tv [untitled] February 14, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST
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tell me tonight you're really getting a good i would. never dream of. egypt's new military leadership to solve this problem and then suspends the country's constitution and allegations of foreign influence refuse to go away. society bursting at the seams europe's leaders chorus the failure of multiculturalism but offered no alternative solution to stop the growing ethnic discord. and a crime that shocked russia nineteen year old student awaits trial after she allegedly tried to murder mother and brother but the hard hit men turned out to be undercover police. and a journey outside human experience right on your doorstep. to cosmonauts make their first steps on the martian surface. flight to the red
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white and find out more for me. in just a few moments. one pm here in moscow this is our teeth thanks for joining us now we begin in egypt where the country's military leaders have to solve parliament and suspended the constitution taking power from deposed president hosni mubarak well the higher military council said it would stay in power for six months or until elections are held a committee is now being formed to amend the constitution and stepped laws for the interim period egypt was governed by martial law for nearly three decades under barak's rule some egyptian and arab media are reporting that the eighty two year old former head of state is in poor health and may even be in a coma. but there's been no official response from cairo to the rumors regarding
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mubarak's condition meanwhile after washington called events in egypt a victory for democracy author and journalist says it's not an american triumph but i think the people in tahrir square certainly don't want to see field-marshal turn and. vice president that they don't want these people in power but of course it is not an american victory and the people in tahrir square to see the back of the army that was trained in the united states and we must remember more than three hundred thousand still disappeared the egyptians will remember who trained the people that tortured killed so many of their relatives egypt's economy is in. a lot of the companies that are stationed there have been stealing the money so a lot of people might see as well as the muslim brotherhood is one party to watch because they do have social programs and grassroots movements whether they have been useful or whether they've been clever in the past three weeks is
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a different matter because their leadership some might say maybe out of step with those in the grassroots organizations of the muslim brotherhood runs which creates housing and food distribution so on to to the poor of egypt. a u.s. congressman ron paul says washington always tries to buy its way into other countries so it can orchestrate revolution as it has in egypt. we're always involved on both sides if you fire a puppet dictator can lie as we keep propping him up when we see the tide taint changing there i'm sure our cia is involved in the opposition they can be in earlier and later they try to pick up the pieces it doesn't mean they have total control over you know we control the iranian situation we had the shah in there for a while but eventually the next revolution we didn't have control and then we end up with the ayatollah so long term i think it hurts us on the short term we will
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always try to buy the influence and stay involved and could be see american people that our national security will be threatened if we don't control these governments i just don't believe that. well you can see the full interview with us congressman ron paul in an hour's time here on r.t. in meantime as popular unrest there is up northern africa there are fears of a fresh wave of immigrants flocking to the e.u. but the old world is not waiting for them with open arms western leaders have one by one admitted that the policy of multiculturalism in europe is not working large is it even going to school has more. the concept of multiculturalism seems to be failing all around europe we failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong ah this approach has failed utterly ah. my answer is clearly yes it's a failure it's usually the heads of state are now admitting what many observers and
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radicals have been saying for some time mordechai tourism will only function if the people who come into the country have a job to own their own money and feel responsible for the for the community otherwise was jobless people and if they live a passive life with social welfare and the passive approach can sometimes devolve into extreme action denmark is home to more than half a million immigrants making up almost ten percent of the population. or don't see why danish town the birthplace of hans christian andersen one of the world's best known storytellers but the story unfolding here has nothing magical about it clashes between danes and groups of somali imposed union youth have rattled this neighborhood for more than a year locals say car burnings and violence between immigrants and police are a familiar sight one neighborhood to different worlds and their voices are being raised about doing something before tensions involves more get out of hand the
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situation remains far from being a fairy tale there have been some suggestions on how to ease the tensions every time bones two hundred persons. split from all over the city. or the help from the statement police and kick them out of the country we won't have any problems but some immigrants believe the main issue isn't the different issue of integration. the danes things like integration means becoming fully danish immigrants have to eat drink and live just like the danes but those who come here think integration means earning some money having their kids speak danish and going to danish schools. that's why there is a discord so perhaps until this difference in expectations is resolved the cultural tensions in europe will persist but admitting that the problem exists may be the first step on the way to finding a solution it didn't go r.t.e.
