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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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this week's top stories egypt's military dissolves parliament understand the constitution of the president mubarak steps down and turns power to the army while the west hey we live in a triumph of democracy on this one is an external agenda could be behind the band's . record most wanted terrorists don't know them aren't playing responsibility for january's monster apple blossom which kills thirty six that time has prompted a huge security review of major transport hubs revealing the system is far from perfect. with some clout a jury that i found must wait until later this month to see bill be extradited from london to stop all the sexual assault charges his supporters claim the allegations which were previously dropped of politically motivated press is the view out see if the transcript of the trial.
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hello and welcome to the program this is aussie's weekly review i mean you know our main story now taking power from deposed president hosni mubarak egypt's armed forces supreme council has dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution on to under which the country was ruled by martial law for nearly three decades the military has begun clearing eighteen days worth of debris including makeshift shelters and burned out cars from tahrir square in cairo has been the epicenter of the nationwide uprising that drove hundreds of thousands of egyptians on to the streets demanding change was really three weeks of protest and battles president hosni mubarak resigned and both u.s. president barack obama called a great victory for democracy but as also he's going after can now report says he has a true and commit the sin. for democracy has raised questions about washington's sudden
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change its. policy mubarak out step from power is eventually departure not without the help of washington who had a phone call from the white house that persuaded him to leave the former egyptian president left cairo just hours after he addressed the nation saying he was not going anywhere the screws have been put upon him a boy they all may not doubt the u.s. state department but it was a very serious race for washington and in the end they decided it would be safe to dump mobarak in the west mubarak's departure was hailed as a triumph of democracy with the cheerleader in chief buraq obama gyptian said made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day but it's egypt's military largely financed by the united states which will now control the country and for the kitchen tools their next president they have
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a very close relationship with the pentagon don't always very very close to robert gates they talked on the phone at least five times this past week or so all because the washington will be supervising any sing that happens that's unlikely to satisfy the overwhelming desire as many egyptians for change which drove the revolutionary events of the past few weeks if you heard the slogans that were being chanted it was egypt egypt egypt meaning we are fed up of being bullied by foreign powers and forced into peace treaties which don't do us any good and our generals bolts directly with billions of dollars by the pentagon mubarak is yesterday's man for the us now after thirty years of being their top pants man in the arab world when a blind eye was turning the west to appalling human rights abuses under his rule bigger problem with the u.s. policy and that is cozying up to. dictators in the first place that we really don't
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need to cozy up to and then when they get into trouble we get into this hypocritical position of supporting an autocratic regime when we're spouting democratic rhetoric here in the united states mubarak was kept in power by american support and huge payments to making him one of the richest men in the world we had a lot to do with mubarak being in power and staying in power like we subsidize and we own him these our puppet dictator he does what we tell him because he has so much money he's gotten probably sixty seventy billion dollars and i understand his family probably has sixty or seventy billion dollars stashed away in swiss accounts and other places around the world is the second largest recipient of american aid in the world after its neighbor israel the us is pumping billions of dollars into the egyptian military which gives washington huge control over the running of the country and its future egypt now celebrates the end of rule by an autocratic leader
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restricted political freedoms and economic congress so too did people rejoice for a time on the streets of charity a stand in ukraine in recent years after so called democratic revolutions with western approval that the leaders who came to power were later rejected by their own people even though there's a lot of celebration in jubilation going on in cairo we don't know really whether the military is going to give up its power and authority and if they do to whom how far will they share or what's going to happen some say the lesson that the west could learn from recent revolutions is to abstain from supporting a leader just based on how convenient they are for the west rather than how much they can do for their people got a check on our t.v. washington d.c. and also in journalist returns who told us that while mubarak may be gone the political climate in egypt and the region will remain turns for some time. well i think the people in tahrir square certainly don't want to see field marshal tantawi
