tv [untitled] February 8, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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seven more suspects identified with the moscow airport in january after russia's most wanted terrorist claims he ordered. wiki leaks founder julian assange to court in the u.k. for the second day fighting extradition to sweden with the hearing centers on friday his lawyers say political pressure from washington to see a son handed over to u.s. authorities. and as. president is trying to take the consequences and the demonstrators remain skeptical. six am in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story
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russia's security services have briefed the country's lawmakers on the investigation into last month's bombing of moscow's domodedovo airport up to seven suspects were named in a connection with the attack during a closed meeting this comes as al qaeda linked terrorists doku umarov says he ordered the attack authorities believe he was also behind last year's moscow metro bombings and the two thousand and nine bombing of a moscow to st petersburg passenger train he's a catarina got a house. russia's most wanted terrorist claims thirty six more human lives have been added to his deadly account chechen born daughter kumar of says he was the mastermind behind january's bombing at the idea that the airport might have made the claims in a video message posted on an extremist website he described this you said bombing as his special open ration and promises more terrorist attacks security experts believe the mass it shows the world that the man should no longer be described as just
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a chechen militant but as an international terrorist these groups move more fiercely around the world and you know there are undoubtedly chechens operating in parts of afghanistan and people from you know foreign fighters coming in to assist should the important thing is that this is really the first time we've heard him emerge you know as a major player in terms of international terrorism i mean he's no threat he is evolvement in the back pulls in chechnya but he's not known on the international stage for operating you know terrorist operations like what we've just seen at the moscow airport really is a sort of step up to him meanwhile russia's security forces are skeptical whether all mara was indeed in charge of the january bombing it could be an autonomy as terrorist cell they say is not directly linked to morrow and some analysts claim the terrorist is talking himself up as a self-styled bin laden but he is
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a man who wants to put all the trappings of bin ladin is and if you will a sort of grandeur to his actions and therefore it's not always clear how much authority he really has in fact from within his own group and there was a rebellion i think of last year where he resigned event he remained his resignation and the younger members apparently wanted him out so it's not quite clear where they can directly is in charge of a body. number of these militant groups or where they can simply putting himself in a position of their own near in order to gain more authority and so it's the second message from the warlord over the past two weeks targeted at russia's main security agency the f.s.b. shortly after the airport bombing omar up released a similar address however it's believed that video had been made even before the actual attack took place next to morrow is a man who appears to resemble the airport bomber earlier the f.s.b. reported he was a twenty year old man from the north caucasus
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a manhunt is on for six others believed to have must reminded the attack security is being tightened all across the country they had stopped police and the half as we were meeting behind closed doors with members of the russian parliament to decide on what needs to be done to build big gaping holes in the country's security system. the current anti terror logis lation of russia could soon be amended just as the country's police force is now undergoing a major overhaul it's hoped the recent changes to the police will make cop corruption and security lapses i think of the past exit in the church of r r t. the founder of whistle blowing web site wiki leaks will reappear in a london court friday to fight a swedish extradition of war julian assange the defense lawyer says a swedish side should come to the u.k. to explain the sexual misconduct allegations facing their client or his lawyer and
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it has more from this high profile case. well it was supposed to be the last days day and it's pretty interesting that it wasn't in fact they said that there wasn't enough enough time to hear the closing statements and they're going to come back on friday morning for just a half day stay the defense on the prosecution can submit their closing thoughts the reason it's interesting is because sweden is requesting a sauces extradition under the european arrest warrant. system and in general under that system the british court isn't actually allowed to hear any evidence but in fact they seem to be hearing it all and the only reason for that that i can think of is that this is a particularly high profile case of course and the court system is afraid of a media storm that could ensue if the british court system just gives. in terms of the evidence that we've heard over these two days the prosecution's been arguing very simply that there's no reason that assad shouldn't go to sweden but the chief swedish prosecutor mariano has been conspicuously absent through this entire
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proceeding and in fact so much so that she received a challenge from a soldier's lawyer mark stephens this evening he said and he really threw down the gauntlet to her he said come to london and the reason that she wouldn't come to london was because she didn't want to face the cross-examination that she knows she can't win and in terms of defense evidence we heard from the defense that they have seen but not been given copies of by the prosecution around one hundred text messages from the victims these these these people that. are sexually assaulted or raped that they heard that these two women expected to be paid and that they wanted revenge against julian assault and also that they planned to contact some newspapers to have our soldiers reputation destroyed or some other evidence that we've heard over the course of these two days was about whether whether essence would get a fair trial in sweden and it was from a former swedish judge and she gave evidence for the defense and she said that the
