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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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larry collection. for. this week's top stories in. the constitution. and. it is a triumph of democracy analysts wonder if they. could be behind the events. russia's most wanted terrorist claims responsibility for. in the country's security a major transport hubs. a legal limbo waiting to see if he'll be extradited from london to. his supporters claim it's washington's attempt.
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with a look back at the top stories from the past week and the latest developments this is r t here in moscow the military supreme council in egypt has dissolved the parliament and suspended the constitution after president mubarak stepped down and handed power to the army following eighteen days of unrest across egypt the military authorities have now begun clearing the makeshift. tahrir square it had been the epicenter of the protests for hundreds of thousands of people the president's resignation on friday was hailed by the u.s. president as a victory for democracy however. reports washington's long term support for the president has many questioning the sincerity of sentiment. hosni mubarak from power is eventually departure without the help of washington he had a phone. from the white house that persuaded him to leave the former egyptian president
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left cairo just hours after he addressed the nation saying he was not going anywhere the screws have been put upon him by the army no doubt by the u.s. state department but it was a very serious risk for washington and in the end they decided it would be safe to dump mobarak in the west mubarak's departure was hailed as a triumph of democracy with the cheerleader in chief buraq obama gyptian said made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day but it's egypt's military largely financed by the united states which will now control the country until it gets to lose their next president they have a very close relationship with the pentagon that they always very very close to robert gates they talked on the phone at least. this past week or so or because the washington will be supervising any sing that happens that's unlikely to satisfy the
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overwhelming desire of many egyptians for change which drove the revolutionary events of the past few weeks if you heard the slogans that were being chanted it was egypt egypt egypt meaning we are fed up of being bullied by foreign powers and forced into peace treaties which don't do wassa any good and our generals bowl to directly with billions of dollars by the pentagon mubarak is yesterday's man for the us now after thirty years being their top pants man in the arab world when a blind eye was turned in the west to appalling human rights abuses under his rule bigger problem with the us policy and that is cozying up to. dictators in the first place that we really don't need to cozy up to and then when they get into trouble we get into this hypocritical position of supporting an autocratic regime when we're spouting do. i'm
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a crowded graduate here in the united states mubarak was kept in power by american support and huge payments to making him one of the richest men in the world we had a lot to do with mubarak being in power and staying in power like we subsidize and we own him these our puppet dictator he does what we tell him because he gets so much money he's gotten probably sixty to seventy billion dollars and understand his family has sixty or seventy billion dollars stashed away in swiss accounts and other places around the world as you say is the second largest recipient of american aid in the world after its neighbor israel the us is pumping billions of dollars into the egyptian military which gives washington huge control over the running of the country and its future now celebrates the end of ruled by an autocratic leader who restricted political freedoms and economic progress so too did people rejoice for a time on the streets of carious then and ukraine in recent years after so called democratic revolutions with western approval but the leaders who came to power were
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later rejected by their own people even though there's a lot of celebration and jubilation going on in cairo we don't know really whether the military is going to give up its power and authority and if they do to whom how far will they share or what's going to happen some say the lesson that the west could learn from recent revolutions is to abstain from supporting a leader just based on how convenient they are for the west rather than how much they can do for their people got a check on our t. washington d.c. and for more on the events in egypt i'm joined from london by german most afshin rattansi good to see you here on r.t. so the parliament has been dissolved and constitution suspended egypt is now a military state but for how long do you think. well i think the people in tahrir square certainly don't want to see field marshal tantawi and. vice president they don't want these people in power the media outside of your channel and
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a few other satellite channels the media here in london or say in new york because a very different impression of events through that excellent report that it was just join your screens as far as they're concerned this is an american victory but of course it is not an american victory and the people in tahrir square want to see the back of the army that was trained in the united states and we must remember more than three hundred dead thousand still disappeared and the egyptians will remember who trained the people that tortured killed so many of their relatives an american victory but certainly american influence over this outcome surely how much because many people are saying of course that that final push came from washington so just how much influence has the pentagon over egypt's military would you say. well they they own it and they fund the whole thing it's not exactly a final push by washington if anything it is a capitulation by forces in washington they did sent to war ships down there
