tv [untitled] February 7, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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tradition hearing the proceedings which you to start at ten o'clock this morning and at nine o'clock we thought you know cars arriving here to willits crown court where these proceedings will take place he is wanted for questioning in sweden over allegations of rape molestation and norful coercion notes were made by two women in august over in sweden and she then assaults himself has always said that these allegations are politically motivated that these were bit women were somehow either paid or forced to make these allegations against him to bring him down essentially we don't know what the prosecution's going to be arguing at the moment but unusually the full defense argument is being released on the website of associates lewis we know from the preliminary arguments they're going to say that he's human rights could be violated if he was extradited to sweden and on then the u.s. which is what the defense lawyers are saying that's going to happen they say that there's a risk a big risk that the u.s. will seek his extradition or even illegal rendition to the u.s.
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after he's been deported to sweden and that there's a real risk then of him being detained either in guantanamo bay or in some kind of similar facility they're also going to argue that he will put be at risk of the death penalty if it's death penalty if he was sent to america i suppose outrage washington by publishing on his wiki leaks website u.s. diplomatic cables from around the world showing how relationships between countries actually worked some of them were quite scandalous for the u.s. government and he so he says that because of that they are out to get him we know that the swedish prosecutor's office has come out and said that even if he was extradited to sweden from here would be protected by strict rules and that in fact sweden wouldn't be able to do just whatever he liked with the songs once he got there but as we are saying today many say they sweden's friendship with the u.s. has got quite a cozy close friendship with the u.s. may mean that jean and i saw his extradition is much more likely. my colleague at
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me said no way you filed a report on just that let's hear what it says. so we didn't a quiet little neutral scandinavian nation the current foreign policy establishment in sweden has a remarkably close relationship with the united states the country that gave us our flat pack furniture for dollar meatballs top models and lawn bombshells may not be so neutral after all american influence is everywhere from food to feature films but in sweden it seems to be supersized just the other day the deerhunter film was shown again on swedish t.v. for the. sixtieth time it's an awful film it's the worst propaganda politics through the back door like sweden's times with nato you have the military and some politicians cross-breeding intensively with the united states and with nato and the large mass of the population being totally unaware of all the stuff
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going on but it's not just what swedes are taking in it's also what their leaders are ready to give from julian assange to terrorist suspects to nato support when america wants something they get it but why and what's in it for the so-called neutral nation they get. all the benefits of being an intelligence partner of the united states without the baggage of being in nato it's a partnership decades in the making there's been a willingness to. do the errands of the united states over many years from. questions. making asylum seekers in sweden. both to the cia freddy's is particularly strong now with a right leaning government in sweden and with the us wanting him for spying in sweden wanting him for sex crimes. julian assange is wanted by quite
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a team and the songe wiki leaks case seems to be just the next continuation of this very old intelligence relationship here's some other relationships we dug up julian assange ticks off the us with fierce reaction from one of the country's most notorious neo cons is not a particularly credible source and love and he is a you know two million homeowners it is a criminal only ought to be hunted down and grabbed and put on trial for what he has done hear these words from karl rove who claims he's part swedish and just happens to be advising the country's pm while the former swedish minister of justice is a partner in the firm who filed charges against a songe for sex crimes with another link to the us thomas von stroheim is claimed to have handed the cia asylum seekers from sweden who were then tortured a question about neutrality became even even clearer thanks to some of the
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documents from exactly wiki leaks and if the u.k. can secure asylum for bodies because of ski and ahmed zakayev both wanted for serious crimes in russia it could be argued there's another room in the british justice system to protect julian assange from the united states of sweet merica and let him keep blowing his whistle and he's now a r.t. stockholm sweden. let's get some more details on this with journalist or on our right now or joins me now live from copenhagen to discuss this julian assange. as we've seen sweden has a lot of interest in working with the united states but how strong in your view is washington's influence in the country and particularly with its very case. well i believe it's unfortunately extremely strong the foreign minister has long been an advocate of u.s. wars all the way back to vietnam the former minister of justice who is the one of
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the two women's is lawyer was connected with him with the cia in sending people to egypt to be tortured. we have we have had reveal that the cia has put pressure on the secret police there the seppo that if if who at one time wanted to come to sweden and have cooperation with the media and cia threatened them that if they did so they would cut off. intelligence ties with them and for the government of sweden the intelligence ties with the cia is extremely necessary are so what you're implying here is there's a lot of course in the behind the door agreements and dealings here between us which is with already is and there is a those in washington but many believe the u.s. is the most desperate to see your science behind bars but do you think washington can really get what it wants while the whole world is watching. well that's.
