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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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the military takes charge of egypt tales the el sting of the president is a triumph of democracy and this wonder just how much of an american agenda that new democracy would involve also the. united states is becoming the laughing stock of the world. the faces of potentially the next american presidents as well as their bold plans for the country are revealed to the conservative party conference in washington. as ukraine prepares to co-host the next year or championships rediscover a traditional instrument just. for those who is it.
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live from austria is here in central moscow this is r t with you twenty four hours a day it's midnight here eleven pm in karo where the egyptian military authorities now control in the country i promise they will comply fully with egypt's international obligations during the transitional period the army took charge of the country after the embattled president hosni mubarak finally stepped down on friday and in a public standoff last in more than two weeks on saturday crowds once again gather the square which became the center point for the our people in the country to mark the historic event. with other world leaders welcome a resignation that the voice of the people had been heard since and u.s. backed the former dictator during his thirty year reign there were those. question
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the sincerity of these sentiments is gonna check on reports washington is not likely to take a back seat when it comes to egypt's new politics. in the west mubarak's departure was hailed as a triumph of democracy for gyptian said made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day the u.s. congratulates egyptians for getting rid of a repressive leader it's a big change after washington sponsoring hosni mubarak for thirty years and turning a blind eye to widespread human rights violations in the country what have they been doing for the previous years while mubarak was actually torturing people. putting down you know opposition by force barrack was a bad guy but he was our bad guy and as long as we had some element of control and that was good for us america's close ally is out of power but some analysts say the u.s. is still pulling the strings. long term alliance with israel
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a deep partnership with egypt we as a country have provided more than one hundred billion dollars in aid to both of these countries there's a real investment here the force now in charge in egypt is the country's military largely financed by the united states the army will be in power until egyptians choose their next president egypt is the second largest recipient of american aid in the world after his neighbor as well the u.s. is pumping billions of dollars into the egyptian military which gives washington huge control over the running of the country and its future although the official u.s. position is that it's up to the egyptian people to choose their next leader some analysts say it's very likely the country's next president will be subject to american approval what took place in egypt was a military coup in a military coup inside the art of mubarak and suleiman of course they're also military men did. but there were being no posed by the chief of the army and the
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minister of defense they have a very cool relationship with the pentagon don't always very very close to robert gates they talked on the phone at least five die this past week so obviously washington would be supervising any sing that happens tahrir square in cairo now celebrates the end of rule by an autocratic leader who restricted political freedoms and damaged economic progress so today people on the streets of kurdistan and get craning in recent years after so-called democratic revolutions with western approval but the leaders who came to power were leader rejected by their own people the party of so many of the great people power of being when but but also people that. have been. with me in just a change of pace is that. some say the lesson that the west to learn from recent revolutions is to abstain from supporting a leader just based on how convenient they are for the west rather than how much
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they can do for their people get a check on our t. washington d.c. . well the renowned author a middle east expert tunick ali believes the u.s. is playing a risky game during the days of the egyptian unrest. the attempts made by. mubarak's deputy to cry and crush the demonstrators through violence free. ben the choice is very clear either the call in the army to carry out a blood to bury square in front of the world and that was too risky an option for the gyptian army because it might have split the army the generals might have carried out the orders if the pentagon had approved them but young officers whose children whose families whose brothers and sisters are involved in this uprising might have desisted so it was a very serious risk for washington and in the end they decided it would be safe to
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dump mubarak and mubarak then refused to carry out orders from the pentagon but only for twenty four hours he resisted for one day in the next day he was gone because the army told him he had to go and the army. treated martial power weak the defense minister as we've already heard is a close ally of the pentagon then takes orders direct the big question washington has is nothing should happen to destabilize their. israel that is all they're concerned about and they're also concerned about the effects of this are people now on jordan on yemen and who knows even in saudi arabia and bahrain so regardless of what washington wants to try to control the situation. well in a few minutes from now the us maxing elts. premier is
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a lot of countries that are surviving off of the interest we're. so it's good for us to be in doubt you think some day not that. deep in debt can the u.s. slipper for bankruptcy comes knocking the president tries to find out on new york street. at start a company but first ahead of the euro twenty twelve championships in poland and ukraine the host of unveiled a truthful new object may be small but they hope their traditional instrument will pack just as loud a punch as his african cousin did last year. he reports now from ukraine. remember the whole mark sound of last summer's full world cup the distinctive drawing of the traditional south african born there was still. here. me it's equivalent for the euro twenty twelve championship to be held in ukraine
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and poland this whistle is called sicily named and shaped after a cool cool and just like it was it dates back thousands of years but at the reporter get aboard the trip only a culture where there's a leap to came from united money countries ukraine poland rumania and the balkans we want to use it at the twenty twelve championship to let everyone know of our roots we're not seeing this instrument as purely ukrainian i would rather see it's purely slavic. those behind the idea to use this is a lead to euro two thousand and twelve say they will try to avoid there was ill effect because which brought complaints from the sound that the powerful pitch of the african horn was irritating and drowned out the atmosphere and like a monotonous roar of a who was ill of this ukrainian musical instrument provides a far more melodic sound and just about anybody can play just about any tune.