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towards egypt and they obviously realized they couldn't do anything to stop this they're terrified. their policy is in ruins the reports of the cia's hundred million dollar computer modeling systems they didn't predict any of this was going to happen whereas a lot of other people were predicting things like this would happen it's now owners of the american certainly people in the new york times predicting things could happen even in saudi arabia this is not a victory for the united states when things happen in china the famous minister said that it's too early to tell he was speaking in the twentieth century what the french revolution of the eighteenth century how it would turn out i think the egyptian people have even longer memories and certainly to too soon to see how this revolution is going to play out that the u.s. may not have much influence in what happens in september's elections that's of course if those elections do take place later this year. i think it's very
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interesting that people like mom and el baradei who do have close ties with international institutions such as the international monetary fund and those kinds of globalized institutions how far these people can really play a part egypt's economy is in the doldrums it's in chaos a lot of those companies that are stationed there have been stealing the money so a lot of the egyptian people might see the companies can be named b.p. shell trans ocean air masses of companies there that are enjoying huge privileges i wonder how long it'll take before remember their first leader in the twentieth century mr nasser and the idea of nationalization these sorts of things are not on the political agendas certainly of el baradei or. of the arab league who resigned you perhaps once to make a presidential bid i suppose the muslim brotherhood is one one party to watch because they do have social programs and grassroots movements whether they have been useful or whether they've been clever in the past three weeks is
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a different matter because their leadership some might say maybe out of step with those in the grassroots organizations of the muslim brotherhood runs which creates housing and food distribution and so on to to the poor of egypt you mentioned a little earlier the implications this could have on other countries and you mentioned saudi arabia but bearing in mind what we're seeing at the moment happening in yemen algeria even a few staring in morocco what is your prediction on what's going to happen i mean tony blair is saying the egyptian revolt could help spread democracy throughout the middle east would you say democracy or could we see further chaos. tony blair is usually a reverse barometers if he says that they could be a breakthrough of democracy in the magreb would probably have to be a bit pessimistic for the peoples of north africa i think algeria is the one to watch the french are certainly watching it with hawk eyes because there are oil interests there the people who have not benefited from money for exports we'll
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have to see what happens in algeria i think that's the country to watch at the moment unless the european powers and the united states continue to support those dictators even while a democracy and people power bizarrely. iran and syria i don't think they understand me spell it out for them this is a failure of u.s. and european policy they will remember that the people of these countries don't embrace democracy and see the united states as part of the liberation action very interesting to hear we have to say thanks very much for sharing your thoughts with us live here in r.t. author and journalist afshin rattansi joining me live there in london thanks thank you. this is all from the russian capital we've got more ahead for you this. guardian newspaper is going to break up with its former collaborator wiki leaks has even been threatened with libel charges. website. and look at the
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plight of iraqi christians forced to flee their homes after being continuously targeted by extremist groups. and stories still to come but first this week one of the world's most wanted terrorists claimed responsibility for the suicide attack on moscow's busiest airport last month the deadly bombing drew attention to serious security lapses a transport arms which is present vet have discovered himself haven't all been addressed. as this report. russia's most wanted terrorist claims thirty six more innocent lives have been taken by his deadly complain j h in-born said this week he was the mastermind behind january's bombing at the idea of the airport when one of made the claims in a video message posted on an extremist website he described the suicide bombing as his special operate and promised more terrorist attacks security experts say the
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massachusetts enforces why he's no longer described as just a chechen warlord but as an international terrorist groups. around the world you know their own downfall shouldn't operate parts of afghanistan but some have been skeptical whether mark was indeed behind the bombing the terrorist is talking himself up they say as a self-styled bin ladin to make sure foreign investments. he's a man who wants to put all the trappings of bin ladin is and if you will a sort of ground. to his actions and therefore it's not always clear how much authority he really has in fact from within his own group and there was a rebellion i think of last year when he resigned event he remained his resignation and the younger members apparently wanted him out so it's not quite clear where they who is in charge of a barge a number of these militant groups or where they can simply putting himself in
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a position of very near in order to gain more authority him self meanwhile this week security forces arrested three suspected accomplices of the airport bomber all three are from the north caucasus republic of english and are believed to have known about the attack planned by twenty wrote evil with a manhunt is on for seven other suspects wanted in connection with the bombing at the security operation gathered pace the president shifted the focus from what has been down to sort out the aftermath of the tragedy what is being done to prevent similar tragedies from happening again and the best thing to do he decided is to go on inspection personally. he checked security at one of moscow's busiest railway stations and was left unimpressed to say the least. i see private security agents here but where is the police and where are any metal detectors i don't see them we don't have metal detectors that's true these baksh and didn't
