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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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in around six weeks russia and the united states will exchange for information on all their strategic. and in two months they will resume regular check ups of the nuke stocks and perhaps most importantly their reduction the path was backed by both presidents but it still took nearly two years of hard talks and internal dispute until the treaty was ratified by both country's parliament and even then only after the two sides had made so-called special statements or recommendations but they were non-binding and will not affect the actual implementation of the deal the original text remains untouched to remember they were ok from the way of threats from hopes on both sides but. and now we see that it was well the start treaty that started the reset process also on the table at the munich security forum was another initiative backed by moscow the building of a unified anti missile defense system which includes russia the united states and
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the european union all sharing the responsibility for the safety of the others according to you i would offer maintaining a balance is essential for everyone security and he stressed this is a unique chance to work together. to get an agreement to discuss the possibility of a joint anti missile shield doesn't automatically mean russia is ready to join the program which is being drafted without its participation was the idea of take it or leave it doesn't work here if we don't work together she will have to compensate like it or not an emerging imbalance. getting rid of old cliches and rescind dividing one that's the message boards by most here in germany a country which learned from bitter experience what you did is all about. what was there which there were a lot remains to be done to irreversibly overcome the accumulated historical cliches phobias and suspicions all our countries need to follow the print. of the
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indivisibility of security we already to follow serious collective work in the key area of year land global policy the time has come to take a choice between common strategic interests really media political expediency but clearly not everyone is able to get rid of all stereotypes we are proceeding with it because of the threat we face from iran not from the soviet union. when you look from the former. this meeting in munich is fast becoming a major stage for people to look forward to among other issues dominating the talks were the current unrest in egypt the peace process in the middle east iran's nuclear program north korea frozen conflicts and for the first time in forty seven years cybercrime the security there was that's the nickname this conference has been given by some sense it's a great opportunity for world leaders and top level politicians to share of their
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views on key contemporary issues and many say every year this forum reveals the true direction of global politics for the near future and this time in the case of russia and the united states for the next decade you've got this kind of r.t. munich. pass from the university of kent in britain says the treaty marks a new era in russia u.s. relations. the reset has often been dismissed as just nice rhetoric with little action but now we have a concrete outcome of the reset in us russian relations and i think both sides will want to build on this indeed missile defense has been one of the most divisive issues well as we saw in november at the nato summit in lisbon president veered of is prepared to discuss this and also prepared to consider russian participation in a missile defense shield that is not aimed at russia but in fact is aimed at rogue states and it would really help to diffuse tensions of the last few years and move
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forward in a more positive spirit both sides can pull out that's also been the case in the past with previous treaties so i don't think that is any different. real threats always exist and both sides have a very careful as to where they want to put out because that would really set back relations by many years. still ahead in the program revolution bryant. why do you think the media sometimes calls an events a riot and sometimes calls it a revolution but i think it probably. is a bit you know to see would it surprise you to know that our country has backed the current person you know. we gauge public opinion on the international media handling of the political crisis in egypt. on the weight of some americans say political correctness has gone too far as classic literature
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finds itself target censorship. russia's most wanted man a terrorist model has claimed that he was behind january's bombing of domodedovo airport the lives of thirty six people and injured more than one hundred eighty he made the claims in a video message on an extremist web site model also warned of more terrorist acts to follow or forces believe he was also involved in the march twenty ten moscow metro bombings that killed thirty nine people as well as the november two thousand and nine bombing of a train from moscow st petersburg. thousands of anti-government protesters in egypt are spending another night in cairo's tahrir square demanding president hosni mubarak step down the deadline set by the demonstrators for his resignation has passed with no word from the president according to state media the leadership of
