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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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plastic rice we're going to be talking about that shortly but first let's bring in the state you see her skies there for the day you know what the biggest story of course is this revolution sweeping the world revolutions the one in egypt of course everybody's looking for the cause is inflation and the inflation of food prices is that the rising inequality reflected in the genie co-efficient index here's some reasons that i'm going to look at first headline tony blair mubarak is quote immensely courageous and a force for good. yes he actually said this on the piers morgan show we're not going to actually listen to his words because i just can't stand listening to him but i'm going to say what i think he was actually saying mubarak is immensely courageous for looting so much money from his people so openly and brazenly and a force for good kickbacks barack obama tony blair they're good if there's a revolution great will send them the vodaphone of the starbucks no revolution
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great will send in some bombers and some tear gas canisters we make money no matter what happens because we're over drug stores and politicians but the other important thing about this this is. class of global kleptocrats globally connected elite who plunder their own countries together and this brings me to this next story egypt's mubarak likely to retain the vast wealth mubarak family may have as much as seventy billion dollars stashed away a money jamal who is a professor at princeton said that mubarak's assets are most likely in banks outside of egypt possibly in the united kingdom and switzerland mubarak his wife and two sons were able to also accumulate wealth through a number of business partnerships with foreigners the club to craft the plunder together stay together you know this is the global kleptocratic class and they are all working together there colluding as adam smith pointed out in any situation
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where capitalism is the prevailing economic model you have naturally a to city toward collusion and that's why you need very stiff regulations to try to keep these guys from fixing prices but all the regulations are now in the mid two thousand a lot of the regulations that were taken away in egypt it was deregulated and this is when the wealth and income gap just skyrocketed and it's also why the central banks of their money printing to feed the pockets of the kleptocrats of causes huge spike in food prices so as you know as you point out it's a combination of the gini coefficient which measures the wealth or income gap around the world plus the relative amount that is spent personal income on food so in a in egypt much of the personal income goes to food plus you have the gini coefficient exploding equals revolution so if you want to handicap which countries are next to pop that's the way you do it well i have a headline here max if inequality is
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a factor for egypt. if you take a look at that little chart this is the journey coefficient index which zero is perfect equality everybody is. exactly the equal amount one hundred is only one person owns all of the wealth of the nation so the closer one hundred you are the higher the number the more on equal it is pakistan is thirty point six egypt thirty four israel thirty nine point two tunisia forty and the us forty five yeah the us is very high on that list which would portend insurrection and regime change but the thing that keeps it from happening is that percentage of income toward food is still low because of the us dollars world reserve currency so food and energy are still relatively low this is what is keeping the wave of global insurrection at bay in a country like the us but it will get there and when it does get there it'll be three hundred sixty degrees of global insurrection against banker occupation and then we
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can hope to see a complete total global regime change of all the corrupt bankers including life masters over there j.p. morgan who will be talking about blank in the second half so don't go away but but but but tell he was slower more you're still it's more ok we're talking about the global insurrection against banker occupation part of the things that bankers have done is create volatility in their major agricultural products and inflation here they have i mean it's not since reconstruction how we've seen cotton this high that's right the price of cotton is skyrocketing it's at one hundred fifty year high not since the civil war in reconstruction in the carpetbaggers famous down there in the south of america has cotton been so high and as i've been saying on the show states ever before long they don't want to play or occupation in america will be cotton picking and they're going to course sing those old spirituals like jump down turn around pick about cotton and others. well another part of the reason
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is you see this inflation hitting china as well china chinese take a cotton to hoarding apparently farmers in china are hoarding their cotton up to nine percent of the world's cotton supply and the reason being that they are holding out for higher prices even though they're at one hundred fifty year high they're aiming to help overcome higher costs of labor and fertilizer the cost of fertilizer for example is up twenty percent in the last year or so they're not covering their costs even with cotton that one hundred fifty year highs right well fertilizer of courses is a chemical petroleum based product and the price of oil is skyrocketing as well it's important keep in mind that the reason these prices are skyrocketing sunk because of increased demand on the side of the user is not because suddenly there's a demand for food in oil the reason the prices are going eyes the supply of cheap money that was thrown into the system after the credit crash of the two thousand and seven two thousand and eight period in the banks on wall street told the