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reveal any city t.v. either and just to compound concerns no police in sight. through the whole station and i haven't seen a single policeman no police but there's a church well at least you have some place to pray. but the time when people relied soley on god not police may finally be over russia's anti terror law is likely to be seriously amended so just as the country's police force is now undergoing a major overhaul it's hoped the changes to the police will put an end to cop corruption and security lapses. r.t. . the extradition hearing of wiki leaks founder julian assange has been adjourned until the end of february he appeared in court in london on friday as he continues his fight against extradition to sweden where he faces questioning over sex crime and occasions he claims a case is being fabricated so the us can use weeden to get its hands on. explores
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the cozy relationship between washington. so we didn't a quiet little neutral scandinavian nation the current foreign policy establishment in sweden has a remarkably close relationship with the united states the country that gave us our flat pack furniture for dollar meatballs top models and lawn bombshells may not be so neutral after all american influence is everywhere from food to feature films but in sweden it seems to be supersized just the other day the deerhunter film was shown again on swedish t.v. for some sixty years time it's an awful film it's the worst propaganda politics through the back door like sweden's times with nato you have the military and some politicians cooperate intensively with the united states and with nato and
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the large mass of the population being totally unaware of all the stuff going on but it's not just what swedes are taking in it's also what their leaders are ready to give from julian assange to terrorist suspects to nato support when america wants something they get it but why and what's in it for this so-called neutral nation they get. all the benefits of being an intelligence partner of the united states without the baggage of being in nato it's a partnership decades in the making there is. a willingness to. do the ariens of the united states over many years from. questions of. making asylum seekers in sweden. both to the cia freddy's is particularly strong now with a right leaning government in sweden and with the us wanting him for spying and
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sweden wanting him for sex crimes julian assange is wanted by quite a team and the songe wiki leaks case. seems to be just the next continuation of this very old intelligence relationship here's some other relationships we dug up julian assange just ticks off the us with fierce reaction from one of the country's most notorious neo cons is not a particularly credible source and love and he is a get over two million homeowners it is a criminal only ought to be hunted down and grabbed and put on trial for war used earlier these words from karl rove who claims he's part swedish and just happens to be advising the country's pm while the former swedish minister of justice is a partner in the firm who filed charges against a songe for sex crimes with another link to the us thomas von stroheim is claimed to have handed the cia asylum seekers from sweden who were then tortured the questions about neutrality became even even clearer thanks to some of the documents
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from exactly wiki leaks the big question now is there are not room in the british justice system to protect julian assange from the united states of sweden america and let him keep blowing his whistle and he's in no way are to stockholm sweden. and we leaks founder julian assange is also set for another high court battle he's accused the guardian newspaper of malicious libel over its total account of the online whistleblower the british charity is also being blamed for adjusting wiki leaks diplomatic cables to fit its editorial policy when all t. is laura m. it has more on the rift between the x. friends. they were bedfellows in exposing u.s. embassy secrets to the world but now wiki leaks and the guardian have rapidly fallen out of love and it's turning nasty in the original agreement between wiki leaks and its partner publications the partners were to help publish cables on the
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whistle blowing website blocking out names to protect the innocent was allowed but sources close to wiki leaks maintain the guardian went one step further accusing the newspaper of redacting the cables to suit its own political and editorial agenda something the guardian denies one of the alleged missions focuses on it raining in dissident politicians and the guardian we. have. they don't want such things to be known for their own tales they will basically want to cover the world. view they cut out everything that was good to a boy or girl position. in such a way that either of the guards and the virtually any that are of the leagues would never know how those people themselves view their only those the guardian reports early have been a is just another political liar an intriguer. but what it leaves out is his why
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did description of the opposition as lacking organization and freezing problems of ultimate direction and leadership specific opposition figures are. very stubborn but not charismatic karoubi courageous but with a few institutional allies hatami cautious and weak in cables about the activities of western companies in kazakstan the guardian failed to publish details of alleged bribery the actual cable talk of an internal investigation in a western company over five years during which former employees caused the company to pay five point two million to agents with the intended disappearance would influence because our professionals to allow the company to obtain business in other words bribing officials for contracts two of the companies allegedly involved british gas and any italy's gas giant that this isn't necessarily the story that