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the ruling party has resigned in response to be on among those who quit was president song these are the latest pictures from tahrir square is political crisis enters its third day both the protesters on the president standing for. the slayer is covering developments in the egyptian capital. it is raining intermittently people are still. and people have been huddling for warmth around campfires and intense but maybe it's just the enthusiasm and the real belief in what they're doing that is essentially keeping them warm it was a cheer in the crowd earlier saturday when the announcement came through that state television was reporting that the president mubarak and the rest of the top leadership of the national democratic party had resigned we are though hearing conflict in reports about whether or not that happened but assuming it did the response in the square was that this was a step in the right direction but not enough protesters still insisting that mubarak needs to stick to needs to step down from the presidency at the same time
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i've been speaking to analysts and they can use an expression that when a person has cancer you don't treat that cancer by giving them one one who were vesper and now earlier saturday he head of the army's central command visited toughness where he walked from the one side to the other and he urged protesters to go home i can tell you that the mood in the square is almost as if the army is choking people in we did try to make our way there but we were stopped by the army the tape that we've been filming was actually confiscated and we were warned that if we do not turn back we would be arrested on the spot now the focus here is for sunday sunday has been dubbed the day of martyrdom and again a court has gone out for one million protesters to make their way to tahrir square earlier on saturday president mubarak met with the top officials of his government it was almost as if they were trying to put on a face that it was business as usual and that was the message that was given by the country's prime minister he met with opposition parties he did say that the
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opposition parties were very divided but he was confident that they could reach some kind of common ground and some kind of solution he also said that stability was returning to that country and of course he wants that message to go out to the international community because of the economic crisis that essentially this country is facing at the moment but saturday's demonstration was dubbed the day of solidarity and that was really to mark and to said. thank you to the demonstrations that have been held around the world in solidarity with what is going on here in egypt itself in new york hundreds of people took to the streets they have egyptian and american citizenship we saw the same kind of scenes being played out in europe across least eleven on turkey in iran and as far afield as south africa at the same time the mid east quartet did meet on the sidelines of the unix security conference and there the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said into quote a perfect storm is brewing in the arab world and of course that is because people
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are concerned that what has happened here in egypt will have and is already having a ripple effect in the rest of the region even leaders did condemn the violence and again we're hearing the same call from the international community to allow egyptians to make a decision for themselves but the same call coming from egyptians asking the international community to stay out and stop meddling in their own internal domestic issues. where u.s. special envoy to egypt says president mubarak should stay in power to supervise the transition it appears to contradict the reports from the white house pushing for an immediate leadership change what in bloom is that all the historian and outspoken critic of american foreign policy says the u.s. stance on promoting democracy in the region is highly questionable it's embarrassing you know every day the u.s. who turns to be a champion of democracy that is that is the main image. they can't just ignore the protests in cairo they have to show some support for them but that's
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that's that's for their image that's that's that's probably relations that their heart is not only the u.s. government doesn't have any. emotional investment in democracy or an overthrow a dictator is that they were now supported mubarak for thirty years if they flood otherwise. now is the international media coverage of the on the rest in egypt giving a fair picture on what's going on that want to find out lord hoffa missed also known as the president hit the streets of new york to ask or people that think. thousands upon thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in cairo is this a welcome revolution or an out now try it this week let's talk about that why do you think the media sometimes calls an event a riot and sometimes calls it a revolution but i think it probably depends on the news commentator he's imposing
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his opinion on the scene do you think that the news always does that yeah but i think everybody goes i mean there are there are no objective people in the world we all come with our mind probably already made up do you think that the media's coverage of what's going on in egypt dispair. at first. i don't i don't know. fair i mean we haven't covered egypt i mean they've had this guy in power for how many years so where were they all those years that he was supposed to be not a good leader you know we haven't heard anything about the till now do you think it's important what happens in egypt for us it's important for the people i think that. a democratic system is more important than. for united states so would it surprise you to know that our country has backed the current person that in power no. not really i mean as oil right if
