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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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that is what protesters are calling them in their planned march to the presidency some time toughness square itself has a number of little roads that lead off in those roads the protesters are barricaded behind tall and thick steel bars they there have been reports of of firing the army has been firing warning shots the mobile clinics that have been set up there have doctors who are reporting that they are treating people with gunshot wounds earlier in the day they were molotov cocktails that were thrown into the crowd the prime minister did address the nation and he apologized for the violence he said he had ordered a probe but when you speak to people here they do not believe that the egyptian government has the mechanisms all the desire to carry out an independent investigation the attorney general has also ordered that all former ministers remain in the country he has also ordered that their bank accounts be frozen in a forty five minute address the vice president spoke on egypt and state television among the things he said he blamed for and as he blamed businesses he blamed
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opposition groups for this violence he spoke of conspiracy groups that were undermining the egyptian regime he also said that there needed to be some time for dialogue with opposition groups but we are hearing that the muslim brotherhood has rejected that dialogue until such time that hosni mubarak steps down the vice president also providing a roadmap for reforms he says he's also suspended the parliament's work until the contested result of that last election that will hold at the at the end of two thousand and ten revised he also named candidates who would stand in july so a lot happening here on the political front but on the streets people taking very little notice of it saying that all attention right now is for that departure friday the united nations secretary general has urged for the transition to happen now those were his words and those of the same call coming from the united states and five other european union countries those kind of same. that is treated in
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egypt particularly by the protesters with a lot of anger there urge the international community to stay out of egyptian affairs which is why when the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke to russia today and outlined russia's position people here felt that russia was hitting it white on the mark i don't think outside those. should really be. pushing gypped one way or another i don't think any suggestions from outside going to be helpful and they're going to lead to a sustainable tourism notion of the situation i don't think that official line sort of altimeter. you know their. story should be too cool for six political groups must themselves or in the way it was we've been told to remain indoors and they say it's essential fast to go outside and as a result i was unable to got to meet august missed it by him coming thank you very
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much for coming into the studio you have said that the mainstream media is missing the mainstream point of view what is this point of view there is almost a concerted going go on being played by the foreign media and part by the foreign government which foreign governments just to be very specific i was very disappointed that the president of the united states would call on us to move immediately and instantly to make changes as if we are the fifty fifth state of the united states we are not and we will not be what about europe's role in everything that's happening at the moment i hate to say that they are following the footsteps of the united states and i am very very thankful for the statement that was made by mr glover of your foreign minister. i am sure the
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thrasher as a country understand egypt very well i and they were not told the crowd of trying to sell to use it short what about extremism are they concerned that there are extremist elements at play organizing or perhaps behind the scenes in these demonstrations absolutely. you know and this is why i believe that the foreign media when the the poor on the incidents. square they are missing the point completely they are not understanding what the easier is going through so once again what is their point i explain with the elements in egypt. to try to jump on any opportunity in order to describe the. situation in egypt the whole question of extremism is something that my colleague a lawyer image investigated from london i egypt in turmoil young men
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out on the streets calling for the unity of the muslim nation ruled by shari'a law but this isn't caro it's london where young men are also out on the streets calling for an islamic state this is his but an organization linked to terrorist activities throughout the world it's banned in russia and in some arab countries including egypt but in the u.k. it's allowed to operate freely in britain it's very hard in the current legislation to ban has but to hear the government when they're out said they were going to i think once they're in power they've seen how difficult it is with the legislation specifically so i think i'll carry on monitoring the groups but won't do anything to prescribe them the trouble in egypt prompted this london demonstration with the british arm of his but terror it jumping on the bandwagon to promote their own islamic state in front of the different embassy in london was a big. demonstration in support and solidarity to the uprising in egypt and.
