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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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spy and sex probes into doing a song and why does sweden want julian of songs to be extradited is it just for to be questioned rather for the sex crimes alleged against him. it's hard to say certainly. sexual misconduct is taken seriously in sweden but few cases gets anywhere near the kind of judicial energy behind them as as this had so there's seems to also be other factors at play it may be partly the prosecutors and lawyers involved and issues of their careers it may also be that there is some pressure from the. foreign policy establishment in sweden and even from the united states that it's playing a role do you think that eventually will in fact be extradited to sweden it wouldn't surprise me if if he is in the end. but i but i would say that he and his
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lawyers have a fighting chance of keeping him there and and suggesting that whatever questioning of him this week prosecutors want to do can easily be done by video link and many critics say that once and if assad is extradited to sweden that it will be very easy for the u.s. to get him into custody do you agree with that i think that's quite right that it would be easier to get him to the u.s. from sweden then from britain the swedish government has has shown itself to be more pliant then the british surprisingly given the so-called special relationship of trust between britain and the usa and the swedish press has been and swedish public intellectuals have been less vocal in defending we could leaks than many people and many papers in britain so i think he's he's safe there why do you think that the media has been reluctant to mine. secretly openly compliment wiki leaks
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for coverage in a way that looks like the sun shines a fair chance there's been a lot of coverage of wiki leaks and the sunshine sweeping but he doesn't have that many high profile champions it's partly because allegations of sexual misconduct waste so heavily here that it is sick country where feminist ideals that it may be stronger than anywhere else on earth and one wishes that that no one would be judged in a in a case and until they've been tried but there's so there's some hesitation to come to his defense on those grounds and then so much of our i mean here in sweden is owned by a few conservative leaning media houses particularly bone years a media group that's right leaning and has has every interest in.
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in not raising these questions and they are the largest player in the media marketing suite and you wrote a biography of the swedish prime minister and it's no secret you wrote about this that the prime minister has been or is being advised by us republican strategist karl rove why one of america's most notorious neo cons and the man of course most credited with getting bush into the white house it's an interesting question. because the conservative party the called the moderates have plenty of macchiavelli and strategists of their of their own plenty of karl rove's of their own but rove has a long term relationship with the moderates so already in the one nine hundred eighty s. he came to sweden to advise them and then he's been back and before the election two thousand and six and and he. more recently he himself has some swedish roots and i
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think it may be partly initiated from his side that he wants to be involved in politics here and then what see the moderates accomplished before the two thousand and six election had something in common with bush's electoral victory in two thousand the problem for both george bush and fredrik reinfeldt was to win the votes of groups who wouldn't necessarily benefit from having a right wing tax cutting regime in power bush succeeded so well in wooing working class votes that in the two thousand and six election. sorry that two thousand and four election. bush won the white working class by a twenty three percent margin so working class voters were really the backbone of his
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victory. reinfeldt acknowledged that he was impressed by bush's campaign. and yet his struggle was also to get working class voters to support his party which they hadn't done in the past. and so it's logical that he would have wanted to bring in some of the people from from from bush's campaign to help with that and not least karl rove used. the method is linguistic innovation media manipulation and the art of bringing smear campaigns is that what sweden wants to take from a strategist like karl rove the moderates won the past two elections very much because of the negative image of fredrik reinfeldt supposin and in both elections where it was very much the. weakness of the
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opponent people were voting against rather than attraction to. and how do how do you accomplish that through different kinds of negative campaigning in the in the broader meaning of campaigning that focuses on the deficits of the other candidate. was something that the rover has been very good and so so he would be irrelevant if i was there there another thing that they rove has has been something of a genius had is finding peripheral or preferred peripheral issues that will mobilize the great voter groups to support the republicans and and that strategy has has also been somewhat effective in sweden is it normal for call rove to be doing this kind of international advising you know on his own website he
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notes that sweden is his only international assignment the moderate party of sweden is the only foreign party that he's worked for. so as far as i know he's pretty u.s. focused person. but then again it's as mentioned he himself has swedish roots and he he may feel a particular application to be involved here or interest to be involved here how much influence do you think the u.s. on the whole from the song to may go to asylum seekers being taken into custody how long sweden enormous influence and in a way almost puzzling only so at this historical moment that sweden should be so eager to. host nato military exercises in the north to. share. intelligence information that at
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a very high level with the u.s. and and nato that fredrik reinfeldt was so very eager to to to visit bush it was one of his first major international visits after he became prime minister in two thousand and six. all of that is a bit puzzling when. the u.s. is no longer so central to sweden's exports for example as. it has been in certain periods when. when when european relations or to or to be more central to sweden in certain ways and all that this is a far cry from the suite in of the one nine hundred seventy s. and early eighty's when all of palm a was prime minister and when the most important relations were often with developing nations with south africa with the
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south african freedom movement with india with the nonaligned movement so that. the the once very progressive sweden has become something of a voluntary. apprentice state some would say vassal state of the usa and why do you think that sweden took those kind of policy moves i think a lot of it is admiration for the united states among the foreign policy elite in sweden many of whom whose members have studied at top universities in the us and spent time there and have. a good network of personal friendships in the us. that and then now with the conservative government since two thousand and six those ties have become even stronger the motto of
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one of the young people's divisions of the conservative party over many years was. we would like things to be like in the usa viva la it is so me us in swedish so and i hope in wish to see a more americanized tweet in which is exactly what we've seen thank you very much for being with us my pleasure. and. well when one deals with war for a customer law is good this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage gone viral bombs boy napalm boy you're coming from the city whether it's more of
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a sonic boom six tractor mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq or it's destroyed coral reefs in the pacific for ramming purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that there shall be taken in the war to protect involved against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions of political one has taken exception to that. wealthy british style douglas america that's not on the president's right.
