tv [untitled] February 11, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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this is all c. coming to you live from moscow to headline. egyptian president hosni mubarak has finally caved into pressure at home and abroad eventually stepping down after weeks of unrest across the country his resignation has been welcomed by western powers led by the u.s. which have had their regime up close for decades with massive financial and political support. makes judicial hearing in the case so wiki leaks found that true that a song has been adjourned for a force night in london he's wanted by stockholm on sex offense charges which were
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dropped but which he says up it's kind of motivating to. follow a swede maybe just a short story plus songs leaked cables uncover an american agenda behind the swedish a-y. topping new york that might allow washington to press a spinoff charges on the whistleblower. as the headlines now the second part of that is coming up next. the british soil it's a small time to. go to. the. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into the report on our.
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of time for tonight's tool time war now wayne lapierre the head of the n.r.a. there is speech at sea-tac on thursday and boy was he full of himself he touched on the tucson shooting he called this killing spree by a madman an awful tragedy but then he told the crowd that some people in this country want to use this tragedy to place tougher restrictions on guns and magazine clips listen to what he had to say about that idea. and when they tell you that a governor and i'm certain firearms of magazines will somehow make. you buy not for one second. and so weigh in things that it's totally ok for somebody to have a magazine clip the fire is more than thirty rounds in a matter of seconds keep in mind jared loughner fired thirty one shots in just fifteen seconds two shots every second how could anybody argue that those high capacity magazine clips should be sold to the general public but anyway way love here did not stop there he then went even further past and sadly to call the
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shooting not the fault of oftener but of the federal government and here's his reasoning. when it comes to. violence mad men. is an abject failure even worse by it's been largely lack of enforcement government policies are giving us kill and prison in the us in a society of terrifying violence. so you follow his logic here it's the federal government's fault because they're not enforcing current gun laws now there is some validity to that statement but then he fails to mention that every time a city or a state imposes a gun law it's the n.r.a. the files a lawsuit to prevent those laws from being enforced that way mark here also leaves out the fact that arizona has some of the most lax gun rules in the nation so i think that if anything the state of gun laws and gun control in the us is wayne la pierre and the n.r.a.
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fault you've become nothing more than a powerful lobbying organization who is not fighting for your members but for gun manufacturers so face the facts and stop blaming everyone else and that's why we left here of the n.r.a. is tonight's tool time later. now he's tackled some of the toughest issues in washington health care reform the start treaty the failing us auto industry but it turns out that president obama also tackled a personal issue smoking yet the first lady did an interview earlier this week on the today show and she announced that obama hasn't had a cigarette in a year which i think is pretty impressive considering all the headaches that he's been dealing with here in washington and you know it's one of obama's worst kept secrets for a long time he's been approached by the press about his smoking habits and while reluctant he has admitted in the past to lighting up on occasion but it seems as if that's changed as if we're looking at a brand new smokefree version of obama but is that necessarily
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a good thing for more on the possible dangers of obama quitting smoking we turn to presidential vice expert breakstone to give us his take. thank you lona the white house has confirmed that barack obama has officially quit cigarettes so on behalf of the american people let me just be the first to say mr president for the love of god please don't stop smoking we've got two wars the egyptian revolution and your oldest daughter is about to enter her teens your lungs are not a priority right now we just need you calm and focused all presidents have their vices in times of crisis nixon had bolling kennedy had beautiful women clinton had women imagine a vietnam could have turned out of lyndon johnson one allowed to swing a dog around by the ears or nine eleven if dick cheney can go to an undisclosed location and shoot somebody in the face so we have all americans mr president i'm
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going to light up for the first time ever in order to help entice you into taking a well deserved smoke break yourself. come on sir. don't you wanna join me on a high speed rail to flavor. ok it appears never actually lit. back to you alone a. ok break thanks for your thoughtful analysis now aside from showing us they have absolutely no idea how to handle light or do you have a little bit of a point there that during stressful times everyone needs advice now and i'm not going to tell obama to pick smoking back up but i am dying to know what happen it's going to turn to next so let's let the investigation begin. now it's the twenty
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first century and times have changed in the past a student with a college degree was guaranteed a job with a good salary and benefits but nowadays that's not necessarily true thanks to tough economic times and a harsh unemployment rate so with all this in mind has the idea of college become a waste of time artie's never parts. the international children's fund has worked for almost a century help the less fortunate for another nation now we want to tell you about a problem a little closer to. for only fifteen thousand pennies a day you'll get everything he needs to survive the idea of a doctor grad maybe a joke but modern day post college survival is most certainly not have seventy six thousand dollars haunted by tuition debt larry's one of america's college degree owners facing a job market that has long ago thrown out the welcome mat young people have twice