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. and still ahead in the program money making medicine pharmaceutical companies in the u.s. are. leading and marketing illnesses and treatments that often end up in danger in the lives of patients. and a piece of art has been removed from a new exhibition at a gallery in washington after the government's intervention. it was a case that shocked russia's southern city of volgograd when a nineteen year old student apparently tried to execute the cold blooded murder of her own family well she carefully planned this acid nation of her mother and brother allegedly to gain ownership of their apartment but luckily the diabolic scheme failed. as more. hands against the wall criminal police were you doing here i've come home she came home to check that her family's dead the claim of detectives organized this thing in which this nineteen
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year old woman tried to mastermind a cold blooded murder of her mother and brother she's admitted her guilt but is awaiting trial for sentence volgograd formally known as the city with strong but to the arctic and family values the motherly figure is sacred for everyone here so most people were in shock as local student so i had to hire a hitman to kill her own mother and brother the woman's death died in a car accident for which she blamed her mother detective say the teenager wanted her dead and everything they also she wanted her brother killed to inherit the family apartment they accused a student of coming up with a price for both killings almost thirty eight thousand dollars she also worked out a thorough plan but unknown to her the hitmen for hire she want to do the deed were undercover detectives sent believe we will be held in her captive she has to average one i was at her place that sold and then will kill her and dump her in the
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woods making a movie. the police stepped in after the teenager allegedly approached a friend with a deadly plan officers say she gave them details of her brothers and mother's movements and family photos and supplied the supposed the sas ins with. the arrest was a total surprise for her she was shocked because she was certain this time it all has to happen she's dealing with serious people and she's done everything right they convinced her by pretending that actually stains the murder of her mother and her brother and they even gave her what they said were their clothes covered in blood as proof of death family related contract killings in russia have been increasing according to investigators close relatives and now. behind more than half of full motors for hire and while in the past such crimes were moves société with gangsters business dispute and turf wars police are becoming more common and simple family roles particularly over property or inheritance. today people are
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ready to kill their father their mother in the grandmother life is measured by square meters of real estate in amount of money in the bank the more expensive the apartment the less is the cost of the owner's life prosecutors say they have enough evidence to put their cues and women behind bars for ten years she was found criminally seems and is now waiting sentence in a crime that shocked russia. almost nine months of isolation training and preparation have finally paid off to cost manasseh are stepping out on to the red planet for the first time mars five hundred may be a simulated mission with the planet's surface recreated in the moscow region but the space walk will be monitored by russia's real mission control well let's not cross live to our correspondent now who is that star city for us either yes or so just tell us what's happening is this the real climax of the mission. well it is
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these diogo would be you know in russia. have made their first steps on the martian surface well at least in their imagination in reality the mars five hundred experiment which simulates the flight to the red light and is nearing the equator meaning that the volunteers have already spent over two hundred days simulating the actual flight to mars and know they've reached the point of the actual visit of the arad planet just previously the six volunteers were divided into two groups one group a spade on board the imaginary mothership which is now simulating the flight in the u. . or did and the other group who was sent on the martian surface it's still you are probably watching the live pictures for all the scientific model experiments
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based in moscow since of course it is not a real flight to the flight and it's an experiment to be a long running experiment which is based in moscow in a scientific model and it's planned that. the actual stay on the red planet will stay there for around a month its plan is that they will conduct three so-called. if you wish and since nobody really expects the first real mission to the red planet to start building a colony right from day one of the tests for the volunteers are pretty basic during their stay on the imaginary martian surface during their first walk it's that they are at the national flags of china and russia and before i go to the european space agency they're also going to take samples of the imaginary much of
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the first and autumn going to measure the magnetic field of planets now after. this part of the experiment is over it will be even though i did in thirty days the rest of the group begin their imaginary journey back on which was the earth over two hundred days. i was certainly very interesting to watch them doing what they're doing right now and there's a lot of excitement surrounding the mission but after all the cost of not actually left earth so can you tell us what's so significant about it. well exactly since this is quite a well developed international experimented with the european space agency taking poured with russia taking part actually this. these volunteers they include a chinese man to europeans and three russians so it's a great international experiment it's also quite. real in terms of some
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of the conditions which are being simulated these men are a locked inside this experimental module just left with communication between themselves and with mission control but even the messages which they received from mission control vig come with a deal way so this is more of a psychological experiment since obviously they cannot simulate zero gravity and that many other things which can happen during a real flight plan and some emergency situations are also planned during the course of this experiment and really it's really expected to show how people work together to live together in a closed closed environment almost isolated from the rest of the world and it's a really long time as well we're five hundred days five hundred twenty days to be exact and if this is the moment that these people have been waiting for landing on
