspoken views on the system he's assumptions services can take children away using their own criteria are working together with doctors psychologists employers all wrapped up in a big business say you have six foster children well you make a fortune for not only tell you can do is which you're hearing on her case which is so far been postponed several times during our senior most of the birthdays coming up with well my children would be one of the only demands to christmas and we
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missed turning thirteen this week actually with their mother sweden has just tried it is at least for now not going to be their mom and he's now a r t stock. let's have a look at some other world news in brief this hour protests erupted demonstrators and security forces as german police began addicting illegal tenants from one of berlin's last motor squads well over two thousand police officers took part of the addiction was an accident a battering ram to break down the door of the disputed building a court gave the squatters until the second of february to leave several hundred left as protesters gathered outside the building which led to violent clashes with police. still authorities are warning people to stay off the streets as a powerful cycle begins to hit the northern state of queensland winds are picking up and that many have already been left without power cycle yasi which has
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strengthened to a category five is feared to be the most dangerous storm to ever hit the area this is yet another chapter in history is trying summer during which it witnessed the worst flooding in decades. well the georgian government is all the asli harboring sour sentiment towards russia authorities have already imposed a bad or russian movies and textbooks in the country and now they've gone one step further artie's tom barton found out why certain music is leaving a bad taste in restaurant owners mets. it's party time and traditional georgian restaurant style music is central to the country's dining experience and russian song was sung alongside georgian. until that's. the case with war and the guys from tbilisi called in here and warned us not to sing russian songs our hidden camera captured threats against a restaurant owner outside the georgian capital the reason they say the georgian
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government views russian as the language of its enemies. performers to complain they've been stopped from singing popular russian songs my musician has apologized and said he couldn't sing their requested song because they were banned many georgians who are sitting in the restaurant are very upset he couldn't hear the russian songs they're all so fond of. georgian media reports that restaurant owners were called to the country's finance ministry and warned that if russian songs were performed they would face fines of nearly three hundred dollars we straight to the ministry however they refused to come saying no such meeting took place cultural commentators said pressure to control what music is sung should be resisted shade to the public has a right to condemn i welcome the singing of russian sons but this smacks of censorship in the russian songs can be banned and the state should not try and regulate society like this before or say it's ridiculous to go in and take
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a singing popular russian numbers and. if they span is an act as in law and the whole world will laugh at your job as it really is unsanitary. or. songs like this are synonymous the georgian restaurants but if you want to hear them in my talk to dine elsewhere because in georgia it looks like the show might be over tom watson. on the back with a headline shortly but first this all the latest business with sharona. well welcome to our business program i'm sure. rostov shares have taken a hit after london's high court halted the russian oil giant's deal with b.p. to explore the arctic shelf the decision came after joint russian british venture to. filed a complaint claiming the agreement violates its right of first refusal on any b.p.
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work in russia are to correspondence or for us as the details. well the russian shareholders all take a b.p. one a u.k. course injunction to look back on the b.p. spill with grossness know we need b.p. agreed on the fourteenth of january to see what a seven point eight billion dollar stake in the company for nine point five percent of russian oil producer and that the two companies would also agree to joint venture to explore areas of the arctic. only that a cooling to the russian shareholders will take a b.p. did not reach the terms of their contracts under which they should have been all submission and given first refusal on any major need ventures undertaken by b.p. in russia and this didn't happen so it went to the polls and we heard justice michael burton say the face parties have been able to reach an agreement entirely in accordance with common sense and that now that the b.p.
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shares still is being phrases that any discussions about the arctic exploration have been forbidden till the completion of arbitration which is shared the february twenty fifth now we've had comment from the vice president of the us he said the process are looking at seeing k k k t v at the french a partner in this deal with it and house of course that could still be posted. an article in the markets now u.s. stocks started the day motley lower on wednesday after climbing to the highest finish in more than two years shares i'm led tronic are going to have stuart over twelve percent after the video game publisher said it will repurchase millions of dollars worth of shares and posted quarterly adjusted earnings that surpassed wall street's outlook meanwhile borders group inc shares fell twenty four percent following in reports that the bookstore chain may soon file for bankruptcy. meanwhile european stocks are rising with one foot to slightly receding from initial hitting the six thousand mark imperial tobacco group is the top gainer on
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the first two surging over five percent. on reports of higher net revenue and a fifty percent dividend payout mining stocks are also on the rise with xstrata rio tinto and b.h.p. billiton all around two percent and finally pharmaceutical giant astra zeneca is down just under three percent despite news of the approval of its new children's vaccine. and in russia the r.t.s. and my sex both closed on the day energy shares were higher with oil above the one hundred dollars per barrel mark. in rising oil prices sent energy shares higher gas prominent lukoil both closed up on the day mining shares were also monger leaders on the my sex as an oil spill call climb slightly over one percent however polya scold inched lower about three quarter percent as gold prices have come down. and brant crude prices have hit the hundred dollar mark in recent days fueled by growing instability in egypt it's the first time since two thousand and eight that
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such highs have been reached jorge monsour take a from plants in london says the rise was inevitable demand remains very strong. demand is comin back in america demand is very strong left in america and the middle east africa so all around you see more consumption of oil so that hopeful with the printing of money for in the last quarter of two thousand and ten prepare all the environment for prices to be above one hundred so in my opinion prices above one hundred were only of course you know when or how soon rather this will help. and that's your business update for this hour where you can always find more stories on our website that's our dot com slash business stay with us.
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who is a recap of the top stories we're covering for you on our t.v. violence in drops on the streets of egypt's capital as pro-government demonstrators clashed with protesters calling for the immediate resignation of the country's president. our lead is expelling a russian diplomat over allegations that moscow intelligence stole irish identities for spy work russia has responded with a warning that a serious consequences will follow. the u.s. mainstream media has found. a new opportunity to demonize iran a book on suicide bombers found in the arizona desert is reported as an omen for a domestic attack. no war no peace the stalemate between armenia and
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azerbaijan has lasted for over sixteen years while the conflict dates back to nine hundred eighty eight the nagorno-karabakh region that may be populated by armenians was part of the soviet republic of us there by job well after the collapse of the u.s.s.r. it declared independence which then resulted in several years of armed conflict a truce was sided night tonight before russia france and the us have been mediating talks since then well r.t. caught up with the foreign ministers of both sides of the conflict you could wash their interviews throughout the day on r.t. well the knots that's now here from the armenian side. according to russian a poor peace is better than a good war but is it always the case to discuss that and now i'm joined by romania's foreign minister has been actively involved in his country's efforts to settle and the gore knickerbocker disputed neighboring as a bridge on a front.
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