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the unemployment rate of most americans college grads are stepping out into the world in the worst time to try to land a job with around two million of them unemployed forcing many to forget about their skills and agree to any job on offer over three hundred thousand waiters and over eighteen thousand parking lot attendant working in the u.s. are said to have a college degree moreover the u.s. bureau of labor statistics suggest as many as seventeen million americans with college degrees are forced to work jobs requiring less skills than a bachelor's degree. raising an entire generation of janitors with ph d.'s as we have an ever higher percentage of kids in college and there are a higher percentage of kids graduating at the same time as ever more companies are hiring fewer people so what better time to question whether education really is the
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best investment fed with the merit. it's traditional promise of a dream life after college students are told however that the cash and time they are investing is going to come back to bite them. at twenty two charles with a bachelor's in film and a dream of directing is already getting ready to settle for less you do wonder. because of this because of the economy he's looking for any of the lable jobs to pay off his student loan debt but has not been able to find any paid work spent sixty five seventy thousand. tuition. apart from weaving a dream career goodbye another big trend according to analysts debt driving much more than career choice if you want to help poor children as a physician good luck with your four hundred thousand dollars and other words people's college and university debt is beginning to pick their careers who they
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marry where they live with the economy in other countries pumping in full mode job hunting overseas is becoming a lot more attractive than in the u.s. a lot of my friends are considering jobs outside of the u.s. in india they're considering i didn't and china to sri with fifty thousand dollars of college debt says that works hand in hand with american culture take it or leave it but it's the cost of living the american life that educational. dead taking out loans how is the car isn't safe so you just live from one day to another the u.s. wants to hold top position as world leader in the number of college graduates at the same time not enough jobs are being created and debt piles up forcing millions of americans to settle for less than what they dreamed of when covering that higher education. so is it time to realize the college just isn't for everyone perhaps there are better alternatives. out there now not
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only is getting higher education leaving graduate with tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt a recent study revealed some very disturbing information that forty five percent of students don't learn much in college they showed no significant improvement in the key measures of critical thinking complex reasoning and writing by the end of their sophomore year and that's because half the students didn't take a single course requiring twenty pages of writing during their prior semester one third didn't take a single course requiring even forty pages of reading per week and that is really oh my god that's weak if you ask me so earlier i caught up with james altitude managing director of formula capital who recently wrote a piece offering eight alternatives to college and i first asked him why it is that he suggest people should necessarily send their kids to school. well it was
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expensive i mean in the same period of time that inflation has gone up three hundred percent and health care is go out of seven hundred percent college cause i've actually got a one thousand percent it's this huge inflation this this america that no one discusses and you know we all think there's a gun to your head that if you do that if you don't go to college you have no other alternatives in my ear which is just not true well you in fact wrote about eight alternatives to college and they are starting a business traveling the world creating art making people laugh reading a book working at a charity mastering a game and mastering a sport so i you know aside from maybe starting a business and even people do that aren't those all things you can do while you're in college too sure but you don't have to spend two hundred thousand dollars doing them so again if i'm a parent do i want my eighteen year old to go to college where you know there's more and more evidence that kids are just not really learning that much in college rather have them have we all life experience learn the value of
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a. dollar learn how hard it is to work in the real world and then in their twenty's maybe if they want to and if they can afford it they can make business isn't to go to college but get loans get them to have some real world experience first where potentially god forbid they could also make some money i mean i think that's a fabulous idea to have some real world experience i think you not only in real world experience you know before going to college but before you go out and get a real job you enter the working force too but it also takes money to do some of these things you know to travel the world or you need cash to start a business you need a lot of cash to play any kind of a sport usually you need a lot of cash so is this like the rich kids alternatives guide no no because what not no matter what kind of cash you be able to say you need and quite honestly you need less than five thousand dollars for any of these things this is one twentieth or one fifty of what you need to go to college so you know right now student debt is the greatest portion of debt our society it's bigger than hold on or dead it's