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rule of law in sweden has been deteriorating since the mid one nine hundred seventy s. she also gave her opinion on marianne the prosecutor she said that she holds a grudge against men and that she's a radical feminist and that these charges are very possibly politically motivated and she also said that public opinion in sweden is very much against us all as most people she said in sweden believe that he's a rapist before they view. the evidence now of course the defense's main fear is that if a soldier is extradited to sweden he will then be extradited to america we've been hearing for the last couple of months that the u.s. is preparing a request for him on the grounds of espionage charges in relation to the wiki leaks embassy cable releases which are of course deeply embarrassing to washington now sweden has what might be called a cozy relationship with the u.s. it's previously cooperated with the u.s. on illegal rendition most notably of
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a terrorist suspect who was then sent on to egypt where he was in fact tortured so sweden does have what you might call form for cooperating with the u.s. in these matters and if sent to the u.s. it's really not clear what would happen to us on she's even received death threats from certain u.s. politicians including sarah pailin who said that he should be hunted down like al qaida the defense is also arguing that he may be subject to the death penalty if he's if he does go to the u.s. all that he may be kept in a detention facility like guantanamo or something similar. to the u.k. is pirate party laws cases there is overwhelming support for the work that a song doing. we think there is a very real danger julian assange could be taken to the united states even possibly detained in going to turn him over and actually basically pursuit of some kind of espionage charges and what i'm seeing in terms of how people are responding
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to the wiki leaks is that actually people overwhelmingly support the freedom of information we can see how the free flow of information has been absolutely crucial to democracy united states politicians out to criticize him but even actually have been calling for his assassination i think that means that it's going to be impossible to see any kind of fair trial of justice if june in the sand is going to be extradited to sweden. perspective there from lowe's head of the u.k.'s pirate party speaking with us from manchester. turning now to egypt were constitutional reforms intended to diffuse public anger have backfired after thousands of protesters poured back into tahrir square in an apparent rejection of the proposals the demonstrations are now entering their third week with anti-government protesters demanding the president step down or he's possibly or has the latest
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from cairo. what we've now into the third week of and mubarak demonstrations and the numbers on the street just keep growing and his square is still remaining the focal point here in downtown cairo hundreds of thousands of people on the streets as we speak and also the city of alexandria we threw off the course of the day tens of thousands of people have been coming to protest these small started at around midday when government buildings close in the last day also people have received base salaries and just yesterday monday the government announced that it would be giving a fifty percent increase to the wages of government employees and pensions but that was greeted with a lot of anger at people saying that if the government can do that now why couldn't they do it ages ago when people were campaigning for those kind of changes organizers of also mocked tuesday why day and sunday as a million man march is the human rights watch has issued a report saying that in the last two weeks of mine and two hundred and ninety seven
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people have been killed we haven't had any kind of comprehensive support from the egyptian government to the vice president almost to them and so on egypt's and state television on behalf of president mubarak and he said that the president had issued a presidential decree that would see what needed to be fake to the establishment to work in the two committees the first committee would look at implementing constitutional reform the second committee would look at implementing the decisions in the conclusions that have been reached in national dialogue those with those meetings between six opposition groups and the vice president almost two men there is a third. committee that is due to begin working in the next few days it won't consists primarily of young people and it will focus primarily on young people it will investigate the violence of the past few days and also ways of bringing people to book the vice president did reiterate that all these kind of routes were a way for the government to ensure a smooth prose process and a smooth path to free and fair elections and again saying that the government was
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not planning to persecute in any way people who have taken to the streets over the last two weeks now it is interesting that the president is increasingly choosing his vice president to speak on his behalf we haven't heard from mubarak since that first week of violence back in january so the man is somebody who is respected but he's not particularly well liked here in egypt and here's someone that people closely aligned with the american administration as i investigate in this report it's important to support the transition process announced by the egyptian government actually headed by now vice president. omar so a man hardly the words of a neutral broker and worse far removed from the people who had ministration claims to be listening to. dr meg deep below all heads up human rights organization that teaches each opinions about democracy he says egyptians don't like superman for the very reason americans do almost see the man is part of this illusion we consider
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american people. didn't. want to keep him. lit mubarak who was still. in power in those early to last year by the u.k.'s telegraph is the most powerful spook in the region so a man is suave sophisticated and fluent in english but the former head of egypt's intelligence service worked for years as the cia's man in cairo. extraordinary. silliman is accused of having been personally involved in torturing suspects which is the problem now in egypt is there's a struggle between not between mubarak and the people but because between the