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the surface they still have over two hundred days to go back and anything can happen there since these men have no television no internet no radio very limited communication with the rest of the world without their friends or families so we'll really see what's going to happen next because perhaps the most interesting part of the experiment is still only ahead certainly hard to live in those conditions thank you very much r.t. correspondent. wow dot com has a lot more stories blogs have analysis for you to explore and hear some of what's all mine right now christians are living here in iraq as hundreds of thousands freed north to escape and deborah. sectarian violence. no love for valentine's day one russian region balanced the holiday claiming it's immoral as it promotes temporary affections rather than true feelings. now from canine
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depression to female sexual dysfunction us pharmaceutical companies get creative when it comes to disorders and drugs to treat them well the industry has been accused of illegally pushing medicine onto the market often endangering the lives of patients and authorities lauren lyster found out the american drug trade is a multi-billion dollar business and it's only getting bigger. the most common things that we prescribe medication for in dogs our questionings ideas orders. protect heart scare you don't dog you heard it right doggie prozac a b. flavored version of the well known human anti-depressant government approved and being prescribed by veterinarians for canines in crisis there is a significant population of dogs that really have suffering from separation anxiety the drug company one of the largest is banking on that they believe up to seventeen percent of us dogs are suffering from this mental affliction it's an idea some
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would scoff at i definitely understand being skeptical so is this really a quest to help feisty fido's or is it a sign of this companies desperate to keep up their profit margin doing things to keep the margins up even though the drugs that are reported in the pipeline is diminish it turns out those companies don't need doggie drugs in order for critics to make that case medical researchers crunched the numbers and found the pharmaceutical industry now tops the defense industry as the number one de fraud or of the u.s. government that was a following that i didn't expect. ever looked at before and it shows you how out of control before observable history is in some cases criminally out of control perhaps helping this industry go from selling forty billion dollars to two hundred thirty four billion dollars
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a year in prescription drugs over the last two decades companies have been cheating and indeed during patients their biggest violations are overcharging the government by billions and illegally marketing their drugs for uses they are proven safe or effective for more outside the world headquarters of one of the largest offender one of the biggest criminal penalties that ever levied against any american corporation and. this drug giant pfizer their illegal practices included eventually hiring physicians to spread buzz about a drug telling their colleagues to prescribe it for a condition it wasn't approved for drug pushers that is a fair way of describing. difficulty g.b.u. or again and when it comes to the drug companies disease pushers may not be an unfair way of describing them either that's what one filmmaker found tracing a newly minted disorder female sexual dysfunction itself was definitely something
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that the pharmaceutical industry really pushed for and had a hand in creating and that's the conclusion cancer came to after following the process of a drug company developing female viagra she says only a small number of women need it but the company has other plans their marketing and the amount of money that they were pouring into it really is says that they're trying to sell this to the whole population restless leg syndrome and with commercials for prescription drugs airing on t.v. in the us companies are in a position to do just that you feel better with billions being made and not much to lose critics say even in the case of crime for this industry nothing is likely to change it lest people go to jail before age or much larger. companies will follow that is cheaper stopping short of nothing to find some syndrome someone or something new to medicate lauren lyster r.t. new york. now work of art has been removed from an exhibition in washington d.c.
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after the government intervened well the gallery received threats of fund withdrawal which saw the controversial work moved to a makeshift venue on a nearby street but as artists christine for reports this is not the first time u.s. officials have censored the arts. it's a glimpse that life in modern day america and you could say it bears all works like this have led some to call the heidsieck exhibition at the smithsonian's national portrait gallery unprecedented the first of its kind groundbreaking since it deals with the like homosexuality lust struggle and religion well actually not religion at least not anymore turns out some people found this work of art a video called fire in my belly offensive. the video was actually shown inside the national portrait gallery as part of the
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exhibition for more than a month no complaint but then the group started complaining the blogosphere exploded and in less than twenty four hours the video was banned and now lives inside this trailer this kind of censorship. i mean. if you don't like things don't look at them instead of diverting their gaze a handful of people mostly conservative and religious activists wanted to prevent anyone from seeing it contacted members of congress who are sympathetic to them who then threaten the smithsonian's funding over eleven seconds of video in a four minute work those eleven seconds are of the shot and it's supposed to symbolize society crawling on a crucifix the artist david want to rover which was expressing anger and concern over society's apathy about aids he later died of aids related complications.