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that's what it always comes down to you know mom if they're getting footage and it looks like people are in this upheaval and it looks like a riot and that's what people want to hear they'll call it that on the other hand if they think they'll sell more and call it a revolution i think they'll call it that so do you think they care about the outcome of what happens in egypt or are they trying to push their own agenda well i think that the individuals care about as a corporation and the media i think they care about selling the news however they want and whoever the stakeholders are whatever they want to hear whether or not you think the protests in egypt are a good thing we can only hope that the situation gets resolved with as little violence as possible. now mind your language as a tool against inequality and discrimination correctness has become possible and from day life for some in the us the self imposed restrictions are being taken
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a step too far when a point nine reports. america is a country that pioneers freedom of expression but is the rising tide of political correctness reigning in the right to say what you think people do hold hold. to actually speak their mind it's almost as though you have a sort of a code to fall down sometimes you want to call a spade a spade and sometimes you want to call it a trouble according to news and poll the majority of citizens think the u.s. is overdosing on p.c. turning the land of the free into a nation of hyper sensitive sissies. were even corn chips can cause mass controversy in this add a priest substitute to do read zero for the eucharist the body of christ where the commercial was created for a possible super bowl broadcast but after an uproar among catholics frito lay apologized and pulled the plug on the satirical spot during
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a commercial being pulled is a classic example of americans freaking out about something insulting to do with religion i understand why the catholic league might flip out that's their job however be able to laugh at yourself folks. the price of humor can end up costing big maybe captain owen honors intrusted with a nuclear powered aircraft carrier worth half a billion dollars was fired over racy morale boosting videos created years ago having survived eighty five combat missions owen was shot down by for tuesday style gestures and comments as for the man who wrote nineteenth century classics not even mark twain is protected from present day p.c. two of tweens books are being republished with the word sleeve replacing the n. word it's about laziness it's not about liberal guilt to not want to do offend or conservatives want to want to sanitize or plain vanilla is history and art it's
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really about laziness we don't we don't want to trust people to look and examine to look at something and then go beyond that so what does it mean what were those times like what is the author trying to say when film critic roger ebert took to twitter to criticize the censorship. he was criticized for simply writing the n. word a federal jury will soon decide if white people can use the n. word at work this as a white t.v. reporter is suing a fox news affiliate in philadelphia after being fired for using the n. word during a staff meeting white house chief of staff rahm emanuel has apologized he's apologized and of course the r word can also make you a glorified villain as was the keyes last year when former chief of staff rahm emanuel privately called a group of liberals retards rahm emanuel and i think he has some indecent and insensitive ways of being pale and as of. e.s.p.n. sensitivity surrounding sex has become
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a touchy subject announcer ron franklin was fired this month for allegedly calling a female reporter sweet baby menace a political correctness has neutered the american language creating a super sensitive society incapable of laughing things off a p.c. employer that loves more people buying their tongues for fear that freedom of expression may be more trouble than it's worth more important artsy new york. you're with some of the international headlines this hour now an estimated seventy thousand to. central belgrade the biggest anti-government rally is demonstrators were calling for early elections higher wages and a crackdown on corruption and opposition leaders have threatened to blockade the capital if their quest is not met to madness always have. been to appeal to
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the previous demonstrations. heavy monsoon rains of kools massive flooding in several false of sri lanka claiming it these tsunamis that are affecting over eight hundred thousand people thousands of houses of the story to many roads down it's this is the second time that the. monkfish lanka has been badly affected by a great deal in jan removing the million people were affected by flooding which claimed at least forty three lives. now the idea of multiculturalism in the u.k. has failed says prime minister david cameron who's urging minority groups to do more to integrate the comments were made on the same day as around three families and far right supporters marched in the town of luton to protest against islam anti fascism muslims also gathered to hold their own. and it has more than what we've seen in luton on saturday are two arch rival factions meeting about five hundred metres from each other really in this same small town just behind me the english
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defense league who is. against the islamification of the u.k.'s they call it just up the road you know i see gates fascism and the faction as well saying exactly the opposite saying that we want everybody to be able to come and live in this country at peace and so really when these two groups meet and come together there are very usually clashes we've seen it several times happening in london in the last year or so we have seen a huge police operation mounted costing in the region of one point two million dollars just to police this demonstration we managed to catch up with the chief counsel for the chip police who told us that he was very pleased with how the operation of passed off regardless of how much it cost to him policing operation the rules royce through the. roof prepared for the. true religion to ensure the so you know you clues into the evening for. more than
