tv [untitled] February 8, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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which took place at moskos main appleton january twenty fourth he said that's right he was the special local ration now it's not the first time that bill kumar of claims responsibility for similar terrorist attacks oh yeah what is remarkable shortly after the bombing at the country's largest airport in a similar video message he said that more attacks would take place in russia and what was remarkable about that particular video because it needs it sitting next to a man who was recognised by some as the various you said bomber who has traded the attack at the mighty of the on january twenty fourth the suicide bomber and to the international arrivals area of the tap water and blew himself up amongst the crowd thirty six people were killed among them six foreign citizens well doku umarov is wanted not just by apas b. but he's also on the international east terrorists he has links to your car early
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had claimed responsibility for this between suicide bombing almost goes much for a system in march twenty ten one forty people were killed also he is believed to have lost a mind to the ball mean all the express train in two thousand and nine the train following from moscow to send a disparate security has been tightened all across the country today was the important day in terms that they had so pulled three major security agencies up brushed off what he saw apis b.n. of the investigative committee together for a special meeting apis be reported to the duma deputy is the name of the old hold up those of the man who carried out this you side bombing it hasn't been disclosed to mass media forces the investigation is still ongoing the core of the case hasn't yet reached the courts that we also know that apathy believes op to seven people could have been behind the attack hope. moskos the idea that i have now is for the
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address of the offender he's claims that he was the one the most a mind to hold the attack they're quite cautious about it and they say that terrorist cells in russia quote a ton of us. has just won all the versions of the investigative committee he's considering and they say that those who organized the attack may not have been directly linked to these terrorist but on monday president made video had a major meeting with russia's top police offices know that police in russia are undergoing a major reform as part of a reform of the interior ministry in general and the president believes that security should be better taken care of on public transport he particular and believes that this reform of russia's police could have helped provide safe don't public transport. now two days were not enough for a london court to decide on whether the wiki leaks founder should be handed over to stop the hearings will resume on friday when the closing statement on judy in the
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case will be read out while she's the editor from the shed some light on this case she's outside the court for us who were it was supposed to be the last day of the hearings today say what caused the delay in. time. well it was supposed to be the last days day and it's pretty interesting that it wasn't in fact they said that there wasn't enough enough time to hear the closing statements and they're going to come back on friday morning for just a half days the defense on the prosecution can submit their closing thoughts the reason it's interesting is because sweden is requesting extradition under the european arrest warrant system and in general under that system the british court isn't actually allowed to hear any evidence but in fact they seem to be hearing it all and the only reason for that that i can think of is that this is a particularly high profile case of course and the court system is afraid of a media storm that could ensue if the british court system just gives. him to
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sweeten in terms of the evidence that we've heard over these two days the prosecution's been arguing very simply that there's no reason that i saw shouldn't go to sweden but the chief swedish prosecutor mariano has been conspicuously absent through this entire proceeding and in fact so much so that she received a challenge from a soldier's lawyer mark stephens this evening he said come on and he really threw down the gauntlet to her he said come to london and the reason that she wouldn't come to london was because she didn't want to face the cross-examination that she knows she can't win and in terms of defense evidence we heard from the defense that they have seen but not been given copies of by the prosecution around one hundred text messages from the victims these these these people that who allege that julian asked are sexually assaulted or raped them that they heard that these two women expected to be paid and that they wanted revenge against julian as songs and also that they planned to contact newspapers to have
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a soldier's reputation destroyed by the prosecutors according to the defense won't let the defense counsel have sites or have possession of those text messages so as i say back home friday a possible decision then but in fact the judge has already warned that he may not be able to make a decision then and we may have to wait several weeks to know what's going to happen to. a defense team say that he'll not get a fair trial if you sent to sweden so how worried do they seem to be if that's actually happening. well some other evidence that we've heard over the course of these two days was about exactly that whether whether essence would get a fair trial in sweden and it was from a former swedish judge who's now retired and she gave evidence for the defense and she said that the rule of law in sweden has been deteriorating since the mid one nine hundred seventy s. she also gave her opinion on marianne the prosecutor she said that she holds a grudge against men and that she's a radical feminist and that these charges are very possibly politically motivated