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the. demonstration wanted to do it. in front of the embassy but actually the organizers of the refused and they said this is. demands and has nothing to do with it. and you want to put this down because this is illegitimate according to understanding of islam the influence runs both ways the muslim brotherhood egypt's main opposition and the notable incisive of the current demonstrations is according to some a creation of british intelligence you might get the muslim brotherhood. religion teligent creation from the one nine hundred twenty s. century to oppose modernity at least that's the basic thing that they did against nasser in the fifty's and sixty's there are some of those factions and there may have no load but still this is quite a leap quite a leap in the doctor the muslim brotherhood with the look into their background
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their essentially they pretend to be islamists but they're essentially a fabrication of the globalists the. outside muslim countries has but enjoys its strongest support here in the u.k. it's organized on university campuses including luton which was attended by the stockholm bomber and although the organization claims it doesn't advocate violence the links are there for all to see she bomber richard reid influenced by his but terror preaches to british suicide bombers who attacked a bar in tel aviv in two thousand and three had contacts. who tried to detonate car bombs in london and glasgow in two thousand and seven influenced by his but terror in members while studying the government's policy on radical islamic organizations while they operate inside the law in the u.k. involves dialogue and debate groups like his but terrorists are allowed. to
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demonstrate sapiently head cooling for an end to democracy and the instigation of syria but the violence in egypt has already spread to the u.k. in the film and demonstrations here at the embassy and the question now being honest is whether the every voice with an opinion on egypt's future has the rights to be haute. stay with us still got lots more headed your way including this preparing for take on. russia super just one hundred receives its ticket into the skies as it's officially certified final the dos leader in the program. their romantic prelude and a bitter break the new york times under the microscope for using julian assange profits and allegedly popularity or some say ditching him in the light of a criminal investigation. first though president dmitri medvedev has slammed investigators for earlier announcing that last week's moscow airport bombing in which thirty six were killed was solved before
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a suspect had even been brought to court the russian leader said it was quote unacceptable to claim success before the legal process was complete adding that the terrorists needed to be hunted down ruthlessly quote so that the earth burns under their feet or he's a cutter grouch of a house. well the latest has been that the federal security service says they know and also need the name of the pup the cradle of the attack at the airport but they also know the names of the must a mind still be a time we had a brush as main to must excuse any agency that was be today with these to the president he also said that the agency's not doing that with being possible to arrest all those who they believe are linked to the attack and to do it as soon as possible several people have been already rested and there is a manhunt for a number of others as a result of this major attack of the country's largest outboards that they'd be easiest out transport thirty six people were killed among them six foreign citizens
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and as many as one hundred fifty people what we just led the way called the attack presently very promise those in charge would be prosecuted and if they resist will be illuminated has on the sports today behind us that was be also confirms that they have identified the suicide bomber here's how the out of russia's main security agency described the man self. knowledge when i will just name the age of this person he is twenty years old he lived in one of the north caucasus republics according to our information he joined one criminal group last august which was based in a mountainous area the evidence shows did the suicide bomber was under heavy drugs when search no be explosion and it confirms how criminals prepare suicide bombers for these kind of crimes if you will the name of the these twenty year old man has not been disclosed as investigation is still ongoing up with the suspects that were already so the young man could have been linked to the attack also the president
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tells russia that bit today expressed was a certain level of optimism holding the ball but he also urged both police and others be to be very cautious when releasing any information on this case to mass media as the case has not yet reached the courts and investigate him for investigation has been very harsh rhetoric following the attack from the president that we've witnessed a major was shaken russia's transport police. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe one of australia's strongest storms on record has displaced more than ten thousand people after bringing two hundred eighty kilometer per hour winds to the already flooded queensland state evacuees have been camping out in emergency centers as they wait for conditions to become safe enough to return to what may be left of their homes cyclon yasi tore homes is to pieces as it ripped across australia's northeast but is now said to be losing power while two people remain missing there are no reports of deaths or injuries after a huge evacuation operation beforehand. a somali man has been convicted of
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attempting to murder and of attempted murder and terrorism for trying to kill a danish cartoonist with an ax mohammed galli broke into the home of kurt westergaard a man whose caricature of the prophet mohammed caused by a lot of protests and outrage among muslims across the world danish intelligence officials say the attacker had close ties to al qaeda in east africa though he was unable to reach the cartoonist who hid in a panic room that he'd installed the somali could face life in prison when he was sentenced on friday. electoral officials in haiti have dropped the government employees from the list of candidates and marks from the march as presidential poll this follows a standoff with international observers over a first round of voting judged to be riddled with fraud and mismanagement march's runoff will put the conservative former first lady against a well known singer deemed in december to have trailed behind government backed jude celestin ongoing political uncertainty is an obstructed in haiti's recovery