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federal reserve we need money to pay our our young payments and we can't get it because the system is frozen can you please give us two trillion dollars and ben bernanke you said ok here's two trillion dollars so the bankers on wall street could pay their yacht payments but they have the perverse effect of feeding speculation in agricultural commodities and cotton to the point were starving people in these countries so once again to give you the formulation wall street bankers fed starving people fed gives the money to the bankers who make their yacht payments but it has the perverse effect of starving people around the world so wall street bankers are starving people like jamie diamond is committing murder he's killing people. so the starving people are now fed because of the fed right to say it is causing people not to be fed. well we've always talked about how inflation. it helps the rich because of course they own the assets into which a lot of the money goes but also they get money for zero percent from the fed and
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then are able to speculate on all sorts of products and quickly think of it as a river email the river flows down so that the fed creates a flow of cash and the people toward live near the fed like on wall street that they get the fresh water the clean water level of downstream you get the dirty water and that's the what happens in the global financial market and it increases the price of agricultural products food and we see that related to these headlines these coming out these just these charts actually to show you what the difference between the revolutions happening in the middle east and why no revolution has yet happened in asia so if you take a look at this wheat chart you'll see it's rocketing and then take a look at the rice chart you'll see that that's not gone up nearly as much so because rice has not gone up the main staple of the peasant in asia you're not seeing as much perhaps yet strife right but the whole commodity complex is moving
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higher due to this incredible influx of money that's been directed by the bankers for the bankers at the exclusion of the rest of the global population no willing to commit mass genocide of the global population by increasing food prices to the extent of causing starvation just to keep that multi hundred billion dollar bonus peel pool active on wall street that's the only reason this is happening those people are culpable in a mass homicide mass genocide. well just to show you another reason why perhaps the prices and to increase as much here is the headline for you max china makes fake rice from plastic vietnam reacts so parenting according to a korean language weekly hong kong newspaper china is mass producing fake rice this rice is a mix of potatoes sweet potatoes and plastic it is formed by mixing the potatoes
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and sweet potatoes into the shape of rice greens then adding industrial synthetic resins apparently experts are advising that synthetic resins can be very harmful consumed and a chinese restaurant association official said that using three bowls of this fake rice would be like eating one plastic bag this is like eating you know plus the old know it all roll goldsboro north go through those little overlook those most delicious this completely fake roast of course in china they have the added situation i guess you could call it of mcdonald's as half of their restaurants are going for will be these drives to restaurants presumably will be going through a drive through restaurant on my way in the middle of a ghost city in china ordering a big bag made out of plastic rice and trying to drink on the macside may also point out the fake stimulus fake money printing fake g.d.p. growth fake goods and services being produced is to causing us forcing us to consume fake food it's not food because we can't afford real food because we have
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no real growth we have no real economy we have no real industry we only have fake stuff makes sense so we're only eating fake food great food so you have fake currencies and it's causing fake food and goods are real food now is too expensive nobody can afford real foods they're making fake food. and so final have on here max iceland proves ireland did wrong things sacrificing tax payers. ok this is from bloomberg apparently unlike other nations including the u.s. and ireland which injected billions of dollars of capital into their financial institutions to keep them afloat iceland placed its biggest lenders and receivership it chose not to protect creditors of the country's banks whose assets have ballooned to two hundred nine billion dollars eleven times the gross domestic product and the icelandic economy this year is projected to grow three percent bloomberg says iceland's decision to let the banks fail is looking smart and may prove to be
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a model for other absolutely that's what we've been saying on the show michael hudson dr michael hudson economist has been advising countries to close their banks to default on the loans but i might add max actually for one hundred fifty years since cotton was at a last all time high we have known that if you let the failures fail and you don't rescue them this is the heart of what capitalism is supposed to be not rescue and bail out the crony capitalists the neo liberal crony capitalists know where that would be capitalism but we don't talk about capitals only in iceland you find goebbels exactly but it's not a new model it's an old old model and bloomberg is talking about it as if it is a new model that we're out we're shocked how is this happening wow maybe we should all study this but there are thousands of books about this do you could study that you could have looked at that most of the idea of a free market capitalism and competition has been and is so horribly diluted and
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ignored during this crisis that the idea of actually having a company or a bank fail is considered new by bloomberg as a new idea yes call capitalism something brimming with crazy kid. you compete and if you don't you know you've got to be shuffled off to let somebody else try wow at a concert i want to fettle catch on well in iceland maybe i think about gets on before plastic rice does ok stacey thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you much right now when we come back a new book that tyrants blith masters i'll be here with the author don't go away plenty of fireworks coming your way.