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bigger than credit card debt student debt is dragging down our youth and so let's stop that big one is not at the head they have other choices well debt is definitely becoming a major problem for a lot of graduates here in the u.s. but at the same time we have a very high unemployment rate and if you look at the statistics those who have college degrees are faring better in this economy you know their unemployment rate is only at five percent and these days unfortunately that's a good thing so you know how do you what we tell people well that's not there's not a cause and effect relationship there i can also say ambitious people have a low unemployment rate and it just so happens that for the past twenty years ambitious people have been going to college let's now try to get ambitious people to do something else so that college presidents don't keep jacking up their college tuitions. well you obviously have gotten quite a bit of critique for some of your ideas i think that you know that really scares
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people if you hear someone telling them to do the opposite of what they've heard all their lives is you know the natural progression and the natural step but it also comes down to people that are in developing countries and i actually want to read a death threat but you got here to read it aloud so and it's been very poorly spelled english that i hope that you feel foolish or that your foolish feels realizes that people in india are dying in india just to go to college the you have the audacity to tell the world it's a horrible thing i'll bet the both your daughters will think you're a complete a hole when they get older and you making us look like an overly confident jackass of a country so i pray that i don't for you pray that i don't find you because i will kill you with no mercy then devour your body i shall never message you again nor shall i reply we speak no more. that you cannot have independence how does that make you feel well it makes you really think college is like
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a religion for people you can say anything you want about religion everyone says ok freedom of speech but you say something about college suddenly you get there and it just goes to show me again we people need to seriously look at the alternatives it's not college it's right now with the internet with so many opportunities out there for young people that are different from college i think now is the perfect time to look at these alternatives you don't no matter what the death threats are saying. our games are thank you very much for joining us and for your sake i hope you don't get any more death threats like this because i do also james o'keefe you can read all these posts including to respond to them. all right thank you very much thank you. well still to come on tonight's show we have our friday fireside chat and it's time for happy hour they are two producers lucy cabinet and jenny. tell discuss everyone's favorite conservative circus. act in a. minute
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line. soon which will brighten if you knew me by phone from phones to pressure these. stunts on t.v. don't come. for the full stop we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. welcome to tonight's fireside fridays with your host cops. over the past eighteen days we've watched a people's movement take hold in egypt force hosni mubarak out of the thirty year rule now it's not to say that egypt's future is clear or the democracy there is going to be easy to come by but the point is at this moment came to be on its own
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it came to tunisia weeks ago also on its own and by that i mean that it came organically from the people who organized through the word of mouth through the use of social media through a desire to see their countries change and we see the same calls coming off in the people of joy of government of syria if anything these last few weeks have been incredibly humbling for the us not only because revolutions took us completely by. i surprised all of our intelligence gathering capabilities completely failed to warn us mostly because we had absolutely nothing to do with these recent signs of democracy in the middle east you know you look at our policies around the world you recall the freedom agenda of george w. bush the god damn it we will bring democracy to these people no matter what it takes we will barge in interfere or starve wars kill civilians lose our own and democracy will come well today i believe the people of egypt proved that freedom agenda wrong no we don't need to interfere we don't need to tell the people of
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other countries how to live their lives or who to choose as their leaders no matter how good our intentions are you know we could not prop up their dictators give them billions of dollars in military aid every year but that's an entirely different story of course it's nice to wish democracy onto others but you can't force it so we need to stand back and let people make their own best. all right it's friday and that means that it's time for happy hour now this week we're going to do a little bit differently because we're just going to focus on one issue and that's because the biggest conservative party of the year is c pac is going on and thus there is just too much to make fun of in this one little bundle to bring anything
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else to the table under our time constraints so now before we get to talking i suggest you watch something that we put together for you we've heard a lot about outside groups gays terrorists and filtering the conservative movement so we decided to send jenny churchill to say pac to investigate. i need you to go to see pak and find the muslim brotherhood we absolutely have to have a low to show it's close. so i had my assignment but i knew it wasn't going to be easy the muslim brotherhood was the hottest group going the muslim brotherhood a muslim brotherhood the muslim brotherhood a group you can hear a lot about charging that radical muslims want to bring some real war to the united states are working their way into conservative circles including the conservative political action conference were seen in fact after he was pointing a finger in particular at this man so hell calling if i was going to make this happen i would have fit in. seamlessly. see pack was the most wonderful place i'd ever been and it was easy to get distracted but i had to
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remember why i was here i'm wondering where they're hiding the muslim brotherhood. oh i understand the question frank gaffney said that the muslim brotherhood was going to be packed this year i'm just wondering where they're hiding them you've got to ask frank gaffney where are they hiding the muslim brotherhood. in the shadows ok well that's not really helpful the muslim brotherhood no i didn't do you know where they're hiding the muslim brotherhood. i think that's a no it appeared that the muslim brotherhood was going to be a lot harder to find than i thought but i had an ace in the hole sue him com i need you to tell me where the muslim brotherhood is i don't know where they are so. i need you to direct me to the muslim brotherhood right now it's crucial do it for a long and do it for me where is the muslim brotherhood i think it's time you leave
