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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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here in connection with the closer and. closer merida medicine was punished but they. were the stories that shaped this week president hosni mubarak's resignation preceded by weeks of mass protests is billed as a triumph for democracy around the world at some point of the hypocrisy of the west that is backed by the dictator for decades. russia's most wanted terrorist model of claims responsibility for january's bombing at moscow's airport the attack killed thirty six and led to an intensified into security lapses a major transport hubs plus. u.s. influence on sweden seems to be growing from juliano songs to terrorist acts to nato support when america wants something they get it but why and what's in it for this so-called neutral nation.
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in moscow this is our thanks for joining us now this week has finally seen an end to more than a fortnight of on rest in egypt as the country's president finally decided to step down to the military for a period of transition well the army has begun taking down the makeshift tents in carlos the rear square when it's have to restore traffic flow in the barge location is still unclear with contradictory reports suggesting he's either in his residence in sharm el sheikh or fled to the united arab emirates his reservation on friday was hailed by the u.s. president as a victory for democracy whoever as artie's going to reports washington thirty years support for the dictator the sincerity of obama's sentiment. hosni
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mubarak ousted from power is eventually departure without the help of washington he had a phone call from the white house that persuaded him to leave. the former egyptian president left cairo just hours after he addressed the nation saying he was not going anywhere the screws have been put upon him by the army no doubt by the u.s. state department but it was a very serious risk for washington and in the end they decided it would be safe to dump mobarak in the west mubarak's departure was hailed as a triumph of democracy with the cheerleader in chief buraq obama gyptian said made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day but it's egypt's military largely financed by the united states which will now control the country until egyptians choose their next president they have a very cool relationship with a pencil don't always very very close to robert gates they talked on the phone at
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least five times this past week or so or because the washington will be supervising him missing that happens that's unlikely to satisfy the overwhelming desire as many egyptians for change which drove the revolutionary events of the past few weeks if you heard the slogans that were being chanted it was egypt egypt egypt meaning we are fed up of being bullied by foreign powers and forced into peace treaties makes don't do us any good and our generals bowl to directly with billions of dollars by the pentagon mubarak is yesterday's man for the us now after thirty years of being their top pants man in the arab world when a blind eye was turning the west to appalling human rights abuses under his rule bigger problem with the us policy and that is cozying up to. dictators in the first place that we really don't need to cozy up to and then when they get into trouble
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we get into this hypocritical position of supporting an autocratic regime when we're spouting democratic rhetoric here in the united states mubarak was kept imp. hour by american support and huge payments to making him one of the richest men in the world some estimates put his wealth that as much as seventy billion dollars in a country with widespread poverty we had a lot to do with mubarak being in power and staying in power like we subsidize and we own him these are puppet dictator he does what we tell him because he gives so much money he's gotten probably sixty to seventy billion dollars and i understand his family probably has sixty or seventy billion dollars stashed away in swiss accounts and in other places around the world egypt is the second largest recipient of american aid in the world after its neighbor israel the u.s. is pumping billions of dollars into the egyptian military which gives washington huge control over the running of the country and its future egypt now celebrates
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the end of rule by an autocratic leader who restricted political freedoms and economic progress so too did people rejoice for a time on the streets of carious then and ukraine in recent years after so called democratic revolutions with western approval but the leaders who came to power were later rejected by their own people even though there's a lot of celebration and jubilation going on in cairo we don't know really whether the military is going to give up its power and authority and if they do to whom how far will they share or what's going to happen some say the lesson that the west could learn from recent revolutions is to abstain from supporting a leader just based on how convenient they are for the west rather than how much they can do for their people got to check on our t. washington d.c. r.t. also spoke with author william and all who says that mubarak's demise has become a u.s. priority after the longtime washington ally dropped his support for america's middle
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east policy. mubarak's government realized that the u.s. was preparing a regime change that along the lines of the so-called color revolutions in georgia ukraine and so forth bringing young egyptian activists to the united states sometimes for a seat in the state department sometimes at the national endowment for democracy or freedom house these are all quote unquote private and shields that specialize in the regime change for washington and. what's going on is really a major not enough destabilization of u.s. ally mobarak has been opposed to most of us policy views of iran we should be persian gulf nations and these are many levanon over the last several years so he's become in effect a thorn in the side of washington's greater agenda since two thousand and one. political unrest is sweeping further through the region as thousands of algerians
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took to the streets of their capital to demand the resignation of president. police detained more than four hundred demonstrators in clashes across the city algeria has officially been in a state of emergency for my two years a lot of authorities to battle public demonstrations well protestors ignore the ruling following uprisings in tunisia and egypt forcing algerian authorities to reconsider the declaration. sour r.t. spoke to the voice of the us streets and activists in a political rapper am one who says everything is in place for every ball to happen in america. the same set of conditions that existed in cairo exist in new york city exist in miami florida they exist in los angeles you have a ruling class with abuse of power i was recently in cairo. and i was there on
