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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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under my toes. in serbia letters available in word they are going to. get to print president hosni mubarak refuses to stand down and vows to stay in office until september but some will be transferred to his mind as president omar suleiman the speech was not well received by protesters in cairo but erupted into angry trons against him president obama has sharply criticized a trip to government and called for a clear path to democracy. russia's president pays a surprise visit to moscow a train station discovery major security lapses following the visit he would of the countries in the enforcement agencies to focus the attention on of all transport systems the president to transport security under his pastoral control after last month's terrorist attack at moscow's dimaggio the airport which killed thirty six people. and german chancellor angela merkel face just washes
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over the military airstrike which killed dozens of civilians in afghanistan almost two years ago up to one hundred forty two people were killed dozens of them civilians as a result of this trying to fuel. by time about a minute and. taking up on our top story there's more on president mubarak's address to the nation on the next so stay with us for that. for the feast we've got. the biggest issues get voice face to face with the news makers. welcome the loner show will get the real headlines with none of the mersey like we live in a washington d.c.
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after conflicting media reports egypt's president hosni mubarak did not step down today and in fact he announced changes to the constitution asked the protesting to end and announce that he's going to remain in charge until the next election in september so has this revolution failed or merely just begun dr lawrence korb will be here to the scuffs the revelations in egypt and this year's c pac on france kicked off today so we'll speak about the growing divide within the g.o.p. between what true conservatism really is and i will ask where the hell all the republican presidential candidates are and who we can expect to come out as the front runner in the next couple of months examiners j.p. frere and liz mair will join me to discuss the conservative conference next for approaching the gun debate from a bit of a different perspective rather than talking about people's right to bear arms we're going to ask what needs to be done to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unfit stories broad brad jacobson will join us to discuss the shocking report that over two million mentally ill people are missing from the national gun check system
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and then if you blink you might have missed it congressman christopher lee resigned from office after an e-mail surfaced exposing his intimate conversations with a woman other than his wife on craigslist so long blogger sarah burton caso will be here to help me dig up some dirt on this political sex scandal but we're saving all that fun for the end of the show now let's move on to tonight's top story. this morning reports broke out that egypt. president hosni mubarak would be announcing his resignation later in the day the rumors spread like wildfire everyone was keeping their eyes glued to the t.v. screens waiting for him to speak but we actually heard from a dark just two hours ago was entirely different he didn't step down he refused to acknowledge that he himself or his personality may have anything to do with the people's anger rather he called for a friendly atmosphere announced amendments to the constitution wrote on about everything he did and gave to the country and said that he would not be influenced
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by foreign pressure and will stay on until november so seventeen days of protests hundreds of thousands of people gathered and the man will not give up so has this revolution failed or has a chance because they can only guess will happen next here discuss it with me is dr lawrence korb senior fellow at the center for american progress and former assistant secretary of defense in the reagan administration and thanks so much for being nice to be with you again like i said he really has spread like wildfire today as soon as his reports came out that we were expecting his resignation and then and then he didn't then he just came out and gave a speech and said i'm still here how do we even interpret this this refusal to leave well. target is basically he doesn't want to be brought out of office because he did say there he talked about i don't want this foreign intervention pressure from a lot of countries including the united states. to do that i think he mistakenly thought if you modify the constitution and said he would publish those who course
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talking to the protesters that that would not be that would be enough he didn't realize that their demand that he go how can you not realize that i'm sorry after seventeen days of protests or people say they want mubarak out they want this regime of thirty years to end how does it still not get it well don't forget the man spread in power thirty years you say eighty two years old i think he lost you know he he he still think egypt was like it was in the. he doesn't realize what has happened and i think he thought this is a small minority of people the majority of people still support me and he talked about all the wonderful things you saw and how he's been a patriot and it was clear he didn't have a clue as to what the people want to do or what's happening in egypt could also be part of who is around him i mean how much is mubarak really his own man how much is he running the show and how much are people like omar suleiman and the u.s. telling him what to do you can say that he's been a bit of a puppet of the u.s. government for the last thirty years now omar suleiman who he's essentially said
