tv [untitled] February 4, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST
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and in alexandria in suez in a number of other different cities the rallying call is the same this is a protest to say mubarak's d. day they want him gone by sunset which is just a few hours away now there have so far been no sign of those pro barwick demonstrators this doesn't mean that all concerns for violence have been abated but we're certainly seeing a lot a lot of excitement out of the streets in a lot of a common situation the army is maintaining a presence on the periphery a short time ago i'm a musette who is the secretary general of the arab league did attend the protests in toughness where people there welcoming him they were also present were given in moms who were calling for calm they also said the army was with god because it had promised not to state fire and get involved in these demonstrations with me i have a professor i meant nice guy me from cairo university thank you very much for joining us do you think mubarak will step down today we hope for that i was
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born forty three years ago and you've course lived in the time of president. president sadat then president mubarak and i can tell you this is a big day in my country's history we hope that he will listen to the voice of wisdom and he will step down and leave the office today what do you make of the american involvement and there's a lot of american diplomatic activity with them speaking now to almost solomon and other top egyptian officials is there a sense that they have betrayed a man who they've backed for thirty years no it's politics you know i mean for thirty years we have the same gentleman and same faces same policy ok and what i think now what the american trying to do right now is to steal the air force and actually went to the youth of the april twenty fifth did you try to steal their victory and claim it to themselves but you know it's the effort and the blood and the creaming and tiredness. of the young people of egypt why is the american
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administration not supporting mubarak anymore because simply i think mr mubarak has lost his credibility the entire nation actually thinking that is time to go so no credibility no support i mean what are the american going to support nothing what does the average egyptian make of america's involvement because they're still so involved in what's going on internally gyptian if it is it's totally rejected and people actually into his career and every single part of the country calling in this story in powers no matter what i mean even without naming any particular power to keep away it's our affairs and we'd like to keep it our interferes but that's certainly the rallying call we're hearing from protesters mubarak has to leave today but among those protesters those that are spoke to about that involvement in the international community some saying that the united states has been hypocritical in supporting an ally such as mubarak and then today turning its back
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on him and my colleague nora emmet filed this report from england in terms of what has been what is perceived by people here u.s. meddling in egypt an affair is. president obama starts today my belief that an orderly transition must be meaningful it must be peaceful and it must begin now and then faithfully one after the other one the other governments followed suit and that these democratic change has to start now. it needs to happen now the growth of freedom and democracy. and it seems the theme was contagious as the call for a new egypt spreads uncontrolled across the western mass media there were hundreds and fifty thousand people in the streets of cairo protesting for democracy this is how democracy happened but what right do u.s. and european leaders. have to get involved in what's essentially domestic unrest
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about dissatisfaction with a ruler who cares what they want in egypt certainly not these demonstrators at the egyptian embassy in london they supported you few even for such a. few regime and now they're talking about democracy and respect the from the right side of this and so obama's speech. could be seen on the fence so much. i mean it is not the same going overboard and just saying that's the appearance for a transition where is this peaceful transition there are shades of past conflicts in the world's attitude to the situation in egypt egypt is a sovereign state but what they have always done the west they've used this humanitarian or came and said oh we can intervene in. we can intervene in bhalo russia we can put sanctions for example this week so i put sanctions on. the grounds that they in directions were in some way invalid or there were some
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irregular as well they're all sufficient irregularities in the british elections without you know opinion putting sanctions on. it's a complete turnaround for the western world which is always supported hosni mubarak is a fool supposed to policy in the region the us gave him one and a half billion dollars a year for his armed forces alone and it was western support that kept mubarak in power betraying an inherent misunderstanding of the way society operates according to chatham house the way regimes like survive. is by making themselves useful. to the west they have to convince the world that. if they leave it'll be the muslim brotherhood and you'll have to. in egypt. it's the worst case scenario so the. minute you can see beyond never really fall in all of which
