tv [untitled] February 12, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST
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weeks of rest finally see hosni mubarak step down leaving the military power but there are concerns that the country's future is now under the control of a force largely financed by washington. a growing number of european leaders admit that multiculturalism has failed a longstanding policy has cost rifts between local and immigrant communities in several states and. a melodic alternative to south africa's. ukraine's getting ready to introduce a balance of the twenty. one the old slavic instrument that will have spectators at fever pitch.
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here in moscow this is our to you welcome to the program now egyptian president hosni mubarak has finally stepped down and in a standoff lasting more than two weeks well barack obama welcomed the move saying that the voice of the people had been heard but since america backed the fall of dictator and his thirty year regime there are those who question the sincerity of the u.s. sentiments. reports. in the west mubarak's departure was hailed as a triumph of democracy for gyptian to have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day for the u.s. congratulates egyptians for getting rid of a repressive leader it's a big change after washington sponsoring hosni mubarak for thirty years and turning a blind eye to widespread human rights violations in that country what have they
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been doing for the previous thirty years while mubarak was actually torturing people. putting down opposition by force barak was a bad guy but he was our bad guy and as long as we had some element of control and that was good for us america's close ally is out of power but some analysts say the u.s. is still pulling the strings united states has a long term alliance with israel a deep partnership with egypt we as a country have provided more than one hundred billion dollars in aid to both of these countries there's a real investment here the force now in charge in egypt is the country's military largely financed by the united states the army will be in power until egyptians choose their next president egypt is the second largest recipient of american aid in the world after his neighbor as well the u.s. is pumping billions of dollars into the egyptian military which gives washington
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huge control over the running of the country and its future although the official u.s. position is that it's up to the egyptian people to choose their next leader some analysts say it's very likely the country's next president will be subject to american approval what took place in egypt was a military coup in a military coup inside the art of mubarak and suleiman of course they're also military men that they were being no posed by the chief of the army and the minister of defense they have a very close relationship with the pentagon don't always very very close to robert gates they talked on the. told at least five times this past week so obviously washington will be supervising anything that happens tahrir square in cairo now celebrates the end of ruled by an autocratic leader who restricted political freedoms and damaged economic progress so too did people on the streets of kurdistan and ukraine in recent years after so-called democratic revolutions with
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western approval but the leaders who came to power were later rejected by their own people the party of so many of these people power revolution being where the. people that. are being just a change of pace is that. some say the lesson that the west could learn from recent revolutions is to abstain from supporting a leader just based on how convenient they are for the west rather than how much they can do with their people going to check on r t washington d.c. . investigative journalist robert dreyfuss says that now that mubarak has stepped down and had a power to the military america is uncertain which side to back next even though there's a lot of celebration and jubilation going on in cairo we don't know really whether the military is going to give up its power and authority and if they do to whom how far will they share or what's going to happen the most likely course is going to be a prolonged period of very difficult talks between some emerging groups coming out
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of the protest states was certainly involves behind the scenes in a very intensive way when it became clear that mubarak was was in trouble they wanted him out. now do they want the military to stay in power do they want the protesters to take over i think is something in between you know and they really confuse the obama has been a step or two behind throughout this entire process. and british journalist and war correspondent yvonne ridley says hosni mubarak delayed his departure to take care of his multibillion dollar fortune the problem facing a dictator like mubarak is that when you have many billions stashed away. he obviously had to seek assurances that it's also wouldn't be frozen as has happened in switzerland to suit heard already there are lots of things that i think you start to. something that you cannot do going on behind the scenes but at the end