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ok we are back this is the kaiser report you know every crisis in the world usually can be traced back to a woman who's now the financial crisis is no exception here she is. blith masters this is the the one man who is at the heart of the entire global financial meltdown she's the power behind lloyd blankfein she's the power behind j.p. morgan i've got she air jenna novick german who is complex so much for being on the
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show i want to jump right in here and talk about the exxon valdez catastrophe yes and talk a little bit about that as covered in the book of course it's covered the exxon valdez was the facts which helped to create two credit default swap because a jeep in morgan didn't wanted to lend to eggs and five billion dollars without any guarantees they were scared that they might go bankrupt ok so this was after the exxon valdez or catastrophe rights and they couldn't get any money they couldn't borrow any money so blessed master to say actually she's the inventor of the credit default swap is the origin of this and this is the the instrument effectively that has mushroomed to become the key the terrorist financial terrorist weapon of choice and the domestic stronger in fact in this is that she went to a bank which was invented by the french president also me to hone to be. a bunco
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pm and she convinced the president at the time to swap the default of x. on. this summit and it was you know like a communal holt's as we used to say in french before the revolution and this is how everything started to because it was easy money. said ok if eggs involved is going to examine so it is going to be bankrupt would be a difference who paid five billion dollars back to the j.p. morgan so some of that going forward from that moment exxon valdez what was the. what's the next major milestone in this part of the history of the major was. introduction and public introduction of the concept the. till he concept which was called again was a french name bestow like a french coffee you know and that was introduced to the public in ninety ninety
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eight in new york along with the mother of it was a huge party in new york to distributed her what they called her black book. it was g.p. morgan interaction introduction to credit derivatives on which she wrote and her name was was in there so this is her book the black book is for me the has the extreme the same force as the that's capital out of kalmucks or the little red book of mao because the effect of this just tiny book is absolutely amazing it just destroyed the whole world exactly like that's capital you know land give was all over europe as a lot of my book is like a repudiation of capitalism it's the opposite of capitalism it's saying we don't want to compete anymore we just want to create spells from a little black cauldron of derivatives to make us rich and everyone else poor and
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now the little black book what is exactly black masters what is your actual position within j.p. morgan what your title what what it has to fit in here how else is the head of committees so she gave up on the kurds a full swaps in two thousand and seven on the on the fifteen or seventeen of. the member and she gets her title of head of commodities and science then this is extremely interesting because at least what you can see in this book is that what is interesting is not that the fact that she invented the credit default swap what isn't interesting is that science two thousand and seven she's buying. commodities she's buying through foods she's buying sugar in two thousand seven eight she was already in brazil buying everywhere you know. sugar or pork bellies i've got soles and unnerving and this is why you know the prices are going up and to doing your
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thing to results because she. with her traders along with morgan stanley and a little tiny of goldman sachs you know they're just putting all the prices up and up and up and wisdom was appointed to visit burma i can't this is going to explode so this is a she says she's the mastermind if i can say of the new revolution the worldwide revolution but i saw the wicked witch blast masters and our little black book of spells concocted to financial derivatives to monopolize commodities all over the world drive the price to unheard of levels as a way to basically this is a nail imperial model isn't because if you control the food you control the world this is a j.p. morgan to tell you things in english don't forget that she's anguish yes she's anguish oh my god so the empire is there right so and in your book you detail here on page two thirty three actually eve got this is kind of insider information is
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this this is not this is this is you know this is the confidential plan of the g.p. morgan committee is. this is exactly what they're going to do and on which places and what they're going to buy you know department by department so it's it's extremely interesting and the interim very fascinating thing is that i give the manuscript to the printer in the beginning of a generation and to last words were we're going to see revolution in tunisia in france a new jury oh an angle and a refrig because of the. rise of the group to reprocess and look what happened and it just the beginning it is trying to beginning so for twenty five years let's say going back to the fact a reagan revolution deregulation and liberalization and they could. nation of killings of dollars of the currency that was used to create all these banking fees up until the point the crash of two thousand and seven two thousand and eight but now we're in a position with peak credit and peak oil where it's a scramble now of the richest to control what's left of the resources so the rich
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so j.p. morgan goldman sachs and wall street they're basically they want to get out of the paper game they want to get out of the vienna currency again they want to control the stuff that they want to control the food they want to control the industrial metals they want to control the precious mines in this decision that was made at least by by by blights masters in at the end of two thousand to two thousand and seven. two thousand and six because they know that the whole model of credit derivatives is going to explode you don't look at the g.p. morgan she saved the bank she said to t.p. morgan bank because her and her team then had the expertise to see that all this model of credit default swaps all the algorithmic smoko were fake were false so they didn't went into the toxic into sioux primes that's wired to was the book written about jamie dimon called you know the last man standing of course i mean don't you know it's good to hold think is going to explode so did they were not nuts the g.p. morgan chase didn't went into the surprise toxic stuff so down there claimed there