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a big question but you know the united states is so arrogant and so powerful that they don't care really that much if the world finds out that they're terrorists i mean the world should know that the united states is is the world's greatest terrorist in all the wars that they conduct the torture they conduct so many horrible crimes have been revealed already and the united states continues with the same policies they make some excuses here or there and their former president he admits it in his own autobiography that he gave orders for torture so i'm skeptical that just because one knows how bad the the devil is that that will curtail them from from prosecuting. on the on the other hand sweden of course or great britain if they if they delivered him that would be bad propaganda for them the people would be very upset most people i think would be very upset but again that's
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not the only determining factor for a government to make a decision as to whether or not they cooperate with the united states i mean the united states has so powerful they can they can harm economically and politically both the swedish government and the british government so that's that's not assurance enough unfortunately now there's been some politicians on capitol hill that have been calling for for a sausage to face the death penalty if indeed assad was to be extradited to america do you think the death penalty really is a reality for him. the united states is capable of anything it's it's a rogue state as they like to call others we've seen how they've handled people in guantanamo children we've seen this this president now is trying to get a law that will allow them legally to assassinate without. without any court. u.s. citizens anywhere in the world they do this already but now they want
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a law that allows them this you know the german nazis they could make laws to you can you can make any law you weren't and that doesn't make it just. i'm afraid that that they could very well assassinate this man either legally or not legally the former ambassador to denmark where i live james cain has also come out and called for his execution the two leading candidates of the republican party for the next presidential elections called for him to be shot or killed in any way you know so this is hysterical right wing atmosphere in your mind when you when you talk about that the threats to julian assange the possible threats and people calling for his execution we've heard a sauna say before that he never spends more than one night in one particular house as he's always on the run up but he must have expected to cause quite a stir in the u.s. off the publishing these secret diplomatic cables and military files do you think perhaps he's got a secret weapon in store has it got
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a trump card in his back pocket. well i certainly hope so he has said that in the event of his death all that they have in hopefully secured places would be revealed immediately everything would come out all over these mere websites. i certainly hope that that. that what you say is true that he is well prepared but you know the united states has an awful lot of resources and spies everywhere and and we see this one of those women that he had sex with turns out to be one of the us is. you know in direct agents in the sense that she supports the right wing exiles in cuba against the fifty year old government there so you know they're quite capable of anything the chances are if they get him they'll they'll they'll find some law to
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charge him with and probably put him in prison for a life sentence you know i think it would be hard for them they must cater a little bit to public opinion that if they executed him but between now and then anything can happen every day his life is in danger this is a very courageous man and i want to make a quick reference to if it's true that bradley manning is the one who gave these documents or some of them whatever he has given to us in the world we must applaud this man greatly and support him with everything we can he is our days most important hero at least in the west he is he is in dangerous situation in that prison where he is and he will he will be in prison for many years because it will be a military court martial without any justice at all. right now and live from coming back thank you very much. and to egypt now where the anti-government protesters show no sign of giving up after two weeks of revolt the country's new cabinet is
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set to have its first meeting as thousands maintain a human chain in cairo's central square demanding president hosni mubarak step down but artie's paula slayer who is in the egyptian capital says parts of the city are trying to return to normal life life here in downtown cairo is slowly returning to some kind of normality a short time ago i got caught in my first traffic jam and a policeman helped me cross the street so the police are back the cars are back shops businesses and banks are opening albeit for a limited time today there are still though thousands of protesters out in turkey a square there well and call has not changed they say they're going nowhere until president mubarak steps down now just yesterday sunday there were talks between the government between vice president omar suleiman and opposition groups those talks did not seem to have yielded much more than set up a committee to discuss constitutional reforms that committee has one month in which to deliver its results and also for the state of emergency to have ended earlier i
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compiled this report. it didn't get more than a passing mention in the mainstream media hizbollah hamas and muslim brotherhood members in a jailbreak keep from here and want to lebanon there's no way to go to lebanon from egypt only to go through this she or to fire so who helped them any one of the thousands of protesters on egypt streets was support for the demonstrators has fade fast and although the muslim brotherhood the country's largest opposition group with an islamist agenda got involved only on day three that says mom to ramsey is part of the plan the muslim brotherhood will appear when they're sure the presidency will fall and when they have the support and power to control everything as they work in every arab country there they're below the surface and there they're now talking with the government and the supporters are here shouting on the streets in two weeks of demonstrations they are rallying call hasn't changed step
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down mubarak has made any maven of his friends traveled for forty eight hours to get here they've come all the way from him a trip to be part of what they believe is the new revolution sweeping the middle east i was in eritrea and i watched everything on t.v. i wish i was here before but coming here now is my contribution i'm asking all my brothers in egypt to express their opinion without fear you'll never leave the blood of our martyrs who was killed in this revolution without having. the brotherhood get some of its funding from the ran and tehran is already cashing in its foreign minister says the protests show the need for an overhaul in the region and ayatollah ali khamenei has called the protests an islamic awakening there's an opportunity for an increased role for muslims in the international arena from a political and economic perspective for the first time in quite a long while six years ago the american national intelligence council which is linked to the cia warned of exactly this it mapped out a report on the global future it consisted of