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professional folk musician mixing business says any football fan would master this instrument in no time and there was particularly keen could play even more than just football songs. not so the lows that your boys are you see it took me less than five minutes to teach you how to play it's really easy to use i've been playing for some time and i've learned to play tunes wonderful d.j. and many other musicians. costs under five dollars coming in various sizes and either clay or plastic but this spotter has been making these birdies for most of her life says the more natural desire leads us to the more positive vibe well enough then put the clay for their ratios as elite comes from the soul and cranium
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so in a country's friendly ever past and coming here for the twenty two hour couple feel it and this is literally transferred a positive emotions of our land to every fan who uses one of. those pushing this is the need to hope it will become the unofficial emblem of the euro twenty twelve championship the sound feeling stadium next year in ukraine and poland will tell how successful they have been. r.t. were born from kiev ukraine. well still to come the approaching. the red planet crew five hundred mission is doing its destination and although it's only scientific one of the experiments is a very real. first potential u.s. presidential hopeful start turning their minds to the twenty twelve elections the list of burning issues for the republican candidates is growing longer by the day but one of the biggest is military spending and all the possible runners are having their say on the issue ortiz digger's oscar looks at some new names on the scene.
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if you've been wondering who i am one of you. could possibly or we could all let washington co-op the tea party. one day become the next u.s. president. while i'm not at this time a candidate for the presidency i will decide by june whether and i will become one of the if you came to the right party and that's precisely what it is we're. able to see pack everything here the fact that that's just the united states. it's just a stone's throw away and though he hasn't officially announced it it is going to take a lot more of the new rhetoric to put americans back to work it's going to take a new president all eyes were on mitt romney what do you make this very clear if i were to decide to run for president who according to a recent rasmussen poll leads obama in
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a potential presidential race in two thousand and twelve and who just recently opposed the new start treaty which would limit the amount of nuclear weapons in both the united states and russia and which was supported by leadership of both parties neustar needs our national security. and potential candidate michele bachmann had quite a few eloquent things to say about u.s. foreign policy particularly china with all the money that we owe china i think we might rightly say who is your daddy but in this interview when discussing foreign policy bachmann it wasn't joking this is the time where we need to be on red hot alert five alarm alert and instead of calling back and taking our weapons off the table we need to go and another presidential hopeful has been gearing up for years now especially when it comes to dealing with iran and ahmadinejad he gets to wipe out tel aviv maybe this really is use nuclear weapons and he would accept that in
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a minute. because he believes everybody into iran goes to heaven and everybody in tel aviv does and now he's really angry at the u.s. president the obama administration is wrong on terrorism wrong on iran wrong on the muslim brotherhood wrong on hezbollah but hating obama is where the agreement seems to end because this year here is the compromise that conservatives also will have to make we will have to look long and hard at the military budget. i think it's going to be i knew there had to be some dissension so. some fresh faces are willing to say in with the new out with field but establishment republicans there may be the temptation to axe everything including the defense but still have something to say and the money to not only say it but also to believe that the united states is becoming the laughingstock of the world but when realistic ideas too often get drowned out you cannot say that the doubling of the
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military budget in the last ten years has all been spent wisely and that there's not any waste in the job. you just be on the. scene of the soft r. t. washington d.c. . when i'm not a who becomes the next president one of the main challenges they'll face is the growing budget deficit latest report show it's risen to almost fifty billion dollars leading some analysts to warn the u.s. is past the point of no return well very new york resident healthiness to the streets of the big apple to see if people don't really think america is bust. the u.s. has a new budget coming out can america ever go bankrupt this week let's talk about that well we're already bankrupt so it's like credit card debt i mean.