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were no klein there's no down to number one they lot of past that stuff pass through them yes they make a market they make a commission but it all ends up in pension funds and a passive fund is a places where the savers and the workers of the world have no recourse and they have no ability to fight back but now of course the savers are the workers of the world in cairo and tunis and in dublin and in athens are realizing that blights masters the wicked witch of wall street has created and concocted the most potent a ray of financial terrorist to rid of products ever conceived is trying to kill them so they are fighting back through their proxies like move barack obama in egypt the proxy of life masters and evil on wall street they're fighting back how successful will they. the infighting of the army of the of the old ration against a black master wick in which the problem is that they don't have a clue for sure hoshi's but what do interesting point you know when they finish the book and all like the idea is the french revolution was french because now we
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have this this whole situation of revolution war and wind it's not only in france like two hundred years after this is going to be would want and you have louise we do sixteen we says to medium and two hundred like monsters the internet interesting point is that two times and compare her to mario tonight because she's extremely dedicated to she wants to be to queen of commodities so as to care about it to the people who are from you know the do not exist for her who writes i look for who the world as marie antoinette exactly and i stood up you wish right in saying this is i'm saying let me brioche let them eat cake you saying let them eat plastic rice exactly like let me read it in a. virtual article for example on farmville exactly you know there's a goldman sachs is trying to get a virtual food business by quoting facebook of course they have farmville so she's
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marie antoinette and it is a revolution and it is caused by our food prices and going back to french ministry of course to france and italy the six things they try to float the acid got the currency here which was backed by you know commodities and real estate which i relapsed and they're not sort of terms of price of food what is was good what does this exactly history is repeating his whole self well the global the global but not don't forget before louis sixteen do worth a fact into french history was don't look you know the ngos guy can maybe she is the regular recognition of the ilo know all of that you will squat on going to john about that he invented by the way to defeat money. so and the whole thing collapsed and. there was a new revolution in paris you know there was like a ten or fifteen people dead you know who can compile and and this led to people where written of course you know they lost everything and know we are going to see exactly the same thing but you don't just moved it is it won't why you know the
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system worldwide scituate you know with the television radio and other frank internet so it's not on the whole level of the globe is the game truly over for those who are not on the inside of the wicked castle of blith and her j.p. morgan associates in other words well the global insurrection it was successful and the french revolution they had the reign of terror to get rid of a lot of bankers robbo probably ok but will they succeed this time or is this the end game now we're all going to be slaves j.p. morgan the plantation not it's the end of the game for also for j.p. morgan for extremely simple reason there is still four four million houses you know to be taken over by the banks so this is like eight hundred sixty billions of dollars they are not going to see so the whole game is good right now so that it didn't work and they said really they're insolvent we know that to be
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true they have now their balance sheet i got to trying to live till they said no no assets at all for this woman's wardrobe which is probably worth a few hundred thousand seized is the best i mean the seriously i read the book about jamie dimon the last man standing yeah and compare what she says she has done compared to jamie dimon i mean she's you know she's definitely more interesting and . the banker and what she's doing because she's a very insure actual should simply because it's very interesting but jamie diamond the parts all right so that i think number that we got to go we got to go we got to talk just one got to go she said one thing i fall in love with scared to derivatives she said she said she wanted to make the. credit derivative i think gave birth to a swamp how serious is that all right so anyway pierre a lot of back and june when the english version is out. it all should be next of pop and there so i thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you max still going to do it for this edition of
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the kaiser for me max keiser and stacy herbert was like my guest pierre just on the radio that's right if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v dot ru until next time this is nice guys are saying but i know.
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russian security services say they know who all kissed rated last. time it comes as russia's most wanted man says it was hit. in a new video message chechen terrorists local market claims he is responsible for this you start bombing at the idea that are all the details coming up on our t.v. in just a few seconds. wiki leaks founder julian arsalan just facing extradition to sweden in a london court for the west second day a soldier's noise that he will be denied justice by stone that opened to the u.s. . and as protests enter their third week president mubarak is trying to take steps to amend the constitution but demonstrators remain skeptical.
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very warm welcomes the this is r.t. live from moscow with me alice habits. chechen terrorist doco model for has claimed responsibility for the bombing of moscow's don't want to out of the airport officials say last month's attack was all destroyed by a group of up to seven people who could have been taking orders from model full security measures have been stepped up since the bombing of the country's police force is also up for a serious overhaul because that in the great joy of the house. bill kumar is the russia's most wanted criminal most wanted terrorist and in these latest of his videos posted on extremist websites he claims that he was the one.


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