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american cia covert operators of u.s. power around the world and the people are having to try to get mubarak replaced with somebody else it's hard to ignore the fact that the very abuses that drove hundreds of thousands of people into the streets had some assistance from the united states people have collected almost with pride these empty tear gas cylinders that have the words made in the usa written on them and so so much for regime change so a man was as much made in america as the dictator who appointed him and who is now being thrown out by the egyptian people wiki leaks cables show the u.s. administration was grooming him for years as far back as two thousand and seven it had a radio identified him as a possible successor to president mubarak. in many of our contacts believe that solely because of his military background the least have to figure in any succession scenario and so when obama goes on record and says he gyptian is
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must choose for themselves it is not the world any other country to determine egypt's leaders only the egyptian people can do that people here laugh because the secretary of state is admitting to something different but we have to do is to set a consistent message this morning the orderly transition has the. urging you know the way transparency is here very hard but many egyptians are afraid of and think he's more a dictator the mr mubarak which he. it's the united states out in the cold when it has to explain why it's spec'ing him policy on r t kyler. professor lisa hood jar author of the book courting conflicts as vice president suleiman is already alienating protesters and opposition leaders with many of his tactics. in my took over as the head of the egyptian equivalent of the cia the general
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intelligence services in one thousand in ninety three and that's a position he held until two weeks ago when he became vice president each passing day diminishes the appeal of silly mind he did something very odd in some ways it undermined his credibility as a power broker with the protesters he organized a meeting two days ago with a hand selected group of people that he wanted to speak with some including members of the muslim brotherhood and though the people who attended the meeting thought it was a talk to talk about talking in other words to set some ground rules for what would be happening but in fact immediately after the meeting he came out and told the egyptian people on state t.v. that they reached a consensus and that the consensus that essentially been what the government wants which is protesters go home and everything more or less stays the same and so people who participated in those talks really i think felt had and that significantly diminishes so in minds credibility in egypt. remember to log on to
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our website r.t. dot com where we continue our allies in the issues surrounding the crisis in egypt look at how the u.s. criticizes president mubarak's actions and question whether the administration they would have all the situation differently if it happened in america plus. you can find thirteen cute and cuddly characters competing for the title of the sochi winter olympics mascot that have been revealed see who they are and vote for your favorite all online at our team. this news just into us here on our t.v. a russian passenger jet with more than two hundred people aboard is circling the siberian airport on able to make an emergency landing that jets a landing glendening year failed to close properly after takeoff all the hospitals
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in the region have been put on high alert of course we'll keep you up to date with the developments in the story former u.s. secretary of defense donald rumsfeld has lifted the lid on life inside the war on terror by publishing his memoirs the book charts as time during the wars in iraq and afghanistan michael o'brien a former u.s. contractor in iraq says wrong rumsfeld still refuses to take responsibility for many of his actions. i think it will hurt his reputation because he says he doesn't really take the responsibility for poorly executing the war or when it was his war we he prosecuted it for and it was carried out by tommy franks who did everything rumsfeld told him to do. he blames paul bremmer well he hired paul bremmer so don't blame the guy that you hired if he wasn't doing the job right then get somebody else he blames all these other people but he was the one responsible
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for executing the conflict no one else. i really do believe that it will like or like robert mcnamara in viet nam i don't think this is going to help donald rumsfeld reputation it's just a book to try and use his selective memory to to describe what happened in his own words russia has announced a proposal to send a security council mission to the middle east but how a cherokee in russia's ambassador to the u.n. says it could help provide international support for the region and move stalled israeli palestinian negotiations. we are making this proposal now because we're concerned about the situation in the middle east as we all know the efforts to restart these really but is still in talks at the impasse and the situation in the region is quite fragile. is fraught with further possible complications. if it gets
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the go ahead it will be the first security council mission to the middle east in more than thirty years the proposal comes as the latest round of israeli palestinian talks ended without any significant result russia is a member of the middle east peace quartet that also includes the e.u. the us and the un the group met last week on the sidelines of the munich security conference and strongly backed the idea of strengthening the council's role in negotiations. carrying out of some other stories making headlines across the globe and italian flag tanker with twenty two crewmembers aboard has been seized by pirates in the indian ocean the e.u. says five hijackers fired arms and several rocket propelled grenades as they captured the bessel the frigate is on a route from sudan to malaysia and was bringing crude oil it's currently selling west towards the somali coast. for trucks carrying oil to nato forces in afghanistan of caught fire in pakistan it's believed they were the target of a bomb explosion hit one fuel truck before the fire spread to the three others
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police say it's still unclear whether there are any casualties nato convoys in pakistan carrying supplies across the border with afghanistan are frequently targeted by militants. and a few moments we speak to a leading swedish academic about the case and his country's ties to the u.s. stay with us here on r.t. .