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and. vice president if they don't want these people in power people like el baradei who do have close ties with international institutions such as the international monetary fund and those kinds of globalized institutions how far these people can really play a part egypt's economy is in the doldrums it's in chaos a lot of the companies that are stationed there have been stealing the money so a lot of the egyptian people might see the companies can be named b.p. shell trans ocean the masses of companies there that are enjoying huge privileges tony blair is really a reverse barometers if he says that they could be a breakthrough of democracy in the magreb would probably have to be a bit pessimistic for the peoples of north africa i think algeria is the one to watch the french are certainly watching it with is because their oil interests there the people have suffered have not benefited from masses of money masses of
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exports we'll have to see what happens in algeria and i think that's the country to watch at the moment. political discontent spreads through the region thousands of all jurors have been gathering in congress all to demand their presidents resignation and ten thousand people turned out hope for a reform rally banned by the government on saturday the state's deployed more than twenty five thousand police to prevent an uprising similar to recent events in tunisia and egypt has been around a state of emergency for nineteen days allowing us to refuse to outlaw public demonstrations human rights campaign has said police detained about four hundred people but there were no injuries for. more had to be the sound american dream american nightmare such as a cross between last hour pot heads the government faced with a brick wall dead slashes wages and consequential sad since. turned over they have more guards passing than any other european countries so we started as have rejected proposals for tighter control as. part of the problem of one jerry drain
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paying the russian gangsters the funny thing is easy to buy experience without the ball ideally as a long long way in full swing just leaving the country with problems of teenage alcoholics. this week which was the most wanted terrorist doku umarov claimed responsibility for last month's side bombing which killed thirty six while some observers question omar's claim the outrage was foreseen they also refuse to risk things security in the country and us president that had discovered him so the situation leaves much to be desired. russia's most wanted terrorist claims thirty six more innocent lives have been taken by his deadly complain chechen born model said this week he was the mastermind behind january's bombing at the idea of the airport or more of might the claims in a video message both did in an extremist website he described the suicide bombing
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as he's special operation and promised more terrorist attacks security experts say the massachusetts in force is why he's no longer described as just a chechen wolf but as an international terrorist these groups. around the world you know there are undoubtedly. it's about. but some have been skeptical whether mark was indeed behind the bore me the terrorist is stalking him they say as a self-styled bin ladin to make sure foreign investments claudine he's a man who wants to put all the trappings of bin ladin is and if you will a sort of grandeur to his actions and therefore it's not always clear how much authority he really has in fact from within his own group and there was a rebellion i think august of last year when he resigned and then he would make his resignation and the younger members apparently wanted him out so it's not quite
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clear where they could directly is in charge of a barge number of these militant groups or where they can simply putting himself in a position of their own near in order to gain more authority him self meanwhile this week security says arrested we suspected accomplices of the former only three are from the north caucuses group of people in the shooting and are believed to have known about the plan by twenty rows with any of you with a manhunt is on for seven other stars did in connection with the bombing as the security operation gathers pace the president's shift of focus from what has been down to sort out the other. so much of the tragedy what is being done to prevent similar tragedies from happening again the best thing to do he decided is to go an inspection personally. each at security at one of miscues easiest way we stations and was let on him france to seize the east. it's not like she's private security agency but ways to reach there any metal detectors i did she didn't.
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have metal detectors and sure these but she didn't reveal any to speak either and she just took my son's lead and some stuff that. we do to stay should see a single policeman no police there's a church that the police should complete. but the time when people were lined soley on god's police may finally be over russia's anti terror law is likely to be seriously amended just as the country's east is now undergoing a major overhaul it's hoped the changes to the police to mount to cook corruption and security lapses to do the children are cheap and. they started airing in london leaks found a journalist song has been adjourned until the twenty fourth of january a song appeared in court on friday as he continues his fight against being sent to
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sweden where he faces questioning of the sex crime allegations which were previously arranged the case is politically motivated her husband father kate said he was going to seek his extradition from sweden autism he said now explores the cozy relationship between washington our stockholm. sweden a quiet little neutral scandinavian nation the current foreign policy establishment in sweden has a remarkably close relationship with the united states the country that gave us our flat pack furniture four dollar meatballs. and. one bombshell may not be so neutral. miracle in every. feature film and t.v. . supersize just the other day the deer hunter film was shown again on swedish t.v. for the. sixtieth time it's an awful film it's the worst propaganda of