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a caliphate one big muslim state created to sow. unrest a slowdown in the economy and fueled by religious movements if such a pan regional union did genuinely come into being such a regional union would necessitate the breaking of very strong very resistant bonds that exist between the u.s. and many of the participants in such a putative arab muslim world and the u.s. is already feeling the heat with confusing messages coming from an administration that's unsure what to do when the protests first started president obama was careful not to abandon his old friend hosni mubarak but his loyalties soon shifted and he sided with the protesters to trying to keep on top of things for sure of the muslim brotherhood reach the top of egypt's though impose those special agenda they'll go ahead to establish a religious state despite them saying they don't want to be in the government they do they want to rule egypt and it's not just egypt many fear much of the arab world
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today saying if it can happen in the streets of cairo but that's it going to happen here so as the brotherhood sits down for talks of the government it despises it's not just egypt's future that's at stake but so to that of the region policy r.t. khyber. right now for more on the crisis in egypt so let's speak to investigative journalist tony gosling live for us in bristow hurty turn let's let's just cut to the chase here are there forces at work here that are pulling the strings of the opposition in egypt or is this a democratic movement from within or could there possibly be foreign powers from outside what kind of power really years are funneling into this massive revolution in cairo and egypt. well it's two weeks now really since the egyptian people came out on the streets to express their utter contempt for their so-called leader hosni mubarak who has been saying for example that he has been serving his country for the last twenty thirty years well of course he hasn't been serving his country has
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been serving himself and he's been serving western interests and. he's actually been a despot running the country it just seems incredible to me that even two weeks later he's still the president quite unbelievable because. the the the it's been very very clear in all of that pretty much all of the coverage of what's been happening in egypt that nobody trusts the man that he's worried is worthless in egypt in other parts of the world and i think it's really. a shame to that our foreign secretary william hague has not made it absolutely clear that for the rights of the people of egypt there really has to be this going really has to step down i'm afraid william high here in london has been saying well you know you have to let the egyptians sort this out for themselves. just like this in egypt at the moment international pressure can be absolutely crucial and it seems the international pressure is all going the wrong way. just a few moments ago we were showing the live pictures from tahrir square and the
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latest pictures as well but iran's ayatollah says the events in egypt are quote an islamic awakening what do you think he means by this and would you agree. well not necessarily an islamic awakening and i think what we haven't had in egypt for the last really since the second world war is any kind of real democracy and this is what the people of egypt now want they've had enough of dictatorship they've had enough of very powerful influence by western powers and they've just simply decided that we want a democracy here that simply means from the original greek it means the people rule and it doesn't really matter how that happens but the will of the people has to be listened to around the world by people like hillary clinton etc and they now are a crucial role to play so whether it becomes an islamic state of some sort or whether the new part of it gets in is islamic that's entirely up to the egyptian people let's not forget that this muslim brotherhood is actually only
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a minority was going potty and there's a lot scare stories we talked about. over the muslim brotherhood may take over an office they were connected with the nazis in the second world war against the brotherhood if you go on that way back but that was because the british were the colonial power and they saw what any friend of. any enemy of britain is going to maybe you can be our friend but let's not be too concerned about democracy breaking out in egypt because that's what we preach around the world with supposedly democracy to iraq and afghanistan and i think actually shows a lot of the western powers words about democracy all almost want him to work also when you when you talk about the implementation of democracy or puppet democracies all around the world let's talk about the future agenda here because when it comes to giving the united states and of course its big friend israel what will they be looking to push in egypt with or without mubarak as president and what will the american and israeli powers be trying to push for. well
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a standing leno of the last few days these re government is called for no elections in egypt well what business is it if there is they're always saying that we are the only proper democracy in the middle east well they're actually perpetuating that situation if they're calling for there to be no election i mean i can't quite understand. or i'd have time to gosling investigative journalist live in bristol and more live pictures we're showing there just a moment ago from central cairo tony thanks so much for your input. russia's law enforcement agencies will go through a fundamental overhaul after the president signed a new reform bill it involves a complete rebranding and the introduction of new standards of service sickening culture has details. petey's a long awaited word for what is a key plank of president would bet if the reform agenda indeed initially the law on police was aimed at changing the infamous image of russia's law enforcement agency
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. there which will soon be renamed into police ideally this law on police said was just part of this major reform of russia's interior ministry which the president started back two years ago and he has said that the main aim of this police reform is to make russia's police officers more efficient and the work of police transparent. i've been asked many questions as to what exactly this law means it's just what we need it's a detailed regulation of police rights powers and. it's fundamental for police to work effectively not to be tempted to abuse their powers this is why the bill is a breakthrough should look like any other law it's not ideal and we should bear that in mind from the very outset i'm sure that implementing the law will trigger a number of suggestions and opinions which we can also use in the future russian milly's have a but image for a professional shortcomings for not living up to social.
