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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST

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a future with a reputation on the line what is significant is that it has been agreed that a committee been established to study constitutional reform and that this committee has been given a deadline of one month in which to deliver its findings it has also been agreed that the state of emergency here will be lifted now on sunday the vice president almost sort of went to meet with various opposition groups and within those groups were representatives of secular parties representatives of the muslim brotherhood independent legal experts as well as a number of representatives for mohamed el baradei and he of course is the former head of the international atomic energy agency who has indicated that he will be prepared to head an interim government the muslim brotherhood really is the focus of the discussion and the debate here in egypt because before yesterday they said that they would not meet with the government if there was not agreement on president hosni mubarak stepping down the brotherhood has been at pains to say that they have not changed their stance they have to afford it now these kind of
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discussions and not negotiations and what we do understand is that it will be through the day monday but what is noticeable is that the opposition voices on that unified they certainly do need somebody to bring them together to keep them motivated and to represent the point of view because by and large every day that these can respect the government despite the course of mubarak to step down immediately it is indicative that mubarak has no time in history perceived as winning this battle the longer he has to negotiate with these opposition greet the muslim brotherhood is in question for the international community than it does on says they have to be determined and they raise alarm bells to observers of what is going on because he's increasingly felt these protests and these demonstrations have taken and is one of an almost extremist trond on the streets of cairo i explored this phenomenon earlier in this package. it didn't get more than
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a passing mention in the mainstream media hizbollah her mass and muslim brotherhood members in a jail break. from here and want to lebanon there's no way to go to lebanon from egypt only to go through this she or to fire so who helped them any one of the thousands of protesters on egypt streets was support for the demonstrators has fled fast and although the muslim brotherhood the country's largest opposition group with an islamist agenda got involved only on day three that says mom do ramsey is part of the plan the muslim brotherhood will appear when they're sure the presidency will fall and when they have the support and power to control everything they work in every arab country there they're below the surface and there they're now talking with the government and this supporters are here shouting on the streets in two weeks of demonstrations they are rallying call hasn't changed step down mubarak has made any living of his friends traveled for forty eight hours to
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get here they've come all the way from eritrea to be part of what they believe is the new revolution sweeping the middle east i was in eritrea and i watch everything on t.v. i wish i was here before but coming here now is my contribution i am asking all my brothers in egypt to express their opinion without fear you will never leave the blood of her martyrs who were killed in this revolution with a revenge that will both bugger the brotherhood get some of its funding from the ran and tehran is already cashing in its foreign minister says the protests show the need for an overhaul in the region and ayatollah ali khamenei has called the protests an islamic awakening there's an opportunity for an increased role for muslims in the international arena from a political and economic perspective for the first time in quite a long while six years ago the american national intelligence council which is linked to the cia warned of exactly this it mapped out of a port in the global future it consisted of a caliphate one big muslim state. it into social unrest
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a slowdown in the economy and fueled by religious movements if such a pan regional union did genuinely come into being such a regional union would necessitate the breaking of very strong very resistant bonds that exist between the u.s. and many of the participants in such a putative arab muslim world and the u.s. has already feeling the heat with confusing messages coming from an administration that's unsure what to do when the protests first started president obama was careful not to abandon his old friend hosni mubarak but his loyalties soon shifted and he sided with the protesters to try and keep on top of things for sure of the muslim brotherhood reach the top of egypt's though impose their special agenda they'll go ahead to establish a religious state and despite them saying they don't want to be in the government they do they want to rule egypt and it's not just egypt many fear much of the arab world today saying if it can happen in the streets of cairo but that it can happen
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here so democracy does seem to be spreading so as the brotherhood sits down for talks of the government it despises it's not just egypt's future that's at stake but so to that of the region. two weeks ago if you would have asked anyone here whether they could envisage there was a brotherhood sitting down with the government and talking it would have been unthinkable that just gives you an indication of how small this country has come in a fortnight. where you leaks founder julian assange to appear in a london court to fight extradition to sweden over alleged sex crimes his defense says that if handed over to stockholm he faces the risk of being eventually sent to the us where he could get the death sentence sounds outraged at washington by publishing tens of thousands of its military documents and diplomatic cables sweden denies any intention to extradite him to the u.s. but as any so now we have found out stockholm may be far from impartial in this case. so we didn't a quiet little neutral scandinavian nation the current foreign policy establishment