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from last year's devastating earthquake. russia's newest passenger plane the sukhoi superjet one hundred has gotten permission for a commercial operation probably bears the name of space pioneer yuri gagarin it is the first airliner designed in russia since the soviet times piskun all has more. the sukhoi superjet one hundred is the first civil aircraft produced in russia since the soviet times which means that it has to be built absolutely from scratch and is geared up with some of the most modern and advanced equipment it's a short range aircraft people off travelling not further than two or two and a half thousand miles and transporting up to one hundred people lay now has been officially certified it got its ticket into the skies this intergovernmental aviation comedienne coos all of the former soviet republics and according to the. civil aviation company which produces this plane the next step is to get a similar certification from the european air space agency since it's
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a short range aircraft it's first of all planned that it will take the place of many of the sorted and al did it planes clearly used by many russian airlines for domestic flights but also many analysts say that this is quite an attractive segment of the market and the super super jet one hundred will be very in demand internationally as well since it was build from scratch it did take a little longer than planned initially its development took longer and in december italy's alitalia announced that it was canceling its orders but at that moment there are around one hundred and seventy orders for this plane and the sukhoi civil aviation company says it plans to build at least eleven of them by the end of this year and hopes to boost production to forty or even fifty planes by two thousand and thirteen and two thousand and fourteen. as the whistle blowing web site wiki
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leaks is nominated for a nobel peace prize its founder julian assange may have lost himself an ally the new york times which made a fortune awfully material seems to be turning its back on the elusive australian artie's marina takes a look at the twists and turns of their rocky relationship. it was a love story in the making i don't blame the new york times for running the story i know mattick are strongly in with classified u.s. documents and american newspaper with the power to print that in june of last year i got a fairly mysterious phone call from the editor in chief of the guardian newspaper in london asking if we were interested in partaking in a vast trove of secret u.s. documents the new york times and julian a songe developed a relationship all other u.s. mainstream media outlets envied in the midst of declining readership and a shrinking budget a songe was a blessing for the times. the paper has printed two hundred stories on
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a songe more than five hundred on wiki leaks articles detailing shocking field reports of u.s. operations in afghanistan chaos and illegal activity behind the iraq war and embarrassing diplomatic tactics used by the u.s. state department but like many passionate romances he told us he wouldn't sleep in one place more than one night if he had to the gray lady has kicked the blonde out of bed and is now selling juicy details of a six month affair for just under six bucks missile impressions of julian assange you know send up some red flags new york times employees describe a songe as a source not a partner or collaborator a man who acted like a fugitive conspiratorial and contemptuous of the u.s. government it seems to me exteriorly opportunists to take the information to deal with the guy to use the information and then to say well he's more of a villain or man on the loose or on the run when in fact they're using his
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information and trying to disparage his character at the same time the timing may not be a coincidence the u.s. justice department is conducting a criminal investigation into wiki leaks reportedly looking into the s. . shocked to prosecute a songe government official say publishing secret documents from the pentagon and state department created a national security risk who do play a different card songe in an interview with sixty minutes says it's about giving people information they need if you are a whistleblower and you have material that is important we will accept and we will defend you and we will publish it you can't turn away material simply because it comes from not states yet ironically our first amendment powerhouse within the united states is turning its back on a man utilizing free speech to garner government accountability and transparency they have a vested interest in new york times in making julian or songe out to be something
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that the public cannot rely on because once the rest of us begin going to wiki leaks to get our information and we begin by passing the new york times then the new york times loses more and more business and eventually it disappears in this case the new york times has gone from writing about the story to making itself a part of the story and now it's up to readers and viewers to decide if the newspaper in this narrative is a protagonist and hero or just a slimy heartthrob that seduced a source to reap the rewards and then. turn up or not r.t. new york. and up next the founder of whistle blowing say wiki leaks julian assange just still watch in sweden on sexual assault allegations and could be extradited there from britain but i have been reports that the u.s. also wants to charge him on charges of espionage r.t. spoke with
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a swedish based journalist al burke who says the prosecution may be being driven by politics stay with us. you're. thanks for sitting down with us today here in stockholm in the work that i've had a chance to read of yours you seem to think the us has
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a growing influence on sweden in bigger and bigger ways tell us more about that well of course it's always had a big influence at least since the great wave of immigration of streets states in the nineteenth century and then created a kind of a reservoir of goodwill interest in all things then underneath. all the time certain interests in sweden have been developing stronger and stronger ties with united states and that is especially true of the military conservative elements of society helping out a number of also been conservative elements in the democratic party who've been very pro-u.s. very pro-military especially those. unions that are involved in the arms industry but a really major turning point was entry into the european union. and european union as you probably know is in terms of foreign policy and military intelligence.