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of the day the victory is with the people they got their way it was in tough you square just on tuesday and it was an electric atmosphere they got their rewards that patience paid off and coming out for you in a few minutes here in our learning from mubarak's downfall find out how was it that karzai is using the events in egypt to solidify his power and protect himself against similar uprisings in afghanistan. and european leaders are one by one denouncing the policy of multiculturalism the latest fails out came from the french president nicolas sarkozy who said he doesn't want people to pray in quote an ostentatious way in the street. takes a look at what's behind the backlash you can see it's official the grand concept of multiculturalism has been deemed an epic fail by european leaders germany's angela
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merkel started the trend. of course the multicultural approach living side by side and being happy with each other this approach has failed. then david cameron added fuel we've encouraged different cultures to live separate lives apart from each other and apart from the mainstream we fail to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong and now brown says nicolas sarkozy made an mission as well my answer is clearly yes it's a failure it's yours. apparently heads of state have only now realized what many observers and radicals were saying for quite some time mordechai tourism will only function if the people come into the country have a job to own their own money and feel responsible for the for the community otherwise was jobless people and if they live a passive life with social welfare the concept of multiculturalism seems to be
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failing all around europe take over in super example acquired danish town known as the birthplace of hans christian andersen one of the world's best known fairy tale authors but recent bouts of discord between the local population and muslim immigrants forced officials and residents to spin a different yarn one neighborhood two different worlds and their voices are being raised about doing something before tensions involves more get out of hand the situation remains far from being a fairy tale if we take those two hundred persons and split them all over the city and with the help from the state and police and kick them out of the country we won't have any problems dormant in the dame's things the integration means becoming fully danish immigrants have to eat drink and live just like the danes but those who come here think integration means owning some money having their kids speak danish and going to danish schools. but that's why there's
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a discord so now that european leaders seem to have finally stopped believing in a fairy tale of multiculturalism a question begs what's the next step of solving the growing national rift in the e.u. in english go r.t. . and still ahead for you this hour the very first leg of the race i'm not at this time a candidate for the presidency i will decide by june whether or not i will become one while we take a sneak peek at home might be the. candidate for the twenty twelve u.s. presidency and what their rhetoric might mean for the country and the rest of the world. and the landing on mars just hours away the crew of the longest space white simulation in history preparing for a real trip to the red planet. well if there is one thing the twenty ten south
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african world cup will be remembered for it's the constant blast of the us but there are some are determined not to be outdone by the infamous horn with ukraine and poland set to host the two thousand and twelve european championships locals have decided it's a perfect opportunity to promote the european cousin artie's alexei or she has this story. remember the whole mark sound of last summer's football world cup the distinctive drawing of a traditional south african horn civil war still. meet its equivalent for the euro two thousand and twelve championship to be held in ukraine and poland this was so it's called sicily named and shaped after a cool and just like it was a lark it dates back thousands of years but with the report of the trip only a culture where this was elites a came from united many countries ukraine moldova
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romania and the balkans we want to use it at the twenty twelve championship to let everyone know of our roots we're not seeing this instrument as purely ukrainian i would rather see it's purely slavic. those behind the idea to use this as a lead at euro two thousand and twelve say they will try to avoid there was ill effect which brought complaints from the sound that the powerful pitch of the african horn was irritating and drowned out the atmosphere and like a monotonous roar of a who was there all of this ukrainian musical instrument provides a far more melodic sound and just about anybody can play just about any tune. professional folk musician maxime been any football fan would master this instrument in no time and there was particularly keen could play even more than just football songs.