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and she also said that public opinion in sweden is very much against us all as most people she said in sweden believe that he's a rapist before they've even heard the evidence now of course the defense is main fear is that if a soldier is extradited to sweden he will then be extradited to america we've been hearing for the last couple of months that the u.s. is preparing a request for him on the grounds of espionage charges in relation to the wiki leaks embassy cable releases which are of course deeply embarrassing to washington now sweden has what might be called a cozy relationship with the u.s. it's previously cooperated with the u.s. on illegal rendition most notably of a terror suspect who was then sent on to egypt where he was in fact tortured so sweden does have what you might call form full cooperation with the u.s. in these matters and if sent to the u.s. it's really not clear what would happen to us on she's even received death threats from certain u.s. politicians including sarah pailin who said that he should be hunted down like al
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qaida the defense is also arguing that he may be subject to the death penalty if he's if he does go to the u.s. all that he may be kept in a detention facility like one ton a mole or something similar ok nora many thanks for the floor and speaking to us from london on big judy in our songs case many thanks. ok crossing over to north africa now and as anti-government protests in egypt and. third week president hosni mubarak has taken steps to reform the constitution in an attempt to diffuse public anger but thousands of demonstrators remain in cairo's main square keeping up the pressure on the president to resign. from the capital. what we've now entered the third week of and mubarak demonstrations and the numbers on the street just keep growing of his square still remaining the focal point here in downtown cairo hundreds of thousands of people on the streets as we speak and also the city
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of alexandria with you off the course of the day tens of thousands of people have been coming to protest the swell started at around midday when government buildings close in the last day also people have received their salaries and just yesterday monday the government announced that it would be giving a fifteen percent increase to the wages of government employees and pensions but that was greeted with a lot of anger at people saying that if the government can do that now why couldn't they do it ages ago when people were campaigning for those kind of changes organizers of also mocked tuesday fly day and sunday as million man marches human rights watch has issued a report saying that in the last two weeks of mine and two hundred and ninety seven people have been killed we haven't had any kind of comprehensive support from the egyptian government to the vice president omar suleiman on egypt and state television on the hoff of president mubarak and he said that the president had issued a presidential decree that would see what you needed to fake to the establishment
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of a working of two committees the first committee would look at implementing constitutional reform the second committee would look at implementing the decisions in the conclusions that have been reached in national dialogue those were those meetings between six opposition groups and the vice president almost all the men there is a committee that is due to begin working in the next few days it will consist primarily of young people then it will focus primarily on young people it will investigate the violence of the last few days and also ways of bringing people to book the vice president did reiterate that all these kind of moves were a way for the government to ensure a smooth growth process and a smooth poff to free and fair elections and again saying that the government was not planning to persecuting. anyway people have taken to the streets over the last two weeks now it is interesting that the president is increasing his vice president to speak on his behalf we haven't heard from the barack since that first week of
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violence back in january so the man is somebody who is respected but he's not particularly well liked here in egypt and here's someone that people closely aligned with the american administration as i investigate in this report it's important to support the transition process announced by the egyptian government actually headed by now vice president. omar so a man hardly the words of a neutral burka and worse far removed from the people heard ministration claims to be listening to. dr meghji below all heads of the human rights organization that teaches each option is about democracy he says he don't like solomon for the very reason americans do almost any man is part of the solution we consider american people american president zero. z want to keep usually. lit mubarak who was still. in the power in
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those sort of things started last year by the u.k.'s telegraph as the most powerful spook in the region so a man is suave sophisticated and fluent in english but the former head of egypt's intelligence service worked for years as the cia's man in cairo for us so. extraordinary. terrorists around the world. are among the solomon is accused of having been personally involved in torturing suspects this is the problem now in egypt is this a struggle between not between mubarak and the people but because between the american see ya. cove operators of u.s. power around the world and the people are having to try to get a place with somebody else it's hard to ignore the fact that the very abuses that drove hundreds of thousands of people into the streets had some assistance from the
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united states people have collected almost with pride these empty tear gas cylinders that have the words made in the usa written on them and so so much for regime change so a man was as much made in america as the dictator who appointed him and who is now being thrown out by the egyptian people wiki leaks cables show the us administration was grooming him for years as far back as two thousand and seven it had already identified him as a possible successor to president mubarak. and many of her contacts believe that solely because of his military background the least have to figure in any succession scenario and so when obama goes on record and says he gyptian is must choose for themselves it is not the world any other country to determine egypt's leaders only the egyptian people can do that people here laugh because you secretary of state is admitting to something different but we have to do is to set