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a humanitarian aid mission to help the people in gaza in order for us to get to gaza we had to jump in so much. and we began to understand that not only did the government but the controlled by bureaucratic politicians in. israel have a huge stake in making sure that. the state of egypt was the way that it was and that is definitely the situation in the streets look at what we have inside the united states. russia's most wanted terrorists martyr of claimed he orchestrated the deadly suicide attack on moscow's double yet of the airport last month well the incident she was attention to serious lapses in security at transport hubs which as the country's president himself has discovered have all been addressed that he looks at this week's developments. russia's most wanted terrorist claims thirty six more innocent lives have been taken by his deadly complain chechen born. this week he
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was the mastermind behind january's bombing at the idea of the airport when one of made the claims in a video message posted on an extremist website he described the suicide bombing as his special oh poor a sion and promised more terrorist attacks security experts say the massachusetts in full says why he's no longer described as just a chechen warlord but as an international terrorist these groups move around the world you know their own down to operate in parts of afghanistan but some have been skeptical whether mark was indeed behind the bombing the terrorist is stalking himself they say as a self-styled bin laden to make sure foreign investments. he's a man who wants to put all the trappings of bin ladin is and if you will a sort of ground. to his actions and therefore it's not always clear how much
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authority he really has in fact from within his own group and there was a rebellion i think of last year when he resigned and then he remained his resignation and the younger members apparently wanted him out so it's not quite clear where they can directly is in charge of a barge number of these militant groups or where they can simply putting himself in a position of their own near in order to gain more authority him self meanwhile this week security forces arrested three suspected accomplices of the airport bomber all three are from the north caucasus republic of english and are believed to have known about the attack planned by twenty year old evil with a manhunt is on for seven other suspects wanted in connection with the bombing as the security operation gathers pace the president shifted the focus from what has been down to sort out the off sum up of the tragedy what is being done to prevent similar tragedies from happening again and the best thing to do he decided is to go
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on inspection personally. he checked security at one of most schools busiest railway stations and was left unimpressed to say the least. as i see private security agency here but where is the police and where are any metal detectors i don't see them we don't have metal detectors that's true these factions don't reveal any says the t.v. either and just to compound concerns no police in sight. through the whole station and i haven't seen a single policeman no police there's a church well at least you have some place to pray. but the time when people relied soley on god not police may finally be over russia's anti terror law is likely to be seriously amended so just as the country's police force is now undergoing a major overhaul it's hoped the changes to the police will put an end to cope
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corruption and security lapses. r t. you're with are coming your way in a matter of minutes fall out of love when a song is to soon one of the weeks publishing partners the guardian for libel their claims of newspaper redacted the cables in line with its editorial agenda. and a timeline of decay find out how cities across the u.s. are suffering as the government is strapped for cash and faced with record debt slashes waiters and cards vital services. now this week a week leaks founder julian assange face extradition hearings in london for the verdict on whether he will be handed over to sweden for questioning over sex assault allegations is expected later this month and with the u.s. reportedly preparing its own case against assad many are seeing a fair conspiracy between the two countries and this an hour has more on the long
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lasting u.s. swedish cooperation. so we didn't a quiet little neutral scandinavian nation the current foreign policy establishment in sweden has a remarkably close relationship with the united states the country that gave us our flat pack furniture for dollar meatballs top models and lawn bombshells may not be so neutral after all american influence is everywhere from food to feature films but in sweden it seems to be supersized just the other day the deerhunter film was shown again on swedish t.v. for the. sixtieth time it's an awful film it's the worst propaganda politics through the back door like sweden's times with nato you have the military and some politicians cooperate intensively with the united states and with nato and the large mass of the population being totally unaware of all the stuff going on
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but it's not just what swedes are taking in it's also what their leaders are ready to give from julian assange to terrorist suspects to nato support when america wants something they get it but why and what's in it for the so-called neutral nation they get. all the benefits of being an intelligence partner of the united states without the baggage of being in nato it's a partnership decades in the making there is. a willingness to. do the ariens of the united states over many years from. question seven. making asylum seekers in sweden. both to the cia freddy's is particularly strong now with a right leaning government in sweden and with the us wanting him for spying and sweden wanting him for sex crimes julian assange is wanted by quite
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a team and the songe wiki leaks case. seems to be just the next continuation of this very old intelligence relationship here's some other relationships we dug up julian assange ticks off the us with fierce reaction from one of the country's most notorious neo cons is not a particularly credible source and love and he is a you know tamil in my mind as it is a criminal and he ought to be hunted down and grabbed and put on trial for what he has done hear these words from karl rove who claims he's part swedish and just happens to be advising the country's pm while the former swedish minister of justice is a partner in the firm who filed charges against a songe for sex crimes with another link to the us thomas bostrom is claimed to have handed the cia asylum seekers from sweden who were then tortured a question about neutrality became even even clearer thanks to some of the documents from exactly with. the big question now is there enough room in the