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can you go at what point you hit the bottom and what point do you start screaming about it china has too much invested in dollar to let america go bankrupt so now we're something that someone else has to take care of. right now. if anything happens there's going to other countries who are going to do that for us is that fair. it's. not saying that everything's alright rosy at this point we're certainly not at a critical point and i think what you're pointing out is the fact that we need increased global cooperation it's not just a problem that can be fixed unilaterally either within the within the euro or within the us economy it's something that has to be fixed globally how do you stop spending when you've got thirty three hundred million people to make sure that they're healthy and have enough food and all that kind of stuff. how do you. you. you have to. cut it other places maybe stop going to
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war with so many people. as a real expert we mean there's a lot of countries that are surviving off for the interest we're painting so it's good for us to be in doubt you think. not this much is it ok that our country is built on a deficit system. if you look at a lot of companies now they are so no it's not but we should be built on a surplus you that if you think the rest of the world needs us to be in that yes i do feel like questions like these are sort of useless to people like me vicki. it feels like it has nothing to do with. whether or not you think america can ever go bankrupt the bottom line is with a deficit that continues to grow something's gotta get one way and that.
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after months of space travel a crew of three is finally nearing their destination the red planet although the mission is only a simulation it comes complete with all the trying conditions of space flight the lengthy journey of solitude and of course the basic food what is sort of first find out how this unique experiment aims to prepare for a real trip to mars. after more than eight months flying to the red planet the isolated mars five hundred crew preparing to go where no man is gone before they prepare to take their first tentative steps onto a mock mars this will be. this the surface of mars now only three of the six are actually going to be entering here they're going to be carrying out experiments in collecting for. the other programs. that is going to be monitored for russia's real life mission control and in reality they
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are the crew the space ship and the planet's surface all just part of a simulated experiment one that comes complete with mock emergencies scientific experiments space the natural light it's purpose to learn more about the physical and psychological demands of long distance space travel the head of the project tells me it's a new team perhaps to avoid any tensions and the experience itself is a tough challenge for the crew to have to deal with the monotony but thanks to this program of drills the men are in a good condition and we hope. they will be able to walk on the planet's surface the crew volunteers are being paid it's a long haul experiment that still has a while to completion in fact it won't be until november six hundred forty days after they first began that the men will get to touch down back in reality was the
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experiment gives a unique insight into the long term space travel techniques it will be a long while yet before the real thing till then this simulation is as close as it gets to witnessing a real mission to mars. r.t. . by the way to get a full account of the mosque. five hundred exhibition on our website. and plenty of other news stories and features that have come online it's a good look to see what's there and moments of examples match making one of the presidential candidates. promises to marry off the single women in the country. ever wonder what it's like to live in antarctica well you can find out in our section is our very own sean thomas a report on the hidden secrets of the frozen land that's on. by the way don't forget to check out our facebook and twitter pages.
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to update you on some world news in brief for you this hour of the four hundred protests have been detained by police in a couple of algeria demonstrations demanding the president's resignation more than thirty thousand raw police are being posted around the city to prevent an uprising similar to that in egypt the government has also suspended trains and blocked websites such as twitter and facebook. and arrest warrant being issued for x. pakistan military. connection with the assassination of the former prime minister benazir bhutto. has to appear in court on the nineteenth of february and he fails to do so he stands to be declared a fugitive he denies the allegations that he knew about the planned murder and that he failed to ensure the protection of the opposition leader was the victim of a shooting and suicide blast in two thousand and seven.