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the guardian wants to tell that the that there are editorial pressures on them but it also could be simply the lawyers at the guardian are getting a bit jumpy and saying well look we can't accuse people of bribes because they're incredibly powerful and they're rich and this is one of the problems with the laws of libel and the lawyers at newspapers is that they are actually only afraid of the rich and powerful ordinary people they will say almost anything about them because these people don't have the means to sue the guardian or was cocky verging on rude in kyrgyzstan. britain's prince andrew may have wished the guardian had edited information about his behavior in kyrgyzstan more thorough. elsewhere some media commentators say the reason for the guardian's alterations was to help simplify the information it's still the way it should be done the service material and it is so a lot of the form that you see it is is difficult to inaccessible it has to be
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translated into journalism be able to understand the guardian declined to give us an interview but did send a statement saying they redacted cables for two reasons to protect sources who might be placed at risk or to protect the guardian from legal action under u.k. libel law but being sued is something the guardian might have to get used to wiki leaks founder julian assange threatening legal action over the newspaper's book which contains malicious libel wiki leaks made a political choice when it decided to publish through the guardian a left leaning newspaper that takes a liberal line but certainly in this case is going to be the wrong one and with the guardian's recent publication of the book portraying the newspaper its dealings with wiki leaks in a deeply under favorable light it's a relationship that's gone truly sour it's r.t. . you can always find more on the stories we're covering on our website it's. all the time here's what's there for you right now in the. championship promises
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a new. brand new soul track. for. the crew. is preparing to go where no man has gone before those stories. on tuesday former u.s. secretary of defense donald rumsfeld has lifted the lid on life at the helm of the war on terror by publishing his memoirs in titled known and unknown it charts how he served under two american presidents gerald ford and george w. bush in view with the fox news channel he not only defended the iraq invasion but
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also called guantanamo bay's detention center one of the finest prison systems in the world the seat of general this chatter gee says washington's for mohawk much less and he's trying to pretend he. will the quote is there no knowns and there are known knowns and it's one of those famous rumsfeld mysterious quotes that he was he often made that you know seemed. mysterious but in fact i think merely just a slip of the tongue was rather than you know sort of some sort of poetic imagination and i actually think that there were many no known scene clued in the idea that if you do an invasion an invasion that was even if the invasion was not justified you have to do it with what you know which is you cannot actually. control a country with one hundred fifty thousand troops and you find out whether or not
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they're actually weapons of mass destruction as opposed to proceeding on unknown's and unprovable which is what he did and so that by him calling it known and unknown is i think maybe a clever use the phrase but actually proves how little he knew and how little he would he acknowledges you know his crimes. ongoing sectarian violence is forcing iraq's religious minority to seek safe haven in the relatively calm northern region of kurdistan hundreds of thousands of christians have fled there in the years following the two thousand and three u.s. led invasion and sebastian maher reports from iraq those who remain are putting their lives in danger. every night miriam gets ready for bed with her family but it's not her bed it's not even her house miriam and her family are christian iraqis who have been forced to flee from baghdad to the semi autonomous kurdish region because they become targets of extremist groups in the country in two thousand and seven miriam was hit by a bomb that was planted outside her house the lack i went out with my arm just to
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buy some chocolate and come back i went out and didn't see anything i just had the bomb and i fell to the ground miriam was lying in the street with her foot dangling from her leg her father i had rushed outside the. house i saw my daughter lying on the groans it was a live in my my daughter was lying in the growing and people were running shouting everything was covered in dust and shards of glass so i picked up my daughter with her legs dangling i almost lost it i was shouting my daughter's date she's been hit by a bomb. luckily i had was able to get her to a doctor who could repair her leg but others have not been so lucky in october last year fifty six people were killed by militants when they attacked the our lady of salvation church in baghdad in the following weeks dozens more were killed in
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attacks across the country many fear that eventually christians will be driven out of iraq completely of the eight hundred thousand christians in the country before two thousand and three almost half of fled in the past month alone four thousand have moved to the comparative safety of the northern kurdish region here they can worship and live in peace but in even their homes they've lost absolutely everything many like miriam's father and are forced to make a living cleaning toilets in bars and restaurants. i served first seven years in the military under saddam hussein i'm an iraqi christian and i don't have a square foot of land in my name why what's my crime many in the church feel that countries in the west are responsible. americans are liars we don't trust them their reputation is terrible because everywhere they've been they have light the us train the sunni and shia and they just watch while they kill us it is impossible not to see all these murders but they don't get involved. it's the
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end of a long day and time for the family to go to bed everyone gets ready and eventually the lights are switched off in the darkness and uncertainty miriam and the rest of her family are left to dream about and hope for a better tomorrow sebastian meyer r t so i'm in the iraq. well i'll be back with a recap of our top stories in just a moment stay with us live here in moscow on r.t. . to.
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