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he's handed over their responsibilities to someone that the u.s. supports so how much control does mubarak have well i think the problem is he's got yes men around the people who will tell the truth and the other side is i think that he can't believe that people are don't appreciate everything he's done for egypt and i think the role of the united states is maybe even worse you just want to look like you speak of being forced out at all and so i think today he thought well you know change the cost of two shootings which people don't like at all go away after the people of course of form and everybody will be happy not realizing that he himself was the issue yet at this point it's become a little too late just to change the constitution and the people but do you think the obama administration knew when earlier today obama was giving a speech and he said we're watching history unfold if it almost seems like they knew something was coming but then whatever was supposed to come over the rest of
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us were expecting a kind of didn't happen there's no doubt there were court flatfooted because all the media reports were saying you know that he was going to step down and why else would you give a speech you know close to midnight if it wasn't something dramatic and that made it worse closer built up all the you know the expectations of people and then they were their war angry now than they were before he gave the speech but it's some of that we also blame some of that build up on the media on the evolve ministry. through the fact that once somebody reported this story everybody just flew with it well i think obviously the media led to the expectation so i don't blame the united states i mean it's clear what the united states wanted of the do and if i'm going back the obama administration the fact that they have administration officials coming out even the president here saying that we're going to see something a part of it well what surprises me is given the contacts that our military has with their military that they did know this because he would not have done this without the military council to get they had only the third meeting in history
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today first time in peace time when they got together and they're going to be the key because tomorrow it's going to be worse of the square people are going to be more angry the question is what is the military do. in my i think what's going to happen is they're going to child look you didn't go far enough ok you've got to go because we don't want to go after the people what do you think about the military's role thus far because you know on one hand they've been almost neutral in the sense that they haven't been intervening today they gave a statement and yet at the same time we have reports coming out that the military has been going around rounding people up people from the opposition there are reports that the guardian reported today that some people had been tortured allegedly and that doesn't seem like they're playing such a neutral role anymore well no it's not the military is the military police which is a different thing i think were thought about the military don't forget this is a conscript military there from the people i would really be surprised if they turned on on their on their own fellow citizens and i think that's going to be
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a problem for mubarak tomorrow because i think they're going to say look we don't want to do this that's the only thing we can do to bring the situation under control and you've got to you know bend yourself and say yes you've turned over it's already been you're going to you know x. y. z. country for medical treatment or whatever it is that you've got to go so you think you might see a military coup spring up here well i think the military is going to play a role the real question is is it going to be turkey is there going to be pakistan you know in turkey the military. plays a role in make sure that the country runs well of pakistan and they take over too often i think that's going to be the key theme of the military is going to be the one who's going to guide it through this transition so what do you think the chances are that we might see some violence when it's clear that the protesters are are angry here that they are completely unsatisfied with what i think the chances are greater than yesterday but i still would be very surprised if the military terms all of them but have you noticed that suddenly those pro mubarak supporters thugs as they were called have disappeared where did they all go and design kind of proved well i think that's why don't you think he thought when he brought them in
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that that would discourage the protestors that it did i also want to ask you what do you how do you think that this entire situation has looked for the us for our foreign policy and really are. completely the last response that we've had to this like you said today they seem like they were caught off guard they were caught off guard when this happened when it started seventeen days ago and they haven't been able to get a clear message going well they've never been able to catch up and the problem they like all the administration is the difference between your ideals and your interest and i think president obama is too captured by the foreign policy establishment if i were talking to watch you go back to read your speech which you gave in kabul then you'll know what to do with i think eventually he came to about what he would always call a you know with a dollar short so we're always trying to play the good guy be a little careful but really it's not necessary working out in some ways i guess you could say it's been a little embarrassing for us as well well of course we'll continue to watch the
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situation as it unfolds and hopefully tomorrow doesn't turn violent we'll see lawrence thanks so much for being with me now so to come on tonight's show the rich getting richer and the four wealthy kind of getting screwed i'm going to take on obama over proposed cuts being discussed in his budget that would be extra week and see pact twenty eleven you kicked off your in d.c. today to look at the annual gathering of conservatives and discuss the party's future and the lack of presidential candidates.