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in sweden has a remarkably close relationship with the united states the country that gave us our flat pack furniture store dollar meatballs top models and lawn bombshells may not be so neutral after all american influence is everywhere from food to feature films but in sweden it seems to be supersized. the deerhunter film was shown again on swedish t.v. for the. sixtieth time it's an awful film it's the worst propaganda politics through the back door like sweden's times with nato you have the military and some politicians cooperate intensively with the united states and with nato and the large mass of the population being totally unaware of the stuff going on but it's not just what swedes are taking in it's also what their leaders are ready to
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give from julian assange to terrorist suspects to nato support when america wants something they get it but why and what's in it for this so-called neutral nation they get. all the benefits of being an intelligence partner of the united states without the baggage of being in nato it's a partnership decades in the making there is then a willingness to. do the errands of the united states over many years from. questions of. making asylum seekers in sweden. both to the cia freddy's is particularly strong now with a raid leaning government in sweden and with the us wanting him for spying and sweden wanting him for sex crimes julian assange is wanted by quite a team and the songe wiki leaks case seems to be just the next continuation of this
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very old intelligence relationship here's some other relationships we dug up julian assange just ticks off the us with fierce reaction from one of the country's most notorious neo cons is not a particularly credible source and love to see is you know to milk in my mind as it is a criminal only ought to be out of bed and grabbed and put on trial for what he used earlier these words from karl rove who claims he's part swedish and just happens to be advising the country's pm while the former swedish minister of justice is a partner in the firm who filed charges against a songe for sex crimes with another link to the us thomas von stroheim is claimed to have handed the cia asylum seekers from sweden who were then tortured a question about neutrality became even even clearer thanks to some of the documents from exactly wiki leaks and if the u.k. can secure asylum for bodies because of ski and ahmed zakayev both wanted for
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serious crimes in russia it could be argued there is another room in the british justice system to protect julian a song from the united states of sweden merica. and let him keep blowing his whistle and usin our way archie stockholm sweden still have the program losing teams exposed on the race alcoholism in russia fuelled by the lack of stringent laws to prevent youngsters from being able to buy booze without the need to show id . and human rights groups worse as george w. bush find out why the former us president has dumped out of a visit to the land of cheese and chocolate. as a us president impending budget announcement looms there are some who say it will slash the amount going to poverty reduction programs but with manning us cities running out of threadbare service levels already it's a cut they can ill afford artie's lauren lyster has more. education it's the
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reality america cannot escape with the city's roughly two hundred eighty million dollars debt more and more people are talking about bankruptcy news of debt like that hitting cash strapped cities and states all over the country altogether it could amount to two trillion dollars and a bill many may not be able to pay the problem of the state and local debt is more serious than the real estate bubble serious because with millions of americans still unemployed and losing their homes there isn't enough taxpayer money to pay creditors local governments which aren't allowed to operate in the red must come up with the cash this means some may be choosing between default or devastation in many cases it will be fairly simple for cities to cut services before they actually default on their cities and states coast to coast seem to be trying this route and the toll it's taking on the streets of america is undeniable. camden new jersey is
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the second most dangerous city in the country you didn't see many cops on the streets to begin with and now may really see any the city's had to lay off nearly half. of their police force in detroit a city where people have been too broke to bury their dead the city's too broke to repair dying infrastructure to fix roads or lights and the desert state of arizona cuts have been a matter of life and death governor jan brewer taking a lot of heat over the death of another transplant patient after the state cut funding for the operations here in new york city huge piles of garbage like this one are all over city streets just cities behind on picking up trash after getting behind clearing up after ice snow storm public officials blame that on any number of reasons but one accusation that keeps coming up is this is the result of budget cuts cuts have consequences you can't just sort of cut and there isn't enough wasteful spending so to speak to cut you're actually do have to cut services that
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people depend on analysts say the slashing will amount to an increase in unemployment and a lowering of wages dragging more americans down and the economy with it while the prospect of bankruptcy is threaten the pensions of public workers and may cause a run on municipal bonds so that will push the city counties over the over the cliff it's not a solution either scenario seems to be causing a widespread decline in the american city once relegated to ancient history it's a feed back towards economic shrinking downsizing and the urban ization exactly the same thing happened in the roman empire when in the end broom was left almost a deserted city and all of the production shifted back onto the land that's faced here although the land in this case looks like it'll be broad rather than in the united states as investment flees to other countries threatening to take with it the american dream lauren lyster r.t.