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not so the lives of your boys are you see it took me less than five minutes to teach you how to play it's really easy to use i've been playing for some time and i've learned to play tunes by d.j. in many other musicians. costs under five dollars coming in various sizes in either clay or plastic but this spotter has been making these birdies for most of her life says the more natural this is really the more positive it's by limo they make sure their ratios as a liter comes from the soul and ukrainian soil our country is friendly every person coming here for the twenty twelve couple feel it and this is literally a transfer the positive emotions of our land every family uses one of. those pushing this is the need to hold what will become the unofficial emblem of the euro twenty twelve championship the sound feeling stadium next year in ukraine and
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poland will tell how successful they have been. r.t. reporting from kiev ukraine. american billionaire donald trump could be the next u.s. president as the twenty twelve presidential race nears he joined possible republican challengers who've been trying to win over conservative voters in washington all artes he was there. if you've been wondering who i am one of you. could possibly are we going to let washington co-opt the tea party i one day become the next u.s. president. while i'm not at this time a candidate for the presidency i will decide by june whether or not i will become one of the if you came to the right party and that's precisely what drugs were meaningfulness the pack everything here the fact that that's the united states you
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can. get just a stone's throw away and though he hasn't officially announced it it is going to take a lot more of the new rhetoric to put americans back to work it's going to take a new president all eyes were on mitt romney i want to make this very clear if i were to decide to run for president who according to a recent rasmussen poll leads obama in a potential presidential race in two thousand and twelve and who just recently opposed the new start treaty which would limit the amount of nuclear weapons in both the united states and russia and which was supported by leadership of both parties neustar needs our national security. and potential candidate michele bachmann had quite a few eloquent things to say about u.s. foreign policy particularly china with all the money that we owe china i think we might rightly say who is your daddy but in this interview when discussing foreign policy bachmann it wasn't joking this is the time where we need to be on red hot
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alert five alarm alert and instead of calling back and taking our weapons off the table we need to care and another presidential hopeful has been gearing up for years now especially when it comes to dealing with iran and ahmadinejad he gets to wipe out tel aviv maybe this well is use nuclear weapons to iran he would accept that in a minute. because he believes everybody in tehran goes to heaven and everybody in tel aviv does and now he's really angry at the u.s. president the obama administration is wrong on terrorism wrong on iran wrong on the muslim brotherhood wrong on hezbollah but hating obama is where the agreement seems to end because this year here is the compromise that conservatives also will have to make we will have to look long and hard at the military budget. thank you it's going to be i knew there had to be some good change in. some fresh
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faces are willing to say in with the new out with the old the tea party is interested in selecting our tea party candidates not just all the not just all of the. establishment republicans but establishment republicans there may be the temptation to x. everything including the defense but you still have something to say and the money to not only say it but also to believe that the united states is becoming the laughing stock of the world because delusion john boehner by the way is flying commercial these days. oh i think it's a new day no matter how obvious always has a place in society but when realistic ideas too often get drowned out you cannot say that the doubling of the military budget in the last ten years has all been spent wisely and that there's not any waste in the job. just be on you.
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the saucy r. t. washington d.c. . this week the u.s. treasury department reported that the country's deficit in january rose to almost fifteen billion dollars that's seven billion dollars more than last year well with a struggling economy and suffering its twenty eighth consecutive month in the red some wonder if the u.s. might end up going broke well in her show the resident laurie harshness hits the streets of new york to find out if people really think america is on the brink of going bust. the u.s. has a new budget coming out can america ever go bankrupt this week let's talk about that well we're already bankrupt so it's like credit card debt i mean. can you go at what point you hit the bottom and what point do you start screaming
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about it china has too much invested in dollar to let america go bankrupt so now were something that someone else has to take care of. right now. if anything happens there's going to other countries who are going to do that for us is that fair. it's. not saying that everything's all right rosy at this point we're certainly not at a critical point and i think what you're pointing out is the fact that we need increased global cooperation it's not just a problem that can be fixed unilaterally either within the within the euro or within the u.s. economy it's something that has to be fixed globally how do you stop spending when you've got. thirty three hundred million people to make sure that they're healthy and have enough food and all that kind of stuff. how do you. you. you have to. cut it other places maybe is that going to war with so many people.