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calls and says feeds now in the palm of your. question. rob says that most don't want to chechen terrorists or model says he's responsible for the bombing. of the airport which killed six people. who models the close ties with al qaeda have a lot of them on the list of the world's most thing interest it's cool. with you to found the jury pools that have two dollars in sweden and then long to court for a second day with the herring set to resume on friday. can deny justice buy stock a candidate over to the u.s. what do you think has accused him for leaving secrets. american diplomatic documents to the world's. last president to appease egypt's opposition with
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even more concessions to demonstrators in cairo remains of the nonbeing take to replace mubarak has links with the scene fueling the fears that washington is pulling the strings will bind president silliman as the former head of the gypsum intelligence which has been widely criticized support systems of torture. thanks for joining us here on twenty four our t.v. i mean you know neal these are our. special guests the russian squad who talk the table at the recent university games are received by president to be tree made it. too early to tell the career of former one driver robert qubits remains open the year following a crash over the weekend but doctors say he is improving. celebration
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time super bowl m.v.p. rodgers on the victorious green bay packers are welcomed home after securing their first n.f.l. crawling team. let's start off on a presidential note dimitri medvedev today receiving members of the russian student games team which topped the charts at the twenty fifth winter world university games in turkey the russian athlete started off on the right for the looks on a never stop dominating. total of fourteen goals fourteen silvers ten bronze medals seeing the country top the table more than twice as many trophies are going to shop aside to korea the koreans themselves not fifteen gongs ukraine were tied for the top of mind but that did win one less school so they are third but impressive run of results setting things up nicely for russia for the twenty thirteen summer universe which will be hosted in. is that not much that i'm up and we all watched
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closely as you follow it with great determination the way i see it when a russian athlete performs well we're proud of it and thus proud of our country and then project a part of that athlete success upon their own lives we've been starved of big victories lately particularly last year's olympics but team russia dominated in turkey setting the tone for the upcoming twenty thirteen summer event in because she's. russia's footballers play for the first time this year on wed and taking on iran in a friendly the abu dhabi clash will serve as a litmus test ahead of six upcoming guru twenty twelve qualifiers manager dick advocaat stressing the players should be focused on their own form more on the iranian threat. not so much involving the opponent it is important well we do technically and if it is wise old you know things are now not so important because they all are in the beginning of the preparation we cannot expect a lot of people to moan and so i told them that as well so but. the thinking is so
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a bunch of fitness about to settle doesn't pull. things seem to be looking up for robert qubits their rental formula one driver was involved in a crush over the weekend in italy with initial reports to the pole may never race again but doctors now say he's steadily improving head of the intensive care unit at some to corona hospital and the girl told reporters twenty six will showing positive signs but will remain in intensive care or commit so he finished it last season and the driver standings underwent surgery on sunday to try and restore the use of his right arm for arm the rally car crash occurred exactly five weeks before the start of the f one season in bericht. ok let's stay with the f one theme or force india's website has been racking up internet hits softer the money true chose to unveil their twenty hour levon challenger online the mercedes powered car
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propelled the team to heavy heights last year force india finished seventh in the constructor standings with adrian sutil ending up one spot away from the top ten in the driver's standings the german he returns will be joined by scottish newcomer paul di resta who is the reigning d.t. a touring car champion the increasingly popular kinetic energy recovery system implemented in this research as well the engineers will put their creation to the test of the preseason on interest on thursday. ok let's move on to the greens were the in for mark wilson he's knobbed his second p.g.a. title of the golfing year frosty conditions causing a delay but wilson's game warmed up proceedings nicely the thirty six year old did suffer a starter on the final hole missing the chance to put away closest challenger jason dufner a playoff between the two ensued where dufner came up way short on a birdie putt on the second extra hole wilson having problems on the tenth sinking
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a birdie for the win over a million dollars in prize money on the second title of twenty eleven secured for the us consulate. let's stay with goal for a sizzling contest awaits next weekend with the world's three highest ranked players preparing to face off at the debiting desert classic tiger woods well he'll discover just how far his game a slipped or not when he clears up for the challenge that it world number one lee westwood and martin kaymer will bring to the u.a.e. greens woods was overtaken by briton westwood at the end of last season following a year when personal scandal totally overshadowed the american sub par golfing exploits german kaymer is the in-form player though having won the heat just b.c. golf championship in abu dhabi for the third time in four years last month the victory also propelling the twenty six year old to second in the global rankings one place in front of woods. fantastic field this week you know as a big is a big week for for european golf you know oily for world you know the top three in