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really believe something. we just heard. live the life of the rich and the famous big houses nice cars boats private planes and a staff to wait on your every need i hear that it's really nice you see here in the us the rich have it all while the middle class and the poor often get screwed over by just about every single politician in both parties case in point president obama's proposed twenty twelve budget it's expected to be released next week and the white house will only say that there are shared sacrifices that we all must make to take this deficit now while not all details of the budget have been revealed there are a few things that are starting to stand out here so what i'm going to do is compare what little we know about obama's leaked budget blueprint to mine you see obama is
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supposedly going to call for taxes to be raised on the rich now keep in mind this comes really just a couple of weeks after he signed the tax bill passed in the lame duck session of congress they gave tax breaks to the rich in this country for another two years so realistically a republican led house is never ever ever going to let that happen. there we go so obama gets a no because it's not going to happen now as for me i would have absolutely vetoed those tax cuts for the rich being extended to begin with that's just how it would have started now next up and the obama planned budget the military is again also going to escape any major cuts to the pentagon has said that it's going to tighten its budget but if you really think about it cuts for the military aren't really cuts because their budget still is allowed to grow. ro so military spending cuts yeah right obama is not going to go for that one now again as for me i would cut
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the military in a heartbeat we don't need more than seven hundred or a thousand bases around the world and i say seven hundred or one thousand because you know what the exact number isn't even known and that is the perfect example of just how bloated defense has become cut here and cut now and you know this is the one major issue that's leaked out on the budget so far obama reportedly has called for a three billion dollar reduction and the energy assistance fund for low income americans so well you know of all the things they aren't going to cut you're really going to heat to the poor during a recession i mean absolutely that is a no for me in fact members of congress like john kerry are already promising a fight over cutting he to the poor and i do not blame them so if you look at his graphic obama seems to side with the rich and what the military while the poor are
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getting screwed over and this is just the tip of the iceberg what's coming next for the middle class only time was tell will tell but as a democrat is that obama supposed to side with the hard working people of america let's hope that he realizes that before he makes these cuts and come next year he could end up being a one term president. now it's an annual three day conference here in washington d.c. where all of the who's who conservatives gather and share their ideas for the future and the direction in which they hope the country's going to go so here you'll see many familiar faces of the conservative movement and perhaps catch a glimpse of the next republican presidential candidate it's called the conservative political action committee or c pac. spent the day there to see what's being talked about this year. every february a group of pundits analysts politicians and students gather to say where right and your wrong. and right they are because this is the conservative political action
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conference i'm with the tea party movement. we've got the tea party we've got the tea party and speaking of tea pots oh wait a minute someone told me i needed to find the right cam so let me see congresswoman michele bachmann kicks off the conservative movement's biggest party of the year. yes so much to be grateful for and one person conservatives are certainly grateful for no party would be complete without a name for the favors what do we have here. ronald reagan. next on the agenda ronald reagan. oh look. ronald reagan again but it was more than just the party favors that attracted so many students they made up about half of the ten thousand attendees i've been conservative since i was born i know very well to be seeing our next president here today but the question of who will be the next president remains unanswered that's why this is where all the lobbying takes place all of
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these groups representing different organizations sponsoring the event trying to get you to join their side now one particular sponsor that caused quite a controversy this year was go throughout this is a group of gay and lesbian republicans that were fined me included in c. pac this year causing a rift within the republican party many conservative groups even boycotted and now they're afraid of the l. word fact that the past may be becoming more libertarian and being more libertarian and maybe even groups like this would take a backseat our messages to the fent israel and demolish the lies that are being told about it and speaking of demolishing one thing conservatives can agree on that they love their guns and this year the pack starts off. thank you. dina this off ski archie washington d.c. . now although see fact runs for a couple of days it's never too early to start discussing what we think might come
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out of this annual conference a clearer picture of who potential two thousand and twelve presidential candidates are or perhaps this time around signs of a growing division within the conservative movement social and shoes become friends center had a discussion with me as liz mair former communications director for the are in c. and j. p. frere from the washington examiner guys thanks for being here thank you now i'm not conservative so just tell me is this just the most exciting time of the year for conservatives what it's a christmas it's a yes it's very sensitive two months later it's exactly because you need a little bit of a break you can't have too much excitement like one thirty day period you know well it's exciting in so far as you have a large number of people who are all professionals who all get to deal in the same issues and they're all finally in one town at one time so you can actually you know coordinate a little bit but also just sort of catch up with your old friends right are they really all professionals i mean i'm sorry but i heard that you guys are giving donald rumsfeld the defender of the constitution award which just makes me want to