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politics through the back door like sweden's ties with nato you have the military and some politicians cross reading intensively with the united states and with nato and the large mass of the population being totally unaware of all the stuff going on but it's not just what we are taking you john for what their leaders like to get from julian assange onst a terrorist suspects to nato support when america wants something they get it but why and what's in it for this so-called neutral nation they get. all the benefits of being an intelligence partner of the united states without the baggage of being in nato it's a partnership decades to make there's been a willingness to. do the errands of the united states over many years from. questions of. making asylum seekers in
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sweden of a the both to the cia freddy's is particularly strong now with a raid leaning government in sweden and with the us wanting him for spying and sweden wanting him for sex crimes julian a son is wanted by quite a team and the songe wiki leaks case seems to be just the next continuation of this very old intelligence relationship here's some other relationships we dug up julian assange just ticks off the us with fierce reaction from one of the country's most notorious neo cons is not a particularly credible source and lovable and he is a hero. in my mind is it is a quibble only ought to be a lot of data grab to put on trial for well use don't hear these words from karl rove who claims he's part swedish and just happens to be advising the country's pm while the former swedish minister of justice is a partner in the film who filed charges against a song for sex crimes with another link to the us thomas von stroheim is claimed to
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have handed the cia asylum seekers from sweden who were then tortured the questions about neutrality became even even clearer thanks to some of the documents from exact to. the big question now is there enough time in the british justice system julian assange from the united states to sweet america much to keep blowing his whistle and he's in no way are to stockholm sweden. well yet another legal truth in the song point talk about the bitter breakup between the three one that may be the case guardian newspaper but first here's what it is at its collaborative way colleagues are busy when threatened with little but whistle blowing web site has cut away in the next hour alone with. her in a rod could look at the glories of christians forced to flee their homes after being continuously targeted by
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extremist groups. under-age drinking is a growing problem in russia where the government is considering reforms to combat alcohol abuse some say that plans to tighten restrictions on distribution and sales may be missing the real root of the problem. russia may be under the age limit but often over the drinking. of these teenagers just may be russia's future and it's looking rather bleak. to the problem is that's kids are start drinking around fourteen fifteen years of age regularly dependence it takes a few years to. so when they are brought to us. to be in for not always with this tough situation according to n.g.o.s there are anywhere from twenty to sixty thousand nine hundred in the country and many blame the fact that it's far too easy for a teenager to buy alcohol legal drinking age in russia is eighteen years old so how
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easy is it for a teenager to get his or her hands on some hard liquor we're going to follow a couple of them to a russian youth organization into that liquor store right across the street which is one of the largest supermarkets selling hard alcohol to find out whether or not they will be successful in getting their hands on a couple of bottles of whiskey we've been in with a hidden camera that the experiment didn't work the first time around. so no go here the teenage girls were not sold any alcohol they were else for them to the patient when they didn't provide it they were refused service but we're going to go to another place just down the street and see whether they will be able to get some vodka or beer there was. sure enough each of them had no trouble getting here this week. when confronted this serious woman got defensive but didn't seem too fazed with breaking the law now does that mean that they don't know how many times did he tell you not to sell alcohol to under-aged and you still continue to do that.
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practically every second supermarket sell cigarettes and now come to adolescence we have. to ration parliamentarians have been trying to implement stringent punishments for those going on cigarettes to minors but so far there has been very little progress there and sorry for the children turn eighteen. parents pay a fine when. he raised responsibility because presently teenagers do all these things practically with a parent's permission me is chorus. roots of this rug. became an intrinsic part of the russian culture after we were to have a tradition to dream for any reason and that's a huge burden we need to tackle fortunately many youngsters themselves realise the scope of unfoldment any part of us life they want to relax. but i don't think if you drink two three bottles of beer you automatically become an adult as things
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stand there is little consequence or punishment for kiosk or store owners willing to cash in on minor scales but it could be the country's future at stake. for t.v. full scope. and of course going to always find more and have your say on the stories we're covering on our website as we go home it has become my favorite. thing he wrote called trump punch a promise is a new way with friends went on to brand new soundtrack and find out about the traditional instruments but hard to strike a chord with. months of space travel that probably about to pay off with the landing on the black line that to find out how the crew will be stimulated mission is preparing to go where no man has gone before.