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as a real believe there's a lot of countries that are surviving off for the interest we're paying so it's good for us to be in doubt you think. not this much is it ok that our country is built on a deficit system. if you look at a lot of companies now they are so no it's not but we should be built on a surplus either do you think the rest of the world needs us to be in that yes. i feel like questions like these are sort of useless to people like me. is it feels like it has nothing to do with me at all whether or not you think america can ever go bankrupt the bottom line is with a deficit that continues to grow something's gotta give one way or another. or you can always find more and have your say on the stories we're covering on our website that's our dot com and here's what's all life for you right now. blog
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correspondent sean thomas as he uncovers the hidden secrets of a park to go find out what it feels like the other end of the earth. and the art goes high tech we explore the very modern crop of modern art as artists walk the paint brush for the laptop. if you. are a tease military analyst colonel you get a clue shelve explains how president karzai who is fearful of the events in egypt
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is safeguarding himself against a potential u.s. backed coup. when the whole international attention has been foreclosed on the unraveling situation in egypt suddenly got design popped up on the headlines with his new american resume this time to deprive the united states any opportunity to swap or to dismiss him with a more pliable pseudo democratic leader he decided to regain the initiative and momentum and to capitalize on and to american sentiments in afghanistan thanks to american occupation now he is in charge. clinton used to call narco state due to drug trafficking karzai has required total financial independence from the united states or international community it's up to president obama whether he has the guts to learn the less some from cairo to arrange the
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program to tell the school in kabul before the situation in afghanistan we'll come . out of american control. now let's take a look at some other major headlines from around the world two more hostages have been released by rebels from the revolutionary armed forces of colombia a councilman and a marine were handed over to the international red cross in southern colombia and transported to the capital it follows the release of another captive earlier this week fark is reportedly holding at least fifteen or more people they have been a trying to exchange for captured rebels. a powerful six point eight magnitude earthquake has struck central chile disrupting power and communications and causing thousands to flee well it was centered in almost the same spot as last year's quake which caused a tsunami and devastated coastal communities there have been no reports of injuries
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the president appealed for. and praise chileans for their quick reaction. transport workers took to the streets of athens and the latest set of strikes to protest against planned public sector reforms of the capital's transport services all walked off the job for several hours to attend the demonstrations the reforms part of the government's austerity measures are a precondition to a one hundred billion euro i.m.f. . now the longest space flight simulation in history a five hundred day mission to mars is reaching its destination as the astronauts prepare to land on the red planet later today now the crew of three volunteers will leave their spaceship where they have been a lot since june for a first spacewalk on the martian surface or fake as it may seem you are going experiment is more than virtual as it helps prepare future astronauts for
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a real trip to mars r.t. sarah for of explains. after more than eight months flying to the red planet the isolated mars five hundred crew preparing to. gone before they prepare to take their turns to steps on to look at this we've beaten them to it this thing related surface of mars now only three of the six are actually going to be entering here and they're going to be carrying out experiments in collecting samples and other programs are really as a means to mars is going to be monitored for russia's real life mission controls and in reality though the crew of the space ship and the planet's surface all just part of a simulated experiment one that comes complete with convergences scientific experiments space the natural light it's purpose to learn more about the physical and psychological demands for the long distance space travel the head of the project
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tells me it's a new team. to avoid any tensions and the experience itself is a tough challenge for the crew to have to deal with the monotony but thanks to this program of drills the men are in a good condition and we hope that. they will be able to walk on the planet's surface the crew volunteers are being paid it's a long haul experiment that still has a while to completion in fact it won't be until the venda six hundred forty days after they first began that the men will get to touch down back in reality it was the experiment gives a unique insight into the long term space travel techniques it'll be a long while yet before the real thing until then this simulation is this close as it gets to witnessing a real mission to mars south r.t.
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. there is more for you in our program today next hour in a special report we reveal the true story behind the hunt for the most wanted man in the world colombian drug lord bob barr. the longest big game hunting history. she was trying to stall and dated. but sprung the traps they laid for him. on the radio we have the surge walks around the area here always from the always missing. one shot trying to take. the global drug industry's godfather became the most wanted trophy the world's county hunters. escobar the great hunt and chase. all be back with the headlines shortly to stay with us.
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our. stop going to get a feel for all. elavil rally will sell lots of beer will rob rob will say heil will wear uniforms that will damage is down the black man know that but very little damning the white. and they are the key to our problem are all right. well when one deals with war for us to realize that this tremendous amounts of damage that have done not just human damage but damage the physical environment in which the battlefield takes place tremendous amounts of damage done by aerial bombs by napalm boy chemicals that whether it's a sonic boom six factoring in mammals or it's the burning oil fields here in iraq
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or destroyed reefs in the pacific for ramming purposes the list just goes on and on the geneva conventions of nineteen forty nine states that share shall be taken in war to protect the involved against widespread long term and severe damage the united states although it is accepted almost all of the provisions protocol one has taken exception to that. if the russians were to be soon which brightened a few nibbles sung from phones.
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