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ask what the hell is wrong with you will actually actually to your point about professionals a lot of the folks that you find up at sea-tac are actually students it's very popular with the younger conservative crowd it's kind of this is the sort of thing that they tend to gravitate to the same as you might have i think it's fair to say with musical festivals that sort of think it really is a big deal for a lot of the younger generation so if you go out there you're going to find that there are a lot of nineteen twenty year old kids running around that's probably about half of who's there to be quite honest with you i want to get back to that as to why we see so many young people but first i also have to ask where all the republican presidential candidates you know i mean at this time two years before obama's election in two thousand there are seventeen people that are hard to have declared there are ten of the see and here we have one. well i think that what they're trying to do is to try to dodge the scrutiny is as long as they can in continue to be like look i'm just a serious focused person and i could do anything as silly as announce this early and it's just a way of looking more serious to be taking more seriously it's almost it's almost
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like brinksmanship where they're just trying to make sure that they're not the last that they're not the first one or started the second or third or fourth one to the first some of these people let's say that you're relatively unknown that's maybe you're not mitt romney isn't it better to start campaigning early or something like obama did to help get your name out there but i think it's worth noting that when we're talking about a formal presidential campaign i mean a lot of these people have been doing a lot of this sort of campaign type work even though it's not in the context of an actual campaign people will have pacs people will generally be going around raising money and speaking on behalf of republican candidates that they like so if you look at the full sort of expected spread i mean first of all with something like c. pac you have most of the candidates or prospective candidates there huckabee won't be there pale and won't be there huntsman i think is not going to be there but hey today we had donald trump who apparently says that he might make a decision after june or in june you know even he's showing up so i think that there is a lot of work being done that constitutes laying a foundation for
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a presidential run it's just not calling it a presidential run also could it be because so many of these potential presidential candidates you mentioned if you go aren't there are stuck on t.v. you donald trump is you know hosting the apprentice every season you could say that pailin and huckabee they all have contracts with fox news and they want to ride them out as long as they can i mean i think that that's a consideration generally people want to ride it out like j.p. said they want to ride it out as long as possible without actually attracting the scrutiny of a presidential contender but also you know also you know getting paid yeah well in the money consideration in t.v. and their money in the money consideration is important actually i think more so in terms of how much a campaign is likely to cost getting. through the primary stage is pricey like let's be honest about it america is not the cheapest country to run an election in and if you're looking forward to the general election the expectation is that obama and the d.n.c. collectively may spend something in the range of a billion dollars so you know people may be holding off on jumping in and
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subjecting themselves to a situation where they're basically going to be throwing out large quantities of money you know for months and months and months is actually a pretty smart thing if and it's also it's also really uncertain environment we don't know what those issues are going to be in two years when when people have to run we just we just figured out what's going to be happening in the house we just figured out how they're going to be setting the agenda and we don't have even seen a really properly play out yet it's still pretty much up in the air so they're waiting for that stuff to become more firm but right some of that be because we're seeing you know a bit of a divide a bit of a split within the conservative movement right now come in tea partiers come in again people like ron paul and we're seeing social issues really become front and center we're seeing a lot of people that even decided to bail on coming to see impact because go proud to be there. i mean that is true that there are some people who have decided to boycott see pack over go proud presence full disclosure i'm on their advisory council for the realistic realistic point that needs to be made though is that a number of the people who are engaged in
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a boycott were not in fact there last year some people who are going to have other issues that they have presented so i think you know really you're looking at a much much more mixed bag than what it might appear on the face of it and also you know i think that is something that has been shown to be fairly unmitigated disaster in many regards i mean pale and came out and said i'm not skipping see peckover go proud right i mean that's that's why definitive in terms of how the biggest name in the republican party is thinking and generally speaking you know these sorts of issues have played the conservative movement for a long time i mean there's always been disagreement about this sort of thing if you can go back as far as as goldwater it was not clear that somebody like goldwater would be able to succeed in republican primary then you have ronald reagan beginning to. come up through that so you basically see an ebb and flow of different parts of different parts of the coalition basically trying to buy in for dominance and that's healthy i think that's a good healthy is getting worse. actually irene is getting better so i actually think it's