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michael blazon stein one of the organizers of the museum of censored art wanted to make sure the artist message was heard at first he trying to keep it inside the museum putting the video on an i pad i just stood there right at the entrance to the exhibit so this is you that's me with the i plan around your neck. and i just stood there i didn't even talk to anybody i just stood there and anybody who wanted to come up and look at it could look at it within ten minutes he was escorted out and is now banned from the smithsonian for life but he says it's worth it these things are done in the name of the taxpayer but when people are coming in and they you know they see the museum of censored art and they want to know what the government is trying to hide from them this is just the latest attempt by government officials to censor the expression of artists sometimes they're more upfront about what they want to keep it in. at washington d.c.
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as union station an artist back in one thousand nine hundred seventy contributed roman soldiers and was told they would need to cover up their quote personal items with shields then there was the one nine hundred eighty nine robert mapplethorpe exhibit shown at the washington project for the arts after being banned from the corcoran art gallery once again after government intervention senator jesse helms put a stop to it being shown there after threatening the national endowment for the arts he's conservative he wants to control people he wasn't told what people think he wants to. reality and i think that. he is way off base fast forward twenty one years to a metal trailer with no heat and one work of art on display all because a few people consider it fact religious do you think that's what it is i mean religion is always the one thing that still drums up so much controversy especially in our. religion and. and sex religion and sex two subjects
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depicted in art for millennia seemingly lost in the shadows of the free speech clause in the u.s. constitution. pristine for sound r. t. washington. we lift the lid on america's hate groups in our special report coming up in around five minutes time but first your guess here with all the latest in business. that's right time to see what's the latest in the world of business and the russian government has finalized the sale of ten percent of the t.v. for three point three billion dollars and the bank raised the money in a secondary public offering the facts big asset sale in the government's privatization program the state which has to reduce its stake to seventy five percent of the sales it create the final price of six point twenty five dollars
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because char recent times higher than the price the state paid for them to here is a trick question president of b. to be says demand to pay it to be higher than expected of humans a yoke the number of beads has two times out weight supply this allowed us to reach the highest price which corresponds to the current market price it is very rare situation in a stock placement because when a large amount of new stock is put into circulation the price usually has a downward tendency to look let's have a quick look at stock markets european shares are up as worries over political instability in the middle east seem to be easing but it sounds so high rolls royces high after the engines giant unveiled on long term service is still with airline emirates worth more than two billion dollars and resource stocks are also rallying in london b.h.p. billiton and xstrata a both up about one of the hot. and in russia they are ts in the my so it's. i have
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slipped into red retreating from the early mornings games up to last week's roller coaster ride all the blue chips the low the salad with world companies leading to trouble myself. and the world's largest al-ameen producer has reported a three percent increase in its total of medium output in twenty ten year on here who sells first deputy c.e.o. says twenty attempt showed a recovery of global of many of consumption to pre-crisis levels but china leading the way within the five years china will switch to the new and improved and i think you will see the signs already in this year in two thousand and eleven may be may be at the end of the year but in two thousand and twelve i think differently imports from china to the china market from the world that's why for us this market there's a hole in the china but it was very important we saw last year at the end of last year was that the long term but the infantry group of not income and now we're
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trying to sort of pick you know i mean you know on the stock exchange and russia is close to finishing negotiations on joining the world trade organization speaking exclusively to business r t the country's chief negotiator says all outstanding issues should be resolved within a few months. to complete you are so few important issues. subsidies and. access to. markets so this is something we should. have already discussed for many years and we don't sink it was a source of the perfect problem was it was a period resumes a reasonable period of time it's not heroes of course it's months three months. that's it for now join me for more business news anyone else time.
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we'll have a rally we'll sell lots of beer low wrong wrong they will wear uniforms that will damage is the black memo there but very little damning the wife. and they are the key to our problem are all right. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future of coverage. is eve eve .
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