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protecting its citizens said russian police officers are known for severely basing demonstrators for being corrupt for not following the rule of law themselves for power abuse one of the worst examples of that was the so-called cold case when a police officer went on a shooting massacre in moscow killing two people at a supermarket and endangering the lives of over two dozen others the police reform are now makes a new mission statement saying that the protection of individuals of public and of the society from criminal acts is now the key field or rather than the prevention of crimes that administrative cause for the most obvious change will be the change of attack from its both soviet name believes it will be. renamed into the sorry state of police a russian court police well another dramatic change was actually how the law was at all. cost in russia because the public was invited to contribute to this
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debate on this drug bill but among the monuments introduced on measures to increase public and paul mantra control over the police and to ban the force from the private security sector where it is now the key player also among other restrictions imposed on the police is a baton they use all but probably spawns and tear gas during demonstrations even if these are in sanctioned rallies also it allows for a telephone call to a lawyer and interpreter in case of detention this is something new to russia's legislation on police but these are just some of the amount months to the russian law on all in all over half a thousand a month most were considered and four hundred of them rejects it now that these bill has been sealed with the signature of the russian president it will go into force in less than a month. r.t. if you could think of a job reporting or in our time the business news with dmitri. welcome
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to the program glad you could join us to spend a good share buyback program following a ruling from a court in the caribbean the injection in st kitts and nevis was sought by elected because roussel which owns twenty five percent of north cynical the element in company is in a fierce takeover battle with loads of apartheid interest groups for control of the miners there's been talk in the market that more nickel would scrap its dividend to fund the buyback program now this was seen as a blow to resell as it would not receive money to pay off debt. the search for the markets now european stock markets are advancing on monday banks are among the strongest performers chose a mobile phone making nokia rallied on the reports of a land management shakeup. and russia's markets are trading in the red this new reality is the setting over half a percent there the my six losing one percent finance was an energy shares are among the drags on the in the seas technically in more detail some of the stocks
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the t.v. is down one of the half percent the weakness in the bank's current share price is seen by and this as a buying opportunity while colleague is up just a notch following reports that shareholders have approved a merger with silver in it and northwick always way below the water down to two point four percent on news that it suspended its to share buyback. russia's exit me and energy rose three point two percent in london the most in two months after the producer discovered oil in two of its fields the stock has advanced strongly since the start of the year reflecting steady growth in output. italy's biggest insurer generali could become the anchor investor in the privatization of russia's second largest bank that it was the daily reports that generally may buy up to five percent in russia's second largest lead that's has been. which is currently eighty five percent state's own starts a road show to sell a ten percent stake in the bank to raise around three and a half billion dollars of the first big sale in russia's ambitious privatization
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program but. deputy head of the research at uni credit says is a special case. i don't think it's excess of displacement real have any influence on on the whole predation problem this kind of special case the possible investors will be obviously investment funds where they are investment funds or its insurance company has for example a series and today i think investor mr bob could tell and sure so it's going to be probably long term investors which are interested in russian financial markets well as a finale back in less than one hour's time rory is next with headlines to stay with us. you're.
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it's now a full thirty pm here in the russian capital on monday with the headlines now the embattled founder of whistle blowing web site wiki leaks is in a london court fighting it tends to have him extradited to sweden. to the u.s. for prosecution. egyptian officials trying to find opposition with concessions hosni mubarak's regime has held on president talks with the muslim brotherhood movement which is banned in the country but after a fortnight of rallies demonstrators in cairo say they won't leave the streets until the president resigns. and russia. for
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a massive overhaul after the president signs a bill to have them. reformed the changes are aimed at fighting corruption and abuse of power. well for more on this overhaul as well as the crime problems in russia's capital. say sat down with moscow's a police chief of london go to see if his interview is coming up next. first of all mr caudle quite so thank you very much for joining us today with the love that's what we're calling the recent clashes at the square in moscow what measures should be taken to stop growing extremism and intolerance that we are observing at the moment. which there is no universal measure.
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