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a good thing i agree with that i think it's getting better and i think it's getting better and yes it's becoming more unified than my dear and i do and in fact if you look at where go proud is on issues versus where sort of mainstream conservatives are the reality is you know go pro doesn't support they're on the sort of gay left agenda like the employment nondiscrimination act like hate crimes legislation the only sort of gay issues that are in dispute even arguably are repeal of don't ask don't tell which let's be honest dick cheney john bolton pat toomey big pillars of the conservative movement are totally in agreement with go proud on that and when you're looking at the issue of the federal marriage amendment you know there's lots of differing opinion on that subject within the republican party for lots of different reasons one of the key ones being federalism and ron paul himself who won the presidential straw poll last year has exactly the same stance on the federal marriage amendment as what is it and it is and here is that it's also worth noting though that ron paul is also a christian conservative and understood to be one rising very rapidly pro pro-life
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conservative republican and that that means something to us actually we have. our correspondent spoke with congressman ron paul earlier about some of these differences between conservatives libertarians big government conservatives as they call them let's take a look at. some people who call themselves conservatives or big government conservatives so my opposition to big government conservatives and big government liberals i want libertarians and constitutional conservatives who say they will follow the constitution we believe in personal liberty. is now we have we have a bunch of big government conservatives now that say that they want to cut spending say they're all for the constitution but they're ok with endless wars and who cares how much they cost i mean i was so what were. good name before a big government conservative. i don't know if i can really name check any right off the top of my head well actually i mean i think that they even name check themselves they say that david frum is comfortable with that moniker i think that he is he has said that he is comfortable with government for certain functions
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we've got david brooks who is also somebody who says that he's comfortable with government as you say called conservatives do they still libertarian still get to be called truly conservative i mean you get a lot of attacks these days grover norquist right wrote a piece in the people attacking him saying what he's not really a real conservative anyway oh well i think that i think that on all the big issues i think grover actually qualifies pretty well i mean he's good on guns babies and taxes and that's that's really what. and that's what really got it and you know i always throw in spending to that one so that's out there perhaps if i'm going to bait right and i think that's what sea packs about. also is about a straw poll where people decide who might be the presidential. runner or who might be the big name so who do you think it's going to be this year. i mean i'm willing to bet that romney probably has a better ground game but ron paul's people are very very well organized and they were able to make a lot of ruckus dick cheney's a donald rumsfeld speech as i've heard from this is this is definitely true they
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really really did and during donald trump's also donald trump had to sort of fire off a shot there about how ron paul is essentially an electable which they don't like very much there are a lot of people who are major fans of ron paul who were there and he will be voting i think it's also his time because time i mean frankly i suspect that he is probably still not quite mainstream enough to make a real go of it but i'm also always interested to see how somebody like ron paul plays in an early primary state like new hampshire that has a little bit more of a libertarian bent to it i think what's also interesting is how hard the gary johnson folks are pushing all of their material immaterial and urging people to vote for him in the presidential rival our governor and i got to wrap it up you guys and thank you both for being here and to your day. it's so on saturday hopefully we'll find out where you go through up and i thought thank you now before we take a break. ok
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guys it's time for show and tell on our program now last time we told you about the three hundred fifty million dollar buyout of huffington post to a.o.l. and while we were shocked they are well still in business we were also wondering how if at all the huff post would change their news coverage so we asked our viewers if they thought that huff po had sold out to corporate interests and here's what you have to say on facebook we heard from brendan hughes he said no since ninety five percent of the news on have is just reported from other sources anyway thomas barrett disagreed saying unquestionably more corporate control over dissemination of quote unquote news now on twitter twitter we heard from see the issue says i'm willing to give huff post a well a chance if they become mainstream media shills for the government i'll cut them loose and casual wednesday tweet it i have a bigger problem with the disappearance of independent media and media consolidation in general so it seems like our viewers here are on the fence about have post change but we'll just have to wait and see if the content will be
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effective now as always we appreciate your responses and here's our next topic of discussion what does spanish speaking about see back the changes we've seen this year and one of the most notable being the growing presence of a libertarian which has some people up in arms so we want to know what you think are libertarians true conservatives and you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air now still to come tonight a state license plate to honor a member of the k.k.k. yes they really haven't worn that tonight's tool time segment and then the debate over guns off the shooting of a congresswoman last month many are asking how people with mental illnesses can still have access to weapons or look into it after the break.


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