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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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half past one here in moscow a quick look at the headlines here on our t.v. recently expounder giuliana saw she launches another salvo in his ongoing legal battles threatening to sue the british newspaper the guardian the whistleblower accuses the daily of including what he calls malicious libel against him and a book published. russia's security forces step up the hunt for those responsible for the moscow airport bombing that killed thirty six people three people believed to be linked to the suicide bomber who blew himself up in middle of the crowd have been detained in the republic of. iraq obama has labeled a corporate tax burden and brought many top business leaders into his political
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circle critics say with his new wall street friendly stats he already has his eyes on reelection. a lot next to report on the nature and wildlife of the caucasus do you stay with us. southern russia. this faraway place. you need special permission.
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to film scapes it blows. up i can't tell you how beautiful. this place. feel. along the people of the. droves of sheep across the.
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whole. this is a bearded vulture i needed to. have this kind of make their nests on low lying logs of thirty or forty kilometers from here. i would go but when they go hunting they might cover up to fifty kilometers in search of food. they're interesting creatures. all of the above go is situated close to the greater northern slope of the caucuses mountain range from the grassland you can get a panoramic view of the mountain ridge of the caucuses nature reserve. there is also a clear view of mount fished one of the highest points in the western caucuses.
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that will probably let's try to get the mountains in frame filming is best done from the highest point on the bargo it's about nine hundred meters above sea level here dimitri is teaching a son killed how to set up for the filming. look. so you can see that the lighting is on one side of the mist covers most of the valley. we don't want to fill only the mist we need to focus on the foreground look at the grass gleaming in the sunlight its light of the valley is dark. so the light strips will show this shot to the best advantage. the great in northern slope is a continuous chain of mountain ridges tops by snowy peaks millions of years ago
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there was a vast sea in this place the smallest part of it the black sea is now hidden behind mountain ridges they form a shield in the way of warm breezes blowing from the sea the warm air creates a sub tropical climate in the foothills of the southern slope of the greater coaxes ridge there is a moderate zone further upslope the kingdom of eternal snow and ice on the mountain tops is more than three thousand meters above sea level. which is it's the opposite i'm going to film these magnificent landscapes we never know in order to show that we did this to the hundreds of people who never ventured here. either because they have no time. when you go because they don't understand the meaning of nature. of the. mountain to live side by side with the pass translated from the sick ass in language to means the
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mountain of caucasian goats the reserve is the only habitats of western caucasian goats in the wild here they don't move about very much a small herd might well stay for decades in the same area high in the mountains one thousand nine hundred metres above sea level. the only trail. leading across the pos begins in the embargo grassland. caucuses reserve ranges often use it to make rounds of the area they always do it on horseback a round trip usually takes one week. to come across perches interests on this path. in europe is the only way here there are rocks on one side and a thick tangle of red and ran on the other it is very difficult terrain. who
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. all. the ranges camp out in small huts and it's always cold in the mountains at night. or. shortly before dawn the metering killed head to a small flat mountain top according to an old caucasian legend do you often meets the sunrise in the mountains lives
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a long and happy life. with all of the real you can now seem out you go and you're right in that the sun will rise from behind the aspen pass. we're going to choose the highest point for filming we only have ten to fifteen minutes for that. you.
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guys is a mystery. no single one is ever the same good. it's truly wonderful. the nearest settlement is far away radio is the only means of communication with human civilization. hey folks you're listening to our movement of radio show us your house once again and you katrina and look at it last term and talked about the history of the caucuses nature reserve to get you to the small studio broadcasting the movement show is in the town of scores of kilometers away from the above go for schoolchildren tell locals about the caucuses reserve journalists. oversees the programs the children talk about the reserves animals surviving trees mountaintops and rare plants. they draw on their experiences reporters and engineers working in various protected areas therefore they always fully prepared for the program when
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they go on air. and i think when people look at it and they try to imagine what they see truly saw a long time ago. as for me i always have this on the county feeling that my agent stature martin significant in front of these or inspiring giant. one of the most famous parts of the caucuses nature reserve is the growth situated close to the black sea coast the oldest tree here is over a thousand years old. the grove has survived several generations of tourists and
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many natural disasters. according to scientists the greatest of them took place some eighteen million years ago. a ruptured. in the earth's crust created a natural labyrinth and the gorge the gorges bed was filled with water from mountain stream. this landscape has undergone no changes since then. visitors are fascinated by the mysterious origin of the grove and the ancient trees there in they think of it as a living relic of the distant past. well i can tell you that i really do feel mystical about it was that people rarely break the rules here they're not eager to destroy or cut things down to the bush that some people might say i'm crazy but i honestly believe nature herself is at work here and i think this place is protected by higher forces it's. a small canyon on the outside edge of the
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grove mocks its natural boundary in the north the west and east in the horns of an infamous mountain river called the hostile joint where the canyon is at its most narrow and the never ending war of war is a sign of its dangerous allure. and you'll know. this canyon is notorious because the water rises quickly when the snow melts or up to terentia already. though the whirlpool formed a strong water splashing against one side of the ravine and then against the other . anything that falls into the whirlpool gets sucked down to the bottom people trying to swim will walk across it end up drowning. there's been several deaths as a result. that's why this place is infamous. devil's grace.
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there are four major waterways in the coaxes reserve a river is one of the deepest which has been put up but the small hydro power station supplies electricity to the huts in the upper reaches of the reserves northern sector ranges stay for the night. but the vote by. claiming there was a. good w. bush route where you can get from any spray or small river border to hear more about what they sold fifty four drinks. international rafting competitions take place on the river every year the route his extreme rapids and near impossible to clear.