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british justice system to protect julian assange from the united states of sweden america and let him keep blowing his whistle and he's now i r t stockholm sweden. well a journalist rather than or told r.t. earlier that sweden and the u.k. will face heavy pressure to comply with washington's interests on the case the world should know that the united states is the world's greatest terrorist in all the wars that they conduct the torture they conduct so many horrible crimes have been revealed already in the united states continues with the same policies they make some excuses here or there and their former president it makes it in his own autobiography that he gave orders for torture so i'm skeptical that just because one knows how bad the the devil is that that will curtail them from from prosecuting. on the other hand sweden of course. great britain if they if they
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delivered him there would be bad propaganda for them people would be very upset and most people i think would be very upset but again that's not the only determining factor for a government to make a decision as to whether or not they cooperate with the united states i mean you know the states is so powerful they can they can harm economically and politically both the swedish government and the british government. threatening to sue the u.k.'s guardian newspaper over its tell all book about the online whistleblower well that this paper is also accused of being its of adapting the diplomatic cables it received from the website in order to fit its editorial policy well arty's lore and that reports on what's behind the bitter dispute. they were bedfellows in exposing u.s. embassy secrets to the world but now wiki leaks and the guardian have rapidly
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fallen out of love and it's turning nasty in the original agreement between wiki leaks and its partner publications the partners were to help publish cables on the whistle blowing web site blocking out names to protect the innocent was allowed but sources close to wiki leaks maintain the guardian went one step further accusing the newspaper of redacting the cables to suit its own political and editorial agenda something the guardian denies one of the alleged missions focuses on iranian dissident politicians and the guardian we each. have. when they don't want such things to be known to their own deals they will basically want to cover the world and so view they cut out everything that was negative or girl position. in such a way that either of the guards are truly only there of the killings would never
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know how those people themselves view their only those the guardian reports ali has been a is just another political liar an intriguer. but what it leaves out is his why did description of the opposition as lacking organization and freezing problems of ultimate direction and leadership specific opposition figures are. stubborn but not charismatic karoubi courageous who do few institutional allies tommy cautious and weak in cables about the activities of western companies in kazakhstan the guardian fail to publish details of alleged bribery the actual cable talk of an internal investigation in a western company over five years during which former employees caused the company to pay five going to million two agents would then turn the disappearance would influence because our professionals to allow the company to obtain business in
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other words bribing officials for contracts two of the companies allegedly involved british gas and any italy's gas giant that this isn't necessarily the story that the guardian wants to tell that the that there are editorial pressures on them but it also could be simply the lawyers at the guardian are getting a bit jumpy and saying well look we can't accuse people of bribes because they're incredibly powerful and they're rich and this is one of the problems with the laws of libel and the lawyers at newspapers is that they're actually only afraid of the rich and powerful ordinary people they will say almost anything about them because . these people don't have the means to sue the guardian prince andrew was cocky verging on rude in kyrgyzstan. although britain's prince andrew may have wished the guardian had edited information about his behavior in kyrgyzstan more thoroughly elsewhere some media commentators say the reason for the guardian's alterations was
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to help simplify the information it's still the way it should be done there's so much material and it is so a lot of the form that you see in these is difficult to inaccessible it has to be translated into journalism to be able to understand the guardian declined to give us an interview but did send a statement saying they redacted cables for two reasons to protect sources who might be placed at risk or to protect the guardian from legal action under u.k. libel law but being sued is something the guardian might have to get used to wiki leaks founder julian assange is threatening legal action over the newspaper's book which i thought alleges contains malicious libel wiki leaks made a political choice when it decided to publish through the guardian a left leaning newspaper that takes a liberal line but certainly in this case it has to be the wrong one and with the guardian's recent publication of a book portraying the newspaper's dealings with wiki leaks in a deeply under favorable light it's
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a relationship that's gone truly sour your and it's artsy london. where you can always question more and have your say on the stories we're covering on our website r.t. dot com and here's what's all lying for you right now sizing our country seems to be a must for any politician but that doesn't necessarily mean they're qualified to do so well find out what dominates the corridors of capitol hill bloopers or ignorance . and there are some sayings among us and the man who stumbled across more than one hundred thousand dollars in cash and more than russia decided to take on this option and return it to the police on a simple question is why all the details that are to dot com. now former u.s. secretary of defense and. rumsfeld has lifted the lid on life at the helm of the war on terror by publishing his memoirs and titled known and unknown it charts how he served under two american presidents gerald ford and george w.