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new york. it's never been easier for teenagers in russia to buy booze without being asked for id fueling under-age alcoholism was now stringent punishments many store owners turn a blind eye to selling alcohol to minors artists or when i wish to went in with hidden cameras cover the scale of the problem. that these teenagers just may be russia's future and it's looking rather bleak. the problem is that kids start drinking around fourteen fifteen years of age regularly dependency takes a few years to four so when they're brought to us the process has already been for for not always we can pull them out of this tough situation according to n.g.o.s there are anywhere from twenty to sixty thousand teenagers in the country and many blame the fact that it's far too easy for a teenager to buy alcohol legal drinking age in russia is eighteen years old so how easy is it for a teenager to get his or her hands on some hard liquor we're going to follow
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a couple of enthusiasm russian youth organization into that liquor store right across the street which is one of the largest supermarkets selling hard alcohol to find out whether or not they will be successful in getting their hands on a couple of bottles of whiskey we've been in with a hidden camera but the experiment didn't work the first time around so no go here the teenage girls were not sold any alcohol they were else for them to the case and when they didn't provide it they were refused service but we're going to go to another place just down the street and see whether they will be able to get some vodka or beer there follow us. sure enough each of them had no trouble getting a beer from this kiosk. when confronted this series woman got defensive but didn't seem too fazed with breaking the law oh not that way though you know how many times did we tell you not to sell alcohol to under-aged and you still continue to do that . unfortunately practically every second or supermarkets. now
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come to adolescence and we have to make positive tendencies to russian parliamentarians have been trying to implement stringent punishments for those who still hold on cigarettes to minors but so far there has been very little progress parents are responsible for the children until they turn eighteen and i think if we make parents behave fine when the kids are good drink we will raise the level of responsibility because presently teenagers do all these things practically with a parent's permission as many as several groups of this alcohol became an intrinsic part of the russian culture after world war two we have a tradition to drink for any reason and that's a huge problem we need to tackle fortunately many youngsters themselves realize the scope of the problem the part of us life they want to relax to feel grown up but i don't think if you drink two three bottles of beer you automatically become an adult as things stand there is little consequence or punishment for kiosk or store
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owners willing to cash in on minors health but it could be the country's future at stake it even goes corti mosco. there's always more news and analysis on our website r.t. dot com here's what's on the line right now and time mark has been staged by one english far right group as prime minister david cameron spoke of failing multiculturalism in modern day britain. thousands of russian athletes gather skis on a in an annual cross-country race to find out more about the sabbat head to our web site r t dot com. former u.s. president george w. bush has canceled a visit to switzerland citing security concerns it came after human rights groups threatened protests and cold on the swiss government to detain bush for authorizing the torture of suspected terrorists journalist option returns he believes it's unlikely bush will be held to account by an international court. my understanding
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is the center for constitutional rights has a two and a half thousand page document they're releasing in the next twenty four hours in geneva but it's difficult to know where to start with george w. bush because it's an entire car drew of people it's dick cheney it's called rumsfeld is dick cheney's chief of staff we don't have rumsfeld's memoirs this is about illegal wars and so on but this case i think centers around two individuals in particular one of whom i've met a cameraman for a qatari satellite t.v. channel who was incarcerated in guantanamo for years and we mustn't forget forty eight year old died a few days ago after being going to him for nine years also without charge of course and tortured i think international law has proved pretty useless when it comes to torture will any of these come to pass to actually indict all these people including of course tony blair here in britain very doubtful in the hague won't touch the people that really are responsible for torture in such a major scale and for training torturers at the school of americas and of course we
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must remember that the obama administration still is going to open so people are being tortured to this day making arms reduction treaty was finally given the green line by moscow and washington russia and the u.s. will now start slashing their nuclear arsenals by a third but as artie's military contributor colonel of ghana explains it's now they are tasked not to lead the nuclear weapons fall into terrorist hands. the latest certification of the start treaty is not the end but just a beginning of the r.d.s. procedures to declare arise and to minimize the nuclear threat both from the rogue state and known state actors especially from bellew's nukes that might wind up in the hands of terrorists who are enjoying the hospitality in the badlands of pakistan in fact on obama administration watch pakistan slowly but steadily has significantly expanded its nuclear arsenal both in its first strike capability and
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the amount of fiesole material there could be easily employed for yet another one hundred nuclear warheads now the united states has a unique opportunity to exonerate its shattered image in the muslim world it has to persuade its most indispensable ally pakistan to stop sub but dodging the known fee sell material kind of treaty and to become a signatory the us to help pakistan to shed its image as an international parea and to prove its ability and willingness to share their full responsibility as a respected member of the international community in debt endeavor i'm sure the russian federation we will do its best to aid and support the united states effort in full accordance with the letter and spirit of just recently signed up and ready
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fide start treaty. and a brief we now add some other stories from around the world and shots have been traded along the border of time on the boat here for a fourth day in a row the conflict is centered around a temple internationally recognized as belonging to can bodhi although time has the ortiz dispute this the clashes have so far claimed five lives since friday and forced the evacuation of thousands of villagers a thai military source before tiddly described the latest skirmish as a misunderstanding. two bushfires driven by hot summer winds are raging on the outskirts of perth in australia as west coast fifty nine homes have been destroyed and more have been damaged the strong winds are hampering efforts to contain the blazes with water bombing aircraft affected meanwhile the cleanup from floods and cyclons of the country's east coast continue and the floods have been the country's worst in decades killing thirty five people and causing an estimated five point six billion dollars in damage. protesters demanding the resignation of italian prime
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minister silvio berlusconi have clashed with police outside his villainy in the land demonstration turned violent when some members of the hundred strong crowd tried to break a security cordon around the residence the protest calm as the scandal plagued leader bands off accusations that he could sort of with prostitutes mr berlusconi strongly denies the accusations and that's about to continue to govern. well in just a few minutes here in r t we talk to moscow police chief to discuss how to lower the capital crime rate but before that we'll take a look what's happening in business with kareena don't go away.