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suggests that western countries should stand back and let the egyptian people exercise their sovereignty the president of the united states would call on us to move immediately and instantly to make changes as if we are the fifty third state of the united states we are not trying to play a role in egypt steve show is a dangerous game for western leaders hosni mubarek enjoyed strong support from america and co for many years but now at the first sign of trouble their support is conspicuous in its absence this sends a message to friends and foes alike in the region when the going gets tough don't count on us a message that's likely to further destabilize an already deeply unstable part of the world's no rabbits or t. . meantime eunice abdullah mohammed chief analyst of islam policy dot com says the u.s. seems to be afraid of losing its influence in egypt. if we pay attention to the rhetoric
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of the u.s. they'd like you to believe that they're not doing anything but somehow the mubarak regime gets their hands on an awful lot of excess cash to buy one point five billion dollars worth of weaponry and all the weapons the tanks to tear gas that you see used against the jets and people to try to quell this revolution is in fact funded by american tax dollars not to mention the fact that the promo boric counter-revolutionary force that just happens to appear from the most egypt's thirty million impoverished people probably was paid off with dollar bills so we have to really look at the fact that egypt has been a functioning american empire a client state for our well over thirty years and the simple fact of the matter is is that there is no more you know polar power in the world america is going to try to bargain away whereby they have until september to adapt to influence to try to use propaganda to try to use covert and overt operations as they have since one thousand nine hundred eighty three in the middle east to shape things in their direction but it apparently seems as though this strategic blunder venturing into
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a war of attrition in iraq and afghanistan is now starting to weigh on the world and the world is going to have to let people in the muslim world to decide for themselves and regard the government or to economics with regards to the way that they are are there. more to come on the rest in about twenty minutes time with the latest edition of cross talk could labelling discussed we're discussing in detail how the told more than egypt could affect the wider region is a brief preview. of this relationship it really all depends on what type of government ends up emerging in egypt i think that we can say for certain that this relationship will never be the same unless we see the emergence of a no other dictatorship in egypt very similar to the mubarak regime of course that is what the israelis would like to see their preferable candidate is the newly
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named vice president in egypt men who they have been working with very carefully and he has been sort of the architect an overseer of the siege of gaza from the egyptian side but it's unlikely that a new government in egypt whatever that government is will be able to you can nor the will of the egyptian people in the way that previous governments have. crosstalk is coming your way in about twenty minutes time for now the u.s. lawmakers are pushing for a renewal of the patriot act which allows security agency used to go through private telephone and e-mail records a majority of congressmen insists the law defends the public from the threat of
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terror but as aussies gun each account reports many people view it as a violation of civil liberties. major provisions of the patriot act about to expire are due to be extended by lawmakers brought in by the bush administration as an emergency. terror measure the act to give sweeping powers to these orders to spy on people but the u.s. senate's judiciary committee is in a real hurry to rubber stamp rather than discuss and debate the far reaching measures they expire in three weeks and i think there is not time really to go through. a major change in those there was no time for real debate back in two thousand and one when the patriot act was adopted weeks after the nine eleven attacks according to congressman dennis the senate lawmakers hadn't even read what they were passing what happened once the patriot act was passed the fourth amendment rights to. reasonable search to be
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protected from unreasonable search and seizure just thrown out the congressman was one of the very few who openly oppose the act we have a challenge to the essence of our democracy with the very existence of the patriot act and of course its name the patriot act who would want to oppose the patriot act because it makes it sound as though you're a patriot if you're for it but actually. the idea of patriotism to destruction of cherished constitutional privileges new self to be challenged although lawmakers insisted that the patriot act would be used just for anti-terrorism federal authorities have used its powers far more broadly the senate's intelligence watchdog found that without any judicial checks government employees journalists danto were activists and others had been spied on
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over the last six months more than twenty antiwar activists around the country have been subpoenaed after the f.b.i. raided homes in chicago and minneapolis reportedly using patriot act powers to round up american citizens there's ample reason to believe that when you create massive databases of politically potentially very useful information about both innocent and guilty people eventually someone with access to that information will misuse it and we see all the time how people who become politically engaged politically threatening are subject to disclosures of sensitive information about them the patriot act allow security services to lawfully sponsored by wiretapping large groups of phone numbers and monitoring e-mail addresses in ball instead of meeting a warrant each time the national security agency has even intercepted bill clinton's private e-mails later said to be an inadvertent mistake among millions of other pieces of correspondence snooped on a privacy watchdog suggest that since two thousand and one the f.b.i.