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as economic troubles continue to wreak havoc on the u.s. many states and city authorities are casting keys service as a desperate attempt to save cash lower and miss to take some look at holiday budget cutting is pushing the american dream fatter and further away from reality. actually it's the reality america cannot escape with the city's roughly two hundred eighty million dollars debt more and more people are talking about bankruptcy news of debt like that hitting cash strapped cities and states all over the country all together it could. mount to two trillion dollars and a bill many may not be able to pay the problem of the state and local debt is more serious than the real estate bubble serious because with millions of americans still unemployed and losing their homes there isn't enough taxpayer money to pay creditors local governments which aren't allowed to operate in the red must come up
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with the cash this means some may be choosing between default or devastation in many cases it will be fairly simple for cities to cut services before they actually default on their debt cities and states coast to coast seem to be trying this route and the toll it's taking on the streets of america is undeniable. camden new jersey is this second most dangerous city in the country you didn't see many cops on the streets to begin with and now. any the city's had to lay off nearly half of their police force in detroit a city where people have been too broke to bury their dead the city's too broke to repair dying infrastructure to fix roads or lights in the desert state of arizona cuts have been a matter of life and death. governor jan brewer taking a lot of heat over the death of another transplant patient after the state cut funding for the operations here in new york city huge piles of garbage like this
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one are all over city streets this city's behind on picking up trash after getting behind cleaning up after our snowstorm now public officials blame that on any number of reasons but one accusation that keeps coming up is this is the result of budget cuts cuts have consequences you can't just sort of cut and there isn't enough wasteful spending so to speak to cut your actually do have to cut services that people depend on analysts say the slashing will amount to an increase in unemployment and a lowering of wages dragging more americans down and the economy with it while the prospect of bankruptcy is threaten the pensions of public workers and may cause a run on municipal bonds so that will push the city counties over the over the cliff in the past not the solution either scenario seems to be causing a widespread decline in the american city once relegated to ancient history it's a feedback towards economic shrinking downsizing and de urbanization exactly the
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same thing happened in the roman empire when in the end broom was left almost a deserted city and all of the production shifted back onto the land that's what you're faced here although the land in this case looks like it'll be broad rather than in the united states as investment heelys to other countries threatening to take with it the american dream lauren lyster r.t. new york. one says many americans are against the government are no interviews coming out for you next time here's a preview of what he had to say. we have young african black and brown subjects community colonial subject being sat down in the street in an obsessive kind of way fifty shots sixty shots laying on our stomach in our back as we run or as we walk or flee in retreat from the scene this is an abuse of power which is
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the powder keg upon which we sit now and we've discussed our already the jobless rate we've discussed already the idea that there's a crisis even in the ideology of america and who will be the next to lead so there isn't a competition about that happening as well and people are are charged people are charged and are waiting to jump into action. so we swallow tis have rejected a proposal for tighter control on gun ownership following a long running debate in the country the anti-gun globe a sad day initiative would have reduced the firearm so size which had the highest in europe however the argument has widened into whether the neutral swiss need to obviate all oh she's tests are seen as more. training for combat preparing for war except these soldiers are from neutral switzerland and are unlikely to ever experience wartime combat more and more the country centuries old
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militia is being challenged the swiss are voting on the longstanding tradition of keeping a government issue weapon at home as part of military obligations public outcry about high rates of far on suicide and lot of calls to tighten gun ownership regulations but the militia and the country's beloved village shooting clubs under fire whatever the result it's just the tip of the iceberg of a much bigger battle local activists likely stuff by barry has been pushing for a complete abolition of the armed forces as normal cold war we totally surrounded by the european union which is militarily speaking totally friendly so we have the war in the me so the army has no reason to be the enemy just the tradition do you think that's what someone should have an army. for. certainly not a joke guys make fun you know. just play
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a big war against but we don't. we don't need. a nine hundred eighty nine referendum on the issue revealed that more than a third of the swiss are in favor of dissolution a figure significant enough to pressure the government to take some action to rein in military activity the size of the army and its budget while still a substantial four point five billion dollars have been cut and the option of joining the civil service instead was introduced it's not enough there is a political clout which means that the parliament is made move a lot of rich people. i mean people want a moment to feel because they feel insecure there's still about two hundred thousand army personnel with compulsory military service for swiss males and private gun ownership for all conscripts living up to a local saying switzerland does not have an army it is an army not a pleasant prospect for young draftees like adrian feller who just don't see the
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point. to shoot. more. or move. in my opinion or me to get some kind of. security. well i saw what the army can do and they do anything against their risking anything to social problems and disorder so why should we are about five billion of swiss francs for something to help us solve the problems we have the arguments are there give the serious majority still cannot imagine a nation without their men in uniform. who not only the political left supportable is still a minority in this country it's hard to convince the book elation because it's really a tradition that is deeply rooted in this. last there's the rise of populism and demagoguery it worries me. many swiss feel that abolishing the armed forces is
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a kid to letting go of a tradition of losing that sense of security real or imagined so does a neutral country with no enemies really need an army while support for abolition is elusive the question has been asked and the debate is about to continue just or so you're r.t. switzerland. and you can join us here as we explore the caucuses nature reserve declared by unesco as a world heritage site that's right after the headlines that interesting.
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i am this nature and discover is buzy. the. communicate with the wind. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing.


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