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and i want to welcome to business with the queen malcolm thanks for joining me russia's state owned d.t.b. bank is starting a road show later on monday the country's second largest lender is offering a ten percent stake or if the world freed a half billion dollars it's the first big sale and russia's ambitious privatization program the roadshow is organized by merrill lynch deutsche bank and b.c.b. capital will be held in the united states britain scandinavian states germany and moscow and named middle eastern sovereign wealth funds among the potential buyers for the stake with mr daly also reports that about half of the ten percent stake may be acquired by italian insurance group generally. the price for brant crude oil went beyond the hundred dollars the one hundred dollars mark this month this latest wise was reportedly due to the tensions in egypt over christophe chief economist vice president of b.p. says the overall price growth was due to tightening oil markets. what has happened already over the last few months because stable supply and growing demand the
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majority. but it was invisible the reason for this is we had so much floating storage oil stored over the sea that us disappeared didn't show up in official statistics no it was just some of the official statistics you see the interview was going down at the end of that and that is the summary of that is that by the beginning of this year we will have to see will be reacting inventories we continue to fall very sharp the prices will start to rise what will be going after increased production. is have a look at the markets stocks are mostly high extending the benchmarks equity best week this year the bands make is creating point four percent and in the book point four percent in the black month stocks getting a lift on the week and i can and then post up two point seven two point one percent respectively hong kong says move in a range close to break break even level early monday break resume for the first time since room a new year's holiday at russia's r.t.s. was high on monday with gazprom up point four percent overall russia was one of the
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best performing global equity markets last week russian funds took in almost two hundred million dollars of new money while other measures market funds suffered outflows of more than seven billion dollars out of this expect equity markets to trade better today as the crisis in egypt he says. and believe a solution in the middle east calms it will create. it will be a trigger for the interest on this on the see you soon i think that the investors will buy shares by the way we see some old fools for emerging markets and the russia who has been the future will france and the who saw it in full in the russian market. and also you have to be built and also on the relatively cheap tools of the russian market and also the rest as we wait for and we do expect every month so when we say over the eleventh well for marie and i think that the investors will play and we settle because we'll. russia's largest in the bed and gas producer know what to expect by up to fifteen percent this year in january it
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perform better than gas problem which to crease production by about three percent compared to last year not much that is currently building a plant in a gas which arctic him all peninsula for a sealed as expected in five years' time the company says it's investing a hundred million dollars into the liquefied natural gas project this year in addition the gas producer is thinking over which strategic partner will obtain a forty nine percent stake. there is shell there's totality of there is there is a. exxon mobil has looked at it conoco phillips smaller companies i've looked at a couple japanese firms look out so we're looking at a series of foreigners who have studied the particular geology who have studied the concept we're finishing the exploration started we're drilling three wells this year there's already been fifty five exploration wells are drilled and then will engage the contractor who which was c.b.i.
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loomis to start with what we call the feed study and so we've completed the initial work and now all the infrastructure activity is underway in the i'm open insulin. and that's all for this hour join me in less than fifteen minutes from now for more here on this. in the order of. the.
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morning news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. shankar for a shelter all day. welcome
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back you're with us here live from moscow i'm really joshing these are the top stories in egypt the government has offered new concessions to ease the tension in the crisis hit country but the opposition is holding firm in their demands for president mubarak's immediate resignation after chill weeks of violent protests. founder julian assange prepares to fight his extradition to sweden but stockholm's cozy friendship with washington might see him traded to the united states where he could face the death penalty. and as u.s. president barack obama implements a new budget some say it'll cut money going to poverty reduction programs but struggling with massive debts many americans see many american cities rather are
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already running on threadbare services. russia's polices giago a major shake up following continuous accusations of corruption and abuse of power for more on this overhaul as well as the crime problems in russia's capital r.t. sophie shevardnadze talks to moscow police chief for the mcculloch next on our team . thank you very much for joining us today. now recalling the recent clashes at the minute in a square in moscow what measures should be taken to stop growing extremism and intolerance that we are observing at the moment. there is no universal measure.


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