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twenty one minutes past the hour but with a summary of our main news stories in nine minutes from now in the meantime and the stars speaks to the activist and political rapper. about his view on u.s. policies both at home and abroad that interview coming up next in a moment marty. archie
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sitting down with m. one from underground political hip hop duo dead prez and one thanks so much for joining us today thank you i want to get started with a topic that you touched upon a lot in your lyrics and that's corporate ownership of the media in the united states for three arise how does that affect what american see on t.v. and why is that a bad thing because the people who have the most interest and or the people who are the corporate ownership itself their interest. conflict directly with where the reality of the majority of the masses of the people are so you have this very popular song called propaganda and there's a sentence in there that reads you can't fool all of the people all of the time but if you fall the right ones the rest will fall behind yeah i want to ask you how is that happened and who was fooling the people i bet if you if you read in propaganda one hundred one you know media one
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o one these words are probably engrained in stone because this seems to be the montra. you know by which you know media was born in this country out of a kind of the seps and. that has the interest of the ruling class once again the bottom line in media. they mean for the people would be big. government who has an interest in making sure that even though bomb to being dropped and in many other countries in the interest of oriel in dollars and and control that we may maintain focus on a soap opera type relationship between people who are pretty trivial well whose interests are the media more interested in representing in their news coverage that the corporations is that the government is it who is it who is the main kind of entity the media sleeps with well let's be clear you know the media is the right hand of the ruling class it is the voice of the ruling class in this particular
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country of which we would say less than ten percent own ninety percent of the wealth and resources when one of your songs you say the democrats and the republicans are two sides of the same coin does that mean. you think that obama is just a continuation of george bush obama. representing capitalism being just a continuation of george bush isn't understood. you have a system which was built of the slave of african people to reverse the birth of this economy it gave birth to not only what's happening here domestically but around the world which is what we call today imperialism you have barack hussein obama as also a meaning a small part of the machinery that works the system the same old kind of a rule that happen across the country is still happening in the same or way but
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represented by a face more familiar face that is usually associated with the or pressed and poor people so it is important to maintain the kind of programs in campaigns that continuation of even more spending on war was what obama's doing then what bush has done in his previous presidents when you're talking about the events in egypt the poverty of the people that led to these uprisings do you think the us political elite should be fearful that something similar could come here i think the conditions are ripe. for there to be uprisings in the same manner because the same set of conditions that existed in cairo exist in new york city exist in miami florida they exist in los angeles you have a ruling class with abuse of power i was recently in cairo. and i was there on a humanitarian aid mission to help the people in gaza in order for us to get to
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gaza we had to jump through so much bureaucracy and we began to understand that not only did egypt's government what was it controlled by bureaucratic politicians in egypt but is real a huge stake in making sure that the state of egypt was the way that it was maintained. and that is definitely the situation in the streets look at what we have inside the united states we have young african black and brown subjects community colonial subject being sat down in the street and an obsessive kind of way and you have a song called know your enemy who is the main enemy of the common american people a main enemy is ignorance not a proper political education this is the enemy of our people because once we can understand diagnosed. what we are living under all human beings who recognize that me and you have human rights will fight for the rights of human beings. the way we are being governmental treats
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a good sector of our people less than human and the enemy out of this particular time that we're in is lack of information and political education do you think the u.s. has too much power over other countries or tries to have too much power and really getting in the affairs of the businesses of other nations out there who deserve to make their own decisions what's your take on this kind of foreign policy exchange that goes on oh it is power is he who controls imperialism the belly of imperialism is born at the birth of capitalism in this country through it in slave africa and its resources which are still being siphoned out of africa and into the world today despite the world media tirade against africa put it as this third world place to be this has been the number one place that people have been siphoning resources from for five hundred years power comes from the
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barrel of a gun and so as many bombs as they can point at whatever foreign country that it plans to control. is reading this and willingness to take this area we see the same tentacles of u.s. domination because of its ability to have its power base here the birth of its strength and capitalism and then the defense of it using military might around the world.
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this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to move feel that the soviet files nikita khrushchev's between black and white on obsolete. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we've got the future covered. for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.


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