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right now the brotherhood was well protected and it was clear i wasn't going to find them but for some reason i couldn't shake the feeling that i had been really really close to getting the most controversial group at sea pack. all right so joining me today for happy hour i have our two producers jenny churchill and lucy calf enough. first of all you said it was like the most glorious thing you've ever been. to take that back and still in europe you are. thinking or a slapping or something but being you failed your mission where's my muslim brotherhood you know i have to say i searched high and low they were nowhere to be found and some fortunate frank gaffney but the only person i found maybe even could have possibly represent the muslim brotherhood was sue hale and i think we all know that that's ridiculous you know jihad jane was a blonde so i don't know jenny what religion do you practice i think there is so
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hiding somewhere in the midst because frank gaffney had said it's all embodied in the sole person of so he'll call but just to go on how ridiculous this is you know frank gaffney is a guy who he he believes that obama is a secret muslim he thinks that the u.s. missile defense agency that like on their logo it has some kind of a secret inscription that proves that obama really works you know that it's a manifestation of president's secret muslim this and yet this guy was prominently featured in one of the documentaries that was played there today people actually consider him an expert on national security people like fox news that's just embarrassing i mean it's not that crazy i don't know if you saw there was a clip somebody went and talked to our voters and most of them think that obama is a muslim so i mean i think that he represents an interesting part of america i mean it's just preaching to the choir you know every single year we find some new thing that's kind of in vogue to hate and all of these guys kind of get together and pipe it up but i'm going to have you know. that obama is
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a muslim i don't know where he's going to lose the race all right. i mean maybe the very guy what i actually want to slap anybody who is stupid enough to think that obama is a muslim i have to be honest they didn't all of them didn't say voted. they didn't say that obama was muslim but they did say that they thought that he sympathized with muslims and that was disturbing to them well the problem the problem for people like this is if you don't wear your religion on your sleeve like george w. bush did then you know god to obviously you must be some sort of a terrible terrorist and i think that's a nice change that we finally have a president that doesn't get the religious aspect mixed up with all of the policy the problem is that you know our policy it may not be exactly what it should be having might be pissing off the international community. or not talking about that we're talking about you know the little things that get people off like whether obama is a muslim or not i mean well i mean and to be honest though the thing that really was the most controversial thing this year was go proud. in that co-sponsored and i
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actually talked to the executive director and got a side i asked him you know how can you guys stand behind a party that's constantly fighting to make sure people don't have rights and this is what he said. well the bottom line is it's a belt all issues not about people not about party the conservative policies are better for him. and he also said that he thinks that then being at sea-tac this year united people more instead of actually can how conservative policies that constantly work against people who are homosexual or lesbian or bisexual how that actually fits into his little equation how that's good for everybody you know i did and then he said that he just had to look past those things and look to the more important things that he thinks that the g.o.p. stands for that. look past all those things like his rights because they're not all that. i just don't understand and i know you've talked about the surly or the sweet but this whole you know if the conservative movement of the republican movement is
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all against small government against government intervention in our lives how can you possibly identify with the g.o.p. when you have a faction of the party that wants to control what you do with your uterus and who you sleep with that no. i mean i just don't understand how those values are compatible with wanting the government to be out of your personal business because they're the biggest hypocrites of all time happy that you had a fun time with their little party and that's what they do is they get you because they're nice and they lie and then they suck you in cheney i'm happy that we send you back out our calls thanks so much for joining me for happy hour this week cheers and happy friday cheers are you guys that aren't for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you come back on monday obama is going to be releasing his budget so we can't wait to take a look at all of the details in the meantime don't forget to be a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and miss any tonight or any other nights you can always catch all the. last thing on the show or post interviews as well as the show it's entirety coming up next is big news with the
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latest headlines from the u.s. . well when one deals with war for us to realize that the tremendous amounts of damage that have done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy chemicals that whether it's our sonic boom see factoring marine mammals or it's the burning oil field syria and iraq or it's destroyed of course reese in the pacific for landing purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that share shall be taken in war to protect and by against widespread long
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