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a consistent message this morning the orderly transition has been. urging. transparency is very free but many egyptians are afraid of and think he's more a dictator the mr mubarak which leaves the united states out in the cold when it has to explain why it's backing him policy r.t. kyra. has crossed by one of our top stories and talk more on the a found case let's cross live to copenhagen that's where we joined by a lot of poker from denmark independent daily international newspaper many of us of being with us here on r.t. now the u.k. well it seems about the great pressure doesn't have justified julian our songes extradition to sweden so what do you expect to happen to the wiki leaks founder next. well first of all the miss will continue to be amiss there's
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a couple of days before friday when the proceedings will be finished or off hopefully but i think probably they will be able to have a case to say that he should be extradited or that should be a case against him live forward by one way or another now us defense team is claiming that the swedish prosecution is attempting to exit on him as a radical feminist someone therefore unlikely to side with us on just specially in this kind of case now if and it is a big if this is true do you think it's simply another coincidence. now i think that it's probably very true that the very differing views in britain and sweden and i think that can sort of be mirrored in such a thing as free laws i find it quite unlikely that for a six shooter with a radical feminist agenda would be able to push through two different swedish courts that have actually sort of acknowledged the right to demand an extradition
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for a song many also accuse the the u.s. of applying political pressure to the legal systems of the u.k. and sweden but how much power if any really do you think washington have over the outcome of this court hearing. i think it's highly likely that the u.s. is exerting political pressure if anything the cables released by wiki leaks have showed that the americans don't shy away from trying to exert political pressure i do however think that both great britain and sweden are countries with great traditions for an independent judiciary so i find it rather unlikely that the legal system in those countries will will listen too much to political pressure from the u.s. and of course even if a font is sent to prison isn't wiki leaks now just too big to be silenced by the u.s. or anyone else for that matter certainly and in that respect i think that he was
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right in one sense in trying to get get this last papers out there what is now out from wiki leaks has a life of its own that won't be sort of stopped by in any way silencing him or giving him too much of a headache about other matters ok i think from copenhagen there are many thanks for speaking to us on this today and i thought the trial many thanks. now the russian foreign ministry says a british journalist was denied entry on arrival to moscow because he broke a series of accreditation laws concerning foreign correspondents. luke harding violated several rules regulating the work of foreign correspondents but a well known to all journalists lead to november last year he left more school for london on personal business he didn't go to foreign correspondents card although he knew he was supposed to. all the foreign ministry added that guardian will face no
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problems that immigration as soon as all of his documents are in order harding used the guardian's moscow correspondent was sent back to london after allegedly being detained for forty five minutes or so the foreign minister said that the journalist visa was valid through it's in may and it was never cancelled the guardian earlier reported harding have a valid visa which was a novel when he landed in moscow. now former u.s. secretary of state donald rumsfeld has lifted the lid on life inside the war on terror by publishing his memoirs in title but known and unknown it charts how he served under two american presidents gerald ford under george w. bush to discuss this but let's cross live now to new york where we're joined live by eric stoner from the news and analysis blog waging nonviolence this is dana thanks for being here and following bush's own memoirs this is another insider
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account of recent u.s. foreign policy but how big an impact is this going to have. i don't imagine that having much of an impact. bush is in the war dead but i don't see it really affecting the historical record which will which will see him as the one of the principal advocate. opponents of the iraq war and of the torture that was used in guantanamo and abu ghraib and. let's pick through some of the topics of this book you mentioned the iraq war and of course that takes up a major focus bush in his memoir says a rumsfeld persuaded him to go to war with iraq but now the former defense secretary saying it was the president's decision say who's telling the truth here. well i think the record shows that they both were itching for a war rumsfeld in particular had been calling for
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a war long before he was in the middle in the industry in one thousand nine hundred eighty signed a letter put out by the project for the new american century which called for clinton to launch a military attack against iraq so his he has been wanting war for a long time and also there were memos that came out right after nine eleven actually within hours of the attack rumsfeld had ordered his a to look for any evidence they could find it could link osama bin ladin to saddam hussein so he was immediately looking to take the war to iraq after nine eleven happened now in his book rumsfeld says that nobody in the bush administration lied about the fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction in iraq saying that the fall that's dramatic truth is that we were wrong but is this just wordplay do you think that's an explanation that's really going to satisfy the american public i don't think so
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i don't know and i don't know that it matters whether it was directly a lie or whether he was just wrong the results show that the war has been completely devastating destroyed completely destroyed iraq you're talking about probably a million civilians killed four and a half million people have become displaced or fled the country you're talking about millions of orphans and widows everyone has been affected so i don't think just saying you're wrong is acceptable. and in your opinion what's wrong is filled agenda really and writing this book u.c.l. for revenge she does seem to be doing most of finger pointing and and shifting the blame to really everyone but himself. yeah i think i think it's another attempt like you mentioned to try to rewrite history in his favor also