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has intelligence investigations have compromised the civil liberties of american citizens far more frequently and to a greater extent than was previously assumed supporters of the act say it's needed because of the terrorist threats that we've had thirty six stored in terrorist attacks since nine eleven well do you know for a fact that it was thanks to the patriot act that the attacks were prevented it's difficult to say that for sure because when you look at court records and other documents that are available you can you say in these cases. there were cases where patriot act like tools would be useful and so we can suspect that they were useful and some of them congressman could say mission as the act is supported in congress where you drew a climate of fear so you have a whole nation of fearful people promoting fear you cannot have a democracy if the democracy rest upon fear you cannot walk in faith in freedom
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and fear at the same time americans have a great deal of respect for their founding fathers and one of those wise men benjamin franklin said quote those who give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety it. is largely ignored by today's america. as always. i want to. travel. one hundred. everything in between as well. whether.
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once again. divided by ideology the west east of the country hold very different views on what it is to be ukrainian. reports expressed. an innocent joke or deliberate disick ration recently activist of a ukrainian radical nationalist party cooked eggs and bacon on the eternal flame in caves memorial park a monument to the red army soldiers who died liberating the country from the nazis rather deputy increase the chance to seize a little surprise as to why this happens in more than day ukraine. between it their nation was brainwashed by five years of you should as
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a rule actions like these or an attempt to write off the sacrifices made to be liberated from the nazis in the resulting professions propaganda like the rehabilitation of nazi collaborators like shirky bitch and on their abuser puts them the two nationalist army leaders to ban been there and i'm sure kiddish were made heroes of ukraine by former president you shit their groups are seen by many as nazi collaborators first they fought the german invasion then turned against the soviet troops at times using gruesome tactics against civilians the former president's decision split open ukraine ideologically now with victory on the court which in office the author proved in court that been there had no right to bear the heroic accolades for. the law that only a citizen of ukraine can become a hero and been there wasn't a ukrainian citizen it is not the law doesn't matter to some people here they believe the really crane is in the west of the country and they don't want to find
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any compromise here. the court's decision caused a massive public outcry in the west of ukraine and nationalists told that from renaming the streets after been there to raising funds for new monuments people in this part of the country stressed that their loyalty to been there will stand firm . on darrell walls is on the way to be our hero this is what we believe in and no court decision will ever change. but at some point words turned into actions nationalist wings organized a series of extremist attacks this summer june were sent back to arc's visit to ukraine they bombed the church and have also vandalized soviet era monuments and the country is left to wonder what reaction would follow should and now the controversial world war two ukrainian would be deprived of fuse hero status on february the sixteenth according key if will decide whether i'm sick a bitch will also be stripped of his medal and while experts say he is most likely
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to follow been there us food stamps they say no matter their decision ukraine will still remain divided over its perception of the past let's see russia fifty see reporting from kiev ukraine r.t. is coming to you live from the heart of the russian capital where it's now twenty minutes past the hour let's check out some other international stories in brief this hour the e.u. leaders met in brussels to discuss the ongoing european debt crisis turmoil in egypt and the energy security twenty seven nations are hoping to agree on new ways of managing the economic situation although no decisions will be taken until and meeting it next week i wrote that the next month france germany called on other e.u. nations to become no competitive and it's been confirmed that europe is working closely with egypt's vice president over the ongoing tensions there. so radio tagging of the indian students in the u.s. has caused angry protests in new delhi indians attending the trial of valley
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university in california read on. to wear an electronic ankle so immigration authorities can keep track of them the university was shut down last month and accused of being a front to help in the eagle immigrants and to the country the indian government has called the american actions quote inhumane and demanded the tags be removed. the clear up operation has started in the northeastern state of queensland after cyclonic gassy hit on wednesday it's been confirmed one man was killed as a result of the category five storm flooding and heavy rain are hindering rescue efforts as emergency teams try to help upbeat coastal communities australia's a prime minister has described the damage as massive. well coming up for you next hour all the deals uncovered. because it's the british capital in search of the russian spirit. absolutely breathtaking
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the soviet embassy moved into this building in one nine hundred twenty nine also known as harrington house it was one of the few venues in the area that bravely use the number thirteen but scared of anything another interesting fact is that they just pay one pound a year for the rent here but on the flip side of that the british embassy residence in moscow pays just one ruble which is fifty times cheaper. than. moscow is coming your way next hour and i'll be back with the headlines about eight minutes but for now it's with the business. hello welcome to our business program i'm sure. russia could attract up just thirty billion dollars of foreign investment in two thousand and eleven this could happen