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the world to play near lee westwood tiger woods and me so it's an exciting week for everybody and great for the for the term as a pledge to have all three here big world ranking points and it will be exciting in cricket's mohammad amir mohammad asif month but how valid to appeal their bonds for spot fixing in a test with the anti corruption tribunals verdict was also this week by the pakistani cricket board mohammad. mir's career had gotten off to a cracking start but the eighteen year old will now have to serve a five year ban left handed fastball returning back to pakistan as he waits the file his appeal to the work of arbitration for sport amir is waiting on the official release of the i.c.c. verdict after which he'll have twenty one days to present his case and listen. all right that brings us to cycling we're overall leader tom boonen is hugging onto his yellow jersey by
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a thread after the second stage of the tour of qatar henrik hausler cutting the gap to just a second after i sprinting the opposition two in states to the polls i was on boonen the belgian aim to extend his gap from the peloton russian mikail. putting pedal to the metal early on time and telling champion viscounty that are a lapse in concentration though this fall dropping him from contention on the day another russian denice zein off me at his move lever rather than sooner settling for third behind. penalty couldn't finish top in six to maintain a one point overall. all right winter sports now where the forty first alpine world ski championship have gotten underway in garmisch spartan perk in germany visitors from across the globe flocking to the city resorts to watch the opening ceremony on the evening a total of eleven will be up for grabs slalom giants like john hill super g.
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super combined football and women a team of fans to. have lived here in garmisch for about fifteen years working for the american government and i love the local community i love the u.s. ski team of the joint ski team a love them all and we're here to support them i know that the u.s. ski team doesn't get a lot of fans at a lot of these races and my god there's been so much work we're so proud of finally are and rodgers is finding i thought being an n.f.l. champion leaves one with little time for anything else the green bay packers quarterback getting a raw and boston the glory of the team's emphatic thirty one twenty five win over the pittsburgh steelers on sunday the twenty seven year old greeted by the league's commissioner roger goodell presented with the super bowl m.v.p. trophy for his exploits in texas after packing his bags with plenty of silverware in tow is off to the super bowl winners just three destination those attending disney world cup sing and dance all the champion quite a great show there with mickey and the rest rodgers enjoying the rest of the team
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back in green bay the weather wasn't quite as good the pucker fifty four reception was surely much warmer on the spike being fresh off a stunning career achievement rodgers is a ready. i'm always looking for challenges i think the chose now goes to repeat in. scrutinizing this season finding ways to get better so there's been a perfectionist and having a quarterback coach as well. there's going to be plenty of time to work on things and plenty things work so i'm excited about enjoying this but also looking forward to improving. quite a week is all your sport i'll see you soon the weather sext.
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if blinds in motion would be soon which brightened if you knew no bounds phone from phones to impressions. please friends totty dot com. download the official auntie application to all i phone all i pod touch from the saps to. watch on t.v. life on the go. video on demand ati's money for old costs and already says feeds now in the palm of your. questions on the dot com well when one deals with water it has to realize that
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this tremendous amounts of damage that are done not just human damage but damage to the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy coming from saddam's whether it's our sonic boom city factory or in mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq or it's destroyed. in the pacific for landing purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that there shall be taken in war to protect and by against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions of protocol one has taken exception to that.
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russia's security services say they know who orchestrated last month's moscow airport terror it comes as russia's most wanted man says it was hit. in a new video message chechen terrorists local market claims he is responsible for this you saw the idea of the book all the details coming up on our t.v. just a few seconds. wiki leaks founder julian assange battles attempts to extradite him to sweden in them along to the west second day but the hearing set to resume on friday as lawyers say he'll be denied justice by some on that over to the u.s. . and as protests enter they've heard we president mubarak is going to take steps
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to amend the constitution but demonstrators remain skeptical. that i won't welcome this is he live from moscow with me alice had it russia's security services have briefed the country's lawmakers on the own going probe into the last month's bombing of moscow's domodedovo airport to seven suspects were named to the close to meeting but they've not been disclosed to the public to t.v. since to make the case this comes as a mature chechen terrorists lays claim it's a milestone winding be a time. when they get a report. lot of ways to russia's most wanted criminal most wanted terrorist and in this latest of his videos posted on next.


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