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sure there is the motive of making money so you know bush's book sold very well and i think that's always a reason for trying to write a memoir like this but yet he seems to be pointing the blame on everyone else and the truth is that they are all to blame and he is he's just as much a part of the administration and particularly the prosecution of the war in iraq like i mentioned as anyone else. and we do you know with rumsfeld as defense secretary the white house it's widely believed was involved in a scandal over torture say twice then do you think that we can say that he's the one responsible for one tommy bay and abu ghraib i think he he tried to pin the blame on bad apples and i think the historical record again will show that he is he is one of the principal architects of the use of torture
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in two thousand and two and two thousand and three he signed memos that endorsed the use of what he calls harsh interrogation techniques but we're essentially torture including putting stress positions the use of dogs. things like that and he personally signed off on these techniques so he's he's very much a part of it but this soldiers that implemented it are also responsible but he has a very big hand in the scandals that came out of guantanamo not. ok eric stone after the news and analysis blog waging nonviolence many thanks for talking rumsfeld published memoirs many thanks. ok that is the way the news this hour hey i want to go away they've got a business round up coming up next. very much alice russian energy major gas promise reportedly get in talks with royal
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dutch shell to widen the global alliance sources close to the negotiations cited on bloomberg say europe's biggest oil company may offer gas for assets in asia and return shell wants to expand the liquefied gas plant of the twenty two billion dollars to project to win markets in china and india however alexander now is out of her metropole doubts the plans will come to anything at least for the time being . on one hand there are good very good perspectives for. point of view of gas for expansion. but at the same time current situation on the global energy market is not so favorable for a you know making new energy plants and current trend that the major global energy producers up postponing or canceling its new capacities production get us to . projects saw basically i don't think the time enough for expansion of oil and you plan and secondly. it is the best time right now. to go to the markets now to the
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u.s. of course the only markets that are trading right now not by not sure becoming more positive ev reality as things stand near two and a half year highs well still barely changed less than half a percent of this is us investors are assessing the impact of the interest rate hike in china which could slow down the global economy. european markets and managed a recovery in late trading up to some of the close miners work for them still after that rate hike in china engineering and satellite group inmarsat you'll see more than half the center for an upgrade from merrill lynch and russia's markets ended tuesday's session in the red correcting as crude continued to decline to around four hundred eighty seven dollars a barrel and of course outflow of capital was quite significant in russia nor cynical was adding to the. and big sharp losses a day after it suspended a stock buyback amid a ship you knew while the crude price was pulling the energy sector down. being the example one point eight percent down at the close was the biggest loser down four
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point six percent as investors dropped their stock due to uncertainty over the upcoming s.p.o. price john heilemann from citi bank says there's a number of issues given the market. first of all we had crude continue to slide from ninety dollars last week it touched ninety dollars plus per barrel brant was even higher above one hundred dollars second we have chinese raising interest rates today which is not taken well by the market and third we have a number of stock place was going out of russia right now. it's difficult to see how the how they're going now since trade surplus grew by a quarter last year to one hundred sixty eight billion dollars a surging prices for oil and gas boyd exports china overtook the netherlands and germany to become russia's largest trading partner in twenty tenors turnover rose by fifty percent to reach fifty nine billion dollars. it's been the worst start of the year for precious metals in two decades but analysts say there are still reasons to be bullish union bank of switzerland says industrial demand for silver could be the
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strongest since the ninety's the bank spec's hedge funds to continue buying gold while the world's central banks will add to the billion reserves the third year in a row now actually for you right for today situation because silver was up three percent last time i looked at it. i'll be back in one hour's time with one final update of the business news here in russia the headlines are next.
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a very warm welcome a bucket full path now here in moscow says that most wanted to. checked his terrorist model says he's responsible for the bombing of baghdad there which killed six. models of close ties with al qaeda have learned to table the list of the world's most dangerous candidates. president mubarak attempts to appease egypt's own position with even more concessions the demonstrators in clay would remain defiant the man being it takes to replace the bot it has links with the cia fueling fears that washington is pulling the strings vice president omar suleiman is the
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former head of egyptian intelligence which has been widely criticized for its systematic use of torture. to do u.s. soldiers finding its tradition to sweden in a cool for a second day a soldier's lawyers say he will be denied justice by stock over one hundred over to the u.s. he fears persecution for the secret american diplomatic documents to the world's. next good interview with dr brian palmer a social anthropologist from the university he says the u.s. is playing a key role behind the scenes of the judean a staunch case. dr brian palmer social anthropologist who teaches that uppsala university thank you very much for sitting down with us today on r t it's a pleasure to be on your program sweden has been in the spotlight quite a bit lately with the wiki leaks.
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