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if all the companies taking part in the state privatization campaign hold an i.p.o. this year curial demetrius' president of icahn private equity says the goal is achievable i think thirty billion is a very realistic target and i just came from a meeting in davos in bric countries for very much a focus of the investment targets and russia specifically because of that address the president did of the children there are very media specific interest and investment opportunities in peru which is a short program and beyond the reach of asian program i'll give just three examples agriculture is a very interesting sector and we'll all know what's happening for food prices in the world increasing dramatically in russia is one of the most dominant agricultural players infrastructure is definitely a great sector as well were a lot for infrastructure investment will be happening for the olympic games for the world champions we can ship truck and all investments away to the middle class which is growing very dramatically in russia so banks. lots of sectors where
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russian population is growing better purchasing power and can build a very successful investment stories. and russia has to begin selling grain from state reserves in a move to curb food prices and support the domestic market the plan is to sell two and a half million tons of grain within five months of the next top of the state's current stockpile stands at nine point five million tons authorities both through exports six months ago following the country's worst drought in fifty years that devastated the harvest industry watchers say prices have now started to stabilise thanks to the positive outlook on the grain trade. and a second look at the markets russian markets up close in the black having klon for a third day in energy majors are the early gains as oil is trading above one hundred dollars a barrel in london amid political unrest in north africa and the middle east. meanwhile in the us the coal and sperm banks both close trading down all the de blas now however added close to two percent on both boards of the four states that
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its fourth quarter net income saw a nineteen percent jobs over the previous three months. and the russian company has also posted a net profit of ten point six five billion dollars in two thousand and ten a sixty four percent increase year on year beating alice expectations according to the u.s. accounting standards russia's largest oil company has also reported a fourth quarter jump in profit while its overall debt fell twenty six percent the improved results were mainly attributed to increased output total cost control and rising oil prices meanwhile raw snuffs president has denied that his company is negotiating to buy out half of russian british joint venture and k b p. now star economist nouriel roubini dr doom forecast russia's inflation will hit double digits this year in the first month of two thousand and eleven consumer
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prices in russia saw a two point four percent hike topping market expectations meanwhile the government's official inflation forecast for two thousand. eleven is still set for sixty seven percent of the explains why inflation is on the rise and how russia needs to pursue economic growth. so far the growth rate of russia in the recall very has been disappointing in part because there was excessive amounts of that the leverage in the financial system or parts of the corporate the world so while china india brazil are growing six to eight nine percent and last year that are called video growth in russia was only around four percent i think that not only that is low growth but compared to other emerging markets inflation dizzy and my reach are double digits of one percent or more and the central bank is being cautious and raising interest rates and inflation might be gold also higher i think that the way that russia has to deal with the fact that they want a little but they need to limit the inflation is to make sure that potential growth
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of desire and if you make structural reforms if you free our private enterprise if you make more efficient state than other enterprises if you have more incentive to enter banerjee then potential growth can be high your actual growth can be a year and inflation is going to stay on the control. and that's all the business news for now but you can always find more stories on our website that's all. thanks for watching. all.
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cultures that so much are different and there's a huge reason to share apparently trying to hide from the marquesas is the rise of a new middle east with the spectacular changes occurring in egypt what will become of these three week gyptian peace treaty to go she did. well when one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy chemical certain whether it's sonic boom six tractor marine mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq or it's destroyed coral reefs in the pacific for planning purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine
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states that they are shall be taken in war to protect one by against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions of protocol one has taken exception to that. hungary for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in some. hotel emerald. school who turned. to gold to. create this. twenty.
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seven thirty pm here in the russian capital. protest tens of thousands. of the president to step down on. friday. political figures in the west stop backing demonstrators who are trying to do the egyptian it's leading to criticism taking sides in. nationalist movements proves hard for ukrainian authorities. followers refused to give up its. freedom of
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patriotism. patriot act. reaction to the chaos in egypt and whether it could lead to the end of the so-called cold peace between the two countries a heated debate do stay with us. hello and welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle the rise of a new middle east with the spectacular changes occurring in egypt what will become of the israeli egyptian peace treaty negotiated a camp david three decades ago can israel only negotiate with dictators and despots .
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