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up on. the street still keeps its secrets but now it's time to feel. the soviet files nikita khrushchev's between black knight and oxy. wealthy british.
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markets. scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy. headline news joining to cause a report on. a cargo helicopter flies through a mountain course before it reaches the weather station and. good. situation in the mountains of the caucuses nature is as an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level it is the optimist station in the western caucuses its total square is two hundred eighty two thousand hectares our reserve is the only one in russia that occupies the territory of three russian regions it's really unique.
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the director of the caucuses reserve personally oversees the rotation of strong and food supplies in this remote area the helicopter rarely stops at juga for more than twenty minutes but even such a short period of time is enough for dimitri says just some kid to get several shots on take. most of the world's weather stations located in major cities recalled changes in the atmosphere resulting from industrial waste and vehicle fumes the data collected juga and similar stations is important for fundamental research into how the earth's climate changes in areas situated far away from manmade sources of
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pollution. now the temperature of juba is fifteen degrees above zero but a couple of days ago trees were falling to the ground under the impact of strong gusts of wind which by the way where the snow is usually one way to date around this time in december temperatures were unusually high in november it may well turn out to be the warmest november in twenty five years. each day caucuses reserve staff record temperatures wind velocity humidity and dam a spherical pressure. one to. team is on shift for two months. sissoko
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on its way from to go to the grand old and slow the helicopter passes by now fished the highest point and the western ridge. after an hour's trip by air dimitri and his son kid will walk about the northern sector of the caucuses reserve in the company of ranges the jugo weather station is now schools of coleman says away. people and animals share the only path they raise in this area. do the bison let humans approach them but most of the people traveling around the reserve arranges in horseback. short while ago patrol g.t. in a different area. it's
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a short distance from here they can seem on shaky show that came across the line bison. the lettuce come quite close to them. were only fifteen meters away. bison leaving the coaxes reserve have no enemies sometimes humans can come very close to them provided they are on horseback buses a range of dismount the bison instantly make it clear they're poised for attack. horses are the most reliable and indispensable companions when people go on long trips in the mountains only horses with good training eligible for the job with this one is called chetan ish. he's my favorite. but we became
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fast friends. reading him is no problem he does what he's told to do. but this one is still a young stallion. so that it will let anybody touch him. bloke. is scared of everybody. joe nocera has one of the remotest areas of the eastern sector of the caucuses
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reserve several reserve staff and their families live here on a permanent basis. even if the weather is warm it's only possible to reach this place with an off road vehicle. schoolchildren from a nearby village upset by often visit reserve ranges they have organized an eco movement called the little bison. hello hello glad to see you. dear our guests. that. doesn't. the top machine we are. chosen malaysia is the starting point of a circular route for high just only visitors with a permit and a map are allowed to enter the reserve they gear is inspected and ranges teach them the elementary rules for surviving in the mountains children from the little bison
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oh always welcome here they already have experience walking cross country children from the little bison often across the river in that way but it's risky in winter time so today we're going to take a detour we'll cross the bridge and forest warden will take care of all stuff. pikas can choose between several popular routes in different areas of the coaxes reserve. close to the trail stands no table used by rangers it's meant to hide just passing by wanting to rest for a moment children from a little voice in the club are gathered here on the bank of the stream to discuss major george hood actions testament we all know that on the eve of new year's celebrations many local people pick up axis and go to the forest to cut down our
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green beauties. but save the green beauty is the name of a movement organized by the children that they make leaflets bearing the image of a food treat you right now they write text on the leaflets and display them prominently in the village of. the children hope that peace will actions will help prevent further trees from being cut down illegally. preserve ranges however take more radical measures against lawbreakers their main task is finding and detaining. poaches. one of the most challenging jobs takes ranges to mount yet. each time they go they're under a veil of secrecy regardless of day or night or weather conditions they're painstaking job requires special knowledge and staying power they need to be skilled horseman as well as able to discern telltale signs showing the presence of
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trespasses and have no difficulty finding their bearings. a new boat yours will always be tempted to enter the reserve because beasts are easy prey here the reporters up there are not as much afraid of humans as they are elsewhere because they're under constant protection. such cultures see them as enticing tidbits because hunting for them is so easy. as the path reaches higher out the cheese one climatic zone in the mountains gives way to another here the fog that enveloped the forests in the foothills is now a distant memory there is snow on the slopes and it is much colder the koch asian mountains gradually come into view.
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after several attempts to find the best point for filming the landscape dimitri suddenly comes face to face with a brown bear one of the rarest and largest animals of the caucuses reserve. ranges did find fresh tracks they were close to the huts where the rangers put up for the night they reported the find of
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a walkie talkie that he would use. there are wolf tracks here now this the wall he got from a wolf yes. keep still let me see them what they do with the tracks no just those holding. bases here they are two three three. eight calling one zero four eight calling one of four everything's ok tracks only some left by animals the latest tracks are those of wolves three of them over announce. different people visiting the coaxes nature reserve are often different things some seek shelter from the hostile and bustle of big cities others around the thrills
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only a few are able to blend in with this wonderful place and become possibly. just invested by old and yet i feel i'm an integral part of this world yet i do you well know crazy romantic. i'm nearly drowned almost frozen to death and fall off cliffs already. nature is wiser than we are yet give her ingenuity is all pervasive. she is the creator that gave birth to us about enough but i do that and they bring us to ruin unless we come to our senses. they have led them i think that's what people should devote their lives to. get about i don't know if i can cope with the task but i'm going to try.
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from. the.
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