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bush the eight hundred page were defense the iraq invasion and subsequent talks of base detention center provided the only effective way of obtaining intelligence well brian becker from the antiwar asser coalition says it's because of rumsfeld that the world now seems america as complicit in the closeness of torture. kerry geisha and regime that allowed a starting of course anchoring with grave that allowed the american government to be understood by the entire world is nothing but torture inc torture incorporated that he helped set up along with the cia not only not only the guantanamo bay which is the un described as a torture center but all sorts of black cold prisons and secret detention centers where people were horribly tortured and murdered in fact and now he has to describe this is something that was good so of course from the point of view of rumsfeld and bush and cheney they want to rescue their image they want the american corporate
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media to treat them kindly they want of course as they do constantly to make mega millions of dollars from this kind of promotion but i think the record is so clear the world recognizes the bush administration as nothing but torture in going at the center of that at the top of the command was donald rumsfeld secretary of defense. and coming up next hour for you a look at the plight of the iraqi christians who were forced to leave their homes to escape sick terry and violence. now u.s. cities have long been a symbol of perspire success with local governments commanding the budgets of small nations but with the advent of the two thousand and eight financial collapse well that's quickly becoming in history faced with astronomical debt and rampant unemployment authorities are being forced to make desperate cuts lauren lyster has this story. that's again it's the reality america cannot escape with the city's roughly two hundred eighty million dollars debt more and more people are talking
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about bankruptcy news of debt like that hitting cash strapped cities and states all over the country altogether it could amount to two trillion dollars and a bill many may not be able to pay the problem of the state and local debt is more serious than the real estate bubble serious because with millions of americans still unemployed and losing their homes there isn't enough taxpayer money to pay creditors local governments which aren't allowed to operate in the red must come up with the cash this means some may be choosing between default or devastation in many cases it will be fairly simple for cities to cut services before they actually default on their debt cities and states coast to coast seem to be trying this route in the toll it's taking on the streets of america is undeniable. camden new jersey is this second most dangerous city in the country you didn't see many cops on the
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streets to begin with and now. the city's had to lay off nearly half of their police force in detroit a city where people have been too broke to bury their dead the city's too broke to repair dying infrastructure to fix roads or lights in the desert state of arizona cuts have been a matter of life and death. governor jan brewer taking a lot of heat over the death of another transplant patient after the state cut funding for the operations here in new york city huge piles of garbage like this one are all over city streets this city's behind on picking up trash after getting behind cleaning up after our snowstorm now public officials blame that on any number of reasons but one accusation that keeps coming up is this is the result of budget cuts cuts have consequences you can't just sort of cut there isn't enough wasteful spending so to speak to cut your actually do have to cut services that people depend on just analysts say the slashing will amount to an increase in
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unemployment and a lowering of wages dragging more americans down and the economy with it while the prospect of bankruptcy is to threaten the pensions of public workers and may cause a run on municipal bonds so that will push the city counties over the over the cliff in the past not the solution either scenario seems to be causing a widespread decline in the american city once relegated to ancient history it's a feedback forge economic shrinking downsizing and they are been as they should exactly the same thing happened in the roman empire when in the ambrose was left almost a blizzard city and all of the production shifted back onto the land that's what you're faced here although the land in this case looks like it'll be broad rather than in the united states as investment heelys to other countries threatening to take with it the american dream lauren lyster r.t. new york. all that brings you up to date i'll be back with the headline shortly to
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