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dr brian palmer social anthropologist who teaches that uppsala university thank you very much for sitting down with us today on r.t. it's a pleasure to be on your program sweden has been in the spotlight quite a bit lately with the wiki leaks scandal and the spy and sex probes into doing a song why does sweden want julian of so much to be extradited is it just for to be questioned rather for the sex crimes alleged against him. it's hard to say certainly. sexual misconduct is taken seriously in sweden but few cases gets anywhere near the kind of judicial energy behind them as it has this had so there's seems to also be other factors at play it may be partly the prosecutors and lawyers involved and issues of their careers it may also be that there is some pressure from the. foreign policy establishment in sweden and even from the united
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states that it's playing a role do you think that eventually a fund will in fact be extradited to sweden it wouldn't surprise me if he is in the end. but i would say that he and his lawyers have a fighting chance of keeping him there and and suggesting that. whatever questioning of him the swedish prosecutors want to do can easily be done by video link so many critics say that once and if extradited to sweden that it will be very easy for the u.s. to get him into custody do you agree with that i think that's quite right that it would be easier to get him to the u.s. from sweden then from britain the swedish government has shown itself to be more pliant then the british surprisingly given the so-called special relationship of trust between britain and the usa and the swedish press has been and swedish
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public intellectuals have been less vocal in defending we could leaks or than many people and many papers in britain so i think he's he's safe there why do you think that the media has been reluctant. to secretly openly. cover it in a way that looks like the sun shines a fair chance there's been a lot of coverage of wiki leaks and sweden but he doesn't have that many high profile champions it's partly because allegations of sexual misconduct away so heavily here that it is said country where feminist ideals i may be stronger than anywhere else on earth and one wishes that that no one would be judged in a in a case and until they've been tried but there's so there's some hesitation to come to his defense on those grounds and then so much of our media in sweden is own by
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a few conservative leaning media houses particularly born years a media group that's right leaning and has has every interest in it in not raising these questions and they are the largest. player in the media market in sweden how much influence do you think the u.s. on the whole from the song to nato to asylum seekers being taken into custody how long sweet an enormous influence and in a way almost personally so at this historical moment that sweden should be so eager to. host nato military exercises in the north to. share. intelligence information that is at a very high level with the u.s. and and nato that fredrik reinfeldt was so very eager to to
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to visit bush it was one of his first major international visits after he became prime minister in two thousand and six. all of that is a bit puzzling when. the u.s. is no longer so central to sweden's exports for example as. it has been in certain periods when. when when european relations or to or to be more central to sweden in certain ways and all that this is a far cry from the suite in the one nine hundred seventy s. and early eighty's when all of palm a was prime minister and when the most important relations were often with developing nations with south africa with the south african freedom movement with india with the nonaligned movement so that.
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the once very progressive sweden has become something of a voluntary. apprentice state some would say vassal state of the usa and why do you think that sweden took those kind of policy moves i think a lot of it is admiration for the united states among the foreign policy elite in sweden many of whom whose members have studied at top universities in the us and spent time there and have. a good network of personal friendships in the us. i. that and then now with the conservative government since two thousand and six those ties have become even stronger the motto of one of the young people's divisions of the conservative party over many years.
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