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a thousand people drafted into to and from all over the country and let's hear what one of the u.s. supporters had to say about that because you have. been bringing people. just like a huge operation to allow a great system fascistic. the english defense league has seemed to manage at least for now to have thoughts about violent drunken sort of football hooliganism aspects of their organization under control as they say at least for the moment their membership is fairly diverse already it's not just white people as you might imagine they still say sikhs there are jewish people there are black people who are among their ranks here on saturday so we have to just wait and see what the what the a.d.l. comes up with next whether it was a coincidence that david cameron made his comment today or whether it was done deliberately inside with this march is not clear but it is clear that the he again he is not the first person to have made these comments inside europe germany's
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angela merkel also said that this is a system that has failed miserably they've got a lot of turkish immigration in germany and she says that there is little to no integration into the german community we've also seen the travelling community gypsies being deported from france recently the swedish democrats won seats in parliament a far rights group for the first ever time at the beginning of last year and we've also seen a vote in switzerland in which fifty seven percent of people said they wanted to ban the building of any more minarets so this is certainly a europe wide feeling this this this anti islam is them. and we've more on the issue just ahead to a danish m.p. yes but lang by the who's been convicted on charges of anti muslim hate speech says multiculturalism is damaging the rights to freedom of expression in europe we hear from him next.
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you're. mr lang mile when you're associated with an aggressive stance towards islam your recent a variety is derived from your treatment by your own legal system do you feel betrayed by the system that you've been defending the main proper m is the role. which i was convicted for which is that if you. speak something
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which. mark or score on. people because of their ethnicity their race their really really just belief. and their. and secure mad rush and then you can be punished and it shows up. what is a toe mock or born or humiliate. it would be understood in different we. from the one person to the our the what i. used will call or. sober. creative of relief.
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the politically correct movement will core two duo mark or form and therefore the problem is this specific law which my party has been working. to. get away you've cited provisions in the article under which you were found guilty that someone merely needs to feel offended in order for a crime to have been made why insert such a subjective clause into such an important piece of legislation a lot of people. first of all of them are from. but also many. left wing people in and denmark see it as an art to feel offended it's. a it's especially of culture to
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feel of ended and when they feel offended they argue that. that you should. stop the freedom of. speech or restrict it the court the shish the dorseys them shouldn't care about. people feeling of end it. should instead are they off and it is it true what that man says. are there are not killings yes or no and then not bother about people. a lot of people are. offended when the truth is that in your so-called
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confession you pointed out that you voted to lift your own parliamentary immunity. in order to allow yourself to be prosecuted have you not willingly participated in a show trial i voted for. because i thought and right were wrong i thought that i in the courtroom. make an every day of truth. but what i didn't know was that this is not a punch of birth and in such a case. under the punishment the law so i couldn't do that and when i noticed that my lawyer told me that i couldn't. make any evidence of truth.
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then. ok then i plead. guilty myself. i confessed. this horrible are all. sure i have it and then i. used. the meeting in the courts to. make. a speech where i criticized. this law we call it people call it the ratio. law but did you plead guilty because you thought you were guilty or because you wanted to make a point where the. and if that. is made
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a law. which for beat free speech and i speak free freely then that i buy or let the law then i must confess guilty. he and.
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this is all they came to clear almost a reduction treaty between russia and the us finally comes into force on the example of the following did you find the country's president some. strange bullies however i mean come on a little incident before it's. the media massive crowds of protesters rally in cairo despite the. deadline for president mubarak to quit the a lot of the forces prime minister says multiculturalism has failed. and so all. of the islam and.
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all special report is in free flight. so. i never feel like this before. so how does it feel. to. these people don't have a runway. all that's needed is a steep hillside or a with each with each take off there is always a risk. pilots but they proudly call themselves preflight pilots.


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