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him a subordinate wing of the united states really and nato was completely infiltrated you know so as soon as the social democrats announced that they were going to leave . the country into the european union you started to see very clear signs that. sweden was adopting its foreign policy to the needs of nato the interests of e.u. in the united states and so forth. how does this all play into julian assange and the sex and spy programs and the push alternately for his extradition it's a hot potato as you can understand for the government here. now that they have been exposed through various wiki the leaks. as having. colluded with the united states the ways that they had never before admitted it was
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often suspected. it's an especially delicate time for them to go out and openly cooperate with an extradition process and reinfeld as i understand the prime minister has apparently declared that this is not a political issue we haven't completely through the judiciary and so on and so forth i think he is not entirely candid there. whatever happens as a result of the trial the united states will probably request that he be extradited for these crimes that they're trying to invent you know he was in the united states and that would be a separate process and that's the process usually is first processed by the immigration department and as i understand it then it can be appealed to a court of law and then the government can get involved it's stated right there and the legal procedure and do you think that he will be extradited to sweden. i can
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only tell you what. his. songes british lawyers have said to me about the british case in terms of the law they have a very strong case and if it were only. a question of the law then they think that they have a seventy five to eighty. percent chance of rejecting the swedish request for extradition to sweden then the question is how much how much politics from before so they say carefully that they have a fifty fifty chance something like that. then if he comes to sweden. most the legal people that i know here in sweden when they look at what is known so far about the charges against the sons think that there are absurd he won't be convicted on the available evidence so if he is convicted of something here it will most likely be something very minor like then he will be either in jail for a while or released having suffered enough so to say and then it will be up to the
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u.s. to issue its request for extradition. and then i feel that will be largely a question of public opinion if they are indifferent and if the media here succeed in their apparent efforts to give. a bad name to give them a bad reputation then the government will have a lot of political freedom to. submit to the u.s. request sweden is regarded as a neutral and independent country do you agree with that you can say. with some accuracy that when sweden joined the e.u. it ceased to be an independent nation. so it's that simple course politicians in order to justify. the entry into the wood frame just the opposite but i've
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documented the ways that the membership in the e.u. has affected. sweden's independence and essentially eradicated it. as we did is not an official member of nato but there are anti nato movements that are growing here in sweden in finland why is that well there's always been actually there's always been in sweden and finland which are the two remaining nordic countries that are not in nato has been a strong opinion against nato membership. but essentially now through part of the so-called partnership for peace sweden has become a de facto member and. may pool officials have said sweden is better equipped and performs better. in cooperation with us through. partnership for peace than many of our formal members do and that's true. and already in your one thousand five hundred believe it was an official of the defense
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ministry here that. we are thought already so deeply involved in nato and participate in so many nato activities that the only thing that's missing to become a former member is the signature on a paper. well when one deals with water it has to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy coming from the city whether it's on a sonic boom say tractor marine mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq or it's destroyed coral reefs in the pacific for women purposes the list just goes
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on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that they are shall be taken in the war to protect and involved against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions of protocol one has taken exception to that. this is. it. this is a real correctional facility. behind us. could transform a criminal. and can really reduce the penitentiary system. prisons.
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have you with us here on our headline gyptian president hosni mubarak says he's fed up with being in power but won't leave office. a state that many say his country is already in is huge crowds remain on the streets and violent clashes continue. meanwhile and we investigate links between a radical groups and the opposition in egypt protests in the u.k. are used by an islamic organization many other countries to promote its own agenda . the president welcomes progress in the moscow airport attack investigation but slams officials for earlier in the case had been solved. cross talk host peter
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lavelle finds out why the u.s. was caught flatfooted gyptian ally gets the boot from his people stay with us. if you. want to. follow in welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle the rise of a new middle east with the spectacular changes occurring in egypt what will become of the israeli egyptian peace treaty negotiated a camp david three decades ago can israel only negotiate with dictators and despots . and you can. discuss the future of israeli egyptian relations i'm joined by joel beynon in stanford he's a professor of middle east history at stanford university in washington.


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